Ammonium picrinicum (Am-pic) = Ammoniumpikrat/als Sprengstoff. gebraucht/C6H6N4O7/


Negativ: Pain in occiput and mastoid region. Whooping cough.

Periodical neuralgia in right side of occiput; boring ext. ear/orbit/jaw

Vertigo on rising

Periodic bilious headaches (Sanguin).

Head injury

[Joy Lucas]

A cloud of bitter bile, bitterness dominates this remedy. Whatever has gone wrong in their life it has made them very bitter and sour in their outlook. Affects the liver (obviously), there is periodicity,

violent headaches rising from the occiput, congestion about the brain and spinal cord. They cannot function due to a wild feeling this creates. Might be a history of whooping cough (common with

the ammoniums). Generally right sided;


Gemüt: Erregt (nervös)

Kopf: Schmerzwenige

Kopfverletzungen = Ursache

Auge: Schmerz in Augenhöhlen

Ohr: Entzündung - Processus mastoideus

Schmerz (bohrend/in Processus mastoideus)

Gesicht: Schmerz in Kiefer

Husten: Keuchhusten

Schlaf im Allgemeinen

Fieber: Intermittierendes, chronisches Fieber, Wechselfieber

Allgemeines: 3 h./Malaria/Schmerz (neuralgisch)


Vergleich: Siehe: Ammoniums + Picricumgruppe 



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