Mehrere Mittel


Lacticum acidum (Lac-ac) w C3H6O3/= Milchsäure/= E 270


Schwäche ohne Irritation +

= Puls.-ähnlich + unstabiler Zuckerhaushalt/= Ip. + Speichelfluss/= Nat-m.- ängstlich/empfindlich/= Arg-met. + eiternde/entzündete Halsdrüsen;

Thema: Verantwortung; Lösung: Ewiges Mädchen;

Kind: Verdrießlich/launisch;


Lacticum acidum seems to be the eternal child;

Negativ: A. Mager, B. Fröstelt;


Will keine Verantwortung tragen, will nicht unabhängig + nicht als kleines Mädchen behandelt sein, mürrisch/nachtragend, konsequent/rachesüchtig, Kindfrau/hohe

Stimme/braucht Anweisungen + Lob, sarkastisch/entmutigt/schwach/mager; scheut Arbeit/Körperübungen, Speichelfluss/Sodbrennen, DURST/AppeTIT + Abmagerung

+ oft URIN/übel morgens + brennen + essen, Schweiß (sauer/nicht Fußschweiß), Hypoglycaemia/Diabetes + Rheuma/Gicht, Gelenken/Brüsten, < 17 h;

Acidity (acute) . Magen;

Lacticum acidum (Lactic acid)

Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheuma.

Pain in breasts, with enlargement of axillary glands, and pain extends into hand.

Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.

Tongue dry, parched.

Thirst; voracious hunger.

Canker, copious salivation and water-brash. Nausea; morning sickness (pale anaemic women).

Hot, acrid eructation.

Nausea; > eating.

Burning, hot gas from stomach to throat, causing profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, < smoking.

[Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville]

Diabetes with marked polyuria.

The remedy is interesting to study in its action, because we know that the muscles which while working products lactic acid while they become tired, rather Sarcolactic acid which does not differ from real Lactic acid but by its polarimetric rotation. This the game which is chased than the muscles very stiff because of the formation of Sarcolatic acid. This fact denotes in Homoeopathy great muscular weakness some types of influenza.

Useful in some cases of dyspeptic conditions with copious salivation, nausea, > eating acid eructations or still in rheumatising condition with weakness and trembling by the last effort. Naturally it will suit to diabetics who will have the above symptoms.

[Farokh Master]

One interesting fact that I learned from Anshutze about Lactic acid was in a case of acute arthritic rheumatism. We all know from our knowledge of Materia Medica

that lactic acid is a very good remedy for soft tissue rheumatism as well as rheumatism where articular surfaces are concerned,

but there are certain very useful confirmations that I have made after reading

Anshutze’s book, the most important one is the ‘shifting pain Lac-ac.’. Like Am-m. Kali-s. Lac-c. Puls.

Lac-ac. has got what is known as a wandering or shifting type of rheuma and the most important joints that is affected are the elbows, the knees, the shoulders

and the wrist. These are the main joints which can be affected and within that the most important modality is motion.

Motion in any form < rheuma. The sensation could be very sore and bruised kind of feeling. In the background, usually you will find diabetes in such patients

and they will have profuse and sour perspiration (hands and feet) which can resemble Calc.

Initially, when I used to read the cases given in Anshutze’s lactic acid, I could nor believe that this remedy could really cure an acute arthritis (patients totally bed-ridden

and those who cannot move at all, I always wondered that how a simple remedy like lactic acid can make these patients walk and make them normal till I started using

it myself. But I did not use simply on the name of the disease, but as I mentioned earlier, I wanted to look for the symptoms.

Another very important thing that I saw in lactic acid is that, the patients who required lactic acid for articular rheuma always had a stomach disorder (Chronic indigestion)

and this disorder of stomach is a good concomitant for lactic acid. Usually love buttermilk and sweets (>).

[William Boericke]

Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheuma. Troubles in the breasts. Locally (tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords).

Stomach: Tongue dry, parched. Thirst; voracious hunger. Canker, copious salivation and water-brash. Nausea; morning sickness (pale anæmic women).

Hot, acrid eructation.

Nausea: > eating. Burning, hot gas from stomach to throat, causing profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, < smoking.

Throat: Fullness or lump like a puff ball. Keeps swallowing. Constricted low down.

Chest: Pain in breasts, with enlargement of axillary glands, and pain extends into hand.

Extremities: Rheumatic pain in joints and shoulders, wrists, knees, with much weakness. Trembling of whole body while walking. Limbs feel chilly.

Urine: Large quantities passed, frequently. Saccharine;

Reaktionsmangel./blass/Temp. niedrig ;

Ursache: Immer wenn Selbstständigkeit + Verantwortung gefordert ist (Pubertät/Studieren/heiraten);

[Fred Acree Jr./R.B. Turner/H.K. Gouck/Morton Beroza/Nelson Smith]


L-Lactic acid was the major component in material isolated from humans that was active as an attractant for female yellow fever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti (L.).

The L(+)-isomer was several times as attractive as the D-isomer. Good correlation was found between the attractiveness of an individual to mosquitoes and the

quantity of lactic acid present in an acetone washing of his hand.



Lacticum acidum

Gemüt: Abhängig von anderen

< nach Aktivität


Angst [nachts (erwachend)/vor Husten]/Furcht (Fehler zu machen/grundlos/vor Trennung der Eltern)

< Denken/nach Einswerden, Vereinigung, Unio/Geschäft

Empfindlich (gegen Geräusche)


Erschöpft geistig/exzentrisch, überspannt


Macht Fehler [schreibend (lässt Worte aus)/sprechend (Buchstabierend)]

Gedächtnisschwäche/Gedächtnis gut, aktiv/Gedanken quälend

Gleichgültig, Apathie

Hast, Eile

Heikel, pingelig



Reichtum an Ideen, Einfälle, Klarheit des Geistes

Kämpfen, möchte

Kindisches Verhalten

< Lesen

Liebevoll, voller Zuneigung, herzlich

Milde (bei Kindern)




< geschmeichelt werden

Schreien [nachts (Mitternacht)]


Mangel an Selbstvertrauen (möchte Unterstützung, Zuwendung)

Spotten Sarkasmus, beißender Spott/Lust an Satire

Tadelsüchtig, krittelig

Unabhängig, selbständig


< Verantwortung

„Wie verlassen zu sein“/“Wie isoliert“

Verwirrt geistig (nachmittags)

Wahnideen (sei lange Strecke gegangen/würde kritisiert/würde auf rauer See hin und her geworfen/habe nicht genug geschlafen/würde sich in Urin verwandeln/

i.B. zu Weiblichkeit)

Weinen [tagsüber/essend (bei Kindern)]

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Morgens (6 - 9 h) < Aufstehen/nachts (22 - 6 h)

<: Aufstehen/< schnelle Kopfbewegung/durch Blutandrang/Bücken/wenn nüchtern;

Kopf schnell drehend o. bewegend

> nach Essen

„Als ob schwebend“

Kopf: „Als ob Scheitel abhebt“

Blutandrang (morgens/+ Pulsieren der Blutgefäße des äußeren Halses/“Als ob Nasenbluten einsetzen würde“/< Sitzen/in Stirn)

Geräusche im Kopf „Wie Flattern und Flügelschlagen“

Hautausschläge - Pickel am Hinterkopf


Pulsieren (abends/in Schläfen)

Schmerz [nachmittags - 13 h - 13 - 17 h/abends (20 h)/nachts (erwachend)/> Baden/berstend/diagonal/dumpf/> erbrechend/mit Frösteln/< Hustend (berstend)/wund schmerzend/Hinterkopf (< Bewegung/erstr. Scheitel)/Scheitel [vormittags - 10 h/nachmittags/berstend/drückend nach außen/wund schmerzend/quer darüber (schießend)/

in Schläfen abends/in Schläfen < nach Aufstehen/l./Stirn (morgens erwachend/abends/nachts/# Schmerz im Hinterkopf/< im warmen Zimmer/erstr. Auge/über den Augen (erstr. Augen/erstr. Ohr)]

Schweregefühl (im Hinterkopf)

„Wie vergrößert“

Völlegefühl (vormittags - 10 - 22 h/nachmittags/< Bücken/bei Schwindel/in Scheitel/im Stirn)

Zusammenschnürung (im Stirn)

Auge: Hyperästhesie des Netzhautes


< Schließen

Schmerz [abends - 20 h/berstend/bückend (berstend)/< Kopf drehen (berstend)/drückend/< lesend/< durch Tageslicht/< Augen schließen/erstr. quer über Stirn]



Zuckende Oberlider

Pupillen erweitert

Sehen: dunkele Wolken vor den Augen

Nebelig (dunkle Wolken ziehen vorüber/< im Zimmer)

Verlust des Sehvermögens

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche mehrere

Kälte über den Ohren


Nase: Absonderung - dick/gelb/klar/reichlich/schaumig/weiß/zäh/aus Choanen

rot - erysipelatös l.

Nasenbluten (morgens)/“Wie Nasenbluten“


Trocken innerlich


Riechsinn überempfindlich


Schmerz in Choanen (roh, „Wie wund“)

Verstopft/“Wie verstopft“ in Choanen

Gesicht: Blutandrang

rot (l./erysipelatös)

Hautausschläge (Bläschen auf Lippen/Bläschen auf Nase)

Hitze während Kopfschmerz

Schmerz in Parotis (erstr. Ohr)


Innerer Hals: Entzündet (l.)


„Wie Klumpen“ [nicht > durch Schlucken/oberer Hals/Ösophagus (nach dem Essen)]


Räuspern geneigt

Schleim (dick/gelb)

Schlucken - schwierig (feste Speisen)/unmöglich durch Lähmung/ständige Neigung zu

Schlucken (durch einen Klumpen im Hals/durch Speichel/durch Völle im Hals)

Schmerz [nach Aufstoßen/brennend/drückend/roh, „Wie wund“/wund schmerzend/in Ösophagus (< Aufstoßen/brennend)]

Geschwollen ödematös/“Als ob Speisen im Hals stecken bleiben“ in Ösophagus


Verlängerte Uvula


Würgen, Zusammenziehen


Äußerer Hals: Pulsieren in Karotiden/seitlich

Äußerer Hals und Nacken: Pulsieren in Blutgefäße: Aphthen (bei Kindern/Zunge)

Zunge blutend/“Wie vergrößert“/Zunge - gelb/rot/weiß (dicker Belag)/klebrig, zäh

Hautausschläge - Bläschen auf Zunge


Schleimhaut - Exkoriation, Wundheit

Schmerz [wund schmerzend/ Gaumen („Wie verbrannt“/in Zunge (brennend/„Wie verbrannt“/wund schmerzend)

Skorbut des Zahnfleisches

Speichel etwas salzig

Speichelfluss (morgens/+ übel/reichlich/im Schlaf/< während Schwangerschaft)

Trocken [Gaumen/Zunge (seitlich)

Geschmack - faulig/nach Kupfer/metallisch/etwas salzig/sauer (< während Schwangerschaft)/scharf/schlecht

Geschwüre - Aphthen

Stomatitis ulcerosa, Stomakaze

Magen: Appetit - Heißhunger/vermehrt/vermindert

Aufstoßen (< Rauchen)/Art des Aufstoßens: brennend/von Flüssigkeit/heiß (< Rauchen)/sauer/scharf/schmeckt nach Speisen/Hochsteigen von

Wasser in den Mund (< während Schwangerschaft)



„Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen


Schmerz [brennend/drückend/stechend/< nach Trinken/erstr. innerer Hals (brennend)]

Sodbrennen (+ Übelkeit/< während Schwangerschaft)

Übel [morgens (< Aufstehen/erwachend)/vormittags - 11 h/anhaltend/< Bewegung/> Essen/> essend/< nach Essen/> nach Frühstück/< Hochräuspern von Schleim/

< wenn nüchtern/während Schwangerschaft/Seekrankheit]


Völlegefühl < nach Essen

Würgen (< nach Essen)

Erbricht (heftig + reichlichem Speichelfluss/< während Schwangerschaft/Art des Erbrochenen: ziehend/sauer/Wasser

Bauch: Beschwerden erstr. nach oben

Entzündet - Gastroenteritis


Schmerz [abwärts drängend, zerrend/in Hypogastrium (< während Menses/“Wie durch Menses“/wenn Harndrang nicht nachgekommen wird)/in Leistengegend l.

(wenn Harndrang nicht nachgekommen wird)/in Nabelgegend/seitlich erstr. Samenstränge (stechend)]

Rektum: Blutung aus dem Anus

Durchfall (chronisch/während Schwangerschaft)

Exkoriation, Wundheit



Schmerz (Tenesmus/wund schmerzend)

Stuhldrang plötzlich

Stuhl: Breiig, weich/mit Flatus/riecht sauer/geruchlos/gewaltsam, plötzlich, in einem Schwall/grün/hart/scharf, wund fressend/schwarz/teigig, breiig/dünn, flüssig/

gelb - grünlich/wässrig/weich

Nieren: Schmerz (in Nierengegend)

Blase: Schmerz [wenn Harndrang nicht nachgekommen wird/wund schmerzend (in Blasenhals/drückend)/Harndrang häufig/Wasser lassen häufig (tagsüber und nachts)]


Urin: blass/dunkel/gelb/zitronengelb/rot/braunrot/weiß (morgens)

Ein Häutchen bildet sich auf der Oberfläche

Reichlich (mehr als getrunken hat)

Sediment - rot


Enthält Zucker

Männliche Genitalien: Erektionen - morgens/mit erotischen Träumen

rote Flecken auf Skrotum

Jucken auf Skrotum

Pollutionen (nachts mehrere)

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor (gelb)

Jucken (< während Menses)

Menses - nachts - 23 h - Einsetzen des Ausflusses/blass/dunkel/geronnen/2 Tage zu früh/alle 2 Wochen/intermittierend/reichlich/spärlich/zu spät (17 Tage)

Schmerz in Ovarien [r./< schnell gehend/Wehtun)

(Beschwerden während) Schwangerschaft

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Kehlkopf empfindlich gegen kalte Luft


Laryngismus stridulus (< im Schlaf)

Kehlkopf gereizt/verschleimt/trocken

Schmerz in Kehlkopf (brennend/reißend/„Wie roh“)

Stimme - flüsternd/heiser, Heiserkeit (schmerzhaft)/höher/krächzend/quiekend, piepsig/tief/verloren

Ulzeration der Stimmbänder - tuberkulös

Atmung: Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen + Schwindel/+ Übelkeit

< Erregung/bei Herzklopfen



Rauh - sägend/seufzend

Husten: Nachts (22 - 6 h)


Aufstoßen erregt Husten


Hustenreiz im Kehlkopf

< Frühling (und Herbst)/< im Herbst

Husten < kalte Luft

Krampfhaft, spasmodisch (< Rauchen (von Tabak)

< Rauchen (von Tabak)


Auswurf: Morgens (6 - 9 h)

Gelb/schmeckt salzig/gräulich/schleimig/zäh

Brust: Empfindungslose Brustwarzen

Entzündete Mammae

Hautausschläge - Ekzem unter Mammae

Hühnerbrust, Pectus carinatum

Zusammenschnürung im Herzen (> Brust nach vorne Beugen)/Beklemmung (mit erschwerter Atmung/in Brustbein nach dem Essen)

Kleine Mammae

Liegen mit Armen dicht an der Brust

Schmerz viele

Schweiß in Achselhöhlen

Geschwollene Achseldrüsen + Schmerz in Mammae/Geschwollen Mammae [vor Menses/stillend/Brustwarzen (vor Menses)]

Tb. im engeren Sinne

Zittern innerlich

Beschwerden der Achseldrüsen/Beschwerden der Mammae (erstr. Kopf)

Rücken: Hautausschläge - Urtikaria


Schmerz [während Frost/< Gehen/Wehtun/in Schulterblätter rheumatisch/unter l. Schulterblatt (stechend)/in Lumbalregion (morgens/Wehtun/vormittags - 11 h/nachts

(< im Bett/Wehtun/Bücken/stechend/< während Menses/erstr. Schultern)/Wirbelsäule (Wehtun/am Gehirnbasis erstr. Steißbein (Wehtun)/in Zervikalregion < Bücken]

Schweiß < Gehen

Glieder: Ameisenlaufen in Hände (abends)/in Unterschenkel (abends)

Entzündete Ellbogen/Gelenke (nachts/chronisch)/Knie

Arme - rote Flecken/Hüfte rot (Flecken)/rote Knie/rote Knöchel

Ober-/Unterschenkel mit entzündeten Flecken


Hautausschläge mehrere

Hitze [in Hände (abends)/Handgelenke]


Kälte - Füße/Hände (r. mit Wärme der l. Hand)/Ober-/Unterschenkel

Krämpfe in Waden [morgens < Aufstehen/morgens < im Bett]

Ruhelose Arme

Schmerz <(<(<( viele )>)>)>

Schwäche - Knie (< Heruntergehen von Treppen/Oberschenkel

Schwankender Gang

Schweiß [Füße (nachmittags/reichlich)/Hände (mittags bis abends täglich)]

Geschwollen Ellbogen/(Finger/Hand)Gelenke/Zeigefinger/morgens/Knie/Schultern

Steife Ellbogen/Finger/Gelenke/Knie

Zittern (mit allgemeiner Schwäche)

Fieber: Nachmittags (13 - 18 h) - 13 h - 13 - 16 h [mit KopfSCHMERZ]/abends (18 - 22 h) - 18 h

Frost: Mittags (12 - 13 h)

Frösteln (mittags/während Kopfschmerz)

Schlaf: Ruhelos

Schlaflos (durch Schmerz im Rücken/wegen Schwindel)/schläfrig (und stumpf)

Träume: Abgrund/erotisch (mit Erektionen)/Koitus/Erektionen ohne Ejakulation/Viele

Komplementär: Bry. Psor.

Schweiß: im Allgemeinen/riecht sauer/kalt/reichlich/scharf

Haut: Hautausschläge (Erythem)

Jucken < kalte Luft

Wundliegen bei Kindern

Allgemeines: r./l./7 h/9 h/13 h/morgens/nachmittags (13 - 18 h) - 17 h



< Aufstehen/< Bewegung/> Aufstoßen

Brüchige Knochen

Diabetes insipidus/Diabetes mellitus (+ Gicht/+ Heißhunger/+ rheumatischem Schmerz/+ flauem Gefühl im Magen/hepatische Form)

Entzündete Gelenke (rheumatoide Arthritis)/entzündet Knochen/entzündete serösen Häute

> essend/> nach Essen/< wenn nüchtern/> im Freien

„Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen/Lebenswärmemangel/Hitze in erkrankte Teile l.

< Wärme/< warme Luft/< bewölktes Wetter/< frostiges Wetter/< nasses Wetter/> Wind

Hypotonus (einschließlich arterieller Hypotonie)

< Kälte/< kalte Luft

Beschwerden i.B. Laktation

Matt (erwachend)/Ohnmacht

Schleimhautdick, schleimig/gelb

Schmerz [beißend/rheumatisch/stechend/äußerlich (brennend)/innerlich (brennend)/Gelenke (stechend)]

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Gewürze, Würzmittel/Milch/Muttermilch/saure Speisen, Säuren/Süßigkeiten/warme Getränke/warme Speisen;

Verlangt: Alkohol/Brausegetränk/Buttermilch/Fisch/Getränke/Milch/Haferbrei, Haferschleim/Salz/saure Speisen, Säuren/Süßigkeiten;

Müde (morgens). <: Essig/Kaffee/Milch/Obst/saure Speisen, Säuren/Süßigkeiten; >: Süßigkeiten;

< Einatmen von Rauch

Schwäche [morgens (< Aufstehen)/bei Diabetes mellitus/erwachend]

Geschwollene Gelenke/geschwollen Knochen

empfindlich gegen Tabaksrauch/< Tabak

Tumoren - Atherom

Zittern äußerlich (< Gehen)

Beschwerden der serösen Häute


Gut gefolgt von: Tub. (wenn Lac-ac. versagt).


Vergleich: Enthalten in Lacs + Lentinus edodes + Miel + Sol-t; Lac-c. Sycotic-co.

Geuze/Lambic (belgisch) enthält Aethyl + Lac-ac. + Hord-vg. + Trit-vg.

Sacch-l. (wird gespalten in Lac-ac + But-ac).

Culx. (angezogen von moisture/Lac-ac./Carb-diox./body heat/movement). Spiru (verwertet Kohlendioxid).

Lactit = E 966/hergestellt aus Milch/= Zuckeraustauschstoff.

