Amyl(enum) nitrosum Anhang


[Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus/Dr. Martine Cachin Jus]

The homoeopathic Materia Medica includes more than 2000 remedies, many have been proved insufficiently or in strictly clinical trials. Many of these medicines have unknown healing properties; our duty is to discover them. Suffering on this planet is on the rise; we are confronted with more severe and complicated diseases like AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis etc. This development proves to be an additional motivation to research and prove our medicines systematically. With this homoeopathic proving the Dr.B.K.Bose Trust has contributed to homoeopathic research; which has only been made possible by generous donations.

A seriously and carefully conducted HP is a very time-consuming project. It took us 1˝ years from planning stage to publishing; bearing in mind that we only proved one substance: Amylenum nitrosum.

The Homoeopathic Proving (HP)

‘Let likes be treated with likes’

This fundamental principle of homoeopathy is based on the following: The healing power of a medicine lies within its power to alter the state of health in a healthy person.

Hahnemann was the first to apply this principle as a foundation of an art of healing.

The homoeopathic Materia Medica is a list of sensations and symptoms provoked by single remedies in healthy individuals. In 1790 Hahnemann when translating Cullens’ (a physician from Edinburgh)

Materia Medica he came across the author’s statement with regards to the action of China bark. It was common medical practice to treat malaria and other fevers with China bark. Cullens had related the therapeutic effect

to the bitterness of the substance, an explanation that did not convince Hahnemann. There were many more bitter substances which would not act on fevers. Hahnemann himself had suffered from malaria at a young age;

and he had been cured by China bark.

Materia Medica he came across the author’s statement with regards to the action of China bark. It was common medical practice to treat malaria and other fevers with China bark. Cullens had related the therapeutic effect

to the bitterness of the substance, an explanation that did not convince Hahnemann. There were many more bitter substances which would not act on fevers. Hahnemann himself had suffered from malaria at a young age;

and he had been cured by China bark.

He decided to test its effects on him. He took a small daily dose of China bark and soon observed all the common symptoms of malaria appear. He repeated the trial several times; every single time it evoked the same symptoms. This experiment was the beginning of the development of homoeopathy. He then tested on himself, his family, friends and students several common medicines. The evoked symptoms of these provings were recorded meticulously. Hahnemann proved around 100 substances himself. He was the one who introduced homoeopathic proving on healthy individuals; and the first to compare the proved symptoms with disease-

symptoms; and in 1796 he formulated the Law of Similars: “Similia similibus curentur”. In “The Organon Hahnemann” laid down the exact rules and procedures for homoeopathic proving.

1. The HP has to be conducted on healthy human beings.

2. Only a single substance is to be proved.

3. The substance has to be proved on men and women.

4. Only potentized substances should be proved.


Our HP

The substance was proved in a double-blind and placebo-controlled trial; neither the supervisor nor the provers knew the nature of the drug or which prover had received the drug or the placebo. Amylenum nitrosum (Aml-ns)

was proved in 30C and 200C potencies; 46 volunteers took part in the trial.


46 utilisable reports

24 female provers (52%)

22 male provers (48%)

9 provers received placebo (14.5%)


The provers had to meet exact requirements; they had to be mentally and physically healthy. Before the trial they were interviewed individually.

After having taken the remedy the provers had to observe and record meticulously all the symptoms (physical, mental, sleep, dreams etc.). Over a period of 3 months they had to differentiate between old, new or peculiar symptoms.


Amylenum nitrosum, also called amyl nitrite; chemical formula C5H11ON; is a chemical compound which, since the 19th century, has been used in treating angina pectoris. It is a fast acting vasodilator, i.e. causes the arteries

to dilate, thus increasing the blood flow to the heart, resulting in a better oxygen supply.

The substance is inhaled; it is sold in small glass capsules wrapped in gauze, which are crushed between the fingers. It is a clear yellow liquid that smells peculiar, fruity and like a solvent, when fresh; when stale it smells like ‘sweaty socks’. The liquid is highly volatile and vaporises at room temperature.

Today, due to its adverse effects, amyl nitrite has been replaced by nitro glycerine (= Glon.).

Common adverse effects of amyl nitrite are, amongst others: severe headache, vertigo, flushing of face, decrease of blood pressure, increased pulse, nausea,

vomiting, cyanosis, shortness of breath, restlessness, confusion, fainting.

Amylenum nitrosum in homoeopathy


Aml-ns had been proved by T.F.Allen, the results of his proving were published in 1874. He had proved the crude substance, i.e. the provers inhaled the vapour, which was the common clinical use. No records existed of a

proving of the potentized remedy. Aml-ns is not used very often; since it is only being known to affect the heart.

Researchers from the Indian Council for Homoeopathic Research informed Dr. M.S. Jus of the therapeutic value of Aml-ns. in treating AIDS. (Field trials are being conducted in India). This led to the decision of conducting

a HP of the medicine (30C and 200C) according to the homoeopathic laws.

Surprise Finding

Since the trial was double-blind, the supervisor was only informed about the nature of the drug after the data had been collected. To gain more information about amyl nitrite, she looked it up on the internet. Much to her

surprise she got onto an erotic homepage for homosexuals. The street term for amyl nitrite (and other alkyl nitrites) is poppers; it is widely used in sexually active circles. It is sold in adult-shops. The name ‘poppers’ derives

from the popping noise, when the glass ampoule is crushed.

Trials on humans and animals have suggested that regular use weakens the immune system. This led to a ban of amyl nitrite in the USA in1969; though it is still available as a room odorant.

            Amyl nitrite and AIDS

In the 1970s poppers became very popular within the gay communities. In the 1980’s the carcinogenic effects of volatile nitrites were first published. It can also damage chromosomes and cause methaemoglobiaemia.

In 1981 the first AIDS cases were reported and poppers were on top of the list of causing agents. Epidemiologic and clinical studies suggested a link between poppers and Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS). KS is malignant tumour of the connective tissue, which later affects mucous membranes of mouth, nose and throat and inner organs (liver, spleen, brain, bones).

Kaposi’s Sarcoma is caused by a virus known as the human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8). (

Until 1980 KP was a rare disease amongst homosexuals in the USA; so was Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP). In June 1981 5 cases of PCP were recorded. These 5 patients had never met and had no history of STD; all of them were popper users. A month later 15 people were diagnosed with PCP and 26 cases of KS were reported. All of them had a deficient immune system – and all used poppers. In the body nitrites produce nitrosamines; they are carcinogenic and Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS)


There are four types of Kaposi’s Sarcoma:

1. Classic KS: Affects Eastern European and Italian men over 50; lesions develop on the extremities, rarely in gastrointestinal tract.

2. African KP: develops in people living n Equatorial Africa; various forms.

3. Transplant-Related KP: persons, whose immune systems have been suppressed after an organ-transplant, can develop it.

4. AIDS-Related KS: more aggressive form; often the first lesions develop in the mouth – where interestingly poppers are applied as well.

The link between poppers, AIDS and KS is quite interesting and will be discussed further in the publication of this HP.

Guiding picture of Amylenum nitrosum

The results of this HP have exceeded our expectations. Not only could the symptoms proved by Allen be verified; but also many new symptoms appeared.

This is a summary of the proved symptoms. The guiding picture relates to symptoms, which occurred in many provers; and symptoms which some provers proved very intensely.




The remedy had a distinctive effect on the mind.

. Overwhelming tiredness und sleepiness. No Energy. The body feels heavy, beaten, worn out. Exhaustion.

. Confused. Absent-minded. Not concentrated. Unclear.

- Feels like being asleep. Like the head being in a fog. Thoughts are unclear.

- Confused about the day of the week. Which day is it today?

- No orientation, not concentrated; takes the wrong road to the supermarket twice.

. Forgetful. Memory problems, esp. short term memory.

- Want to do something; 2 minutes later I have forgotten, I don’t think of it anymore.

- Forgetful; I don’t remember what I just wanted to say; I don’t remember names of people I know well.

- Difficulties to express himself. Confuses words and terms, names; omits letters when talking and writing; Problems to write numbers, e.g. 69, what is first, the 6 or the 9? Difficulties in finding words.

. Daze.

- All day I feel dazed, thinking is difficult.

- Feel like drunk, dazed.

. Excessive demand.

Want to leave everything behind and disappear; have no reserves for anything unforeseen.

- Easily stressed.

. Aversion to mental work.

Mentally slow. Rather do housework, knitting etc.

Mentally slow, don’t read, knit. Industrious. Cannot bring myself to work. Do housework.

- Desire to work manually.

- Distinct improvement (mentally) after working in the garden.

. Brain feels like empty; cannot think anymore, have to strain.

. Listlessness, apathy. No desire to live, even thinking of suicide.

Not interested in anything at all, even things one likes a lot. Indifference.

Everything is perceived as monotonous. Lack of motivation.

- No plans, initiatives; lies around all day doing nothing; smallest activity requires big effort.

- The world outside is of no interest.

- No sexual desire.

- Does not feel any joy.

- No desire to play! Neither computer games nor social ones.

- Empty and lethargic, the way somebody bored must feel.

- I cannot feel myself anymore. Many things are indifferent.

- I feel like an old spinster; a busy, not too fast, virgin, grey spinster!

. Quiet. Being alone. Company.

- Great desire for quiet and being alone.

- Again depressed mood; tired, do not want to see anyone or even have fun.

- Pensive, sad, want to be alone, avoid acquaintances.

- Not very sociable.

- Running off the beaten track; no desire to talk, to communicate; homesick.

. Nerves are strained ‘I feel that my nerves are exposed; I take everything personally, I feel used by people, I want to leave it all behind and disappear.’

. Sad. Depressed. Despondent. Does not feel joy anymore. Melancholic.

Mental low.

- Mental low: ‘Everything makes me sick’, ‘don’t feel like doing anything.’

. Homesickness. Feeling lost. Feeling lonely. ‘I feel terribly lonely.’

- Does not want to be alone.

- Very great desire to walk outdoors, to be with people, to embrace relatives.

The desire is so strong that I think I might loose my mind.

- Desire to be with people; I want to be with a true friend.

. Desire for security.

- Feeling that I do not get enough love.

- Need for affection.

. Sense of shame, wants to hide from others. Feels inferior.

- Low self esteem; I blame myself for all the mistakes.

- Great self-pity.

- No inhibitions of appearing in public, self-confident.

. Impatience

- Impatient; interrupting my partner, not letting her finish, I finish the sentence.

. Sarcastic, vicious.

. Tendency to be addicted. Alcohol.

- Increased desire for alcohol.

- Increased tendency to being addicted; one coffee per day and 3 - 4 cigarettes.

- Very sensitive to alcohol, getting drunk quickly.

- Wine does not taste good (otherwise prefer red wine). No desire for wine. . Inner restlessness and nervousness.

. More relaxed. Less nervous.

Oversensitive. Easily offended. Despair. Crying.

- Inexplicable urging to cry. Irritability. Aggressiveness. Outbursts of anger and oversensitive to any remarks; like congested.

- Very easily offended, tearful.

- I have become very sensitive to criticism and workload.

- Oversensitive to noises in mouth, nose, throat area; I am irritated when others munch; I am extremely annoyed, disturbed and irritated when someone blows the nose and coughs.

- Extremely sensitive to noise of fast movements and of talking.

. Mood changes.

. Mistrust.

. Jealousy.

. Old memories. Busy with past time.

. Perception of time.

- Time passes too quickly.

- Time passes too slowly.

. Increased thirst for action. Energetic.

- Feeling full of power; having woken up after 4 hours sleep, being full of energy; mentally absolutely fit.

- Feeling as if I need less sleep; feeling as fit as usual with less sleep.

. Physical activity, fresh air; desire for fresh air >.

- Bursting with energy, almost aggressive. Desire for intense physical exercise; after exercising still full of energy.

- Great desire for walking outdoors, I am less sad afterwards.

- Enjoy exercising outdoors.

. Spontaneity.

- Lack of spontaneity.

- Have lost spontaneity and sense of humour.

. Mental state (also sadness, loneliness, feeling lost) < after waking up/ after sleep (also after short sleep at daytime)

. Fears.

- I wake up with a great (uncertain) fear; > busy/distraction.

- Fear of suffocation when falling asleep.

- Fear of ghosts with feeling of suffocation.

- Fear of descending stairs, fear of falling (very unusual).

Vertigo: Waking up, forenoon/rising from lying down/rising from sitting.

- Vertigo from sunlight.

- Like intoxicated, floating, like in a fog.

- During the day vertigo is excited by certain eye movements.

. Intoxicated feeling; dazed feeling; feeling of heaviness.

- Feeling of heaviness in forehead.

. Cannot digest alcohol.

- Very sensitive to alcohol, which ‘goes straight to the head’

Head: sensitive to sun.


Profuse headache, esp. in forehead, temples and eyes and esp. left side

Severe pain from tension of nape esp. left side.

Minor headache, dull; entire head.

Sudden, lightning pain, like of electric current, in left side of skull/head.

Headache < morning when rising.

Pressure; sensation like bursting; congestion:

- Sensation, as if head was squeezed from both sides (temples); > rubbing temples, massaging, lying down, tilting head back .

- Sudden headache, very sore feeling, like a pyramid pushing upwards; > pressure; cold application on forehead; closing eyes.

- Headache in the entire head, as if head was about to burst.

- Headache, as if a weight was pushing onto temples and eyes from outside; > distraction, walking, company, fresh air.

- Pounding on vertex.

- Congestion in head with strong pulsation. Massive pressure in head, as if head was about to explode.


Sensation of heat in head.

Loss of hair.


Great itching.

Eyes: Tired

Watering, always wants to take off the glasses and close the eyes.

. Ptosis; heaviness.

- As if eyes were not enough open.

. Itching and burning of eyes.

. Red eyes.

. Sensation of foreign body.

- Like small needles.

- As if eyes were full of sand.

. Photophobia.

. Swelling (of eyelids).

- Red and swollen conjunctiva.

. Stitching pains.

. Aching eyes, as if they were bursting.

Sensation as if a stye would appear on upper lid, painful to touch.

Vision: Visual defects.

- Blurred vision after sexual intercourse.

- Sees black dots, like fly. Annoyed by spectacles.

- Nystagmus with vertigo.

- Sensation as if things were jumping up and down in room when waking up.

- Visual field very narrow.

- When playing tennis, I see the balls clearly earlier, I play better.

- Excellent vision in twilight, have had trouble otherwise.

- ‘Insect optics.’

Ears: Earache: stitching or like a pressure on ears.

Pressure, sensation of pressure, feels like bursting.

Ears feel blocked.

For 5 seconds sound in left ear, like moving the finger on the rim of a glass.

Clear impression that the sense of hearing is over acute; oversensitive ears.

Nose: It was very peculiar that every second prover developed cold symptoms; a cold is a sign of a weakened immune system

. Generally the cold started with nose symptoms, followed by throat symptoms (pain, hoarseness), then cough; also with fever, pain of the extremities and lethargy.

. Blocked nose.

. Coryza/cold; profuse nasal discharge.

. Profuse sneezing (morning).

. Itching and burning in and at nose.

. Soreness in nose.

. Painful mucous membrane of the nose.

. Dryness of mucous membrane of the nose; fissures.

. Nosebleed.


. Very sensitive to odour.

Face: Pain.

- Trigeminal neuralgia: painful right eye, pain extending to right upper jaw/incisors.

- Neuralgia left side; extending from cheek upwards to cheekbone; > touch

- When pressing left cheekbone sensation as if something was stuck in nose with a pulling sensation from nose to left cheekbone.

- Pulling bone pains in right side of face, along the orbit.

- Pulling and stitching pain.

. Cracking of jaw joint.

. Lymph node sensitive to pressure.

. Huge pimples.

. Sensation as if cold air blew onto my left cheek

Mouth: Aphtous ulcers occurred in people who had never had any; and disappeared in people who often suffered from ulcers. One prover did not have ulcers for 9 months after the proving; before used to have them every month.

Constantly yawning.

Burning and prickling in lips and gums.

Very thirsty.

Dryness of mouth, despite sufficient saliva.

Bad mouth odour.

Funny taste in mouth.

Bites tongue or cheek by mistake.


Tongue: White, dirty-yellowish coated tongue with red edges.

- Tongue dirty, yellow coated with red dots; esp. back.

- Sensitive, swollen tongue.

- Tongue feels enlarged (at root).

- Trembling and vibrating of right edge.

Throat: Sore throat:

>: cold food, cold drink/during eating/drinking;

. Scratching, tickling, raw feeling in throat.

. Has to clear throat; profuse mucous and expectoration.

. Feeling of lump in throat, a if throat was squeezed (constricted?).

. Stitching in right cervical lymph node.

. Throat feels enlarged.

Stomach: Appetite/thirst

- Very hungry and thirsty.

- No appetite, no thirst.

. Desire/aversion/indigestion (food/drink).

- Increased desire for or aversion to alcohol.

- Desire for cold food and > cold food.

- Great desire for apples.

- Aversion to fruit.

- Desire for and more sensitive to spicy food.

- Uncontrollable desire for sweets.

- Can easily do without sweets, no desire; do not like chocolate.

- Desire for smoked food.

- Persisting indigestion of fat.

- Desire for hearty food and beer.

- Craving for fast food (McDonalds).

- Provers, who had always eaten healthily and only digested healthy food, have a desire for heavy meals (meat, potatoes, beer, McDonalds, ice-cream) and digest them well.

. Heartburn, feeling of heat.

- Burning in stomach, like fire.

. Nausea, vomiting.

- Nausea without appetite; disgusted by food, even the sight of food < nausea

- Nausea; after 5 minutes vomiting; then well again.

- Nausea, esp. when waking up in the morning.

. Stomach pain.

- Burning pain.

- Dull, pressing pain.

- Stitching pain in stomach.

- Cutting, pinching pain.

. Sensations in stomach.

- Tingling.

- Heavy feeling like lump.

- Pressure.

Abdomen: Flatus.

- Bloated after every meal.

. Passing wind, eructation.

- Sensation as if I had to belch, but fruitless.

- Repeated eructation after eating or drinking little.

. Colic, cramps, abdominal pain.

- Biliary colic (pressing pain).

- Stitching abdominal pain.

- Cramps in abdomen at night.

- Cutting pain.

- Tearing pain, as of electrically charged knifes.

- Pulling pain.

. Pressure in abdomen.

Rectum/Stool: Fruitless urging to pass stool.

. Great urging to pass stool.

- Several times per day, sudden urging to pass stool: has to hasten, “As if he could not hold it”; stool soft, large amounts.

. Constipation, no urging.

. Feeling as if part of stool remained unexpelled.

. Diarrhoea.

- Violent diarrhoea, bloody (bright red)

- Frequent forcible, offensive diarrhoea with flatus.

- Cramps before and during diarrhoea, > after passing stool.

. Burning and itching in anus. [after passing stool. (haemorrhoids?)]

- Itching and burning in anus, <after passing stool, discover a few nodes at anus (haemorrhoids?)

- Minor bleeding of haemorrhoids during passing stool.

- Haemorrhoids (with pressure pain when passing stool)

Urinary Tract: Frequent urging at night, wakes up.

. Increased urination at daytime, constant urging.

. After urination incomplete feeling, as if oily fluid remained in urethra, which is forced outward. I notice the urging to urinate, and that I pass urine, but I am unable to control it.

Pressure in right kidney.

Pinching in area of left kidney.

Minor burning pain after urination.

Male organs: Sexual passion.

- Increased sexual passion or aversion to sex in people who used to like and live their sexual life; or weak sexual passion.

- Thinks more about sex.

- Wakes up at night with erection and no sexual passion; passes urine and goes back to sleep.

. Various symptoms:

- Perspiration of genitalia with profuse heat of the body.

- After orgasm stitching at apex of heart for about 4 hours, < deep inspiration.

Female organs: Sexual passion.

- Diminished sexual passion or increased/excessive sexual passion (nymphomania)

- Waking up from increased sexual passion and sexual dreams; feel a desire so strong, that it is hurting in vagina.

- Cannot relax during intercourse (interrupt).

- Certain feeling of numbness during intercourse, still orgasm.

. Discharges from vagina, leucorrhoea.

- Brown, offensive mucous.

- Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, thick, yellowish, (green)brownish witch itching labia, smells of ‘Champignons de Paris’.

. Menses (many changes).

- Menses very late in most cases.

- Duration too short or to long.

- “As if flow was about to start, but does not”.

- Extremely late menses.

- Absent menstruation.

- Menses ceasing suddenly on third day; returns in the evening after having a shower.

- Constipation during menses; (usually diarrhoea)

. Bleeding (copious, watery, bright-red).

- Brown mucous instead of blood.

. Dysmenorrhoea, pain during menses.

- Pain in uterus, drawing, violent, with heavy feeling (pressure) in lower abdomen; pain > after rising and slow motion.

- Violent menstrual colic, major backache, wavelike pain with faint feeling; pain causes nausea; > bending double, when flow.

- Lightning, stitching pain in uterus.

- Pain in abdomen (menses), drawing in lower abdomen.

Pain/sensation in lower abdomen:

- Drawing; drawing pain.

- Heaviness.

- Stitching; stitching pain.

- Pain in uterus like clamp which is tightened around uterus, pain comes an goes; < lying down.

- Minor, cramp like pain in lower abdomen, sensation as menses was about to begin (time of ovulation).

. Itching of genitals (between labia, “As if a worm crawled”).

- Itching in vagina, as if something gurgled inside.

- Itching deep in vulva.

. Breasts.

- Sometimes stitching between right hipbone and abdomen, also in right breast.

- Itching of left nipple.

- Distension of breasts, breasts swollen.

- Breasts are very heavy and painful, induration of mammae , < every motion, touch, even the bra is not tolerated; > supporting breast with hand.

. Other symptoms:

- Burning in vagina when urinating.

Respiratory organs:

. Dyspnoea, suffocation and fear of suffocation.

- Difficult breathing at night with pain in chest.

- Fear of suffocation when falling asleep.

- Difficult breathing, cannot get enough air; > deep respiration, distraction.

- During the night sensations as if heart was too weak, do not get enough air.

- Feeling of suffocation, esp. when cover touches throat or chest.

- Instant dyspnoea in warm room with desire for fresh air and amelioration in fresh air.

Cough: - Dry cough.

- Dry cough with hoarseness and sore feeling behind sternum.

- Tickling cough; sensation of a hair in throat.

Chest: Heart and Thorax.

. Pain.

- Angina pectoris pain or stitching pain, in left side of chest, extending or not ext. l. arm.

- Pain extending to left arm with numbness in left arm, > lying on the right side, deep inspiration.

- Pain in region of the heart, contracting and releasing; < lying on left side and back; > lying on right side.

Painful spot above right breast; as if poked with a finger; comes suddenly and goes again; a few times in a row.

- Heart pain with feeling of guilt; or thoughts of having thought something bad.

- Stitching pain: stitching, shooting pain in heart; < lying on left side; > lying on right side.

Constriction, tightness, narrowness.

- Pressure - on sternum, oppressive feeling/on heart.

- Pain behind sternum, dull pain and strong pressure.

Palpitation, fluttering. (strong palpitation in warm room).

Other symptoms:

- As if weight lied on chest.

- Feeling my heart as very large in chest.

- When falling asleep, sensation as if heart jumped.

- Could not sleep all night, because of a feeling my heart would stop beating

Neck and back: Pain

. Neck:

- Drawing pain extending from neck to lower part of skull, left.

- Pain in neck; tension, painful spot on left side.

. Back, spine:

- Pain below left scapula, pressing, bruised, like tense, < pressure.

- Lumbar pain left side.

- Shooting, lightning pain.

- Burning pain.

- Pain beneath left scapula, very tense.

- All day pain between scapulae, as if muscles were tense.

- Sensation as if a wide elastic band was tightened too tense between scapulae; < inspiring; beginning to move; stretching. > continuous motion.

- Stitching pain; stitching pain in lower back; stitching pain on right side beneath scapula.

- Drawing pain; when rising drawing pain in sacral region and right shoulder.

- Broken feeling; back pain, sacral region feels broken, << sitting, > lying down flat or walking slowly; feeling back was braking apart between scapulae.

Tension, stiffness

. Neck:

- Intense pain from tension of neck esp. left side.

- Constant neck tension.

. Back:

- Stiffness.

- Pain beneath left scapula, like intense tension.

- All day tension between scapulae, as if muscles were tense, < deep inspiration

. Other symptoms:

- Sensation of pressure.

- Shivering - chill, sensitive to cold/down the back.

- Minor chill at legs, knees and back.

- Tired, weak back.

Sensation of dislocated vertebrae.

Feeling as if all energy moved into neck.

Repeatedly feeling as if I had a hump in left thoracic region.


. Pain.

- Stitching.

- Drawing.

- Pressure.

- Pain from tip to toe; unable to rise.

- Rheumatic (slightly tearing, drawing, moving, cannot be located) pain; coming and going every few minutes.

- Bone pain.

- Neuralgic pain, esp. in hands.

. Numbness.

. Tingling, formication.

. Itching.

. Coldness, feeling cold.

. Heaviness (all over)

- Weak, heavy legs and arms.

. Sore muscles/ feeling sore.

. Involuntary twitching.

. Cramps.

. Sensation of shortening.

- Tendons.

- Left leg feels shorter then right.

- Sensation as if a string was pulled and shortened in left heel; < walking, when lifting feet from ground.

. Other symptoms:

- Body feels bruised, sore.

- Restless legs.

- Wristband is annoying.

- After motion light feeling in legs.

Skin: . Eruptions, red discolouration.

- Red spots.

- Knotty, itching eruption.

. Acne (pimples).

- Vesicle filled with pus.

- Itching, hard vesicle like small wart.

. Warts, esp. at fingers.

. Painful abscess, boil.

. Knots:

- Small, hard nodule on inner part of left thigh.

- Oval, ca. 1cm big, reddish mobile nodule on right groin.

. Dryness, desquamation, dandruff.

. Itching.

- Itching all over; changing place when scratching.

. Perspiration.

- Perspiration from slightest exertion.

- Profuse perspiration every few hours.

. Intolerance of sun.

- Burn.

- Allergic rash on chest, like German measles.

. Other symptoms:

- Skin feels sore to touch.

- Waxing of legs is more painful; beautician had to apply more force to pull hair.

Sleep: Difficulty falling asleep.

Wakes up, cannot sleep again.

Great tiredness with desire to sleep.

Unrefreshed, dead tired when waking up, despite getting enough sleep.

- Waking up is very difficult; dead tired.

Energetic despite short sleep.


- Fear/dyspnoea when falling asleep or waking up.

- Waking up with fear of suffocation or with dyspnoea.

- Fear to go to sleep lest heart stops beating.

- Fear of ghosts.

Sleep very restless.

Other symptoms:

- Great desire to go to sleep on her own, in own bed.

- Waking on urging to urinate.

Many things are worse after sleeping; morning or daytime.


Chill: - Chilly.

- Chilly and feverish feeling.

- Chills along arms and legs with ice-cold hands, hot, red head.

. Painful limbs, bruised feeling.

. Other symptoms: Does not like warm room; feels like having fever.

Body temperature:

. Sensitive to cold; shivering.

. Heat; intolerance of heat.

. Flushes of heat.

Generalities: L. side

Bruised feeling.

Tiredness, heaviness.

Sensitive and intolerance of sun.

Altered perception/sense of size/distance.

Other sensations/observations:

- Intolerance of warm room.

- Heat flushes.

- < bed, > after rising.

- Everything is too cramped; I want more space and air.

- Generally all was worse in a warm room and better in open air (mental state)

- < coffee.



Vorwort/Suchen.                               Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                   Impressum.