Ammonium iodatum (Am-i)
= Iod +
schwach + indolent;
Negativ: Kehlkopf;
[Joy Lucas]
the cloud here is again disappointment, only ever partially relieved of
their oppressive symptoms, whether it be laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia,
oedema of the lungs. Disappointment and the lungs intimately linked.
Meniere’s disease is common and it is often thought that this is due to
an excess of endolymph triggered by stress – the stress being any of the
exciting causes that belong to the ammonium group.
As with many of the ammoniums this one also carries the burdens with a
heavy head, dull headaches and a stupid feeling and look. A young person’s
disappointment, they can only be partially relieved of oppressive symptoms
(laryngitis/bronchitis/pneumonia/oedema of the lungs).
Repertorium: Ammonium iodatum
Katarrh - chronisch
Weibliche Genitalien: Tumoren - Ovarien - Zysten
Kehlkopf und Trachea: Entzündung im Kehlkopf (chronisch)/Katarrh im Kehlkopf
Atmung: Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen „Wie durch einen Schwamm“
Auswurf: Gräulich - weißlich
Brust: Entzündete Bronchien (akut/Bronchopneumonie/chronisch/Bronchiolen)
Entzündete Lungen (katarrhalisch/kruppös)
Ödem der Lunge; Lungenödem
Allgemeines: 3 h./Arteriosklerose
Folgt gut: Mag-f.
Gut gefolgt von: Apat. Calc-f. Fl-ac. Kali-f. Lap-a. Mag-f. Nat-f.
Vergleich: Iod (Am-i wenn Iod versagt in Kehl-/Brustbeschwerden). Sulph ‡ Ammoniums haben Sulphur-eigenschaften ‡
Wirkung: Tuberkulin explosiv: