[Dr. V.
Most people think
that as we have remedies for diabetes in other systems (like insulin in
allopathy) there would be corresponding remedies in homeopathy. This is not so.
There is one marked difference between homeopathy and other medical systems
(allopathy, ayurveda, siddha etc. etc.)
In allopathy no
doctor would give insulin for typhoid; also no one would give antibiotic for
diabetes. This is because insulin is for diabetes and no amount of insulin will
be of any use in typhoid.
But in homeopathy
one remedy given for eczema patient may be indicated for jaundice in another;
the same remedy may be needed in the third patient suffering from cancer. In
such a case the question that would naturally arise in the reader’s mind is,
“If so, then what is the basis for prescribing or selecting the remedy in
homoeopath?” Answer to this question will throw light on the uniqueness of
Als diabetische Angiopathie werden Gefäßschädigungen bezeichnet, die als Spätkomplikationen bei Diabetis mellitus auftreten.
Durch Veränderungen der Kapillaren (Mikroangiopathie) werden verschiedene Formen der diabetischen Mikroangiopathie verursacht: insbesondere die diabetische Nephropathie, diabetische Retinopathie und diabetische
autonome sowie sensorische und motorische Neuropathie.
Die Makroangiopathie ist zwar nicht Diabetes-spezifisch, tritt aber schneller und stärker als bei Nicht-Diabetikern auf, weshalb die Bezeichnung diabetische Makroangiopathie üblich ist.
Sie führt zu atherosklerotischen Veränderungen an mittleren und großen Arterien. Sie ist für das hohe Herzinfarkt-, Schlaganfall- und Gangrän-Risiko bei Diabetes verantwortlich.
Die wichtigsten Faktoren, die die Entwicklung von Mikro- und Makroangiopathie bei Diabetikern fördern, sind Hyperglykämie, Hyperlipoproteinämie, Insulinresistenz sowie verschiedene vasoaktive Hormone, Cytokine
und Wachstumsfaktoren.
Diabetes, 2 or 3 lessened grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran-n. Administered
morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to
nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is
[E. B. Nash]
remedy for diabetes mellitus. It is especially if in addition to the thirst,
voracious hunger and profuse urine loaded with sugar, there are rheumatic pains
in the joints. High potency is much better and doesn’t not need frequent
www.joslin.org = amerikanische Website für Diabetiker
Vergleich: Siehe: Anhang. (W. Karo Farokh/J. Master/Anthroposofisch.)
Fungi grow more actively in sugar solutions.
Vaginal mycosis developes quite often during pregnancy with its tendency
towards pre-diabetes.
Krankheit: Juckreiz/schlecht heilende Hautbeschwerden, Starke Hypoglykämie: Schwindel/unsichere Gang/Ohnmacht/Schwitzen/Blässe/Zittern/Herz-klopfen/nervös/
Unterleibsschmerz/ANfällig vor
Erkältung + Halsschmerz + Grippe + Bronchitis + Lungenentzündung (Polio);
Patient riecht wie Zucker
Die Erkrankungen des peripheren Nervensystems bei Diabetes mellitus = verschieden. Am häufigsten ist die längenabhängige distal-symmetrische sensomotorische Polyneuropathie
manifestiert sich zunächst an längsten Nervenfasern (Ischiasnerv), Früh: sockenförmig verteilte Parästhesien/Störung in Empfindungen auf Reizen. Später: Schmerz/Muskelkrämpfe/
teilweise Lähmung der kleinen Fußmuskeln und Fuß- und Zehenheber (oft nicht beachtet) sind neben Sensibilitätsstörung und autonomer Denervierung wegbereitend für das
diabetischen Fußsyndrom. Differenzialdiagnosen: immunbedingte entzündliche Polyneuropathien mit und ohne Paraproteinämie (falsche und zu viele Proteine im Blut), eine
Radikuloneuritis (Wurzelentzündung der Nerv(en)) bei Borreliose und toxisch bedingte Neuropathien zu bedenken. Seltener Karpaltunnelsyndrom/örtliche Neuropathien (Amyotrophie/Ophthalmoplegie).
Gemeinsames Merkmal dieser diabetischen Neuropathieformen = akutes neuropathisches Schmerzsyndrom, rasch gefolgt von umschriebener Muskellähmung.
Ursache: Pertussis vaccine has been connected
with juvenile onset diabetes as the vaccine acts directly on the islets of
Langerhans, the insulin-secreting parts of the pancreas
(Gaublomme, 1997). 1. hypoglycæmia 2. diabetes.
This emphasises the link between candidiasis and diabetes, as does the fact
that the organism is identified by the physiological
character of its assimilation and fermentation
of sugar. The use of Foll. successfully in candidiasis (Assilem, 1990)
similarly underlines the connection with female sex hormones;
Blutzucker nüchtern vor Frühstück 80 - 90 Mg
Blutzucker in 100 Ml im Blut/ (nicht > 130)
Nach 2 h. nach Zuckerhaltiges 120 - 140 Mg/> als 180 Mg = Hyperglycämie (Diabetes).
Nach 3e - 4e h. nach Zuckerhaltiges 80 - 90 Mg.. < 80 Mg. = Hypoglykämie (Kopfschmerz/schwach/Muskelmüdigkeit/Hunger/reizbar/nervöse Unruhe
Erhöhte Blutzuckerspiegel
fördert Krebs.
Erniedrigte Blutzuckerspiegel kann Viren hemmen o. fördern
Karotte senkt Zuckergehalt wenn verursacht durch Mangel an Kali-salzen.
Vitamin B Komplex
Helon.: 1st
stage, urine profuse, clear, saccharin, lips dry stick together, THIRST,
restless, emaciation.
Kali-acet. in diabetes
Ign. diabetes following emotional shock.
Vanad-s: = Katalysator zu Insulin/zu niedrigem Blutzuckergehalt,
Cyclopia intermedia Diabetes/Menopause
Galega officinalis. Blutzucker senkend
Grifolia frondosa Bluthochdruck/Krebstherapie/Blutzucker
Lentinus edodes Diabetes
Bindegewebe stärkend, = appetithemmend/Ausdauer erhöhend/Fördert Umwandlung LDL-Chol. in HDL-Chol.
Aktiviert Immunsystem, hemmt Tumoren, steigert Ins.
Quelle: MykoVital GmbH 06047/7073
Calc-ars. C 6. Pancreatinum
3x. Cean. 3x. These three taken 3x daily will give good result. Covers all type
of diabetic.
1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder takes as a tea
or in food also helps to reduce BS level.
Arn. C 6 as Wet. Dose.
--------- + Furunkel/+ Karbunkel: Cephd-i. Crot-h.
--------- + Gallensteinen But-ac
--------- + Gangrän: Colos. Sec. + Ars. + Kreos.
--------- + durst: Chion
--------- + schlaflos: Carc.
--------- + Schleimabsonderung Brust: Squil.
--------- + Nierenentzündung: Canthin
--------- Benz-ac + Phos-ac + Sal-ac.
Sil. + Silikaten?
Sulph. In
the beginning of diabetes.
Diabetes Kind
---------------- Crat.
[Dr. Herbert A. Roberts]
Probably the type of glandular imbalance we meet
most frequently is diabetes mellitus. The accepted therapy is insulin, and it
has a definite influence on the sugar output; yet few physicians pause to
consider whether this treatment is curative or merely palliative - a
substitution therapy. Recent experiments indicate that continued massive doses
of insulin may result in an increase of sugar following an initial decrease;
and that it may remain
at a fairly high level so long as the insulin
therapy is pushed. A case recently observed provided the interesting phenomenon
of a marked decrease of sugar output when the patient was forced to do without
her insulin for a
few days; and that when she returned to a
decreased insulin dosage the amount of sugar remained at a much lower level
than while she was receiving massive doses. A series of observations on
patients under homoeopathic
care would be valuable.
We must remember that once insulin therapy is
established, it tends to become necessary to the patient and there is little
hope of establishing normal balance. Therefore it is more practical to begin
treatment by the use of
the homoeopathic remedy, for we can always go
to insulin later if this is necessary. We find suitable remedies for Sugar in
Urine in the repertories, and most of the remedies listed are deep in action or
are closely related to emotional states. The diabetic patient usually presents
subjective symptoms that clearly indicate the simillimum, or he may be able to
give a history of emotional shock preceding his present affliction that will
point the way
to the remedy. It is possible that his symptoms
are so clearly marked that the indications for a constitutional remedy cannot
be overlooked, even though his remedy has not been proven to produce the sugar
In such case, if the patient improves on the
indicated remedy, we are justified in adding it to those already listed, giving
it a tentative clinical rating. If the general level of health is raised, even
though the low sugar threshold remains the same, we may safely rely on the remedy
which maintains general improvement, and not be too anxious over the sugar
output. Recent research work has indicated the influence of the pancreas in
peptic ulcer.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Ca/Cu/Ch/K/Se/Va/Mn/Zn/Mg/Vit B1/B6/Biotin/C/E//B12/Folic acid/ Ser-ang während Dialyse gebraucht verkürzt de Zeit der Dialyse.
[Alan Tillotson] From a blog.
I am a juvenile diabetic, insulin dependant,
and have been so since age 10. I'm now 46. I have managed to avoid all
complications so far, with perfect retinas, normal heart, liver and kidney
function etc. I got involved with
healing to try to find a way out of the bleak
future I read about when I was 11 in a book I got from the library, which told
me that I would most probably develop any number of serious problems. So far
zilch. I'm keeping my
fingers crossed. It is very interesting that
before I had any formal training in natural medicine, my body figured out
several things (because it made me feel good), such as the addition of lots of
blueberries and raspberries
and carrots to my diet was good, as well as
onion and garlic.
Juvenile diabetics can learn to sense their own
sugar levels by developing body awareness. This makes it much less likely to
eat when sugar levels exceed 200, thus driving them up to the 300's and
creating lots of ketones,
or to allow low blood sugars, with the negative
effect of eating too much too fast and having an upswing.
Juvenile diabetics which are called
"brittle" are just nutrient deficient or very nervous/tight. I have
maintained a high nutrient diet (easily assimilable minerals), for decades, and
blood sugar swings have been
minimal. This includes multi-minerals
supplements +/o. herbs like dandelion, turmeric, nettles, parsley, seaweeds.
Juvenile diabetics need to constantly move
their bodies. Hard work is excellent medicine.
Juvenile diabetics tend to be vata natured
(Ayurvedic term for nervous personality), and so their diet needs more good
quality oils and fats than adult onset diabetics, to maintain healthy membranes.
The Ayurvedic combination of triphala (three
fruits, famous ayurvedic formula) plus shilajatu (ayurvedic mineral substance),
taken long term, prevents deterioration.
Some sort of Yoga or T'ai chi or meditation
practice is essential to develop the ability to get really relaxed (I mean like
super, super relaxed), which really helps maintain solid health, stable blood
sugars. Advanced pranayama
or qi kung exercises, in which qi is made to
move or flow with strong diaphramatic control, improves the general circulation
a lot.
Aspartame sometimes raises blood sugar in
diabetics worse than pure cane sugar.
San qi (Chinese herb) can arrrest hemorrhage in
diabetic retinopathy better than anything. 1-2 grams of concentrated powder
TID, even useful long term.
Blood thinning therapy (moving blood in Chinese
terms) is essential (Salv./Paeon./carthamus, cnidium, bilberry, turmeric,
bromelain. Keeps the tiny vessels happy, especially when combined with the
I advocate not worrying about money for those damn
expensive test strips, and just investing in other commodities. Juvenile
diabetics tend to have periods where their blood sugars become unstable, often
for days or weeks.
During these times it is essential to check the
sugar every few hours, and take extra regular insulin if necessary, drink more
water, and change to a lower volume high protein and fat, low carbohydrate and
sugar-free diet
for a short while, to even out sugar delivery
to the system. When sugars are stable, change to a more high vegetable
carbohydrate and raw vegetable diet to even things out. This alternation needs
to be clearly understood.
Juvenile diabetics need more vitamin E. They do
not seem to benefit from chromium as much as adult onset types.
Lucillia sericata. = Made Schmeißfliege/scheidet in äußerliche Schleimhaut Allant. aus in Wunde (heilt Wunde), verzehrt nur krankes Gewebe/werden gebraucht um nicht schließende Wunden zu heilen. Quelle: Apotheke
Tupelohonig (gewonnen aus Nyssa sylvatica Cornales./= antibiotisch/= geeignet für Diabetiker).
Suis-pan. = Pankreas vom Schweineembryo
Vergleich: Lacs allgemein.; Siehe: Saccharum officinarum + Enzymen + Insulinum
Allerlei: Hypoglycemia = zu niedrige Blutzuckerspiegel/= Vorstufe Diabetes
Beschwerden: Nervös/Herzrasen/zittern/Schweiß/Denken erschwert/leichtes Empfinden im Kopf/Wirkung von Exzitotoxine
Syndrom X: = Beschwerden durch Insulinreistenz (Vorstufe Diabetes Type II).
1. Insulinreistenz + 2. ZU wenig Prog + 3. VIEL Eikosanoiden 2 verursachen in Wechseljahren. GEFÄHRLICHE Wechselwirkung
Vorbeugung:: 3 große Mahlzeiten + 3 kleine Zwischenmahlzeiten aus HOCHwertige Nahrungsmittel (wenig Eiweiß aus Eier/Milchprodukten/Soja)
Verzichten auf raffinierten Kohlenhydraten/Süßes/Alkohol (steigert Östrog.wirkung).
Defekte in der Insulin Sekretion zeigen sich in einer Hyperglykämie, welche besser unter Diabetes mellitus bekannt ist.
Type I: Insulinmangel durch verminderte Insulinausschüttung des Pankreas/= insulinabhängige Diabetes/fast nur Kinder und Jugendliche/wird den Autoimmunerkrankungen zugerechnet. Hier führt die Zerstörung der pankreatischen Inselzellen zu einem absoluten Insulinmangel. 5 - 10 % aller Erkrankten/Symptome wie Polyurie, Polydipsie und starker Gewichtsverlust sind charakteristisch.
Type II: Körper vermindert Insulinrezeptoren an Zellen, nimmt dadurch verfügbare Stärke nicht auf/= Altersdiabetes/Patienten ab einem Alter von 40 Jahren auf o. bei übergewichtigen Patienten. 90 - 95% aller Erkrankten. Die auftretenden Symptome sind minimal. Ein relativer Insulinmangel entsteht durch jahrelange Glucose-Überernährung, wodurch es zu einer Erschöpfung. der B-Zellen der Pankreas kommt.
Bei einem funktionierenden Zuckerstoffwechsel liegen die Blutglucosespiegel immer relativ konstant bei 70 bis 150 mg/dl. Chronisch erhöhte Glucosekonzentrationen im Plasma führen zu mikrovaskulären Krankheiten, wie die Retinopathie, verursachen Nierenfunktionsstörungen oder schädigen Nerven.
Insulin und C-Peptid
Ein erhöhter Blutzuckerspiegel stimuliert die B-Zellen der Bauchspeicheldrüse zur Produktion und Freisetzung von Insulin. Insulin erzeugt einen hypoglykämischen Effekt, indem es die zelluläre Aufnahme von Glukose in Muskel- und Fettgewebe fördert und die Glukoneogenese stoppt. Extrazelluläre Glukose wird durch Insulin zu den intrazellulären Speicherplätzen befördert, wo es in Form von Glykogen gespeichert wird. Glukagon, Epinephrin, GH und Cortisol wirken als Gegenspieler von Insulin. Sie erhöhen die Blutzuckerkonzentration indem sie die Glykoneogenese stimulieren.
Die Bestimmung von Insulin hat aber einen großen Nachteil. Die Insulintests können zwischen endogenem und exogenem Insulin nicht unterscheiden. Viele Patienten entwickeln Antikörper gegen Insulin, welche die Tests stören. Diese Problematik kann durch die Bestimmung von C-Peptid ausgeschaltet werden.
Indications for hypoglycemia/disturbed sugar
metabolism: ravenous appetite soon after eating/constant appetite/never
satisfied/sleepless/> eating/tendency to eat frequently between
meals/irresistible desire to take sweets/strong impulse to eat on waking often
because of a fainting feeling or weakness/trembling when hungry/irritable when
hungry (on waking), etc.
Cause of hypoglycemia is USE of 'rapid'
carbohydrates (refined sugar/refined flour) in modern nourishment. Other causes
are: caffeine (in coffee/cola/tea/chocolate/cocoa)/
alcohol/cigarettes. Kaffein stimulates the
adrenal glands to set adrenaline free that stimulates in turn the release of
sugar from the liver into the bloodstream. Emotional causes
underneath such as lack of affection and
inability to handle affection. Hypoglycemia influences our social
behavior/emotional well being. mental and social erratic/violent/antisocial
behavior (child: violent fits of anger with
striking, kicking, vandalism, aggressive/discontent).
Behavior of juvenile delinquents > wenn put
on a sugar free diet. (Spiritual nutrition and the rainbow diet, Dr. Gabriel
Compensation of lack of love/affection: getting
it by any means or refusal of any form (Lac-h.).
Opposite symptoms: insatiable appetite (boulimia) versus
no appetite at all and sometimes a refusal to eat resulting in anorexia.
Thirst for large quantities versus
no thirst at all.
Great need to cuddle versus refusing every
Exaggerated sucking of fingers versus
no sucking of fingers at all,
putting everything in the mouth versus
never putting anything in the mouth.
Sensitive to pain versus almost
insensitive to pain.
No appetite in the morning versus
ravenous appetite on waking so that he has to eat first.
gentleness # very aggressive
Cold feet, but sometimes so hot at
night sticking them out of bed.
The most frequent way to compensate a lack of
affection seems to be by far the use of sweets of any kind. A link between love
and sweets ("sweet boy or girl" "honey",
"sweetheart", "sugar", etc).
Many symptoms related to food desires and
aversions, appetite and eating. DESIRES any kind of sweets
(chocolate/licorice/pastries/biscuits/“junk sweets“).
Increased appetite before menses/desires sweets
after dinner.
No appetite at all in the morning after rising
and increased appetite in the afternoon (evening/candies) and no need during
the day.
Hypoglycemia with NEED to eat first on waking
and tendency to eat frequently between the meals, not feeling well if the meal
is postponed a little.
Feel weak/trembling/empty in the stomach/dizzy
or get a headache if they cannot eat at regular hours. Feel weak and irritable
in the morning/difficult to activate themselves/generally > after breakfast.
Neue Therapien:
Helo-s. Gilatide (=
peptide in saliva has shown effect in the treatment of
Alzheimer/Diabetes/ADD)/improves memory and learning: Novel Nootropic (= smart
drugs/memory enhancers/cognitive enhancers) Peptide (= Exenatide®).
Verwandt sind Alzheimer und ALS.
Folgen bei Kinder von Mütter mit Diabetes: Puls = schwach + schnelles, vergrößertes Herz
Phytologie: Phlor. senkt Blutzuckerspiegel/‡ Rosm ‡
Datisca cannabina = Scheinhanf/Cucurbitales
‡ Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße ‡
‡ Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße ‡
Frei nach: Gerald Karnow, M.D.
In this way we
can meet the illness-prone effects of our present civilization as active
Phytologie: Rezepte. aus dem Papyrus Ebers