Ammonium benzoicum (Am-be) = Ammonium + Benz-ac/NH4+
Depressiv/schwach, schwere Kopf, wenig Urin, Gicht;
and a need to enlarge and then escape.
the cloud hanging over this remedy is one of heaviness and a need to
enlarge and then escape.
The head is heavy and they feel stupid and gloomy. Many parts of the
body become swollen or bloated, especially the eyes, lids, face, tongue. Escape
comes in the form of rising warmth from the stomach which turns into
eructations which can be acid. There is mucous in the throat with a need to
spit it out (an escape), there is an urgent need for stool to escape. Urine retained
and scanty and there is an unusual symptom with the urine – it is smoky – this
might be a connection with original soot of the ammonia.
Benzoicum brings to
this remedy a gouty constitution (r. sided). Gout is all about retention and
accumulation of crystals and stones –
emotionally with the ammoniums it is disappointments. Benzoicum dwells
persistently on the past (hear voices that might be connected to the past) they
want to be carried, cuddled and nursed (protected);
Kopf: Schmerz (dumpf/bei Urämie)/Schweregefühl
Auge: Schwellung der Lider - ödematös
Gesicht: Gedunsen (um die Augen)/Schwellung - ödematös
Mund: Ranula, Froschgeschwulst/Zunge geschwollen r.
Magen: Verdauungsstörung
Bauch: Zirrhose der Leber, Leberzirrhose
Nieren: Beschwerden der Nieren r./entzündet
Entzündung (parenchymatös) chronisch/Nierenversagen
Blase: Urinieren unwillkürlich bei alten Menschen
Urin: Dick/eiweißhaltig (+ Gicht)/Farbe - rauchig/Geruch - kräftig; intensiv nach Urin/übel riechend/spärlich
Rücken: Schmerz in Sakralregion + Stuhldrang
Glieder: Entzündete Gelenke/Gichtknoten
Schmerz - rheumatisch/[in Gelenke gichtig (+ Gichtablagerungen)/rheumatisch]/in große Zehe rheumatisch
Allgemeines: 3 h.
Entzündete Gelenke/Schmerz (wandernd, sich verschiebend)/
Wassersucht (äußerlich/innerlich)
Harnsäure Diathese
Vergleich: ‡ Ammoniums haben Sulphur-eigenschaften ‡
Siehe: Ammoniums
Wirkung: lithämisch/psorisch r. seitig