Heloderma spp.


Vergleich: Comparison: Chamaeleo dilepsis dilepsis + Heloderma suspectum.

Siehe: Reptilia + Wüste + Fossilien


Allerlei: Heloderma horridum lebt in Mexico + Guatemala, ist größer als Heloderma suspectum cinctum, bewegt sich langsam, ist dämmerungs- + nachtaktiv;

Heloderma suspectum and Heloderma cinctum leben im Süden der USA


"This animal does not bite frequently, but when it does it is understood that the result is a benumbing Paralysis, like that of Paralysis agitans or locomotor ataxy.

[Dr. E.P. Anshutz]

The poison differs in so many points from all present known venoms. In the first place it is alkaline, and all other poisons of reptiles are acid. Second, its effect is not always sudden but is lasting, causing sickness for months and death even after a year. It does not seem to excite but to depress.


Heloderma horridum (Helo-h.) = Krustenechse/= Gilamonster.


Vergiftung: Lähmung (Herz/Parkinsonähnlich), gelähmt + Schmerz, Sprechen nach einige Stunden nicht mehr möglich/Sterben dauert Monaten/Bewusstseinsverlust

mehrere Stunden vor dem Tod;

1. Lokal mehrere kleine Bisswunden, Schmerz breitet sich in Minuten auf ganze Extremität aus mit Maximum nach 0,5 - 1 h andauernd bis zu 24 Std.;  2. nach 15 Min. Schwellung + Ödem und Blaufärbung auf Extremität ausdehnend; schmerzhafte Lymphangitis und Lymphknotenschwellung möglich; keine Nekrosen.

Hypotonie bis schwerer Kreislaufschock; Schwitzen, Schwindel.

ca. 60% der Gebissenen haben Nausea + Erbrechen, oft Schwäche, selten angioneurotische Ödem (= Schwellung von Zunge/Lippen/Gesicht), Tinnitus, Thrombopenie, Muskelfaszikulationen.

das Gift kommt aus Drüsen des Unterkiefers und wird nicht mit Drüsenmuskeln ausgepresst, sondern die Echse kaut nach dem Biss, wodurch mehr Gift frei wird;

Gift wird nicht zum Töten sondern zur Abwehr gebraucht;

Akut: = Tub.-ähnlich + schnell;

Kind: ADHS;

Negativ: A. FrosTIG (Ganz/Teile/Atem/Schweiß)/Wärme lindert nicht/Kältewellen vom Hinterkopf bis Füßen o. v.v. von innen nach außen + < Kälte/ Kälteexposition ohne Beschwerden; EiferSUCHT + Beschwerden daraus (Ärger/Sprachstörung); Langsamkeit (Sprechen lernen), Faulheit; Angst in der Dunkelheit; halsstarrig vor allem in Konfliktsituationen; wichtig ist Thema Sprache (Fehler sprechend, Sprachlehrer);


Sehr langsam, wollen sich nicht ändern (halsstarrig, widerspenstig) und bleiben wie sie sind; versuchen andere zu zwingen sich der eigenen Langsamkeit anzupassen (ganze Welt soll sich um sie drehen und sich ihrem Rhythmus anpassen; zäh + stark leben sie (oft alleine) ihr eigenes Leben, sind körperlich + gefühlsmäßig kalt. Stumm/traurig mit weinen, schwach, lehnt Anstrengung ab, zusammenschnürendes Empfinden, empfindlich äußere Druck, trocken (keine Ausscheidungen), > dehnen/Gesellschaft, < Alkohol/denken an Beschwerden/aufwachen/Schlaf/Kälte; Parkinson?;


Repertorium:                                                                                    [Todd Rowe]

Gemüt: Arbeit im Haushalt abgeneigt

< Denken an seine Beschwerden

Faul (morgens/glaubt Arbeit werde ihm schaden)

Furcht: Tiere (Katze/Echsen);

Macht Fehler [schreibend/Sprechend (buchstabierend/Worte/lässt Worte aus)]

Gedächtnisschwäche (für Worte)

> Geistige Anstrengung 

Geschäftig, betriebsam

Gesellschaft abgeneigt

Gleichgültig, Apathie



Konzentration schwierig


Reizbar, gereizt


Tadelsüchtig, krittelig

Träge - Arbeit abgeneigt


Unzufrieden (mit allem)

Vergesslich (vergisst Worte sprechend)

„Wie verloren“

< Widerspruch (unverträglich)

Schwindel: < schnelle Kopfbewegung/“Als ob in Kreis drehend“

Zu fallen, zu stürzen geneigt nach r./nach hinten

Schwanken nach r.

Kopf: Beschwerden des Kopfes + Uterusbeschwerden

Bohrt den Kopf in das Kissen

“Wie gefühllos, taub“

Hitze (Scheitel)

Kälte, Frösteln etc. (Hinterkopf)

Erkrankungen des Kleinhirns

Schmerz [„Als ob sich die Schädeldecke abhebt, ablöst“/berstend/drückend („Wie vom Band“/“Wie von einer Kappe“)/in Flecken (wund schmerzend/im Gehirn (brennend)/

im Hinterkopf wund schmerzend/in Kopfhaut (brennend)/auf Scheitel (brennend/drückend nach außen/„Als ob der obere Teil davonfliegen, abgesprengt werden“/über l. Auge]


Zusammenschnürung („Wie Band o, Reifen“ in Stirn/“Wie Zusammenziehung der Kopfhaut“

Steifheitsgefühl im Hinterkopf

Auge: im Allgemeinen

Lider - Jucken/Lähmung/Schweregefühl

Öffnen der Augen, der Lidspalte ist schwierig - es ist schwierig sie offen zu halten


Vorwölbung - Exophthalmus

Sehen: < Anstrengung

Ohr: Ohrschmalz - vermehrt

Schmerz - r. erstr. nach l./drückend nach außen/hinter l Ohr (drückend)

Gesicht: Ameisenlaufen


„Wie Kälte“

Schmerz < während Menses

Muskeln steif

Mund: „Wie  Kälte auf Zunge“/kalte Zunge/geschwollene Zunge

Speichelfluss bei Schmerz

Innerer Hals: Schlucken schwierig

Schmerz r.

Magen: DURST

Schmerz (ausstrahlend/erstr. Rücken)

Bauch: Gluckern, Gurgeln in Milz

empfindlich gegen Kleidung

Nieren: Hitze in Nierengegend

Schmerz (< Druck/Wehtun/Harnleiter/Nierengegend)


Blase: Wasser lassen in spritzender Strahl < nach Wasser lassen/unwillkürlich und die Blase scheint leer

Urin: Eiweißhaltig/enthält Zucker

Harnorgane: < während Menses

Männliche Genitalien: Kälte - Hoden/Penis/Eichel

Weibliche Genitalien: Belag auf Schamlippen

Uterus Exkoriation, Wundheit/vergrößert/Völle/“Als ob Uterus zu klein für den Fötus“/Schwächegefühl

Fluor - flockig/schmutzig/riecht faulig

Hautausschläge - Schamlippen (herpetisch/juckend)

Hitze in Vagina

Jucken (in Schamgegend/in Vagina)

Menses - dunkel/fehlend/reichlich/übel riechend/< vor menses

Schmerz - Schamlippen (brennend)/in Uterus (wund schmerzend)

Schweregefühl - Uterus




SKIN; CRACKS, fissures; cold weather agg*  GENERALITIES; EMACIATION** 

Atmung: Angehalten, versetzt, unterbrochen - „Als könnte er nicht wieder atmen“

Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen

Kalter Atem

Brust: Angst in Herzgegend

Herzversagen/Beklemmung im Herz/Herzklopfen stürmisch, heftig, vehement, ungestüm/Zittern im Herzen/Zucken in Herzgegend/Schwäche im Herz

Kälte in Herz(gegend)/innerlich

Mammae < während Menses

Schmerz [„Wie gequetscht, zusammengedrückt“/Herz (stechend/erstr. r.)/in Brustwarzen (r./erstr. Innenseite r./stechend/beide wund schmerzend)

Geschwollene Mammae

Beschwerden der Mammae vor Menses

Rücken: Hitze in Dorsal-/Lumbalregion/in Wirbelsäule

Kälte (einschließlich Frost) (erstr. den Rücken nach unten/zwischen den Schulterblättern/Wirbelsäule in Wellen/im Rückenmark); im

< während Menses

Schmerz [abends/brennend/in l. Schulterblatt < hustend/zwischen den Schulterblätter/Lumbalregion (brennend/“Wie zerbrochen“)]

Schwäche - Lumbalregion/Sakrum

Beschwerden der Dorsalregion erstr. Beine

Glieder: Ameisenlaufen in Beine nachts < im Bett

Ausstrecken Beine

Knöchel „Wie bandagiert, umwickelt“

Hände blau


Gefühllose taub [Arme/Fußsohle (< Gehen)/Hände/Unterarme]

Gehen - Hahnengang, Hahnentritt/hebt die Füße höher als normal an - setzt sie fest auf den Boden

Hitze in Füße < im Bett/brennend (entblößt sie)

Kälte [# brennende Hitze/Arme/Füße eisige Kälte (# Hitze)/in Hände # Hitze/in Hände - eisige Kälte/Knie erstr. Wade]

Koordination fehlend, gestört/schwankender Gang

Kribbeln im Beine nachts < im Bett


Rucken in Beine/Schütteln in Hände

Runzelig, geschrumpelt

Schmerz - Füße (brennend)/Ober-/Unterschenkel

„Als ob er auf einem Schwamm gehe“

Geschwollene Füße/Füße „Wie geschwollen“

Weiche Beine

Zittern (Arme/Beine/Hände)

Zusammenschnürung in Knöchel

Schlaf: Gestört < während Menses

mit Träumen < während Menses

Schlaflos (trotz Müdigkeit)

Fieber: mit innerlicher Kälte/< während Menses

Frost: im Allgemeinen

Eisige Kälte des Körpers


Haut: Ameisenlaufen „Wie durch Insekten“

Kälte (eisig)

Allgemeines: > Tagsüber/> während Verlaufes des Tages


> Aktivität 

Erschlaffte Muskeln

Food and drinks: Desires: eggs;

Gefühllos, taub (äußerlich)

Hitzewallungen # eisiger Kälte


„Wie Kälte“ in einzelner Teile/Kälte an einzelnen Stellen

Lahmes Gefühl/Lähmung (innerlich)


Pulsieren äußerlich

Schmerz (zusammendrückend/neuralgisch/wund schmerzend)

Säfteverlust, Flüssigkeitsverlust

“Wie Zugluft“/“Wie angefächelt“


Schwäche - während Menopause/< nach Menses/< während Menses

Wunden schmerzhaft

Zittern äußerlich (nervös)


Komplementär: Lyss (= An). Ox-ac.


Vergleich: Caus, Con. Cur. Gels. Ox-ac. Sec.

Comparison.: Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis + Helo.

Vergleich.: Schlangen - Reptilia - Lizards - Krokodile; Palo (= Helo-s-ähnlich).

Remedia at: Herstellung aus Gift und Speichel;

Siehe: Giftengruppe + Wachstumsgruppe + Reptilia.

Calc (körperlich) + Hep (Entzündung/<< Kälte) + Helo (fröstelt) = Cist


Lach (< Schlaf/enge Kleidung/Druck) Helo Camph (kalt)


Unverträglich: Alkohol


Antidotiert: Ist Antagonist zu Hydr-ac. Strych.                         Antidotiert von: Led.


Wirkung: langsam (Alkohol verschnellt die Wirkung)

Allerlei: Mexico + angrenzende Gebieten

giftige Echse, Bewegt sich während bewölktes Wetter/langsam im Dunklen + SCHNELL im Sonnenlicht, lässt nach beißen nicht los/Gift fließt durch Zähnen + wird nicht gebraucht um Beute zu verzehren, kann Monatelang fasten

Nicht aggressive sehr große Echse, beißt nur zur Verteidigung; starker Biss, beim Lösen brechen Zähne ab und bleiben in der Wunde mit dem Gift (in Unterkieferdrüsen produziert); normalerweise keine Todesfälle;


[Amati Holle]

Das Gift mit Crotalus cascavella identisch. Aber benutzt ihr Gift nicht zu töten. Können länger als ein Jahr ohne Nahrung leben. Im Schwanz ein Speicher. Und dann doch plötzlich das Maul aufreißen.

Beißen zu und halten das Opfer fest bis das Gift sich verbreitet hat.


Angst im Dunkeln.

Stur, am Ende Recht behalten.

Starrsinn, fettleibig, Schwere. Langsam. träge,

Abneigung gegen Arbeit.

Kämpft gegen die Zeit. (Einziger Dinosaurier, der überlebt hat)

Fehler beim Sprechen, lässt Worte aus. Lernt langsam.

Ameisenlaufen der unteren Extremitäten (abends im Bett).

Empfindungen von Kälte. Fehlende Lebenswärme

Verlangt: Eier


[Robert Boocock]

“I am feeling like a man who had just come from under a deadly risk”

“The oppression round my heart and chest producing a suffocating feeling that makes me afraid”

“I fear sometimes that the trembling in my hands may never fully leave me now.”

” I know it looks cowardly to give up, but my family compels me to do something to enable me to keep about.”

Dr. Charles D. Belden, of Phoenix, Arizona, in 1890: The proving that follows is from the virus of the Gila monster obtained, suggested it as a possible remedy for paralysis agitans and locomotor ataxia.

I am in my sixtieth year, sanguine, bilious temperament, fair complexion and weigh 160 pounds; height, 5 feet 6 inches. My normal pulse rate is 72, full, round and regular. I am in very good health. I do not drink alcoholic beverages of any kind, neither do I smoke nor drink strong coffee, or tea, or cocoa.

When I received the first bottle of Heloderma horridus I took a one drachm vial and filled it with the 6x trit., and dissolved it in four ounces of diluted alcohol, of which I took a few drops and dried my fingers on my tongue. A severe feeling of internal coldness, so intense as to cause me to fear being frozen to death, ensued. I had some twitches about my heart, as if the blood was hard to get in or out.

I was somewhat alarmed, but as I had no trembling I sat over the register and tried to get warm. The day was a very cold one, but my office was comfortably warm, and I had no consciousness of having taken cold.

I was not surprised at feeling this so soon after taking the few drops, for I know that I am very sensitive to any medicine and have a bad habit of tasting medicine, but never without being conscious of its effects, sometimes very unpleasantly so.

Dec. 9th: today is warm and damp, thunderstorm this morning. The storm lasted three or more hours; lightning very vivid. I had already taken one drop of the 30th, with a very severe nervous headache,

but I forgot that when I took the medicine. I have medicated 2 oz. No. 35 globules with 30th dilution, and have taken six globules as a dose before they were dry.

A feeling of heat in head and face, some headache over the right eyebrow. Cold feeling in my legs; after two hours a numb feeling around and down my left thigh; feeling very drowsy, so I took a short nap in my chair. Was awakened suddenly with a jerking in my head. Central part of frontal bone so queer as to awaken me.

When my office bell rang it threw me into a startled and trembling condition, something new to me. At 17:30 h. took four globules more.

20 h. The pressure at my heart and in my head and scalp is very great A feeling of great heat and some pressure. Not so much burning in my face, but a feeling on my left cheek as if being pricked with points of ice. A very severe and tired feeling, with coldness of legs and feet a slight dryness of my lips, with a tingling feeling and great dryness in my throat. Gurgling in the region of the spleen.

21:30 h. The pressure and heat on the top of my head appears like an inflammation of the meninges. It does not affect my mind. That remains clear, and I can think and read as well and as long as ever.

No more medicine.

Dec. 29, 1892: No medicine. Some trembling, but not so great or so extensive; it does not now extend along the whole limb. Parts of right arm and left thigh hemiplegial; no acute feeling, but some muscles will twitch and tremble for a few seconds. Just enough to arrest my attention and amuse me and feel like saying, “Hello, Heloderma! Have you not done with me yet?” For it is a great surprise to me how these feelings will come on and creep over me. And I am inclined to ask myself, can it be that all these strange and to me new feelings can be the effects following the taking of these few doses?

And yet, if it were necessary, I could swear they were.

I have my fears if I will ever be free from these nervous trembling spells, and the feeling in my head and heart. (The foregoing gives the gist of the first trials. The third and last now follows. It was made with repeated doses of the 30th potency. )

“As if a cold, freezing wind were blowing upon me from the bend of my knees”. Head “As if the scalp were being drawn tight over my skull”, and my facial muscles were being drawn very tight over the bones. A giddiness and a cold pressure from within the skull. A cold, running chill from superior maxillary down to the chin. Trembling of limbs. Coldness extending from the knee into the calf of the leg. Pain and pressure within the skull from crown to occiput, and from back forward over the left eye. A very drowsy feeling. I could sleep if I gave way to the feeling.

Jan. 4, 1893, 7:45 h. Took another dose of six globules. Pulse, 72, Temperature 97° F. A flush of heat in my face. A feeling as if I were walking on sponge or as if my feet were swollen. Dull headache.

The arctic cold feeling is more in my right arm, elbow joint, and right thigh and left foot. A great trembling of my arm. It is hard work to steady my hand, which holds my book, enough to continue

reading or writing.

The feeling of swelling in my feet of walking on sponges sensation, continues; a springiness, with a sense of looseness in stepping out, which requires some caution, as if I were not sure of my steps.

The trembling of my hands is on the increase; feeling of soreness in my heart, more under left nipple; pain in my back, lumbar. Some little scalding of urine; flow not so free and full, intermitting slightly,

as if I had some calculus in the bladder which interfered with continuous flow. Stool more free and full. Ear wax, which had been very dry now flows from both ears but is more free on the left side.

Left nostril sore, ulcerated. Throat sore and tender to outside touch.

21 h. Very weak feeling, with pain in my heart; same place, under left nipple. Head aches and arctic rays in various parts of my body.

Jan. 5, 12 noon. Took twelve more globules. Numb feeling in my head. A feeling as if I would fall on my right side. A good drive this morning in the snowstorm and felt a desire to bear to the right side and could not walk straight because of this, and had repeatedly to stop or step to the left to get a straight course on the causeway. A good deal of the same feeling, but very weak and sleepy; was compelled to lie down, but did not sleep, although feeling very drowsy; laid very quiet, as if I was in a stupor; the old feeling in various parts of my body, only more acute; a feeling in various parts as if a needle were being thrust into my flesh.

16:45 h. Took 13 globules. A very stiff neck the most prominent feeling. All the previously recorded feelings, only more intensely. I have a painful boring feeling in the middle third of left thigh.

8:30 h. Flushed, hot feeling in my head and face, but no increase in color; but then I have just come out of the storm.

9:30 h. Took twelve globules more and retired to rest; very tired; slept very profoundly until 1 a.m., then could not sleep. My back, in the lumbar muscles, ached so and my left leg that I could not sleep

for hours, and my brain felt as if scalded; an intense burning feeling in the meninges, for this did not affect my power to think. This hot feeling commenced and spread down my back. An intense pain

over left eyebrow, through my left eye to base of brain and down my back.

The pain in the back of my head caused me to bore my head deep into my pillow, and reminded me of cases I have seen of cerebro-spinal meningitis. An intense weakness, as if I had no power to move, and no wish to do so, and yet I was afraid I could not attend to my business. Yet, strange to say, I was not alarmed, but passively indifferent, I could not open my eyes without great effort; it was hard work to keep them open and the easiest thing for them to close, as if there were a great weight upon them, keeping them down. I begged to be allowed to remain in bed until someone wanted me professionally, and yet I could not thus give way to my feelings, and so got up.

19 h. Feeling very weak and giddy. Staggering about my bedroom trying to dress. It was all that I could do to lift a hod of coal to the stove. The pains in my head and lumbar muscles, back of my head near atlas and middle third of left thigh and right elbow are the most noticeable from the great pains; and arctic coldness in my feet and hands and arms; have had a transient feeling of pain in the little finger and little toe of right side. Very feverish or parched in the night, and my breathing was hard and sounded “As if I was drawing my breath through iron pipes”. I feel that I must not take any more medicine at present. When I remember what a long time I was in getting to the end of the previous proving, I feel that I dare not go any further.

The dose I have been taking, a No. 35 globule, is as large as ten such as is ordinarily used for the 30th or for high dilutions, so that I have taken as good as six high dilution globules as a dose, and lately as high as one hundred and twenty-four and sometimes oftener daily.

I was surprised at these hot flushes and burnings in my head and along my spine. And these strongly reminded me of some feeling a proving of Gelsemium caused, only that has sweat, whilst this has no moisture, everything being dried up…saliva, tears, nostrils, and earwax; the great weakness and pain in the body reminds me of cerebro-spinal meningitis. My pulse rate is 68. 8:15. Temperature, 97 only.

13 h. What fearful aching in my body! Arctic feeling throughout my body, except my head and face, and oh so tired! A feeling as if it were almost impossible to keep my eyes open. While out on my professional rounds a feeling came over me as if it would be far easier to lie down in the snowy streets than to keep trying to get along. The trembling is very persistent.

21 h. Oh this bad feeling in my head, the aching, aching in my bones, in every part of my body, head to feet!; no part entirely free from pain, my body so cold; a feeling as if I had holes in my garments, and cold, frosty winds were blowing through and freezing my flesh; cold penis and testicles, no feeling but coldness. A slight gluey discharge; a fluent discharge from nose, with great sneezing.

Jan. 9th, 8 h. Pulse rate 68; is not so full or jerky, but it is some. Temperature under the tip of the tongue, 96; deeper in, 97. This morning awoke at 3 A. M. and got up to urinate, but I could not stand without I had hold of something. Oh, such a weak, giddy feeling! I never fainted but once, from loss of blood, and these sensations are similar. Plenty of strength to hold me up, but unable to balance myself, and when I put forth an effort I staggered about like a man trying to walk with paralysis or locomotor ataxia. This idea was the most prominent in my mind, but I have a patient recovering from paralysis who has to swing his body as he walks, to get his feet forward, and is very weak and shaky about his knees, and these sensations very strongly reminded me of his efforts. His weakness is in his knees, but mine was from the base of my skull – cerebrum – where the pains have been so persistent near the atlas extending downward.

When I arose, at 7 h., it was very hard work for me to balance myself enough to complete dressing myself, and very hard work to carry my head. If I bent forward, then it required great effort to keep

from falling on my face or backward. This lack of balancing was accompanied by a sensation of nausea, as if I were going to vomit. I persisted in my efforts to work, in hopes of shaking off these very alarming sensations, and by effort got through my morning work. Whilst shaving, a severe jerk of my right arm caused me to gash my face; very strange, but I ought not to have tried to do this.

I have now some numbness in my right hand and arm, and a good deal of trembling. Arctic feeling in my feet and in various parts of my body. This feeling of want of balancing power does not entirely leave me; a full, pressing feeling in all parts of my head. And when I walk I notice I lift my feet higher than usual, or than is necessary, and I put my heel down hard, as if I was not sure of holding on to the ground. I notice some twitching, as if my feet would spring up, making me walk as if I had the cock’s gait, as it is described.

19 h., Jan. 10, 1893. Thank God I began this day with more comfort and more control of myself; my limbs are easier to manage; a little giddiness and staggering, and stiff, bruised sensation in my back

and lower limbs. My cervical vertebra is less sore and have little pain and altogether feel very much better. My pulse rate is 80 this morning full and round , no jerks perceptible. Temperature 98 under

the tongue by the root. Mercury very slow in rising and had to keep the thermometer in a long time. I have a flushed, hot feeling in my face and head; no trembling, less staggering, and can manage my limbs fairly well. I feel as I dared not trifle with myself any further, for I am very weak. A very little exertion would make me feel very ill. I am feeling like a man who had just come from under a deadly risk; am very weak and prostrated, with every nerve on the jump. Oh, so very weak ! A sinking feeling. A parched thirstiness in my throat and mouth. My tongue is clean; bowels regular , a good deal of flatus; very fetid, pale yellow, greenish urine (specific gravity 1008), smelling very fetid; same smell as the flatus; more like the smell of rotting sweet fruit or vegetables.

Jan. 14, 1893. Could not get out of bed at my usual time; very severe pain in head and back of neck, going down my back and right leg; twitches, with cold, stinging, ice needle pricks. My right hand is feeling “As if frozen”. Pulse rate 64; full, round, but appears to have a pendulum motion or twitch. Temperature 96 3-5. Mind clear, but very weak in my body, and I cannot get warm over a hot register

or with hot fluids. This constant arctic cold is very hard to bear and makes me this morning feel as if I had a cake of ice on my back. My hands are blue with cold and my feet feel like lumps of ice. Headache and giddiness; could not keep from trembling while some patients were in my consulting room, and had a good deal of difficulty in steadying and controlling my voice; when excited could not get hold of the right words I wanted, and dropped some when speaking, from a want of flexibility or a catch in my tongue.

Pains in various parts of my body, the same locations and character. Quite a rush of business today and very ill-fitted to attend to it. My hands and feet blue and aching with cold, even while I was sitting over a hot register that scorched my boot leather, yet no feeling of warmth in hands or feet. A good deal of throbbing and aching in the upper part of my kidneys, the right one the sorest. Sharp pains in my bowels near the caecum; some trembling (when asleep it awoke me) in my right arm and left leg, with a sharp pain near the ankle joint.

Jan. 20. Awoke this morning in a shivering fit, trembling, giddiness and headache, but not very severe. Cold arctic feeling. Pulse 68. Temperature 97° F. My feet, 8 h., cold. Severe pain in left testicle, extending through to the back to anus. Bleed very much from old piles. An aching at end of penis, and no sexual desire. A feeling as if the testicles were swollen and painful, as in orchitis . This is only

a transient pain, and comes and goes at infrequent periods, or remittent in their character.

I notice my urine is taking on the greenish-yellow again and my right arm is chilly from the arctic rays. My feet are cold and the coldness creeps up higher in my legs, A great deal of arctic feeling in and around my heart. My breath is cold. Headache, but mind clear. Cold chills run over me in various parts of my body. My hands tremble very much at times, so that I cannot write. Pain in testicles and coldness, as if they were frozen. Pass a large quantity of urine.

Jan. 22 - 8 h. Did not get up before, owing to the pressure in my skull, as if it were too full; dropsy or some swelling of my brain; giddiness, and a numbness down my left leg and a jerking upward in both of them. Some trembling and coldness around my heart, and in my lungs and down my anus. My feet were very hot in the night until 5 h., when they became cold, numb and jerky, upwards.

My pulse rate is very slow this morning, only 56 beats. Temperature is slowly forced up to 98° F. I have a sensation as if my left cheek were swollen, but it is not so. Trembling very much in my hands.

14:30 h. – Have not been warm yet to-day; very intense arctic sensation in my body and heart and lungs. Slight cough. Numbness in my right arm. Much trembling, and a sensation of inward trembling

in all parts of my body.

Generative organs frozen cold and this coldness extends up my back. My feet so cold that I have burned my boots, and yet cannot get them warm. Coldness ext. up to my knees. Stiffness and pain in

left thigh. Cold arctic band round my head, with fullness in skull. Pulse 60. Temperature 97. Good appetite. Mentally clear, although very weak . Very tired and discouraged that these feelings last so

long. They seem to be all beginning over again; worse now than they were a week ago. I feel more like giving up and going to bed sick, but I cannot afford to do so, so I brace up and resist this temptation to try and find an antidote for these recurring series of feelings.

Jan. 23 – Slept well until 5 h., then awoke with pains in head and burning in my feet, with some trembling and stiff feeling in my lungs and heart, as if they were tied or unable to move. As I lay awake

I could hear my heart pounding away, but, oh ! so slow. Felt very weak and wanted to stay in bed, but after some hard thinking I got up.

7 h. Very weak; staggered about while dressing. Pains in the base of the brain. Pulse 64 and irregular in its beats, some of them failing altogether to declare themselves only by their absence to respond. Temperature, after being held under my tongue ten minutes, 97. Very cold in my back and over my shoulders; hands and feet are blue with cold. Itching all over my body, and as if I was bitten with fleas or bugs were crawling over me. Skin of my hands very rough and cracks are in them. My ears have a feeling as if wax were running out of them.

Jan. 26, 22 h. It has required a mighty effort to keep up this day. My pulse 56, slow and irregular; temperature 98. Headache, yet mind clear; backache. Weakness in all my body; my limbs so weak in walking that it was difficult to keep going, and felt as if I could lay down or drop down anywhere. What heart failure symptoms are I do not know, but fear I came very near it and yet I have resisted this feeling, and kept awake and about. Have felt very ill all the day, and am so now on retiring, 23 h.

Jan. 29. 9 h. Just after breakfast, pulse 68, temperature 99° F; slept very heavily, but dreamed of treating many cases of black diphtheria. Awoke, slept, dreamed the same dream again, and again the same dream, three separate times.

How very singular! During these provings, I have done this three separate times. Three dreams in one night – the same dream, the same disease, the same families in my dream. This singularity caused me to lay awake wondering what this can mean.

I have not any patients suffering from this disease. and I do not know of any in the town, and nothing that I know of to bring this disease to my mind. Awoke feeling very stiff and sore.

Jan. 30. Head pains again, the same old character. Sensation of swelling in my face and pain in nerves of teeth, molars. Hot feeling. Pulse, 68. Temperature, 99. Very weak, but my mind clear. Much trembling and the oppression round my heart and chest producing a suffocating feeling that makes me afraid, and I must now seek some means to arrest this difficulty and give me some relief. I know it looks cowardly to give up, but my family compels me to do something to enable me to keep about. I cannot do anymore; this heart oppression makes me think of heart failure.

Pulse, 56, and temperature 96. Very weak. I hope it will wear away and this trembling improve. They have been caused by this drug, one of the most powerful. I gave up and went to bed very ill. I had to keep it from my family, but I was afraid my heart would stop beating and had a very restless night. I took acetic acid, as vinegar I had in some pickles. I thought it changed or relieved the first class or effort of provings and caused me to stop and begin again. I think it did help me.

Next day very prostrated but did not take any note of my pulse or temperature, because I had began to try to find an antidote, and this vinegar and lemon juice has relieved many of them. I fear sometimes that the trembling in my hands may never fully leave me now.

February 12, 1893. Copying my notes has brought so vividly to my memory that I can almost feel the old arctic rays through my body, and the giddiness and staggering gait of the Heloderma horridus days. I hope that you may have many others more courageous than I have been, whose provings will compare or improve upon this poor effort of mine.



Heloderma suspectum (Helo-s) = Gilamonster




= Larrea tridentata.-ähnlich;

Biss: SchmerzHAFT/Schock/Blutdruckabfall/Bewusstlosigkeit; An der Bissstelle kommt es zu Schmerzen, Schwellungen und einer blau-roten Hautverfärbung.

Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Durchfall. Sytemische Wirkungen sind Bluthochdruck oder Blutdruckabfall und eine Temperaturerhöhung. Es kann zu einer Wundinfektionen kommen;



Bestandteile:                                     Wirkung:

Hyaluronidase                         macht Zellwände durchlässig, verantwortlich für Ödembildung und Ausbreitung des Giftes

Phospholipase A2                         Hydrolase, Katalysiert die Spaltung von Phospholipiden

Hormone und Eiweiße mit Bioaktivität

Bestandteile:                                     Wirkung:

Serotonin                                     Neurotransmitter, steuert Entzündung und Gefäßerweiterung, Auswirkung auf glatte Muskulatur, "Glückshormon"

Helothermin                                     Glycoprotein, verursacht Lethargie, Erschlaffung von Muskeln, Hypothermie

Gilatoxin                                     Glycoprotein, blutdrucksenkend, beinflusst den Muskeltonus

Helodermatin                         Glycoprotein, Enzym, vermindert dosisabhängig arteriellen Blutdruck


Exendin-1                                     stimuliert Amylase-Abgabe der Bauchspeicheldrüse, VIP-ähnliche Wirkung


Exendin-2                                     Peptid (Eiweiß), stabile Sekundärstruktur, verursacht Blutdruckabfall, VIP-ähnliche Wirkung


EXENATIDE                                     Peptid, aktiviert Insulin-Ausschüttung über Aktivierung des GLP-1-Rezeptors beim Menschen

Gilatid                                     reagiert mit GLP-1-Rezeptor, verbessert das Gedächtnis bei Nagern

EXENATIDE                                     wird jetzt im großen Maßstab synthetisch hergestellt.

Es dient als Medikament zur Diabetes-Typ-II-Behandlung ("Altersdiabetes").

Typ-II-Patienten waren oft schwer therapierbar. Durch den unterschiedlichen Wirkungsmechanismus von EXENATIDE gibt es neue Möglichkeiten zur Therapie;

Positiv: social/calm (connecting to deceased relatives/others).

Negativ: A. Loner/“As if isolated“, B. Need to protect one’s space/violent dreams/aggressiv and irritable without remorse or much emotion. C. Intense chilliness (from within outwards/can come in waves or cold rings

around the body)/one of the coldest of the remedies/flushes of heat also present, D. Dryness,


In “Medical Advances” ca 1900: “Heloderma should be placed with other polycrests like Naja and Lachesis. A proving was conducted. In addition, very little research has been done on the Lizard family in the homeopathic

literature. We feel that this is an important but neglected family. Heloderma venom is also unusual and unlike most other venoms. 


A central idea of this remedy is expressed in the following: I am busy (industrious), centered (balanced) and speeding in my space but don’t bother me or I will get irritable and lunge.

This idea was well expressed in the dream of prover #3: was possessed by a scorpion and had to keep attacking others who would get into her space but when left alone

she felt centered and at peace.



    Don’t Bother me or I will Lunge at You

    Out of Balance

    Intense Coldness

    Restlessness and Hyperactivity



Lizard Themes

Animal. themes were present throughout the proving. By the end of the exit group proving, participants predicted that the remedy was an animal, which had a tail, was involved in some type of construction (burrowing) and

had the potential to be aggressive. The colors red, white, black and yellow also came out which match the colors of the lizard. The craving for eggs is also interesting in that this is the one of the primary foods that the lizard eats. Reptilian themes: present involving a lack of maternal feeling, striking out and aggression.

Two other lizard remedies, along with recent provings of alligator. and dinosaur. bone.

Amph. is the snake lizard. It is made from the jaw containing poison. The poison causes no local injury. The poison arrests the heart in diastole. It affects the spinal cord which does not respond to electrical currents. Extreme and abrupt loss of power. There have been no formal provings. Symptoms include: Right jaw swollen and painful with lancinating pains; Ennui; Depression; Tender sadness which disposes one to be gentle and meek; sadness and lassitude in the morning; Impatient/tender/gentle; "As if the feet were in the head"; Headache lancinating < r.; Vesicles and pimples; Twitching of the upper eyelids; Eyes painful and weary; Difficult swallowing (saliva); Tearing pain in abdomen, lancinating as from a stiletto in the navel; Vertigo "As if one would fall to one side"; Weight in the forehead; Sensation of grain of sand in r. eye; Protrusion of umbilical hernia; Cramp in l. leg. Painful large pimples on left side of upper lip.


Lacer. = green lizard of Europe. Prepared from a tincture of the whole lizard. A one man proving described in Allen consisted of symptoms following swallowing a whole lizard

cut into small pieces. Symptoms include: Large vesicles under tongue; Constant accumulation of saliva in mouth; Violent eructations; Feeling of weight in stomach; Much nausea; Violent pressure in stomach;

Pains in intestines relieved by drinking water and vinegar; Skin eruptions; Vesicles under tongue, increased mental acumen; Difficulty swallowing; Nausea and violent pressure in stomach.


Desert. Themes: Incl. Hyperactivity, Attack and defense, Water, Swelling, Restlessness, Diabetes and Coldness.

One of the most prominent themes was that of increased energy. This took on many forms which ranged from apprehensiveness and anxiety to mania. Key words that provers used to describe this state included anxiety, busy, industrious, working constantly, rushed, not able to shut off the flow of ideas, insomnia and agitation.

The idea of speed also expressed itself in the speech. Mangliavari’s case illustrates this with a seven year old boy who skips words and sentences in his speech. It is also seen in the rubric. Thoughts rapid and quick. Gilatide, a peptide in Heloderma venom, has shown efficacy in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder?

The central motion of the proving was that of a gyroscope. One prover described it as follows:

Irritable with people; wanted people away from me; sense of well being; thinking felt sharp and clear; could see things well laid out; felt possessed; felt crazy; mind was racing; talked fast; people could not wait to get away

from me in my environment; could not find center or get centered; feeling the need to get things done and accomplished; wanted to be by myself; rankled feeling; no one come and bother me as I have work to do; irritability; feeling of great centeredness and being herself; things shifting in head and finally feeling balanced; feel welcoming to others; feeling of quiet joy and connection to everything; need to do and not be interrupted; have found a balance point like a geographical place in my mind-at any time when I become aware of annoyance or feeling off balance, I can reach into my mind and touch the center and instantly feel balanced/connected like a gyroscope

that may wobble but then rights itself and spins smoothly; sense of well being/wholeness.

The core sensation had to do with balance. The idea of centeredness vs. being out of balance (expressed on the physical level of vertigo) seemed to come up repeatedly during the proving. For example, prover #2 described an unsettled feeling of “being out of balance” throughout the entire proving. A number of the provers described feelings of peace and contentment by the end of the proving relating to feeling as if they were coming into greater balance. In the initial proving by Babcock, unsteadiness of gait, ataxia the sensation of walking on sponges were prominent symptoms. He described needing to lift up his feet higher than usual and bring them down hard, in

an effort to ground himself.

General Characteristics

Main characteristic: chilliNESS. It is one of the coldest of the remedies in our materia medica. It is an intense coldness from within outwards and can come in waves or cold rings around the body. Flushes of heat. Dryness a

strong general characteristic.

Physical Characteristics

The physical center of the remedy seems to revolve around the upper respiratory system, nervous system and gastrointestinal system. Many of the participants developed upper respiratory symptoms. One participant also experienced a cured symptom of chronic severe stabbing stomach pain. Generally < in the morning. Chilliness was noted by several participants(the leading keynote of this remedy prior to the proving).

One prover had a dream of being in snow and woke up with intense shivering.

Mental and Emotional Characteristics

Three of the provers felt more social by the end of the proving. Prover number five, in particular noted a significant change from isolation and being a loner to greater socialness and calmness.

For several provers, this also took the form of connecting more to deceased relatives. Prover number one described feeling as if she was much closer to her patients after the remedy and could see more clearly.

Helod-s. is known for its solitary habits.

The theme of aggression was also present. For the most part this took the form of irritability and the need to protect one’s space. However, a number of provers had violent dreams and one prover described aggressive

feelings of wanting to punch others in the jaw. The aggression and irritability seemed to be without remorse or much emotion. In general the provers noted a lack of maternal feeling with this proving.


Central idea: I am busy (industrious), centered (balanced) and speeding in my space but don’t bother me or I will get irritable and lunge. ( dream: she was possessed by a scorpion and had to keep attacking others who would

get into her space but when left alone she felt centered and at peace).

Swelling/out of balance/restless and hyperactiv: diabetes, attack and defense/water/swelling/restless, diabetes and Coldness.

Increased energy: took on many forms apprehensive/anxious/mania. Anxious/busy/industrious/working constantly/rushed/not able to shut off the flow of ideas/sleepless/agitated.

Skips words and sentences speaking/thoughts rapid and quick.

Central Motion: Gyroscope (= Instrument zur Orientierung im Raum).

Described as follows:

Irritable with people; wanted people away from me; sense of well being; thinking felt sharp and clear; could see things well laid out; felt possessed; felt crazy; mind was racing; talked fast; people could not wait to get away

from me; could not find center or get centered; feeling the need to get things done and accomplished; feeling of great centeredness and being herself; things shifting in head and finally feeling balanced; feel welcoming to

others; feeling of quiet joy and connection to everything; need to do and not be interrupted; have found a balance point like a geographical place in my mind-at any time when I become aware of annoyance or feeling off

balance, I can reach into my mind and touch the center and instantly feel balanced/connected like a gyroscope that may wobble but then rights itself and spins smoothly; sense of well being/wholeness

The idea of centeredness vs. being out of balance (vertigo on the physical level) seemed to come up repeatedly during the proving. For example describing an unsettled feeling of “being out of balance” throughout the entire proving. Described feelings of peace and contentment/coming into greater balance. Unsteadiness of gait, ataxia the sensation of walking on sponges were prominent symptoms/needing to lift up his feet higher than usual and

bring them down hard, in an effort to ground himself.

Physical Characteristics: Upper respiratory system/nervous system/gastrointestinal system (stabbing in stomach). < morning.


Wirkung: Tubercular?/syphilitic?


Allerlei: Gilatide (= peptide in Heloderma saliva. is probed if showing effect in the treatment on Alzheimer./Diabetes./ADD



Repertorium:                                                                                                [Todd Rowe]

Gemüt: Angst/Furcht (vor drohender Krankheit)

Bewusstlos (plötzlich)

Delirium (während Fieber/rasend/mit Rennen/mit Schreien)

Ehrgeizverlust (abends)

Empfindlich (gegen Geräusche)


Faul (morgens/glaubt, die Arbeit werde ihm schaden)

Macht Fehler [schreibend/sprechend (buchstabierend/Worte/lässt Worte aus)]

Gedächtnisschwäche (für Worte)/Gedanken drängen auf ihn ein und schwirren durcheinander/Gedanken [schnell morgens (erwachend)]

Geistesabwesend/Geisteskrankheit, Wahnsinn/geistige Anstrengung abgeneigt

Geschäftig, betriebsam/mitteilsam, gesprächig/ruhelos

Gesellschaft abgeneigt

Gleichgültig, Apathie

Hast, Eile


Konzentration schwierig (auf ein Thema)



Reizbar, gereizt (durch Geräusche)

Seelenruhe, Gelassen (bei Konflikten)

Sinne - abgestumpft, stumpf/scharf

Streitsüchtig/heftig, vehement/widerspenstig




Vergesslich (vergisst Worte sprechend)

„Wie verlassen“

Wahnideen (besessen zu sein)



Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Morgens (6 - 9 h)


+ Taumeln

< schnelle Kopfbewegung

“Wie sich im Kreis drehen“

Zu Fallen, stürzen geneigt nach r/nach hinten

Gefolgt von Schweiß

„Als ob er auf einem Schwamm geht“/Schwanken nach r.

In Wellen

Kopf: Bohrt Kopf in das Kissen

verminderte Empfindlichkeit des Gehirns

Entzündetes Gehirn - zerebrospinal/entzündete Hirnhaut

Fallen des Kopfes seitwärts (nach) r.

Gefühllos, taub (Gehirn)

Hitze (in Scheitel)

Kälte, Frösteln etc. [„Wie mit einer eiskalten Hand berührt“/erstr. Gehirnbasis/erstr. nach unten/im Hinterkopf (erstr. Füße/in kalten Wellen, Schaudern)]

Erkrankungen des Kleinhirns/Lähmung des Gehirns

 „Wie leicht“ (> Hinlegen)

Schmerz [morgens/nachts (drückend)/„Als ob sich die Schädeldecke

abhebt, ablöst“/berstend/drückend „Wie von einem Band“/“Wie durch eine Kappe“/drückend - pulsierend/in Flecken (wund schmerzend)/in Gehirn (brennend)/in Hinterkopf (wund schmerzend)/in r. Schläfe/in Stirn über l./r. Auge/zwischen den Augen [Mitternacht - 5 h/zwickend, kneifend]


Zusammenschnürung [„Wie Band o, Reifen“ (< Kälte)]

„Wie Kappe über den Schädel gezogen“

Schläge wecken ihn aus dem Schlaf

Steifheitsgefühl im Hinterkopf

Beschwerden des Gehirnbasis

Auge: Bluten aus den Augen - Bindehaut

grauweiße Hornhaut/rote Hornhaut

Lider herabfallend/jucken

Öffnen der Augen, der Lidspalte - es ist schwierig sie offen zu halten

Schweregefühl (Lider)


Trübung der Hornhaut

Vorwölbung (Exophthalmus)

Pupillen erweitert

Sehen: Licht/nebelig

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche wenige

Katarrh in Eustachische Röhre

Ohrschmalz vermehrt

Schmerz [r. (dann l. erstr. Hinterkopf/um den Hinterkopf herum zum linken Ohr)/drückend nach außen/hinter l. Ohr (drückend)]

„Wie verstopft“

Nase: Absonderung - morgens/dünn/Krusten, Schorfe in der Nase/reichlich

Blutandrang (essend)

Katarrh - Choanen


Gesicht: Ameisenlaufen

Blutung um Augenhöhlen

blass (Flecken)/bläulich (Lippen)/fleckig

Hautausschläge - Pickel - Kinn/Schläfen

„Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen

Kälte (eisige Kälte)

Lang gezogen, verzogen

Steif Unterkiefer

Trockene Lippen

Mund: Zunge - blau/“Wie kalt“/kalt/knotige Schwellungen (entlang Zungerand)/Lähmung/geschwollen (seitlich)/

Speichelfluss reichlich

Geschmack - bitter - morgens erwachend

Spricht belegt, undeutlich/schwierig

Innerer Hals: Schlucken schwierig

Schmerz in Mandeln r. (stechend)

Äußerer Hals: Empfindlich gegen die geringste Berührung

Magen: Appetit - fehlend/vermehrt


Empfindliches Epigastrium

Schmerz [morgens (brennend)/ausstrahlend/brennend/krampfartig/schneidend/erstr. Rücken/Epigastrium (wund schmerzend)]

Übel (morgens/in Wellen)

Erbricht (anfallsweise/anhaltend/hartnäckig)Rektum: Hämorrhoiden/untätig

Bauch: Gluckern, Gurgeln in Milzgegend

Starre, Rigidität der Muskeln

Zusammenziehung in Darm/Ileum

Stuhl: Häufig/reichlich

Nieren: Schmerz - < Druck/in Nierengegend


Urin: riecht „Wie faules Obst“/reichlich/enthält vermehrt Harnsäure/enthält granulierte Zylinder/enthält hyaline Zylinder Männliche Genitalien: Kälte in Hoden/in Penis/in Eichel

l. Hoden geschwollen/vergrößert


Weibliche Genitalien: Trockene Vagina/vergrößerte Uterus

Zusammenziehung, Kontraktionen

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Stimme - heiser, Heiserkeit/verloren

Atmung: Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen - „Als ob der nächste Atemzug der letzte wäre“

Beschleunigt/gewaltsam, heftig/kalt/oberflächlich

Husten: Gelöst, locker

Brust: Angst in Herzgegend/Frösteln, Frieren im Herzen/Kälte im Herzgegend/“Als ob Herz kalt“/Herzklopfen (stürmisch, heftig, vehement, ungestüm)/Zittern im Herzen

Hitze/Kälte (innerlich)

Schmerz - atmend/+ Atmung erschwert/im Herzen (stechend/erstr. Arm r./“Wie Schwäche in Herzgegend“

Rücken: Entzündete Rückenmarkshaut

Hitze in Wirbelsäule/Kälte (einschließlich Frost) [zwischen Schulterblätter/in Wirbelsäule in Wellen/in Rückenmark]

Schmerz (brennend/erstr. Beine/in Zervikalregion)

Schwäche im Sakrum

Glieder: Ameisenlaufen in Beine (nachts < im Bett/in Unterschenkel)

Ausstrecken in Unterschenkel

Knöchel „Wie bandagiert, umwickelt“

Blutung, Hämorrhagie leicht, bei geringem Anlass

Ekchymosen (unter Nägeln)

Arme - rote Streifen/Finger weiß/Hände blau


Gefühllos, taub [Arme/Fußsohle (< Gehen)/Hände/Unterarme]

Gehen in Hahnengang, Hahnentritt/hebt die Füße höher als normal an (setzt sie fest auf den Boden)

Hautausschläge - Handrücken - Pusteln/rot/Handgelenke in Streckseite (schmerzlos)

Hitze #Kälte/Füße [< im Bett/brennend (entblößt sie)/in Fußsohlen]

Kälte [# Hitze (brennende Hitze)/in Finger (und Zehen)/in Füße [eisige Kälte (# Hitze)/erstr nach oben]/Hände (# Hitze/blau/eisige Kälte)/innerlich/Zehen (und Finger)]

Koordination fehlend, gestört/„Als ob er auf einem Schwamm geht“/schwankender Gang/„Als ob er auf Wolle tritt, läuft“

Kribbeln in Fußsohlen


Phlegmasia alba dolens

Rucken (in Beine/in Unterschenkel)/Schütteln in Hände/Zittern (kann vom Willen unterdrückt werden/in Arme/in Beine/in Hände)/Zucken (in r. Unterschenkel)

Runzelig, geschrumpelt (Finger)

Schmerz - > Strecken, Ausstrecken/in Beine (Wehtun)/Finger (erstr. Arm/erstr. Körper auf gleichen Seite)/in Fußsohlen [< im Bett (brennend)/Oberschenkel (äußere Seite)/Unterschenkel/Zehen (erstr. Beinen/erstr. Fuß/erstr. Körper auf gleichen Seite)


Geschwollene - Finger/Füße („Wie geschwollen“)/Handgelenke

Steife Finger/Handgelenke

Fußsohlen „Wie weich“

Zusammenschnürung - Knöchel

Schlaf: Einschlafen - schwierig

Schlaflos (durch Schmerz)/schläfrig (bei Albuminurie)

Fieber: mit Frost


Frost: Morgens (6 - 9 h)

Beginnt im und breitet sich aus von den Füße

Kälte/Eisige Kälte des Körpers


Träume: Auflösen von alten Bekanntschaft/vom Bauvorhaben/von schneller Bewegung/Fahren mit dem Auto (aktiv, als Fahrer)/gelb/rot/schwarz/weiß/Feuer/gewalttätig/fremdes Land/spiritueller Lehrer/zu Rasen, schnell zu fahren auf trockenen, staubigen Straßen/Reisen mit dem Bus/Reisen mit dem Flugzeug/sexuell/Skorpione/Tierschwänze/vergiftet zu werden/unter Wasser

Schweiß: im Allgemeinen


Haut: Ekchymosen

Empfindlich gegen Druck

Kälte „Wie Ringe um den Körper“/in Wellen über den Körper

Allgemeines: Morgens


Absonderungen geronnen

> Baden, Waschen leidenden Teils (> in eiskaltem Wasser)

Übermaß, Überschuss an Energie

Entzündete Drüsen

Erschlaffte Muskeln

Gefühllos, taub (äußerlich/in erkrankte Teile)

„Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen # eisiger Kälte/Hitzewallungen bei Müdigkeit/Lebenswärmemangel

Hypotonus (einschließlich arterieller Hypotonie) (plötzlich)

„Wie Kälte“ in inneren Organen

Kälte an einzelnen Stellen

Konvulsionen (< Bewegung)/konvulsivische Bewegungen

 persönliche Krankengeschichte von Schwindel

Lähmung (mit Gefühllosigkeit/schmerzhaft/innerlich)

Lokomotorische Ataxie

Ohnmacht (mit Fallen/> Liegen/mit kaltem Schweiß/mit Schwindel)


Prickeln, Kribbeln äußerlich/Pulsieren - äußerlich/innerlich

Schmerz [ausstrahlend/< bei Berührung (wund schmerzend)/durchbohrend stechend/heftig/neuralgisch (qualvoll, unerträglich)/qualvoll/schießend/verschwindend; plötzlich/erstr. nach oben/äußerlich (brennend)/in Drüsen/in gelähmte Teile/innerlich (brennend)]

Schweregefühl innerlich

 Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Eier/Fleisch/Süßigkeiten; Verlangt: Eier/Fleisch/Kaffee;

„Wie Zugluft“/“Wie angefächelt“

Zyanose (+ blauer Zunge)

Ausstrecken/> (Aus9strecken

< nach dem Schlaf

“Wie elektrischer Schlag“

Schwäche (< geringe Anstrengung/lähmungsartig/> liegend/während Rekonvaleszenz/> Ruhe/mit Schwindel)

aufgedunsen, ödematös

“Wie Wellen“

Bisswunden, Bisse - giftiger Tiere

Wunden - bläulich/bluten reichlich/Heilungstendenz langsam/schmerzhaft

Zittern äußerlich (während Fieber)



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum