Ammoniums allgemein


„Idealisieren führt zu Groll, wenn Ideal sich nicht verwirklicht."

Schüchtern, Ärger, Enttäuschung, Groll, Kritik, Verbitterung, nachtragend, zynisch, ironisch, grob, Gefühle werden verletzt, selbst zerstörerisch, zurückhaltend, machtlos, verlegen, Mangel an Selbstvertrauen, Aversion

gegen Fremde/Gesellschaft, dick, schwach, indolent, Absonderungen ätzen/beißen/brennen, < 3 - 4 h.  ehrlich, Apathie,

1. Ideal = Einheit in Allem/in Gedanken, eventuell mager,

2. Enttäuschung bringt: schüchtern, Ärger, Enttäuschung, Groll, Kritik, Verbitterung, nachtragend, zynisch, ironisch, grob, verschlossen, Gefühle werden verletzt, selbstzerstörerisch, zurückhaltend, machtlos, verlegen,

erschöpft, brennen/beißen, dick

Someone requiring one of the ammoniums is always going to be disappointed in some way

[Joy Lucas]

Ammonia (NH3): transparent, colourless and consequently invisible gas/with an exceedingly pungent smell (= ’spirits of hartshorn)’/very acrid taste. Sal ammoniac was originally fabricated in Egypt, the dung of camels/

other animals constituted the fuel used from which the original soot is formed.

There is a volatile nature but it is transparent and virtually invisible. It is pungent and attacking, can kill. It both extinguishes combustion but also aids it. Its state can easily be altered. It is very acrid. It has an intimate relationship with water and other liquids. It is expansive and also dissolving, it is explosive and yet neutralising. It has an affinity to the digestive system!!

And from this we have:

An angry temperament that tries to be suppressed but if let loose can really attack. They are closed and held in but they try hard to dissolve or escape the disappointments in life but generally fail. Mood changes. Acrid and acid risings. Has an affinity to water or liquids in a variety of symptoms and modalities. There are many swellings and other states of ‘being large’ which includes obesity.

Clouds of grief which tend to be internalised but show as anger and abuse or sulky and morose discontent.

The head and neck are nearly always effected, always burning and acid digestive disorders and there is always a need for escape, on the physical level as well as the mental and emotional, if there can be no escape then symptoms take on a ‘trapped’ nature – as in trapped wind, swellings, wildness, internal combustion and sensations of ‘largeness’, thus making nearly all the ammoniums obese.

This is a look at the delusional clouds that hang over the Ammonia group of remedies – Ammonium Aceticum; Benzoicum; Bromatum; Carbonicum; Causticum; Iodatum; Muriaticum; Nitricum; Phosphoricum; Picricum; Sulphuricum; Valerianicum.

Chemistry preamble – these are mere snippets which might pertain to the homeopathic pictures.

Ammonia is also called volatile alkali. Ammonia is a transparent, colourless and consequently invisible gas. With an exceedingly pungent smell well known by the old name of ‘spirits of hartshorn.’ An animal plunged into it speedily dies. It extinguishes combustion but is itself somewhat combustible, the flame of a taper immersed in it will enlarge before going out. By exposing this gas to very low temperatures it can be liquified. It has a very acrid taste. Water condenses it rapidly. Ammonia expands during condensation with water. Water is capable of dissolving easily about one third of its weight of ammoniacal gas, hence, when placed in contact with a tube filled with this gas water rushes into it with explosive velocity. When mixed with oxygen it also explodes with electric spark. The alkaline nature of ammonia is demonstrated by its neutralising of acid and changing vegetable reds to purple or green. Sal ammoniac was originally fabricated in Egypt, the dung of camels and other animals constituted the chief fuel used from which the original soot is formed.

From this we can extract the following:-

There is a volatile nature but it is transparent and virtually invisible. It is pungent and attacking, can kill. It both extinguishes combustion but also aids it. Its state can easily be altered. It is very acrid. It has an intimate relationship with water and other liquids. It is expansive and also dissolving, it is explosive and yet neutralising. It has an affinity to the digestive system!!

And from this we have:-

An angry temperament that tries to be suppressed but if let loose can really attack. They are closed and held in but they try hard to dissolve or escape the disappointments in life but generally fail. Mood changes. Acrid and acid risings. Has an affinity to water or liquids in a variety of symptoms and modalities. There are many swellings and other states of ‘being large’ which includes obesity.

In summary: clouds of grief which tend to be internalised but show as anger and abuse or sulky and morose discontent.

Someone requiring one of the ammoniums is always going to be disappointed in some way.

The head and neck are nearly always effected, always burning and acid digestive disorders and there is always a need for escape, on the physical level as well as the mental and emotional, if there can be no escape then symptoms take on a ‘trapped’ nature – as in trapped wind, swellings, wildness, internal combustion and sensations of ‘largeness’, thus making nearly all the ammoniums obese.


Vergiftung: Augen-/Atemwegbeschwerden/SCHMERZ im Mund/Schlucken schwierig;

Ammoniums, derived from a gas, show distinct head symptoms: generally cerebral congestion/heaviness/confusion. Nerve-related head symptoms also apparent.

Respiratory illness (suffocating/diminished vitality/impeded circulatory functions are typical of the Ammoniums.


Haben Sulphurqualitäten

Verwirrt/widersprüchlich/macht Fehler rechnend +/o. schreibend

mürrisch/weinerlich/depressiv/Männer abgeneigt

Asthma/“erstickend“/(Kreislauf)schwäche/Ohnmacht/adynamisches Fieber/Reaktionsmangel

Nasen-/Schleimhautbluten/wacht auf 3 h.

Atemwegbeschwerden + SchleimhautABsonderung


Vergleich: Merc-pra. Struvite [= NH4)MgPO4·6(H2O (Mg + Ammonium + P). Urea durch Bakterien aufgespalten in Ammonium und andere Substanzen/entsteht in Abflussröhren/Nieren durch Einwirkung von Bakterien].

Vergleich. Lacs mit Ammoniums

Vergleich Nitrogen mit Ammoniums.

Siehe: Urin

Ammoniums ó Feru-g ó Asaf


Alle Ammoniums enthalten N + H (= Ammoniak) + O

Osm. = Katalysator in Ammoniakherstellung,

Abbau von Eiweiß (= N-haltig) erzeugt Ammonium

Ammoniums: (geistige Idealen) ó Nitricums: (materielle Wünschen)

Ca + Mag + Na + Ammonium = Akalisalzen

All the salts of ammonia have painful hemorrhoids.

Natriums (verschlossen ohne Verbitterung) ó Ammoniums (Idealen, zurückhaltend, introvertiert, Groll aus Enttäuschung, die verbal geäußert wird, erschöpft) ó Acidums (extravertiert/aggressiv/erschöpft)



Resentment/rancour/grudge/have a lot of anger (contain H) have the theme of idealism. They think everything much nice but when they had been disappointed from society they become resentful.


nach Enttäuschung werden sie nachtragend

Am-c: Resentment to father

Am-m: Resentment to mother

Am-p: Resentment to friends, brothers and sisters

Am-s: Resentment to partner


Aethi-a                                                           Aluminiumammoniumsulfat = E 523

Ammoniacum                                                           Am-act.

Ammonium arsenicum (NH4)HAsO4.            


Hirschhornsalz enthält Ammoniumbicarbonat (NH4HCO3) Backtriebmittel


Am-c = Kali-c-ähnlich + < feuchtes Wette/= Caust + Groll - Unrechtsbewusstsein

Am-caust. = Ammoniak                                                       Am-chl-ferr.                                 

Ammoniumhydroxid = E 527/= Ammoniak/= Gas.     

Ammoniumferrihexacyanoferrat = GIESE-salt hemmt Cäsium


Am-i = Iod + schwach + indolent

Am-m. = Am-c-ähnlich + depressiv + weinerlich + Angst im Dunklen + still/zurückgezogen + Kummer - Tränen

Am-n.                                                             Am-p.                                             



Ammonium- sulfide = (NH4)2S).

Am-t. = Am-m + Neuralgie + schlaflos

Am-val. = Am-m + Neurologie + schlaflos

Am-van. = Am-c + Gicht     


Ichth = Ammonium-ichthyolicum/= aus Schieferöl mit vielen Fischbestandteilen aus Tirol


Ser-ang. = Vip-Ähnlich/= Ars + Angst vor Hilflosigkeit/= Dig der Nieren/= Lach - Eifersucht i.B. Partner/= Lil-t-ähnlich/= Nux-v + gezwungen den Laden laufen zu


Merc = Lyc + intuitiv/= Arg-n - exzentrisch/= Sulph-ähnlich + flexibel


Alle Ammoniumsalzen gehemmt von: Acon. Dig. Verat.                                  Kälte

Alle Ammoniumsalzen gefördert von: Asaf. Iod. Op. Valer.                             Wärme. Alkohol


Ammoniumhaltig: Medus

Stickstoff-dünger (= Deutsche Guano).

Ammoniak erzeugend: Heliobacteri pylori

Ammoniumhaltige Quellen: Wies

Ammoniumliebende Pflanzen:  Aeth. Filix-m. Hyos. Lam-a. Malv-a. Merl. Mill. Pip-c. Polyg-a. Senec-v. Stell. Urt.

Chen-v setzt Ammoniak frei

Urin + Con. enthalten ammoniakähnliche Substanzen.


Antidotiert von: Acon. Dig. Verat-v.                                                                     Kälte



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum