Lantaniden o. Lanthanoides (gehören zur Periode 6. = Goldserie)


Lanthanide + Actinoide gehören zu den Metalle.x


[Rosina Sonnenschmidt]

1.                  weiche, silbrigweiße Metalle mit hohe magnetische Eigenschaften. Höher als Eisen.

2.                  Ideal für Hochleistungsmagnete in Elektromotoren

3.                  Starke Lichteffekten

4.                  In Leuchtstoffröhre, Laser, CDs, Farbfernseher, Lautsprecher, Elektronenmikroskope usw.

Technische Berufen/Arbeit in Chemie


Macht, Durchsetzungswille, Sturheit, konzemtrationsfähig, Egoismus (ich kann alles ganz allein, ich brauche niemanden), visuelle Vorstallungskraft, Sensitivität (fühlen wie es anderen geht),

Frühreife, Verwirrung durch zuviel Wahrnehmung, sensible Reaktion auf magnetische Felder (PCs, Fernseher, Mobiltelefone, High-Tech-Anlagen).

Ehrlich Suchende, aufrichtig, selbstreflektierend, Suche nach Überblick, wollen Dinge von einem erhöhten Standpunkt aus betrachten, Vogelperspektive, enge Verbindung zu (Raub-)Vögeln,

gute (Psycho-)Therapeuten interessieren sich für Wege abseits der Norme und Konventionen. Ökonomie von Energien, effiziente Leistungssteigerung, spirituelle Ausrichtungen.

Spiritueller als Esoteriker.

1. Innerlich angespannt mit Gleichmut, 2. Aushalten, 3. Kollaps.

[Jan Scholten]

Dyslexie, Legasthenie, M.S., AIDS, Colitis ulcerosa, Morbus Crohn, Arthritis. eventuell noch: Burn-Out, Autoimmunkrankheiten,

[Valerie Lovelace]


Autonomy, Freedom, Independence, Own Boss, Self, Self-Control, Reflection, Inner-World, Deep, Light, Shadow

Therapist, Creative, Humanist, Searching, Quest, Precocious,

Honest, Real, Loner, Reserved, Savior, Sexual.

Big eyes, Desire for sleep, Tense, Electrified,, Immunity, Auto-immune, Paralysis, Brain, Migraine, Eyes, Liver

[Vladimir Belyaev]

The lanthanides of the Periodic Table correlate to humans


Lanthanum (La.).

the Stage 3 attitudes of exploring, trying and hesitating.

            Like Barium leadership is an important drive but they still lack confidence. They might work their way up the hierarchy of a voluntary organisation in order to be in charge of the till.

Cerium.x (Ce).

            Fear of the new. Milton Erickson - A goal without a date is just a dream.

Praesodymium (Pr).


Neodymium.x (Nd).

Promethium.x (Pm).

Samarium (Sm).

            Struggle. The Do-gooder.

Europium.x (Eu).

Gadolinium.x (Gd).

Terbium (Tb).

            Saviour. The Gentleman.    

Dysprosium (Dy).

            Guarded. The fighter

            Comparison.x Dysprosium - Holmium – Erbium

Dysprosium metallicum.x

Dysprosium phosphoricum.x

Holmium metallicum.x (Ho).

            Sarcasm. Cynicism

Erbium.x (Er).

Thulium (Th).

            Annihilation. Nihilist

Thulium muriaticum.x

Ytterbium.x (Yb).

            Philosopher/der Freigeist

Lutetium.x (Lu).

Stuck in Stage 17. What goes on is dissociation. The remedies in this column of the Periodic Table all share the sense of being an outsider. As in every remedy there are deeper and deeper stages

of pathology.


Stadien 3 -17: die Ebene bestimmt wie sicher man sich der Macht ist, wie sicher man die eigene Anschauung erreicht hat


Frei nach: JJ Kleber

Gehören zur Goldserie ab Stadium 3

Scholten: Will Freiheit für sich + andere, SELBständig sein (eigener Boss/kein Widerspruch/beeinflusst zu werden abgeneigt; Aversion zu Arzt/Operation/Schule/Lehrer);

Wichtig ist geistige Macht + Kontrolle (über Welt + sich selbst/stur);

Lanthaniden sucht innere Macht durch Erkennen, Macht über sich selbst (Selbsterkenntnis/-beherrschung); Selbstkontrolle auch über Psyche + Instinkte bis Entspannung nicht mehr möglich ist

(außer durch Drogen/Sex); Einsicht in Emotionen, innere Motivation, Spiritualität > sucht den Schatten (dunkle Seite in sich selbst), Reintegration statt Projektion des Bösen im Sinne der

Eigenverantwortung (Themen sind Vision, Licht + Dunkel); SELBSTreflektieren (Selbstbeobachtung während reden + denken verursacht langsames Antworten), Versuch objektiv, von

oben/von außen zu beobachten (Therapeuten/Psychologen/Wissenschaftler/Sucher nach Wahrheit); innerer SELBSTWERT muss entwickelt werden

auf diesem spirituellem Weg eventuell allein (Abgeneigt: „Smalltalk“).


Astrologie: Einsicht in Bedürfnisse anderer, Selbsteinsicht ist Haus 9, Schütze, Jupiter [Döbereiner]


Thema: Autonomie; Lösung: positiv: searching/going deep/reflection;

Kind/Anhang: ABneigung gegen Schule/Regeln. wollen ihr Leben selbst bestimmen. SCHLIMMe Bestrafung = Eingriff in eigener Selbst/EMPfindlich gegenüber Kritik/ohne Erfolg können sie neidisch werden, reagieren mehr auf die versteckte Botschaft als auf die nach außen hin übermittelte/kann zu Lese-/Schreib-/anderen Lernstörungen führen;

Negativ: Einzelgänger/verschlossen/die Suche nach spirituellen Werten oft nicht verstanden/Oberflächlichkeit widert an/sucht Tiefe und Wahrheit [den Schatten (= "negativen" verdrängten Persönlichkeitsanteile nach C.G. Jung), der in unbewussteren Stadien nach außen projektiert wird, zurückzunehmen beginnen/als Teil ihres Selbstes begreifen und damit volle Verantwortung für ihr Leben übernehmen und andere nicht mehr beschuldigen]/reflektieren viel/antwortet eventuell langsam/redet nicht über ihr Innenleben/möchte Eigenleben kontrollieren (kann eventuell nicht entspannen:

Sex/Alkohol/Marihuana/andere Drogen)/Selbsterkenntnis/-bestimmung/-kontrolle/-verantwortung;

Identity is so full, it starts to break down.

Bezug zum Immunsystem: Allergien/Impfschäden/HIV/Autoimmunerkrankung/rheumatische Erkrankung/MS/Kolitis ulcerosa/M.C./zerebrale Erkrankung/Migräne/Augenerkrankung. Has strong

electro.-magnetic and light properties.

Autonomy is a major theme (“Road to independence”). The search for freedom can lead to a spiritual development/desire for self-control. Lanthanides needed for leading ones own life, going

one’s own way. It is the road to individuality/individuation. The psychological separation is physically reflected in the immune system/auto-immune diseases. The immune system separates own tissue from foreign substances.

Zielrichtung geht nach innen [Macht durch Erkennen/Selbsterkenntnis (Erkennen der anderen = Psychologie/Arzt/Erkennen der Weltzusammenhänge = Wissenschaft/Soziologie/Religion)]/will Freiheit

für sich + andere, Selbstständig sein [eigener Boss/kein Widerspruch/lehnt ab beeinflusst zu werden (Arzt/Operation/Schule/Lehrer)]/wichtig ist geistige MACHT + (Selbst)Kontrolle (über Welt/sich selbst/Selbstbeherrschung)/Einsicht in Emotionen (lehnt „Smalltalk“ ab)/Selbstreflexion (Selbstbeobachtung während reden + denken verursacht langsames Antworten).

Autoimmunerkrangen: Aids = Thulium; Arthritis (PCP, Bechterew); Arthrose

DD.: Lanthaniden: Macht wie Goldserie, aber die Zielrichtung geht in die Tiefe nach innen, Macht durch Erkennen, Macht über sich selbst, durch Selbsterkenntnis

(Erkennen der anderen = Psychologie/Arzt; Erkennen der Weltzusammenhänge = Wissenschaft/Soziologie/Religion); will Freiheit für sich + andere,

Periode II. = Kohlenstoffserie: muss ihr Ego entwickeln (Auge);                            Lanthaniden muss das Ego reinigen, verfeinern, erforschen (auch in Fragestellen) (Auge);

Periode III. = Eisenserie: muss hart Arbeiten                                                        Lanthaniden haben Lebensaufgaben

Periode IV. = Silberserie: muss Kreativität entwickeln                                                 Lanthaniden muss die schon erworbene Kreativität anwenden

Periode V. = Goldserie: will Macht in der Welt anwenden;                              Lanthaniden soll die Macht prüfen, ob sie wert ist angewandt zu werden

Aves. Like the Lanthaniden are free spirits.


[Jan Scholten]

Lanthanides: homeopaths as patients

Homeopaths often have an aversion to conventional medicine and doctors.

This aversion to doctors is known for certain remedies like Arnica. In Arnica, we see the symptom: “he says he is well and sends the doctor away”. This attitude is a Lanthanide attitude.

The Asteraceae. of which Arnica is a member, have a high content of Lanthanides and have the picture of the Lanthanides as part of their own picture. A strong motivation to become a homeopath is that one can treat oneself and is not dependent on conventional medicine anymore.

About 10 years ago, I started experimenting with the Lanthanides. It took five years to develop the picture of the Lanthanides to such a level that it could be published in a book, "Secret Lanthanides". Since that time there has been a lot of experience with the Lanthanides and many cases have been published, for instance in this journal, Interhomeopathy. The Lanthanides have become such an important part of homeopathic practice that I often wonder how I could have done without them in the past. In fact, we cannot do without them because they are essentially different from all the other elements in the Periodic Table. At first, I mostly used them in old, stubborn, unsolved cases but these days, they are very often prescibed as a first remedy.

Besides the fact that they have become invaluable, it is also the beauty of the pictures of the Lanthanides that makes them very attractive. One could say that the Lanthanides bring us as homeopaths back to ourselves. It is the quality of reflection of the Lanthanides that is also found in the homeopathic practice.

In this article, I will discuss the picture of the Lanthanides as a whole by showing the state of homeopaths in general; the qualities needed to become a homeopath can be found in the Lanthanides.


The first motivation to become a homeopath is the desire to help people. They want to make people better, healthier, and happier. This is a serving quality, the desire to serve people and humanity.

It is not only a desire to help specific people but people in general, and even to make humanity better, as a whole. This aspect is very strong in the Gold series, of which the Lanthanides are part.


A second motive is the desire to understand health and disease. They want to understand themselves, their body, psyche, and soul. By seeing how disease and cure work in patients day after day, they get an understanding of how it works in themselves. This is not only rational understanding but a very practical and emotional understanding.

Aversion to doctors

Homeopaths often have an aversion to conventional medicine and doctors. This aversion to doctors is known for certain remedies like Arnica. In Arnica, we see the symptom “he says he is well and sends the doctor away.” This attitude is a Lanthanide attitude. The Asteraceae, of which Arnica is a member, have a high content of Lanthanides and have the picture of the Lanthanides as part of their own picture. A strong motivation to become a homeopath is that one can treat oneself and is not dependent on conventional medicine anymore.


This aversion to conventional medicine is strongly connected to an aversion to be taken over. Homeopaths and Lanthanides want to be their own boss, they want to decide for themselves and they do not want to be dominated. That is just what conventional medicine does, it takes you over. Doctors have a tendency to dominate patients and to overstep their boundaries. They fill patients with pills, give them injections and vaccinations, and in the most extreme form put their patients under narcosis and operate on them. The will of the patient is then completely lost.  This tendency to dominate is also seen in the way doctors often behave, as if they know better than the patient: they tend to decide for the patient rather than giving advice.

Homeopaths want to decide for themselves and do not want to be dominated or taken over. For the Lanthanides, freedom is a central word. It can be expressed in many ways: a word that is often used is ‘own’. They want to go their own way, they want to live their own lives, they want to do it their own way. And, of course, the opposite words are also very important: they do not want to be dominated, dictated to, told what to do or be limited by others.

Inner world

Another factor that contributes to this attitude is that homeopaths have a kind of knowing of their inner world. They have an intuitive understanding that diseases are coming from the inside and not from the outside. This in contrast with conventional medicine and doctors, where the cause of disease is seen as something coming from the outside world; they fight against external causes like bacteria, viruses and fungi. But when the cause is in the inner world then this fight with external causes is a useless and detrimental action. So there is a conflict of philosophy between homeopathy and conventional medicine. There is a tendency to go inside instead of acting in the outside world.


An important word in the Lanthanides is secret. This is connected to the former theme of the inner world. The inner world is a secret world and from ancient times, groups that were busy with the inner world and tried to develop that were seen as secret societies, such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. The homeopathic movement as a whole is not a secret movement as such, but it is on the side-lines

of society. It is not mainstream and is often completely misunderstood, so it has some secret aspects. In some countries, homoeopathy has been forbidden even to this day, and thus has become underground and secret.


We also see a strong desire for philosophy in homeopaths. This is also a strong aspect of Lanthanides. It is connected to the desire to understand. The understanding is not limited to a technical understanding but has to do with the understanding of oneself, the world, the universe, and the essence of it all. It goes into the depth of life; it is the desire to understand what life is about, where it is coming from and where it is going to.


This is connected to another word that is frequently used, the word ‘deep’. There is a desire to understand things in the depth and not only superficially. It is the depth that we can find in philosophy and religion, albeit not in superficial forms of religion: it is more a spiritual experience of life. It is often seen in homeopaths and it is an integral aspect of the Lanthanides. Patients who need Lanthanides often use the word ‘deep’. Their pains are deeply located, the experiences are very deep.


Looking back at the development of the Lanthanides over the last 10 years, one can see a tremendous expansion of the cases and knowledge. It fills me with great gratitude to have these remedies available in my practice. There are many cases for which the Lanthanides have given marvellous cures and for which I would not have been able to do much without them.

There is such a random beauty in the pictures of the Lanthanides. They are often so akin to the state of those who have chosen to be homeopaths. In the beginning of my practice, we homeopaths often commented about the contradiction between the success we had with our patients and the poor success rate when it came to treating ourselves: we joked that homeopaths were incurable! The Lanthanides have changed this situation and there is now much more that can be done for homeopaths themselves. It is as if homoeopathy is giving something back to homeopaths.





Own boss/Self/Self-control

Reflection/Inner world













Big eyes









desire to be in control of oneself

desire to understand people

desire to understand oneself

desire to go into the inner world, the psychic world

aversion to doctors

feeling of being strange, not understood

aversion to small talk

desire to follow their own path

desire to lead their own life


Autoimmunkrankheiten [MS/Autoimmunerkrankungen/Allergie/Arthritis (PCP/Bechterew)/Arthrose]/AIDS (Thulium)


[Jackie Clason] lives in Martha’s Vineyard (attracts a certain type). Although Jackie says she uses a lot of Carc. in her practice (makes sense: they are nature lovers and > the ocean),

it also makes sense that the Vineyard would attract the Lanthanides.

The metaphor of living on an island reflects Lanthanide themes:

·        Life on the island is a struggle due to the high cost of living, and people patch together different creative ways to support themselves

·        compassionate for humanity (typical themes of the Buddhist spiritual journey/Jackie herself is a practicing Buddhist).

·        Independence and self-individuation are other Lanthanide themes which the Vineyard fosters.

·        On the other hand, if they get stuck in isolation (the Vineyard can be a lonely isolated place in winter).

·        they can develop social anxiety and deep depression.

Carc. are nature lovers and > ocean

* They escape conventional society  . . .

* to be independent and autonomous,

* to join a community of free thinkers;

* progressive politically, spiritually, in environmental concerns.

* People can hide from their past and find ways to invent themselves on a deeper, more authentic level, searching for new self-definition

* Life on the island is a struggle due to the high cost of living, and people patch together different creative ways to support themselves

* They can move from isolation and self-reflection . . .

* to compassionate for humanity (typical themes of the Buddhist spiritual journey).

* Independence and self-individuation are other Lanthanide themes.

* On the other hand, if they get stuck in isolation they can develop social anxiety and deep depression. (leading to alcoholism).

Observed is that addiction (alcoholism) are a recurring theme in Lanthanide cases. Not by Jan Scholten’s or Lou Klein’s. Jackie Clason suggested it may become a Lanthanide theme if

others share her clinical experience, although she noted that so far the Lanthanide remedies have not had a curative effect for her clients’ addictions in the way that, say, Amethyst has

in a few of her cases.

This seminar provided an excellent review with illustrative cases of the Lanthanide themes from Scholten’s book. She challenged us to identify not only the Lanthanide but also the salt for the

cases she presented. She said her experience bore out Scholten’s observation that the Lanthanides work much better if the correct salt is chosen rather than using the metallicum (pure) form as

he did at first.

A unique aspect of the seminar was the differential with other families of remedies.

Like the Compositae., Lanthanides have themes of

* becoming a self, building an identity, a personality, so they may be

* childlike or feel childish, immature, not yet individuated

* boundary issues which shows up as problems with vaccinations, aversion to doctors and to intrusions, and easily feeling offended


Drug. remedies have themes similar to the Lanthanides:

            * feelings of being inward, disconnected or detached.

            * and they can have sensations like electric shocks.

Drug. and magnet. remedies have in common with Lanthanides:

            * “magnetized” as a theme; for example, TV. or Nintendo addiction, very suggestible to charismatic person or people, strong attraction to massage, hypnosis, recreational drugs

            * the relationships of both groups have an attraction-repulsion theme.

Hormon.e remedies (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal or other glands, or from ovaries) and the Lanthanide remedies both have:

* control issues

* “inward-directed”

* spirituality

Bird. remedies have the highest degree of overlap with Lanthanide themes. Both groups have:

* eyes/observing

* freedom

* hiding

* idealism

Aves. ó Lantaniden ó Hormonen.

Lanthanides: self, deep and hidden. Lanthanide person may move into isolation and self-reflection, or self-attack on the physical plane in the form of an auto-immune disease.

Quelle: For those serious about incorporating these remedies into practice, we recommend starting with the kit of the 99 Lanthanides (and their salts) in C 30.

Compositae. stehen in enger Verbindung zu den Lanthaniden, die aber eher bei autoimmunen Prozessen angezeigt sind. Viele Compositae reichern Lanthanide an.

Comparison. Lanthaniden with Snakes



[Jackie Clason]

   They escape conventional society  . . .

·        to be independent and autonomous,

·        to join a community of free thinkers;

·        the Vineyard is known for being progressive politically, spiritually, in environmental concerns.

·        People can hide from their past …

·        and find ways to invent themselves on a deeper, more authentic level, searching for new self-definition

·        Life on the island is a struggle due to the high cost of living, and people patch together different creative ways to support themselves

·        They can move from isolation and self-reflection . . .

·        to compassion for humanity (typical themes of the Buddhist spiritual journey, and Jackie herself is a practicing Buddhist).

·        Independence and self-individuation are other Lanthanide themes which the Vineyard fosters

·        On the other hand, if they get stuck in isolation (the Vineyard can be a lonely isolated place in winter),

·        they can develop social anxiety and deep depression . . .


Aversion to doctors

Homeopaths often have an aversion to conventional medicine and doctors. This aversion to doctors is known for certain remedies like Arnica. In Arnica, we see the symptom “he says he is well and sends the doctor away.” This attitude is a Lanthanide attitude. The Asteraceae, of which Arnica is a member, have a high content of Lanthanides. and have the picture of the Lanthanides as part of their own picture. A strong motivation to become a homeopath is that one can treat oneself and is not dependent on conventional medicine anymore (Sulph.).


This aversion to conventional medicine is strongly connected to an aversion to be taken over. Homeopaths and Lanthanides want to be their own boss, they want to decide for themselves and they do not want to be dominated. That is just what conventional medicine does, it takes you over. Doctors have a tendency to dominate patients and to overstep their boundaries. They fill patients with pills, give them injections and vaccinations, and in the most extreme form put their patients under narcosis and operate on them. The will of the patient is then completely lost.  This tendency to dominate is also seen in the way doctors often behave, as if they know better than the patient: they tend to decide for the patient rather than giving advice.

Homeopaths want to decide for themselves and do not want to be dominated or taken over. For the Lanthanides, freedom is a central word. It can be expressed in many ways: a word that is often used is ‘own’. They want to go their own way, they want to live their own lives, they want to do it their own way. And, of course, the opposite words are also very important: they do not want to be dominated, dictated to, told what to do or be limited by others.

Inner world

Another factor that contributes to this attitude is that homeopaths have a kind of knowing of their inner world. They have an intuitive understanding that diseases are coming from the inside and not from the outside. This in contrast with conventional medicine and doctors, where the cause of disease is seen as something coming from the outside world; they fight against external causes like bacteria, viruses and fungi. But when the cause is in the inner world then this fight with external causes is a useless and detrimental action. So there is a conflict of philosophy between homeopathy and conventional medicine. There is a tendency to go inside instead of acting in the outside world.


An important word in the Lanthanides is secret. This is connected to the former theme of the inner world. The inner world is a secret world and from ancient times, groups that were busy with the inner world and tried to develop that were seen as secret societies, such as the Rosecrucians and Freemasons. The homeopathic movement as a whole is not a secret movement as such, but it is on the side-lines of society. It is not mainstream and is often completely misunderstood, so it has some secret aspects. In some countries, homoeopathy has been forbidden even to this day, and thus has become underground and secret.


We also see a strong desire for philosophy in homeopaths. This is also a strong aspect of Lanthanides. It is connected to the desire to understand. The understanding is not limited to a technical understanding but has to do with the understanding of oneself, the world, the universe, and the essence of it all. It goes into the depth of life; it is the desire to understand what life is about, where it is coming from and where it is going to.


This is connected to another word that is frequently used, the word ‘deep’. There is a desire to understand things in the depth and not only superficially. It is the depth that we can find in philosophy and religion, albeit not in superficial forms of religion: it is more a spiritual experience of life. It is often seen in homeopaths and it is an integral aspect of the Lanthanides. Patients who need Lanthanides often use the word ‘deep’. Their pains are deeply located, the experiences are very deep.


Looking back at the development of the Lanthanides over the last 10 years, one can see a tremendous expansion of the cases and knowledge. It fills me with great gratitude to have these remedies available in my practice. There are many cases for which the Lanthanides have given marvellous cures and for which I would not have been able to do much without them.

There is such a random beauty in the pictures of the Lanthanides. They are often so akin to the state of those who have chosen to be homeopaths. In the beginning of my practice, we homeopaths often commented about the contradiction between the success we had with our patients and the poor success rate when it came to treating ourselves: we joked that homeopaths were incurable! The Lanthanides have changed this situation and there is now much more that can be done for homeopaths themselves. It is as if homoeopathy is giving something back to homeopaths.


IQUILAI = Lanthanide Complex Quelle: [Lanthane A (Ausgangsstoff: Lanthanum C7; Cerium C7; Praseodymium C7; Neodymium C7; Prometh.mur.C7; Samarium C7;

Europium C7 zu gleichen Teil gemischt und gemeinsam hochpotenziert)/Lanthane B (Ausgangsstoff: Gadolinum C7; Terbium C7; Dysprosium C7; Holmium C7; Erbium C7; Thulium C7;

Ytterbium C7; Lutetium C7 zu gleichen Teil gemischt und gemeinsam hochpotenziert)].

The remedy induces an immune response and so restores the inadequate functioning of the human immune system.

This remedy for HIV/Aids was based on Jan Scholtens theory that all elements of the Periodic System have an effect that can be predicted on the basis of their position in the periodic table.

The remedy is called Iquilai (equilibrium/balance)/prepared from the Lanthanides group which has a strong positive influence on the immune system. In a pilot study into the efficacy of Iquilai involving some 228 patients, the remedy has proven to be highly effective in improving the clinical status of patients with HIV./AIDS. The study showed that the remedy increased Karnofsky

scores and CD 4 counts in a way that is statistically significant, indicating that the quality of life improved and AIDS. symptoms were reduced.

Pregnant women, babies and children can take the remedy. The whole treatment consists of a total of 10 granules, used over a period of six months.

Within 2 weeks a clear improvement of the quality of life was frequently observed. To date no side effects were observed and their occurrence is not likely. A characteristic of all homeopathic medicines. The problem of resistance frequently seen in standard ART therapy cannot arise. The patient fights the viruses and bacteria that cause the illness from the inside out. The remedy is cheap and easy to produce. New premises are that the rise in CD4 cell count leads to a sustainable restoration of the immune system.

Viral mutation and resistance against antiviral treatment, due to regular pharmaceutical treatment (ART), does not cause a problem.

We expect the viral load to come to a low or non-detectable level, in which health is restored and ??the patient is no longer infectious??.

Instruction: One granule of IQUILAI for 5 days, then 1 granule each month.


Lanthanum.                                                                          die Suche

Cerium.                                                                                 die innere Welt


            Erbium carbonicum.

Praseodymium                                                                     das Zögerliche, Vorsichtige

Neodymium.                                                                        das Alleinsein

Promethium                                                                          der Humanist

Samarium.                                                                            der Retter

            Sam-co-mag. (= Samarium-Cobalt-Legierung).

Samarium metallicum (Sam-met.)

Europium                                                                             das Verstehen, der Kluge

Gadolinum                                                                           das Selbst, ganz Selbst Sein

Terbium                                                                                die Selbstkontrolle

                        Terbium aceticum

Dysprosium                                                                           Verteidigung, Aggression, Streit

Holmium                                                                               Sarkasmus, Teil Rückzug

Thulium                                                                                der Schatten, schwarzes Loch

Ytterbium                                                                             der Philosoph, Erfinder

                        Ytterbium aceticum

Lutetium                                                                               Frei/beziehungslos


braucht Autorität/Migräne + Sehstörung

introvertierte Gold-Serie: will sich selbst organisieren/etwas für die Welt tun



Vergleich: Fluorit.

Vergleich: Greifvögel and Lanthaniden

Monazit (Ce, La, Nd)[PO4]). Legierung (Nd2Fe14B = STARKE Magnet).

Siehe: Stadium 3 + Periode 6 + Anhang (JJ Kleber) + Anhang 2 (?/Ai-Ling Makewell) + Anhang: 3 (Jan Scholten/Marku Kuntosch) + Iquilai


Allerlei: Sind mit 14 zusätzlichen Elementen in die Goldserie eingeschoben, d.h. sie haben alle auf der äußersten Schale 3 Elektronen wie Lanthanum, füllen aber bei ihrer Evolution innere

Schalen auf und werden dabei schwerer, jedoch kleiner (Lanthanidenkontraktion). Umfassen Elemente von Lanthanum bis Lutetium = weiche, silberweiße Metalle/auch "seltene Erden"

(kommen recht häufig vor) z.B. kommt Ce häufiger vor als Cu, Tm = die seltenste Lanthanide, häufiger als Ag. Wurden erst spät entdeckt (1887 – 1947) weil meistens versteckt.

in chemischen Verbindungen/Salzen; kommen nie als reines Metall vor/MAGnetisch (Spezialmagnete/Mikroelektronik/aufgrund ihrer optischen Eigenschaften für Laser/elektronische Mikroskope/Nachtsichtgeräte/Cd´s/Farbfernseher).



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