Ammonium aceticum (Am-ac)
Schweiß gebadet/Fieber;
(bathing in sweat) and urine (diabetes). Heat emanates from the abdomen, skin
and face. The head hangs heavy with this cloud + scraping sensation in the
A cooling sweetish taste and the compound was formerly called the Spirit
of Mindererus. It was used medicinally as a febrifuge sudorific. So the cloud
that hangs over this remedy is that of fever and an outpouring of liquid in the
form of perspiration and urine (diabetes). They are bathed in sweat. Heat
emanates from the abdomen, skin and face. The head hangs heavy with this cloud
accompanied with a scraping sensation in the throat.
Urin: Zucker
Weibliche Genitalien: Menses schmerzhaft
Fieber: im Allgemeinen/Hitze
Schweiß: im Allgemeinen/reichlich
Allgemeines: Diabetes insipidus/Diabetes mellitus
Vergleich: ‡ Ammoniums haben Sulphur-eigenschaften ‡
Ammoniums + Acetatgruppe
Antidotiert: Ars-h.