Castoreum sibiricum (Castm)


Vergleich: Siehe: Malphigiales + Mammalia + Teste Thuja- + Tierische Geruchsstoffen


[Sigrid Häse]

Es geht darum einen Zugang zu finden zu den eigenen Emotionen. Der Biber fällt mit seinen starken Zähnen ganze Bäume und baut damit Dämme, mit denen er Wasser

(= Emotionen) staut. Die, die das Mittel brauchen, tun das auch und versuchen, die emotionalen Probleme im Kopf zu lösen, um von den unterdrückten Gefühlen abzulenken. Daraus resultieren meistens heftiger Kopfschmerz, Zahn­schmerz, Ohrgeräusche (Tinnitus),

Le­ber­stauung Blähbauch, gestaute Men­ses, bitteres Aufstoßen. Der Biber hilft diese schon lang gärenden und bitteren Emotionen endlich wahrzunehmen, auszusprechen und evtl. auch als Tränen fließen zu lassen.


The old proving of Castoreum: is called Castoreum. canadensis, but the material is taken from an European beaver. The repertories differ absolutely.


19.04.2012 bieten Caesar & Loretz GmbH Castoreum canadense plv. an.

In der “Rheinische Monatsschrift für praktische Aerzte” Band 4 Seite 107 wird unterschieden in Deutsche Castoreum, Russische Castoreum und Canadische Castoreum mit unterschiedliche Analysewerten.


Mercks Warenlexicon 1884

(Castoreum); Artikel des Droguenhandels, besteht aus den getrockneten Beuteln, welche zu je zwei, sowohl beim männlichen, als auch beim weiblichen Biber sich in der Nähe der Geschlechtsteile unter der Haut finden und im frischen Zustande eine weiche und schmierige Masse enthalten, die ausgetrocknet hart, braun ist und zerrieben werden

kann und einen durchdringenden, starken Geruch besitzt. Die Beutel sind aus 4 übereinander liegenden Häuten gebildet. Wird nur medizinisch verwendet, jetzt aber viel weniger als früher.

Man unterscheidet zwei Sorten, Bieber der alten Welt, vom europäischen Biber (Castor Biber) und das der neuen Welt vom nordamerikanischen Biber (Castor americanus); beide zeigen sehr bedeutenden Preisunterschied, während das letztere, gewöhnlich kanadisches B. (Castoreum canadense) genannt, je nach Qualität bei uns 40–90 Mark

pro Kilo kostet, ist der Preis des europäischen 1100 M. pro Kilo. Letzteres führt allgemein den Namen sibirisches oder russisches B. (Castoreum sibiricum o. moscoviticum),

da Deutschland jetzt so gut wie nichts mehr liefert, sondern hauptsächlich Rußland und Sibirien.

Beide Sorten unterscheiden sich durch folgende Merkmale: Während die Beutel des sibirischen B. oval und wenig zusammengedrückt erscheinen, auch nicht runzelig und zusammengeschrumpft sind, besteht das kanadische B. aus mehr birnförmigen, flachgedrückten Beuteln mit runzeliger Haut; bei dem sibirischen lassen sich die beiden äußeren Häute bequem ablösen und in der Mitte des Inhalts ist eine Höhlung, welche bei dem kanadischen fehlt, bei dem sich auch die Häute nicht ablösen lassen.

Der Inhalt der sibirischen Beutel ist braun, niemals glänzend oder harzig, sondern fast erdig, während derjenige der kanadischen Beutel rotbraun und auf dem Bruche harzartig glänzend ist; auch ist der Geruch des letzteren bedeutend schwächer. Die Menge des kanadischen B., welche durch die Hudsonbay-Gesellschaft alljährlich auf den Londoner Markt gebracht wird, beträgt immer noch 500 bis 2500 k; dasselbe wird in jährlich zwei Auktionen (August und Dezember) verkauft. – Zollfrei.


[Cristina Paolazzi/Farnoosh Mohaghegh/Helen Hill/Coordinator Murray Feldman]

Due to a variety of reasons, which we feel were all part of the proving, not everyone took the remedy on the same date.

Before the proving even started, odd things began to happen. All three classmates began to experience very strange dynamics. Immediately, we experienced the need to work very efficiently at the proving.

On January 18, 2011, we gathered to meet with Murray and as many of the provers and supervisors as we could get together at one time. The idea of this meeting was for the group to share and compare their energy and experiences. During this meeting, the attendees were also asked if they had any idea of what the remedy might be. It was quite interesting to hear the responses. At the end of the meeting Murray disclosed the source of the remedy that was taken. We were not surprised to know that what we proved was the Canadian Beaver. This is one of the animals that symbolizes Canada. The energy that came through was strong and expressive.

Although, Castoreum canadense is already in Materia Medica, we were not able to find any references that indicate Castoreum canadense has been proved. It is likely that

the information included in Materia Medica is based on a proving done on the European species and not the Canadian species.

Food: plants as water lilies and clover and trees such as aspen, poplar, and willow

Kinds of buildings: dam; free standing lodge in a pond; less commonly a lodge attached to the side of a pond; and tunnels and dens built in the side of rivers and streams

Population: Colony up to 10 family members

Life span: about 10-12 years

Senses and Communication

Smell is the most highly developed sense; it has been proven 100x more sensitive than the human sense of smell. Beavers are noisy eaters and even though their sense of hearing is keen, they rely more often on their smell.

They need to pause often while eating to listen for danger. The beaver’s sense of taste is well developed, as can be seen in its preference for certain foods and avoidance

of others. The beaver uses his whiskers, eyebrows, tail, and soles of its feet, all well endowed to sensory nerve endings, to touch. The beaver has four rows of whiskers,

or vibrissae, that are 7.6-10 cm long. These whiskers are sensory devices that tell the beaver if its body will fit through an opening. If a beaver can enter a tunnel without having his whiskers touch the side, the beaver’s body will fit through the opening.

Adult beavers communicate through sounds, but the most commonly used form of communication is the slap of the tail on water. The tail slap of an adult beaver is extremely loud and, if unexpected, can be both startling and unnerving. The tail slap always signals potential danger, and beavers can vary the velocity of the slap. Beavers are much more likely to slap their tails in response to scent rather than in response to sight or sound.

The louder and more powerful the tail slap the more immediate the response. Beavers on land will move into the water, beavers in shallow water will move out to deep water, while those in deep water will swim back and forth to try to catch the scent of the potential predator. Beavers are peaceful animals; however, they are territorial.

To communicate to outsiders they build scent mounds around their pond. The scent mounts are made of mud and a chemical paste called castoreum that the beavers secrete from glands situated near their genitalia. The scent mounds act as no trespassing signs to beavers that aren’t from that area.


The beaver is furnished with a certain odoriferous secretion from glands situated near their genitalia. In beavers, a cloaca furnishes the outlet for urinary and alvine excretions and acts in the male as a sheath to its sexual organ and in the female as a vestibule to the vagina. The reservoirs or sacs in which the gland secretion is stored are brought into commerce under the name of castoreum.

In the fresh state, the sacs are found massed together, with the individual sacs being of an elongated pyriform shape, about two inches long, soft and somewhat flesh-colored. Upon drying, they become brownish, flattened, and wrinkled. The contents of the fresh sacs are liquid, yellow in color, and odorous, and afterward dry to a reddish brown, more or less, hard mass. Castor has a fetid, peculiar, strong odor, and its taste is nauseating, acrid, and bitter.

Beavers are mostly nocturnal animals.

The beaver body is designed for life in the water; its eyes, nose, and ears are located near the top of its flat skull, allowing the beaver to lie deep in the water, hidden from predators, while still watching, smelling, and listening for danger.

Beavers can swim submerged for 0.8 km or more; while they are swimming their heartbeat slows down, reducing the flow of blood to their extremities, conserving oxygen

for the brain. The beaver’s large lungs allow it to hold more air. Its oversized liver has greater capacity to store oxygenated blood. The beaver is also capable of exchanging

at least 75% of its lung capacity when it surfaces. Humans can only exchange 15 – 20%.

Eating and Digestion

The beaver’s favorite foods are twigs and bark from aspen and willow and alder saplings; in the spring and summer they will also eat skunk cabbage, water lilies, grasses, and berries. Beavers have to eat a lot of this fibrous food to get the nutrition they need. In the fall a beaver will eat as much as 1.4 kg of food a day in an effort to build fat reserves on its body. In the cold winter, beavers rarely leave their ice-covered pond and cozy lodge to find food. Instead they eat the tree branches they cut down during summer and fall. The branches are piled in the water and held in place by mud. This supply of food is called “cache.” During the winter, beavers can easily swim under the frozen pond to reach their cache.

The beaver has a large stomach for food storage and processing. It has an even larger caecum where the fibrous material is further digested. The beaver gains its nutrition from the tree’s outer and inner barks; it cannot break down the lignin in the wood itself. Like most rodents, beavers are coprophogus. They eat so much bulk material that some of

it passes from their bodies as green faeces before being fully digested. Beavers eat the green faeces and, when passed through the body a second time, essential nutrients are absorbed and the faeces emerge brown. The beaver has four incisor teeth, two at the bottom and two at the top that grow throughout the beavers’ life.

The iron in the beavers’ diet causes the teeth to turn orange.

Dams and Habitat

A beaver family or colony usually needs a pond where they can build their home. Many times, beavers create their own ponds by using water from rivers and streams.

They block the water flow with branches, logs, and mud. The blocked water behind the dam spreads out over the nearby land and forms a pond. Now the busy animals can start their next project, building the family home or lodge. A beaver family can build a dam in about a week. To stay safe from predators, beavers often build their home in

the middle of the pond. They pile up materials until they are higher than the surface of the water. Inside the lodge, a beaver colony lives in one big room, or chamber, that sits above the water. Tiny holes in the lodge’s roof let fresh air into the chamber. The colony sleeps in this room during the day. The resting beavers huddle together in warm, dry nests made from grass and tree bark. They also raise their young in this room.

Beavers are one of most persistent creatures. Farmers, road crew, and others who have had to repeatedly remove river dams that flooded crops, timber, highway, and railroad culverts will agree.


Each beaver colony is made up of one male and one female adult and their young. In the spring, the adult female gives birth to between one and four tiny kits. Over the years a colony can grow to have as many as ten beavers. Beavers mate for life. The newborn have fur, teeth, and can see and walk. The babies remain inside for about a month. The yearlings act as babysitters for the new litter.

During their second year, young beavers help their parents repair the dam and lodge and gather food for winter. Young beavers stay with their parents until they are two years old. The entire family works together to routinely fix the dam and the lodge.


By the 16th century the world's second largest rodent, the European beaver, had been hunted to extinction in Scotland. The shortage of Scottish folktales featuring the beaver is surprising considering how recently it was still with them, although it does feature in the folklore from a number of other cultures. In Gaelic it is known as dobhran losleathan, meaning “broad-tailed otter.”

Historically, it was prized for its meat, its thick waterproof fur (which was used to make hats), and also for the oil known as castoreum that is secreted by glands beneath its tail. There were many medicinal properties attributed to castoreum (the name comes from the Greek word “Kastor,” meaning beaver, as does the animal's scientific name, Castor fiber), and while there is no medical evidence to support the claim that it is an aphrodisiac or a cure for epilepsy, castoreum may indeed have been an effective remedy for some ailments. One of the beaver's preferred foods is the inner bark of willow, which contains salicylic acid, the chemical compound from which aspirin was developed. This chemical is concentrated in castoreum, so it could well have had pain-relieving properties. Castoreum was still used in some parts of the world into the 20th century, as

a base for expensive perfumes.

Historically, there was a lot of misinformation about the beaver's lifestyle and habits, including a widely held and bizarre notion about the male's response to being hunted.

This myth was presented in one of Aesop's Fables, the 6th-century Greek collection of moral tales. The story of The Hunted Beaver tells of how when hunted by dogs, the beaver chewed off its own testicles and ran away, giving the hunter the prize he was after and thus saving its own life. There were clearly some wild imaginations at play

(i.e. beavers don't actually do this!), as well as some confusion as to what the hunter was after, as castoreum is actually produced in the anal glands. Nevertheless, the moral

of this slightly disconcerting tale was that voluntary sacrifice may help avert even greater loss.

It was also believed that beavers ate fish, which is again a fallacy, as they are completely vegetarian. The beaver itself was hunted for its meat, and the paws and tail were

eaten by certain monks on Fridays, in the belief that it qualified as fish rather than meat!

The presence of beavers in Britain is still echoed in a number of place-names, such as Beverley in Yorkshire, literally meaning beaver's stream.

Canada's national animal, the Canadian beaver, is a different species from the European beaver that inhabited Scotland's forests. It is far more industrious in its damming activities, giving rise to the popular term “eager beaver.” However, like its European cousin, its important beneficial influence on the health of watercourses was recognised

by the Native Americans, who sometimes referred to beavers as the “Earth's kidneys.”

Fossils show that during the last Ice Age, a giant species of beaver the size of a bear dwelled in North America! It was probably hunted to extinction by humans, and it has been suggested that an Algonquin myth about Wishpoosh, the giant beaver, may be an echo of that ancient time. In the tale, ferocious Wishpoosh doesn't allow anyone else

to fish in his pool, killing them if they try. The trickster, Coyote, decides to take him on, and an epic battle ensues. These historical references are a far cry from the gentle rodent we know and love!

They are also shown to have pride in their home; real beavers do indeed have good house-keeping abilities, although it is unlikely they make tea quite as well as Mrs. Beaver

in Narnia .

In many parts of Europe the beaver is now sought not for its fur or oil, but by tourists and nature lovers who are seeking a glimpse of this fascinating rodent. There are places

in Britain where you can now watch beavers in their natural habitat, albeit within large enclosures. With growing support for beaver re-introduction, we may even be able to watch them in the wild before too long.

Remedy Preparation

Remedy is made from Castoreum. This substance is stored in the genital glands of both the male and female beaver Castor Fiber (Russian Beaver) and Castor Canadensis.

(N. American Beaver) It is yellowish and somewhat cheesy when fresh; reddish brown, hard and brittle when dry, with a resinous fracture. It has a strong fetid odour and

a bitter, acrid, nauseous taste. Russian castor is larger, fuller and heavier than the North American variety; the contents have a stronger and more agreeable odour.

Depending on what type of tree the beaver feeds on, the quality of the effects of the castoreum will vary. This can indicate that the remedy being prepared from beavers from different countries will have different themes.

A tincture is prepared by macerating two ounces of the bruised castor for seven days in a quart of diluted alcohol. The dose of this is from a half to two fluid drachms.

The remedy was acquired from Helios.


Before actually starting the process, we, the main supervisors and some of the provers, started sensing a very intense and heavy energy and series of incidents which we recorded as followed:

P 10:

I feel horrible, there is a dead animal in our house, we do not know where it is. The smell is horrible. I feel like I have killed someone. It is a nightmare. We cannot do anything at home. Felt hopeless, mad, and angry. I have this vision of having this hammer and smashing it throws something.

I am very restless, very impatient.

The landlord said since Sunday they felt the smell. Dead body. Neighbour said, I thought the guy next door had died. And I haven’t seen him too. It is very weird, bizarre. Such things don’t happen very often. The whole thing is bizarre, we left so quickly for Mexico, we knew we should go, it is very hard financially for us and my husband’s work, but we just knew, it was very clear. We had great time in Mexico but the plane had 14 hours delay. People got mad at the airport and called the cops, it was a riot going on. The second plane hit a bird, so we had to get another plain.

The whole thing was bizarre. In Mexico it was great, then we came back to this horrible unlivable place.

It was intense, the whole thing. Acute, powerful. Things happening so quick. Everything so clear and strong.

Like now I am just mad no bull shitting, I am mad and very restless and impatient.

I am very excited about this remedy proving and this is clear.


Previous to receiving the remedy I felt a lot of hostility, wanted to quit everything because I felt the proving was going down the drain, I perceived a friend as hostile towards me she did not trust giving the remedy to me, I felt she was keeping the remedies as hostage, and compromising the proving. I felt I needed to react, I knew I would create

a lot of turmoil, but I was willing to accept the consequences.


Resentments. Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. At the same time very efficient. Not anxious but more of time passing fast and things are to be done.

I had a very hectic week and wanted to go to party that we were invited (Oct 16th), I was so happy about it, usually I do not care as such. Things were going well, but around 24 h. the hostess, fainted and got unconscious, I was scared as I was checking her pulse and it was getting weaker and weaker under my hand, I felt I had to do CPR any moment. It was a crazy night; she was taken to ICU that night. It was a matter of life and death.

There are issues around communication between supervisors, one is going fast and wanting to start soon. Things went very smooth but suddenly stopped. I feel attacked by one other team member.

Feel frustrated and angry. I no longer want her friendship.

An email, from one supervisor. She hasn’t been still able to meet a prover yet. She emailed me that she is very frustrated and too angry to write to the prover because she had cancelled their appointment late last night. The supervisor had gone to the place where they were suppose to meet and waited 1 hour despite her own busy schedule.

She aid she does no longer want to do this.

Themes and Sensations

We found that many symptoms are similar to the European beaver; however, the proving symptoms of Castoreum Canadense are centered on the need to work very efficiently where as the European is more about Hysteria and Unsuccessful efforts.

There was a lot of energy around efficiency in this proving. Job needed to be done and any obstacle or delay would create a lot of frustration and anger. There was not a clear consideration, care or understanding of the other person’s feelings so in a way it was a non-emotional effort to get the job done. Very focused constructive energy which could turn in to aggressive behaviour if things were not going as desired which happened quite often. Difficult cooperation was leading to complete disconnection, apathy and frustration towards the other party or the project. There was a feeling that cooperation from the other side was compromised.

We felt that the secondary reaction of the remedy was a type of strong un-motivation, indifference: and also a need to attend to one’s immediate desire.

Mind and Dream Themes

Efficiency/Non- emotional

• There are a lot of activities but nothing that leaves emotional  in my psyche.

• I was punctual to my exam which is atypical (curative).

• I didn’t kiss my partner good bye, I drove to school and was ready to get the business of the day done.

• I enjoyed feeling incredibly focused on one thing, however I continued to feel antisocial and mostly dispassionate throughout the day.

• I was walking very quickly, needed to wonder around, being more the director than the supporter.

• Where the emotional side of myself does not regulate what I am saying and doing.

• Feeling clear. Emotionally stable.

• People are coming to see me for treatment for heavy problems, I am rolling through it and taking it on which was not usually easy for me to do in the past.

• I felt like a rush of energy, almost robotic, much focused. It felt like when I drink coffee. No emotional feeling went in my way, like a robotic (more masculine)

  I was there and I was functional. when she snapped, my emotions came back and came out from that robotic mood.

• I had a lot to do today, took a long shower, felt good focused, in a gentle way, inspired by sunshine.

• I felt cheated, I need to speak up in a factual way, not an emotional way (my emotion could get in because I have been cheated).

• I noticed some of my colleagues gave me sympathy. I did not care for it, almost annoying, wanted to finish the work and get back home.

• I was more self involved since the proving, kind of egocentric, more of my own experience.


• I have been grumpy.

• Lately I've been feeling extremely irritated with everything at work. No patience at all. Trying hard not to snap at people.

• I've been getting rides from people to and from work and taking the bus and skytrain. I hate it. I hate inconveniencing people and I hate taking public transit. I don't like feeling like relying on someone else for transportation  and I don't like waiting for buses and standing on busy trains and buses. I get irritated and like it's wasting so much time. I had to reschedule a follow up from this week to next week and I was so upset with myself because I want to get my work done and be there for my patients.

It's so frustrating to feel unreliable to them.

• My anger is not as much as before. I am in a good space. (Curative)

• I have been feeling more frustrated again I felt so good after the remedy Maybe I should take it again It helped with my anger and frustration. (Curative).

• I felt beside myself, very irritable and short.

• The atmosphere at work feels tense. Everyone is working long hours and there is a huge transition happening there with new protocols, a business coach, staff meetings every week. The staff meetings frustrate me because it seems that nothing ever gets accomplished. Lots  of talking and no action. I've been put in charge of writing protocols for dog and cat nutrition for the clinic. Feeling a lot of pressure between working hours at the clinic, my piles of homework, my animals, chores, just getting a new car tomorrow.

• Nothing, not a thing, how disappointing.

• A lot of exhausting work and negative excitement.

Acuteness/Acute miasm

• My feelings about the remedy: I had a thought that it must be something from the underworld, something with a lot of influence. It seemed to have come quick and left quick. It reminded me of Aconite type of pace or Solanaceae with its acuteness and suddenness and emergency type of reaction. Everything seemed so acute and as one

big deal.

• In grocery store guy said do not take these meat together you will be poisoned, and the store were dead suddenly it all got intense and busy when we entered. Things are happening around us very intense and acute. I feel shocked all the time. We have to deal with emergencies all the time one after another. Shit is happening. So bizarre.

Shock, intense, acute. Fast, emergency. Like all our life is turning.

• As if we went through storm and now things are settling down.

• I was in such a state that I didn't even remember I was doing a proving. XX gave me Aconite 1M.

• The past 2 months have been terrible. To top it all off, my dog got a hold of my proving journal and it is destroyed it a few days ago (I think this is part of the proving)

so now I need to write a summary about my experience which I am in the middle of doing right now.

• Dream: Was walking with an old friend, the pedestrian walk was very narrow, one side were walls of homes, one side was like we would fall any moment. Not like a valley, like ditch. Fear of falling. Fear of injury from falling. Was not watching the ditch, more concern where I walk so I do not fall. It was intense fear of falling. My fear was acute, more than what the danger was.

• I never had this powerful crazy intense state before. It was like all my old emotional feelings came in two hours time in an intense way. So powerful.


• I want to be alone and go to my dark hole. Hate people in the street. I usually am in for change but this time I am very apprehensive about finding a new place. and very US for me.

• Feeling overwhelmed and very tired.

• As if after that extreme anger and madness now I am in this state of apathy, avoiding people. I have no more energy for myself. Talking with people takes energy. I do not want to give my energy; it costs too much energy talking to people.

• Feel this heavy energy. Makes me tired. This remedy is heavy, deep, powerful, and strong, it is so there.

• I am so tired, it is like dying. Unusual feeling of overwhelmed.

• Apathy, slow and tired. Slow, not paying attention, completely out of it. Tired and there is nothing in my head.

• Still do not like to go in public, I want to stay in my home, just feel in peace. There is not security issue or anything.

• I am more motivated, my energy is really good, and I’m in a really good space energetically (Curative).

• I have felt less social than normal. And have avoided people when possible.

• I usually gush and turn pink when I see him at the clinic. But today that didn’t happen. I have just felt less today overall than I normally do.

• I found it hard to connect and empathize with my good friend who I really wanted to connect with. I felt frustrated by my inability.

• I am feeling critical and unenthusiastic about where I was going, what I was doing, and in general about the state of affairs in the world.

• I am trapped in an expressionless land where there are no strong emotions or feelings. I know deep down I don’t like it, but on the surface I am indifferent.

• I also had trouble communicating with my close friends and still felt very masculine as well as carrying around that strong smell of body odour that was not my own.

• During my shift I felt uninterested in what I was doing.

• I am not interest in getting tings done, and it is frustrating. It is like with the proving and the school stuff, I feel an avoidance with everything, unmotivated, I do care about the consequences.

• Internal dialogue to get it done, I am frustrated, I have a lot of commitment, I want to be motivated. If I could I would go to Stockholm, because my friend is there,

I have missing him a lot, that would be healing that would be the only motivation I have inside. Once I called you I am happy I did, it is so weird, before I was not motivated to do it.

• Now I’m unmotivated, I like to be passive, and not do things, just relax. I was invited to a party, I’m too tired, I just want to relax at home.

• I live in a room alone, over the weekend I felt alone, but not wanted to be around people. I feel the sickness is coming up through my pores, I needed to refresh.


• Very strange energy is going on here, we both work as pair, more than normal, this time is very pronounced. Working as pair to deal with emergencies.

• I was touched because 4 classmates decided to stay there late for me, they supported me because they had the same relation with these women.

• I did not speak up, I felt left out from the group, left to fend for myself, when I see the rest of the group working together, making it through the day, it was a big thing. Maybe tomorrow I just stay home.

• With patients, my colleagues were helpful, felt connected and supported, it went nicely.

• I feel that in the course of this proving my relationship have deepened, my connection is greater, my colleagues mention that and my patients as well. It feels they are connecting more with me, it feels great. Maybe it all started after my conflict with the dean of the school.

• Dream: Interesting dreams of relatives being around, Of relatives that have passed away. Not so lucid as before the remedy Not much conversation in dreams.

• Dream: Relationships with friends, fun dreams, problem solving, work related.

• Dream: Connection, people that are working together with a common goal, just like the theatre, leaning on each other, a safe place to stretch and grow, connection as a safety net for just talking, if you fell you would fall but not hard, people were there to help. Connection is like strength, but not rigid, have flexibility, softness, coziness, it is the cure.

• Dream: About one colleague, working together, each had a task to do. She was just there reading a book, not doing anything, she was suppose to gather a few things and then meet me, instead I found her in a quiet place reading a book, I felt we were suppose to be a team, but she was being lazy and dreamy, I felt I was doing twice the work.

I was extra indignant.

I thought after I finish with a patient I need to find out a better way to do this.

Dream: A morning dream about a house and friends, we established our right to be there at the house, even though the rival groups didn’t want us there.

Dream: Morning had a dream about two friends, never had any dream about them before. Work, deadline- at the same time assurance that things will be fine. It was about commercial making company, I was creating commercial, thought about hedgehogs to include in my commercial. Saw a man with nails inside his back, lots of them, looking like hedgehog, thought about using a giant magnet to pull them out. G3


• I crave not to give my energy to other people. I can set boundaries, I stop talking. It is more difficult with people I know, I am more plugged in, it is like an umbilical cord, there is no way to disconnect, there are always tugging on you, or you tagging on them, ignoring is impossible, even in complete silence there is always the noise of that connection.

• I was more sarcastic and straight forward. I was talking without thinking about the consequences. So my supervisor denied me a signature for a job I have finished, telling

me it was the same job as last time.

I said to him that to do a different job I need a different patient. So I told him :” I have been outside flashing at people, but they are not responding, then I said :” oh my God I don’t believe I just said that, my usual me would have never used the sarcasm of flashing people. It was very spontaneous, he squinted an eye at me: like what did you just say?

• Felt very direct and upfront with colleagues not a good interaction with the dean of the school, she yells at a drop of a hat, I did not say anything to upset her, usually I stay out of her way, it is a new experience for me to tell her: that is not OK to snap at me. I was able to speak up, it may not come out so good for me, a little bit fearing the consequence but not enough to stop me.

• I always feel attacked by her, snappy, why is she angry, I am quite fearful of her usually, but I had the courage.

• I am feeling stronger, I have courage to face the repercussion.

• I am not going to take her abusing, I can set my boundaries.

• She is violent, that is my concern and suspicious, she held me in her office for longer, my classmates were concern for me and waited outside for me, watching out for me,

it is crazy, this is an acupuncture course, lots of lies, it feels that finally there is a part of me that is expressing me.

• I stood up for myself and left the situation, before I use to run away from her. I am not so fearful anymore and did not care about the consequences, if standing up for myself resulted in something bad, so be it.

• I am less cautious, then I am normally, I never thought of myself as being cautious.

• I wanted to speak with the person I am working with in Hawaii, I felt that now I had more courage to address the differences.

• I was compassionate with her but directed her to another doctor. I put my boundaries.

• Before I thought I was taking a huge risk with a big office, but now I don’t see it that way, the risk is not so important anymore, I have a more balance prospective about it, before I use to hold back more, now I am more balanced. It is great.


• I feel like I don't necessarily want to take the remedy again just because it is so powerful and kind of mean and dark. I did enjoy the issues and dreams around death and dying thou, it felt really profound and for the first time in my life, I wasn't really freaked out about the whole death process. I was strangely fine with it.

• Now when we get back we have to look for another place to stay because house smells (dead animal). It is all about dead, really dead and smell. It is all about animals.

• We turned TV on and the program was Homes with Homes and guess what, he was dealing with odour of a dead animal stuck somewhere in the walls of a house.

So bizarre, what are the chances?

• Find that rats had died in the ceiling and the whole place smelled of dead animal, and my pipes burst. It was horrible, the sick sweet smell.

Dream: Lots of short dreams. All about death, but it was normal in dream as a normal part of life. No fear. My best friend in Slovakia had a miscarriage and lost her baby, but it was normal to all of us. I am usually very fearful about death, but this time it was normal, like accepting it as a part of life. I woke up from my dream overwhelmed by

all these deaths. Had dream about skiing down the hill, it was fast, overwhelming.

Dream: We were in a neighbourhood not feeling safe, waiting for my wife in the car, worried about her, someone knocked the window, I was freaked out, almost jumped. He was a policeman with gun. Then I woke up from the shock. Feeling was: being in an unsafe neighbourhood, crime could happen. Fear of shooting, that she would be killed. I was more worried about her as I was in the car myself. This was intense, fearful. I might have even jumped in bed when saw the police man.

Dream: Last night had dream of violence, someone was shooting at us, my mom got wounded on her knee, I could see the bullet hole and blood coming out. I as trying to call 911 but had also play dead so the gun man does not know I am alive. It was scary and violent. Matter of life and death.

Dream: I was scared there was this horrible death that was going to happen. I came out of the nightmare before anything happen. Real sense of foreboding sense of evil

in the house. I was busy thinking how to avoid what was going to happen. Making a decision on how to get out. I don’t know who the people were the evilness of the house was very disjointed was a human ghost type or think otherworldly kind of stuff, see through kind of stuff, other worldly. I had never had a nightmare for ever.

Interesting that I had one that is quickly gone.

Dream: Last night I dreamed that X met a guy with a mastiff. It seemed friendly at first but then it attacked me. The owner didn't care and let the dog run off leash.

It ran after me and tried to attack me again. I yelled for the owner to help and he wouldn't do anything. I was really scared and angry that he could just let his dog do this.

Dream: The whole world was at war, I was trying to get away from the war. Guns and bombs everywhere. I could not see any people in the dream. I was hiding and running and trying to find safety but there was none. I was terrified I could die at any moment. There were lots of old dilapidated buildings and old rusty cars, buildings that had been destroyed. It was dark and grey outside. There were no TVs or radios to find out what was happening. Just chaos everywhere and I was all alone.

Dream: shooting dream, someone came in the work place with a gun, he shot people, there was bleeding and dying, I felt I had just one third of my usual emotions, I was not panicking. I was alert and aware, but not scared out of my pants, my heart was not racing or sweating, almost like it was not a big deal, very odd.

Animal Consciousness

• I found bunch of gross looking moth type flying bugs in the biscuit Ziploc bag. I had dog liver treat in there and somehow this disgusting insect got in there. So I threw it out, the whole bag but they keep coming back from somewhere. I kill one everyday and it drives me crazy. I think they feed on garbage and are kind of dirty and gross.

They just will not go away! All these animals getting to us!

• This morning before we leave wanted to feed the dogs but all meat in freezer got bad, the electricity was down. Very bizarre. Raccoon foot print all over the windshield

we had to clean them off. On ferry something smelled in the car, it was dry dog shit in the car, had never happened before. Smell of shit. Dry shit. We had to get to ferry get tissues and clean up.

• When we got home all fences were down, garbage everywhere, smell of garbage. Raccoon paw prints everywhere. So bizarre. We saw all the prints of animal paws and garbage everywhere, we both had to deal with these emergencies, one after another. Like animal kingdom does not like us.

• Usually I would never be so extravagant with my time. Normally I would take things off the list first. It is relaxing to take pressure off the future, versus taking care of your immediate desires. Now all I do is take care of my immediate desires. Not doing things, is my desire, which is new, I’m not afraid of the consequences.

• Now I just take time for myself, it feels good, relaxed. Its not like a playfulness, playfulness would be too much work. Right now I work hard and when I have time for myself its more relaxation, something more gentle.

• Picked up my daughter and went to the grocery store, a man in his car called us and told us we should come and look at his pet, I told my daughter that I thought this had

to do with the proving, did not know why, but that is what I felt. First thing that man says to us is that those animals make great pet, but you have to get rid of a gland that makes a terrible smell, it would be impossible to keep it otherwise at home, the animal starts shaking and he told me that it was normal they contract their muscles to show

their emotions (the animal looked like a mink to me). I wanted to leave because I did not want to give a bad example to my daughter on being lured in a car with a cute animal, in the beginning though I felt I had to meet this man that was calling me. It was bizarre.

• I am talking with a prover on the phone and it is taking long, I have very limited time my webinar will start and I should be ready for tonight, at the same time I spot two playful otters in the river. First time ever in these 7 years we are here. I cannot ignore it I get out to see them. It is pleasant.

• I came home to find rats in my house. I freaked out and stayed up till 4 h. pulling everything out from every wall trying to get these 2 rats out of my house. One ran out behind the dryer through the vent. I left the door open but didn’t see the other one get out. I fell asleep with the lights on in my boarded up room. I could hear other rats running around in my ceiling. I barely slept. I got up and started going around my dwelling trying to board up the outside however I could. That night, I could hear them chewing on the outside of the house trying to get in. I had set rats traps. All night I worked at re-insulating the wall where I could hear them trying to chew their way in.

I felt like I was losing my mind because it wouldn’t quit chewing. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I felt, like I was being attacked by these animals.

The rat was hiding in the back of the washing machine. I see it try to run up the wall. Big ugly grey long skin tail. I opened the door and chased it. Out of the corner of my eye I think I see it go out. I don’t know for sure. I stay up till 3 that morning spray foam insulating every little hole and crack I can find inside/. When I finally lie down in bed with the light on I can hear the rat traps going off outside. It feels like invasion of the rats. I am exhausted and am fearful that they will get in. I can hear them in the ceiling. The 9th I spend the day outside boarding up with fine wire mesh anywhere I feel that are getting in. Cut all trees away from the house.

• I have killed rats every night in the traps. The first rat I killed I felt really bad and had a hard time taking it out of the trap. After a couple days I feel, like a great hunter.

I was going out in the morning to see how many I killed. I felt no remorse. I was happy to be getting rid of them. I wanted to kill them all. I felt a lot of animal energy happening. Even the way I felt about killing them. I wanted to kill them. I wanted them dead. I felt this aggression. I wanted to get them and kill them. I was so tired and angry that they were trying to invade my space. I was on a mission to keep them out of my house.

Dream: Dreamt of seeing a cat in backyard, went out to pet him, but on every step I was going down in mud, I was moving difficult. I was down in mud up to my knee.

I was scratching the cat and my hand was in mud, cat and I both were going down in mud. It was as if I poke the cat from under the ground. No concern about being muddy or anything. It was just this strange environment I was in. Smooth mud. I could go from under ground, not like a tunnel. The cat wanted to get me but I was pulling back down my hand from under ground so it couldn’t reach me.


• This morning before we leave wanted to feed the dogs but all meat in freezer got bad, the electricity was down. Very bizarre. Raccoon foot print all over the windshield

we had to clean them off. On ferry something smelled in the car, it was dry dog shit in the car, had never happened before. Smell of shit. Dry shit. We had to get to ferry

get tissues and clean up.

• It is all about death, bad smell, shit and garbage.

• Now when we get back we have to look for another place to stay because house smells (dead animal). It is all about dead, really dead and smell. It is all about animals.

• We turned TV on and the program was Homes with Homes and guess what, he was dealing with odor of a dead animal stuck somewhere in the walls of a house.

So bizarre, what are the chances?

• I also had trouble communicating with my close friends and still felt very masculine as well as carrying around that strong smell of body odor that was not my own.

• Find that rats had died in the ceiling and the whole place smelled of dead animal, and my pipes burst. It was horrible, the sick sweet smell.

Dullness/ Forgetfulness

• Been forgetful since the proving now I am noticing it more. Used to forget things once in a while but now I forget things 2-3 times a day. Like I bring a book to check something and then I do not know why I bring it so I have to go back and do what I was doing before and check it once again to see what was my question.

• This morning, moving so slowly. Did I brush my teeth? Do I have this etc…To be really clear I have to stop, close my eyes and think. Even driving to the clinic I have

to think, which way I turn.

• I was so messed up that I didn't even think of it. I had a very brief episode of feeling in a dream again yesterday in class. It only lasted about 5 minutes and wasn't nearly

as intense. Same feeling of a dream-like state, not knowing if what I was experiencing was real or if I was actually in the classroom listening to the teachers and the students. The best way to describe the state is a state of non-reality. Dulled senses, ears, eyes, a sense of feeling as though I could wake up at any moment.

Dream: I was pregnant, I was not showing it very much, but if I looked closely I could tell, I had the baby but kept forgetting about him, woke up very upset about it,

kept thinking the baby could die because I kept forgetting him.


• I found myself more attracted to my male supervisor today than I have felt before. Which, sort of threw me off. But sex with my boyfriend was not what it is usually like.

I was ready for it to be ‘over’.

• Everywhere I feel like a man, a very straightforward sexual arouse, linear thinking, not connected with my female part, I feel I have different eyes on, with a highly sexual part, even in the dream I feel very masculine, more dominant. I feel I am behaving in a masculine way, where the emotional side of myself does not regulate what I am saying and doing.

• I have never been just attracted to men before, I am usually super picky about what we are thinking, before I was attracted to anyone who had a penis.

• I have the general sensation of being hyper aroused, hypersexual. Like I was out in the wild and putting out hormones to try to arouse the other sex (except for my boy friend).

Dream: I dreamt of being in my grand mothers basement, like a family gathering and my older female cousin was there (which I don’t have) and we end up naked and

in shower together. There were sexual feelings but mostly just nakedness. And then I looked down and I was bleeding in the shower. Then I was in my grandmother basement and then there was a scene of Dexter, a drama about a serial killer-good cop. In my drama Dexter was happy that he had an opportunity to kill some one with permission from the police department this time instead of having to make it like an accident or make the body disappear in some way.

Dream: I dream of my friend who was staying with us and sleeping in the next room I had sexual feelings in the dream as well but don’t desire him in a sexual way in the waking life.

Dream: Sexual dreams, I was on a plane that was humongous, like an hotel, the pilot kept checking on us, towards the end everybody went away and the pilot was totally naked with an humongous erection, very odd dream for me, nothing happened between the pilot and I, but something could have happened, I felt aroused.

Dream: felt so tired did not want to get out of bed, I was in my home masturbating, and people kept knocking at the door, I was exasperated, I did not have even 30 minutes for myself, I was in my home and people kept bothering me, kept coming through, it is like my home was belonging to everyone. The sex belonged to me and people were annoying (it is not a common for me to dream about sex, my dreams are usually very boring. • Dream: of being violated buy a big guy, trying to escape but he is so strong.

I was helpless but not so tormented. I felt I can enjoy this.


• Water has been important since the proving, in acupuncture there are 5 elements, water is one of them, water people are always afraid of everything crashing, the dean of

the school is a water person, and I quarrelled with him.

Dream: On a boat being towed. In a small boat and it flipped. The water is glacial. I floated for the longest time and didn’t feel cold at all. I talked to my friends who said: Let us know when you are ready to be pulled in. Finally when I started to feel the cold water begin to seep through my thick wool duffle coat. I lifted my left hand and

called them to come and pick me up. Very calm and comfortable.
Dream: I had a dream, I was feeling unsettle, not safe, there was lots of water and I was trying to contain this overflow of water, tossing and turning a lot.

Dream: Image like a cartoon, like water bursting coming from the right side of the screen, like a dam or a pipe. It was not immediate danger, but had to take care of problem, other people helping, like a crisis situation, taking care of the crisis. Woke up, tried to manage the situation, water was still gushing, tried different things, the crisis was the water, it was not life or death but a crisis.

Dream: water, check board square furniture, water was coming out from the square, inside the building, there were blocks arranged in checker board, water was rising from below, crisis but not life threatening, it was fun, like splashing, almost like a game, playfulness.

Dream: Excursion with friends in a normal old car, and people around were dressed very well, like a runaway fashion show. We had a limousine. I had a little uneasiness with a friend. Not sure what it was. We shared something personal, and hugged each other, and her boyfriend started hugging me inappropriately. Suddenly the coffee spilled, we needed to clean, almost like a splash of water, dark water, that water cleared the problem with the boyfriend. He let go of the hug, and he was angry. Again it is water that came from nowhere and saved the situation. I was not sure if she knew about him doing it, I was wondering if she was in cahoots with this. I felt like saying “don’t touch my butt.” I felt my friend knew we were in an embrace, I was very angry with the guy.

Dream: A colleague got caught underwater and he was in danger of drawing, but when I tried to help, I was endangering myself, so I kept coming on the surface to ask for help, but did not understand why others were ignoring me, or could not hear, finally I got her unstuck and safe, got on dry land, other people where there, it was fun, got back in the water and played.


Mind: Abrupt

Absorbed (in business matters/desires creative activity)

Ailments from mental exertion

Ambition increased

Angers - easily/at trifles/Anger with complaints of head

Animal consciousness

Animals, disgust of

Answers abruptly


Aversion to husband, to

Awareness heightened (animal awareness)/clarity of mind

Sensation of brotherhood



Company aversion to [desire for solitude (indulges sexual fancies)/avoids sight of people/sits in her room, does nothing/aversion to the presence of strangers]

Company – desires to keep the group together/to undertake something together

Concentration – active/difficult

Confidence - want of self-confidence - desires support from family and friends

Conflict with others

Confusion (of sexual identity)

Consciousness of mind (animal)

< Consolation (< sympathy)


Delusion – alone/everything seems unreal




Disgust - of one's own body odor

Dullness with headache

Efficient organized



Emotions - loss of/predominated by the intellect

Energized feeling




Forsaken feeling - feeling of not being beloved by his parents, wife, friends/by friends or group

Friendship needs to be maintained


Heaviness - sensation of

Feeling of helplessness [weakness (from mental exertion)]

Hurry (in occupation/desires to do several things at once/while walking)

Impatience (with anger/with others/with unhelpful people/when working)


Inactivity (and unmotivated)

Indifference – to business affairs/to company, society/to dearest friends/no desire, nor action of the will/to (domestic) duties/with ennui/to external impressions/to external things/seems to feel almost nothing/

with desire for feeling/to himself/with irritability/to life/to things usually enjoyed/to relations/to surroundings/with unfeeling/with weariness/to welfare of others/to work (with aversion)

Industrious (efficient/although weary)


Irritability – easily/with people/during perspiration/from sexual excesses/from sexual excitement in women/from trifles/when working

Kill; desire to – animals


Love for friends

Sexual mania from increased sexual desire

Increased sensation of masculinity

Memory – lost/weak (for what was about to do/for what he just has done/for what has happened)

Mental exertion/loss of mental power/increased

Mocking – sarcasm


Obstinate (resists wishes of others)

> Occupation




Making many plans

Power – sensation of



Quick to act


Reproaching oneself - from indulging in sexual fantasies/about sexual thoughts

Desires rest

Sadness “As if having lost affection of friends”



Senses acute

Sensitiv to odors

Slowness (indifference)

Speech hesitating

Talking - </desires it

Control of thoughts lost

Thoughts – disconnected/sexual thoughts at every woman he sees

Undertakes tasks with enthusiasm


Sensation of unification

Everything seems unreal

Unsympathetic towards friends

Will - strong will power/loss


Desire to wander around

Vertigo: + pain in head

Head: Constriction

Heaviness - painful

< during menses

Pain - + fever/nausea/toothache/afternoon (lasting all night/stitching)/night/> darkness/> lying down/> rest/> occupation/> after stool/< motion

Pain - dull/bursting/heavy pulsating/piercing/stitching

Pain - during heat/+ toothache/with unconsciousness

Pain in forehead [l./+ pain in cervical region/+ nausea/behind eyes/ext. neck/behind eyes (+ heaviness of head)/between eyes]

Pain in temples (+ nausea/> rest)

Eyes: agglutinated

> closing/must close the eyes from pain from in eyes

Eruptions - crusts on margins of lids (morning/itching)

Difficult to focus


Vision: Blurred during headache/flickering during headache

Ears: Heat – l./in external ears/”As if heat in l.”

Inflammation acute


Noises - whistling

Pain – r./piercing/aching

“As if swollen”

Nose: “As if swollen”


Discharge – copious/mucous/thick/watery (followed by thick discharge)/yellow


Sneezing (with coryza/during cough)

Stoppage stuffiness

Smell: acute (unpleasant odors)/strong odours

Face: Pain in jaws ext. to teeth

Mouth: Aphthae – on inner side upper lip

Dry with thirst


Teeth: < after headache

Pain – “As if being pulled”/”As if pushed out”

Throat: Choking < during cough

Constriction (difficult swallowing)

< during cough

> drinking

Pain – at night/burning/< during cough (burning/”As if raw”)/< drinking/< eating/scratching/in sides/sore + difficult swallowing

Swollen - < during cough/”As if swollen” < during cough

Stomach: Appetite [diminished (+ “As if fullness in stomach”/with thirst)]

> Drinking

Complaints + thirst

Eructationsat night


Pain - + thirst/burning/in epigastrium (burning/pressing)/pressing


Thirst (day and night/+ dry throat/< drinking cold water/during pain in abdomen)

Abdomen: Sensitive to clothing about groins

Complaints + pain in anus

Distension (evening/from flatulence/> passing flatus)/”As if distended”

Flatulence/> passing flatus

Heat in inguinal region

“As if lump in abdomen”

Pain – “As from a blow”/< during cough/> eating/> passing flatus/in inguinal region/in lower abdomen (l.)/< touch/twisting/ulcerative pain

Rectum: Diarrhea + “As if intestines are twisted”

Flatus - at night/ copious/odourless/offensive (at night)

Hemorrhoids (< after stool)

Numbness of anus

Pain in anus – stitching/< after stool/< during stool

Stool: Bloody (bright red/last part)



Smell of sulphur

Urine: Cloudy

Female organs: Leukorrhea

Menses copious

Sexual desire increased (with sexual dreams/without emotions)


Respiration: Difficult - constriction of trachea/< during cough/felt in throat/felt in trachea

Short at night

Cough: Breathing deficient (at night)

< tight clothes

Dry until vomits

“As if heat in trachea”

Causes pains in distant parts

Painful at night


With sneezing

Violent at night

Expectoration: dark/greenish – yellow (mucous)/thick

Chest: “AS if fire in lungs”

Inflamed lungs (+ fever)

“As if lumps”

Complaints of under l. nipple

Pain – cutting/mammae [nipples above (l.)/Like electric shocks (ext. arms and fingers)/sore]/”As from needles”/in ribs l. (cutting/stitching)/sticking/stitching/twitching

Palpitation + pulsating in throat/pulsation in ribs

Spasm - with heat and congestion/l. side

Back: Formication in dorsal region – l. scapula/between the shoulders

Pain - sore

Spasms in Scapulae

Stiffness - morning on waking/between scapulae

Tension (between scapulae)

Twitching – in dorsal region/

Extremities: Knees easy dislocated (Patella)

Complaints of heels

Heat – Hands/Knees/legs (r./internal/”As if a warm hand on leg”/lower)

Numb – Hands/Legs/Wrists

Pain – in elbows (pressing/prickling/stitching/stinging)/in heels cutting/”As if first r. finger pulled forcibly”/knees (shooting/stitching)/in legs cutting/in lower limbs

“As from stitching needles”/in upper arms (“As from electric shocks”)

Perspiration on leg at night

Pulling in upper limbs


Knees swollen (“As if swollen)

Tingling (rin r. hand/in lower limbs)

Twitching - “As from electric shocks”/in soles of feet/sudden

Weakness in fingers

Sleep: Bad

Disturbed – after midnight/during coldness/by amorous dreams/by heat

Interrupted (after midnight/by thirst)

In changed position

Position [changed (frequently)/curled up]

Sleepy [morning (and sleepless at night/on waking)]

Sleepless [from sensation of heat/back pain/from perspiration (on lower limbs)/< after waking]


Waking from dreams

Waking frequent (causeless/from heat/after midnight periodical/every two hours)

Dreams: <(<(<( viele )>)>)> Siehe oben

Fever: In anterior part/upper part

Choll with heat and perspiration

> Cold

Characterized by nervous complaints

Perspiration with heat

With shivering (and perspiration with heat)

Shuddering (with the heat)

Perspiration: < in bed


Odour - cadaverous like carrion/fetid/offensive/pungent/spicy

Profuse (at night/after fever)

On single parts

Skin: Eruptions – itching/painful “As from splinters” < touch/rash (red/stinging, biting/sensitive)/welt

Swelling – in single parts/in spots

Generals: Chorea in single parts wandering

Complaints wandering

Food and drinks: Desires: licorice/meat/salt/vinegar/wine;

Heat - > open air/flushes < lying down/”As if heat” (l.)

< beginning of menses

“As from an electric shock”

< stretching

Sudden manifestation

Weakness during headache


“As from a heavy weight”



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