

Test: Pupillen erweitern sich bei Augenuntersuchung mit Atro. 5x so weit als üblich;

Vorbeugung: Schweißtreibende Bewegung/geistige Tätigkeit/Nahrung mit Omega-3-fettsäuren/Enzündungshemmende Medikamenten;

Ursache: Absterben vor allem Acetylcholin produzierender Nervenzellen ein Mangel an Acethylcholin = gehemmt/Bleivergiftung/FLEISCH essen/wenig intellektuelle Tätigkeit;


Vergleich: Siehe: Nosoden allgemein


Vorbeugung: Entzündungshemmende Substanzen (Antirheumatica)

Der bekannte Hirnforscher Professor Dr. Gerald Hüther erwähnte in einem Vortrag zwei einfache Herausforderungen, die vor Demenz bewahren:

1.                                   Gemeinsames Singen

2.                                   Kinder



Allerlei: Patient hat höhere Homocysteinlevel/Anhäufung von Alum setzt Eisen frei/Hypoglycemia fördert Alzheimer 1. Glutamat (= E 620 – E 625/= Excitotoxin) verstärkt Beschwerden in Alzheimerpatienten

2. Aluminium saucepans and Alzheimer's disease.

Symptoms Resemblance of pathogenesis of Alum-p/Alum-sil. given since the functional troubles begin, it can change the prognosis.

Epidemiologic studies show that the non smokers are more subject to the Alzheimer's disease than smokers


Allopatic Treatment: one of the allopathic therapeutic is the nicotin patch, that gives good results

Ein für Alzheimer wirksames allopatisches Medikament lindert Parkinsonbeschwerden

Acetylcholinesterasehemmern, die Acetylcholin abbauende Enzym hemmen, um dadurch die Acethylcholin-Konzentration an den Synapsen zu erhöhen. Einen anderen Weg geht man über die Verabreichung von Prekursoren wie z. B. Deanol und Meclophenoxat, um so den Aufmerksamkeitsgrad zu erhöhen.


The action of Nicot. on the brain being explored in regard to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. It could be that the harmaline alkaloid found in tobacco is involved in part of that action on the brain. Nicot. acts on the nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine, which exist in the brain as well as in the rest of the body.

Several brain-areas that can be affected by Alzheimer's disease contain nicot. receptors for acetylcholine, but the number of these receptors seems to be greatly reduced in Alzheimer's disease patients. If nicotinic receptors are blocked in normal people by drugs such as mecamylamine, the subjects do not perform as well in learning and reasoning tests. Conversely, the receptors can be activated by Nicot. itself, and tests in animals and humans show that nicot. increases the ability of patients to pay attention to events and to remember new things. Smokers, of course, will not be surprised by this, as it has long been claimed that alertness, attention, memory, and thinking are enhanced by smoking. Nicot. patches are now being developed for use in Alzheimer's disease, to help the mental condition without the serious health problems that accompany smoking. Because nicot. activates receptors in the muscles, intestines and nerves, leading to digestive and cardiovascular problems, several companies are developing drugs that activate the nicotinic receptors in the brain.


Antioxidants such as selegiline designed to limit the impact of free radicals


Cholinesterase Inhibitors including tacrine (Cognex) and donepezil (Aricept)



Helo-s Gilatide (= peptide in saliva has shown effect in the treatment of Alzheimer/Diabetes/ADD)/improves memory and learning: Novel Nootropic (= smart drugs/memory enhancers/cognitive enhancers) Peptide (= Exenosus?

?Lepomis Gibbosus?


Saphir w/wa Wirkt auf die Willens- und Gedankenbildung (Farbe)/mangelndem Selbstwertgefühl/geistig verwirrt/Gedächtnisverlust (Alzheimer).

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS)

Gilatide: a substance found in the saliva of Helo-s to improve memory and learning = Gilatide: Novel Nootropic (= smart drugs/memory enhancers/cognitive enhancers) Peptide (= Exenatide®) (gebraucht in Diabetesbehandlung).


Antidotiert von: Untersuchung in US. nimmt an (Studie an Nonnen) Alzheimer ist eine entzündliche Prozess, darum Paracetamol u.a.

Gesundes/aktives Leben ist vorbeugend



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