Ammonium muriaticum (Am-m) = Salmiak/NH4Cl


= Am-c.-ähnlich + depressiv + weinerlich + Angst im Dunklen + still/zurückgezogen + Kummer - Tränen/= Nat-m. + Groll + Kritik;

Thema: Groll gegen Mutter/Mutter taugt nicht;

Lösung: negativ: Angreifen/im Recht sein/übelnehmerisch gegen Mutter;

Akut: Mur-ac.-ähnlich;

Positiv: 1. Verteidigt ihre Ideen/arbeitet gern/gewissenhaft/ernsthaft;

Negativ: A. Möchte weinen + kann nicht, B.  Klopfen/pulsieren in Teilen, C. Fröstelt + < Kälte, D. Schwach, E. Appetitlos, F. Dick + dünne Beinen (schwach)

+ dicker Bauch; G. Empfindet Muskeln abgespannt/zu kurz, H. Reißen in den Gelenken und die verkrampfte Wadenmuskulatur. Die Sehnen stehen unter

Spannung, und „Als ob zu kurz“ I. [E.B. Nash] Sensation of coldness in the back, between the shouldersS;


Möchte Bewunderung/nicht Liebe, zeigt Gefühlen nicht (Verwandten), träge/sensiTIV, hart/überfordernd, Angst (Dunkel/Menge), steifes Empfinden/

empfinden Muskeln + Sehnen, verlangt Kaffee + Choc, Katarrh + gereizte Schleimhäuten + Absonderungen ätzend/wenig, Beschwerden + Husten + eiweißartige

Ausscheidung, Urin/Schweiß, verstopft + Blähungen, < Kälte/im Freien; > liegen/warmes Bad/schnelles + fortgesetztes Gehen; Stirn;

A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state. All mucous secretions are increased and retained (fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles).

Coughs with symptoms (catarrhs and affections of liver). A tendency to irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, pulsations, etc. Profuse glairy

secretions. <: morning (head and chest)/abdominal symptoms (<: afternoon)/Pain in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms < evenings” "Boiling" sensation.

>: open air; <: head and chest symptoms in the morning; <: abdominal symptoms in the afternoon;


Ursache: Groll, der lange anhält, besonders gegen die Mutter

Seelische/emotionale Symptome: morgens übellaunig, mag nicht reden

Allgemein: Wallungen, Brennen und Pulsieren (Tonsillen)

Absonderungen sind reichlich und eiweißartig (Auswurf/Weißfluss)

Schweiß nach Mitternacht und morgens im Bett

extremes Verlangen nach Schokolade (mind. 1 Tafel pro Tag)

Zäher, rasselnder Schleim in der Brust

Husten, der zu Atemnot führt

Pulsrasen, Hitzewallungen zum Kopf wie bei Bluthochdruck

Zerschlagenheitsschmerz zwischen den Schulterblättern

<: periodisch alle 7 o. 14 Tage;

>: im Freien, schnelle Bewegung;


Groll, der lange anhält, besonders gegen die Mutter


morgens übellaunig, mag nicht reden

Wallungen, Brennen und Pulsieren, z.B. in den Tonsillen

Absonderungen sind reichlich und eiweißartig (z.B. Auswurf, Weißfluß)

Schweiß nach Mitternacht und morgens im Bett

extremes Verlangen nach Schokolade (mind. 1 Tafel pro Tag)

zäher, rasselnder Schleim in der Brust

Husten, der zu Atemnot führt

Pulsrasen, Hitzewallungen zum Kopf wie bei Bluthochdruck

Zerschlagenheitsschmerz zwischen den Schulterblättern

<: periodisch alle 7 oder 14 Tage;

>: Im Freien, schnelle Bewegung;

[Joy Lucas]

the hanging cloud here is the enemy. The enemy is either under the bed or above with a sword swinging. A fear of darkness develops/feels worthless.

Scholten: the mother is the enemy (Muriaticum) and we see this in ‘antipathy to certain persons.’

Very similar to Am-c.: prostration, obesity, burnings, swellings, chilly, sluggish and obstructed, constantly feel tired and sore, all this physically as well as

mentally. They react to the enemy somewhat like Nat-m.: there is a lot of grief and they want to cry but they can’t. They hold it in reserve and will show it either

as fear and anxiety, heedless indifference or sulky and taciturn. Very generalised symptoms but I think you will recognise the sad, gloomy, disappointed but also

angry and taciturn Am-m. when you see one.

Often teenagers, they boil up inside (boiling sensation) and don’t really want to tell you their problems, they don’t want to eat (very conscious about their weight),

might come to see you because of respiratory or sinus problems - anything that doesn’t involve too much intimacy, and nine times out of ten you will prescribe

Nat-m. first;

2. Ist im Recht/überfordert/spricht nur über Wesentliches/irritiert/boshaft/beleidigend,

3. Enttäuscht (Mutter),

4. Gleichgültig/träge/faul/Gesprächen abgeneigt/still + schweigsam/ ernst/schwer auf der Hand;

Ursache: Verstauchung;


Komplementär: All-c. Ant-c, Coff. Esin, Merc. Mur-ac. ‡. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sanic.


Gut gefolgt von: heißes Bad,


Vergleich: Am-v. (= Am-m + Neuralgie + schlaflos). Prot.                                        

Common symptoms of Muriaticums (Am-m. Mag-m. Nat-m.)

Sulph. Ammoniums haben Sulphur-eigenschaften

DD.: Calc. Caust. Mag-m. Mur-ac. Nat-m. Ruta. Seneg. Sep. (Blase). Sil. Sulph.

Siehe: Ammoniums + Chlor + Anhang (J. Kent/Boericke/Frans Vermeulen)

Am-c (depressiv + weinerlich + Antipathie gegen bestimmte Personen) Am-m Nat-m (Groll + Kritik)


Antidotiert: Camph. Caus. Chinin. Coff. Crot-h. Hep. Kali-i. Kali-p. Nux-v.             Amphetaminen

Antidotiert von: All-u Arn. Camph. Caust. Cham. Coff. Hep. Hydr-ac. Lach. Laur. Nit-sd. Nux-v.                                     Obstsäure. Essig. Bittermandel. Warmes Bad.


Wirkung: 20 - 30 Tage                                      



Allerlei: Salmiakpastillen = schleimlösend/Heiserkeit lindernd

Nenning: the first prover proving comprised 448 symptoms, published by Hartlaub in his Annalen, in 1833 H. added his own symptoms (84) in the 2nd edition of the

Chronic Diseases and a proving of Rummel, consisting of 23 symptoms and condensed Nenning’s 448 to 290, without thereby occasioning a loss.



AMMONIUM MURIATICUM (am-m.)                        [Nenning]

Geist/Gemüt: Möchte weinen/weint auch. - -  Sprechen abgeneigt.

- Unwillkürliche Abneigung gegen gewisse Personen. - - Ernsthaft.

- Besorgt/traurig, wie von innerem Kummer. - - Reizbar o. üble Laune, meistens morgens.

Sensorium: Schwindel und benommene Kopf; zuweilen als wolle sie zur Seite fallen.

Kopf: Druck in Stirn, zu Nasenwurzel hin, „Als ob Gehirn zerrissen“.

- Schwere in Stirn, häufig tagsüber, (Inneres Hitzegefühl und etwas Schweiß).

- Reißen meistens in r. Schläfengegend, von da durch r. Gesichtsseite.

- Stiche in l. Schläfengegend und Kopfseite sowie im Scheitel bückend mit dem Gefühl, „Als ob Kopf bärst“. -- Zusammenziehender Schmerz am Hinterhaupt.

- - Kopfhautjucken. - - Juckende Pickeln an r. Seite des Hinterkopfes.

Augen: Nebel vor den Augen, < draußen im hellen Licht; > im Zimmer.

- im l.  Auge, „Als ob ein Körper darin auf, welcher am Sehen hindert“.

- Gelbe Flecken/fliegende Flecke und Punkte vor den Augen.

- Brennen der Augen und Tränen nachts.

- Kleben morgens zusammen, mit Brennen in Winkeln nach dem Waschen.



Ohren: Summen und Rauschen im r. Ohr. - - Schwerhörigkeit mit Ausfluss.

- Jucken in beiden Ohren (durch Kratzen nicht >) mit Entleerung flüssigen Ohrenschmalzes.

- Ohrenstechen, auch mit Bohren o. Brennen, meistens gehend in freier Luft.

- Graben/Reißen im r. Ohr; nachts darauf liegend Wühlen/Wirbeln, „Als ob etwas herauskommt“

Nase: Geschwürschmerz im l. Nasenloch mit empfindlich bei Berührung.

- Verlust des Geruchs (Schnupfen) - - Schlimm innerlich und am Nasenlöcherränder.

- Äußerliche Anschwellung des linken Nasenlochs, mit Absonderung blutiger Krusten.

- Bluten aus Nasenloch, nach Jucken - - Beständiges Jucken in Nase, mit Reiz zu schnauben und „Wie eines großen, rauen Körpers“ oben in Nase, + verstopft.

- Schnupfen mit Nasenverstopfung, Heiserkeit und Brennen im Larynx.

- Wässeriger, scharfer Schnupfen, welcher die Lippen wund frisst. - - Häufiges Niesen.

Gesicht: BLASS  - - Brennende Gesichtshitze vergeht in freier Luft. - - Reißen in Gesichtsknochen (Jochbeinen/Unterkiefer.)

- Backengeschwulst mit Anschwellung einer Drüse unter Unterkieferwinkel mit pochendem, stechendem Schmerz.

- - Anschwellung des Zahnfleisches der unteren l. Seite, mit Stichen nach l. Schläfengegend hin. - - Lippen brennen „Wie Feuer“ .- - Mundecken geschwürig. - - Pickel, Blasen an Oberlippe.

- Trockene, runzelige, aufgesprungene Lippen; muss sie beständig mit der Zunge anfeuchten.

Zähne: Schmerz in abgestorbenen Wurzel hört auf, wenn man Finger darauf drückt. - - - Stechen in oberen Schneidezähnen.

Zunge etc.: Blase an der Zungenspitze, mit brennendem Schmerz.

Schlund: Stiche im Hals, während und zwischen den Schlucken/gähnend. - - Äußerliche und innerliche Anschwellung des Halses, mit Druckschmerz schluckend, mit ziehendem, stechendem Schmerz in geschwollenen Submaxillar-Drüsen.

- Schlimmer Hals, mit klebrigem Schleim, so zäh, dass er nicht ausgeräuspert werden kann. - - Trockenheit im Schlunde.

Magen: Kein Appetit. - - Durst (abends). - - Nach dem Essen: Klopfen in der Brust nahe dem Ösophagus, mit Hitze des Gesichts und unruhiger Stimmung; wunder Fleck hinter dem weichen Gaumen wird besser.

Übelkeit/Erbrechen: - - - Schluckauf, mit Stichen in Brust. - - Aufstoßen: leer/bitter/mit Geschmack des Genossenen. - - Übel, mit Wasseraufschwulken nach Essen, mit Schauder. - - Zurückbringen: von Nahrung; von bitterem, sauerem Wasser.

- - Leerheits- o. Hungergefühl im Magen. - - Nagen, „Als ob Würmer darin“.

- Nüchternheitsgefühl und dennoch wie voll im Magen, < nach dem Frühstück.

- Wühlen und Winden im Magen früh, nach dem Frühstück vergehend.

- Brennen und Stechen in Herzgrube, von da zieht es nach r. Achselhöhle und in Oberarm.

Bauch: Stechen/brennen im r. Hypochondrium, nachmittags gehend.

- Intermittierende Schmerz in beiden Hypochondrien. - - Milzstiche, besitzend.

- - Leibschmerz, kneifende Schmerz um Nabel. - - Auftreibung des Unterleibs. - - Schwere im unteren Teil des Bauches, „Wie von einem Gewicht“, mit Unruhe „Als ob Unterleib bärst“ hört auf nach Schlafen. - - Stiche in Unterleib über l. Hüfte.

- Schmerz von r. Seite der Schoßgegend nach Hüfte und dem Kreuz hin.

- Schneiden und Stiche von beiden Ossa pubis zum Kreuz, mit Urindrang, des Abends.

Stuhl etc.: Stechen o. reißen im Perineum, gehend.  - - Brennen im Rectum während und stundenlang nach dem Stuhl.

- Grünige, schleimige Durchfall morgens. - - Durchfall mit Wundheit am Anus, < Pusteln nahe demselben.

- Durchfall nach Essen, mit Schmerz im Unterleib, Rücken, Kreuz und Gliedern; Blähungen.

- Harte, krümelige Stühle, welche Anstrengung erfordern. - - Wunde, schmerzende Hämorrhoiden. - - Hämorrhoiden nach unterdrückter Leukorrhoe.

Harnorgane: Häufiger Drang, mit häufigem Wasserlassen

- Urindrang, doch gehen nur einige Tropfen bis zum nächsten Stuhl ab, bei welchem der Harn reichlich fließt. - - Profuse und häufige Entleerung während nachts.

- Dunkelgelber Harn, mit hellem, wolkigem Sediment. - - Lehmartiger Bodensatz.

Männliche Geschlechtsorgane: Stiche/Klopfen im l. Samenstrang. - - Häufige Erektionen.

Weibliche Geschlechtsorgane:  Menses zu früh, mit Schmerz im Unterleib und Kreuz in Nacht; fließen reichlicher nachts. Prolapsus uteri.

- Leukorrhoe, mit Unterleibauftreibung ohne Ansammlung von Blähungen; eiweißartig mit vorangehendem Kneipen um Nabel; braun, schleimig, schmerzlos, nach jedem Urinlassen.

Larynx: Heiser mit Brennen im Larynx nachmittags. - - Häufiges Räuspern mit Auswurf kleiner Schleimklümpchen, mit Rauheitsgefühl im Hals, hinter der Uvula.

Respiration: Kurzatmig. - - Schwere auf der Brust gehend in freier Luft.

Husten: Trocken, von Kitzel im Hals, (morgens), mit Stechen in Brust o. l. Hypochondrium, wird locker Nachmittags; locker Nachts mit Stechen im l. Hypochondrium in Rückenlage, < Umdrehen auf Seite; < Genuss kalter Dinge.

- 1. Jucken im Hals, 2. Blutauswurf.

Lungen: Druck und Stiche in Brust, „Als ob  ein verschluckter Brocken dort steckt“  - - Schmerzhafte Spannung unter der r. Brust.

- Quetschungsschmerz in unterem r. Brust. - - Brennen an kleinen Stellen der Brust.

- Klopfen, „Wie von einem Puls“, an einer kleinen Stelle in l. Brust, nur stehend, morgens.

- - Reißen in Herzgegend geht in l. Vorderarm über. - - Beschleunigter Puls.

Brust: Brennen, Jucken, rote Flecke auf l. Brust; unter Druck erblassen sie.

Hals, Rücken: Reißende Schmerz in Halsseiten, # Reißen in Backe.

- Steifer Hals mit Schmerz vom Nacken zur Gegend zwischen Schultern drehend.

- Schmerz im Kreuz, „Wie gequetscht o. zerschlagen“, während Ruhe o. Bewegung, nachts im Bett; kann weder im Rücken-/Seitenlage liegen.

- Quetschungs-/Verrenkungsschmerz zwischen Scapulae.

- Stiche in l. Scapula. - - Kneifen in Muskeln r. Scapula. - - Kälte im Rücken und zwischen Schultern wird durch Feder- o. Wollbedeckung nicht > wird, und auf welche Jucken folgt. - - Schmerz in Lumbo-Sacralgegend.

Glieder: Schwellung der Achseldrüsen. - - Rheumatischer Schmerz, erst l. Schulter.

- Reißen im l. Arm, wie in Sehnen, nach den Fingern hin; hört von kräftiger Bewegung auf.

- Ziehen und Reißen vom r. Ellenbogen bis in Finger. - - Jucken an Innenseite des Vorderarms, mit Ausschlag in Ellenbogenbeuge.

- R. Vorderarm ist schwer und wie eingeschlafen. - - Reißen im l. Handgelenk mit Anschwellung des Handrückens.

- Stiche und schmerzhaftes Klopfen unter Nagel des l. Daumens.             - - Haut schält sich ab zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger beider Hände.

Beine schwach und matt  - - Stiche im Kniegelenk, abends besitzend.

- Schmerz in l. Hüfte, „Als ob die Sehnen zu kurz wären“, muss gehend hinken; besitzend nagender Schmerz im Knochen. - - Reißen in Schenkeln besitzend.

- Schmerz in Sehnen in Kniekehle gehend, „Wie zu kurz“. - - Kalte Füße, Abends im Bett.

- Krampfartiges Zusammenziehen im unteren Teile l. Beines. - - Reißen (und Stiche) mit Geschwürschmerz in Hacken; zuweilen > Reißen; tritt auch des Nachts im Bett ein. - - Füßen, „Als ob eingeschlafen“  - - Jucken an der Sohle r. Fußes, abends.

- Stechen in Zehen kommt langsam und vergeht langsam.

- - Reißen und schmerzhafte Stöße, bald hier/bald da, alle Glieder.

Lage etc.: - - - Gliederschmerz > Bewegung - - gebückt gehend, bei Dislockierung Uterus.

Nerven: - - - Wallungen mit Angst, Schwäche, wie gelähmt. - - Schwach morgens.

- Plötzliche Abgeschlagenheit nach Mittagessen, gehend in freier Luft.

Schlaf: Beständiges Gähnen ohne Schläfrigkeit morgens.

- Früh abends schläfrig, Augenlider fallen zu; > bei Kerzenlicht.

- Kann wegen kalter Füße vor Mitternacht nicht einschlafen.

- Kopfhitze hindert Schlaf vor Mitternacht - - Unruhiger Schlaf und Wachen nach 24 h.

- Ängstliche, fürchterliche Träume, fährt aus dem Schlaf auf.

- Träume: (ins Wasser fallen/Krankheit/wollüstige)  - - Erwacht 2 h. von Bauchschneiden.

- Erwacht nachts von Niesen/mit Kitzel im Hals, verursacht  Husten; Schmerz im Kreuz.

Temperatur und Wetter: - - - Gewöhnlich Besserung in der freien Luft.

Frost, Fieber, Schweiß: Frost mit äußerlicher Kälte abends/vom Unbedeckt sein nachts.

- Frost, welcher den Rücken hinaufläuft. - - Frost, # welcher halbstündlich mit Hitze

- Hitze mit rotem, aufgedunsenem Gesicht (warmen Zimmer/nach körperlicher Anstrengung). - - - Hitzeüberlaufen in häufigen Anfällen, enden mit Schweiß, der sich am reichlichsten im Gesicht, an Handflächen und Fußsohlen zeigt. - - Schweiß am Tage und nachts, welcher auf Hitze folgt.

- Nachtschweiß über  ganzen Körper, kopiös nach Mitternacht/früh morgens im Bett.

Anfälle: - - - Stechen in Zehen, kommt langsam und vergeht. - - Hitzeüberlaufen in Anfällen:

Empfindungen: - - - Blut scheint in beständiger Wallung zu sein. - - Quetschungsschmerz im ganzen Körper, Morgens nach Aufstehen.

Haut: Jucken an verschiedenen Körperteilen, im Allgemeinen abends vor Zubettgehen, > nachher. - - Feiner Friesel über ganzen Körper.

- Frieselartige Masern. - - Windpocken mehr an Rumpf und an den Obergliedern.

Lebensalter/Konstitution: - - -  Fett und träge sind; fetter Körper + dünne Beine.



MIND:  - -   Only like to talk about their subject of interst. Get excited with red face during

        discussion. Obstinate, 'knows' he's right.

   -   Timid. Reserved. - -   Thoughtful, serious. - -   Intellectual type. Like to read, study.

   -   Like others to respect and admire their scientific or professional insights.

   -   Do not express feelings. Lack of emotional warmth. Likes to be admired, not loved.

   -   Aversion to certain persons. - -   Ailments from grief (Nat-m).

   -   Irritability < headache, > after eating. - -   Can be rude, abusive; even malicious.

   -   Anxiety about work, achievements.- -   Fear crowd, dark, killing somebody, being killed.

   -   Easily frightened, startling. Wake up frightened in the morning; startle at night on falling

       asleep. - -   Discontented after disappointment in career or emotional upset. Feels not

       appreciated enough.

   -   Depression with indifferece. - -   Becomes inflexible. Indolent, < morning.

   -   Mental confusion. Weakness of memory; mistakes in writing, speaking.

   -   > Walking in open air by themselves in the morning.

GENERALITIES: - -   LOCAL PULSATIONS (e.g. eyelids/glands/tonsils/carotids).

   -   < During menses. - -   Discharges: Acrid (nose), glairy (expectoration/leucorrhoea).

   -   Body CORPULENT, abdomen fat, Legs THIN. - -   Phantom pains (All-c./Hyper.).

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -   Desire: Lemonade.

HEAD: - -   Pain with irritability.  - -   Congestive pain with flushed face.


NOSE: - -   Coryza with ACRID DISCHARGE, corroding lip. Coryza with dry lips and sores.

FACE: - -   Burning eruptions > cold water. Ulcers corners of mouth.

   -   Pale, flushed from excitement.

THROAT: - -   PULSATIONS in tonsils/carotids. - -   Swelling with tough, viscid mucus.

STOMACH: - -   Thirstless during intermittent fever. -  -   Incomplete, bitter eructations.

   -   Vomiting during menses.

ABDOMEN: - -   FATTY DEPOSITS around abdomen.

   -   Tense, sprained feeling in  groins during menses, must walk bent.

RECTUM: - -   Burning pain during and after stool, for hours. - -   Diarrhea during menses.

MALE GENITALIA: - -   Pulsation of spermatic cords.

FEMALE GENITALIA: - -   Menses: with prostration/diarrhea/vomiting/dark clotted blood, with contracting pain in groin/forces to walk bent. - - Leucorrhea like eggwhite (Nat-m.).

RESPIRATION/COUGH: - -   The same respiratory symptoms as Am-c, but not as severe.

   -   Cough < fumes, exhaust gases (Sul-ac.). - -   Cough with profuse salivation.

EXPECTORATION: - -   Difficult expectoration of GLAIRY MUCUS.

BACK: - -   SCIATICA/LUMBAGO: >> lying, << sitting, left sided.(Agar.) “As if muscles are TIGHT”. - -   Icy-coldness between shoulder blades. - -   Sore pain in coccyx: when sitting, during sleep.

EXTREMITIES: -    -   Chronic sprains (Arn/Bell-p/Bry/Rhus-t/Sul-ac.). - -   Phantom pains.


SLEEP: - -   Starting during sleep



Gemüt: Zurückhaltend, reserviert (abends)

Zorn (mit Schweigsamkeit/> nach essen/mittags/morgens)

Wohlwollen, Güte

Willensschwäche/Verlust der Willenskraft)/Weinen (Verlangt zu weinen/kann nicht weinen, obwohl traurig/erwachend/nach Angst/abends)

Wahnideen (von Wasser/Tiere/ein Schwert würde über dem Kopf hängen/dass ein Kummer auf ihm lasten würde/von Feuer (Kopf scheint umgeben von)/Feind wäre unter  Bett/ auf eine Seite hin Fallen/würde ermordet werden/jemand sei unter dem Bett)

Verzweiflung/Verwirrung, geistige (> im Freien/“Wie nach einem Rausch“/morgens)

Unzufrieden/ungeschickt beim Schneidern, Sticken

Ungehorsam/unbesonnen/unaufmerksam wenn angesprochen

Traurig (nach Kummer/> nach Essen/in Dunkelheit/in der Dämmerung)

Stumpf (erwachend/tagsüber)

Sitzen geneigt

Sentimental, schwärmerisch, rührselig


Selbstbetrachtung/Meditieren, Nachdenken/Langsamkeit/Schweigsam (abends)

Schüchtern, zaghaft

Ruhelos (nach Mittagessen/> nach Essen/ erwachend/nachts/vormittags)

Reizbar, Gereizt (bei Kopfschmerz//(>) nach Essen/abends/(vor)mittags/morgens)


Neid und Hass

Musik >

Mürrisch - abends (in der Dämmerung)/vormittags/morgens)

Menschenfeindlich, Misanthropie

Licht - Verlangen nach

Lästig, geht auf die Nerven

Lacht niemals/Ernst/Kummer

Konzentration - schwierig (abends)

Hass (und Rachsucht)

Gleichgültig, Apathie (+i schläfrig/gegenüber Ruhm/Äußerlichkeiten, Äußerliches)

Geistige Anstrengung abgeneigt/Geistesabwesend (wenn angesprochen)

Gedanken versunken, in (abends)/überlegt/quälend/vergangene unangenehme Ereignisse)/Gedächtnisschwäche

