



Herstellungsverfahren             Siehe unten.

Kodierung                                    Siehe unten.

Substanzen                                    Siehe unten.

Potenzen                                    Siehe unten.

Austesten von Arzneimitteln

Aves. Anhang = Vogelmitteln

Anthroposofische. Mitteln

Compound = „Mischung“, „Verbindung“, „Verbund“

Dilutions (Ron Harris)

Erste Mitteln

Kleine +/o. Große.

Hahnemann eigene Mitteln.

Herstellen. von einem Mittel

Mittelbestimmung. nach Sankaran und Boller und systemische Ansatz


Remedy. finding by Passive + Active witnessing

Pflanzen comparison ethanolic tincture and trituration of fresh plant material. (Dellmour, 1994)

Potentization and the Peripheral   form. Homeopathic coffee puts you to sleep, and homeopathic alcohol sobers you up!


[Elaine Lewis]

Krishnan Method: I think you can see that in this way, a world of cures opens up for things where previously no hope was to be found!


Q- potencies and C-potencies


[Hans Weitbrecht]

Discusses Q and C potencies, offering his personal experiences in using them. The method of administration and benefits are also included.

H. introduced the (LM) = Q-Potency scale in his sixth and last edition of the Organon. It differs completely from the C-potency scale in preparation and application. Experiments, which he carried out from 1839 onwards, were only shared with close friends as Clemens von Boenninghausen, G.H.G Jahr, Dr. Crosserio and his wife Melanie. Melanie Hahnemann continued using Q-potencies for a number of years after Samuel Hahnemann’s death.

First indications were given in the second edition of the Chronic Diseases, when he already advises to give remedies in watery solution, rather than single doses dry on the tongue. The sixth and last edition of the Organon was not published till 1921.

Even then, these breath-taking innovations nearly passed unnoticed as the homoeopathic community was deeply divided between high potency and low potency prescribing and was used to using C-potencies. For the next 20 years little was published on Q-potencies in the Homoeopathic journals.

In 1956 Pierre Schmidt, a famous French homoeopath, was showing promising results with Q-potencies. The eighties and nineties saw their slow introduction into the day-to-day clinic in continental Europe. To date very little is published.


The manufacturing process of Q-potencies is accurately described in Organon 6th, ed. paragraphs: 269-271 of the Organon, 6th Ed. (Hint: Q- potencies are not made from

3c-potencies arrived by dilution and succussion. Instead, the Q-1 stage is always done by triturating. (Check with your pharmacy.)

Other paragraphs relating to LM’ are: 161, 238, 246, 247, 248, 270, 271, 272, and 280, 281, 282.

Hahnemann claims that through this latest innovation he has solved the problem of aggravation hampering the use of C-potencies and also paved the way to a quicker and

even more gentle way of treatment.

For C-potencies see Organon fifth edition (1835).

My practical application of Q-potencies:

In the following paragraphs, I will present my way of using the Q’s, which follows closely Hahnemann’s instructions taken from the Organon (sixth edition).

— LM’s (Q,) are stored in granular form.
— One (or a few) granules are dissolved in a 150ml glass bottle (Stock bottle), which is filled ¾ with water.
— The water should be clean and without any added chemicals.
— A small amount of high % alcohol is added next. (In my experience, this is only necessary if the medicine is not used up within 4 weeks)
— A scale, dividing the liquid into 7 parts is stuck to the side of the bottle. (Mark a dash every centimetre.)
— The bottle is shaken 10 times against something hard before every use. The patient does this preparation.

The remedy is applied in the following way:

Basic method:

1) one portion of the stock (1/7) is given into a 250ml glass and half filled up with water and stirred around.
2) Of that mixture 2 to 5 teaspoons are taken orally, the rest of the glass goes down the sink. (Alternatively the solution can be rubbed into the skin — (effective in infants), or inhaled)

In a normal case the remedy is repeated every 1 or 2 days.  A bottle then lasts 7 to 14 days.

I usually leave 5 to10 days without remedy after finishing the bottle, to see what symptoms are expressed. This break enables the life force to freely express itself in symptoms, often indicating the next remedy through a change in the symptom- picture.

However, the remedy does not stop acting immediately, when the patient stops taking it. Deep and long acting remedies can act beneficially for months.

I instruct my patients to discontinue taking the remedy if following the first dose a striking improvement is noticed and to get in contact with me. This is often a sign that one dose is all it needs — every further repetition would spoil the case. I tell my patients to discontinue taking the remedy should there be any adverse reaction to the remedy.

Modifications to the basic method:

This basic method can be modified in many ways to suit the individual situation.

Frequency of repetition:
The remedy can be given only once every 7 days, even once a month in nicely advancing more chronic cases. The remedy can be given a few times a day out of the same glass, stirred around before every application. I gave up to 4 times 2 teaspoons in quick succession in fast advancing disease, before taking out the next lot from the stock bottle.

Strength of the individual dose:
The strongest single dose is one tablespoon taken straight from the bottle.  This has caused aggravations similar to C-potencies.  A somewhat weaker dose is one teaspoon straight from the bottle; an application I use more frequently.

If the standard application from the first glass is still too strong the impact of the single dose can be further weakened: One teaspoon from the first glass is given into a second glass, -this half filled with water and then one- three teaspoons taken orally.  The medicine can be weakened further by going up to the seventh glass.

Simultaneously or alternatively to the oral application, or the remedy can be applied by olfaction (smelling it) or cutaneous (rub it in the skin).

Reactions after taking the medicine:

Reactions straight after taking the medicine:

Aggravation of single symptoms felt shortly after taking the remedy is due to sensitivity towards that remedy. Before changing to another remedy, the strength of the next dose should be weakened. Likewise, a drop of energy straight after taking the remedy is a certain sign of an impact on the upper limit.

If I still get the same reaction with a significantly weaker dose, I stop this remedy and retake the case. In many cases a remedy related to the former worked well.

I find that robust persons with good nerves can usually tolerate a teaspoon straight from the bottle without feeling any aggravation. Tense, stressed-out individuals only tolerate the first glass or even the third glass. If the third glass is tolerated a few times, I usually go back to the second glass and eventually to the first.

Adverse reactions after a few days:
If there is aggravation after a few days of taking the remedy, I stop giving the remedy and reassess the case as soon as the symptoms have settled. If this happens, it happens after 5 to 7 days. A more suitable remedy, which at the same time brings the case forward towards cure automatically stops the former remedy from acting.

During my 30 years of Q-potency use, I did different experiments:
I gave 10,15 or 20 doses from one stock bottle, shaking it ten times every time before use. After about the tenth dose the results were getting poorer and after the eighteenth dose proving symptoms were showing up. Currently I use up to single 10 applications from one Q-potency, and if the medicine is still indicated then after move on to the next higher potency.

Single proving-symptoms also showed quickly in susceptible individuals if I shook it only once or twice. This occurrence stopped when I shook it more than 5 times. It seems to me that after about 100 succussions to the bottle the remedy does not increase in potency any further and rather sharpens its action.

I also found that this limit of 100 successions is much lower if a smaller size stock bottle is used (50 or 100 ml.). This shaper action is sometimes desirable in very acute situations, where I need clear indications within a short period of time.

I have no experience in the use of 10 ml dropper -bottles containing the remedy in a 30% alcoholic dilution. I also tried to use up the stock bottle in only 3 lots, giving it about 25 succussions every time before each repetition. It worked out okay in acute cases, but there was no advantage in chronic cases.

Changeover from one potency scale to another:

If I change from the C-scale to the LM-scale I do it in the following way: 200c to Q2 –Q4 and 30c to Q1 – Q2. In return, every C-potency above the 30C follows any Q’ well.

When I return to an original remedy after a long time (1/2 year+, during which I gave other remedies), I start off with Q2 again. Not so if only one or two inter-current remedies were given in single doses. This suits the situation where the action of a deep and long acting remedy was interrupted by inter-current remedies, tackling acute situations.

Application of C-potencies:

I stock C-potencies in granular form in the strengths: 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M CM. I dissolve 1-2 granules or 1 tablet in a half empty ½ pint glass of water and give after a good stir 1 to 4 teaspoons as a single dose. Before repeating from the same glass:  stir around ten times. I would not repeat more than 3 times of the same glass. This kind of repetition works well in acute cases if the glass containing the remedy is used within two days.

For more repeats, one can prepare C-potencies in a stock bottle like Q-potencies and apply accordingly. I usually divide into 7 to 10 doses and shake more than 10 times before every application. This application works much better than the application of a single dose dry under the tongue. (see Hahnemann, Chronic diseases vol.6)

If the same medicine is still indicated after the first bottle is finished and some time has lapsed, a higher or lower c-potency may be applied in the same way.  The exact same potency twice in succession did not work well for me.
Adverse reactions to C-potencies are dealt in the same way as with Q-potencies, using the above method.

I use my own stocks of C’, Q’s and LM’s. I get them from Helios in 2gr-granual vials. Lately, I also use Remedia (Austria) remedies. Remedia differentiates between LM and Q- potencies.

C-potencies are easy to get worldwide.  I use granular form. It is important to be sure of the producer’s credentials.  I am inclined to trust producers which document their source and production of their remedies.

Sending remedies:
I usually send out 2 or 3 granules of the same potency packed airtight in a sachet approximately the size of 3cm by 3cm. I send out more than one granule because they are very small and easily lost when the sachet is opened. I make and seal the sachets with a small machine otherwise used for sealing freezer bags. Normally I send them out by post attached to an information leaflet. This gives instructions on how to make up the stock-bottle and how to take the remedy. In cases that are more urgent, I use courier services here in Ireland.

Philosophical thoughts:
Administering a C- potency in a single dose is like giving the car a push and then leaving it roll on, till it eventually comes to a halt. With Q’s you drive the car through the gears until you reach the maximal comfortable speed and then keep it at the right speed. Your dosage follows the signals of the life-force. With Q’s you are in the driver’s seat all the time.

You can create a much more dynamic artificial disease with Q-potencies, which is similar to chronic diseases. Hahnemann reported, that through the use of LM’s the recovery time in chronic cases was more than halved, which is documented in his Paris journals.


Chronic diseases, especially Psora with its kaleidoscopic nature, have dynamism in themselves. The behaviour of this class of chronic diseases is far better matched by the nature of the Q’s.

Acceptance of Q-potencies by the patients:

Some C-potency using practitioners were concerned about the acceptance of Q-potencies by the patients, as the use of Q-potencies requires more involvement of the patient. 

It is my personal experience that using the Q-potencies had the opposite effect.

My patients feel safer, and more involved in their own recovery process. To be able to take medicine not only once off is more what my patients were accustomed to when taking allopathic medication. There is another advantage of the Q-potencies:  The remedy’s action is very hard to disturb from the outside, as every successive dose puts the patient back on track.

The use of Q-potencies reduces the recovery times significantly compared to C-potencies.  In this fast moving world, the Q-potency is the answer to fast acting allopathic medications.  A well-chosen fully potent remedy applied in Q-potency in the most suitable way has affected positive results quicker and with less side-effect’s than standardised allopathic medication.

I hope, that this concise article encourages other homeopaths to use Q-potencies in the best interest of their patient’s health and wellbeing.


[Vimbulaka Nhlakanipho  Brian Ngobese]

1.The Law of Similars, which states that a substance that is able to produce symptoms in a healthy human being, has the ability to cure those same symptoms in a diseased individual (Kayne, 2003).

2. Law of simplex –only one single, simple medicinal substance is to be administered in a given case at a time, which is called a simillimum (Chauhan and Gupta 2007).

3. The Law of Infinitesimal dose, which states that the greater the dilution of the remedy, prescribed according to the Law of Similars, the greater the effect (Kayne,2003).

[Boericke, 1994: 288-290]

Hahnemann in the 1st edition of Chronic Disease compared medicines made from solutions and triturations, and stated his preference for trituration.

In the same concentration and with the same number of potentizing stages, the trituration-based medicine proved more powerful.

He stated that plant material should be triturated with saccharum lactis 3 distinct times before potentising the medicine in an aethanolic solution


Advice on role of potencies:

 With too low potencies you avoid the complications of the disease, make patients more comfortable and reduce mortality rate. But by this method you do not reduce

the duration of disease.

 By the administration of higher potencies, - you will find that you abort the disease. It does not run its normal course; the duration of the illness is very much shortened

and you have an anticipated crisis.

 As far as the high potencies are concerned, I think it is wiser to give the drug every 2 hours, the reason being that you want a number of stimuli in a comparatively short

            period of time in order to obtain the crisis within 12 - 24 hours.


[Clarissa Peter]

The most common sources of Homoeopathic animal remedies are milk, as is the case of the remedy Lac felinum (cat’s milk) and venom, as is the case of the Lachesis mutans.

Homoeopathic remedies may also be produced by using the whole animal, as is the case of the remedy Blatta orientalis (= Indian cockroach) (Forbes, 2008:3).

The utilisation of nail shavings proposes a potentially new source of Homoeopathic animal remedies, and such crude substances may be obtained from most animals without causing them harm in any way.


Einige Quellen Mitteln:

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Tunbridge Wells

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Telephone: (01892) 536393 (24hr)

(01892) 537254 (9.45 h. - 17.30 h.)

Fax: (01892) 546850



Leonardo Apotheke HH Tel. 040/456509 viele Vögel/Schlangen/Spinnen/Meteorite/Wiesbaden aqua (Globuli Hersteller) = = Apotheke, die ein großes Assortiment an Mitteln anbietet


[Y.R. Agrawal] A practical solution to potency problem

Nature of the Medicine

Remedies act on three planes,

1. Organopathic plane the symptoms of diseased organs predominate. In this plane the remedy acts best in tincture or dilutions in drop doses.

2. Biochemic plane the symptoms of the tissues organs and blood predominate. The symptoms belonging to the lesion of the disease are considered for finding

out simillimum. When biochemic symptoms guide, we can use low, medium or high potencies according to the acuteness of disease.

3. Dynamic plane the symptoms of the sick persons predominate. These symptoms belong to Generals (Kent) or to totality of symptoms (Boenninghausen).

In such cases we can go for high potencies.

The nature of medicine includes, the nature of substance in preparation of the medicine, the type of proving done and the type of symptoms produced.

Remedy should be given in low attenuation when we have to combat a disease with symptoms analogous to those produced by toxic or massive doses of the

drug and in infinitesimal doses when we have to deal with symptoms similar to those produced by the small doses of the drug.

Provings often show that drugs produce different effects according to the cases in which they have been employed.

Certain medicines have their source from poisonous substance. Their preparation in lower dilution remains poisonous. Pharmacopoea thus warns us about the use

of such medicines below certain potency. Such warnings have been given against such medicines.

Certain drugs are quite inert in their crude form but potentisation is necessary to unfold their medicinal virtues. They should, therefore, be used in higher potencies (Sil./Lyc./Carb-v. etc.).

If the medicine is nosode - give high potency.

Poorly or partially proved medicines prescribed on partial symptoms picture should always be used in low potencies.

This rule will apply to drugs like Orni./Crat./Hydr./Card-m./Fic-i./Calc-f.

Low Potencies required when high potencies fail or vice versa. The medicine which have not been properly proved should be given in low potency only. When a number

of generals and particular characteristic symptoms are present high potencies do miracles.

Low potency produces a modifying effect on the system with not necessarily covering up the whole case in all aspects. The high potency has a range of its action deeper.

So its action is naturally on a wider sphere. It goes deep into the system to explore out and to envelope all the necessary peculiarities of the disease, which otherwise

remains unattacked under low potency. The experience puts it as a rule that the low potency hastens suppuration while the high potency aborts it. This gives us a clear understanding that the low potency goes only so deep as to cover up the already excited condition found in the process of elimination and as such it helps only to adjust

the superficial condition. It does not meet the condition prior to the establishment of the elimination which is the actual condition of the disease effect to match with.

The high potency creates the condition whereby the disease force is made to minimize its power of influence and to retreat. The high potency envelopes the disease

condition in a broade and deeper area.

[Dr. S.P. Koppikar]

“Clinical reflections” has brought out that Podophyllum C 200 was quite useless in the constipation of children where as 6th worked splendidly

In high fever of children, with threatening or actual convulsions, he found that 6th potency increased fits in fever, while 30 or 200 cured without any aggravation at

Similarly he observed that diarrhoea of Bryonia responds well with 3rd to 6th potency. But in the usual constipation of Bryonia potencies above C 30 are excellent.

Thus conclusion can be drawn that "If in a remedy there are opposite symptoms in the proving, one set obviously primar

potency in deafness and affections of heart. Mercury acts better in massive doses in syphilis while it acts better in dilutions in dysentery and angina. In syphilis while

Mercury acts better in the 30th dilution. In intermittent fever where sulphate of quinine acts better in massive doses than in a potency, Ars. and Nux-v. on the other

hand act better in a potency.

"But broadly it may be suggested that whenever the purpose of a drug is to improve metabolism of a definite or tissue by gentle stimulation, low potencies and repeated

doses are suitable while if the aim is to influence a central mechanism of life, the higher potencies and infrequently repeated doses are of more value." - G.E. Wheeler

potency in deafness and affections of heart. Mercury acts better in massive doses in syphilis while it acts better in dilutions in dysentery and angina. In syphilis while

Mercury acts better in the 30th dilution. In intermittent fever where sulphate of quinine acts better in massive doses than in a potency, Ars. and Nux-v. on the other

 hand act better in a potency.

[G.E. Wheeler ]

"But broadly it may be suggested that whenever the purpose of a drug is to improve metabolism of a definite or tissue by gentle stimulation, low potencies and repeated

doses are suitable while if the aim is to influence a central mechanism of life, the higher potencies and infrequently repeated doses are of more value." -

Certain medicines act best both in high or low potencies while others do not develop curative power below certain potency. There are medicines which are mostly given

in low potency/mother tincture and also in some cases the action of the medicine varies according to the potency. A study of some of the medicines will act as a guide in selection of the potency. Here we will realise the value of the two statements of two learned physicians i.e.,

Abrot.: 30th to 200th in infrequent doses in marasmus and wasting. 5 to 10 drops of tincture in an ounce of cod liver oil rubbed over the body of children twice a week has

a curative effect in marasmus. 3x serviceable in rheumatic complaints and oozing of blood from navel of new born.

Acalypha Indica: 0, 3x, 6x generally used.

Acetic Acid: Hard chancre. 1x solution will soften and cause formation of pus. (Boericke)

Achyranthes: Use 6x. (Boericke)

Acidum butyricum: Not to be dispensed below 3x.

Acidum hydrocyanicum: Not to be dispensed below 6x.

Acidum hydrofloricum: Avoid inhaling the vapours. Not to be prescribed below 4x.

Actaea racemosa: 3x, 30, 200, 1M and higher.

Actaea spicta: 3x

Aegle folia: 30, 200 (sexual weakness; night pollutions)

Aethiops antimonalis: In lower dilutions and sometimes in the 30th, 2x in psoriasis.

Aethusa: The 6th has been mainly used. 200th for students who can not think during examination. A dose in the morning and before each part of the examination.




[Elaine Lewis]

The sky was night and day full of airplanes spraying (Greece). Even politicians complained to the government about it.

Do you mean spraying campaign messages? Sky-writing?

There is much research regarding what they are spraying - aluminum, barium, heavy metals, fungus, mold….

It is not a theory, it is actually happening. You probably won’t believe it, but just keep it as information at the back of your head. People all over the world are getting sick from the chemicals and they don’t realize it!

My brother complained about a tickling pain in the lower abdomen. I asked him if he ate or drank anything that might have caused this. He answered just the usual stuff

he normally drinks and eats.

I could not come up with a remedy. Then I began to think about the chemicals they had been spraying for so many days. So, remembering your article, I placed on the balcony a glass of water for a day and night so the chemicals they were spraying would go into the glass.

I took this glass, poured it in a bottle of water, leaving room at the top for succussion (shaking), then I emptied-refilled, emptied-refilled, 6x all together, and sucussed C 40

in between as you explain, and he took one sip. The tickling pain in his intestines immediately vanished!

I have kept the bottle and labelled it “Chemtrails 6C” and stored it in the fridge for future use.

God forbid you should ever need to use it again. See, it’s like Robin Murphy saying, “Etiology over-rules symptomatology!” (The etiology in this case being chemicals in the air.) And what’s our motto? “Whatever something can cause, it can cure in small doses.” And that’s exactly what you just proved! But you know what? Don’t be surprised if the exact same remedy doesn’t work again if they change the formula that they’re spraying!

[Robin Murphy]

“We have to learn to become ‘antidoters’.”


House-Guest Attacked By Make-up!

So, a friend of mine came to our house to stay for the weekend. In the evening she complained of pimples that appeared suddenly on her face, all of them on the right side! After a while they appeared inside her mouth and also a terrible numbness appeared on her right cheek.

She couldn’t sleep! The pimples were starting to itch…

…and the cheek numbness was also very annoying.

She came to my room and asked for help. Like a good aspiring homeopath, I asked her when these symptoms appeared and if she ate, drank or did anything unusual.

