Cadmium sulphuratum Anhang


Its pathogenesis gives symptoms corresponding to very low forms of disease, as in cholera, Yellow fever, where, with exhaustion, vomiting, and PROStration, the disease runs death ward. Important

gastric symptoms. Carcinoma ventriculi; persistent vomiting. The attack is upon the stomach more especially. Must keep quiet. Chilliness and coldness even when near the fire.

>: eating and rest;

<: walking or carrying burdens; after sleep; from open air, stimulants;

Homeopathic Remedies for GWI/GWS

[Erika Price]

Illness from radiation sickness, chemical and toxic poisoning, lead poisoning, vaccinations. Chronic fatigue with extreme prostration, great weakness and exhaustion. Cancer. Formication of the skin

and deeper tissues. Asleep sensation or like ants crawling in the extremities deep in the muscles and the skin. Hyperaesthesia or anesthesia. Numbness of parts; the nose, one hand. Paralyzed parts are sometimes painful. Crawling in paralyzed parts.

Cancer: if you have cancer with burning prostration and vomiting CADM-S will relieve these symptoms for weeks; a great palliative for gastric irritation of cancer.

Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy: to antidote the severe side effects of these cancer therapies which can cause persistent vomiting [30c, which may cause patient to throw up soon after remedy

and then feels much better]; lifts spirits of cancer sufferer in general; intense or violent nausea, retching; black vomit; many of these patients die because they cannot eat but this remedy will save them.

<: Walking, motion; carrying; after sleep; open air; stimulants;

>: Rest/eating;

Dread of work; aversion to doing anything mental and physical. Wants to be perfectly quiet; part of it is a state of indolence, part of it is an aversion to motion. Don't speak to me; don't bother me;

let me be in peace; with anxiety.

DD.: Cadm-ox.

Cadm-br. (pain and burning in stomach and vomiting).

Cadm-i. (Itching of anus and rectum felt in daytime only; constipation, frequent desire, tenesmus, abdomen bloated);

Zinc. Ars. Carb-v. Verat.



Mind: Unconscious

Vertigo: room and bed seem to spin around.

Head: Hammering in head

Heat in head.

Eyes: Night blindness.

One pupil dilated

Blue circle around eyes

Opacity of cornea

Nase: Ozoena

Tightness at root

Nose obstructed; Polypus

Caries of nasal bones

Boils on nose

Nostrils ulcerated.

Face: Facial paralysis; more left side.

Trembling of jaw

Mouth: Distortion of mouth

Difficult swallowing

Salty taste.

Throat: Oesophagus constricted (Bapt.) Salty belching

Stringy, offensive exudation on mucous membrane

Sore throat, constant tickling; gagging and nausea, < deep breathing; chilliness and aching.

Stomach: Tenderness and tympanites.

Coffee ground vomiting.

Carcinoma, helps the persistent vomiting

Burning and cutting pains in stomach

Vomiting of mucus, green slime, blood, with great prostration, and great tenderness over the stomach

Black vomit

Violent NAUSEA, retching

Soreness in pit of stomach on pressure

Bloody, black, and offensive

Abdomen: Pain in abdomen, with vomiting


Region of liver sore

Sore, tender, tympanitic

Gelatinous, yellowish green; semi-fluid, with urinary suppression.

Rectum: Black, offensive clots of blood from bowels

Urinary organs: Rawness and soreness in urethra, urine mixed with pus and blood.

Chest: Heart; Palpitation, with constriction of chest.

Sleep: Stops breathing on going to sleep

Wakes up suffocating

Fears to go to sleep again

Protracted sleeplessness.

Icy coldness (Camph./Verat./Heloderma.) Yellow fever ( Crot-h./Carb-v.)

Skin: Blue, yellow, sallow, scaly, cracking

Itching; better scratching

Chloasma, yellowish stains on nose and cheeks; < exposure to sun and wind



[Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica - James Tyler Kent]

Generalities: Only partially proved, so that only a limited amount of information can be given.

Mind: Dread of work; aversion to doing everything, mental and physical. Anxiety has been brought out more by cures than by the pathogenesis.

It has such vomiting as is found in the lowest forms of fever, such irritable stomach as is found in yellow fever, with black vomiting, and just at this point is the place where the likeness to Arsenicum comes out in the low forms of the fever.

Wants to be perfectly quiet; part of it is a state of indolence, part of it is an aversion to motion. < motion, which makes it like Bryonia. So we will see running all through the remedy the exhaustion of Ars. and aversion to motion, like Bry.

Running through it we find it is spasmodic and nervous; it affects the muscles like Zinc. It is found in its crude state associated with Zinc.

There must be no guesswork in the study of provings. Every remedy must be used for its own symptoms, and for these there is no substitute. If a remedy does not work, the homeopath can only examine

the case anew and seek new symptoms and another remedy.

Head: Vertigo in the room; the bed spins round. The head symptoms, anxiety and vertigo are such as occur in low types of gastro-intestinal irritation, as in continued fevers, deep-seated, slow

and sluggish; in yellow fever, with prostration, vomiting of blood, black vomit. Lancinating in the head, pulsating in the temples.

Headaches occurring in the low forms of fever, with great rush of blood to the head. Cutting like knives as occurs in yellow fever.

Eyes: The eye symptoms are numerous. Inflammation of a local character; conjunctivitis with discharge, long continued, a chronic conjunctivitis.

Old “sore eyes,” rousing up with every cold and change of weather. Thickening of the conjunctiva. Scrofulous sore eyes. Ulcer spots; old scars which break and heal up.

It does wonderful work in curing old eye troubles; opacities with slow inflammation. Pressure above the eyes. Paralysis of the lids; ptosis. It commonly affects one side of the face and one eye.

It has paralytic conditions like Causticum; paralysis of one part or of one edge of the body. After an apoplectic attack when the patient recovers, but weakness of one arm and leg remains, it competes with Phos.

Changes in sensation here and there. Numbness of parts; the nose, one hand; numbness in spots. In this it is similar to Caust. Paralyzed parts are sometimes painful. Crawling in paralyzed parts.

Nose: Old nasal catarrh which has progressed till the nasal bones are being destroyed by caries. Ulceration. Pains in the bones. Sneezing; coryza, boils, abscesses. Numbness

Mouth and taste: Disturbances of the taste. It is suitable to low forms of continued fever; it has sordes, dark tongue, bleeding tongue and dry mouth, as in typhus, typhoid and yellow fever. Sluggish tongue;

difficulty in moving it. Difficult swallowing. The muscles of the throat are affected causing dysphagia. Constriction of the oesophagus. Violent thirst. Every time he takes cold water, which he craves,

goose-flesh comes on, a creeping or horripilation like Capsicum.

Stomach: Strongest and most important symptoms. Quits business; no digestion. Everything sours; fluids and the simplest things taken are changed and come up sour, mixed with blood or bile;

rancid eructations; with great exhaustion.

Nausea is distressing. Nauseated all the way down to the abdomen, extensive nausea. Cold sweat. Vomiting of yellow-green mucus.

Touching the lips brings on nausea. Looking over the symptoms narrated here an experienced practitioner would think of gastritis-vomiting of the simplest things. Irritation of the stomach after tedious sickness,

like cerebro-spinal-meningitis, typhoid, yellow fever.

The stomach gives out; there is no digestion, and everything is vomited. He is convalescing, but his stomach is irritable. He wants to keep still. The Arsenic prostration and irritable stomach occur at the beginning

of the fever, with heat and restlessness.

Useful after the fever, and, with his anxiety he wants to keep still. Arsenic has anxiety and wants to move from bed to bed, and from chair to chair, and he fears death.

“Don’t speak to me; don’t bother me; let me die in peace.”

He wants to be perfectly quiet, and the state occurs at the close of a febrile disease. Many of these patients die because they cannot eat, but this remedy will save them. When you have a case of cancer, with burning, prostration, and vomiting, Cad-s. will relieve these symptoms for weeks, I have seen them where the pains have been relieved by anodynes until nothing would stay on the stomach, and this medicine would relieve.

It is a great remedy in the gastric irritation of carcinoma, a great palliative; coffee ground vomiting,

Burning and cutting pains in the stomach. Gastric symptoms, such as occur in pregnancy, in old drunkards. Burning in the stomach ext. into the oesophagus; fluids burn all the way up into the mouth and throat; sour, acid fluids. Cold sensation in the stomach. Cholera infantum with irritation of the stomach.

Pain in the abdomen with vomiting. Lancinating in the abdomen from these pains we see it is a medicine profoundly affecting the liver, spleen, stomach and other abdominal viscera.

Gangrene threatens.

Limbs: “Asleep” sensation, or like ants crawling in the extremities, deep in the muscles and the skin. Hyperesthesia or anesthesia.

Skin: Formication of the skin and deeper tissues.


Relapses in fever, with vomiting, diarrhoea, and great prostration. At times a case of yellow fever gets along fairly well, but a draft causes a slight cold and on come sudden prostration, black vomit, death. In that state it competes with Carb-v., which used to be the main remedy in the hands of good prescribers.



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