Fehler; macht - Sprechend

Faul (bei Schläfrigkeit/morgens)

Erschrickt leicht (über Kleinigkeiten/erwachend)

Erschöpfung; geistige - abends

Erregt sprechend/empfindlich gegen bestimmte Personen

Eleganz, Anmut - keine Eleganz

Ehrgeiz - Verlust von

Dunkelheit <

Boshaft/Blasphemie, Gotteslästerung und Fluchen


Beschwerden durch (Zorn mit stillem Kummer/Kummer/Kränkung, Demütigung)

Beschimpfen, beleidigen, schmähen (Kinder beschimpfen ihre Eltern)

Beißen - Nägel

Auf-/Zusammenfahren (aus Traum/einschlafend/in o. durch Schlaf/ leicht)

Aphasie/antworten abgeneigt

Angst  (auffahrend aus Schlaf/“Wie gelähmt“/mit Furcht/erwachend/nachts)/Qualvolle Angst/Furcht (mit Traurigkeit/davor zu töten/in Menschenmenge/lebenslang/wie durch Kummer/Dunkelheit/abends - Dämmerung


Abneigung (gegen bestimmte Menschen/Familienangehörige/gegenüber allem)


Repertory: [Mrinal Mohapatra]

Mind: Neither unconsciousness nor delirium; no apoplexy.

Desire to cry, and at times crying.

Disinclination to speak.

Involuntary aversion to certain persons.

Melancholy and anxious, as if laboring under some grief or sorrow.

Apprehensive and gloomy, like from internal grief.

Great earnestness.

Indifferent mood.

Fretfulness; irritability, mostly mornings.

Mood irritable, malicious.

Consequences of grief.

Vertigo: Fullness of head with giddiness; feels as if it was very heavy.

Heaviness of forehead, in morning after rising and during day.

Vertigo and fullness of head; “As if she would fall sideways”.

Head: Dull heavy pains with vertigo and pallor. θ Prevailing fever.

Congestive headache with flushed face and enlarged veins. θ Prevailing fever.

Heaviness in forehead, frequently during day (internal sensation of heat and some sweat).

Pressure in forehead, towards root of nose, with sensation as if brain was torn; < after rising.

Tearing mostly in right temple, through right side of face.

Stitches in left temple and side of head, and when stooping, in vertex, with sensation as if head would split.

Contractive pain in occiput as though screwed in, extending to side of head.

Rheumatic, tearing pains in head, temple and occiput.

Rheumatic pains in head so severe as to cause nausea, burning of ears and deafness.

Neuralgic headaches.

Falling out of hair, with great itching of scalp.

Itching of scalp; also with dandruff.

Itching pimples on right side of occiput.

Eyes: In left eye “As if a body arose which impeded sight”.

Capsular cataract.

Eyes gum together in morning, with burning in canthi after washing.

Eyes dim, glassy, watery.

** Yellow eyes.

Vision: Mist before eyes, < in bright light, outdoors; > better in room.

Yellow spots before eyes.

Optical illusions in dark colors.

Flying spots and points before eyes.

Burning of eyes at twilight; ceases after lighting lamp.

Ears: Humming and roaring in right ear.

Itching in both ears, not relieved by scratching, with discharge of fluid earwax.

Stitches in ears, also with boring or burning, mostly when walking in open air.

Digging and tearing in right ear, also at night; when lying thereon, a rooting and rolling, as if something would come out.

Right ear affected for years; it commences in throat and he cannot talk right; it is as if ear and throat were connected.

Hearing: Hard hearing, with discharge.

Nose: Nose sore internally and at edges of nostrils. θ Scarlatina.

Ulcerative pain in left nostril, with sensitiveness to touch.

External swelling of left nostril, with discharge of bloody crusts.

Bleeding from left nostril, preceded by itching.

Constant itching in nose, with irritation to blow it, and sensation as of a large rough body up in the nose, with obstruction.

Coryza, with stoppage of nose, hoarseness and burning in larynx.

Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip.

Frequent sneezing; roused her from sleep, with crawling in throat making her cough.

Coryza in children, with bluish discharge.

Coryza with stoppage, great soreness and tenderness of nose, and loss of smell.

More dry than natural, or a watery discharge and obstruction. θ Prevailing fever.

Smell: Loss of smell, with coryza and stoppage of the nose.

Face: Very pale face.

Burning heat of face, passes off in open air.

Tearing in bones of face, especially in malar and lower maxilla.

Swelling of cheek, with swelling of a gland under angle of lower jaw, with beating, stitching pain.

Eruption on face which burns; he cannot sleep without cold applications.

Mouth and lips sore and excoriated. θ Prevailing fever.

Lips burn like fire.

Corners of mouth ulcerated.

** Dry, shrivelled, cracked lips, must moisten them with tongue continually.

Pimples, blisters, on upper lip.

Tensive pain in articulations of jaw when chewing or opening mouth.

Submaxillary glands swollen; pulsating pains.

Mouth: Tongue swollen and pasty. θ Prevailing fever.

Blister on tip of tongue, with burning pain.

Tongue furred white.


Teeth: Pain in a decayed root, ceases when pressed upon with finger.

Stitching pain in upper incisors.

Swelling of gums of lower left side, with stitches up to left temple.

Throat: Throat full and sore with increase of glairy mucus, and difficult swallowing. θ Prevailing fever.

Dryness in throat.

Stitches in throat during and between deglutition, also when yawning.

External and internal swelling of throat, with pressing pain when swallowing, and with drawing, stitching pain in swollen submaxillary glands.

Sore throat, with viscid phlegm; so tough that it cannot be hawked up.

Tonsils throb, but are not swollen, with uneasiness and oppressive anxiety.

Throbbing in glands of neck, which are not swollen; with flushes of heat and want of air in throat.

Stomach: Loss of appetite (and thirstless). θ Prevailing fever.

Much thirst (evening).

Sometimes extreme thirst. θ Prevailing fever.

Want of appetite # canine hunger.

After eating, beating in breast near oesophagus, with heat of face and restless mood; < on an empty stomach, but also nearly always after eating;

must often eat a little, but not enough to satisfy hunger.

Sore spot behind soft palate, which is relieved or passes away for a short time by eating.

Eating and drinking cold things < cough.

After dinner: sudden prostration when walking in open air.

Hiccough, with stitches in chest.

Eructations: empty; bitter; tasting of food.

Nausea: with waterbrash, after eating, with shudderings.

Regurgitation: of food; of bitter, sour water.

Frequent vomiting. θ Prevailing fever.

Stomach too apt to be overloaded, feels lame and sore, sometimes flatulent. θ Prevailing fever.

Empty or hungry feeling in stomach.

Sensation as from fasting, yet fullness in stomach; < after breakfast.

Rooting and rolling in stomach, in morning; passes of after breakfast.

Gnawing in stomach, as if worms were in it.

Burning and itching in scrobiculum, from thence drawing to right axilla, and into upper arm.

Empty sensation in stomach, but she cannot make up her mind to eat anything.

Abdomen: Intermittent pains in both hypochondria.

Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium, afternoons, when walking.

Splenic stitches, while sitting; also in morning on awaking, with difficulty of breathing, obliging him to rise.

** Liver complaint. Gallstones.

Abdomen full and distended, sometimes severe pains. θ Prevailing fever.

Bellyache, griping pains about navel.

Heaviness in lower abdomen, as from a load, with anxiety as if abdomen would burst; ceases after sleep.

Distension of abdomen, without accumulation of wind.

Stitches in abdomen, above left hip.

Pain from right side of pubes, to hip and small of back.

Cutting and stitches from both ossa pubium to small of back, with urging to urinate, evenings.

Stitches in right groin, coming out behind hip, when sitting.

Groins feel sore and as if swollen. θ Uterine displacement.

Tearing and tensive pain in groin when walking.

Pain as if sprained in left abdomen.

Pain as from a sprain in left groin. θ During pregnancy.

Pain in abdomen and back with menses. θ Prolapsus uteri.

Excessive amount of fat in abdomen: lax and hanging.

Rectum: The various affections of bowels are accompanied by flatus. θ Prevailing fever.

Soreness up along rectum, when sitting.

Itching soreness of rectum, several pustules being formed at side of it; often with diarrhoea.

Much burning and smarting in rectum during and for hours after stool.

Stitching or tearing pain in perineum, when walking. θ Pregnancy.

Green, slimy, diarrheic stools, in morning.

Color of stools varies; white and undigested, or green and watery, or green slimy, or yellow and bloody watery and slimy. θ Prevailing fever.

Diarrhoea after eating, with pain in abdomen, back, small of back and limbs.

Hard, crumbling stools, requiring great effort in their expulsion.

Obstinate and extreme constipation.

Prevailing fever.

Hemorrhoidal trouble with burning and stinging in rectum.

Hemorrhoids sore and smarting. θ After suppressed leucorrhoea.

** Constipation changing with diarrhoea.

Stool: Watery stools copious, other kinds scanty, though often repeated. θ Prevailing fever.

Stool hard, crumbling, scanty.

Stools like scrapings of meat or copious, consisting of coagulated blood. θ Prevailing fever.

Discharge of blood during stool.

Hard stool covered with mucus.

Glassy, tough mucus in stool.

Urinary Organs: Constant tenesmus vesical; < 4 h.

Frequent urging, with frequent urination.

Urging, yet only a few drops pass, until next stool, when it flows freely.

Profuse and frequent discharge during night.

Copious urine smells strongly ammoniacal; sometimes mouldy or musty.

Urine: Sediment like clay.

Male Organs: Stitches and beating in left spermatic cord.

Frequent erections.

Hypertrophy of prostate.

** Blennorrhoea of urethra.

** Strictures and contracted urethra.

** Old gonorrhoea.

Female Organs: Neuralgic pains in ovaries.

Hypertrophy of uterus.

Uterus displaced, with soreness in groins as if swollen; crumbling stools; profuse menses.

Menses too early, with pain in abdomen and small of back, continuing at night; flow more profuse at night. θ Prolapsus uteri.

Menses black, clotted.

During menses: diarrhoea and vomiting; bloody discharge from bowels; neuralgic pains in feet.

Violent metrorrhagia; delicate, small-built woman, at 47.

Leucorrhoea preceded by pain around navel.

Constant leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea: with tension of abdomen, without collection of wind; like white of egg, preceded by griping about navel; brown, slimy, after every urination.

Painless leucorrhoea.

During pregnancy; crumbling stool; feeling as if sprained in left groin; hemorrhoids.

Larynx and Trachea: Voice husky. θ Prevailing fever.

Hoarseness, with burning in larynx, afternoon; could scarcely speak.

Frequent hawking, with expectoration of small lumps of mucus, with sensation of rawness in throat, back of uvula.

Every branch of bronchial tubes affected to end. θ Prevailing fever.

Constant hawking, groaning and crowing from a tickling in throat, with raising much mucus.

Respiratory Organs: Worse when taking a deep breath.

Shortness of breath.

Heaviness of chest, when walking in open air.

Asthma when moving arms with force and when stooping.

Cough: Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough.

Daily recurring, dry, rapid, suffocating cough, with inability to utter a single word during the paroxysms, attacks beginning at 6 P. M.; no sputa, but much water in mouth.

Could deep and violent, attended by tolerably free expectoration. θ Prevailing fever.

Cough: dry, from tickling in throat; night or day; dry in morning, with stitches in chest or left hypochondrium; becomes loose in afternoon; loose at night, with stitches in left hypochondrium, lying on back; < when turning on side; < before eating or drinking cold things.

Expectoration of blood, following an itching in throat.

Chest: Bronchitis.

Heaviness on chest nights in bed, which awakes him, with restlessness; awoke again at 3 h.

Heaviness so great when walking she cannot breathe, must stand still.

Pressure, heaviness and stitches in chest, as if a morsel of food had lodged there.

Painful tension below right breast.

Bruised pain in lower right chest.

Lungs sore and paralytic. θ Prevailing fever.

Burning at small spots in chest.

Beating, like a pulse, at a small spot in left chest, only when standing, mornings.

In pulmonary affections, coldness between the scapula.

Back: Soreness in left chest.

Tearing in region of heart, going thence into left forearm.

Pulse accelerated.

Burning, itching, red spots on left chest, which pale under pressure.

Limbs: Swelling of axillary glands.

Rheumatic pain, first in right, then in left shoulder joint.

Tearing in left arm, as if in tendons, to fingers; ceases from strong motion.

