Larrea tridentate (Palo) = creosote
bush/= SHEGOI/= “Mother of all plants”/=
“Medicine Chest”/= Paloondo/= greasewood
= Helo-s-ähnlich;
Allerlei: Pima tribe believes that Larrea was 1st plant placed on the Earth by the creator, shortly after Earth was created. Recently, it has been verified that Larrea is indeed among the oldest living plants in the world. Some currently living Larrea plants actually started growing nearly 12.000 years ago, shortly after the glaciers retreated during the last ice age.
antioxidant lignans and flavonoids with antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial
the raw unprocessed Larrea has turpine compounds in it that can irritate the body's
tissues (liver) with regular use. There are cheaper Larrea products offered
that are simply ground Larrea leaves. These are much less effective and may
cause problems if overused.
“The most important botanical drugs are
discovered and validated by linking folk medicine and modern medicine.”
Each plant
has the potential to live at least 12.000 years because it can grow in groups
of long-living clones Any plant that can live up
to 12,000 years in a harsh environment and dominate/without sickness/it
thrives in desert regions
joints (external)/headache/fever/asthma/congestion/chest infections/bowel
problems/oral rinse/toothache/cancer/Tb./nausea/wounds
“As if being oppressed + not allowed to grow +
everything appearing narrow”.
essence for alcohol cravings and for drug detoxification.
Water. Dryness (mucous membranes)/excess salivation/THIRST + not > drinking. /swelling. This was often described “As if full”. Many of the provers exhibited symptoms of
internal swelling (upper respiratory tract). Feeling of tension and release.
> pressure.
(respiratory tract). Often nasal obstruction + nose that would “run non-stop”.
The mucous sticky and very hard to cough up. A recurring theme in the dreams
was a lack of blood. The plant is covered in a complex waxy resinous substance
that prevents the loss or leakage of any fluid from the plant. Another form of
discharge was a yeast infection. Setting boundaries/ending situations in which
one feels energetically drained/can’t take it anylonger + end it.
Its usage
for codependency, coupled with its usage in the treatment of cancer and
diabetes recall the remedy Carcinosin and may place the remedy into the Cancer
Miasm. It may be that the plant is so
focused on survival that there is little energy left over for concern about
others (codependency)/care for own space
cut off/is completely alone/closes off and experience bitterness Grief + weak/empty in chest. Ancient/COLD
(deep within)/hard/stiff/forsaken/isolated/alone/empty.
tract/musculoskeletal system (bronchitis/laryngitis, upper respiratory
infections/asthma/pneumonia/allergic rhinitis/sinus infections. Coughs dry
+ tickling
rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Pain + aching (deep in bones). A.
Complaint + swelling or “As if swollen”/Gastrointestinal tract (sharp PAIN
in gallbladder at 2h./vomiting + diarrhea
blurring/film like covering over eyes/haziness in the sky + feels
claustrophobic/tunnel vision
Urticaria caused by feeling of betrayal.
Gemüt: Empfindlich (gegen Geräusche)
Mürrisch/reizbar, gereizt
Weibliche Genitalien: Menses - zu häufig/schmerzhaft
Träume: Ängstlich/lustig
Allgemeines: 19 h/21 h/abends
> Gehen
Guai/Kreos: partly same chemical constituents not botanically. Fairly strong overlap in physical symptoms between
Kreos. and Palo.
GRIEF/is cut off/is completely alone/closes off and experience bitterness
harmala is also associated with the feeling of being drained by others, while
the issue of codependency came up strongly during this proving. . Siehe:
Zygophyllae + Überlebungsgruppe
+ Sonne + Luftgruppe
Wirkung: l. or r./moving l. to r.
disorders/sores, inflammation/rheuma/venereal disease/influenza/
bronchitis/common cold/virussen/oral sores/genital sores/ shingles/Kaposi’s
sarcoma/Epstein-Barr syndrome
rheuma/venereal disease/sores/bronchitis/chickenpox/influenza/common
Tinctures/salves with leaves of Larrea prevents bacterial infections in
skin abrasions. Applying a Larrea-leaf tea to the skin can also eliminate
rashes that resist treatment by prescription steroids. arthritis/rheuma/cancer/impaired
liver metabolism/dry skin/brittle hair and nails/digestive
herpes, Muscle diseases. Palo works 1. directly Antiviral, 2. + 3. general stimulants
of the immune system
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum