Cascarilla (Casc) = Croton eleuteria = Rinde


Negativ: Übel, Verdauungstrakt, Verstopfung + oft Stuhlandrang;

Clarke: a family resemblance to the other Euphorbians. Acts prominently on the digestive tract. Symptoms include: Sensation of swelling deep down in throat. Hunger after meals and feeling of emptiness.

Movings about in abdomen “As if hot water undulating”;


Gemüt: Angst (während Fieber) - während

Denken abgeneigt

Erschrickt leicht [erwachend (aus einem Traum)]


Wahnideen (jemand sei hinter ihm)

Kopf: Hitze

Schmerz - < Berührung/Schläfen/r./ziehend

Auge: Jucken

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche - Brummen

Hitze (Gehörgang)

Gesicht: Schmerz

Mund: Aphthen bei Kindern/Gangränös bei Kindern

Raue Zunge

Geschmack bitter (< Rauchen)

Innerer Hals: „Wie geschwollen“

Magen: Appetit - fehlend morgens/vermehrt nach Essen

Aufstoßen/Art des Aufstoßens - leer

Schmerz (brennend/drückend)


Übel/erbricht (< nach Trinken von kaltem Wasser)

„Wie voller Wasser“

Bauch: Beschwerden in Magendarmtrakt

Rumoren, Kollern

Schmerz [vor Durchfall (krampfartig)/drückend]

„Wie voller Wasser“

Rektum: Blutung aus dem Anus/Hämorrhoiden

Durchfall (# Obstipation)




Schmerz < beim Stuhlgang/< nach Stuhlgang

Stuhl: Blutig/braun/übel riechend/schleimig - bedeckt von Schleim

Blase: Urinieren – Dysurie/häufig/unwillkürlich

Harnröhre: Schmerz - Meatus – nach Koitus (wund schmerzend)/< nach Urinieren (brennend)

Prostata: Abgang von Prostatasekret

Männliche Genitalien: Pollutionen/Schmerz in Eichel <urinierend

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Kitzeln in Trachea

Husten: durch Kitzeln in der Trachea/kurz/trocken

Auswurf: Blutig

Brust: Blutung der Lungen

Rücken: Schmerz (> Rückenlage/mit Schwäche/Wehtun/Lumbalregion

Schwäche (> Liegend)


Glieder: Schmerz – Gelenke (rheumatisch)/r. Schulter/drückend


Spannung in Schultern

Schlaf: Komatös

Erwacht „Wie durch Schreck“ aus Träume/durch Träume




Träume: Erinnerlich, bleiben im Gedächtnis/schrecklich (wecken auf)/viele

Fieber: Hitze im Allgemeinen

Intermittierendes, chronisches Fieber, Wechselfieber

Frost: < Bewegung/< Sommer/warme Getränke werden vertragen

Schweiß: Nachts (22 - 6 h)

Reichlich (nachts/< im Schlaf/nicht schwächend)


Allgemeines: Anämie


Verlangt sich hinzulegen/Matt/schwach

Schmerz - rheumatisch in Muskeln/in Gelenke

 Speisen und Getränke: >: warme Getränke;  Verlangt: Tee/warme Getränke (> während Fieber)/heiße Getränke;

Wassersucht – äußere/innere

empfindlich gegen den Geruch des Tabaks/abgeneigt Rauchen der gewohnten Zigarre

Träge körperlich


Vergleich: Enthält S + Vanillin; Enthalten in: Campari;         Siehe: Malphigiales


Wirkung: GifTIG

Allerlei: ätherisches Öl


[TF Allen]

Tincture of the bark.

Mind: Disinclined to think.

Head: Confusion of the head (and heat). Dull drawing pain in the right temporal region, lasting 2 days.

Mouth: Bitter, rough taste, when smoking.

Throat: A sensation of deep swelling deep down in the throat, when not swallowing (when swallowing, as if he has swallowed the stone of a fruit).

Stomach: Hunger at 15 h., though he had eaten a few hours previously.

Eructations with bitter taste. Frequent empty eructations (after 1 hr). Slight empty eructations at times; at times ineffectual attempts at eructations. Burning in the pit of the stomach.

Severe pressure in the stomach. Slight tensive pressure in the epigastric region, as if one had eaten too much; every step caused a painful shattering in the epigastric region, which did not feel tense and was not hard (< walking than when sitting).

Abdomen: Troublesome sensation of pressure and tension in the hypochondria, almost like incarcerated flatus, though associated with a sensation of hardness. Movings about the abdomen like flatulence, with slight painful sensation, without passage of flatus (after 1 hr. and a quarter). Unusual griping in the abdomen before the usual morning stool, followed by the normal stool (after 1 hr). Pressure and rumbling in the abdomen; passage of flatus (after 2 hrs).

Stool: The usual evening stool omitted, and the customary morning stool was passed with great exertion, consisting at first of large brownish lumps, mingled here and there with masses of mucus, followed by a naturally formed and colored stool, which was here and there mixed with much bright blood.

Urinary organs: Momentary painful sensation in the orifice of the urethra after urinating, as from a soreness, as if a few drops would still pass, which caused a burning.

Respiratory Organs: Short dry cough, from tickling in the trachea.

Chest: A stitch extends up towards the left breast, as if caused by incarcerated flatulence.

Extremities: Weariness and indolence of all the limbs. A pressive-tensive pain in the right shoulder-joint, during rest and motion.

Sleep and Dreams: Sleep, with semi-conscious; thought he was awake, though he still slept; he lay in various places during sleep, dreamed much, though without anxiety, and remembered distinctly his dreams after waking in the morning.

Fever: Anxious heat of the whole body and a slight sweat, followed by sleepiness (after half an hour). Slight sweat on the back, when walking in the open air, with slight chilliness, which immediately disappeared on standing still, but returned after walking again.

<: (When smoking), Bitter, etc. taste in mouth/(Walking), Pressure in epigastric region;

>: (On standing still), Chilliness disappears;



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