Comparison Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + Heloderma suspectum


[Debora Moore]



Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis

Heloderma suspectum


Similar symptoms with severe depression/„passive indifference and apathy seen in Helo-s. difficulty in

concentrating and focussing. Lesser degree of confusion and forgetfulness.


Very depressed with no inclination for exertion in any way. Inability to confine the mind to any object and difficulty in remembering spelling of simple words.



Vertigo and weakness and tiredness and fatigue.



Headache particularly pronounced with the most typical locations being the occiput, accompanied by neck stiffness and pain, and pain felt behind and around the eyes.

sensation of numbness of the head and heaviness of the


Cold crawling sensation in the face “As if the muscles are too tight”, ringing in the ears, dry lips, cold dry tongue, dry parched sensation.

in the throat and soreness of the throat with increased thirst.

burning, tingling and numbness in the face rather

than cold; and numbness of the tongue rather than coldness.



Vertigo and weakness and a tendency to fall backwards.

Head pain described as a soreness and stiffness in

the occiput, ext. neck and intense pain over l. eye and through the eye.

Coldness of the head.

Sensation of numbness of the head and heaviness of the


Cold crawling sensation in the face “As if the muscles are too tight”, ringing in the ears, dry lips, cold dry tongue, dry parched sensation.

in the throat and soreness of the throat with increased thirst.




Increased sensitivity to noise.

Easily startled by slight noise.



Movement difficulties

Movement difficult (walking and moving the feet).






Abdominal pain and stools loose and mushy.


Abdominal pain and stools loose and mushy and haemorrhoids













Thoracic region is a sensitive area.

Difficult breathing, sounding “As if breath is drawn over a grate” and a sensation of a hollow tube in the throat and chest.

Thoracic region is a sensitive area.

Oppressed respiration, hard and sounding “As if

breathing through an iron pipe”.



An internal icy cold feeling in the chest, and feelings of oppression and compression of the chest, “As if there isn’t enough room for the lungs to inflate properly. A strong sensation of the blood being too thick making it difficult to pump, with irregular heartbeat and palpitations. Chest pains.

Increased in pulse rate.

Sensation of cold in the lungs and heart with a fullness

in the chest, requiring an effort to fill the lungs; a very pronounced sensation of coldness about the heart „As if being frozen to death. “As if it is difficult for blood to get in or out the heart” with tingling and pain of the heart and slow laboured thumping, beating felt all over the

body and feeling as if there isn’t enough room in the chest for the heart. Less chest pains. Cold sensations  more pronounced.

Slowing of the heart beat.












Tension in the back most notably the lower back and neck. Tingling radiates from the base of the spine up and out and perspiration along the spine. The burning along the spine and sensations of cold seen in Heloderma are absent. Muscle pain, stiffness, weakness, heaviness,

trembling and tingling in upper and lower limbs. Pronounced feeling of cold in the extremities, feeling “As if frozen or icy and burning”. Difficulty walking with loss of balance, tripping, feeling “As though a foot is stuck to the ground”, and having to move with small steps.



Lumbar back PAIN with burning along the spine or coldness across the scapulae and ext. from the base of the skull to the buttocks. Pain in the muscles of the limbs, numbness and trembling of the limbs, tingling in the limbs, coldness of limbs, burning and tingling of feet and a frozen sensation of the feet. Difficulty walking with a loss of balance and a staggering gait lifting the feet higher than normal.

Difficulty walking with a loss of balance and a staggering gait lifting the feet higher than normal.




Sleep profoundly affected, experiencing some degree of

insomnia, commonly accompanied by tiredness.


Drowsiness with inability to sleep.





Pronounced sensitivity to cold throughout with both general and particular sensations of cold.

Numbness, darting pains and extreme sensitivity.



Weakness, heaviness and paralysis.

Disease characterised by great coldness, described as „arctic coldness and suggested that the coldness of the remedy is more intense than that of any other.

Cold sensation more pronounced and arises in waves either descending from occiput to feet or ascending,

Intense weakness, “As if having no power to

Move” accompanied by indifference



Paralysis, numbness, tingling and shooting pains, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms.


Weakness, heaviness and paralysis.












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