Lacerta agilis (Lacer) = Eidechse
Gebrauch: Swallowing small pieces of a whole
lizard: include: increased mental acumen (= Scharfsinn)/large vesicles under
tongue/constant accumulation of saliva in mouth/violent eructations/
“As if weight in stomach“/much nausea/violent pressure in stomach/pain
in intestines > drinking water and vinegar/skin eruptions/vesicles under
tongued/difficult swallowing;
Negativ: Delirium # scharfsinnig, Speichelfluss, Magen;
[Dough Brown]
Lizard remedies are not so well known and easily missed. This, perhaps,
is a reflection of their propensity for camouflage and hiding in our natural
world. It took me five years and many remedies to find this patient’s
simillimum but the results since then have been unequivocally positive. The key
to uncovering the remedy was, as usual, an attentiveness to the process and
experience behind the facts, the story, and the emotions. Only when we
simultaneously grasp both the Whole and the Center can we open the doorway for
healing consciousness in our patients.
How do any of us choose our direction? How do we decide whether to
attune ourselves to one thought, goal, or impulse, versus competing ideas? The
sphere of consciousness of Amphisbeana seems to encompass one way in which this
process can become mired in a dualistic struggle reminiscent of Hegel’s Thesis
vs. Antithesis, but from which no Synthesis can arise. Prior to receiving the
curative remedy, B.’s life was essentially a living expression of this
question. Once the simillimum was correctly perceived, she was free to live out
a satisfying answer to this question.
Lizard sat lolling in the shadow of a big rock, shading himself from the
desert sun. Snake crawled by, looking for some shadow to coil up in and rest.
Snake watched Lizard for awhile as Lizard's eyeballs went side to side behind
his enormous closed lids. Snake hissed to get Lizard's attention. Slowly
Lizard's dreaming eyes opened and he saw snake. "Snake! You sacred me!
What do you want?" Lizard calmly replied. Snake spit his answer from his
forked tongue. "Lizard, you are always getting the best shadow spots in
the heat of the day. This is the only big rock for miles.
Why don't you share your shade with me?"
Lizard thought for a moment, then agreed. "Snake, you can share my
shade spot, but you have to go to the other side of the rock and you must
promise not to interrupt me."
Snake was getting annoyed. He hissed, "How could I bother you,
Lizard? All you are doing is sleeping."
Lizard smiled knowingly. "Oh Snake, you are such a silly serpent.
I'm not sleeping. I'm dreaming."
Snake wanted to know what the difference was, so Lizard explained.
"Dreaming is going into the future, Snake. I go to where the future lives.
You see, that is why I know you won't eat me today. I dreamed you and I know
you are full of mouse."
Snake was taken aback. "Why Lizard, you're exactly right. I
wondered why you said you would share your rock."
Lizard laughed to himself. "Snake," he said, "You are
looking for shade and I am looking for shadow. Shadow is where the dreams
Lizard Medicine is the shadow side of reality where your dreams are
reviewed before you decide to manifest them physically. Lizard could have
created getting eaten
by Snake if he had so desired.
Lizard is the medicine of dreamers. Whether dreamers smoke you or dream
you, dreamers can always help you see the shadow. This shadow can be your
fears, your hopes,
or the very thing you are resisting. But it is always following you
around like an obedient dog.
If Lizard dreamed a space in your life this day, it may time to look and
see what is following along behind you. It is your fears, your future trying to
catch up to you, or is
it the part of you that wants to ignore your weaknesses and humanness?
Lizard may be telling you to pay attention to your dreams and their
Make a dream log and record all that you remember. Be sure to pay
attention to each individual symbol or recurring pattern. if you do not remember
your dreams upon waking in the morning, set an alarm for 2 – 3 h., or drink a
lot of water before you go to bed and allow your bladder to wake you up. Dreams
are very important. Pay attention to them.
If Lizard has turned up in the contrary position, you may be having a
nightmare. This is a sign of inner conflict. Look to the nightmare for a clue
to the nature of this conflict. What are the feelings your nightmare causes?
Breathe through these feelings and let the sensations flow out of your body.
See the truth in what your nightmare is suggesting. It could be the simple
message that you are confronting your fears and therefore do not need to
experience nightmarish events in your day-to-day life.
Another message of Lizard reversed is that you may need more sleep or
dreamtime. It could also imply that you have a lack of dreams for your future.
Imagination is the door to all new ideas and creations. As you examine the
dreaming process, you will find that the subconscious is processing all of the
recorded messages it hold concerning the events you experienced during the day.
These messages can be suppressed feelings bringing inner conflict, or
they can be new ideas or goals, other dimensions of awareness, future events,
warning signals, or desires and hopes.
In one sense, contrary Lizard is insisting that you look to your
imagination for new experience. This is necessary when life becomes dull or
full of boredom. On the other hand, contrary Lizard may also apply to those who
dream too much, refusing to use the dreams as tools to manifest that same
vision in their lives.
All levels of awareness are accessible through dreams. Remember, life is
not always as it seems. Are you the dreamer? Or are you the dreamed? The lizard
is a creature found
in shady areas during the heat of the day, and is symbolic of the
shadowy side of reality - the plane where that is coming into manifestation is
being fashioned. This plane is sometimes referred to as the
"Dreamtime" - the astral plane of constantly changing patterns and
shapes. Lizard is concerned with your dreams of the future and of formulating
what you want to become physical realities.
Lizard is thus connected with your subconscious mind, and your hopes and
It can help you to identify those recurrent problems that follow you
around like your shadow; they must be confronted before they will depart from
you. Your aspirations must have emotion breathed into them to make them
Next time you encounter Lizard on your journey, look carefully behind
you. Record your observations in a log and note especially any symbols and
signs so that you can identity those that are recurring. Ask Lizard to help you
to understand what you see. Keep a dream log, too, so you can become aware of
what is occurring both in your dream state and your shamanic state of
Make your dreams come true. Rekindle lost goals or desires. Expand your
vision. Honor messages in your dreams.
Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David.
Gemüt: Delirium
Geschäftig, betriebsam
Klarer Verstand
Kopf: Schweregefühl # klarem Verstand
Auge: Hautausschläge - innere Canthi (Krusten)
Gesicht: Lähmung in Kiefer l./steife Kiefer l.
Mund: Hautausschläge - Bläschen (unter) Zunge
Innerer Hals: Schlucken - schwierig
Magen: Aufstoßen (heftig)
Schmerz (drückend)
Bauch: Schmerz im Darm (> Essig/> Wasser)
Weibliche Genitalien: Geschwüre
Rücken: Lähmung in Zervikalregion l./Steifheit in Zervikalregion l.
Glieder: Schmerz < Bewegung/in Beine
Fieber: Hitze im Allgemeinen
Haut: Hautausschläge (absondernd, nässend)
Allgemeines: Gefühllos, taub äußerlich
Lähmung l.
> beim Schweiß/> Essig/> Wasser
< Berührung
Geschwollen im Allgemeinen
Komplementär: Lyss (= An),
Vergleich: Arum guttatum (=
Typhonium venosum/= Sauromatum venosum/= Eidechsenwurz/= „Voodoo-Lily.“/= Wunderknolle Alismatales. Quelle: Gärtnerei).
Saururus cernuus (= Lizards tail/= Water-dragon./= Swamp. Root Piperales.).
Vergleich. Schlangen - Reptilia - Lizards - Krokodile;
Siehe: Reptilia + Wachstumsgruppe
Antidotiert von: Led. Essig,
Wirkung: leproid
Allerlei: Lebt in Wüste.
Podarcis dugesii (= Mauereidechse ist immun gegen Borreliose burgdorferi).
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum