Borax Anhang                                               



Borax primarily affects the nervous system and the mucous membranes, both in equal degree. The typical Borax patient is a very excitable, anxious, and oversensitive individual whose mucous membranes exhibit an aphthous condition; the membranes ulcerate and deteriorate, forming white patches or ulcers. Moreover < downward movement.

The Aphthae

The mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue and cheek are often affected by aphthous formations + offensive breath, hot mouth and salivation.

The irritation goes right through the alimentary canal but strangely enough affects mostly the beginning (mouth) and the end (anus/rectum) of the digestive tract.

The area surrounding the anus has an aphthous appearance, and the thickening of the mucous membranes of the rectum creates a stricture. Stool slimy/of a greenish

or yellowish colour/frequent both day and night. This evidence of an irritation of the alimentary canal suggests that some kind of ulceration is going on inside the

intestines as well. Great quantities of fluid, like boiled starch, are passed through the anus.

Effects all mucous membranes and you may expect to see this aphthous appearance in all areas where such a membrane is present. The labia may be affected by white patches. Membranous dysmenorrhoea (Cham./Lac-c.) comes under the action of Borax, and indeed this remedy is one of the best in the materia medica for this condition typically + very strong pain as if in labour, while the woman feels as though the uterus were about to come out through the vagina. Such pain starts before the flow but also continue during the flow.

The Nervous System

The effect on the nervous system is equally pronounced. Highly excitable individuals with a great intensity in both their emotions and thoughts.

Their thoughts and feelings can be so confused that they cannot be separated one from the other. Do not understand what it is to be cool and phlegmatic.

You may dub the Borax state hysteria, although it does not fulfil the hysterical touchstone of consciously dissociated extrojected complexes. What we see here is an oversensitivity and a weakness on the surface of the nervous system, and not a profound trouble at a deeper level of the mind. This condition is not a true psychoneurosis,

it is simply annoying, and it hinders the individual from serious thought and concentration.

An analogy may be drawn between the irritation from pain felt by the patient suffering from an aphthous condition the moment he starts eating, and the excitability and restlessness which assail him the moment the thinking process starts. In the first case the patient is compelled to stop eating, causing him to starve, and in the second, he has

to stop thinking, clear his mind, and generally abandon all attempts at serious thought, getting up and walking around the room and stretching his body backward in order to feel better. In the text we read: ‘While engaged in thinking at work, strong nausea. Every time he is engaged in any sort of meditation he becomes nauseated and excitable

and must leave his work and rest a little while, and then he goes at it again until he becomes sick at the stomach and so must rest again’.

This nausea is produced by the intense feelings that arise while engaged in serious thought. It shows an oversensitive state of the mind and feelings, which does not allow

the individual to do any continuous or deep thinking. As soon as he starts, intense feelings are produced by his reflections, and these bring about a state of over-excitement accompanied by a stomach upset or possibly nausea. He then has to get up and walk around to calm his thoughts and take his mind away from the subject he was engaged on. As soon as he tries to go back to work, the nausea returns.

Keynote: <: Downward Movement/walking downstairs/riding in a car downhill;

For a fuller comprehension of this symptom, it is useful to consider what may be termed a ‘loose connection’ between the etheric and the physical bodies. This loose connection can explain the tremendous anxiety felt by Borax patients when experiencing a downward motion. All mental complaints such as nervousness, anxiety and apprehension < upward or downward motion. Going down in a lift, on a rough sea, riding in a car on a slope, in an aeroplane that drops in an air pocket, on a swing or a rocking chair, the feeling is always unbearable. As well as experiencing fear and anxiety, they suffer from vertigo and confusion and tend to ‘go to pieces’, not knowing

where or who they are. Will avoid lifts and boat-rides at all costs.

The slightest downward motion, as when putting an infant to bed, causes the child to scream in a great fright and to try to hold on to the mother as if trying to stop this terrifying downward motion. It seems as though the experience of the ‘etheric body’ moving upward while the physical body goes downward causes an experience of disconnection. The soul appears to be trying to escape through the stomach and mouth, causing a very frightening feeling. This feeling simulates the moment of death when

the soul (or etheric body or energy body), leaves the physical body.

Borax has the same reaction on waking suddenly during the night. Wakes up in a terrible fright, as if his end had arrived. The etheric body returns to the physical body with

a jerk and produces this frightening experience. Similarly, hearing a sudden noise brings about this frightened reaction. Impression of being absent minded at that moment and out of touch with the environment; this sudden noise brings him back to his body with a fright.

This reaction may be brought about by hearing a cry or an unexpected noise, such as something dropping from a chair or a door closing unexpectedly. Hearing, someone hawk or sneeze may provoke a fright, as may even very slight noises like the crumpling of paper, or the rustling of silk. Other fears to be found in Borax include fear of impending disease, fear of infection, and fear of falling.


<: morning 9 - 12 h. (Nat-m.), more precisely 10 h. (headaches/weakness or trembling all over). < mental conditions at 16 h. (Lyc.), as well as < after midnight (3 - 5 h.).

Faintness from noise, during stool, walking in open air. Faintness in the afternoon, > open air.

Flushes of heat.

Sensation of heat in single parts.

Sensation of a cobweb.

Increased mucous secretions: hot; with musty, mouldy, herby smell.

Stretching during fever.

Shuddering from nervous headache.

Trembling on slight exertion, from conversation, from mental exertion.

Weakness in the afternoon after sleep.

Lassitude during stool.

Weariness during menses.

Urination after morning.

Frequent pulse by night but slow by day.

Re-opening of old cicatrices.

Extreme seasickness has often been found to be relieved by Borax.

<: in warm weather/after menses/turning sideways/thought of food (mutton/pears/apples/chocolate). Pears cause diarrhoea, indigestion, stomach pain.

>: Stretching backward/in the open air at the seashore;

The infant becomes pale and nearly earth-coloured, flesh soft and flabby, cries much, refuses the breast and screams out anxiously in sleep.


In the morning in bed; when ascending in lifts; ascending stairs; ascending an eminence; on descending; from rocking; before menses; while talking; on turning in bed to left side.

Followed by epistaxis and >.

With swaying towards the left on walking in open air.

Fullness of head during vertigo.


Headache in morning, at 10 h. [Nat-m.].

Aching in the whole head, with nausea, and trembling in the whole body, in the morning at 10 h.

Reading and writing < headache.

There is a lot of pain in head usually > walking outside in the open air/after stool.

Headache appears usually before and during menses.

Headache mostly in the forehead and temples.

Sensation of a current of wind above the eyes.

Congestion before and after eating.

Constriction in forehead over the left eye.

Pain > after stool/Pain extending to nose.

Pain in occiput as if suppurating.

Pain in spots of vertex.

Drawing pain in forehead when reading, when stooping, when writing.

Twitching of muscles of head in the afternoon.

Drawing pain in vertex extending to temple.

Intermittent, rhythmical, pressing and stitching pain in temples.

Fullness of head on ascending, on descending, after eating.

Heat of head when taking a deep breath, during chilliness, during diarrhoea.

Heat in head and in palms.

Hair tangled at the tips, so that it cannot be separated, as in plica polonica, and if these bunches are cut off they form again.


Inversion of lids. Entropium.

Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, which turn inward towards the ball, so that the lids rub against the ball. The eyelashes turn inward toward the eye and inflame

it (outer canthi), where the margins of the lid are very sore.

Inflammation of the right outer canthi, with irregularity of lashes, and at night agglutination of the eyes; inflammation of the left inner canthi with nightly agglutination.

Closing the eyes difficult in the evening.

Hair falling from eyebrows.

Ulceration of external canthi.

Swollen meibomian glands.

Sore pain on touch; sore pain in outer canthi; sore pain in margins of lids.

Stitching pain in the evening.

Tearing pain in the afternoon.

Dim vision of left eye.

Dim vision in the evening.

Flickering vision in the morning when writing so that he does not see

distinctly; there seem to be bright moving waves, now from the right to the left side, now from above downward.

Photophobia during chill.


Very sensitive to slightest noise. Acute hearing to noises of paper being crumpled.

Different sounds seem to appear mostly before and during menses. Patient seems to hear piped music; roaring before menses.

Itching in the evening while walking.

Cold applications < pain.

Sore pain in the evening.

Stitching pain in ear while walking, in the morning on waking, in the morning, when washing in cold water. Stitches in the left ear.

Impaired hearing in left ear.

Chronic otorrhoea.

Mucous discharges.

Sensation like a valve opening and closing.


Sudden redness of nose. Tip of nose shining red. Red noses of young women.

Red and shining swelling of the nose, with throbbing and tensive sensation.

In the upper and forepart of the left nostril, towards the tip of the nose, a small boil, with sore pain and swelling of the tip of the nose.

Many dry crusts in the nose, will constantly form again after being removed.

Dryness inside of nose in the night that prevents sleep. Obstruction, first right then left.

Obstruction with lachrymation.

Epistaxis before headache.

Pain in nose - while strongly breathing/lying down/pressing “As if brain were forcing its way out”.

Itching nose; rubs it constantly.


Pale, earthy (in an infant), with suffering expression.

Anxious expression of face during downward motion.

Erysipelas in the face, on the left side, while nursing, during pregnancy.

Erysipelas of face, with feeling of cobwebs on it.

Eruptions on lower lips.

Eruption of boils under tip of nose.

Eczema on chin.

Herpes on forehead; around mouth.

Vesicles on forehead and around mouth.

Red discolouration of left side of face.

Heat of left side of face.

Heat of face during chilliness.

Pain in face when laughing.

Burning at corner of mouth.

Sore bruised pain of lower lip.

Formication of lips.

Twitching below right eye.

Twitching at corners of mouth.

Swelling of right side.

Hot red swelling.


Alveolitis, severe pain after extraction of tooth.

Sensitive and bleeding aphthae on tongue and on the inside of the cheek.

White aphthae in mouth.

Aphthae, bleeding easily.

Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were eroded; they pain on every motion of the tongue, or if anything salt or sour touches them.

Red vesicles on tongue.

Ulcers in mouth, forming rapidly.

Gangrenous ulcers.

Mercurial ulcers.

The mucous membrane of the forepart of the palate is shrivelled “As if burnt”, and hurts (chewing).

Blood oozes from mucous membrane, palate excoriated, shrivelled as if burnt.

The mouth of the infant is very hot.

Pain in palate while nursing.

Spasms of tongue.

“As if teeth large and swollen”

Intermittent, paroxysmal toothache.

Smoking tobacco > toothache.

Intermittent stitching, stinging in teeth.

Tearing pain in teeth on touch, ext. to side of head.

Griping in the hollow of tooth in rainy weather.

Dark redness of gums.

Painful gum abcess on outer side, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of the cheek and whole left side of face, as far as below the eye,

where there was an oedematous swelling.

Heat in mouth.

Taste is flat and insipid.

Patient had no taste when she ate anything, for several weeks.

Bitter taste; if she eats anything or swallows saliva everything tastes bitter.

Musty taste in throat.


Tough whitish mucus in the fauces, which is loosened only after great exertion.

Mucus in throat: albuminous; bloody; greenish.

Roughness from hiccup.

Choking when clearing the throat.

Dryness of throat in the morning when waking.


Appetite diminished in the evening.

Aversion to food at noon.

After eating, which he relishes, great distension, discomfort, sick feeling and ill humour.

Thirst after sleep.

Thirst during and after perspiration.

Perspiration on pit of stomach.

Constriction ext. to back and spine.

Contraction in the morning until noon.

Contraction of stomach ext. to spine.

Emptiness in the afternoon.

Eructations during labour.

Eructations when pressing painful parts of stomach.

Heaviness > walking in open air.

Indigestion and pressing pain after pears.

Nausea - in the morning on waking/at 10 h. nausea at 15 h. until evening/at thought of food, after mental exertion, while talking.

Thinking of nausea aggravates it.

Bitter vomiting - after drinking/in the morning.

Sour vomiting after breakfast.

Difficult vomiting.

Vomiting when hawking up mucus.

Vomiting after menses.

Pain in stomach before +/o. after menses.

Pain in stomach > while walking.

Pain after fruit, after pears.

Pain after lifting.

Pain in the region of the stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into the small of the back, where it becomes sticking, so that she cannot turn without

pain the whole night; in the morning better.

Cramping - from 4 h. till noon daily/pressing pain after menses/sitting bent.

Pressing pain - > walking/in stomach after menses, after pears/while sitting, while sitting bent.

Stitching pain in stomach extending to back.


A really peculiar symptom is a diarrhoea which starts after smoking tobacco or/and pain after tobacco.

Pain in the abdomen several times through the day, as if diarrhoea would result.

Pinching with diarrhoea.

Pain is as of hard sticks.

Cramping, griping pain in hypochondria and inguinal region after menses.

Dragging, bearing down pain in the evening during menses.

Lancinating, stitching and pressing pain in inguinal region during and after menses.

Stitching pain in hypogastrium during menses.

Pain - afternoon, > a short sleep/in the evening during stool/walking rapidly/in inguinal region on coughing, when yawning, ext. r. shoulder blade.

Drawing pain in the inguinal region in the evening.

Pain - in l. side ext. vagina/in spleen from a jar, during heat.

Burning pain in left hypochondrium on deep breathing.

Cutting pain after breakfast and distension after supper in hypochondria.

Cutting pain in hypochondria extending downward to umbilicus.

Pressing pain in left hypochondria when deep breathing, while riding, and extending to scapula.

Stitching pain in sides, aggravated by wine.

Rumbling before and after evening meal, ameliorated by eructations and passing flatus.

Flatulence after every meal.

Heaviness in inguinal region as from a load.

Sensation of a hard body moving in abdomen. The abdomen has a shrivelled appearance.


Diarrhoea from sudden noise is a great key-note.

Diarrhoea; 6x from morning to 14 h. without pain.

Aphthous condition of anus with itching in the evening and moisture after stool.

Frequent very easy stool every day.

Diarrhoea after chocolate, after pears, which is aggravated from emotions or smoking.

Soft, light-yellow, or albuminous/mucous stool, three times a day, with weakness and exhaustion.

Slimy, mucous stool like boiled starch or brown, red, tenacious, transparent, white.

Green stools (in an infant) preceded by crying. Frequent and easy.

Stools hard # soft; long, narrow with cadaverous odour.

Urinary organs:

Retention of urine in the evening with violent urging to urinate at night and frequent urination at night, seldom during the day.

Difficult urination at night causing the person to cry before the urine passes. Frequent micturition (in infants).

Severe urgent desire to urinate, so that he can scarcely hold the urine.

Ineffectual urination.

Desire to urinate, without being able to pass a drop, but copious urine in the afternoon.

Sudden urging to urinate during menses.

Urging to urinate after seminal emission.

Pressing pain in region of kidneys.

Blue spot on meatus.

Pain in meatus after urination, soreness of meatus after coitus.

Haemorrhoids of bladder.

Pain in the orifice of the urethra as if sore, after urinating.

Burning, cutting pain in urethra when semen is discharged with a burning pain in the urethra when touching it.

Urine has odour of cat’s urine or is acrid and pungent.

Male genitalia:

Emissions when touching a woman, and when dreaming of coitus.

Sexual passion increased, but without desire for coitus.

Strong erections in the morning on waking.

Seminal discharge too late.

Biting pain in prepuce after urination.

Cutting, stitching pain.

Sore, bruised pain in penis.

Female genitalia:

Easy sexual arousal.

Exhilaration after coitus.

Desire lacking, indifference.

Leucorrhoea membranous, lumpy or transparent, thick as white paste like or boiled starch.

Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down.

Hot, burning albuminous leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea during pregnancy. Loathing of the breast in infants because of the state of the milk, which is thick and tastes bad.


Menses too soon, profuse, or only at night, or too short, lasting only one day.

Menses during lactation.

Downward motion < menses.

Menses four days too soon and very profuse, with griping in the abdomen, nausea and pain in the stomach, extending into the small of the back.

Membranous menses.

Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Burning pain in vagina during pregnancy.

Itching in vagina during pregnancy.

Labour pains running upward with pain felt more in the stomach than in the uterus.

Cutting pain in the ovaries during menses; lancinating pain felt before and during the menses.

Pain in ovaries, extending to shoulder blade.

Stinging pain in ovaries.

Stinging, stitching pain in clitoris at night with sensation of distension.

Stitching pain in uterus before menses.


Easy conception.

In nursing, pain is felt in the opposite mamma.

Vaginitis and endomitritis are covered by this remedy.


Larynx and trachea: pain in larynx on sneezing.

Stitching in throat pit.

Tearing pain in larynx, in the evening, on coughing.

Whining voice, in the morning.

Respiration: impeded respiration on descending.

Arrested respiration in the act of lying down.

Respiration difficult in open air; before menses; after running.

Respiration short after ascending steps, so that he cannot speak, and every time he speaks a stitch in the right side of chest.

Catching respiration before menses.

Every three or five minutes he is obliged to take a quick, deep breath, which is every time followed by a stitch in the right side of the chest, with a subdued painful sigh

and slow expiration.

Arrest of the breath every time he has a stitch in the right side of the chest.

Cough and expectoration: changing position in bed ameliorates.

Must hold chest with both hands while coughing because of pain.

Coughing he is obliged to press the right side of the chest and flank with the hand, whereby the pain is tolerable. Bathing chest in cold water > cough.

Cough from cold bathing.

Cough from irritation in epigastrium.

Cough with difficult expectoration of white mucus streaked with blood.

Violent and hacking cough in the evening.

Hacking and violent cough, with slight expectoration, of a mouldy taste and of the same smell, from the chest, with every paroxysm of cough.

Dry cachectic cough with sticking in the right side of the chest and right flank; aggravated after drinking wine.

Dry cough in the morning after rising.

Dry cough in the evening on lying down.

Musty odour and taste of expectoration.

Offensive odour of expectoration.

Inner and outer chest: anxiety felt in chest in the evening, in bed.

Oppression in bed in the evening.

Coldness, must wrap up the chest.

Constriction of chest on breathing.

Oppression before menses.

Washing chest with cold water relieves chest symptoms.

Walking slowly ameliorates pain in chest.

Pressing, stitching pain during inspiration, when sneezing, on coughing, when raising arm, when touched, when yawning. Stitches between the ribs of the right side, if he

lies upon the painful side the pain immediately wakes him from sleep. Pressure ameliorates stitching pain in right side.

Pain in sides from annoyance and from wine.

Pressing pain in sternum on deep respiration, when sitting stooped, in sternum after evening meal.

Rawness in the morning.

Sore pain, holds chest with hands during cough.

With every cough and deep inspiration sticking in the chest.

Stitching pain in sides on exertion, during menses.

Stitching when yawning; in the region of the right nipple in the evening, with every paroxysm of cough; between right ribs, < lying on right side, with drawing and

obstruction of breathing.

Stitching pain in sides > washing with cold water.

Sensation of constriction of left mamma, when child nurses from right.

Sensation of emptiness in mammae after child nurses.

Drawing, stitching pain in opposite mamma than the one child nurses.

Pulsation of mammae.

Stitching pain in right nipple.

Stitching pain in mammae during cough.

Griping pain in mammae.

Griping and sometimes stitches in the left mamma, and when the child has nursed she is obliged to compress the mamma with her hand, because it aches on account

of being empty.

Aching in mammae when empty.

Pain in the right mamma when coughing, ameliorated by pressure and pain in the right flank, ameliorated by walking slowly about the room.

Child refuses mother’s milk.

Stringy milk. Milk is thick and tastes bad. Cheesy milk.

Increased milk.

Milk in non-nursing women.


Scirrhous, stinging, burning ulcer of mammae, with odour of old cheese,

Bleeding aphthae of nipples.

White pimples with red areola.

Ulcer in axilla, boils.

Inflammation of right pleura.

> walking slowly

Heart: “As if heart is on right side”, “As if heart swimming in water”.

Pain in heart “As from sprain”, < deep breathing.

Squeezing sensation of heart.

Palpitation of heart, < motion of arms.

Pleurisy in upper part of right chest, with cough, expectoration of a mouldy smell.


Formication and itching in the sacrum.

Easy straining of the back with pain from lifting, ameliorated by sitting.

Pain in back after menses; tearing pain in the spine.

Pain extending to feet.

Pain in cervical region extending to left shoulder while walking.

Pain in scapulae extending to stomach; tearing pain between scapulae, stooping aggravates.

Pain in sacral region, with an inability to stoop.

Pain with chill in right scapula, extending to lumbar region and stomach.

Pain in lumbar region when coughing, pain with chill when stooping, when sitting, when turning body, extending to feet, ameliorated by sitting.

Stitching pain in lumbar region in the morning, in the evening, at night, after lifting, when stooping, when turning body in bed, extending to chest, on coughing,

on walking, sitting ameliorates.

Drawing pain in head and left shoulder while walking in open air.

Bloody scabs and eruptions on the coccyx. Itching of coccyx.


Upper limbs: Redness of forearm in spots; itching of the anterior part of the forearm

Bran-like eruption on upper limbs.

Pain in upper limbs in daytime, as if sprained.

Tearing pain in shoulder on stooping.

Stitching pain in right shoulder on and from coughing.

Drawing pain in shoulder when stooping.

“As if cold water were running from clavicle down to toes along a narrow line”.

“As if upper arm would break”.

Eruption of herpes on elbow and hand.

Eczema and pustules of fingers with loss of nails.

Felon in thumb, beginning in nail.

Blue coldness of the hands and finger tips or heat of fingers.

Sensation on hands of a cobweb; formication on back of hand.

Itching of the finger joints or the back of finger joints.

Lameness in fingers with numbness in upper limbs and hand in the evening.

“As if hand were broken”.

Pain in fingers at night, tearing pain in left thumb.

Pulsating Pain in tip of thumb.

Pulsation of fingers and thumbs and the tips of both.

Burning stinging in palm of hand’ stitching pain in the evening.

Drawing Paroxysmal Pain in wrist.

Stiffness and swelling in second finger, suppuration of fingers.

Ulcers of finger joints and fingernails.

Trembling in the hand on mental exertion.

Warts in palm of hand and horny callosities on the hands.

Lower limbs: purple discolouration in spots on lower limbs.

Corroding vesicles on lower limbs

Erysipelatous inflammation of leg after dancing’ with epistaxis.

Heat of thigh.

Perspiration of thigh.

Restless leg during heat.

Trembling of lower limbs with anxiety.

Trembling while meditating.

Tension and numbness in the left leg.

“As if drops of cord water trickled down front of thighs”.

Weakness of joints after diarrhoea, after walking, > walking.

Weakness in lower limbs during diarrhoea, > walking.

Weakness in knee on mental exertion.

Pain in lower limbs in wet weather.

Pain in thigh during chill; pain in the leg on touch.

Burning pain in thigh, coughing, touch aggravate.

Burning pain in thigh near female genitalia.

Herpes, corroding vesicles, and ulcers on the nates.

Chilblains on toes; chilliness of the toes; blueness of the foot and redness of the toes; pimples on toes.

Corns in rainy weather and painful as if ulcerated.

Formication of foot ameliorated when walking in open air.

Burning heat in toe.

Itching of ball of fifth toe.

Pain in foot, walking ameliorates; pain in foot as from chilblains; touching aggravates.

Pain in joints of toes, in the ball of the foot on stepping, and pressing pain in the ankle on stepping.

Burning pain in sole of the left foot; stitching in the soles of the feet.

Burning pain in toes as if frost bitten and in the first toe while walking.

Sensation of suppuration in heel.

Ulcers on foot from rubbing of the shoes.

Phagedenic ulcers of joints of toes.

Tension in back of foot.

Trembling of foot, > walking in open air.

Weakness in foot when ascending stairs and after walking in open air.


Sleepless - in the evening after going to bed/after midnight from heat, during heat in head/after midnight until 2 h./after midnight until 1 - 4 h. 2 - 5 h.

Sleeplessness during dentition; with difficult respiration.

Waking from sleep while lying on painful side.

She wakes uncommonly early, at 3 h; she cannot fall asleep again for two hours on account of heat in the whole body (head), with sweat on the thighs.

Waking before midnight; waking early and falling asleep late and waking by erection.

Seep disturbed by coldness.

Sleep after perspiration.

Seeps on side, on the left side or impossible to sleep on side.

Deep sleep in noon and afternoon.

Sleepy in the evening at twilight, falling asleep late and difficult.

Sleepiness during evening meal; falling asleep early.

Falling asleep late with early waking and with sleepiness in the daytime and evening.

Yawning while sitting.

Dreams: coitus; sore throat.


Chill in the morning after rising, chill from 2-4 h.

Chill from 14 – 18 h. and in the evening on rising.

Shaking chill with perspiration and pulsating pain in occiput.

Chill in the afternoon after evening meal, on rising from bed, before urination and beginning in and extending from the face.

Chill during sleep; absent after midnight.

Trembling and shivering at night.

Hot head in infants.

Fever in the afternoon after sleep, in the evening at 6 p.m. in bed with sweat.

Fever at night at 2 h.

Fever and chilliness from putting hands out of bed.

Perspiration at night, 10 p.m. during menses; while writing; in the morning during sleep and during mental exertion.


Unhealthy skin, with dirty discolouration.

Erysipelas in face.

Cicatrices break open.

Severe itching on the backs of the finger joints, so that he is obliged to scratch them violently.

Eruption of pustules with red areola.

Eruptions with moist white discharge; phagedenic vesicular eruptions; whitish eruptions; eruptions which itch in the evening.

Serpiginous; serpiginous ulcers.


Hard skin peeling off, like callosities.

Skin aggravated before menses.


Aphthae. Aphthous ulceration of mucous membranes. Genitalia and anus are covered with aphthous appearances. Gastro-intestinal irritation.

Stomach problems with salivation, nausea, vomiting. Sea-sickness. Diarrhoea with pain or soft yellow stools accompanying aphthae.

Albuminuria, haematuria. Delirium, visual changes. Epilepsy. Leucorrhoea clear, copious, albuminous, unnaturally hot, acrid. Dysmenorrhoea membranous.

Menses painful (membranous). Sterility.

Painful nursing; empty feeling in mammae; > pressure. Sore nipples.

Herpetic eruptions. Pleurisy with expectoration of a mushy, mouldy odour.

Entropion. Infections of eyes. Trichiasis. Ulcers on finger joints.

Erysipelas. Herpes. Psoriasis. Ulcers. Infections of nose. Plica-polonica.


[E.B. Nash]

Dread of downward motion; child jumps and cringes or cries when laying it down; also very sensitive to noises.

Aphthous sore mouth; greenish stools day and night; mouth very hot.

Pain in right pectoral region; cough with expectoration of an OFFENSIVE, HERBY TASTE.

This remedy, although an old one, is not universally appreciated. Its action upon the nervous system is very marked. In the first place it manifests itself in what is called nervousness in regard to NOISES, to which the patient is very sensitive. Almost any noise, as a cough, a sneeze, rustling of a newspaper, a cry, distant shot, etc. BELL. is sometimes given for this starting at noises, when BOR. would do better. Then there is another very peculiar nervous symptom, viz. FEAR OF FALLING, FROM DOWNWARD MOTION (GELS. SANIC.). The child cries out and clings to the nurse when she attempts to lay it down in the cradle. Carrying it down stairs has the same effect. It will scream and cling to the nurse as long as the downward motion continues. Adults get the same symptom. Will not sit in a rocking chair, or ride on horse back,

or on the waves, or swing, or go coasting, because of this dread of downward motion. There is only one other remedy having this symptom that I know of, and that is GELS. and so far I think that this has only appeared in intermittent fever.

A child may be sleeping quietly and awake suddenly screaming and holding on to the sides of the cradle, without an apparent cause for doing so, or it may start from sleep clinging to the nurse as if frightened. In such cases we might think of APIS. BELL. CINA. STRAM. etc. but don’t prescribe on the one symptom. Look at the child’s mouth and if you should find an APHTHOUS SORE MOUTH it would settle it pretty surely for BORAX, Then, again, BORAX, has a very strong action as a general remedy, even domestic, from “way back”and has been prescribed without rhyme or reason until the homoeopaths took it and found its exact place. Now the choice has to be made between it and MERC. HYDRAS. SULPH. and SUL-AC. etc.

It is not necessary to draw the line between the different remedies here, but I will say that the sore mouth itself is only ONLY SYMPTOM in every case. The rest are found outside the local affection and often have more to do with the final choice of the remedy. The nervous symptoms already mentioned are “pointers” for BORAX, Not only upon the mucous membranes of the mouth is this action of BORAX, notable, but upon every other one. The EYELASHES BECOME GUMMY and STICK TOGETHER, OR TURN INWARD. The ears discharge. I cured a case of otorrhoea of fourteen years standing with this remedy.

Dry crusts form in the nose and re-appear if removed. GREENISH Stool DAY and NIGHT, with APHTHAE. The infant cries when urinating or before, showing an inflamed condition of the urethra. If the crying spells before urinating should be followed with a deposit of sand in the diaper or vessel, LYC. or SARS.

The mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are also affected. There is cough, and expectoration of an OFFENSIVE HERBY TASTE. Then we have decided pleuritis in the chest, in the right pectoral region.

BORAX, has also white, ALBUMINOUS, STARCHY LEUCORRHOEA, quite profuse, and with a sensation of warm water running down. These altogether show the action of BORAX upon the mucous membranes. Like CHAM. HEPAR. and SIL. BORAX, has ulcerations of the skin from slight injuries, which suppurate.


[Willard Ide Pierce]

“Although by constitution Borax is a acid salt it has an alkaline reaction to test-paper” as the sodium is “not fully neutralized by to boracic acid” (Fowne’s Chemistry).

Less soluble in water than is boracic acid (borax 15-20 parts; Boracic acid 25 parts cold water) and is prepared for us either in dilution or trituration.

For our dilution, one part of pure Borax is dissolved i ninety nine parts of distilled water to make the 1st; one part of this and ninety-nine parts of dilute alcohol to make the 2nd; and one part of this and 99 parts of alcohol 87 make the 3rd, or the lowest dilution that will not dissolve our pellets.


For our trituration, one part of pure Borax is triturated with 99 parts of sugar of milk to make the 1st or lowest official trituration of Borax.


Hahnemann, who contributed to the symptoms of Borax, tells us that “in household practice is has been for a long time empirically used in solution against the aphthae of children” and at the present time amongst the old school: “Borax is seldom used except as a lotion in aphthae and other oral affections” (Dunglison’s dictionary).

Homoeopaths, dread to see the indiscriminate use of Borax, as it will not only make bad worse, for all causes of aphthae do not call for the remedy, but it will cause trouble where none previous existed, for we know from the proving that its action on jokes membranes is marked by aphthous ulceration.

A valuable remedy for aphthous sore mouth (140), aphthous stomatitis or thrush. The aphthae are seen on the inside of the cheeks, on the tongue, the mouth is hot and tender and the child cries on nursing. Associated with this we have thirst and vomiting, but the character stiff indication for Borax in aphthous stomatitis is that the mucous membrane looks shrivelled as if burnt.

With the aphthae of Borax (nursing infants), who are apt to have diarrhoea. The stools are mucous, light yellow of green (59), usually preceded by colic and frequently associated with hot and smarting urine; the child screams before urinating.

The urine has a strong, pungent odor and there is frequent urging, but the child dreads, or is afraid to pass it and will retain it as long as possible and cries or may almost have convulsions when the necessity to urinate is felt.

A peculiar nervous phenomenon that is very characteristic and unlike that of any other remedy and that is the fear or dread of any downward motion.

In older people it may be noticed in the dread of walking or driving down a steep hill. One of the symptoms reads, “very timid in driving down a mountain; quite at variance with his customary bearing; he felt as if it would take his breath away”.

In young children, however, where this condition is more frequently seen, there is additional anxiety and nervousness; very easily startled by any sudden noise; the slamming of a door or even the rustle of a paper or dress will cause the child to start, scream and seem badly frightened.

Any downward motion is especially distressing and if the child is rocked, carried down stairs or laid down in bed, it will, even if asleep at the time, start and throw up its hands as if afraid of falling.

During sleep, the child often cries out and anxiously grasps its mother, as if frightened by a dream.

The hair is affected, and turns on itself so, that on the head becomes tangled or matted (88), and on the lid the eyelashes irritate the cornea. In inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, when they turn inward, entropion, so that the lids rub against the eyeball, Borax may effect a cure if the trouble is not of long standing.

Erysipelas (68) of the face, with a feeling of a cobweb or as if the white of an egg had dried on the face (165).

In the female sexual organs the menses may be too early and too profuse (135), but preceded the followed by leucorrhoea (136). The Leucorrhoea is acrid. (126), feels warm as it passes and is white and albuminous, like the white of an egg (126).

It is a remedy to be thought of for dysmenorrhoea, with extreme pain during the flow, and especially for membranous dysmenorrhoea (138).

It has proved useful for chronic vaginitis and metritis.

It is to be thought of in pleurodynia (120) or in true pleurisy in the upper part of the r. chest, with stitches (30) on breathing or coughing, and with expectoration of a mouldy taste and smell.


[Manish Bhatia]

Borax a domestic remedy that has been long used for local conditions as a soothing substance and for a healing purpose. In “nursing sore mouth” of mother or child Borax has been used in the families of old, in the form of Borax and honey, as a wash. The extensive use that has been made of it would make the homoeopath wonder if the people had not hit upon something, and it is a fact that Borax will rapidly heal up a sore mouth. It is not strange that it does so, for Borax, in its proving, produces aphthous conditions of the mouth, which extend to the throat and even into the stomach. It cures where the genitalia and anus are covered with these aphthous appearances.

Mind: Anxiety, fidgetiness, and sensitiveness are prominent in Borax. He is anxious about trifles. He starts at every noise, on hearing unexpected news, from music, from excitement. This anxiety or nervousness, this indescribable feeling that is within him, is aggravated from upward or downward motion. Such a motion as going up in one-of our elevators nearly drives him to distraction, but he is made worse going down. All complaints < from downward motion. It has been said in routine practice, that in all cases of sore mouth in children, when the child is worse from downward motion, Borax is the remedy. When the mother is in the act of laying the child down on the bed it often rouses up […]

The extensive use that has been made of it would make the homoeopath wonder if the people had not hit upon something, and it is a fact that Borax will rapidly heal up a sore mouth.

It is not strange that it does so, for Borax, in its proving, produces aphthous conditions of the mouth ext. throat and into the stomach. It cures where the genitalia and anus are covered with these aphthous appearances.

It has been said in routine practice, that in all cases of sore mouth in children, when the child is worse from downward motion, Borax is the remedy.

When the mother is in the act of laying the child down on the bed it often rouses up in its sleep and cries out in fright. The anxiety may be better appreciated if you will go to the top of one of these high buildings and go down in the elevator.

It is natural for every one to feel, with the rapid motion, an anxious feeling in the Stomach, a sensation of falling; that is natural to the healthy man, but if you exaggerate that intensely you have the Borax condition in which the slightest downward motion, of even riding down hill or walking down stairs, or, in the child, when being carried down stairs in the mother’s arms, produces a violent aggravation. All the nerves are in a fret.

We notice that Borax has an intensified activity throughout the body; all of his senses are made more acute.

Hearing intensified, he is oversensitive to his surroundings, over-anxious. He has an excitable spirit throughout. Riding down hill produces vertigo.

On nervous excitement, fear and apprehension. A strong feature of Borax. It has many such symptoms, but the nervous elements, partake of this type.

As we go through the remedy many other things will be called out; but this may be said to be the principal feature of the mental state, and it is to a great extent the key to Borax cases.

“Anxious feeling during downward motion or rocking.”

The diarrhoea will be cured when that state is present. Aphthae will be cured when that state is present. The rheumatism, menstrual troubles and numerous other complaints will disappear upon the administration of Borax, when this key is present.

It has hysterical manifestations.

“Changes from one work to another.”

It has a restless, nervous, anxious, excitable state that runs through his body. Child screeches and screams when it is dandled and tossed up and down.

The motion of the brain, the upward and downward motion, as in swinging, rocking, etc. makes the patient lose himself, he hardly knows where he is; confusion and vertigo come over him. If one rocks the child, it has an anxious expression of face.

“Very anxious on riding rapidly down hill.”

“Anxiety increased until 23 h.”

That I have noticed in Borax as a peculiar time of aggravation of the anxiety. I have noticed it in women who had periods of insanity, whose nervous trouble and mental state would keep up until 23 h. You will notice sometimes in insane people that it seems as if they were possessed of the devil;

and at once a lucid interval will come and they will talk just as if nothing had happened.

So it is in Borax that a great change may occur at 23 h.; this state of anxiety and nervous excitement may stop at that hour.

“Fretful, ill-humored, indolent” state increased until there is a stool and > by stool.

“He starts on hearing an anxious cry;” on hearing an unexpected noise, on hearing something drop to the floor, or if a door opens unexpectedly.

Nervous excitability;

< noise, oversensitiveness to noise and overexcitement of the nerves run through all the Sodium family. They are wonderfully intense people.

“While engaged in thinking at his work, strong nausea.”

Borax has many times cured this kind of trouble. I have seen it come up in this way; from any sort of meditation he becomes nauseated and excitable and must leave his work and rest a little while, and then he goes at it again until be becomes sick at the stomach and so must rest again.

< mental exertion/noise/excitement/from downward motion; we get the mental aspect of Borax.

A further examination of the sensorium shows:

“Vertigo and fullness in head on descending a mountain or stairs.”

This is a form of the same anxious feeling. This remedy has a good deal of vertigo, sometimes constant vertigo, which is made so intense on downward motion that be must sit still, and do nothing.

It has many congestive headaches, pressive headaches and much beat in the head.

Eyes: There are many eye symptoms.

“Granular lids.”

“Lashes turn inward towards eye and inflame it. Entropion.”

Granulation and thickening of the mucous membrane of the lid; contractions and scars and drawing inward.

“Lower lids entirely inverted.”

“Difficult opening of lids”

Nose: Like all the salts of Sodium the nose suffers from chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, a catarrhal state, with copious discharge, and crusts in the nose; stoppage of the nose.

Nat-m.: predominantly produces white discharge, and so does Borax; Nat-s.: yellow (yellowish-green) discharge, and so does Borax;

Borax is laid down as producing greenish discharge; its characteristic discharge, which is a general of the remedy, is a white discharge.

Face: The face of the infant is pale, and clay-colored.

“Children have small vesicles around the mouth, and on the forehead.”

Nat-m. produces herpetic eruptions around the mouth in all of its febrile states, and when the patient takes cold. Borax is sometimes forgotten, and Nat-m. is thought of because it is better known.

When the Natrum constitution is present, then it becomes a process of individualization to determine which one of the Natrums is indicated.

Aphthae in mouth and on tongue.” “Aphthae on tongue and inside of cheek.”

This alone is not an indication for Borax, although Borax is one among many medicines when the mouth is so sore that the child lets loose its hold of the nipple or bottle. Many prescribers give Borax on that indication alone; but the constitutional state ought to be hunted up, so that there may be constitutional foundation for the remedy.

Sul-ac. is more frequently indicated.

“Red blisters on tongue.”

“Vomiting after drinking.”

This leads one to expect that this aphthous state has travelled down the oesophagus into the stomach. There are many stomach symptoms present that are likely to be the result of some such condition.

Buccal mucous membrane highly reddened.”

The sore mouth, such as mothers have and such as infants have, can be cured with Borax.

“After every meal flatulent distension.”

“Constant vomiting.”

“Vomiting of sour slime.”

The Borax patient with stomach aphthae will gag and retch and cough, and that is what is called a “stomach cough.”

Mothers say, “It is a stomach cough,” because the child gags and retches with it.

“Stomach cough with pain extending into region of spleen.”

Anus and stool: Little ones often get summer complaints when they need Borax. All around about the anus you will see the aphthous appearances. Great slimy stools are passed day and night; the child keeps up a pitiful crying; the mouth is aphthous, child is emaciating, and holds its head back.

“Stools; frequent, soft, light yellow, slimy.”

Quantities of fluid like boiled starch are emitted from the anus; Borax has that as well as Argentum nitricum.

There are also conditions of the rectum producing thickening of the mucous membrane, with stricture, growing, smaller and smaller until finally a long thin stool is passed, no larger than a pencil. This inflammatory stricture has been cured by Borax.

Urine: In this over-sensitive child when the catarrhal state is general the urine burns so when it passes that with the first urging (which causes the child to realize it must soon urinate) it screams out; screams with the desire to urinate.

That is what it means when it says

“< before urination.” not only the state of the urinary organs < before urinating, but the child realizes that it must urinate and screeches and screams.

“Frequent urination preceded by cries.”

The urine burns and you may know that the child must soon urinate because it commences to cry.

“Orifice of urethra pains as if sore, after urinating.”

“Desire to urinate without being able to pass a drop.”

This remedy has cured gonorrhoea. Wherever there is mucous membrane you may expect to find the aphthous patches. There is another feature like Nat-m. and Nat-c.; in both male and female it takes away sexual desire; it benumbs the patient, and hence the mind and sexual organs are in a state of indifference.

Females, mothers and children: Then we come to the most striking feature of Borax in regard to the female sexual organs; in the menstrual flow will be found membrane.

Borax cures the most violent forms of membranous dysmenorrhoea, when there are violent labor-like pains before and during the flow and it seems as if the uterus would expel itself from the vagina.

The flow starts slightly, but the same violent pains keep on, until the expulsion of the membrane. I have known Borax to cure when the membrane was a cast of the uterus. Such patients are easily startled from downward motion; let that be your guide to Borax in membranous dysmenorrhoea.

She dreads downward motion, and motions like swinging and rocking.

“During menses; throbbing in head and rushing in ears.”

“Pinching and griping in abdomen;” that word does not describe it exactly, for it is like the pain in labor;

“pain extending from stomach.”

Pain like the stabbing of a knife in the groin, and that may occur either before or during menstruation.

“Tired; sweat after midnight.”

But, remember, with such things you must have the mental state, the nervous, ex citable state and then Borax will cure this dysmenorrhoea.

Another grand feature of Borax I read in the next sentence.

“Leucorrhoea like the white of eggs.”

It has albuminous leucorrhoea which feels like a hot fluid, and flows down the legs.

“White albuminous or starchy leucorrhoea.”

“Acrid leucorrhoea appearing for two weeks.”

“Leucorrhoea white as mucus, without any other ailment.”

Now from this acrid leucorrhoea, from the menstrual state, this false membrane forming and being thrown off, it is no wonder that women are sterile.

All these women are sterile, all who have such symptoms are sterile and Borax has cured sterility when this condition was the cause. You will find routinists prescribe Borax for all women who are sterile, regardless of the state. When a remedy is given for sterility, the state must be looked into which is peculiar to the remedy given such a state as that remedy can produce upon the healthy woman.

Another feature. Many times I have used Borax when the mother could not nurse the child; she talks about always having a little, thick milk.

“The milk is too thick and tastes badly.”

This condition of the milk prevents the mother from nursing her child. This is a constitutional state, and Borax, if given in the beginning of pregnancy, to a Borax patient will so change the milk as well as the rest of the constitution that the mother will be able to nurse the child.

I have a number of times, when a mother has brought forth several children that she was unable to nurse, given Borax and it has so affected the case that she could nurse the next child. This remedy also has loathing of the breast in infants, due to the fact that the milk tastes bad and not due to any defect on the part of the child.

You might think of prescribing for the infant, but if you examine into the case you will find that the child will not take the milk, because it is loathsome. The mother needs a dose of Borax, which will cure the child of its diarrhoea and loathing of milk.

“The infant becomes pale, nearly earth-colored.”

“The child throws up its hands when an attempt is made to put it down.”

If the mother was a Borax mother, the child very likely is a Borax child; it is not an uncommon thing for the mother and baby to need the same remedy; many times I have medicated the child through the mother’s milk if both needed the same remedy.

Another peculiar feature is that when the child is nursing, there is pain in the opposite breast. Borax is not necessarily limited to the state of confinement; there is a practical use for Borax among nervous women in all states of life.

Borax cured pleurisy very much resembling Bry. (r. side like Bryonia); stitching or darting pains from without inward as if through the upper r. lung posteriorly. The stitching pains might make you think of Bryonia.

“Wilted, wrinkled skin.”

“Skin pale or livid.”

Emaciated; flabby child becomes emaciated. Children become marasmic along with the aphthous condition; they cannot digest. They vomit or have diarrhoea; aphthous condition that extends the whole length of the intestines; involving all mucous membranes. Oversensitive child, screams from downward motion. The aphthae involve a good many other symptoms; crying before urination, because the bladder is involved.

The aphthous condition and worse from downward motion; the oversensitiveness to noise, easily startled, anxious feeding, etc. are the most striking and characterizing features.


[Margaret Lucy Tyler]

Borax is another of those invaluable minor remedies, with very distinctive symptoms and selective tissue-action. It is not easy to forget, when once its peculiarities are mastered. Its great suggestive symptom, which will lead to its use in a variety of conditions, is its intense dread of downward motion of any kind. It has a curious action on hair, which tangles at the tips and sticks together; and this is re-formed when these bunches are cut off. Its most notable effect on eyes is that the lashes turn in (entropion) and of course inflame the eyes: especially are the outer canthi inflamed. The lower lids may be entirely inverted.

One notices the “red nose of young women”. Also the pale earthy, suffering expression of face-especially in young children; and the herpetic eruptions about the mouth, reminding one of Nat-m. and Sep. From the mouth, downwards, all through to the anus, Borax can be a torment. It has aphthae, so tender that they prevent the babe from nursing, or the older victim from eating; that, in the stomach, prevent peaceful digestion, with vomiting of slime; that affect the abdomen with pinchings and diarrhoea; that inflame rectum and anus, even to stricture, with burnings and aphthae. But Borax not only tortures the infant, but the pregnant and nursing mother; with aphthous nipples that will not tolerate suckling; and milk, too copious, or too thick, or repulsive to the infant by reason of its bad taste.

Borax is one of the remedies of pleurisy when, like that of Bryonia, “the patient cannot move or breathe without a stitch”.

But we will not let some of the Masters of prescribing take up the tale.

Guernsey: Great fear of downward motion of every kind. Afraid to go downstairs; can’t swing, ride horseback, or use a rocking chair. Children spring up suddenly on being laid down in bed; or may be sleeping quietly, when they suddenly wake up, screaming and holding on to the sides of the cradle, without any apparent cause.

Hair rough and frowsy: eyelids turn in upon the eye: distension from flatus after every meal: stool before making water: dingy, unhealthy skin which ulcerates easily on being injured. Smoking may bring on diarrhoea.

Farrington: Borax as a medicine won its first laurel in the nursery, where it has long been used in the treatment of sore nipples and children’s sore mouth. Like all popular remedies, it has been greatly abused. Homoeopathy has rescued it from the nursery and now offers it to the profession as a medicine of great value, telling when it may and may not be used. Underlying this sore mouth, which seems to be the keynote for the use of Borax, is a system or constitution which will permit of the sore mouth, that is, an ill-nourished system. Thus the infant becomes pale or of an earthy hue, its flesh grows soft and flabby; it cries a great deal when it nurses, screams out during sleep and awakens clinging to its mother as if frightened by a dream. It is excessively nervous, so much so that the slightest nose, the mere rustling of paper, as well as a distant heavy nose, will arouse and frighten it. This nervous excitability qualifies the pains (of Borax). For instance, in earache, you will find that each paroxysm of pain causes the child to start nervously.


Bell. Puls. and Cham. by this starting with the pain or from slight noises, by the paleness of the face and above all by another well-proved symptom, the dread of downward motion. It is not simply the motion that awakens the child, for the child will not awaken if it is moved without any downward motion. It must, then, be the downward motion that arouses it. The reason for this is, that the child is suffering from cerebral anaemia and this downward motion causes a feeling as though it were going to fall. You will also find that ladies, after some exhausting disease, cannot use a rocking chair, because, when they rock backwards, they feel as if they would tumble.

Aphthous inflammation of the mouth appears as a concomitant of the diarrhoea. The mouth is hot, which the mother notices when the child takes hold of the nipple. The child lets go of the nipple and cries with pain and vexation, or else refuses the breast.

Bry.: caused and cured infants’ sore mouth. But the characteristic symptom in Bryonia is this; the child refuses to nurse or makes a great fuss about it, but so soon as its mouth is moistened, it takes hold of the nipple and nurses energetically.

Merc.: with the sore mouth, has profuse salivation.

Arum-t.: readily distinguished from Borax by the violence of the symptoms, and + soreness and scabs around the mouth and nostrils.

I would advise to caution your nurses, not to use powdered borax every time the child has a sore mouth. It may do harm if not indicated. I think that

I have noticed after its use that the bowels suffer and the child grows paler and dwindles rapidly, which it did not do before the meddlesomeness of the nurse.

Kent.: abstracts: Borax, is one of those domestic remedies, long used for all sorts of local conditions as a soothing substance, and for healing purposes. In “nursing sore mouth” of mother or child borax has been used as borax and honey, as a wash, it is a fact that borax will rapidly heal up a sore mouth, and it is not strange that it does do, for Borax in its proving, produces aphthous conditions of the mouth, which extends down the throat and even into the stomach. It cures where the genitalia and anus are covered with these aphthous appearances.

Nervousness, anxiety, fidgetiness and sensitiveness are prominent in Borax . a state of turmoil and anxiety: aggravated by upward or downward motion. Going up in an elevator nearly drives him to distraction; but is made worse by going downwards. All complaints are worse from downward motion. Sore mouth in children with worse when laid down in bed:-cries out in fright Borax is the remedy An intensified activity all through the body

- - hearing intensified; oversensitive to all surroundings; over anxious. < anxiety till 23 h. he has noticed as the peculiar time of Borax. “You will notice sometimes in insane people that it seems as if they were possessed of the devil; and at once a lucid interval will come and they will talk as if nothing had happened. So it is in Borax that a great change may occur at 23 h.; this state of anxiety and nervous excitement may stop at that hour .

“Here is another feature, while engaged in thinking at work, strong nausea with the aggravation from mental exertion, from nose, from excitement, from downward motion,

we get the mental aspect of Borax.”

“The Borax patient with stomach aphthae will gag and retch and cough: mothers say, ‘It is a stomach cough because the child gags and retches with it.'”

Then the rectum; thickening of the mucous membrane, with stricture growing smaller and smaller till only a long thin stool is passed this inflammatory stricture has been cured by Borax.

The urine burns so that child screams with the desire to urinate. The hot urine burns like fire.

Membranous dysmenorrhoea, with violent labour-like pains before and during the flow, as if the uterus would expel itself from the vagina. I have known Borax cure when the membrane was a cast of the uterus: such patients are easily startled from downward motion: let that be your guide in membranous dysmenorrhoea.

When mother could not nurse the child. “The milk is too thick and tastes badly.” If Borax is given at the beginning of pregnancy to a Borax patient it will change the milk, as well as the rest of the constipation, and the mother will be able to nurse the child. This remedy has loathing of the breast in infants, due to the fact that the milk tastes bad the mother needs a dose of Borax.



The child becomes anxious when dancing; if one rocks it in arms it has an anxious expression of face during downward motion.

Anxious feeling during downward motion or rocking. Dread of downward motion.

Very anxious when riding rapidly down hill, contrary to his custom he feels as though it would take away his breath.

Anxious feeling during downward motion or rocking. (Diarrhoea.)

VERTIGO and fullness in head on descending a mountain or stairs.

APHTHAE with salivation.

Aphthae in mouth and on tongue, and inner surface of cheek, bleeding easily; with great heat and dryness of mouth; with cracked tongue.

Mouth of infant very hot.

Aphthae are so tender that they prevent child from nursing.

Soft, light yellow, mucous STOOL.

< before URINATION.

Frequently cries and screams before the urine passes.

While albuminous, or starchy LEUCORRHOEA.

Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down.

Acrid leucorrhoea, appearing for two weeks, between catamenia, with swelling of labia and inflamed and discharge Duvernis glands.

Sensation of warm water running down thighs.

PLEURITIC PAIN in right pectoral region; patient cannot move or breathe without a stitch.

With every cough and deep inspiration, sticking in the chest.

Children may be sleeping quietly, and awake suddenly, screaming and holding on to sides of cradle without any apparent cause for so doing.

The infant frequently cries out in its sleep, and anxiously grasps its mother, as if it had been frightened by a dream.

She cannot fall asleep again for two hours, on account of heat in the whole body, especially in the head.

Period of dentition and infancy.


Fretful, ill-humoured, indolent and discontented before the easy stool in the afternoon; after it lively, contented, and looking cheerfully into the future.

Easily startled by unusual sounds.

Fright: starts in all his limbs on hearing an anxious cry.

Strong nausea when thinking at his work; with trembling of body and weakness of knees.

Vertigo and fullness of head descending a mountain or stairs; driving down hills.

Hot head and chilliness.

Hair tangles at the tips, and sticks together. If these bunches are cut off, they form again.

Hair rough and frowsy, cannot be combed smooth.

Eyelashes turn inwards towards eye and inflame it (outer canthi), where margins of lids are very sore.

Eyelashes loaded with gummy, dry exudation, stick together in the morning.

Lower eyelids entirely inverted. Difficult opening of lids.

Tip of nose shiny red: dry crusts in nose reform if removed.

Painful pressing downwards, right nostrils, as if all the brain would be forced out.

Cobweb sensation, face. Sensation of a bug crawling over under lip.

Crawling like insects on the lips.

Redness of gums above roots of teeth, front upper jaw.

Cramp, numbness and stiffness of tongue, impeding respiration.

Mucous membrane of palate in front seems burnt and shrivelled.

Cheerful, contented mood after stool.

Disagreeable sensation of emptiness in mammae after suckling.

Milk too thick; tastes badly, often curdles on being drawn. Loathing of the breasts in infants.

Colic of infants: they scream when laid down, or show signs of vertigo when carried downstairs.

Child throws up hands when an attempt is made to put it down.

Arrest of breath when lying in bed; must jump up.

Sticking in chest when coughing.

Violent cough with slight expectoration of mouldy tastes and smell. Musty expectoration.

“As if heart were on right side and being squeezed”.

Phagedenic ulcers on joints of fingers and toes.

Infant cries out in sleep and grasps its mother.

Something pulls from spleen into chest.


[H.C. Allen]

Dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints.

Great anxiety from downward motion; when laying the child down on a couch or in the crib, cries and clings to the nurse; when rocking, dancing, swinging; going down stairs or rapidly down hill; horseback riding (compare Sanic.).

Children awake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle, without apparent cause (Apis/Cina/Stram.).

Excessively nervous, easily frightened by the slightest noise or an unusual sharp sound, a cough, sneeze, a cry, lighting a match, etc. (Asar/Calad.).

Hair becomes frowsy and tangled; splits, sticks together at eh tips; if these bunches are cut off, they form again, cannot be combined


Eyelashes: loaded with dry, gummy exudation; agglutinated in morning; turn inward and inflame the eye (outer canthi); tendency to “wild hairs.”

Nostrils crusty, inflamed; tip of nose shining red; red noses of young women.

Stoppage of right nostril, or first right then left with constant blowing of nose (Am. c/Lac c/Mag. m.).

Aphthae: in the mouth, on the tongue, inside of the cheek; easily bleeding when eating or touched; prevents child from nursing; with hot mouth, dryness and thirst (Ars.); cracked and bleeding tongue (Arum.); salivation, especially during dentition.

Aphthous sore mouth; < from touch; eating salty or sour food; of old people, often from plate of teeth (Alumen).

Child has frequent urination and screams before urine passes (Lyc/Sanic/Sars.).

Leucorrhoea: profuse, albuminous, starchy, with “As if warm water were flowing down”; for 2 weeks between the catamenia (compare, Bov./Con.).

Skin: unhealthy, slight injuries suppurate (Calen./Hep./Merc./Sil.).

<: Downward motion/from sudden/slight noises/smoking/may bring on diarrhoea/damp, cold weather/before urinating;

>: Holding painful side with hand;


[T.F. Allen]

Natrum biboracicum (2BO2Na. B2O310H2O). Sodium biborate. Preparation: Triturations.


Voluptuous mood (after weeks). Very cheerful, lively, affectionate, with desire and liking for all work, in the forenoon (sixth day). The child cries at intervals very violently, ceases after a few minutes, and is again contended and playful. Very earnest (after one day). Low-spirited and peevish (second day). Very anxious on riding rapidly down a hill, contrary to his custom; he feels as though it would take away his breath (first five weeks). The child becomes anxious when dancing; if one rocks it in the arms it has an anxious expression of the face during the downward motion (the first three weeks). Anxiety with rumbling in the bowels (after ten hours). Great anxiety, with great sleepiness; the anxiety increased until 11 o’clock in the evening, when the person became dizzy and sleepy, and fell asleep. Anxiety, with weakness and trembling in the feet, and palpitation (when mesmerizing), (after three days). Fright; both he and she start up at a distant shock. Fright; he starts in all his limbs on hearing an anxious cry (after four weeks). The baby is frightened at hawking and sneezing. Dread and fear of contagion. Irritable during important business (after eight days). The child is fretful, whines and cries, contrary to its custom (1st day). Very fretful in the afternoon at 16 h. and peevish, although he was in good humor previously; he rebukes people for trifles, for several days (8th day). Before the easy stool in the afternoon, fretful, ill-humored, indolent, and discontented; after it, lively, contented with himself and the world, and looking cheerfully into the future (after 20 days). Violent; he scolds and swears at trifles (1st day). Violent, fretful,

ill-humored (1st day). He does not become offended, and is indifferent to things which usually vex him very much (curative), (15th day). Pleasure and activity in the his business (curative), (after 5 weeks). At times his thoughts vanish (4th day). He idles through the afternoon, does not really get at his work; changes from one business to another, from one room to another; does not keep at one business. Disinclined to work; he does only what he is obliged to as if by force (the first 5 weeks). He is obliged to reflect a long time, until he knows everything that he has done through the day; for a long time he is not certain whether he had been at a place yesterday or to-day (6th day).

Head: On walking, head confused. The whole head confused, with stitching in l. ear, evening (1st day). Vertigo, in the morning in bed (fifth day).

Heaviness in the head (1st day). Headache, with confusion of the whole head, and sticking in the left ear (1st day). Fullness of the head on ascending a mountain or steps (5th day). Fullness in the head and pressure about the eyes, as if they were held fast, so that he can scarcely move them. Fullness in the head and pressure in the small of the back when sitting, together with a sleepy sensation in the eyes (seventeenth day). Fullness in the head in morning, with lack of clear ideas and presence of mind, so that he is unable to perform any mental work, and has no desire for it; after walking in the open air he is better, but still feels great weakness in the feet and joints (2nd day). Aching in the whole head, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and to vomit, and trembling in the whole body, in the morning at 10 h. (in two female provers at the same time), (2nd day). Dull pressive headache in the morning (forehead) (1st day). During menstruation, throbbing in the head and roaring in the ears. Headache in the forehead, with sticking in the l. ear, and a hollow lower back tooth on the left side, in the evening (14th day). Drawing pain in the forehead extending towards the eyes (4th day). Pressive drawing headache in the forehead above the eyes and towards the root of the nose, at times ext. nape of the neck; on stooping a severe pressure in the frontal bone; when writing and reading the pain becomes much more violent, with pressure in the region of the spleen (6th day). Dull pressure in the forehead (6th day). Pressive headache above the eyes; soon disappears when walking in the open air (4th day). Sticking headache over the eyes and in the temples, alternating with head and coldness, so that at one time the hands were very hot, at another quite blue, with sticking in the swollen glands in the neck, which afterwards became softer and smaller (14th day). Twitching pain in the forehead, with nausea and tearing in both eyeballs, in the afternoon (1th day). Throbbing in the forehead. Sticking from the r. temple to the left half of the forehead. Pressive sticking in the right temple (40th day). Rhythmical pressive dull sticking in the right temple (40th day). Throbbing in both temples (4th day). Throbbing headache in both temples (r.) (16th day). Headache in the vertex and forehead, in the evening (2nd day). Boring in a small spot in the vertex (20nd day). Tearing in the vertex in the forenoon, with a great roaring in the ears (8th day). Stitches, transient, in the l. side of the head in the vertex, afterwards transient stitches in the genitals, and in the following night lascivious disgusting dreams, in a married woman (1st day). Stitches deep in the right side of the head, with discharge of pus from the right ear; stitches so violent that he involuntarily drew back his head, together with tickling in the left ear, such as precedes a discharge, followed by very acute hearing (32nd day)(60). Tearing in the left half of the head, starting in a hollow tooth (4th day). Throbbing headache in the occiput, as if it would suppurate there, with shivering over the whole body, lasting the whole night and following day (second day). Pulsating rush of blood into the occiput (sixteenth day). Sensitiveness of the external head to cold and change of weather. As in Plica Polonica, the child’s hairs become entangled at the tips and stick together, so that very cannot be separated; if these bunches are cut off they form again (for 10 weeks).

Vertigo: in the evening when walking, “As if some one pushed him from the r. side towards the l. (5th day). Attacks of vertigo, with loss of presence of mind (3rd day). Giddy and full feeling in the forehead in the morning, so that he immediately lost his good humor (4th day). Light, clear head (6th day). Eyes:

The infant becomes very red around the eyes when crying (4th day). Sensation in eyes as if something had fallen into them, which disappears on rubbing, first in the r. eye, then in the l. 4x during half the day, and returning next day at noon (7th day). Burning in the eyes and momentary contraction of them as soon as he removes the glasses (after 6 days). Pressive burning in the r. eye, in the afternoon (3rd day). Pressure above the eyes from time to time (10th day). Pressure in the r. eye very painful, as if it would be pressed into the orbit, in the morning (after 5 weeks). Sensation in the right eyelids, while sitting, as if something pressed out from within, from between the skin coming from the temples; immediately followed by pressure around eyes (4th day). Cutting in the left eye lengthwise, coming and going suddenly (37th day). In the l. eye, three stitches in succession (3rd day). Itching in the eyes, with a sensation at times as if sand were in them (4th day). The lashes turn inward toward the eye and inflame it (outer canthi), where the margins of the lid are very sore (6th week). Inflammation of the margins of the lid in an infant; he rubs the eyes and at night they are agglutinated

(1st day). Inflammation of the l. eye in the inner canthus, with nightly agglutinations (1st day). Inflammation of the right eye in the external canthus, with irregularity of the lashes; agglutination of the eye at night (35th day). At night the eyes are agglutination of the eye at night (35th day). At night the eyes are agglutinated with hard, dry mucus, which irritates the eyes like sand (5th week). In the morning the eyes are agglutinated and lachrymatous (5th day). In the evening it is difficult to close the lids, and in the morning difficult to open them (5th week). Pressive pain in the upper lid on opening the eye. Soreness in the external canthi (after 5 weeks). Lachrymation of the eyes (8th day). Itching in the internal canthus, so that she must frequently rub it

(1st  day). Tearing in both eyeballs, with a twitching in the forehead, an nausea in the afternoon. Stitches in the eyeball, with contraction in the r. upper lid (8th day). Obscuration of the l. eye in the evening; she was obliged to make great exertion, but still saw nothing (ninth day). Sensitiveness of the eyes to the candlelight in the evening (3rd day). Flickering before the eyes in the morning when writing, so that he does not see distinctly; there seem to be bright moving waves, now from the r. to the l. now

from above downward, several mornings in succession (after 24 days).

Ears: Inflamed hot swelling of both ears, with a discharge of pus from them (27th day). Purulent discharge from both ears preceded by itching in the occiput (19th day).

A purulent discharge from the ears, with sticking headache (after 32 days). A previous discharge from the ears ceases (curative action). Suddenly a sensation as if the ear

were enveloped or stopped. Pain in the ear; a sensitive pressure behind the right ear (after six days). Stitches in the ears (after 6 weeks). Stitches in the ears in the morning

when washing in cold water (4rd day). Stitches in the l. ear, on waking unusually early

(4th day). Stitches in the l. ear, in two provers (15th day). Stitching in l. ear (in a man), (14th day). Stitching in left ear, with headache in the forehead,

and stitching in left, lower, hollow, molar tooth (in a female), evening (14th day). Sore pain in the ear on boring in with the finger (32 day). Itching in the l. ear, and sore pain after removing the ear-wax, in the evening, when walking; at the same time a kind of sticking in the l. side of the neck (19th day). Difficult hearing in the l. ear, in a child

five years old (9th day). Crackling in the l. ear, as if thick wax were in it which stopped the ear, which then opened again, in the evening (10th day). Dull drumming in the l. ear, as if over a subterranean vault (14th day). Ringing and piping in the r. ear, which afterwards changed to a roaring (20th day). Roaring and ringing in right ear (8th day).

Roaring in the ears, and much difficult hearing (18th and 19th days). Rushing in the left ear as from a storm (3rd and 4th days).

Nose: The infant rubs his nose vigorously with the hands, and then the eyes (15th day). (Red and shining swelling of the nose, with throbbing and tensive sensation). In the upper and forepart of the l. nostril, towards the tip of the nose, a small boil, with sore pain and swelling of the tip of the nose (tenth day). Ulceration in the left nostril, in the forepart, in the tip, with sore pain and swelling of the tip of the nose (tenth day). Many dry crusts in the nose, which constantly form again being removed (after 16 days). Sneezing, with great painfulness; he tries to stop it, since in causes severe sticking in the right side of the chest; for three weeks (after 6 days). Sneezing and fluent coryza

(1st day). Fluent coryza with much crawling in the nose (after 16 days). Discharge of much greenish thick mucus from the nose. Bleeding from the nose (after 25 days). Bleeding of the nose in the morning, and in the evening pulsating headache (after 6 days). Some blood is usually discharge on blowing the nose, preceded by itching in the nose (18th day). Itching and crawling in the nose; he is obliged to put his finger into it (after 12 days).

Face: Erysipelas in the face (after 34 days). The face of the infant looks pale, suffering, earthy (first day). Swelling of the face with pimply eruptions on the nose and lips

(1st day). Swelling, heat and redness of the face, with tearing pain in the malar bone, and severe pain in the swelling when laughing (31st and 32nd days). A feeling in the r. side of the face, by the mouth, as if cobwebs had formed there. Dull tearing in the left cheek, starting from a hollow tooth, with pressure in the forehead and in both eyeballs

(after 4 days). Red inflamed a swelling as large as a pea on the lower lip, with burning soreness when touched (41st day). Twitching of the muscles near the right corner of the mouth several times. Burning in the upper lip below the left nostril, in the morning in bed (7th day). Burning pain in the lower lip, soon passing away, in the evening (3rd day). Sensation in the lower lip like the crawling of insects (4th day). Crawling on the tips as from beetles (2nd day).

Mouth: Teeth and Gums. A piece broke out of a hollow tooth of itself (after 6 days). The teeth seem too long (1st day). Toothache in an upper hollow tooth, with burning of the cheek, which pains as if tense when touched (after 7 days). Constrictive griping in a hollow tooth (after 4 days). Toothache in a hollow tooth, dull griping, in wet rainy weather, in five provers. Aching in the hollow teeth in bed weather (after forty days). Dull, pressive boring in the hollow teeth in the evening, in cool air (1st day).

Pressive-digging toothache, after every supper and breakfast; is relieved by tobacco smoking; for several days (after 40 days). Drawing pain in the teeth. Fine intermitting sticking in all the teeth, mostly in a hollow back tooth in the left lower jaw (2nd  day). Sticking toothache in a left lower hollow back tooth, with sticking in the left ear and headache in the forehead, in the evening (after 14 days). Tearing from the hollow teeth into half of the head, if they are touched with the tongue, or if cold water is taken

into the mouth. Tearing and griping in an upper hollow tooth, which seems to be larger than natural, so that she cannot bite or clench the teeth; with inflammation and

swelling of the gum as if a gum-boil would form; in the evening the pain extends into the lower teeth, and then disappears on going to sleep (4th day). Crawling and tickling

in the lower incisors, followed by accumulations of saliva in the mouth (after seven days). Swelling of the gum for three days, with pressure in the hollow teeth in bad weather (after 40 days). Inflamed large swelling on the outer side of the gum, which pains severely (gum-boil), with dull pain in a hollow tooth; swelling of the cheek and whole l. side of the face, as far as below the eye, where there is an elevated edematous swelling (smelling of Chamomilla relieves the pain), (after 36 days). The gums of the upper teeth bleed without pain (after 6 days). Tongue. An aphtha on the tongue

(after 33 days). Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were eroded; they pain on every motion of the tongue, or if anything salt or sour touches them (after 5 weeks). Dryness of the tongue in the afternoon (third day). Falling asleep of the tongue, so that respiration impeded. Cramp in the tongue, as if stiff an gone to sleep, so that breathing is impeded thereby. Aphthae in the mouth (after 4 weeks). An aphtha in the inner side of the cheek, which bleeds when eating (after 30 days). The infant’s palate was wrinkled and it cried frequently when nursing (after 4 weeks). The mucous membrane of the forepart of the palate is shrivelled as if burnt, and pains, especially when chewing, for several days (after 6 days). Slimy mouth (1st day). The mouth of the infant was very hot. Pain in the corners of the mouth, as if they would ulcerate (after 20 days).

Copious cold saliva. Taste. The taste is flat and insipid (after 5 days). She had no taste when she ate anything, for several weeks (after 8 days). The soup has no taste at dinner; it causes sweat (8th day). Bitter taste; if she eats anything or swallows saliva everything tastes bitter (2nd day).

Throat: Much mucus accumulates in the throat, which he must expectorate. Tough mucus in the throat, which is difficult to loosen (after 18 days). Much tough mucus in the throat, which he must hawk up with much exertion, so that he vomits (after 6 days). Tough whitish mucus in the fauces, which is loosened only after great exertion (for several days), (after 5 days). A piece of mucus streaked with blood is hawked up (after 9 days). Hawking of mucus in the morning; the mucus is easily raised in lumps. Green loose mucus is hawked from the throat (after 12 days). Dryness in the throat (after 5 days). Roughness in throat, as if a grater were in it. Throat rough in the morning. Burning in the throat; this causes him to swallow saliva, which is painful (9th day). Rawness in the pit of the throat, with drawing stitches in it when coughing and sneezing, and with relief after hawking up mucus (11th day). Scraping in the throat, causing a dry cough (after 1st day). Tickling in the throat, provoking a dry cough (after 4 weeks).

Stomach: Great appetite in the evening. Increased appetite for breakfast (4th day). Appetite much less than usual (after 5 days). Less hunger and appetite than usual (first 5 weeks). Diminished hunger and appetite, frequently however hunger without real appetite (after 5 days). He eats very little. He has less appetite (supper) (after 8 days).

She has very little appetite in the evening for several weeks (after 8 days). Loss of appetite, nausea, drawings in the head from the vertex to the temples, and drawing from

the abdomen toward the groin, every evening for several days (5th week).

No appetite for dinner (after 12 days). No more desire for tobacco (2nd day). Thirst in the morning; he must drink a great deal (14th day). Longing for sour drinks (14th and 15th days). Hiccough and Nausea. The infant hiccoughs very often. Severe hiccough, which makes the throat raw. Hiccough after eating (8th day). Nausea. Nausea during eating (after 19 days). Nausea with periodic inclination to vomit (5th day). Nausea in the morning, with inclination to vomit; disappears after dinner (6th day). Nausea immediately after waking, with great inclination to vomit, which however does not follow until he drinks water, when he vomits a large quantity of mucus and some bitter substance with great exertion (17th day). Nausea followed by vomiting of mucus, with heat and rapid feverish pulse (after 23 days). Nausea even to vomiting when riding (1st day). Nausea and little appetite (4th day). Nausea in the stomach, with pain in the sternum, from 15 h. till evening, several days in succession (after 5 days). Nausea and sick feeling even to fainting, in the morning (6th day). Frequent nausea and faintness in the afternoon (after 12 days). Nausea at the thought of eating, at noon, with coldness, drawing headache and pain in the abdomen, followed by three attacks of diarrhoea (after twenty days). Vomiting. Vomiting tough fluid substance. Vomiting of sour mucus, after breakfast (of cacoa), (2nd day). Heaviness in stomach, diminished by walking in open air. Epigastrium. Pain in the stomach, as from had digestion, on external pressure on the pit of the stomach (second day). Pain in the region of the stomach after lifting something heavy; the pain goes into the small of the back, where it becomes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night; in the morning better (2 days before menses), (13th day). After eating, which he relishes, great distension, discomfort, sick feeling and ill humor; in the evening, on going into the open air, somewhat relieved (after forty-one days). After eating apples, with mutton, fullness in the stomach, with peevishness and

ill-humor; fullness in the head, as if the blood forcibly pressed into it (19th day). Constrictive pain in the region of the stomach (after 6 days). Constrictive pain in the region

of the stomach every day from 4 h. till twelve at noon, a kind of winding-up sensation, which extends to the spine, where it causes sticking, for several days in succession. Pressure in the stomach (1st day). Pressure in the stomach after every meal (1st day). After eating pears (morning or forenoon), pressure in the pit of the stomach, with discomfort. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with disappears on walking. Pressive-sticking in the stomach, with oppression of the chest. which compels him to take a deep breath, which, however, he cannot do on account of sharp pinching pain in the right side of the chest.

Abdomen: Hypochondria. A sensitive pressure in the region of the spleen (1st day). In the l. hypochondrium, a feeling as of violent pressure, as with the hands, when riding

in a carriage without springs. Pressure, and sometimes a burning, with a sensation in the l. hypochondrium on deep breathing, as if something rose up into the chest from the region of the spleen, which sank down again on expiration (after 6 days). Pressure in the l. hypochondrium, from the lowest ribs to the hip-bone, which is increased by external pressure, after a midday sleep till evening (2nd day). Pressive pain in the l. hypochondrium, as if a stone lay there, when dancing; on continuing to dance it disappears (after fifteen days). On the 2nd day after menstruation pressure, as from a stone in the right hypochondriac region, extending to the shoulder-blade, from which place the pain ext. spasmodically into the stomach and small of the back, followed by vomiting. Cutting in the right hypochondrium soon after breakfast, extending downward across through the bowels, followed by diarrhoea; evacuation sudden (3rd day). Cutting in the left hypochondrium on walking rapidly, as if a hard, sharp, movable piece were there, with a sensation in the abdomen as if only hard pieces were in it much, mixed up (after 6 days). The drawing-sticking pain in the r. side of the chest ext. down into the r. flank, where it becomes exceedingly painful on hiccoughing, sneezing, coughing, and yawning (3 weeks).

Rumbling in abdomen. Much rumbling in the abdomen at night, relieved in the abdomen and diarrhoea (third day). Much flatulence. Much discharge of flatus. Formation of flatulence and frequent passage of it. Abdomen distended after supper (5th day). Flatulent distension after every meal (after 5 days). Weakness in the abdomen (4th day). Pain in the abdomen several times through the day, as if diarrhoea would result. Immediately after eating, pain in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on; disappears after a midday nap (2nd day). Pinching in the abdomen, at different times. Pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoea (after 20 days). Pinching constrictive pain in the abdomen above the navel, so that she is obliged to bend double, then it ceases; daily in the morning for 5 minutes (after 8 days). Griping pains in the abdomen, with shivering and gooseflesh (after six days). During menstruation, spasmodic dragging and shooting pain in the groin. Stitching in the abdomen, in the region of the uterus, in the evening, in bed (2nd day). At the time of the menses, pain in the groin like stitching and pressing; at the next period they were absent, on account of which she received, 6 weeks afterwards, two pellets of Borax 1st, whereupon the menses appeared on the following day, with griping in the abdomen.

Rectum and Anus: Contraction in the rectum, with itching (after 40 days). Stitches in the rectum in the evening (after 2 days). A swollen vein in the anus as large as a pencil, and painless (2nd and 3rd days). Brown mucus in the anus after the stool (after 9 days). Boring-sticking pain in the anus and small of the back (after 15 days). Itching in the anus in the evening (7th day). Itching in the anus, as from hemorrhoidal mucus (16th day).

Stool: After smoking, a feeling as though diarrhoea would come on (6th day). Frequent desire for stool, with rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhoea-like discharges (first days). Frequent desire for stool, with pinching in the bowels, and easy, pasty evacuations. Desire for stool in the morning; at first hard, then diarrhoea-like discharge, with burning in the anus (1st day). Very soft stool in the morning; in the evening the usual evacuation (after 7 days). Frequent very easy stool every day (first days). 2 scanty, pasty stools. Diarrhoea-like stool in the afternoon, with much wind, following a hard stool in the morning (5th day). Diarrhoea, 2 or 3x, without pain (after one hour). The child has

3 stools a day, the last like yellow water. Stool every hour, soft, slimy, without other symptoms (3rd day). Diarrhoea during the first 3 days (in a subject constantly troubled with constipation). Diarrhoea after breakfast, four times in succession (4th day). Diarrhoea 6x, from the morning till 14 h. without pain (5th day). Diarrhoea, with rumbling in

the abdomen (first days). Diarrhoea sudden toward noon, with rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen (4th day). Diarrhoea, without pain, 2x daily, followed by discharge of mucus and blood (sixteenth day). Diarrhoea immediately after eating, with weakness in the joints and legs, which is relieved after walking (first day). The primary action of Borax is diarrhoea, followed by no stool for several days, afterwards a hard stool daily. Soft stool (first three days). Hard stool, with straining (16th day). Pale mucus passes 4x, with the stool once involuntarily (14th day). Soft light-yellow, mucous stool, 3x daily, with weakness and exhaustion (first days). Green stool in the infant preceded by crying (sixth day). Tenacious, glutinous, yellowish mucus with the stool (18th and 19th days). Reddish liquid mucus with the stool, as if it was colored with blood (21th day). Passage of blood an mucus from the anus (9th day). Passage of round worms. Constipation, with faeces like sheep-dung for ten days (after several days).

Urinary Organs: Pressure and sticking in the region of the kidneys, increased on turning (after 3 days). Dark-blue spots at the orifice of the urethra, as if the skin was off, with biting pain on urinating (after 24 days). The orifice of the urethra seems agglutinated with gum. Burning tension in the urethra after urinating. Smarting pain along the urethra (touched) (after 26 days). Smarting in the urethra after urinating (15th, 20th and 13th days). The orifice of the urethra pains as if sore after urinating. During involuntary emission, cutting pain in the urethra; the semen was so thin that he thought he urinated. Severe urgent desire to urinate, so that he can scarcely hold the urine (1th day).

Severe urging to urinate at night, several times (25th day). At night he must rise several times to urinate (after 34 days). After an emission, urging to urinate, and on urinating cutting in the urethra. Desire to urinate, without being able to pass a drop, with cutting in the genitals and distension in both hips, for two hours (1th day). Frequent urinating (first days). The infant urinates nearly every 10 - 12 minutes, and frequently cries and screams before the urine passes, for a long time (after 6 days). Hot urine in the infant (after 4 days). Pungent smell of the urine (1th day). Pungent peculiar smell of the urine (first 2 weeks).

Male sexual Organs: Tensive erection in the morning on waking (4th day). Frequent excitement of the genitals without desire for coition (1th day). Stitches in the genitals, soon disappearing (1th day). Sticking sore pain (when touched on the penis at the margin of the place where a chancre formerly existed (after 24 days). While resting his hands in

a kind way upon a sick female he had sensual sensations without desire for coition (3rd day). Indifference to coition (first 5 weeks). He is obliged to wait a long time during coition for the discharge of semen (after 5 weeks). Emission with dream of coition, whereby the semen came very rapidly, which woke him. On coition, the semen passes very soon, and there is a continual irritation in the genitals (after 5 weeks). Female. Easy conception during the use of Borax observed in five women. A women who had been sterile 14 years on account of a chronic acrid leucorrhoea, in addition to other remedies at last took Borax; she became pregnant and the leucorrhoea improved. Sticking in the region of the uterus (2nd day). Sensation of distension and sticking in the clitoris at night (6th day). Leucorrhea white, like mucus, without other symptoms, 14 days after menstruation (after 15 weeks). Leucorrhea thick as paste and white, for 5 days (after 4 days). Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down, several days (after 12 days). Menstruation appeared one day too soon, without any trouble (after 4 days). Menses 3 days too soon, without any pain (after

7 weeks). Menstes 4 days too early, without any trouble; only the evening and the morning preceding its appearance heaviness on the chest, with difficult breathing and much roaring in the ears (after 26 days). Menses 4 days too soon and very profuse, with griping in the abdomen, nausea and pain in the stomach, extending into the small of the back, which lasted till midnight, when a profuse sweat broke out and she fell asleep (8th day). The menses omitted the second month after taking the drug, but after she had dose

of Borax in the 6th week appeared the next day, with pinchings in the abdomen. The menses, which had omitted 6 weeks, appeared immediately after taking Borax, lasted one day and again disappeared; it was so copious, however, that it seemed more like a hemorrhage. Suppression of the menses for 54 days, without any trouble, then appear, without pains at first, somewhat pale; in the afternoon, however, redder and more profuse; they cease on the 3rd day in the night and return again on the 4th (they should have appeared 3 weeks after taking the drug). Menses 2 days very scanty, the 3rd day very profuse, with pure-red blood, until the sixth day, with weakness, so that she could scarcely stand.

Respiratory Organs: Tearing in the larynx, in the evening (3rd day). Dry hacking in the child. Hacking and violent cough, with slight expectoration, of a mouldy taste and of

the same smell, from the chest, with every paroxysm of cough; in the evening (third day). Night cough. Cough, with scraping in the throat and pressure in the chest (1st day). Dry cachectic cough, in old people (morning on rising and in the evening when lying down), with sticking in the right side of the chest and right flank; washing the chest with cold water afforded the most relief, but after drinking wine the pains were aggravated; for 12 days (after 3 weeks).

Cough, with expectoration of mucus, mostly in the morning, with pain in the region of the liver, which still continues until noon (4th day). Streaks of blood in the mucus, when coughing up a while mucus which is difficult to loosen (18th day). Respiration difficult (after 18 days).

Respiration difficult; he is obliged to breathe deeply, which he cannot do on account of stitches in the chest (the first days). Every 3 or 5 minutes he is obliged to take a quick, deep breath, which is every time followed by a stitch in the right side of the chest, with a subdued painful sigh and slow expiration (after 7 days). Arrest of the breath when lying in bed; he is obliged to jump up and catch for breath every time he has stitch in the right side of the chest (after 7 days). Shortness of breath after ascending steps, so that he cannot speak a word, and when he speaks he was every time a stitch in the right side of the chest; also in running or on any exertion of the body which heats him (after 8 days).

Chest and Heart: Milk increased (4th day). Much milk flows from the breast, so that the bed becomes wet (after 32 days). The milk which flows from the breast becomes cheesy and curdled (the 1st day). Anxiety in the chest in the evening, in bed (1st day). Oppression of the chest in the evening, in bed (1st day). Heaviness on the chest, so that for a time she cannot breathe (after six weeks). Weakness in the chest, with dryness in the throat (9th day). At every attempt to breathe the chest becomes contracted (14th, 15th and 17th days). Tightness of the chest, with constrictive oppression of the breath on ascending steps; he is then obliged to take a deep breath, + every time by a sensitive drawing stitch in the right side of the chest (6th day). Pressive tightness, ext. from the pit of the stomach into the chest when sitting stooped; it impedes respiration and causes

a sticking in the lung (7th day). Drawing pain in a small spot in the intercostal muscles, which changes on bending toward the l. side into a pain as from a severe blow.

Pressure in the chest. Drawing a deep inspiration a sensation as if something with a burning pressure arose from the l. hypochondrium into the chest and sank down again on expiration. Pressing on the chest, with scraping in the throat and cough (1st day). Pain in the pectoralis major muscle, as from a hard bed, with soreness on touch, at night

(3rd day). Tearing from the larynx into the chest, provoking cough (after 5 weeks). With every cough and deep inspiration sticking in the chest (after 7 days. Stitches in the chest as from incarcerated flatus (1st day). Stitches, as with fine needles, from the back of the chest, in the evening (after 8 days). Stitches in the chest when yawning, coughing, and breathing deeply (7th day). When lying quietly stretched out upon the back the chest feels somewhat better. Pains in the chest are mostly > walking slowly about the room; he then feels most comfortable. Contractive pains in the l. breast when the child nurses the right (1st day). Gripings and sometimes stitches in the l. mamma, and when the child has nursed she is obliged to compress the breast with her hand, because it aches on account of being empty. Drawing pain in the right intercostal muscles if he bend forward and to the right (after 6 days). With every paroxysm of cough sticking in the r. side of the chest in the region of the nipple; in the evening (3rd day). Stitches immediately in the r. side of the chest if he raises the arm (7th day). Stitches in the left ribs, with soreness internally in the chest. With every inspiration stitching in the l. side

of the chest as with a knife (2nd day). Stitches between the ribs of the right side, so that he cannot lie upon that side on account of the pain, with sensitive drawing and obstruction of breathing, so that he has to catch for breath; if he lies upon the painful side the pains immediately awaken him from sleep (first 4 weeks). Stitching in the region of the l. ribs, with aching in the chest; cough with expectoration of mucus several times during the day (morning; with a pain in the region of the liver) which continues without the cough till noon (4th day). If he holds the painful side with the hand, on account of the pain in the chest, it is somewhat relieved. When coughing he is obliged to press the right side of the chest and flank with the hand, whereby the pains are tolerable (the first 3 weeks). Sticking pressure on the sternum after dinner, increased by deep inspiration (fortieth day). A feeling as if the heart were on the right side and were being squeezed (7th day).

Neck and Back: Rheumatic drawing pain in the neck, ext. to the l. shoulder and then into shoulder-blade, in the evening when walking in the open air (41th day). Pain in the back, when sitting and stooping, as from pressure (3rd day). Pain in the back when walking (1st day). Pain in the back, with much mucous discharge with the stool (19th day). Burning in the back while sitting (5th day). Dull backache when stooping (6th day). Dull pressure in the back (7th day). Pressive pain in the back on both shoulders. Stitches in the right lumbar region, increased by stooping/in the morning/while walking, > sitting (1st day).

Limbs: Drawing and tearing pain in the shoulder and between the shoulders, so that he cannot stoop, for eight days (after 5 weeks). Momentary stitches as with needles in the right shoulder. Pressure on both shoulders. Burning pain in the upper arm a hand’s breadth around the whole arm (2nd day). Sticking in the palm, with a feeling in the whole hand, extending above the wrist, as if the arm had gone to sleep, in the evening (2nd day). Tearing and breaking sensation in the forepart of the r. hand, as if rheumatic (after

15 days). Burning heat and redness of the fingers, even from slight cold, as if they had been frozen (after 24 days). Throbbing pain in the tip of the thumb day and night, frequently waking him from sleep at night (2nd and 3rd days).

Burning pain in the l. thigh a hand’s breath around the whole limb (8th day). A burning in the right thigh near the pudenda, which is increased by cough or laying the hand upon it (3rd day). Transient tearing in the bone of the r. thigh, ext. from the middle downward and the up again, from morning till noon, and again in the evening (7th day). Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the left leg and foot after violent dancing, with tearing tension and burning in it, and increased burning pain when touched; on pressure with the finger the redness disappears for a moment (17th day). Numb sensation with heat in the left lower leg. In the foot where the erysipelas was a tension on the back, so that standing became difficult; she was not prevented from walking (22nd day). A feeling of heaviness in the feet on ascending steps, in the evening (1st day). Formication and trembling of the feet, with nausea and tendency to faintness; disappears when walking in the open air (14th day). Pain in the heel, as if sore from walking. Stitching in the sole of the foot (in two persons at the same time), (2nd day). Inflammation and itching on the balls of the little toes as from freezing (15th day). Sensitive burning pain in the great toes (balls) particularly when walking (after 41 days). Pain in the joints of the toes of the left foot on steeping, as if something pressed them (20th  day). Frequent stitches in the corns, particularly in rainy weather (first days). Boring stitches in the corns, > pressing upon them (first 5 weeks).

Generalities: The infant becomes pale, nearly earthy-colored; the previously firm flesh becomes soft and flabby; he cries a great deal, refuses the breast, and frequently screams out anxiously in his sleep (first 3 weeks). While meditating at his work, trembling in the whole body (hands), with nausea and weakness of the knees (8th day). Restlessness in the body, which does not permit him to sit or lie long in one place (1st day). After an animated conversation restlessness in the body, nausea and stupefaction and vertigo (3rd day). During a meal restlessness in the whole body, with nausea, so that he could only eat with effort; stretching backward afforded relief (after 20 days). She feels very weak and powerless afforded relief (after 20 days).

She feels very weak and powerless (after 5 weeks). Weakness (abdomen and limbs) (4th day). Loss of power in the joints (5th day). Prostrated, weak and tired, with heaviness in the feet (first days). Weak, indolent, fretful, thirsty after the midday sleep, with heat when walking in open air, and worse on the head and face, with confusion of the head, pressure in the forehead and eyes, which pain on touch as if sore; together with inclination to breathe deeply, and when doing so, sticking in the intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse.

Skin: Skin unhealthy; slight injuries suppurate and ulcerate. Two hard wart like indurations on the inner surface of the hand, after it had been beaten somewhat strongly with

a stick (after 30 days). Whitish pimples, as large as flaxseed, with red areola, on the chest and throat, as far as the nape of the neck (6th week). Inflamed pimples on the back of the little toe, which pain like corns (fifteenth day). Papulous eruption in the face (after four days). Red papulous eruptions on the cheeks and around the chin, in the infant (after 5 weeks). A corroding blister forms upon the nates (15th day). Large herpetic spots upon the month, and the upper lip very scurfy, follow burning head. Herpetic eruption on the nates of the child (after 4 weeks). Pustule with red areola on the middle finger of the right hand, with swelling and stiffness of the finger, which continues to suppurate and pain after the opening of the pustule (after 30 days). Old wounds and ulcers are inclined to suppurate. Long-continued suppuration of a place under the thumb nail, where she had stuck a needle, with painfulness to touch. A suppurating spot in the heel, which had been rubbed by the shoe. An ulcer in the left axilla. Violent itching and crawling on the os coccygis, so that he cannot help scratching, followed by a discharge of mucus from the anus (after 32 days).

A feeling as if a cobweb were lying upon the skin of the hands. Itching here and there on the backs of the hands, with irritation to scratch, as if bitten by fleas. Severe itching on the backs of the finger joints, so that he is obliged to scratch them violently. Itching on the malleoli (2nd, 9th and 10th tenth days).

Sleep and Dreams: Very sleepy and tired in the evening. Sleepiness at midday, and deep sleep for two hours (8th day). Sleep early in the evening, and long sleep in the morning, for 4 weeks (after 8 days). The child at the breast sleeps more than usual, but wakes frequently (first days). Much sleep in the twilight, but when he went to bed sleep disappeared, although during the day he had taken much exercise, and had slept but little the night previous (after 7 days). Falls asleep late and wakes early (after 6 days). He wakes before midnight, and cannot sleep till 2 h. He wakes at 1 h. in the night, and cannot sleep again till 4 h. on account of much thinking (9th day). She wakes uncommonly early, at 3 h; she cannot fall asleep again for two hours, on account of heat in the whole body (head), with sweat on the thighs (11th and 12th days). He wakes at 4 h. in the morning, and is quite wide awake, so that he goes to work with cheerfulness (after 5 weeks). Very wide awake in the evening. Restless sleep; she could not sleep, but tossed about the bed (21 day). Restless night; he could not sleep well on account of rush of blood to the head, restlessness of the body, rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhoea

(first days). A child, 5 years old tosses about, cries the whole night till 4 in the morning, frequently out of its sleep, and in the morning is in a whining mood; the infant frequently cries out of its sleep, and anxiously grasps its mother, as if it had been frightened by a dream (first 2 weeks). Restless sleep, with thirst and coldness (1st day).

He can sleep only on the left side; as soon as he turns upon the right side he is awakened by drawing-sticking pains in the r. intercostal muscles (7th day). A feeling as though

he had not slept enough in the morning. Voluptuous dreams (30th day). At night, lascivious disgusting dreams (in a married woman), (first day). She dreams of coition, but without pleasurable sensation (4th day). Vexatious dreams. A dream of sore throat and other diseases.

Fever: Shivering over the whole body at night and the following day, with throbbing pain in the occiput, as from suppuration (2nd day). Chilliness over the whole body (back), without thirst, with flat taste, rawness of the larynx, stitches in the chest when breathing, weakness, prostration, stretching of the limbs, contracted quick pulse, together with heat, heaviness, and stupefaction, and in the head, burning of the eyes, with sensitiveness of light (23rd  day). A chill at night, from 2 - 4, with trembling, vomiting of the food, tearing in the thighs and pain in their bones, as though they would be broken, followed after sleep by heat and thirst; afterwards, at half-past eight in the morning, bitter vomiting, followed by sweat, with diminished thirst (2nd day). Coldness, with headache and subsequent heat, without thirst; on walking in the open air, the headache ceases, and she feels quite well (14th  day). Coldness every 2nd day, in the afternoon, with thirst and sleep, followed, on waking, by heat, with pressure pain in the inguinal ring, without subsequent sweat (38th day). With the erysipelatous inflammation of the lower leg, first coldness, shivering, and thirst, with vomiting of food and bile, followed by heaviness in the head and throbbing in the temples, with restless sleep at night, only slumbering, and afterwards (on the 6th day) nose-bleed.  Coldness in the afternoon, from 2 to 6 (after thirst in the forenoon); then until going to sleep, heat, with pressive pain in the left hypochondrium (5th week). Coldness immediately after eating, with more thirst than appetite for dinner, and tensive drawing backward around the hypochondria, and head suddenly rising into the head on taking a deep breath; then heat in the evening, at 6, during which he must lie down until 10, then sweat, and after the sweat thirst for 4 days (15th day). At one time coldness, at another heat, frequently with sweat in the face, during which coldness runs up the back, with stretching of the limbs, with weariness and sleepiness, so that he is obliged to lie down in the afternoon, without, however, being able to sleep; when walking, he drags the feet, an is fretful and taciturn. Heat if she puts the hands under the bed-covers; as soon as she puts them out she becomes cold again (5th day). Heat in the evening, in bed, and sweat, but immediately on rising he becomes chilly (17th day). Burning heat and redness of the toes, with some coldness, as after freezing (after 24 days). Flushes of heat frequently in the morning, with nausea and inclination to vomit (2nd day). The infant has a hot head, hot mouth, and hot palms

(4th, 5th, 6th and 7th days). Heat in the head in the evening, when writing, with thirst and sensation as if sweat would break out (7th day). Burning heat and redness of the left cheek (after 4 days). Perspiration at night. Sweat during the morning sleep; when dressing he feels cold, and is seized with a dry cough, with rawness in the chest, as after taking cold (15th day).


<: (Morning), In bed vertigo; giddy, etc. feeling in head; at 10 h. aching in whole head, etc.; headache; pressure in right eye; when writing, flickering before eyes; when washing in cold water, stitches in ears; on waking unusually early, stitches in left ear; nose-bleed; in bed, burning in upper lip; hawking of mucus; throat rough; thirst; nausea, etc.; after eating peas, pressure in pit of stomach, etc.; pinching, etc. in abdomen; desire for stool; till 14 h. diarrhoea; on waking, erection; on rising, dry cough, etc.; cough, etc.; stitch in region of left ribs; on stooping, while walking, stitch in lumber region; flushes of heat; during sleep, sweat. (Forenoon), Cheerfulness, etc.; tearing in the vertex; from 4 h. till noon, pain in region of stomach; after eating peas, pressure in pit of stomach, etc.; tearing in thigh-bone. (toward noon), Diarrhoea, etc. (Noon), Nausea, etc.; sleepiness.

(Afternoon), At 4 h. fretful; before stool, fretful, etc.; pain in forehead; boring in eye; tearing in eyeballs; dryness of tongue; from 15 h. till evening, nausea, etc.; from

14 – 16 h. coldness.

(Evening), Head confused; when walking, vertigo; headache in forehead, etc.; stitching in left ear; when walking, itching in left ear, etc.; pulsating headache; burning pain in lip; on cool air, boring in teeth; sticking toothache, etc.; great appetite; very little appetite; loss of appetite, etc.; in bed, stitching in abdomen; stitches in rectum; itching in anus; tearing in larynx; hacking, etc.; on lying down, dry cough, etc.; in bed, anxiety in chest; in bed, oppression of chest; stitches from back of chest; with every fit of cough, sticking in side of chest; when walking in open air, pain in neck; sticking in palm, etc.; tearing in thigh- bone; on ascending a height, heavy feeling in feet; in bed, heat, etc.; when writing, heat in head, etc. (Night), Rumbling in abdomen; urging to urinate; sense of distension, etc. in clitoris; pain in pectoralis major; shivering; from 14 – 16 h. chill, etc.; perspiration.

(ascending a height), Fullness of the head; shortness of breath; tightness of chest, etc. (On bending forward and to the right), Pain in intercostal muscles. (After breakfast), Toothache; vomiting; cutting in right hypochondrium; diarrhoea. (At every attempt to breathe), Chest becomes constricted. (On deep breathing), Sensation in left hypochondrium; stitches in chest; pressure on sternum. (After animated conversation), Restlessness, etc. (Coughing), Stitches in pit of throat; stitches in chest; pain in right side of chest; sticking in chest; burning in right thigh. Dancing), Anxiety; pain in left hypochondrium; inflammation in leg. (After dinner), Rumbling in abdomen, etc. (Eating), Nausea; hiccough; distension, etc.; apples with mutton, fullness in stomach, etc.; pain in abdomen, etc.; diarrhoea; coldness, etc. (During involuntary emission), Pain in urethra. (After an emission), Urging to urinate. (In any exertion of body which heats), Shortness of breath. (Hiccoughing), Pain in right side of chest. (With every inspiration),

Stitching in chest. (During deep inspiration), Sensation as of something rising into chest; sticking in chest. (Laying on of the hand), Burning in right thigh. (After lifting),

Pain in stomach. (When lying in bed), Arrest of breathing. (During a meal), Restlessness, etc. (After every meal), Pressure in stomach; flatulent distension. (While meditating), Trembling of whole body. (During menstruation), Throbbing in the head, etc.; pain in groin, etc. (On opening eyes), Pain in upper lid. (On raising arm), Immediately, stitches on right side of chest. (Reading), Pain in forehead. (When riding), Nausea. (When riding in carriage without springs), Feeling as of pressure with hands. (When sitting), Fullness in head, etc.; sensation in right eye; burning in back. (Sitting stooped), Tightness from pit of stomach into chest; pain in back. (Sneezing), Stitches in throat; pain in side of chest. (After smoking), Feeling as though diarrhoea would come on. (On steeping), Pain in joints of toes. (Stooping), Pressure in frontal bone; dull backache. (After supper), Toothache; abdomen distended. (Touch), Pain in urethra; pain in penis. (On turning), Pressure, etc. in kidney region. (Urination), Tension in urethra; smarting in urethra; cutting in urethra. (On waking), Head confused; immediately, nausea, etc. (When walking), Pain in back; pain in great toes. (On walking rapidly), Cutting in left hypochondrium. (In wet weather), Toothache in hollow tooth; stitches in the corns. (In bad weather), Aching in hollow teeth; pressure in hollow teeth. (Drinking wine), Pains in chest. (Writing), Pain in forehead. (Yawning), Pain in right side of chest.


(Morning), Pain in stomach.

(Afternoon), After stool, lively, etc.

(Evening), On going into open air, distension, etc. (Walking in open air), Headache; fullness in head; heaviness i stomach; formication, etc. on the feet. (On bending double), Pain in abdomen ceases. (After dinner), Nausea disappears. (On continuing to dance), Pain in left hypochondrium disappears. (Hawking up mucus), Rawness in throat. (Holding painful side with hand), Pain in chest. (When lying quietly stretched out upon the back), Chest feels better. (After midday nap), Pain in abdomen, etc.; weakness, etc. (Pressure), Stitches in groins. (Rubbing), Sensation in eyes. (Sitting), Stitches in lumbar region. (Tobacco smoking), Toothache. (Walking), Pressure in pit of stomach; weakness in joints, etc. (Walking slowly about room), Pains in chest; feels most comfortable. (Washing chest with cold water), Sticking in chest, etc.


[John Henry Clarke]

Borax veneta. Natrum biboracicum. Sodium biborate. Na2 B4 O7 10H2O. Trituration and Solution.


Aphthae. Corns. Dentition. Diarrhoea. *Ear-discharge. Entropion. Erysipelas. Eyes, affections of. Finger joints, ulcers on. Herpes. *Menstruation, painful (membranous). Nipple, sore. *Nose, affections of. Pleurisy. Plica polonica. Psoriasis. *Screaming. Sea-sickness. *Sterility. Syphilitic sore-throat. *Taste, disordered. Trichiasis. Ulcers. *Urine, *strong-smelling. *Vertigo. Zoster.


Borax has some very peculiar symptoms which will serve as keynotes to many cases. Chief among them are: (1) Sensitiveness to sudden noises, as a distant shot, which causes violent starting. (It has cured “shot-shyness” in sporting dogs.) (2) Intolerance of downward motions, a child screams when nurse puts it into cot, or when she rocks it, symptoms are worse going downstairs, sea-sickness (when the downward motion is felt most: “Every time the ship goes down, everything in me comes up”). Restlessness with ebullitions (after talking), with nausea. Laughter # weeping. Cobweb sensations, sore mouth, infant pale, earthy, flesh flabby, screams out in sleep, wakes frightened and cling to nurse, excessively nervous, a slight noise arouses. Starts with pain. Muco-cutaneous surfaces are sore, in the eyelids there is ingrowing of lashes. Otorrhoea and inflammation of auricle: “starts with the pains.” Nostrils ulcerated, soreness, pain and swelling of tip of nose. Aphthae, mouth of child feels hot to mother’s nipple, child lets go nipple and cries with pain and vexation, or else refuses breast altogether. Diarrhoea with pain or soft yellow stools + aphthae. Child screams before urinating (from inflammation of mucous membrane). Leucorrhoea clear, copious, albuminous, unnaturally hot. Painful nursing, pain after nursing, *empty feeling in breasts, they ache because they are empty, better by pressure: this is characteristic. Dysmenorrhoea (may be membranous), pain excessive during flow. Leucorrhoea preceding and following menses, albuminous, acrid. Herpetic eruptions, pleuritic symptoms (upper right chest) and cough, with expectoration of a mushy, mouldy odour. A notable symptom is: Before the easy stool in afternoon, fretful, ill-humored, indolent, and discontented, after it, lively, contented, and cheerful. Another mental symptom is: Idles through the afternoon, does not really get to work, changes from one business to another, from one room to another.

It is suited to the period of dentition, to persons with light hair, lax skin and muscles, wrinkled skin, consequences of getting cold in cold and wet weather, riding, eating fruit. Symptoms are worse in warm weather, worse after menstruation. Parts usually red turn white. Many *Natrum symptoms appear in the proving. Stitching pains predominate.

Mind: Great anxiety (riding in a carriage or descending a mountain). Dread of downward motion, child has anxious countenance when laid in cot, or carried downstairs. Easily frightened and startled with least noise. Before stool irritable, cheerful and happy after. Fear of being infected by some contagious disease. Strong tendency to be frightened. Irritability. Disposition to be angry, with ill-humor and passion. Becomes vehement and swears. Does not wish to do anything. Dread of labor.

Vertigo: with fullness in the head, especially when going upstairs, or to any elevation whatever.

Head: Fits of vertigo, with fainting.

Headache, with shootings in the ears. Headache (all over, with trembling of the body), with nausea and inclination to vomit, mostly at ten o’clock in the morning. Fullness in the head, and pressure above the eyes. Aching and drawing pains in the forehead, and as far as the root of the nose and the nape of the neck, increased by writing, by reading, and by stooping. Successive drawing pains in the forehead, with nausea, and acute drawing pains in the eyes. Shootings in the head, especially above the eyes and the temples. Congestion in the head (occiput), with pulsative pains. Sensibility of the leguments of the head to cold and to bad weather. Hair entangled, as in plica polonica, is rough and frowsy, splits, sticks together.

Eyes: Pressure on the eyes. Itching in the eyes. The eyes burn and are contracted on putting on spectacles. Inflammation of the eyes (canthi), with excoriation of the edges of the eyelids, trichiasis, and nocturnal agglutination. Granular eyelids. Sparkling before the eyes when writing. Too great sensibility of the eyes to candle-light.

Ears: Shootings in the ears, with pain as of excoriation. Inflammation and swelling of the ears, with discharge of pus and shooting cephalalgia. Fits of stoppage of the ears and of deafness. Buzzing and murmuring in the ears, with acute, drawing pains in the top of the head. Affections of the left ear particularly. Itching, stitches.

Nose: Itching in the nose, with tingling. Nostrils ulcerated, with swelling and pain, as of excoriation at the point of the nose. Dry scabs in the nose. Blood follows on blowing the nose. Red shining tip of nose, red noses of young women. Nasal haemorrhage, with pulsative pains in the head. Sneezing, with violent shootings in right side of the chest. Accumulation of thick and greenish mucus in the nose.

Face: Complexion (in a suckling woman) wan, pale, and earth-coloured. Sensation in the right side of the face as if it were covered with cobweb. Muscular palpitation in the corners of the mouth. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the cheeks, with acute, drawing pains in the cheek-bone, < by laughter. Eruption of pimples on the face, the nose, and the lips. Smarting in the lips. Tettery spots round the mouth, and scabs on the upper lip. Swelling of the lower lip, with burning and pain as of excoriation. Red papulous eruption on cheeks and around chin.

Mouth: Aphthae in the mouth and on the tongue, which bleed easily. Spasmodic stiffness and torpor of the tongue. Skin of the palate hard and wrinkled.

Teeth: Pressive and cramp-like pain in teeth which are carious (damp weather), sometimes with inflammatory swelling of the cheek, or swelling of the gums. Acute drawing pains in the teeth which are carious, spreading over the head, when they are touched with the tongue, or when cold water is applied to them. Pressive tingling in the teeth, immediately after supper, or breakfast, better by smoking tobacco. Shooting pains in teeth which are carious, with shootings in the ears, and headache. Ulcers in the gums, with inflammatory swelling of the cheek. Bleeding of the gums.

Throat: Dryness in the throat. Tenacious mucus in the throat, with difficult expectoration.


Bitter taste in the mouth on eating, or on swallowing the saliva. Loss of taste. Thirst in the morning. Desires acid drinks. Appetite moderate (supper). Nausea and uneasiness during a meal. After every meal inflation of the abdomen, with diarrhoea and colic. Fullness and pressure in the stomach, with uneasiness and ill-humor, after having eaten fruit (pears and apples). Colic, with tendency to diarrhoea after smoking tobacco.

Stomach: Nausea, with inclination to vomit, when riding in a carriage. Vomiting of sour mucus, when fasting in the morning or after breakfast. Pressure in the stomach after every meal. Contractive pains in the stomach, or a sensation such as would follow a strain in the loins, with shootings in the vertebral column and loins. Pain in region of stomach, after lifting heavy weights, extending into the small of back, quite incapacitating one.

Abdomen: Pain in the hypochondria, mostly pressive and in the left side, and especially when riding in a carriage. Pressure and shootings in the lumbar region. Pains in the hypochondria and in the lower part of the abdomen, as if hard and cutting bodies were moving in them. Pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoea. Accumulation of flatus in the abdomen, and frequent escape of wind.

Stool and Anus: Evacuations frequent, soft, or loose, with pinching and borborygmi in the abdomen. Greenish evacuations (child). Slimy diarrhoea. Abundant flow of pale, yellowish, or brownish slime, and of blood from the anus, with pains in the loins. Itching, contraction, and shootings, in the anus and in the rectum.

Urinary Organs: Ineffectual urgency to urinate, with incisive pains in the urethra, and swelling in the lumbar region. Urgent inclination to urinate. Frequent emission of urine even in the night. Hot urine. Acrid fetor of urine. Soreness in the urethra after micturition, and especially on being touched, even when not making water.

Male Sexual Organs: Absence of sexual desire. Erections, with painful tension, on waking in the morning. Gonorrhoea. Chancres studding prepuce. Stitches. Sticking, sore pain, worse when touched.

Female Sexual Organs: Catamenia premature and too copious, of a pale red colour. During the catamenia, pulsative pains in the head, buzzing in the ears, nausea, with pains in the stomach and in the loins, or shootings and aching in the groin. Leucorrhoea, corrosive, and thick, like starch. Sterility. Acrid leucorrhoea, appearing for two weeks between catamenia, with swelling of labia and inflamed and discharging Duverney’s glands. Stinging and distended feeling in clitoris. During pregnancy, swelling, itching, and burning of vagina, with a discharge like gonorrhoea. False pains. Labor pains: spasmodic, more in stomach than in uterus, dart upwards, head of child goes back. Griping and sometimes stitches in left mamma, and when child has nursed she is obliged to compress the breast with the hand because it aches from being empty. Pain in the breasts when suckling. Flow of milk, which curdles speedily. Aphthae so tender they prevent child nursing.

Respiratory Organs: Acute, drawing pains in the larynx, extending to the chest, with inclination to cough. Hoarseness in the throat, with drawing shootings on coughing and sneezing. Dry cough, caused by a tickling and scraping in the throat, with pressure on the chest. Dry, hectic cough, with shootings in the right side of the chest, and the groins, relieved by washing with cold water, increased by drinking wine. Nocturnal cough. Cough, with expectoration of the smell and taste of mould. On coughing, expectoration of mucus with streaks of blood.

Chest: Difficult respiration, with urgent want to inspire deeply, and shootings in the right side of the chest. Constrictive oppression of the chest, (going upstairs).

Shortness of breath after having ascended the stairs, with shootings in the chest on speaking. Feeling of congestion, with heaviness in the chest. Shootings in the chest (r. side) and principally on yawning, on coughing, on breathing deeply, on running, and during every physical effort. Drawing shootings in the intercostal muscles of the right side, extending to the groins, augmented by the least movement of the chest or arms, with inability to remain lying on the side affected. Pains in the chest better, especially when lying quietly on the back, or on walking slowly, and pressing the part affected with the hand. “As if the heart were on the right side, and were going to be crushed”. Infants cyanotic from birth.

Neck and Back: Sharp and drawing pains between the shoulder-blades, on the shoulder, and in the nape of the neck, with inability to stoop. Furunculus in the arm-pit. Itching and crawling in the sacrum. Aching and burning pains in the sacrum, especially when seated and when stooping.

Limbs: Hands, “As if they were covered with cobweb”. Pulsative pains in the extremity of the thumb, day and night, preventing sleep. Burning pains, heat and redness of the fingers, like chilblains. Pustules on the fingers, with swelling and suppuration of the affected limb.

Ulcerating vesicles on the buttocks. Burning pain in the thighs. Sensation as if warm water were running down thighs. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg and of the foot, principally after having danced a long time, and sometimes with drawing pains, burning and tensive, especially when touched. Great weakness and debility of the lower extremities. Shootings in the soles of the feet. Pain, as of excoriation, in the heel. Suppuration of a spot in the heel, where the rubbing of the shoe had occasioned a wound. Burning pains, heat and redness of the toes, as if from chilblains. Shooting piercing in the corns (rainy weather).

Generalities: Parts usually white, turn red. Shooting and drawing pains. Commencement and aggravation of sufferings from damp and unsettled weather, or during and subsequent to a meal. Sufferings from riding in a carriage or from eating fruit. Uneasiness in the whole body, which does not permit one to remain long in the same place. Restlessness and ebullitions (after talking), with nausea. Uneasiness, trembling nausea, giddiness, and vertigo, after an animated conversation, or when, thinking. Want of strength, especially in the joints. Attacks of syncope, with tingling, trembling of the feet, and nausea.

Skin: difficult to heal, dingy, unhealthy-looking skin, every injury tends to ulceration. Erysipelatous inflammations, with swelling and tension of the part affected, and fever. Erysipelatous inflammation on the lower leg, with chilliness, followed by heaviness and pulsation in the head, later, bleeding of the nose. Tendency of old wounds to suppurate. Whitish pimples, with red areola. Herpetic eruptions. Purulent and phagedenic vesicles.

Sleep: Sleepy in daytime, and sleepless at night. Inclination to sleep long before the usual hour, and too long sleep in the morning. Restless sleep, in consequence of ebullition of the blood, of colic, and of diarrhoea. Waking too early, with difficulty in going to sleep again, from heat and too great a flow of ideas. Anxious cries of children, during sleep, with convulsive movements of the hands.

Fever: Shivering, shuddering, or cold with trembling, heaviness and weakness, or with cephalalgia and pains in the periosteum of femur, followed by heat. Chilly (during sleep). Flushes of heat (morning and evening). Perspiration during the morning sleep. Coldness, most frequently in the afternoon, afterwards heat, with headache or pain in the hypochondria, sometimes followed by sweat. Thirst before or during the cold, or else after the sweat.

Heat in the evening in bed, with shivering on being on the least uncovered. Moisture of the body during the night.


[Charles Julius Hempel]

DD.: Cham. Coff. Merc. Nat-m. Puls. Sulph.

ANTIDOTES: Cham. Coff.



“Borax has, for a long time, been used as a domestic remedy,against the aphthae of children, and for the purpose of facilitating the labor-pains of parturient women.

Antidoted by: Coffea cruda against the sleeplessness and the head complaints of Borax;

Chamomilla against the painful swelling of the cheeks. Wine < symptoms (chest) and Vinegar reproduces the symptoms which had already been relieved (stitches in the chest).

NOACK AND TRINKS “Borax is especially adapted to sensitive, lax temperaments and nervous constitutions, especially to females and children, pregnant and nursing women, and such individuals as suffer from haemorrhoids. Borax is especially suitable for disease of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs, and the diseases of the female parts.” ED.


Catarrhal complaints in damp and cold weather. Loss of appetite every evening, nausea, drawing in the head from the vertex into the temples, and drawing in the abdomen towards the groin. Uneasiness in the body, which did not permit him to sit, or to be lying long on the same part. The infant grows pale, almost livid, the flesh, which was before hard, becomes relaxed and withering; it cries much, loathes the breast, and often wakes with anxious cries. Loss of strength in the joints. Weakness (abdomen and the thighs). Worn out, weary, and indolent, with heaviness in the feet. Formication and tremor of the feet, with nausea and disposition to swoon; going off in the open air. After an animated conversation, uneasiness in the body, nausea, and stupefaction with vertigo. While mediating during labor, trembling of the whole body, especially of the hands, with nausea, and with weakness of the knees. Faint, lazy, peevish, thirsty, after the siesta, with heat when walking in the open air, and sweat on the head and in the face, with dullness of the head, pressure in the forehead and the eyes; which feel sore when touched, at the same time inclination to deep breathing, during which the experience stitches in the intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse.

Skin: Unwholesome; small wounds suppurate and ulcerate. Inclination of old wounds and ulcers to suppurate. Whitish pimples of the size of a hemp-seed, with red areolae

on the chest. Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg (+ first by coldness, chills, and thirst), with vomiting of food and bile, then heaviness in the head, and throbbing in the temples, with uneasy sleep at night, resembling slumber, and afterwards bleeding at the nose on the 6th day.

Sleep: Sleep, disturbed with thirst and coldness. Disturbed nights; he was unable to sleep soundly, on account of a rush of blood to the head, uneasiness in the body, rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhoea. On turning to the right side, pain in the intercostal muscles. The infant often wakes with screams, and clings to the mother with anguish, as if it had been tormented by8 frightful dreams. Vexatious or voluptuous dreams.

Fever: Cold creeping over the whole body, with throbbing headache in the occiput, as of an ulcer. Slight chills over the whole body (back), without thirst, with flat taste, rough throat, stitches in the chest when breathing, languor, lameness, extension and stretching of the limbs, with contracted, quick pulse; at the same time heat, heaviness, and stupefaction of the head, and burning of the eyes, with sensitiveness of the same to light. Chills at night, with tremor, vomiting of food, lacerating in the thighs, and pain in the femur, as if broken; then heat and thirst after sleep; in the morning, bitter vomiting, succeeded by sweat with diminished thirst. Coldness, with headache, and subsequent heat without thirst; when walking in the open air; the headache ceased. Coldness every other day, in the afternoon, with thirst and sleep. Alternate coldness and heat, frequently with sweat in the face, whilst he has cold creepings over the back, with extension and stretching of the limbs, accompanied by languor and drowsiness. Frequent flushes of heat early in the morning, with nausea and inclination to vomit.

Mind: Great anguish, with great drowsiness. Anguish with weakness, trembling of the feet, and palpitation of the heart. Easily frightened. Low-spirited and peevish. Want of disposition to work. Occasional loss of ideas. Attacks of vertigo, with loss of presence of mind. Giddy, with fullness of the forehead early in the morning. Vertigo and fullness of the head, on ascending a mountain or a stair-case. Fullness in the head, and pressure round the eyes, as if they were held fast. Fullness in the head, and pressure in the small of the back when sitting. Fullness in the head early in the morning, with want of clear and presence of mind. Heaviness of the head. Headache, on the top of the head, and in the forehead, in the evening. Headache, with dullness of the whole head. Headache, all over, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and trembling of the whole body, early in the morning. Oppressive headache over the eyes, going off soon, when walking ion the open air. Pressure above the eyes. Dull headache early in the morning, especially in the forehead. Oppressive drawing pain in the forehead, above the eyes and towards the root of the nose, sometimes extending into the nape of the neck. Shooting pain in the forehead, with nausea and lacerating in both eye-balls, in the afternoon. Lacerating in the vertex, in the afternoon, with buzzing of the ears. Lancinating headache above the eyes, and in the temples, with heat and coldness in alternation. Throbbing in both temples; in the forehead. Pulsative pressing upwards of the blood high up in occiput. Hot head of the infant, with hot mouth and hot palms of the hands.

Kopf: Sensitiveness of the external head to cold, and to changes of weather.

Eyes: Lacerating in both eye-balls, with shootings in the forehead, and nausea in the afternoon. Itching in the eyes, sometimes with a feeling as if sand were in the eyes. Soreness in the external canthi. Burning in the eyes. The eye-lashes turn themselves inwards into the eye, inflaming it. Inflammation of the borders of the eye-lids in an infant. At night, the eyes are closed with hard, dry gum, which irritates the eyes like sand. Lachrymation.

Ears: Pain in the ear. Stitches in the ears; when washing them with cold water, early in the morning. Inflamed and hot swelling of both ears, with discharge of pus. Discharge of pus from the ears, with lancinating headache; discharge of pus from both ears, after previous itching of the occiput. Sudden sensation of obstruction in the ear. Roaring in the ears, the hearing being much harder.

Nose: Ulcer in the nostril. Red and shining swelling of the nose, with a sensation as of throbbing and tension. Bleeding at the nose early in the morning, and pulsative headache in the evening. Fluent coryza, also with sneezing or tingling in the nose.

Face: Erysipelas in the face. Swelling, heat and redness of the cheek, with lacerating pains in the malar bone, and great pain in the swelling when laughing. Swelling of the face, with pimples on the nose and lips. Pimples in the face.

Mouth: Slimy mouth. Aphthae in the mouth. Aphthae on the inside of the cheek, bleeding when eating. Aphthae on the tongue. *Ulcers in the mouth, as in stomacace. Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were pulled off. Dryness of the tongue, in the afternoon. Spasm in the tongue, like stiffness, or as if the tongue had gone to sleep. The palate of the infant seems wrinkled, and if often screams when sucking. The mucous membrane of the palate, in front, feels burned and shrivelled, and is especially painful when chewing. Dryness in the throat.

Jaws and teeth: Pain in the corners of the mouth, as if they would ulcerate. Red inflamed swelling on the lower lip, of the seize of a pea, with burning soreness when touched. Large patches, like herpes, around the mouth; the upper lip, after a burning heat, became covered with porrigo. Toothache in a hollow tooth of the upper row, with swelling of the cheek, which is painful to the touch, with a sensation of tension. Toothache in hollow teeth, dull and griping, in wet, rainy weather. Contractive griping in a hollow tooth. Lacerating from the hollow teeth into one-half of the head, whenever she touched the teeth with her tongue, or took cold water into her mouth. Pressure in the hollow teeth in bad weather. Drawing pain in the teeth. Fine stitches, intermittent, in every teeth. The teeth feel elongated. The gums of the upper teeth are bleeding, without any pain. Inflamed swelling of the external side of the gums, very painful (ulcer on the gums), with dull pain in a hollow tooth, swelling of the cheek and the whole of the left side of the face, ext. below the eye; here the swelling is changed to a watery blister.

Throat: Rough. Burning in the throat. Much phlegm accumulates in the throat. A little piece of phlegm streaked with blood, is hawked up.

Taste and Appetite: Bitter taste in the mouth. Thirst early in the morning. Diminution of hunger and appetite. No appetite for dinner. Desire for sour drinks. During there meal, uneasiness of the whole body, with nausea, so that he had to make an effort in order to eat something; stretching himself backwards procured relief. Nausea during the meal.

Stomach: Pain in the region of the stomach, after lifting a heavy weight; extended to the small of the back. Pressure at the stomach after every meal, disappearing when walking. Stitches with pressure in the pit of the stomach, with dyspnoea. Contractive pain in the region of the stomach. Contraction in the pit of the stomach.

Gastric Symptoms: Distention from flatulence after every meal. After the meal, he felt distended, uneasy, unwell, peevish. Rumbling the abdomen, and diarrhoea after dinner. Diarrhoea shortly after dinner, with debility in the joints and legs. Diarrhoea after breakfast. Hiccough after dinner. Nausea and little appetite. Nausea with subsequent vomiting of phlegm, with heat, and a quick, feverish pulse. Pain in the stomach, as from dyspepsia, when pressing upon the pit of the stomach.

Abdomen: Intensely painful pressure in the region of the spleen. Pressure, and sometimes burning in the left hypochondrium. Pressure and stitches in the region of the spleen,increased by turning. Weakness in the abdomen. Colic, with shuddering and goose-flesh. Pinching in the abdomen at different times. Pinching, contracting colic above the navel. Pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoea.

Stool: Frequent urging, with rumbling in the belly and diarrhoea. Urging, early in the morning, first with hard evacuations, then diarrhoea, with burning in the rectum. Loose stools. Soft, light- yellow, slimy stools, three times a day, with faintness and weakness. Diarrhoea, from morning till afternoon, without pain; with subsequent evacuation of slime and blood; with rumbling in the belly. The first effect of Borax is relaxation of the bowels, afterwards no stool for a couple of days, then hard stool once a day. Hard stool, with straining. Constipation, and stool like sheep’s dung. Green stools in an infant. Discharge of lumbrici. Tenacious, viscid, yellowish slime with the stool. Reddish liquid slime, during stool, as if the stool were tinged with blood. Distended vein of the rectum, soft to the touch, and without pain. Itching of the rectum, in the evening; as from the slime of haemorrhoids. Contraction in the rectum, with itching. Boring and stinging pains in the rectum and small of the back. Stitches in the rectum, in the evening.

Urine: Pressure upon the bladder, without being able to expel the urine, with cuttings in the genital organs and distention in both hips, in the evening. Violent instantaneous desire to urinate. Frequent micturition. The infant urinates almost every ten or twelve minutes; it frequently weeps and cries before the urine is expelled. Hot urine in infants. Acrid smell of urine. After micturition; burning straining in the urethra; the extremity of the urethra feels sore. Along the urethra, pain as from excoriation. Dark blue spot at the orifice of the urethra, as if the skin had gone, with biting pain during micturition. The orifice of the urethra seems closed as with gum.

Male Genital Organs: Emission, with dream. Cutting pains in the urethra, during an involuntary emission of semen. Weakness of the genital organs.

Female Genital Organs: Courses too soon, with or without pain. The courses, which had been suppressed for six weeks, immediately made their appearance after taking Borax; they lasted a day, and then disappeared; they were also so copious that they resembled a haemorrhage. Suppression of the menses, fifty-four days, without any pain. Beating in the head and buzzing in the ears during the catamenia. Spasmodic pressing and lancinating pain in the groin, during the catamenia. Leucorrhoea; white as mucus, without any other ailments, a fortnight after the menses; like albumen, with sensation as if warm water were flowing down for several days. Sterility; on account of a chronic, acrid leucorrhoea. Easy conception during the use of Borax. Stitches in the region of the uterus. *Sterility. Contraction in the left mamma while the infant nurses at the night; milk increases, flows out, and coagulates.

Larynx: Roughness, lacerating and tickling in the throat. Dry and hacking cough, in a child. Dry cough, as from cachexia, such as old people are affected with, especially in

the morning and evening Cough, with rawness of the throat, and pressure in the chest. Hacking and violent cough.

Night-cough. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, especially in the morning, with pain in the region of the liver. Coughs up a white mucus streaked with blood, which is loosened with difficulty. Chest; Stitches in the chest at every turn of cough and deep inspiration. Tightness of the chest, with constrictive oppression of the breathing on going up-stairs. Arrest of breath when lying in bed. At every inspiration, stitches in the left side of the chest from without inwards, as with a knife. At every attempt at breathing,

her chest becomes contracted. Weight on the chest, so that she is sometimes deprived of breath. Oppressive anxiety in the chest, in the evening when in bed. Oppression of the chest. Stitches in the chest, when yawning, coughing, or breathing deeply. Stitches in the left region of the ribs, with soreness in the chest. Stitches between the ribs of the right side, so painful that he cannot lie on this side, with intensely-painful drawing and sudden arrest of breath. Pain in the chest, relieved by pressure or lying on the back. Weakness of the chest, with dryness of the throat. Sensation as if the heart were on the right side. Pain as from having lain upon a hard couch, with soreness to the touch, at night.

Back: Violent itching and pricking of the os-coccygis. Pain in the small of the back. Dull pressure in the small of the back. Burning in the small of the back, while sitting. Pressure in the back part of both shoulders. Rheumatic drawing pain in the nape of the neck.

Limbs: Drawing, lacerating pain in and between the shoulders. Burning pain all round the upper arm. Stitches in the palm of the hand, with sensation as if the arm had gone to sleep, in the evening. Itching of the dorsa of the hands here and there, as if the parts had been bitten by fleas. Violent itching of the joints of the fingers. Burning heat, and redness of the fingers, even from slight cold, as if they had been frozen.

Herpes on the nates. Burning pain round the thigh. Shooting lacerating in the femur. In the limb, the sense of numbness, with heat. Erysipelatous inflammation, and swelling of the left leg and foot, after dancing. Stitches in the sole of the foot. Sense of heaviness in the feet on going up-stairs, in the evening. Itching of the malleoli. Pain in the heel, as from soreness by walking . Burning heat, and redness of the toes in slight cold, as if frozen.



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