Ammonium muriaticum Anhang


= Mur-ac-ähnlich


Gemüt: Großen Kummer, den sie in sich hineinfressen. Wichtig! das Bedürfnis zu weinen ohne Tränen. Hat kein Ventil für ihren Kummer und frisst ihn daher immer stärker in sich hinein,

was sie krank macht.

ERschöpft und häufig sehr melancholisch. Der Kummer und vielerlei Ängste belasten sehr. Weiß sich nicht zu helfen.

Auffällig ist eine gewisse Unförmigkeit/sehr stämmig gebaut mit auffallend dünne Beinen (scheinen unpassend).

Die große Last, die sie mit sich herumtragen, macht sie träge, müde und schwerfällig.

Körper: Auch auf körperlicher Ebene wird kein Ventil gefunden. Körperflüssigkeiten werden im Übermaß produziert, doch der Körper kann sie nicht abfließen lassen.

Kopf: „Als ob vollgestopft“. Haarausfall.               

Sicht getrübt/man kann einen Schleier auf seinen/ihren Augen erkennen.

Nase. „Als ob vollgestopft“/Sekret, das herauskommt, ist wässrig und wund machend. Unmöglich die Nase zur Gänze freizubekommen/kann nichts mehr riechen.

Husten: + eitrige, unangenehm schmeckenden Auswurf.

Mandeln ANgeschwollen, mit ein Pochen im Hals.

Blut (alle Körperflüssigkeiten) reichlich, aber ohne Ventil, so dass die Gefäße zu stark gefüllt sind, folgt Blutandrang spürt, verstärkt die Pulsation des Herzens.

Magen-Darm-Trakt: Verstopfung:. Der Kot ist sehr hart und zu vielen kleinen Kugeln geformt. Es kommt immer eine große Portion an Schleim mit heraus.

Menses sehr reichlich (dunkelrot bis bräunlich geronnen). Nachts ist Fluss STARK. Menses + Durchfall und zwickenden Bauchschmerzen.

Frösteln auf dem Rücken. Besonders zwischen den Schulterblättern. Eine warme Decke kann die Schulterregion nicht aufwärmen.

Reißen in den Gelenken und die verkrampfte Wadenmuskulatur. Die Sehnen stehen unter Spannung, und „Als ob zu kurz“.

Fieber: sehr langsam ansteigend. hat keine hochakuten Krankheitsprozesse, alles ist schleichend langsam.

Abends nach dem zu Bett gehen Fröstelt es sehr, auch erwachend. Schüttelfrost dominiert das Fieber, ohne Durstgefühl. Allgemein kälteempfindLICH.

< nachts/während Menses/nach dem Stuhlgang. Im Gegensatz zu Amm-c. tut es Amm-m. gut, betroffene Stellen zu baden.

>: im Freien/bei Bewegung (geht sehr gerne Joggen, die kontinuierliche Bewegung). Schmerz > massieren.

Schmerz im Kopf und Brust vor allem am Morgen/Bauchschmerz vor allem nachmittags nach dem Mittagessen. Abends Gelenken schmerzen und die Haut beginnt zu jucken.


[Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - James Tyler Kent]

Generalities: The patient frequently feels a boiling throughout the body as if in the blood vessel.

Sensitive to cold. Many complaints increase while in the open air. Flushes of heat, ending in sweat.

Tearing pains and smarting prevail extensively. Burning and excoriation of mucous membranes.

Drawing or sensation of shortening of tendons. It is a long-acting remedy.

Mind: There are few reliable mental symptoms known. Anxiety, fretfulness and antipathy to certain persons. Neuralgic and, rheumatic pains in the head. Tearing pains in the head.

Head: Stitching and tearing in the temples. Itching of the scalp and other parts. Rash all over body like measles.

Eyes: It cures capsular cataract, when the symptoms agree. Yellow spots before the eyes. Burning of the lids and balls in twilight or dim light. Mist before the eyes in a bright light.

Ears: Burning of the ears when walking in cold air. Difficult hearing. Catarrh of right ear, throat and larynx.

Nose and coryza: Much sneezing, watery burning discharge, yet stoppage of nose. Coryza with burning in larynx. It has been used extensively in traditional medicine for coryza.

Some sore throat and inflammation of the larynx.

For these troubles in olden times the large chunk of sal ammoniac was produced, a few crystals shaved off with a common jack knife into a glass of water. All got the same thing,

regardless of symptoms.

Some were cured promptly of these bad colds, with or without fever. It is now an overlooked remedy. Its symptoms should be carefully studied.

Face: With many of its complaints there is much pallor of the face. Tearing in the bones of the face. Swelling of the submaxillary and parotid glands with stitching pains.

Mouth: Burning and excoriation of mouth and lips, like Am. c. Tongue swollen. It is a very useful remedy for nondescript sore throat; but especially useful where there is marked

burning and much viscid mucus, pulsating in the neck and glands of neck, great swelling, pale face, stitching in the throat, great pain on swallowing, with or without thirst.

Stomach: Eructations of food as eaten, and vomiting. Sensation of hunger with fullness, which is a flatulent state. Empty feeling, gnawing in the stomach and spleen. Burning, stitching,

tearing pains in the abdomen.

Abdomen: Distension from flatus. Much grumbling in the bowels. Much pain in inguinal region. Pain in abdomen and back during menses. The abdomen is fat, relaxed and heavy,

and the lower limbs are lean.

Rectum and anus: Excoriation and burning of the rectum and anus during and long after stool. Stitching, tearing pains in the perineum. Hard, crumbling stool, most difficult to expel;

must use the abdominal muscles.

Stool: Diarrhea when the stools are like scrapings, bloody and watery; also green slimy stools in the morning. Diarrhea and vomiting during mensesEnlarged prostate, enlarged uterus.

Female organs: Menses too soon each month, with pain in back and abdomen. The flow is black and clotted. During menses there is often haemorrhage from the bowels or rectum with

cholera-like symptoms. Copious uterine haemorrhage. Copious white painless leucorrhoea. With all the abdominal and menstrual symptoms there is copious flatus, with rumbling and

colic (pale, sickly, feeble women).

Chest: In catarrhal troubles ext. into the larynx and bronchial tubes, with stitching, tearing, burning.

Respiratory organs: Hoarseness and loss of voice, with burning in the larynx. Constantly scraping white mucus from the larynx. Difficult breathing when using the arms or from manual labor.

Weight on the chest in open or cold air. Dry cough from constant tickling in the larynx. Daily recurring suffocating cough. In weakly people going toward phthisis, with daily dry cough

and fast pulse.

Extremities: Violent backache at waist line, < at night. Coldness between the shoulders.

Stitching, drawing, tearing in limbs. Drawing in the limbs. Tension in the muscles and tendons of the lower limbs.

Tension in posterior part of thighs when walking. Cold feet at night in bed. Copious night sweats latter part of night. Flushes of heat and fever.


[William Boericke]

Sal Ammoniac

A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state is produced by this remedy. All mucous secretions are increased and retained. It is especially adapted to fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles. Coughs associated with catarrhs and affections of liver. A tendency to irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, pulsations, etc. Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough, profuse glairy secretions. Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and chest symptoms are < mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. “Boiling” sensation.

Mind: Melancholy, apprehensive; like from internal grief. Desire to cry, but cannot. Consequences of grief.

Head: Hair falls out, with itchings and dandruff. Feels full, compressed; < morning.

Eyes: Mist before eyes, optical illusions in incipient cataract; capsular cataract.

Nose: Free acrid, hot watery discharge corroding the lip. Sneezing. Nose sore to touch; ulcerative pain in nostrils. Loss of smell. Obstructed, stuffy feeling; constant and unavailing efforts to blow it out. Itching.

Face: Inflammatory face-ache.

Mouth: and lips sore and excoriated.

Throat: Throbbing in, and swelling of tonsils, can scarcely swallow. Sore spot behind uvula, relieved by eating. Internal and external swelling of throat with viscid phlegm. So touch, it cannot be hawked up. Tonsillitis. Stricture of œsophagus.

Stomach: Thirst for lemonade, regurgitation of food, bitter waterbrash. Nausea. Gnawing in stomach. Epigastric pain immediately after eating. Cancer of stomach.

Abdomen: Splenic stitches (morning) with difficult breathing. Pain around navel. Symptoms appear during pregnancy. Chronic congestion of liver. Excessive fatty deposit around abdomen. Much flatus. Strained feeling in groin.

Rectum: Itching and hæmorrhoids, soreness with pustules. Hard, crumbly stool, or covered with glairy mucus. Stinging in perineum. Green mucus stools alternate with constipation. During and after stool, burning and smarting in rectum. Hæmorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhœa.

Female organs: Menses too early, too free, dark, clotted; flow more at night. Pain as if sprained in left side of abdomen during pregnancy. Diarrhœa, greenish mucous stools, and navel pain during menses. Leucorrhœa, like white of an egg (Alum; Bor; Calc p); with pain about the navel; brown, slimy after every urination.

Respiratory organs: Hoarseness and burning in larynx. Dry, hacking, scraping cough; < lying on back/r. side. Stitches in chest.

Oppression of chest. Burning at small spots in chest. Scanty secretion.

Cough: loose in afternoon, with profuse expectoration and rattling of mucus.

Cough with profuse salivation.

Back: Icy coldness between shoulders; not > warm covering, followed by itching. Bruised pain in coccyx when sitting. Backache, “As if in a vise” when sitting.

Extremities: Pain as from ulceration in finger tips. Shooting and tearing in tips of finger and toes. Ulcerative pain in heels. Contraction of hamstring tendons. Sciatica, < sitting, > lying. Neuralgic pain in amputated limbs. Offensive sweaty feet. Pain in feet during menses.

Skin: Itching, generally evenings. Blisters on various parts. Intense burning > cold applications.

Fever: Chilliness evenings after lying down and on awakening, without thirst. Heat in palms and soles. Sub acute, low fevers due to unhealthy climate.

Modalities: > open air. < head and chest symptoms in the morning; abdominal symptoms in the afternoon.


[Frans Vermeulen]

Night brings our troubles to the light, rather than banishes them.


Appears either as crystals or as a gas. There is no liquid phase. The white, crystalline substance is saline, cooling and slightly bitter in taste. Being readily hydroscopic, it should be kept away from moisture. It vaporizes without melting at 340° C to form equal volumes of ammonia and hydrogen chloride.

"Known as sal ammoniac in the West, nao sha in China, nao sadar in India, and nushadir in Persia and Arabic lands, the chloride of ammonia first became known to the West in the Chou-i ts'an t'ung ch'i, a Chinese treatise of the 2nd century AD. It was to be crucial to alchemy, for on sublimation it dissociates into antagonistic corrosive materials, ammonia and hydrochloric acid, which readily attack metals."1 Mercury ammonium chloride was the sal alembroth of alchemy, also called salt of wisdom. The eagle, queen of birds, signifies sal ammoniac, because of its lightness in sublimations. [In many places Paracelsus, however, uses it for precipitated mercury.]

Chiefly used as an electrolyte in dry cells. It is also employed in dyeing printing textiles, in tanning leather, in freezing mixtures, in safety explosives, and as a constituent of galvanizing, tinning, and soldering fluxes to remove oxide coatings from metals and thereby improving the adhesion of the solders. In medicine it is used as a stimulant expectorant [coughs and colds], as a cholagogue, as a urinary acidifier and diuretic [to relieve alkalosis], as a cooling and stimulating skin wash, as an acidifier in eye lotions, and to promote lead excretion. The food industry uses sal ammoniac as a dough conditioner and a yeast food in bread, rolls, and buns, as well as in the beer stages of the fermentation of the wort in brewing. Salmiac is the main ingredient of salt liquorice, a confectionery having a laxative effect.

Adding sal ammoniac [ammonium chloride] to nitric acid gives aqua regia, so named for its ability to dissolve the royal metal, gold.

"Salmiac dissociates as the salt of a strong acid and in contrast to the carbonate is stronger electrically and less hydrolytic. The lack of odour of this salt suggests that no ammonia is set free. Therefore in the organism the liberation of ammonia is less stormy so that the elaboration to urea and the excretion through the urine and sweat in general is more extensive. With larger doses an increased secretion of a urinous smelling sweat is observed. One may expect from ammonium muriaticum a more prolonged ammonium action and moreover in the liberation from hydrochloric acid and its neutralization [through sodium] an approximation of Mur-ac. and Nat-m. Likewise Magnesia muriatica is recalled particularly by the gastrointestinal symptoms.

In being less hydrolytic, it lacks the hydrogenoid trend and the aggravation from damp and cold of Am-c."

Ammonium chloride includes both extremes of coldness and heat: it keeps snow from melting on ski slopes, and it occurs in nature in volcanic regions [Mt. Vesuvius, Italy/Paricutin Volcano, Michoacan, Mexico]. It forms on volcanic rocks near fume releasing vents. The crystallization occurs as the gases are escaping. The crystals tend to be short-lived; they will be removed during the first rain of their existence [sal ammoniac is very soluble in water].

DARK - LIGHT Sal ammoniac clarifies and sal ammoniac blurs. As a coating on dark objects that are about to be photographed it adds detail to the subject and thus improves the picture. Employed in heater coils it produces smoke, a popular effect used in theatrical productions.

PROVINGS •• [1] Hahnemann - 3 provers; method: unknown.

•• Gumpert - 7 patients; method: 'Dr. Gumpert commenced by administering 1/2 or 1 dram in 24 hours, increasing doses by 1 dram every 3 or 4 days, until 4-6 drams were taken daily.'

[1] Encyclopaedia Britannica. Leeser, Hom. Materia Medica, Inorganic Medicinal Substances.


MUCOUS MEMBRANES [CHEST; gall ducts]. Liver. Blood. Female organs. Tips of fingers and toes. * Right side. Left side.


<: Morning [head, chest]/afternoon [abdomen]/evening [skin, fever, limbs]/at night/in bed/sprains [chronic]/periodically/during menses/after stool/after urination/walking erect/sitting/open air;

>: Open air/motion (rapid/continued)/rubbing the part/warm bath/walking stooped/eating;



Anxiety / Restlessness at night. - Delusions / visions of fire. - Irritability during headache. Misanthropy. - Heaviness of head in morning on rising. - Headache during menses. - Headache < warm room. - Burning pain in eyes in morning. - Exertion of vision <. - Coryza and laryngitis and hoarseness. - Epistaxis from blowing the nose. - Cracked lips. - Sour taste in mouth after eating. - Extreme thirst. - Frequent urination at night. - Copious menses at night; dark, black, clotted. - Letting limbs hang down >. - Dreams: anxious; journeys; water.

Aversion to meat. - After perspiration >. - Pressure >.

Main symptoms

* Similar to Nat-m. and Mag-m. [reserved, withdrawn, suppressed grief], due to the muriaticum-element, as well as to Nitrogen [criticism, hatred, resentment].

Sadness but CANNOT WEEP.

More reserved and closed than Am-c.

• "Less stormy."

• "But deep inside they feel an enormous resentment." [Scholten]

Ailments from grief; disappointment.

• "Anxious dreams, with feeling of embarrassment; anxious dreams of fire, of water, of going over deep water, of bad bridges, of danger of being drowned." [Hoyne]

Irritability and bad humour, esp. in the morning and Aversion to talk.

But: "Excitement when talking on an important subject." [Allen]

Resentment from disappointment.

• "They miss a feeling of security."

• "Very critical, not even the smallest matter escapes their criticism."

• "Aversion to company, conversation and consolation."

• "They feel that there is very little gentleness and love left in this world. If they do happen to come across some expression of this love, they are very quick to kill it with their criticism. Not many people can stand this cynicism for very long and people soon give up trying to be kind to them. This keeps the vicious circle going, the Ammonium muriaticums become hard and they feel that they have to be in order to protect themselves against the hardness of other people." [Scholten]


TIGHTNESS, as if too short: tendons, hamstrings, lumbar region, etc.

> Continued motion.

Irregular circulation; ebullitions, burning or localized pulsations.


Sensitivity to COLD.

Tendency to acrid coryza [watery, corroding upper lip].

Leading to obstruction of nose and loss of smell, but without the paroxysmal respiratory dyspnoea as with Am-c.

Sneezing in sleep.

• "One nostril is usually stopped-up at a time; there is an excoriating, watery discharge from the nose, which makes the inside of the nostrils and upper lip sore. The throat is swollen, so that the patient cannot open his mouth. The mouth and throat are filled with a viscid phlegm, which the patient expels with great difficulty." [Farrington]

Perspiration most profuse after midnight and in the morning, in bed.

Great thirst, esp. in evening.

[Frequent urination, esp. towards morning.]

< 3-4 h./MORNING;

> LYING [on the BACK (< Cough)]

> Bathing the affected part.

Catarrhal [nasal or chest] affections and feeling of coldness between the scapulae.

Increased [watery and acrid] discharges.


CONTRACTION OF HAMSTRINGS, which seem tight when walking [walks stooped].

< Morning. > Continued motion.

Paleness of face, but: "The face reddens during a short, animated conversation, esp. so in a warm room."

Sciatica < sitting, > lying; contracted, tensive sensation.

And Numbness of feet.


Urticaria and swelling of axillary glands. [Hoyne]


Mind: Abusive; children insulting parents. Anger with taciturnity. Anxiety as if paralyzed. Aversion to certain persons. Blasphemy and cursing. Delusion enemy is under the bed; head is surrounded by fire; a grief weighed upon him [1; Con.]; sword hanging over head. Envy and hate. Irritability > after eating. Desire for light. Sadness, in darkness; > after eating; but cannot weep.

Eye: Burning pain in eyes in morning > washing, > bright light, > candlelight. Photophobia in morning.

Vision: Foggy, in bright light, in sunlight, > washing.

Nose: Constant inclination to blow the nose from sensation of a large body in nose. Coryza during menses. Epistaxis preceded by itching. Sneezing wakes him from sleep.

Teeth: Pain, during coryza.

Stomach: Eructations > after eating. Sensation of fullness during hunger.

Rectum: Haemorrhage from anus during menses.

Urine: Copious urine night before menses.

Female organs: Menses, copious at night; > motion. Prolapsus, uterus, walks bent.

Respiratory organs: Difficult, on motion of arms, on stooping.

Chest: Oppression > eructations.

Back: Coldness, dorsal region, between scapulae, with cough.

Limbs: Heat palms of hands in evening after lying down, heat soles of feet in evening after lying down.

Sleep: Sleepiness, evening, twilight. Sleeplessness, easily frightened.

Dreams: Horse biting him in arm. Difficulties. Falling into water. Difficulties on journeys. Being lost in a forest.

Food and Drinks:

Aversion to: Meat;

Desires: Lemonade/brandy/chocolate/coffee/pickles/sour/sugar/sweets;

<: Potatoes/wine;



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