Gentianales = Pflanzen.


Thema: Wut/Ärger;


Blackstonia o. Chlora serotina = bitterling                       

* Apocynaceae

Acokanthera friesiorum o. Carissa schimper Pfeilgift.

Adenium obesum = Desert Rose/= Kudu/= Sabi star/= Wüstenrose

Alst. = Alst-s + niedriges Fieber

Alst-s. = Chin-ähnlich (Chin-ähnlich gebraucht) + Durchfall/= Alst-ähnlich

Apoc. = Apis + fröstelt + durstig + < Kälte/= Dig-ähnlich + gereizte Schleimhäute/= Stroph-ähnlich + Verdauungsbeschwerden


Car. = Ouabain./= Pfeilgift aus Acokanthera friesiorum o. Carissa schimperi

Cerbera mangha = Tanghinia venenifera = Ordealtree/Saft gebraucht als Pfeilgift.


Holarrhena antidysenterica. = Kurch. (I)

Holarrhena pubescens = Jasminbaum/= Elfenbeinbaum/= Osterbaum Bonsaigruppe.

Hoya purpureo-fusca = porcellanumblumen/= tierische Blumen

Iboga. o. Tabernanthe iboga. hat LSD-ähnliche Wirkung


Queb. = Dig für Lungen



Sarcolobus narcoticus arrow poison

Stapelia gigantea


Gemüt: Hysterie; Geruch entsteht durch Zersetzung von Eiweiß durch Clostridium botulinum. um Fliegen zur Bestäubung anzuziehen/= Carrionflower/= Star-fish flower/

= Succulent Täuschungsgruppe)


C 1/1 Innerliche Erstarrung. V: findet nun die Rosafärbung schön. V. brennt die Kehle und hat einen bitteren Geschmack auf der Zunge.

C 1/2 Bittere Geschmack auf Zunge. V. hat Kopfschmerz. Druck im Kopf. Trockene Lippen. Widerliche Geschmack im Munde. Brennen in Kehle.

C 1/3 V. hat Durst und immer trockene Lippen.

C 1/4 Steif/Schmerz in l. Schulter

C 1/5

C 1/6 Haut um Mund juckt

Nach Verreiben:

            Wasser schmeckt bitter und Kirschen nicht.

Einschlafend: Kribbeln über ganze Beinen/mache mich Sorgen wegen meines Sohnes (absolut unnötig).



Stroph-k w Apoc-ähnlich/= Dig + schnell + systolisch


Tabernanthe iboga Etheogen 

Tanghinia venenifera = Ordealtree


Trachelospermum jasmonoides = Sternjasmin Bonsaigruppe.


Vinc. = Gins-/= Gink-b-ähnlich/= Asc-c-ähnlich


                        * Asclepidiacae

Danaus plexippus. entwickelt sich auf Asclepidiaceae und nimmt deren Giftstoffen auf.


Asclepiaceae = Silkweed/= Swallowwart

Asc-c. = Bry-ähnlich + weniger < Bewegung/= Asc-t + Ausscheidungen


Asc-periploca. craeca

Asc-s. = Asc-t + Nerven/enthält Dig-ähnlche Substanz

Asc-t. = Bry-ähnlich + weniger < Bewegung

Asc-v. = Asc-t + Verdauungstrakt + erbrechen/Durchfall






Marsdenia cundurango bitter

Mondia whitei: Kopfschmerz/depressiv/ängstlich Aphrodisiacum. Pfeilgift.

Tyl-i. = Brechschwalbenwurz/= Indian Lobelia

Vince. = Asc-ähnlich

Xysmalobium undulatum = Uzarawurzel Durchfall, Mensesbeschwerden, Krämpfe im Unterleib enthält Dig-ähnliche Substanz


                        * Gentianacea

* Erythraceae haben allen ähnliche Wirkung wie Canch.


Asper. = Antho-ähnlich/= Gali-a + kräftig

Asperula tinctoria = Färberweide

Canch. = Erythraea chironioides/= Chin-ähnlich + entzündungshemmend

Erythraea centaurium = Tausendgüldenkraut

Gent-amarella. BB


Gent-ch. (I)

Gent-l. = Nux-v + reizbar/= Arn-ähnlich in Gebirge/Verletzung

Gentiana pneumonanthe = Lungenenzian Moorgruppe



                        * Logoniaceae

[Rajan Sankaran]

The common feeling universal to all the proved remedies derived from the Loganiaceae family has been worked out by Rajan Sankaran to be like being ‘shocked’ by something, like the experience of something upsetting you and shocking you. This he further describes as being ‘shattered’, and also like having been let-down or disappointed.

Einige Arten der Loganiaceae enthalten stark giftige Indolalkaloide, z.B. Strychnin (Nervengift).

Sie fühlen sich von den Umständen daran gehindert, ihren Wünschen und Träumen nachzukommen. Trotz der Enttäuschung bemühen sie sich aber, ruhig und

gefasst zu erscheinen. Wenn Enttäuschungen plötzlich kommen, können sie so geschockt sein, dass es auf der körperlichen Ebene zu Lähmungen kommt.

Im Vorstadium der Lähmung kommt es zu nervlicher Überreizung und starker Erregung, die zu Krampfanfällen führen kann.

Obwohl sie traurig sind, können sie nicht weinen, was zu stillem Gram führt und schlimmstenfalls eine Ohnmacht zur Folge haben kann.

Thema: Der Held sein oder nicht sein. Ursache: Zivilisation/Großstadt

Kind als Tirann empfunden o. gesehen?

SENsitive (bad news)/shocked (“electric shock”/elektrostatisch?)/situation feels like a shock/shattered/feels everything/torn to pieces/completely in a shock state

(= common plant feeling)

Needs to stay shattered, ruined, disappointed, devastated…



“stunned  or shocked/suprise”

[Ashley Hilton/Adrian Ross]

A number of members of the Loganiaceae botanical family are currently utilised as homoeopathic remedies. The homoeopathic literature makes reference to eleven clearly

identifiable Loganiaceae remedies (incl. strychnine and brucine nitrate), although the quality and nature of the original proving (or other form of experimentation) of each remedy, the identification and specification of the source material, and the identity of the original experimenter are not always clear (Archibel S.A., 2002).

Of the 11 remedies [see Table 2 below], four have extensive material medica reflected in over 3.000 repertory entries, 3 are somewhat less well described with less than

1.000 repertory entries, and four are very poorly described with as few as seven repertory entries against the last of these (Archibel S.A., 2003). The most extensively proved and most accurately described remedies are also the most commonly utilised in homoeopathic practice viz. (Nux-v. Ign. Spig. and Gels. (Sankaran, 2002).

Strychninum Alkaloid

Curare woorari

Strychnos toxifera

Curare 596 Wesselhoeft, 1885 Unclear

Upas tieuté = Strychnos tieute = Upas Tree 206 Pitet, unknown Roots & bark

Brucea antidysenterica

Strychnos nux vomica = Poison Nut 61 Hering, unknown Bark

Hoang nan Strychnos gaultheriana

Tonquin 29 Unknown, 1883 Bark

Spigelia marilandica = Caroline Pinkroot Unknown Root

Brucinum Brucine nitrate

In his group analysis of remedies of the Loganiaceae family, Sankaran (2002) describes the remedies of this family to be centred around a main sensation of being shocked, shattered or of being torn to pieces. Physical pains would typically be described by using these adjectives [e.g. shattered pains as if torn to pieces (Ign.); head feels as if it were torn, on coughing or moving (Curare); Shocks like electricity on going to sleep (Ign./Strychnine); pains tearing asunder (Ign./Nux-v/Spig.)], whilst the mental symptomatology may be expressed as shock, disappointment +/o. ailments from shock, grief, mortification or bad news.


[David Quinn]

Each of the remedies of Loganiaceae has a distinctive form of mortification.

Gels.: very much produces a feeling of being shocked with tremendous fear.

Ign.: is the state of being shocked and mortified, hence the symptoms of mortification recorded in the materia medica with Ignatia.

It is this mortification which gives the Ignatia state a lot in common with both Pulsatilla and Cimicifuga, two remedies Ignatia is compared to.

Nux-v.:  the feeling of being shocked and irritated. This is expressed “On seeing some irritating object she has a shock through the legs and through the whole body; she is almost insensible for an hour” (Materia Medica Pura). When Nux-v. gets angry with others and expresses their irritability, it can seem like they are trying to teach others not to do things around them that are shocking for them,

whatever that might be.

Spig.: produces helplessness. An important sentence of Spig. reads “Painful sensitiveness to touch of the whole body: at the slightest knock on any part there occurs pain and as it were a shivering about the part; even when treading there occurs a disagreeable shock in the body” (Materia Medica Pura). Spigelia is the state of suppressed shock and helplessness.

When we read in Rajan Sankaran’s work remedies classified as corresponding to a particular miasm we should think of this as the remedy producing a feeling that in suffering has an affinity to taking the form of that miasmic disposition. While it is most probable to find the person in Arnica, for instance, also in the Acute miasm, the Arnica state can also take form in any miasm typhoid or malaria, for example. Even though the state of Silicea has a strong affinity for taking form in sycosis, it will also be found in other miasms such as tuberculosis for example.



Buddleia indica o. Nicodemia madagascariensis = Stubeneiche. Bonsaigruppe.

Buddleia davidii





Spig.:= Nat-m-ähnlich + < steigender Sonn + > wähnende Sonne/= chronische Arn.






Strych. = Nux-v + Angst/= Arg-n-ähnlich







Bel-p. = Loganiaceae-ähnlich/pain can paralyse from shock.

Cina.: pain shocking (paralysed shocks)/Jumping sudden, “As if in pain”. Pinching pains/child jerks/trembles/twitch (Konvulsionen) = Loganiaceae-ähnlich


* Menyanthaceae

Meny. = Dros-ähnlich

                        * Rubiaceae = Färberröten. Anhang.

Comparison of Rubiaceae remedies with synthetic recreational drug isolate group (Durban University of Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences: Ujaswee Chhiba)

Überstimulation verschlechtert/viele Bedürfnisse/viele Ideen/Einbildungen/Phantasien/Tabak/Alkohol/< Stimulantia (Sex)/< Freude/stimuliert o. beseitigen Hunger

[Subhuti Dharmananda]

The Rubiaceae family of plants, to which Coffea belongs, is a traditional source of several Chinese medicinal herbs: gardenia fruit (zhizi), oldenlandia (also called hedyotis; baihuasheshecao), morinda (bajitian), rubia (qiancaogen), and uncaria (gouteng). Each of these has been characterized in the Chinese system as to nature, taste, and therapeutic actions; coffee has been analyzed as a medicinal herb in the same way. It should be kept in mind that, when used as health products, herbs are given in a certain dosage range to get the desired effects. Herbs in the form of seeds and beans are typically given in dosages of 6-18 grams in one day. Though everyone has their favorite preparation, a cup of coffee is typically made from 6-9 grams of the ground beans. So, 1-3 cups of coffee is about the correct range. Many Westerners consume more (and use mugs that contain 2 or 3 cups each), so the effects in those cases, which could include some adverse effects, are not necessarily the beneficial ones typically encountered in the dosage range under consideration here.


“Common sensation” relates to “pleasure, excitement, stimulation, boredom.”  Stimulation has to do with the generation of ideas +/o. fantasies,

and primarily indicates an intellectual desire or need for stimulation (thus the boredom side may be present).  He places Ipecac in the Typhoid Miasm (sudden, intense),

which makes perfect sense when reflecting upon Ipecac’s complete dissatisfaction with everything and tendency to ruckus.  


Asper. = Antho-ähnlich/= Gali-a + kräftig


Calcophyllum cansidissimum = Modron Guavenbaum Staatssymbol Peru Honig


Chin. = Nat-m + < Kälte + Blähungen + PERiodisch/= Sil + intolerant/reizbar/= Arsen-ähnlich/= Dig in Rhythmusstörung/over-stimulated and reacts in malaria miasm:

stuck + intermittently attacked.

Chin-b. = Chin + ärgerlich/grob

Chinin-ar. = Chin + fröstelt + Asthma + periodisch


Chinin-m. = Chin - Verdauungs-/Augenbeschwerden + Alkohol-/Tabakintoleranz


Chinin-sal. = Chin + Ohr

Chinin-s. = Chin + Nieren + EMPfindlich vor Reizen

Cinch. = Chinin-s-ähnlich

Coff. = Bell-ähnlich - benommen/= Nux-v-ähnlich - gereizt








Ixora stricta Bonsaigruppe.


Morinda citrifolia. = Uncaria-ähnlich/hat Morph-ähnliche Wirkung

Morinda lucide + Morinda morindoides

Morinda niger

Mitragyna speciosa enthält offiziell kein Coffein, hat einen Opoid-ähnliche Wirkung. Rubiaceae

Nauclea latifolia = Schmerzmittel/Tramadol in der Wurzelrinde. Die Konzentration des Opioids in Extrakten aus getrockneter Rinde lag zwischen 0,4 und 3,9%.

            = Pin Cushion Tree. Immergrün/Sub-Sahara/Kamerun: Epilepsie, Fieber, Malaria und Schmerzen.



Rubia petiolaris = Impendulo = Teil eines Ubulawu.

Quinidinum hergestellt aus China + Herzwirkung/= Chinidinum purum

Quin-s. = Chinidinum purum

Serissa foetida = Baum der tausend Sterne/= Junischnee Bonsaigruppe.           

Tabernanthe Iboga. Wurzel gebraucht in Religion in Gabun/gebraucht in Suchttherapie Drogen allgemein + Etheogen.


Uncaria tomentosa. = Cat’s claw


                        * Galiaceae

Enthalten N



Gali-odoratum. = Asperula odorata = Onze-lieve-vrouwe-bedstro.

                        Thym-s. = Our lady’s bedstraw



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum