Calochortus tolmei = Cat’s ears/= Mormonentulp/= Startulip


Thema: (Spiritueller) Vision; Lösung: negativ: Allein sein, positiv: Festhalten an spirituelles Ziel;

Positiv: Festhalten an Wünschen + loslassen von Unerwünschtes, Einzelgänger/mystisch bewandert/große Einbildungskraft;

Negativ: Festhalten an Vorurteile, isoliert/einsam/verlassen, hört Stimmen/sieht Imaginäres/kann Erfahrungen nicht äußeren, Augen/Ohr;

= 5th guidepost on the spriritual journey.  The secret to the unfolding of spiritual vision is learning to grab hold and let go in the right proportion. (Jacob) One who turns away from the world to listen to the voice of a higher world. The stage of unfolding of mystical faculties. There is a threshold between this world and the next (Ianus!1!), between the worldly mind and the imagination. The herb which has a special awareness of that crossing point is Cat's Ears. Dwelling in gray, as in dusk between day and night. Cat's Ears concentrates on development of inner awareness by adhering closely to the whispering of the sound current, the voice of the divine presence in the inner world.


Vergleich: Siehe: Liliales + Calcium carbonicumgruppe


Allerlei: West N. Amerika,      



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