She answered, “They appeared in the morning,” and further declared that she didn’t do anything unusual… EXCEPT that she put on her face her new make-up powder by Clinique.

While she was talking I was thinking, “Hmmm all the symptoms are on the right, that is a good clue.” All I had to do was to repertorize, but I didn’t, because I remembered the golden rule from the articles you wrote, namely: Etiology overrules symptomatology!

I took my friend’s make-up powder, scratched some powder into a small, half-filled, spring water bottle, gave it 40 succusions and repeated the dumping-and-refilling technique 6x (succussing 40x after each refill), and, essentially, in the end, I had made a 6C remedy bottle: “Clinique 6C”.

She took a sip and started to immediately feel better!

I’m not surprised, to tell you the truth! This is what happens when you give the exact thing that caused the complaint–In Potency (as we say).

After an hour she had a relapse and took another sip, with 5 succusions first. The itching and numbness vanished and she slept like a baby. In the morning she took a

last sip and even the pimples went away!


We bought Dr. Christopher’s Female Reproductive Formula in the hopes it would prevent the period cramps from ever taking place, but I guess we were wrong!

ut, somehow, I got the idea to make a 6C remedy out of it, and that changed everything!

I’ll say it did! The cramps stopped right away!

Nothing could possibly be easier than making a remedy out of an herbal tincture!


I just put 5 drops into an ounce of water, swished it around, poured it into a small half-filled bottle of spring water, succussed 40x, dumped out, refilled, succussed 40x…


[Henriette Kress]

The question: I've seen lots of info on this list, but I would like to get specific. (This is an easy one) How do you make your own tincture?

The answer: A fresh herb tincture

a) official

Take: 1 part of fresh herb (by weight, eg. 100 g) to

2 parts of 95 % alcohol (by volume, eg. 2 dl)

Chop up your herb. Leaf roughly, 1" is good enough, root more finely, as it's harder, 1/5-1/10" is good for that. (Don't use your vitamix or oster, if you do you'll get lots of inerts into your tincture,

as cell walls rupture). Pour herb into glass jar, cover with alcohol, close tight lid tightly, let sit in a coolish shady spot for 2-4 weeks. Strain (I use a cheesecloth, and wring), pour into dark glass bottles, label (1:2 95 % Yarrow flowering tops, July 2000).

b) simples

Take enough chopped-up herb to jam a glass jar full, add enough 95 % alcohol to cover, close tight lid tightly, let sit in a coolish shady spot for 2-4 weeks, strain, bottle, label.

A dried herb tincture

a) official

Take: 1 part of dried herb (by weight, eg. 100 g) to

5 parts of a mix of alcohol and water (by volume, eg. 5 dl)

Crush up your herb (don't powder it), pour into glass jar, add menstruum (this is your alcohol-water-mix), close tight lid tightly, let sit in a coolish shady spot for 2-4 weeks. Strain, bottle, label

(1:5 50 % Yarrow flowering tops, July 2000).

b) simples

Take enough crushed-up herb to jam a glass jar full, add enough alcohol-water-mix to cover, close tight lid tightly, let sit in a coolish shady spot for 2-4 weeks, strain, bottle, label.

>What percentage of alcohol should I use for dried herb?

You'll find a good Materia Medica here: - go for the manuals. This will tell you the alcohol percentages for dried herb.

Note that Michael Moore assumes you know that fresh herb should be tinctured at 95 % alcohol; thus his notation for fresh herb tincture is 1:2, not 1:2 95 %.

>What kind of alcohol?

Vodka is good, but when it says 40% somewhere on the label that means that the rest is water.

So get as high as you can lay your hands on, and yes, it's expensive, if you're not close to the Mexican border. In Mexico 95 % alcohol is USD 5 a gallon, and it's got a nice sweet taste, because it's made from sugarcane.

Everclear is a brand of pure alcohol available in some states in the US; there are other brands, and pure alcohol (95% or 190 proof) is not available in all states.

Note: if you use lower percentages than indicated for dried herb your quality suffers immensely.

Note: if you use significantly less than 95% on fresh herb you have a large risk that your tincture will rot while it's still in the glass jar, or later on in the bottle.

The rule of thumb is, you want the water either in the plant or in the menstruum, except for herbs that are resins (myrrh, for instance, needs 95% alcohol even though it's "dry").

Terminology: menstruum is your alcohol, or your alcohol-water mixture; in teas the menstruum is just water, in herbal vinegars it's vinegar.

>How long is the tincture fresh?

Depends on the herb, but a rule of thumb would be about 10 years. Except for Capsella bursa-pastoris (Shepherd's purse), Lobelia, and Melissa officinalis (lemon balm), off the top of my head; these are good for a year, max, so you need to tincture them fresh every summer if you use them.


Aus Alkoholauszüge aus Pflanzen

Aus Trituration (= Verreibung)

Aus bestrahlte Substanzen z.B. X-ray

Aus nach bestimmte Kriterien zusammen verarbeitete Substanzen o. Potenzen = Kombinationsmittel.

            Spezielle Verfahren:


                        Hahnemann changed substances by alchemic procedures:


Calcium aceticum solutum Hahnemanni



Merc. = Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni





Anhang. (Prasad Beeraka/Hans Wolff)

Anhang. 1 anthroposofische Herstellungsverfahren/ Elaine Lewis/Diane Fuller

Anhang 2. (David Little)


Schüssler Salze.





In englische Literatur wird der C-Potenz mit x angegeben und der Zahl steht den Buchstabe voran. Z.B. C 6 wird 6x.

            Leider wird in englische Übersetzungen aus der anthroposofische Literatur der D-potenz mit einem x angegeben, so wird D 6 - 6x.


Als niedrige Potenzen werden in Homöopathie (in etwa) C 6 bis C 30 bezeichnet.

Als mittlere Potenzen werden in Homöopathie (in etwa) C 30 bis C 1000 bezeichnet.

Als hohe Potenzen werden in Homöopathie (in etwa) C 1.000 bis C im Unendliche bezeichnet.


Als niedrige Potenzen werden in Anthroposofie (in etwa) D 1 bis D 8 bezeichnet.

Als mittlere Potenzen werden in Anthroposofie (in etwa) D 8 bis D 20 bezeichnet.

Als hohe Potenzen werden in Anthroposofie (in etwa) D 20 bis D 30 bezeichnet.





Aus Gewebe (Porcus.)/Weleda [preparations differ in minor aspects from Wala]

Wala [Bovines are the donors for most organ preparations. A closed herd of cattle from a small group of Demeter (bio-dynamic) farms has been the source. Animal meal has never been fed at those farms. The amount of organic material required (1 mg/ampoule is calculated per ampoule of D 6) is minimal compared to

meat consumption for food.

Calves or bovine embryos are used because, in them, organ-configuring powers are still highly active. The organs and tissues required are collected immediately after slaughter. The organic form is broken down by mincing and trituration in sterile sea sand and finally a glycerin and electrolyte mixture. The original form-creating forces being released in the process and becoming part of the solvent mixture. Solids removed by sedimentation, and the fluid decanted as ground substance and potentized. The material aspect has gone completely at this stage (even the ground substance has an extremely low protein content), with the released power of configuration increasingly enhanced].


Aus Krankheitserreger.



            Parenchymorgane: Arsenite. Arsenate. Hypophosphite. Acetate. Sulfate.

Hohlorgane: freie Metalle. Oxide. Carbonate.

Nervensubstanz: Fluoride. Phosphate.

Oxide führen Energie zu.

Halogenide haben mehr Wirkung auf Parenchym und Drüsen.






[Paul Francis]:

Fast-vibration-remedies: Wellen/B.B./gems

Mid-vibration-remedies: Most of homoepathy/spagyrik

Slow-vibration-remedies: Mother-tinctures/tissue-salts/phytology/nutrional supplements/allopathy/diet





D Potenzen = 1 Teil Substanz mit 9 Teilen Trägersubstanz


Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße

[Bob Witsenburg]

The motto, "low potency for the metabolic system and high potency for the nerve-sense system" is as one-sided as it is over-simplified. From Steiner's lectures between April 11 and 18,1921,

I will attempt to show that this motto is a half-truth, perhaps even a falsehood.

R.S.: if something is amiss in the metabolism, one should use low potencies; in the rhythmic system, middle dosages; and in that which has to do with the spiritual in the head, the highest

potencies are demanded. He elaborates on that in the following:

The battle between homeopathy and allopathy shall not end if we do not complete the statement that what in large doses (low potencies) causes sickness is healing in small doses (higher or high potencies). We make it understandable through spiritual science in the following way: that which in large doses causes sickness in the lower part of the human being, acts as healing in small doses

if one introduces it from the upper part of the human being and vice versa".

This is to say, that which in large doses (low potencies) causes illness from the upper part of the human being acts as healing in small doses (high potencies) if one introduces it from the lower

part of the human being.

Which substances in material form (low potencies) work from the metabolic system causing illness or poisoning and which from the upper pole? How can we understand that some substances are related to the upper pole in their matter-side and others in their high potencies? In the first lecture of the series, Steiner describes the example of quartz.

Substance and process

Matter is generally seen as the end of a process. The process is something non-material, an energy, dynamic, moving. If the process slowly becomes denser, the result is the movement-come-to-rest (= matter). The process permeates the universe; as it comes to a standstill as quartz, it crystallizes.

Silica is a process working from the cosmos into the plant world and mineralizing into quartz (siliceous earth). All quartz comes from a plant origin; it is a de-vegetablization process from a plant to a mineral form. In the head, an opposite process occurs - from quartz back into a process. Quartz, as matter, is related to the head.

Similarly, an animalizing process occurs with limestone in the head: limestone in nature is of animal origin, a de-animalization process has taken place. Calcium works as substance in the head and, from there, into the body, animalizing into calcium as process.

In the head, silica acts as a process-come-to-rest. In the rhythmic system, the silica process becomes stronger and is strongest in the metabolic system. In the head, silica acts

as substance in the sense of the formative power of the I. In the metabolic system, silica acts as a process - dynamic - as energy, as movement, supporting the I in its

metabolic function.

"If we conceive of silica as substance, we must say that the strongest action is in the head. If we conceive of silica as process, we must say that this action is the weakest in the head.

If it is said that the strongest action of a substance is on the nerve sense system and elsewhere that the strongest action from that substance is actually in the metabolism, perhaps the first time what is meant is the material substance and the next time the process, reflecting two sides of the same coin that are continually opposite each other.

These processes are in balance with each

other if the person is healthy; moreover, they are in opposition to each other in direction as well as in action.

Strengthening the I in different gradations, quartz acts from the outside inward (nerve sense process) and simultaneously from the top down, toward the metabolism.

Also I strengthening, quartz acts from the lower pole, uniting and synthesizing - as does all which comes from the lower pole - from the inside outward (metabolic processes) and from below upward, toward the upper pole.

Via the quartz, the I has a polar action in the human being: from the top down via the nerve processes: forming, analyzing, differentiating from the outside in. Steiner speaks

of it being free of egoism. From below upward, the I works uniting, forming into a whole, synthesizing. Here, the I acts egoistically. This is meant practically, not morally.

These two actions are in balance with each other. If one becomes stronger, the balance threatens to become disturbed (Stoss), which calls up a counter-reaction from the other pole (Gegenstoss) through which the balance is restored. This Stoss-Gegenstoss principle, as basis for a natural restoration and beginning of healing, is also the principle of action-reaction described by Steiner in the lecture on "The Invisible Man Within Us".

Finally, in the explanation about quartz, Steiner describes the place of natural scientific data in relation to the question of where quartz is found in the body. Quartz appears, for example, in hair and in urine. What does this mean? Quartz is found as substance in hair because it works materially from there in the sense of the forming nerve-sense function. However, quartz appears because, as matter, it does not belong in the metabolism and in urine excreted as matter by the kidneys. In the lower pole (in the kidney),

the (high potency) quartz exits in the same amount as the kidney can eliminate quartz as matter = kidney excretion. In the hair, silica is found because it is needed there, in urine because it is superfluous.


Art as knowledge

From the above, it seems clear that the low potency - metabolism" grouping is one-sided. For which substances does it work and for which is the opposite true, namely that substantial action is actually related to the upper pole? It seems that the planets above the sun are related to the upper pole as matter. Belladonna poison is related to the

upper pole as matter; chamomile is related to metabolism as matter.

The chance exists that the schematic grouping of high potencies - upper pole, low potencies - lower pole becomes displaced by a more subtle diagram. If one realizes that the lower pole and that warming the substance (for example, a plant decocti) or a metal mirror (preparatum) can related the substance precisely to the opposite pole, then we can be assured that the choice of the potency level of medicines in a situation is not merely knowledge related to understanding, but an art related to intuition.


Injection via the rhythmical organism restores harmony between astral body and ether body.


[Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer and Erica Sabarth]

In medieval chemical manuscripts descriptions of how to produce chemical and therapeutical substances spoke of the "repetition" of one and the same procedure, a process which might appear unnecessary to the chemist of today because seemingly no new transformation resulted from it. This procedure mainly concerned processes of dissolving and distillation. Yet the old literature makes it clear that these processes, when repeated in definite rhythms, have the effect of purifying the substance involved and intensifying the intended process. When elaborating on the production of metal mirrors R.S. explained that a substance undergoing distillations is brought back to its cosmic origin and rendered able to receive cosmic forces.

One can well imagine that a single distillation may not be sufficient when one considers the strong relationship to the physical conditions, the permeation with not only material impurities but also with earth processes. The purely chemical rectification requires several repetitions. In the old instructions the distillation products are reunited with the original substance so that no purification – in the sense of "removal of impurities" - seems to take place. Thus the processes themselves are influenced.

Can one verify the effects of such distillation processes through an experimental test? The most suitable, practical way seemed to be to use the method of Sensitive Crystallization and to study the "biography" of the remedy with single crystallization pictures. This provided an opportunity to observe both an obvious effect and a specific influence.

Concerning the method and its possible applications, we refer you to the book. Sensitive Crystallization Processes, A Demonstration of Formative Forces in the Blood by E. Pfeiffer in which medical consequences of this method are specifically represented.

Weleda gave an insight into the production processes of Kalium aceticum cum stibio.

Directives for the production:

"distilled wine vinegar is poured onto Tartar (Potassium tartrate) and distilled off several times so that, after the distillation, it tastes as sour as at the start.

Then Antimony is finely ground together with the above end product. Next, an alcoholic extract of Croc-s. is added to the powder and this again treated by distillations.

Further distillations with pure alcohol follow until the "spiritus" no longer shows a red color.

Then Coral is finely pulverized together with this intermediate product, covered again with alcohol and distilled. This has to be repeated several times until finally there results the finished remedy“.

To investigate the effect of the formative forces which might accompany the whole process, a small amount was taken each time from all the single intermediate states, added in high dilution to a 5% solution of copper chloride (CuCI2) and crystallized according to the established method. The resulting crystalizations showed that, with the help of the obtained form, pictures of each single stage of the whole process could be clearly fixed as to its effect; especially the last stage in each case can be observed as a specific and characteristic form-picture.              


Praxis für Homöopathie

[Thomas Mickler]                       

Die Potenzierung von Arzneien in der Homöopathie - Fakten und Meinungen in der Diskussion

Über kein Thema die Homöopathie betreffend streiten ihre Gegner und Befürworter so viel und so emotional wie über die Wirksamkeit von Hochpotenzen. Diesen Streit kann man ohne große Mühe 150 Jahre zurück verfolgen, nur damals wurde die Wirksamkeit der Hochpotenzen erstaunlicherweise weniger mit der Wirksamkeit der Homöopathie gleichgesetzt. Das mag daran liegen, dass die homöopathische Behandlung ohne Hochpotenzen damals noch bekannter und gängiger war.

Häufig wird die Homöopathie schon allein wegen der Herstellungsweise ihrer Arzneimittel (keine Materie = kein Wirkstoff = keine Wirkung) als unwirksame Quacksalberei betrachtet. Dabei gibt es viele Missverständnisse über die Herstellung und Anwendung der Arzneimittel. Wie werden die potenzierten Arzneien wirklich hergestellt? Was hat es auf sich mit der Verdünnung?


Potenzierung: Hahnemann entwickelte ein eigenes Verfahren zur Herstellung von Arzneimitteln und führte dieses nach jahrelangen Experimenten in die Homöopathie ein.

Die genaue Beschreibung der Zubereitung kann man in seinem Organon der Heilkunst, §§ 270 ff, nachlesen.

Die Arzneien werden stufenweise verdünnt und zwischen jedem Verdünnungsschritt verrieben bzw. verschüttelt.

Im Gegensatz zu dem weitverbreiteten Irrtum, es handle sich lediglich um eine Verdünnung, kommt der Verreibung bzw. dem Verschütteln eine große Bedeutung zu.

Erst dadurch, zusammen mit der Verdünnung, wird die Arzneikraft in vollem Maße erschlossen - selbst bei Metallen wurden so bis dahin unbekannte Arzneiwirkungen entdeckt.

Dieses Verfahren nennt man Potenzierung, abgeleitet von dem lateinischen "Potenz" (Kraft, Fähigkeit, Leistungsvermögen).

Die Verdünnung erfolgt mit den Substanzen Alkohol o. Milchzucker. Bei der ersten Verdünnungsstufe (z.B. im Verhältnis 1:100) wird 1 Teil des Arzneistoffs mit 99 Teilen Milchzucker verrieben o. mit Alkohol verschüttelt das Ergebnis ist die C1. Dann wird im selben Verhältnis weiter verdünnt, d.h. 1 Teil dieser C1 wird mit 100 Teilen Milchzucker bzw. Alkohol verrieben bzw. verschüttelt, so bekommt man die C2 usw. Schon bei der C3 ist nur noch ein Millionstel der Ausgangssubstanz enthalten. Jenseits der statistischen Nachweisgrenze (Gesetz von Avogadro), also ca. ab der C12, ist keine Materie mehr in den Arzneien enthalten.

Hahnemann bezeichnete so hergestellte Arzneien deshalb auch als "geistartig" oder "dynamisch" (modern ausgedrückt energetisch), die Potenzierung wurde auch "Dynamisation" genannt.


Es gibt in der klassischen Homöopathie drei verschiedene Verfahren zur Potenzierung mit je unterschiedlichen Verdünnungsschritten:

D (Dezimal) - Potenzen:                                      Verdünnung              1:10

C (Centisimal) - Potenzen:                                      Verdünnung              1:100

Q oder LM (Quinquagintamillesimal):             Verdünnung              1:50.000

Hahnemann hatte anfangs das Problem, dass bei der homöopathischen Anwendung von Arzneien vor einer Heilung oft unangenehme Reaktionen auftraten, insbesondere bei Stoffen, die sehr giftig sind wie z.B. die Atropa belladonna = Tollkirsch. Er trat dem zunächst damit entgegen, dass er die Arzneien verdünnte, wobei sie jedoch immer mehr an Wirksamkeit verloren. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, experimentierte er so lange, bis er die Potenzierung entdeckte. Hahnemann konnte beobachten, dass die Arzneien auf solche Weise zubereitet keine so starken Reaktionen hervorriefen und zudem eine ungleich höhere Wirksamkeit entfalteten als in roher Form.

Er machte die Erfahrung, dass selbst Stoffe, die normalerweise keine große Arzneikraft besitzen, zu arzneilich hochwirksamen Mitteln wurden - wie z.B. das Kochsalz, verschiedene Metalle, Graphit, Kalk... .

Häufiges Missverständnis

Auch bezüglich der Anwendung der potenzierten Mittel gibt es einige Missverständnisse. Sie werden im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch "homöopathische Mittel" genannt.

Diese Bezeichnung ist eigentlich falsch, und sie führt zu Missverständnissen. So denken viele, sie würden homöopathisch behandelt, wenn sie eine potenzierte Arznei

oder ein Komplexmittel erhalten, die nicht individuell nach der Gesamtheit der Symptome verordnet sind, sondern nach ganz anderen Kriterien. Erst durch die

Verschreibung nach dem Ähnlichkeitsgesetz wird eine Arznei zu einem homöopathischen (= ähnlichen) Mittel für eine Krankheit. Erst dann, wenn die Arznei auch nach

den Regeln der Homöopathie Hahnemanns angewendet wird. Wenn man es ganz genau nimmt, so ist eine Arznei ist erst dann wirklich homöopathisch, wenn sie ähnlich

genug zur Krankheit des Patienten ist, um diese zu heilen. Nur wenn die bestehenden Symptome der Krankheit den Symptomen ähnlich sind, die durch diese Arznei bei

einem gesunden Menschen hervorgerufen werden können, kann man eine heilende Wirkung erwarten.

Wenn Sie also ein so genanntes "homöopathisches Mittel" verordnet bekommen, so haben Sie noch keine Gewähr dafür, dass das Mittel auch nach dem Ähnlichkeitsgesetz verordnet wurde. Die Verordnung eines "homöopathischen Mittels" allein ist noch lange keine Homöopathie, das ist sehr wichtig zu wissen! Denn der Begriff Homöopathie

ist nicht geschützt, jeder kann ihn nach Bedarf verwenden. Die Homöopathie ist jedoch eine klar definierte Arzneitherapie.


homeopathic dilutions

How To Make Your Own Remedy

Elaine Lewis shows us how to make our own remedies when we don’t have access to regular ones. If you’re sick from vacationing in Mexico, you can make a remedy out of the local water. The list of possibilities is endless! Remember that whatever something causes, it can cure in small doses.


Eine potenzierte Arznei ist keinesfalls mit einer homöopathischen Arznei gleichzusetzen.

[Thomas Mickler]

Viele Homöopathen sind im Laufe der Zeit durch eigene Erlebnisse zur Homöopathie gekommen.

Der 2003 verstorbene Homöopath Willibald Gawlik wurde während fast 6 Jahren Kriegsgefangenschaft in Rußland durch einen deutschen homöopathischen Arzt von Fleckfieber geheilt, an welchem damals viele starben. Das heilende Mittel war potenziertes Opium. Das bewegte Gawlik nach dem Krieg dazu, die Homöopathie selbst

zu erlernen, die er dann mehr als 50 Jahre praktizierte.

Clemens von Bönninghausen (1785-1864), ein geachteter Jurist und Botaniker, schrieb 1828 einen Abschiedsbrief an seinen ärztlichen Botanikerfreund Dr. med. August Weihe, dass er keine Öffnung auf Genesung mehr haben könne und nun an Tuberkulose sterben müsse. Er wusste nichts davon, dass Weihe sich mit der Homöopathie vertraut gemacht hatte, da sich die Korrespondenz sonst nur um botanische Themen drehte. Dieser rettete ihn mit einer Gabe Puls. C30, der er 4 Wochen später eine Gabe Sulph. C30 folgen ließ. Mehr war zur Genesung nicht nötig. Bönninghausen widmete in einer ausgedehnten Praxis den überwiegenden Teil seines restlichen Lebens der Homöopathie.

Er behandelte über lange Zeit auch die Schriftstellerin Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, die man bis zur Einführung des Euro auf unserem 20DM-Schein finden konnte.

Als Hahnemann noch an der Universität von Leipzig lehren durfte, sollte der Medizinstudent Konstantin Hering im Auftrag anderer Professoren diese neue Lehre erlernen

und quasi von innen ihre Unwirksamkeit belegen. Es kam nie zur gewünschten Widerlegung, da seine Erfahrungen mit der Homöopathie, u. a. seine eigene Heilung von einer Sektionsverletzung, die ihn vor der Amputation eines Fingers bewahrte, ihn eines anderen belehrte. Er wurde nun wirklich zum Schüler Hahnemanns und später ein bekannter homöopathischer Arzt. Diese Beispiele ließen sich beliebig vermehren.

Die Erfahrung, so man sie einmal selbst gemacht hat, lässt sich durch nichts wegdiskutieren - selbst wenn es dem wissenschaftlich geschulten Geist zuwider läuft und man heute immer noch nicht genau weiß, auf welche Weise potenzierte Arzneien (bei richtiger Anwendung) heilen können.

Diskussionen um die Wirksamkeit

Am Thema der Potenzierung entzünden sich die Gemüter schon seit deren Entstehung im 19. Jahrhundert. Die Diskussion darüber wird meist sehr emotional und ohne die eigentlich gebotene nüchterne Wissenschaftlichkeit geführt - verständlich nur insofern, als es auf den ersten Blick nicht besonders plausibel erscheint, dass funktionieren könnte, was die Homöopathie von der Potenzierung behauptet.


Doch mit bloßem Plausibilitätsdenken hat man in der Wissenschaft schon oft genug zu kurz gedacht! Man macht es sich leicht und handelt überdies unwissenschaftlich,

wenn man sich damit begnügt, einfach nur darauf hinzuweisen, dass in den Arzneien kein Wirkstoff mehr nachweisbar ist, um die angebliche Unwirksamkeit der

Homöopathie zu begründen.

Das setzt die (meist selbstverständliche, fest im Weltbild verankerte) Annahme voraus, Arzneien könnten prinzipiell nur durch materielle Wirkstoffe wirksam sein.

Diese Annahme wird nicht in Frage gestellt, doch genau genommen ist das ein Glaube, den wir durch das, was wir kennen, gewohnt sind. Das ist jedoch keineswegs ein Beweis!

Die Gegner der Homöopathie behaupten gerne, man könnte genauso gut einen Tropfen eines homöopathischen Mittels in den Bodensee werfen und dann dieses Wasser trinken wie ein homöopathisches Mittel einzunehmen.

An dieser Stelle eine persönliche Bemerkung: Ich erinnere mich gut daran, wie ich als Biologie-Student vor fast 20 Jahren über Homöopathie gedacht habe, als ich während einer Diskussion hörte, dass in von Homöopathen verwendeten Medikamenten keinerlei Wirkstoff mehr enthalten sei. Damit war die Diskussion damals für mich beendet. Ich kann mich erinnern, wie empört ich war, und obwohl ich kaum etwas über die Homöopathie wusste, war damit alles, was damit zusammenhing, disqualifiziert. Vielleicht hätte es mir damals geholfen zu erfahren, dass die Homöopathie nicht prinzipiell vom Verfahren der Potenzierung abhängig ist, wie die geschichtliche Entwicklung zeigt: die Homöopathie gab es schon, als Hahnemann das Herstellungsverfahren der Potenzierung in die Homöopathie einführte.

Man muss leider feststellen, dass die meisten Diskussionen um die Wirksamkeit der Homöopathie dabei stehen bleiben, darüber zu streiten, ob potenzierte Arzneien eine Wirkung auf den menschlichen Körper haben können oder nicht - über die Prinzipien der Homöopathie wird gar nicht erst diskutiert. So passiert es, dass die Homöopathie mit der Anwendung potenzierter Arzneien gleichgesetzt wird. Das hat selbstverständlich erheblichen Einfluss auf die Art der Untersuchung der Homöopathie durch Studien usw. Denn es wird dabei leider selten differenziert, ob wirklich nach homöopathischen Prinzipien behandelt wurde oder nicht - Hauptsache, die Arzneien sind potenziert und es steht "homöopathisches Arzneimittel" drauf?

Sehr viele heute selbstverständliche wissenschaftliche Wahrheiten waren anfangs nur durch Experimente darstellbar. Sie wurden zunächst abgelehnt, weil sie mit den zur Verfügung stehenden theoretischen Grundlagen noch nicht zu verstehen waren. Doch dass man etwas nicht verstehen kann, beweist nichts, und schon Hahnemann hat ausdrücklich von seinen Kritikern verlangt, seine Erfahrungen und Gedanken zu diesen im Experiment nachzuvollziehen und beliebig oft zu reproduzieren, um seine gewonnenen Erfahrungen entweder zu widerlegen oder zu bestätigen .

Übrigens können die Arzneimittelprüfungen am Gesunden aus Hahnemanns Zeit heute noch reproduziert werden, sofern man sie mit der nötigen Sachkenntnis durchführt, auch immer wieder neue Arzneien werden an Gesunden geprüft. Wenn man so etwas selbst nachmachen will, um die Unwirksamkeit der Homöopathie zu beweisen, so sollte man die Vorgehensweise in der Literatur Hahnemanns studieren oder erfahrene Homöopathen dazu befragen.

Im Gegensatz zum Ähnlichkeitsgesetz ist die Potenzierung der Arzneien also kein unerlässlicher Bestandteil der Homöopathie - das wissen die allermeisten Kritiker leider nicht, obwohl es eine einfache historische Tatsache ist. Die Methode ist grundsätzlich auch mit unpotenzierten Arzneien wirksam - sofern ihre Wirkungen der Krankheit ähnlich sind. So wurde in der Anfangszeit der Homöopathie noch ohne die Potenzierung von Arzneimitteln gearbeitet, z.B. war es möglich, Malaria mit der Chinarinde in nicht potenzierter Urtinktur zu heilen, wenn die Malariasymptome den China-Symptomen ähnlich waren - allerdings oft mit noch zu starken Reaktionen auf die Arznei.

Einen Fall von Hahnemann finden Sie auch bei den Fallgeschichten, wo er einer Wäscherin einen Tropfen Zaunrebensaft (Bry.) verabreicht.

Hahnemann beschreibt 1796 in seinem Artikel in Hufelands Journal (der damals bedeutendsten Medizin-Zeitschrift, die von dem berühmten Arzt C.W. Hufeland herausgegeben wurde), seine neue Methode der Arzneifindung – mit zahlreichen Beispielen versehen. Die Methode der Potenzierung ist hier noch nicht entwickelt, auch wenn Hahnemann zu dieser Zeit schon anfing, Arzneien immer

stärker zu verdünnen, um die teilweise starken Reaktionen auf die rohen Arzneistoffe abzumildern. So wäre die Homöopathie als erfahrungswissenschaftliche Methode selbst dann noch nicht widerlegt, wenn die Potenzierung sich als unwirksam herausstellen würde, das für die Homöopathie grundlegende Ähnlichkeitsgesetz wird davon nicht berührt.

Noch etwas Interessantes, was nicht sehr bekannt ist: Wissen Sie, wann der erste Doppelblind-Versuch in der Geschichte der Medizin durchgeführt wurde? 1835 in Nürnberg, bei einer homöopathischen Arzneimittelprüfung, wie der Medizinhistoriker Prof. Robert Jütte berichtet!

Die Diskussion um die Wirksamkeit von potenzierten Arzneien spielt freilich in der täglichen Praxis von Homöopathen keine allzu große Rolle - sie erleben den Beweis dafür oft und genug, und sie sind gewohnt, die Arzneiwirkungen genau einschätzen zu müssen, dazu gehört auch die Unterscheidung von Placeboeffekten zu echten Arzneiwirkungen.

Warum letztendlich Hochpotenzen wirksam sind, ist noch nicht eindeutig zu klären - wichtig ist einstweilen, dass sie wirken. Die Kraft und die Wirksamkeit der Arzneien nimmt mit der Potenzierung zu, wobei gleichzeitig unerwünscht starke Reaktionen auf die Arzneigabe weitestgehend ausbleiben, wenn man sie richtig anzuwenden weiß.

Hahnemann selbst sei hierzu zitiert: Er sagte zu diesem Thema 1835 (in Bezug auf die Wirksamkeit der C30, also einer hoch potenzierten Arznei, in der keine Materie mehr zu erwarten ist):

 "[...] Indeß gehört dieser wahre Satz nicht unter die zu begreifen seyn sollenden, noch auch zu denen, für welche ich blinden Glauben fordre. Ich fordre gar keinen Glauben dafür, und verlange nicht, dass dieß Jemandem begreiflich sey. Auch ich begreife es nicht; genug aber, die Thatsache ist so und nicht anders. Bloß die Erfahrung sagt's, welcher ich mehr glaube, als meiner Einsicht."

Ein vom Sinn her sehr ähnliches Zitat gibt es übrigens von Charles Darwin. in einem Brief an William Darwin Fox vom 4.9.1850:

"Sie sprechen über die Homöopathie, was ein Thema ist, das mich sogar noch wütender macht als die Hellseherei: Das Hellsehen überschreitet unsere Überzeugungen in einer Weise, dass normale Fähigkeiten gar nicht in Frage kommen, doch bei der Homöopathie kommen gesunder Menschenverstand und allgemeine Beobachtung ins Spiel, und beides würde vor die Hunde gehen, wenn die unendlich kleinen Dosen irgendeine Wirkung hätten."



Homöopathische Komplexmittel – was ist das?


Seit zwei Jahrhunderten kennt die Homöopathie eine Vielzahl von Einzelmitteln mit komplexen Arzneimittelbildern. Das homöopathische Arzneimittelbild bezeichnet dabei die Gesamtheit aller Erscheinungen und Symptome, die durch ein Arzneimittel beim Gesunden hervorgerufen und beim Kranken zum Verschwinden gebracht werden können. Dabei wird ein Patient nie sämtliche Symptome eines Arzneimittelbildes aufweisen, was bedeutet, dass ein Krankheitsbild sich nie völlig mit einem Arzneimittelbild decken wird.

Von der Einzelmittel-Homöopathie zur Komplexmittel-Homöopathie

In der täglichen Arbeit mit der klassischen Homöopathie, in der jeweils nur ein einzelnes Mittel eingesetzt wird, entwickelte sich mit zunehmender Erfahrung in der therapeutischen Praxis eine abgewandelte Philosophie der Anwendung. Bekannte Therapeuten wie Arthur Lutze (1813 - 1870) und Pastor Emanuel Felke (1856 - 1926) gingen im Laufe der Jahre erfolgreich dazu über, homöopathische Mittel im Sinne bewährter Indikationen zu kombinieren.

Dies geschah zum Teil zufällig, weil z. B. ein Patient, der mehrere Mittel hintereinander nehmen sollte, diese gleichzeitig nahm, wie der Italiener Gaudenzio Soleri um das Jahr 1850 berichtete.

Da Menschen, die an einer Krankheit leiden, oft viele unterschiedliche Symptome haben, gab es manchmal kein Einzelmittel, das alle Beschwerden abdeckte oder es kamen auch mehrere Einzelmittel gleichzeitig infrage. In diesen Fällen lag der Gedanke ebenfalls nahe, bestimmte Einzelmittel zu kombinieren. Im Laufe der Zeit fiel den Therapeuten auf, dass sie für unterschiedliche Menschen mit gleichen oder ähnlichen Krankheiten immer die gleichen Kombinationen verschrieben. So entstanden mit der Zeit feste Kombinationen - die Komplexmittel.

Komplexmittel mit zahlreichen Vorteilen für den Anwender

Außerdem erspart es viel Zeit, da die Auswahl des richtigen Mittels nicht so lange dauert, wie bei Einzelmitteln. Darüber hinaus müssen Patienten nicht jedes Mal ein neues Mittel bekommen, wenn sich die Symptome im Laufe einer Krankheit verändern. Dass sich die einzelnen Mittel in ihrer Wirkung gegenseitig verstärken, ist ein weiterer Vorteil von Komplexmitteln.



Heel, Wala, Weleda, Pascoe, Hanosan u.a.



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