Nisin = E 234/= Protein/erzeugt durch Milchsäurebakterien/= Konservierungsmittel.

Spenglersan: Lactococcus comp.-Om zur Behandlung von Lebensmittelallergien, vor allem Milcheiweissallergie. Ausserdem wird es zur Mesenchymentgiftung eingesetzt.

SymbioLact® (erzeugt Milchsäurebakterien).

Siehe: Acidums + Bovisgruppe + Lacticums allgemein + Anhang (Roger Morrison)

Lac-ac (Muscle contractions of all kinds) Sol Rhus-t (movements/retractions)


Ip (Übel) + Nat-m (verschlossen/enttäuscht) + Arg-met (sensitiv) = Lac-ac.

Lacticum acidumgruppe

Lac-ac. = Puls-ähnlich + unstabiler Zuckerhaushalt/= Ip. + Speichelfluss/ = Nat-m. - ängstlich/empfindlich/= Arg-metx + eiternde/entzündete Halsdrüsen

Malus-c.. enthält Lac-ac

Nat-p. Exzess Lac-ac./setzt Lac-ac um

Puls. = Phos - Großzügigkeit/= Ign - intensiv/= Calc - pragmatisch + emotionell/= Adon + Unterleibbeschwerden ;

Sarcol-ac. = rechtsdrehender Lac-ac/= Ars-ähnlich + MÜDE

Syc. produziert Lac-ac

Wasserkefir (= Tibicos/= Japanese water crystals./= California Bees./ = einen Kultur aus Bakterien (Lactobacillus/Strept u.a.) + Hefe. (Saccharomyces/Candida. u.a.)/produzieren Lac-ac. u.a.

Symbiosegruppe Fermentation/Gärung.)

Unverträglich: Coff.                         Kaffee/ Beschwerden, Reife Persönlichkeit

Antidotiert: Apis. Art-v. Arum-t. Podo. Psor.

Antidotiert von: Ars. Bry.                                     Nat-p (zu viel Lac-ac)

Allerlei: entsteht in Verdauungstrakt, Lactobacillae stellen Lac-ac aus Kohlenhydraten her (tierischer/pflanzlicher Nahrung), sie kommen vor in Mund/Vagina/Gedärm,

Schock verursacht Anhäufung von Lac-ac. in Zellen + lässt die Zellen absterben, Lac-ac. kontrolliert Pilzbefall im Körper,

Laktosegehalt von Lebensmitteln (in 100 Gramm Lebensmittel):

Konsummilch (Frischmilch, H-Milch)            4,8 - 5,0

Joghurt                                                            3,7 - 5,6

Kefir                                                                        3,5 - 6,0

Buttermilch                                                            3,5 - 4,0

Sahne                                                                        2,8 - 3,6

Crème fraîche                                                            2,0 - 3,6

Butter                                                                        0,6 - 1,7

Eiscreme (Milch/Frucht/Joghurt)                        5,1 - 6,9

Sahneeis                                                            1,9

Magerquark                                                            4,1

Schmelzkäse                                                            2,8 - 3,6

Hart-, Schnitt- und Weichkäse            praktisch laktosefrei

Wirkung: lithämisch/choleirisch/rheumatisch     l.seitig

Lactic Acid Bacteria and its Antimicrobial Properties: A ReviewP. Saranraj1*, M.A. Naidu2 and P. Sivasakthivelan Department of Microbiology, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India21.

INTRODUCTION Lactic acid bacteria have been used for thousands of   years   in   food   and   alcoholic   fermentations.   Lactic  acid  bacteria  produce  various  compounds  such    as    organic    acids,    diacetyl,    hydrogen    peroxide,  and  bacteriocin  or  bactericidal  proteins  during lactic fermentations. The bacteriocins from the    lactic    acid    bacterial    isolates    generally    recognized  as  safe  (GRAS)  lactic  acid  bacteria  (LAB)  have  arisen  a  great  deal  of  attention  as  a  novel   approach   to   control   pathogens   in   food-stuffs. Bacteriocins are antimicrobial proteinaceous   compounds   that   are   inhibitory   towards sensitive strains and are produced by both Gram-positive and  Gram  negative  bacteria.  The  antimicrobial  effect  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  has  been  appreciated  by  man  for  more  than  10000  years and has enabled him to extend the shelf life of many foods through fermentation processesDepartment of Pharmaceutics, Mandsaur Institute of Pharmacy, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaReceived 12 Aug 2013; Revised 17 Nov 2013; Accepted 02 Dec 2013ABSTRACTFermented food products being rich source of nutrients for human, can also serve as a good medium for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms. The most lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inhibit pathogenic, non-pathogenic  and  spoilage  organism  in  fermenting  foods  and  beverages.  Bioactive  compounds  from  plant  by-products  act  as  good  preservatives.  Antioxidants  poly  phenolic  fraction  from  plant  by-product are  possible  alternatives  to  synthetic  antimicrobial  agent  can  be  easily  degraded  by  living  organisms.  They  are  based  on  renewable  raw  materials  (Protein,  oils)  and  constitute  eco-friendly  alternatives  to  synthetic  antimicrobial  surfactants.  Some  of  the  microbes  are  best  sources  of  bio-active  compounds  as  they synthesize as secondary metabolites for their self defense against other competitive microorganisms.Lactic acid bacteria have been used successfully in all fermented food products. The literature shows that the  “Microbial  fermentation  and  production  of  fermented  food  products”  are  briefly  reviewed in  this paper.   Key words:Lactic acid bacteria, Fermentation, Bacteriocins and Antimicrobial activity. [1]Lactic   acid   bacteria   have   been   used   in   food   fermentations  for  more  than  4000  years.  It  is  important  to  acknowledge  that  the  widespread  term “Lactic acid bacteria” have no official status in   taxonomy   and   is   only   a   general   term   of   convenience   used   to   describe   the   group   of   functionally    and    genetically    related    bacteria.    Lactic  acid  bacteria  consist  of  bacterial  genera  within   the   Firmicutes comprised   of   about   20   genera.  The  main  members  of  the  Lactic  acid  bacteria  are  genera  Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Carnobacterium, Aerococcus, Enterococcus, Oenococcus, Tetragenococcus, Vagococcus and Weisella. Lactobacillus is the largest genus of this group,  comprising  around  80  recognized  species.  Lactic acid bacteria have a long history of use in a variety  of  cereal  fermentations,  especially  in  the  manufacture  of  baked  goods.  It  has  been  reported  that  around  50  different  species  of  Lactic  acid  bacteria   have   been   isolated   from   sourdough. Lactobacillus strains   are   the   most   frequently   observed  bacteria  in  this  matrix,  but  the  species  belonging  to  the  genera  Leuconostoc, Weissella, Pediococcus, Lactococcus or Enterococcus  have been isolated as well . [2, 3]The  ability  of  the  Lactic  acid  bacteria  to  prevent  and  cure  a  variety  of  diseases  has  lead  to  the  coining  of  the  term  probiotics  or  pro-life.  The  most  important  role  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  is  its  protective role against infections and colonization

P. Saranrajet al ./ Lactic Acid Bacteria and its Antimicrobial properties: A Review1125© 2010, IJPBA. All Rights Reserved.  of  pathogenic  microorganisms  in  the  digestive  track.  In  most  of  the  cases  inoculums  passively  transits  the  gastrointestinal  track.  The  probiotics  can   influence   the   unspecific   immunity,   which   consists  of  T-  lymphocytes  and  B-lymphocytes. The  increase  in  the  specific  immune  response  corresponds   with   the   activity   of   B   and T-lymphocytes,   which   leads   to   an   increase   of   interleukin  and  the  level  of  circulating  antibodies[2]A   major   development   in   the   distribution   and   storage of food came in 1940 with the availability of  low  cost  home  refrigerator  and  freezers.  Other  development    includes    the    artificial;    drying,    vacuum   packing,   ionizing   radiation,   chemical   preservation    etc.    nowadays    consumers    are    concerned  about  the  synthetic  chemicals  used  as  preservative  in  food.  Moreover  the  side  effects  like   cancer,   cardiovascular   diseases   and   aging   pore   a   major   threat   to   consumers.   Despites,   improved manufacturing facilities and implementations   of   effective   process   control   procedures  such  as  HACCP  (Hazards  Analysis  and  Critical  Control  Point)  in  the  food  industries,  these number of food borne illness is in increased trend.  Modern  day  consumers  are  more  favorable  to  preservatives  of  natural  origin  than  that  of  chemical origin . [3]Members  of  these  genera  Lactobacillus  plays  an  essential role in the fermentation of food and feed. The  most  important  characteristics  of  the  lactic  acid  bacteria  are  their  ability  to  ferment  sugars  to  lactic acid. This may desirable in making products and   these   organisms   have   been   isolated   and   screened  by  using  fermented  foods  such  as  curd,  buttermilk,     cheese     and     yoghurt.     Different     antimicrobials  such  as  lactic  acid,  acetic  acid,  hydrogen       peroxide,       carbon-di-oxide       and       bacteriocins produced by these bacteria can inhibit pathogenic      and      spoilage      microorganisms      extending  the  shelf-life  and  enhancing  the  safety  of food products.There    are    many    potential    applications    of    protective cultures in various food systems. These organisms  have  been  isolated  from  grains,  dairy  and  meat  products,  fermenting  vegetables  and  the  mucosal   surface   of   animals.   The   lactic   acid   bacteria  not  only  have  their  effect  on  food  and  flavor  but  they  are  also  known  to  produce  and  excrete  compounds  with  antimicrobial  activity,  such  as  bacteriocins.  Bacteriocins  of  LAB  are  considered    as    safe    natural    preservatives    or    biopreservatives  as  it  is  assumed  that  they  are  degraded by the proteases in gastrointestinal tract.  Bacteriocins are generally defined as extracellular released    peptide    or    protein    that    shows    a    bactericidal activity against more distantly related species.    The    inhibitory    spectrum    of    some    bacteriocins  also  include  food  spoilage  and  for  food    borne    pathogenic    microorganisms.    The    discovery  of  nisin,  the  first  bacteriocin  used  on  a  commercial  scale  as  a  food  preservative  dates  back of to the first half of last century but research on bacteriocin of lactic acid bacteria has expanded in   the   last   two   decades,   searching   for   novel   bacteriocin producing strains from dairy, meat and plant  products,  as  well  as  traditional  fermented  products.   Among   the   Gram   positive   bacteria,   bacteriocins produced by many lactic acid bacteria used  in  food  fermentation  and  dairy  products,  including   strains   in   the   genera   Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc.  2. LACTIC ACID BACTERIA  Lactic   acid   bacteria   were   first   discovered   by   Scheele . The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) comprise a clade of Gram   positive,   acid   tolerant,   non-sporulation, non-respiring  rod  or  cocci  that  are  associated  by  their    common    metabolic    and    physiological    characteristics. These bacteria are usually found in decomposing  plants  and  lactic  products,  produce  lactic  acid  as  the  major  metabolic  end  product  of  carbohydrate     fermentation.     This     trait     has     historically linked LAB with food fermentation as acidification   inhibits   the   growth   of   spoilage   agents.  The  LAB  group  comprises  the  genera  Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Lactococus, Leuconostoc,   Pediococcus,   Aerococcus,   Alloicoccus,      Dolosigranulum,      Enterococcus,      Globicatella,  Lactospaera,  Oenococcus,  Carnobacterium,  Tetragenococcus,  Vagoccus  andWeissella.  Historically,  the  genera  Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus    and Streptococcusform the core of the LAB group. [4]  from  sour  milk.  Pasteur  discovered  in  1857,  that  the  souring  of  milk  was  caused  by  the  microorganisms.  Lactic  acid  was  first  produced  commercially     by     M/s     Clinton     processing     company,  USA.  Lactic  acid  bacteria  have  been  widely   used   for   the   fermentation   of   many   fermented   product   such   as   cheese,   sourdough,   buttermilk,    brined    vegetables,    yoghurt    and    sauerkraut [5]Lactic  acid  bacteria  are  widespread  in  nature  and  predominant  microflora  of  milk  and  its  products.  Lactic  acid  bacteria  are  one  of  the  important  groups of microorganisms in food fermentation. A wide variety of strains are routinely used as starter cultures  to  manufacture  dairy  products  such  as  . IJPBA, Nov-Dec, 2013, Vol. 4, Issue, 6

curd,   cheese,   whey   and   yoghurt   [6,   7].   These   bacteria  produce  organic  acid  hydrogen  peroxide  and  several  enzymes  during  fermentation  [8-10]. These compounds not only contribute to desirable effect  on  food  flavor  and  texture,  but  also  inhibit  undesirable  microflora  and  extending  shelf  life  of  products [11].  Growth  of  spoilage  and  pathogenic  bacteria in the fermented foods were inhibited due to  the  production  of  antimicrobial  substances  by  lactic   acid   bacteria   as   their   competition   for   nutrients [12]The   homofermentative   rod   shaped   lactic   acid   bacteria  with  optimum  temperature  around  40°C  (104°F)  as  thermobacterium,  where  as  those  with  optimum   temperature   near   30°C   (86°F)   were   Streptobacteria. 3.   FERMENTATION   BY   LACTIC   ACID   BACTERIA – HOMOFERMENTATION   &   HETEROFEREMNTATION[13].   Homofermentative   bacteria   such  as  Lactococcus  and Streptococcus  yield  two  lactates   from   one   glucose   molecule   where   as   heterofermentative  (Leuconostoc  and Wiessella) transform a glucose molecule into lactate, ethanol and carbondioxide [14].  Toshinobs[15]   reported   that   homofermentative   they  produced  appreciable  amounts  of  volatile  products  including  alcohol,  in  addition  to  lactic  acid.  The  homofermentative  Lactobacillus  with optimal  temperature  of  35°C  or  above  include  Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helviticus, Lactobacillus  delbrueckii,  Lactobacillus  acidophilus,    Lactobacillus    thermophilusand Lactobacillusfermentum    is    the    chief    of    a    heterofermented Lactobacillus   growing   well   at   high temperature.4.  TAXONOMICAL  CLASSIFICATION  OF  LACTIC ACID BACTERIA Lactic   acid   bacteria   consist   of   a   number   of   bacterial genera within the phylum fumicutes. The genera Enterococcus,  Lactobacillus,  Lactococcus,  Lactosphera, Leuconostoc, Milissococcus, Oenococcus, Pediococcus, Streptococcus, Tetragenococcus,  Vagococcus  and Weissella  are recognized  as  lactic  acid  bacteria  [16].  Lactic  acid  bacteria  is  a  non  sporulating,  catalase  negative  dvoid of cytochromes, but aerotolerent, fastidious, acid   tolerant   and   ferment   carbohydrates   into   energy and lactic acid depending on the organism, metabolic  pathways  differ  when  glucose  is  the  main carbon source[17]The   characteristics   of   Lactobacillus   are   rods,   usually  long  and  slender,  that  forms  chains  in  most  species.  They  are  microaerophilic,  but  some  are  strict  anaerobe  is  knowing,  catalase-negative and  Gram  positive,  and  they  ferments  sugars  to  yield   lactic   acid   as   the   main   product.   They   ferment  sugars  chiefly  to  lactic  acid  if  they  are  homofermentative,  with  small  amount  of  acetic  acid,  carbon-di-oxide  and  trace  products,  if  they  are  heterofermentative,  they  produce  appreciable  amounts of volatile products, including alcohol, in addition  to  lactic  acid.  Most  species  of  this  non  spore   forming   bacterium   ferment   glucose   into   lactate  hence  the  name  Lactobacillus  is  industrial  production   of   fermented   food   production   of   fermented food products . 5.    GENERAL    POSITION    OF    SPECIFIC    LACTIC ACID BACTERIA 5.1. Lactobacillus[18]. 5.2. StreptococcusThe  characteristics  of  cocci  occur  in  pairs,  short  chains   or   in   long   chain,   depending   upon   the   species  and  the  conditions  of  growth  and  all  are  homofermentative. Streptococcus   lactic   grows   well  in  milk  and  ferment  the  lactose  to  0.8  to  1.0  percent  acid  of  which  L(+)  lactic  acid  constitutes  nearly  all  of  the  acid  formed,  although  traces  of  acetic   and   propionic   acid   may   be   present.   Optimum  temperature  of  30°C  and  a  temperature  range of 10°C to 40°C were required [19]. 5.3. PediococcusThe  characteristics  of  cocci  occur  in  single,  in  pairs or in short chains or in tetrads and are Gram positive,  catalase -  negative  and  microaerophilic.  They  are  homofermentative,  fermenting  sugars  to  yield  0.5  to  0.9  percent  acid,  mostly  lactic  and  they   grow   fairly   well   in   salt   brines   upto   5.5   percent  and  poorly  in  concentrations  of  salt  upto  about  ten  percent.  They  grow  in  the  temperature  45°C but the best in 32°C. Pediococcus have been found  growing,  during  the  fermentation  of  brined  vegetables [20]Lactic  acid  bacteria  was  first  isolated  from  milk  . 6.     OCCURRENCE     OF     LACTIC     ACID     BACTERIA IN NATURE[21-24]  had  isolated  lactic  acid  bacteria  from  curd  which  were  tested  for  inhibitory  activity  against  psychrophilic   pathogens   via, Escherichia   coli,   Staphylococcus  aureus,  Lactobacillus  plantarumhad   been   isolated   from   various   habitats   via., cheese  and  milk[25,  26].   Wild  lactic  acid  bacteria strains  were  isolated  from  Egyptian  raw  milk  and  were  screened  based  on  their  yield  of  biomass  production  during  fermentation  process[27].  Eight  stains  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  were  isolated  from  brukino   faso   fermented   milk   sample   [28]IJPBA, Nov-Dec, 2013, Vol. 4, Issue, 6.   The   isolated Lactobacillusplantarum strain from boza,

P. Saranrajet al ./ Lactic Acid Bacteria and its Antimicrobial properties: A Review1127© 2010, IJPBA. All Rights Reserved.  a  traditional  drink  produced  by  fermentation  of  different cereals with yeast and lactic acid bacteria [29].   Salim   Ammor   et   al. [30]Tag et  al.    reported   the   occurrence     of     lactic     acid     bacteria     (36     Lactobacillus  sake,  22  Enterococcusfaecium,  16  Lactobacillusgraviae,  11  Vagococcuscaniphilusand 2 Enterococus sp.).  7.    ANTIMICROBIAL    PROPERTIES    OF    LACTIC ACID BACTERIA [31]  reported  that  the  difference  in  the  spectrum       of       inhibition       of       pathogenic       microorganism     by     the     cell     free     culture     supernatants of the Lactobacillus isolates might be due   to   the   activity   of   particular   antibacterial   substance  synthesized  by  the  organism  and  partly due to the presence of appropriate receptor sites in the  cell  wall  of  the  susceptible  organisms.  The Lactobacillus culture filtrates showed an increased trend  in  inhibition  of  all  the  test  organisms,  from  24  to  72  hours  of  incubation.  The  antimicrobial activity  of  all  the  Lactobacillus  was  found  to  decrease   significantly   at   96   hours   incubation   against  the  test  organism  Staphylococcusaureus[32, 33]. The most bacteriocins produced by LAB appear to have  relatively  narrow  inhibitory  spectrum.  Some  bacteriocins  such  as  nisin  and  pediocin  are  active  against   a   wide   range   of   bacterial   spectra.   In   general, bacteriocins are sub-divided into 3 classes based  on  their  mode  of  action  and  their  structure.  Class  I  bacteriocins  including  lanthionine  as  such  in nisin, class II bacteriocins of small, heat-stable, non-lanthionine  containing  peptides  and  Class  III  bacteriocins  of  relatively  large  molecular  weight  and heat stability was suggested [34]. The  antimicrobial  effect  by  lactic  acid  bacteria  was the production of lactic acid and reduction of pH.  In  addition  of  lactic  acid  produced,  various  antimicrobial  compounds  which  can  be  classified  as  low  molecular  mass  (LMM)  compounds  such  as  hydrogen  peroxide,  carbon-di-oxide,  di-acety (2,3-butanoide),  uncharacterized  compounds  like  bacteriocins  are  produced  by  lactic  acid  bacteria was   reported   [35]. Gilliland   and   Walker   [36]Blazeka  Suskovic  and  Matosic  reported  the  factors  that  have  to  be  considered  when    selecting    a    culture    of    Lactobacillus acidophilus  as  a  probiotic  several  criteria  include  biosafety aspects,  the  methods  of  administering  the  probiotic,  the  location  in  the  body  where  the  microorganisms  of  the  probiotic  product  must  be  active,  survival  and  colonization  in  the  host  and  the tolerance for bile.[37]  reported  that nine  strains  lactic  acid  bacteria  are  commonly  used  as  started  cultures  for  the  dairy  industry  and  ensiling six Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus   casei,   Lactobacillus   acidophilus,   Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcusfaecium  had  antimicrobial  activity.  The   most   sensitive   strains   are   Staphylococcusaureus  was  used  as  a  target  microorganism.  The  cultures      of      Streptococcus      faeciumand Lactobacillus  plantarum  gave  the  most  intense  antimicrobial  activity  by  adding  CaCO3  to  the  medium    (to    bind    accumulated    lactic    acid)    increased  the  antibiotic  activity  of  the  lactic  acid  bacteria.Biswas et    al. [38]    proved    that    Lactococcin    produced    by    Lactococcuslactis    reached    a    maximum  activity  at  early  stationary  phase.  The  highest  production  was  obtained  in  MRS  broth  at  6.5-7.0  initial  pH  values,  30°C  temperature  and  18-24  hours  incubation  time. Mortvedt et  al. [39]demonstrated   the   purification   and   amino   acid   sequence of lactocin S, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sake L45. It has been purified by ion exchange,  hydrophobic  interaction,  reverse  phase  chromatography   and   gel   filtration.   Lactocin   S   contained  approximately  33  amino  acid  residues,  of  which  about  50%  were  non  polar  amino  acids  alanine, valine and leucine. Bacteriocin producers  have  attracted  considerable  interest  in  recent  years  and  several  works  have  focused  on  the  isolation  and  development  of  new  strains   of   bacteriocin-producing   bacteria.   The   detection   rate   of   bacteriocin   producing   strains   from  LAB  isolates  can  be  as  low  as  0.2%  and  therefore  needs  a  large  number  of  isolates  from  food  sources[40].  Chauviere et  al. [41]Marie Helene  Cocoonier  et  al.   studied  the  antibacterial    effect    of    the    adhering    human    Lactobacillusacidophilus    strain.    The    strain    produces  an  antibacterial  activity  against  a  wide  range   of   Gram   negative   and   Gram   positive   pathogens.    In    contrast,    it    did    not    inhibit    Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. [42]  observed  the  antimicrobial    effect    of    the    adhering    human    Lactobacillusacidophilus  strain  against  a  wide  range   of   Gram   negative   and   Gram   positive   pathogen  like  Staphylococcusaureus, Salmonellatyphimurium, Shigellaflexneri, Escherichiacoli, Klebsiellapneumoniae, Bacilluscereus, Pseudomonasaeruginosa. Farida Khalid et al. [43]IJPBA, Nov-Dec, 2013, Vol. 4, Issue, 6isolated   a   new   bacteriocin,   lactocin   LC-90, isolated  from  a  clinical  sample  was  inhibitory  against  many  species  of  Lactobacilli  and  other

Gram   positive   bacteria.   The   bacteriocin   was   inactivated  by  protease  treatment.  Curing  of  LC-90 with acridine orange, ethidium bromide and by elevated temperature resulted in mutants defective in bacteriocin production. Rongguang Yang and Yanling [44]Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of catalase negative,   Gram   positive   bacteria   which   have   played  a  very  important  role  in  fermentation  of  food.     They     often     produce     a     variety     of     antimicrobial compounds including lactic acid and acetic  acids,  alcohol,  aldehyde  and  bacteriocins.  Among  them,  bacteriocins  have  attracted  a  great  interest in food industry due to their potentiality in food preservation  reported the cell growth  of  Lactobacillusacidophilus  was  higher  than Pediococcusacidilacticiin   dairy   based   media   and   the   low   level   of   multiplication   of   Pediococcusacidilacticiwas  due  to  inability  or  poor   ability   to   utilize   lactose.   Lactobacillusacidophilus    is    lactose    fermenters.    Maximum    production  of  bacteriocin  was  observed  after  8  hours    of    incubation    for    both    Lactobacillusacidophilusand Pediococcusacidilactici, Lactobacillusacidophilusshowed    maximum    bacteriocin     activity     than     the     Pediococcusacidilactici. [45].  Elilzete  de  Raque  et  al. [46]performed    the    isolation,    identification    and    physiological  study  of  Lactobacillus  ferment  for  use  as  probiotic  in chickens.  Selection  of  strains  included  various  criteria  such  as  agreement  with  bio  safety,  viability  during  storage,  tolerance  to  low   pH/gastric   juice,   bile   and   antimicrobial   activity.  Cleveland et  al. [47]  discovered  nisin,  the  first  bacteriocin  used  on  a  commercial  scale  as  a  food  preservative.  Research  on  bacteriocins  of  LAB   has   expanded   in   the   last   two   decades,   searching  for  novel  bacteriocin  producing  strains  from  dairy,  meat  and  plant  products  as  well  as  traditional fermented products.Many  bacteriocins  of  LAB  are  safe  and  effective  natural inhibitors of pathogenic and food spoilage bacteria.   Nisin   is   the   classical   example   of   a   commercially    successful,    naturally    produced    inhibitory  agent  [48].   Adesogan et  al. [49]  studied the effect of Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus fermentum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides inoculants or   a   chemical   additive   on   the   fermentation,   aerobic  stability  and  nutritive  value  of  crimped  wheat  grains.  The  ability  of  the  inoculants  was  compared  and  in  conclusion,  bacterial  inoculants containing Lactobacillusbuchneri  are  promising  preservatives for crimped wheat grains.Yukio   Yamamoto   et   al. [50]   demonstrated   the   purification      of      bacteriocin      produced      by      Enterococcusfaecalis.     LAB     Enterococcusfaecalis  isolated  from  rice  bran  exhibited  a  wide  spectrum  of  growth  inhibition  in  various  Gram  positive   bacteria.   A   bacteriocin   purified   from   culture fluid was heat stable and was not sensitive to  acid  and  alkali,  but  it  was  sensitive  to  several  proteolytic  enzymes.  Girum  Tadesse  et  al. [51]Lactobacilli   isolates   were   separately   grown   in   MRS and LAPTg (Lactose propyl thiogalactosidase)  broth  and  their  antimicrobial  activity  was  tested  against  the  test  strains  using  the  well  diffusion  method.  All  isolated,  except  Escherichiacoli  showed  additional  3  to  4  mm  of  inhibition  zone.  This  was  <3  mm  for  Escherichiacoli. Lactobacillus  isolates  were  the  inhibitor  to  the    test    strains    followed    by    Pediococcus, Streptococcus  and Leuconostoc. Eshcerichiacoliwas the least sensitive in all cases.Nowroozi et al. [52]   reported   that   lactic   acid   bacteria  isolated  from  sausage  had  antibacterial  activity  and  it  was  done  by  an  agar  spot,  well  diffusion and blank disc method. The antibacterial activity was stable at 100°C for 10 minutes and at 56°C  for  30  minutes  but  actively  was  lost  after  autoclaving.     The     maximum     production     of     plantaricin  was  obtained  at  25  -  30°C  at  pH  6.5.Anne    Vaughan    et    al. [53]    investigated    the    antimicrobial  efficacy  of  a  bacteriocin  for  the  development   of   microbiologically   stable   beer.   Lactococcuslactis   was   shown   to   produce   the   antimicrobial    activity    during    growth    under    specific     conditions.     The     capacity     of     the     bacteriocin   to   prevent   microbial   spoilage   of   bacteriocin   containing   beer   at   30°C   or   room   temperature resulted in antimicrobial activity. Aly  Savadogo  et  al. [54]Eva   Rodriguez   et   al.   isolated  eighty  strains  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  producing  bacteriocin  were  isolated   from   Burkina   Faso   fermented   milk   samples.  These  strains  were  identified  to  species  Lactobacillus     fermentum,     Pediococcus     sp., Leuconostoc    mesenteroides and    Lactococcus.Isolated bacteriocin exhibited antibacterial activity against Enterococcusfaecalis, Bacillus   cereus, Staphylococcusaureus,   and   Escherichia   coliusing  the  agar  drop  diffusion  test.  The  inhibition  diameters obtained with bacteriocin are between 8 mm  and  12  mm.  Gram  positive  indicator  bacteria  were most inhibited.[55]IJPBA, Nov-Dec, 2013, Vol. 4, Issue, 6   demonstrated   the   combined  effect  of  high  pressure  treatments  and  bacteriocin   producing   lactic   acid   bacteria   on   inactivation   of   Escherichiacoli   in   raw   milk

cheese,  pasteurization  and  addition  of  bacteriocin  such   as   nisin,   enterocin   produced   by   LAB   completely       inactivated       Escherichiacoli. Strompfova et   al. [56]Dickson et  al.    studied   the   effect   of   probiotic    strain    Lactobacillusfermentum    on Japanese  quail.  The  results  demonstrated  that  the  4   day   application   of   this   strain   significantly   increased  the  population  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  like Lactobacilli  and Enterococci  and  decreased  the counts of Escherichiacoli in faeces. The index of    phagocytic    activity    of    leucocytes    was    significantly improved.[57]  developed  a  species    specific PCR     assay     for     identifying     Lactobacillusfermentum.       PCR       primers       specific       for       Lactobacillus   were   identified   by   alignment   of   bacterial   16S   rRNA   genes   and   selection   of   sequences specific for Lactobacillusfermentum at their 3 ́ ends. This PCR assay provides a more rapid,    specific    and    sensitive    alternative    to    conventional culture methods for the identification of Lactobacillus  fermentum.Padmanabha  Reddy  et  al. [58]  selected  the  Lactobacillusacidophiluscultures   based   on   their   antibacterial   activity   against Shigelladysenteriae, Escherichiacoli, Salmonellatyphi, Yersiniaenterocolitica   using agar well  assay  technique  for  determining  their  possible  use  as  dietary  adjutants  in  probiotics  dairy products.Ogunshe et    al. [59]Lue  De  Vuyst  and  Frederic  Leroy     isolated    50    bacteriocin    producing Lactobacillusstrains    from    some    Nigerian     indigenous     fermented     foods     and     beverages   and   characterized   as   Lactobacillusacidophilus, Lactobacilluscasei, Lactobacillusfermentum, Lactobacilluslactis and Lactobacillusplantarum   were   screened   for   these   inhibitory   potentials against food borne pathogenic from the same  or  similar  to  fermented  food  sources  and against  clinical  indicator  bacterial  isolates.  The  survival  rates  of  the  pathogenic  indicator  bacteria  in the fermented food sources were between 8 and 14  days  while  the  clinical  isolates  survived  in  simulated  fermented  food  samples  between  5  and  9 days.[60]  described the  production,  purification  and  food  applications  of   bacteriocins   from   lactic   acid   bacteria.   In   fermented   foods,   lactic   acid   bacteria   display   numerous   antimicrobial   activities   due   to   the   production  of  organic  acids  and  other  compounds  such as bacteriocins. Michael Baker Diop et al. [61]evaluated      that      bacteriocin      produced      by      Lactobacilluslactis   and Enterococcusfaeciumshow    antimicrobial    activity    against    Listeriamonocytogenes  and Bacilluscoagulans  whereas only  that  produced  by  Lactococcuslactis  has  an  activity    against    Bacilluscereus.    Bacteriocin    producing Lactococcuslactis  strains  were  found  in  variety  of  traditional  foods  indicating  a  high  potential   of   growth   of   this   strain   in   variable   ecological  complex  environment  and  has  been  selected for application in food preservation.Adetunji     and     Adegoke     [62]demonstrated bacteriocin and cellulose production by lactic acid bacteria  isolated  from  West  African  soft  cheese.  All the LAB used in this study produced cellulose. The correlation between cellulose productions and bacterial  growth  was  highly  significant  after  72  hours  of  incubation.  The  bacteriocin  produced  by  the  strains  could  be  good  for  biopreservation.Mechai   Adbelbasset   and   Kirane   Djamila [63]isolated twenty samples of traditional milk “Raib” were  collected  in  eastern  Algeria  from  individual  household. From 13 of these samples 52 strains of Lactic  acid  bacteria  were  isolated  and  shown  to  exhibit  inhibitory  activity  against  the  indicator  strain Listeriamonocytogenes. Adesokan et al. [64] isolated seven species of lactic acid    bacteria    (LAB)    namely    Lactobacillusfermentum, Lactobacilluscasei, Lactobacillusdelbureckii, Lactobacillusacidophilus, Lactobacillusplantarum, Lactobacillusbrevis and Leuconostocmesenteroides   were   isolated   from   ogi,  burukutu  and  retted  cassava.  The  isolates  were screened for quantitative production of lactic acid using normal MRS broth and modified MRS broth  under  varying  conditions  of  growth  such  as  temperature  and  pH  and  influence  of  carbon  and  nitrogen  sources.  It  was  observed  that  all  the  test  isolates  best  utilized  glucose  and  yeast  extract  at  concentrations  of  20g/lit  and  5g/lit  respectively  for  production  of  30°C  and  pH  5.5.  Lactobacillusplantarum  produced  the  highest  quantity  of  lactic  acid production. Rowaida Khalil et al. [65]1.Orberg   P.K   and   W.E.   Sandline.   1985.   Survey of antimicrobial resistance in lactic Streptococci. Applied      Environmental      Microbiology, 49: 538 - 542.  reported the  isolation  and  characterization  of  a  bacteriocin  produced by a newly isolated Bacillusmegaterium19  strains.  The  strain  isolated  from  a  fermented  vegetable   wastes   produced   a   bacteriocin   that   displayed  a  wide  spectrum  antimicrobial  activity  against    food    spoilage    microorganisms    and    possessed a bactericidal mode of action.

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