Aranea ixobola Anhang


[Peter Fraser]

Aran-i. = Papal Cross Spider came from America and now widespread in Europe. It is an orb weaver spider spinning a classic wheel shaped web. It is closely related to Aran. and as such they have many features in common.

However the Aran-i. is much larger, which is reflected in the fact that it has much more self confidence than Aran. It is the only one of the main spider remedies that is not in the rubric Anxiety and it is generally much less anxious

than the others, though this may be displaced to their dreams which are particularly violent and frightening.

Is like Aran. concerned with order but it is more the interpersonal environment than the physical one that it needs to have under its control and it is in this area that its symptoms are most dynamic. It is the only spider

to be found in the rubric Dictatorial and it maintains order by controlling the people around it. It can be curious, witty and charming but is more likely to be rude and snappish. As a prover put it: "Had to make a great effort not

to be impolite or rude“.

The tool that Aranea ixobola uses to maintain this control is teasing and because it is a spider it can sense exactly where to tease someone to have the greatest effect.

Although it is not a substantially proved remedy there is quite a good picture of its physical symptomology.

It has a sharp but perverted sense of smell with delusions around what it is smelling. There is an affinity to the throat with dry sore throats and coughs. The thyroid gland is affected and it is a remedy for goitre.

The liver and gall bladder are affected. There is distension of the abdomen, explosive yellow diarrhoea and aggravation from fats, though they do desire cheese, and particularly from alcohol and coffee.

It is chilly, as all spiders are, but it does have flushes of heat or a hot head and is generally ameliorated by motion (walking in the fresh air).

The upper limbs are affected with heaviness, coldness, numbness and clumsiness.

It is an arthritic remedy with inflammation of the joints.

Libido is increased but with coldness of the genitals and impotence.

Lot of eruptions and skin symptoms: skin cracked and there is psoriasis and pityriasis and eczema.

Acne is found around the hairline and there are pimples forming in the hair follicles.


[Frans Vermeulen]

Spider belonging to the Araneida order of the class Arachnida. The name of the order is derived from Arachne, a Lydian girl who could weave so well that she challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving match. Reckless, she

went so far as to ridicule the gods in the scenes in her woven designs. The irate Athena consequently tore up Arachne's work and changed Arachne into a spider, so that she could weave to her heart's content for all eternity.

Together with the crustacea, millipedes, centipedes, insects, etc., the spiders belong to the Arthropoda, a major division of the animal kingdom, with segmented bodies and jointed appendages. Spiders differ from the insects in

that their body has two rather than 3 parts, they have 4 pair of legs rather than 3, and they have no antennae or larva and chrysalis stage.

Aranea ixobola is a wheel-web spider. These spiders make up a separate category and are characterised by their beautiful regular webs.

The wheel-web spider does not repair its web, but simply removes the sticky spirals every night and weaves new ones. The prey [insects] is simply grabbed, bitten and carefully woven in thread. An oily layer on the feet ensures

that the spider does not stick to its own threads.

The spider's thread consists of a complicated albuminoid protein produced as a liquid that hardens immediately when stretched into fine threads and exposed to the air. The threads visible to the naked eye are a combination of

 many microscopically thin threads.

They are extremely elastic and very strong. To protect itself from falling, the wheel-web spider attaches itself to its high perch using an anchor thread, and weaves its web from there. The mid-point represents the original nest,

the radial threads are the lines along which the spider moves from the central nest and the cross-threads or spirals are later additions, with a gummy surface to trap flying insects. To span an area, the spider hangs

on a sturdy thread and floats a fine thread across on the air. This fine thread is then tightened, while the spider walks across it [as it rolls up the fine thread and later discards it] and attaches the first, reinforced thread.

This becomes the bridge on which it hangs the web.

Spiders can predict the weather extremely accurately. For example, a spider working quietly at its web means calm weather, and rain can be expected if the spider abandons its work.

Aranea ixobola is a black cross spider found in Europe and America, and is much larger than Aranea diadema. It is a powerful hunter, and one of its favourite locations is under wooden bridges.

[Mezger] in 1952, on 32 subjects [25 men, 7 women],

DD.: Lycopodium. Pulsatilla. Phosphorus. Conium. Aranea diadema. Aconitum lycoctonum. Mandragora.

Region: Peripheral nervous system. Muscles. Stomach; liver; gall bladder.


Absent-mindedness, difficult concentration, tendency to do nothing but smoke.

Euphoric state, as if he has drunk wine, talkativeness and need for speaking.

Followed by a melancholic mood, tired of living, irritability.

Internal restlessness, + difficult concentration.

> open air

Mezger: "The restlessness is reminiscent of the nervousness of the smoker who tries to calm himself by lighting another cigarette“.

"Idea that nothing is finished soon enough“.

Pleasure in teasing others.

Oversensitive to noises and odours.

Klein: Fear that relatives will die.

Klein: Cunning; deceitful; witty. Complex people, talking hurriedly and associating their ideas easily. Go from one extreme to another.

Chilly, but > open air.

Sensation of general or local coldness.

Desire to move.

Feels better in open air.

Desire for sweet foods, which are well digested.

Shah: Craving for meat and cheese.

> Smoking/strong desire for tobacco [on account of internal restlessness]/coffee.

Disturbed sleep, by anxious dreams or fearful dreams [quarrels; death of near relative, wife or husband]

< Rest [evening, lying in bed]/alcohol.

> Motion [digestive organs; heart]/continued motion [joints].

> Bending backward and stretching [abdominal complaints].

> Eructations; flatus; stool.

Sensation of internal trembling + desire for motion, and hurry.

Mezger: "Idea that nothing is finished soon enough“.

Vertigo + sensation of heat in head.

Dull, stinging headache (r.)

< Bending; alcohol.

> Open air; smoking.

Sensation of dryness in mouth and pharynx (only one side).

Pressing and cramping pain, fullness and heaviness, in stomach and hepatic region.

< Fats and rich food; alcohol.

> Pressure with closed fist.

Pain in abdomen (region of gall bladder).

< Lying on right side/curled up/bending/motion of r. arm.

> Bending backward/rising and walking/flatus and stools.

Sensation of dryness in trachea + intense thirst for cold drinks.

Cervicobrachial neuralgia.

Heaviness of the arms (r. hand) + Sensation of swelling and awkwardness in r. hand.

Increase of trembling of hands.


Mind: Absent-minded.

Answers snappishly/snappish/mpolite.

Delusions: everything seems unreal/being smaller

Dreams: quarrels/violence.

< Mental exertion 


Restless > open air

Witty (talk)/teasing.

Time passes too slowly, appears longer.

Vertigo: With nausea.

Head: Pain > profuse urination.

Throat: Pulsating + palpitation of heart.

Stomach: Vomiting < wine

Abdomen: Distension of right hypochondrium.

Pain - > bending backward/in gall bladder, biliary colic.

Female organs: Bloody leucorrhoea before menses.

Chest: Palpitation - of heart immediately after lying down/ext. epigastrium.

Limbs: Coldness of painful parts.

Pain in left leg, sciatica;

> motion.

Generalities: > Continued motion

Numbness of single parts.

< Warm and wet weather

Food and drinks: Aversion: Fats and rich food; Desire: Cheese/meat/sweets/tobacco; <: Alcohol (wine)/fats and rich food; >: coffee/tobacco;



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