Small, painful, nonsuppurating tubercles on right scapula.

Stitches in right scapula when inspiring.

Blisters on right scapula, tensive and burning; scurf forms.

Right arm heavy and feels rigid.

Drawing and tearing, from right elbow to fingers.

Itching on inside of forearm, with eruption in bend of elbow.

** Fatty swelling on left shoulder, extending into axilla.

Right forearm heavy and as if "asleep."

Tearing in left wrist, with swelling of back of hand.

Small blisters on wrist itching, then burning when scratched.

Pulsation in a finger like that from panaritium.

Stitches and painful beating under nail of left thumb.

Skin peels off between thumb and forefinger of both hands.

Languor and weakness of lower limbs, with dizziness.

Pain in left hip, as if tendons were too short, must limp when walking; when sitting, gnawing pain in bone.

Tearing pain in front part of thighs, when sitting.

Drawing tension in legs when sitting or lying.

Restored mobility in knee, which had been swollen and stiff (child).

Stitches in knee joint, evening, when sitting.

Hamstrings painful when walking, as if too short.

Cramplike contraction in lower part of left leg.

** Large buttocks.

Violent tearing and stitches, with ulcerative pain in heels; at times relieves by rubbing; occurs also at night, in bed.

Feet feel as if "asleep."

Cold feet, especially in evening in bed.

Itching in sole of right foot: evenings.

Stitching in toes, coming slowly and going slowly.

Offensive sweat of feet.

Tearing and painful jerks, now here, and again there, through all limbs.

Tearing rheumatic pains in extremities.

Back: Stiff neck, with pain from nape to between shoulders, when turning.

Tearing pains in sides of neck, alternating with tearing in cheek.

** A fatty swelling on neck, extending from ear to ear.

Small, painful, nonsuppurating tubercles on right scapula.

Bruised and sprained pain between scapula.

Stitches in left scapula.

Pinching in muscles of right scapula.

Coldness in back and between shoulders, not relieved by feather or wool covering, followed by itching. θ Pulmonary affections.

Backache (at night).

Pain in small of back, “As if bruised or crushed”, during rest or motion, also at night, in bed; could neither lie on back nor side.

Stiffness in small of back.

Severe pain in lumbo-sacral region. θ Prevailing fever.

Sleep: Languor during day, with laziness.

Constant yawning without sleepiness, mornings.

Sleepiness early in evening, eyelids fall shut; > after candlelight.

Cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of cold feet.

Heat in head prevents sleep before midnight.

Restless sleep, and waking after midnight.

Anxious, fearful dreams, starts out of sleep.

Dreams: of falling into water; of sickness; lascivious.

Wakes at 2 h. from violent cutting in abdomen.

Wakes at night: from sneezing, with tickling in throat, causing cough; pain in small of back.

Generally < after getting out of bed.

Skin: Itching on various parts of body, generally evenings, before going to bed, > afterwards.

Fine rash over whole body, like measles.

Smallpox more on trunk and upper limbs.

Blisters on various parts, with tension, burning and formation of scurf.

Fever: Chilliness evenings, after lying down, and as often as she awakens; without thirst.

Chill, with external coldness in evening and from uncovering at night.

Chill running up back.

Chill alternating every half hour, with heat.

Chill and heat, ending with copious sweat; 7th day of typhoid.

Heat with red, puffed-up face, particularly in warm room, and after bodily exertion.

Thirst with heat.

Flushes of heat in frequent attacks, ending each time with sweat, which is most profuse in face, palms of hands, and soles of feet.

Sweat day and night, following heat.

Profuse night-sweat over whole body, most copious after midnight and early in morning in bed.

Sweat without thirst.

Sweat increased by every motion.

Sweat on lower part of body.


Rest, Position, Motion: REST, POSITION, MOTION.

Has to walk crooked. θ Uterine displacement.

Cannot walk erect, on account of a pain as from a sprain in groins.

During rest: backache.

Lying: drawing tension in legs; chilly in evening.

Lying on ear: sensation as if something would come out.

Lying on back: loose cough at night with stitches in left hypochondrium.

Cannot lie on back or side: with backache.

Walking: stitches in ears in open air; stitching and burning in right hypochondrium; tearing and tension in groin; stitching and tearing in perineum; heaviness of chest in open air; heaviness on chest very great; must limp from pain in left hip; hamstrings seem too short; sudden prostration.

Motion: backache; increases sweat; pains in limbs better.

From exertion: heat and puffiness of face.

After rising: pressure in forehead.

Must rise: with stitches in spleen.

Stooping: stitches in head and splitting sensation; asthma.

Turning: pain from stiff neck to between shoulders.

Turning from back to side: cough with stitches in left hypochondrium worse.

Sitting: stitches in spleen; stitches in right groin; soreness up rectum; gnawing in left hip bone; tearing in front of thighs; drawing tension in legs; stitches in knee.

Moving arms: asthma.

Must stand still: from heaviness on chest.

Standing: beating like pulse in left chest.

Nerves: NERVES.

Ebullitions with anxiety and weakness as if paralyzed.

Sudden prostration after dinner, when walking in open air.

Great weakness, mornings.

Prostration and great weariness.

Time: < after rising in morning.

Night: digging and tearing in right ear; frequent and profuse urination; menstrual flow most profuse; cough loose; heaviness in chest; backache; tearing in heels, in bed; cold feet in bed; restless sleep, awakes frequently; chill from uncovering; sweating, most copious after midnight.

At 2 h. awakened by cutting in abdomen.

At 3 h. awakened with heaviness in chest.

At 4 h. < vesical tenesmus

Early morning: sweating most copious.

Morning: irritability; heaviness of forehead after rising; eyes agglutinated; stitches in spleen; green diarrheic stools; cough dry; beating in left chest; great weakness; constant yawning and sleepiness; bruised pain all over after rising.

Night and day: dry cough; sweat.

All day: heaviness of forehead; languor and laziness.

Afternoon: burning and stitching in right hypochondrium; hoarseness and burning in larynx; cough loose.

Twilight: burning of eyes.

At 18 h. attacks of cough daily.

Evening: has most thirst; cutting and stitching in ossa pubium to back; stitches in knee when sitting; itching in sole of r. foot; sleepy early; chilly; itching in various parts.

Midnight: cannot fall asleep till then from cold feet and heat in head.

Temperature and Weather: > warm bath

Warm covering: does not relieve coldness in back.

Out-doors: < mist before eyes.

Open air: stitches in ears when walking; heat of face passes off; heaviness of chest when walking; sudden prostration when walking.

In room: mist before eyes >; heat and puffiness of face when warm.

In bed: tearing in heels; cold feet; itching in various parts becomes better.

Uncovering: chilly at night.

After washing: burning in canthi.

Periodicity: Stitching pain in toes, comes slowly and goes slowly.

Septimani: chill and fever followed by profuse sweat every seventh day.

Daily: cough beginning at 18 h.

Chills # heat every half hour.

7th day of typhus; chill and heat ending with copious sweat.

Flushes of heat ending with sweat in frequent attacks.

Locality and Direction: Tearing and jerking through all limbs change locality often.

Tearing and jerking through all limbs change locality often.

Right: tearing in temple and side of face; itching pimples side of occiput; humming and roaring in ear; digging and tearing in ear; ear affected for years; burning and stitching in axilla, and in hypochondrium; pain from side of pubes to back; stitches in groin; painful tension below breast; bruised pain in lower chest; small tubercles, blisters, scurf on scapula; pinching in muscles of scapula; stitches in scapula when inspiring; arm heavy and rigid; tearing from elbow to fingers.

Left: stitches in temple and side of head; ulcerative pain in nostril; external swelling of nostril; bleeding from nostril; swelling of gums side of lower jaw; stitches in abdomen above hip; pain as if sprained in side of abdomen and groin; stitches and beating in spermatic cord; stitches in chest and hypochondrium with cough; beating at a small spot in chest; soreness in chest; red spots on chest; stitches in scapula; tearing in arm; tearing in wrist; stitching and beating under thumb-nail; pain in hip; contraction in lower part of leg.

Right and left: rheumatic pain in shoulder joint.

Diagonally: burning and stitching from scrobiculum to r. axilla.

Before backward: stitches in abdomen and groin.

Tearing from heart to left forearm.

Sensations: “As if brain was torn“; „As if head was split“; „As if occiput was screwed in“; „As if a body arose in left eye which impeded sight“; „As if ear and throat were connected“; „As from a load in lower abdomen“; „As if abdomen would burst; swollen feeling in groins“; „As if a morsel of food had lodged in throat; blood seems to be in constant ebullition“; „A running sensation between skin and muscles”.

Dull heavy pains: in head, with vertigo and pallor.

Pain: from right side of pubes to hip and small of back; in lumbo-sacral region; in left hip as if tendons were too short; in abdomen and back, with menses.

Stitches: in left temple and side of head; in vertex when stooping; in ears; in submaxillary gland; in upper incisors; to left temple, from swollen gums; in throat; in chest with hiccough or cough; in scrobiculum; in hypochondria; in spleen; in abdomen above left hip; from pubes to small of back; in right groin, coming out behind hip; in perineum; in left spermatic cord; in left scapula; in right scapula when inspiring; under left thumbnail; in knee-joint; and tearing in heels; in toes.

Stinging: in rectum.

Cutting: from ossa pubium to small of back.

Tearing pain: in right temple and through right side of face; in temples and occiput; in head, causing nausea; in r. ear; in bones of face; in groin; in perineum; from cardiac region into left arm; in side of neck, alternating with tearing in cheek; in left arm to fingers; and drawing from right elbow to fingers; in left wrist; in front part of thighs; and stitches in heels; through limbs.

Burning: of eyes; in canthi; of ears; in larynx; heat of face; eruption on face; of lips; in blister on tip of tongue; in scrobiculum; in right hypochondrium; in rectum; at small spots in chest; red spots on left chest; in blisters on right scapula; in small blisters on wrist.

Smarting: in rectum.

Rawness: in throat, back of uvula.

Soreness: and tenderness of nose; of nose and nostrils; of mouth and lips; in throat; in a spot behind soft palate; in stomach; in groins; in rectum; itching in rectum; in lungs; in left chest.

Pressure: in forehead towards root of nose; in throat when swallowing; and stitches in chest.

Bruised pain: in lower right chest; between scapula; in small of back; in whole body in morning after rising.

Tensive pain: in articulations of jaw; in groin; below right breast; in blisters on right scapula; and drawing in legs.

Ulcerative pain: in left nostril; in heels.

Gnawing: in stomach; in left hip bone.

Boring and digging: in ears.

Pinching: in muscles of right scapula.

Griping: about navel.

Contractive pain: in occiput.

Cramplike contraction: in left hip; in hamstrings; in lower l. leg.

Sprained feeling: in left side of abdomen; in groin; between scapula.

Lame feeling: in stomach.

Rooting and rolling: in right ear as if something would come out; in stomach.

Neuralgic pains: in head; in feet.

Rheumatic pains: in head; in varices; first in right, then in left shoulder joint; in limbs.

Heaviness: with fullness in head; in forehead; in lower abdomen; of chest; and rigidity of right arm.

Fullness: of head; in throat; in stomach; in abdomen.

Empty sensation: in stomach as from fasting; in throat, with no desire to eat.

Pulsating: in submaxillary gland; in tonsils; in glands of neck; in breast near oesophagus; in left spermatic cord; small spot in left chest; in finger, like panaritium;

under nail of left thumb; in various places.

Drawing: in submaxillary gland; from right elbow to fingers.

"Gone to sleep" feeling: in feet.

Itching: of scalp; pimples on right side of occiput; in ears; in nose with sensation of a foreign body; of rectum; in throat, followed by expectoration of blood;

red spots on l. chest; between scapula; on inside of forearm; in small blisters on wrist; in sole of right foot; on various parts before going to bed.

Tickling: in throat.

Crawling: in throat, causing cough.

Coldness: between scapula; of feet.

Stiffness: in small of back.

Dryness: in throat.

Tissues: Orgasm of blood.

Produces an increased secretion of mucus; hence useful in catarrhs.

Burning, rawness, on mucous surfaces; later formation of vesicles and ulcers.

Tension in joints as from shortening of muscles.

** Fatty tumors.

** Obesity.

Touch, passive Motion, Injuries: Touch: left nostril sensitive.

Pressure: with finger relieves pain in decayed tooth; red spots on chest become pale.

Scratching: does not relieve itching in ears; causes itching blisters on wrist to burn.

Rubbing: relieves pain in heels.



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