

Vergleich: Siehe: Narkosemittel + Sedativa allgemein + Drogen allgemein + Anhängsel PMS + Tender points + Anhang (Richard Moskowitz/Dr. Henry C. Houghton) + Anhang 2 Akut


[Constantine Hering, M.D.]

Coffee for Aggravations

It happens sometimes, that the most violent pains are increased very much by the smallest dose of the suitable remedy; in such cases give a spoonful of black coffee (or let the person smell the coffee), and as soon as the aggravation has ceased, repeat the remedy. If made worse again, repeat the coffee, and so on until the improvement is permanent.

A homoeopathic physician of the right stamp, a great master, wrote to the author, that he has given remedies in this way with the greatest success,

Coloc. and Coffee for colic,

Puls. and Coffee for rheumatic pains in the limbs;

Merc. and Coffee for faceache

[E.A. Farrington]

Puls.: Toothache + earache


[Joseph D. Laurie]

Remedies in Deafness

From suppressed eruption: Sulphur or Antim crudum

From measles: Pulsatilla or Carbo Veg

From Scarlatina: Belladonna or Hepar

From abuse of mercury: Nit-ac, Carbo-v., Sulphur.

Nervous deafness: Cinchona, Arsenic, Gelseminum

From enlarged tonsils: Belladonna, Mercurius, Calcarea carbonica

From suppressed discharge from ears or nose: Hepar, Lachesis, Belladonna.


Acute, painful earache

Ohrenschmerz Aconit Ohrentropfen [Aconitum napellus/Camphor/Lavandulae aetheroleum/Quarz wa]


Caryophyllae: Verletzt/wehgetan o. beleidigt/schockiert/verbrannt o. verbrüht, Furcht vor Berührung/Annäherung/sad from being hurt. Enthalten Saponinen;

Cham: empfindLICH vor Schmerz = abtötend/irritierend/qualvoll)/schneidend/Zucken und Rucken bis Konvulsionen

Cina: pains are shocking (paralysed shocks: jumps suddenly as though in pain). “Jumping sudden, as if in pain”. Pinching pains/child jerks/trembles/twitch (Konvulsionen) = Loganiaceae-ähnlich/pains can become paralysing from shocks.

Eupat-per: hurt of ‘aching’ pains/”As if bones were broken/dislocated”. Producing much irritability and so affinity for malarial miasm. ‘bruised soreness as if beaten’ = an aching soreness + deep hard aching, as if in the bones”/SAD.

Bel-p: = Lily representative of Caryophyllae/hurt of being excluded. Being friendless and disconnected/+ friendly/friendly loquacity, desires company. Swelling and stasis of the Liliflorae remedies [injuries with (inflammatory) swelling surrounding tissue pressed upon and squeezed/stasis with impeded circulation/cuts off circulation to tissue resulting in coldness and stiffness). cancer miasm.

Plantago major. - useful local remedy for neuralgias, earaches, facial neuralgias (l. sided)


[The Homœopathic Physician Vol 7 – 1887]

Deafness cured by Silicea partially > blowing the nose.


Halswirbelsäule/Kopf                        Gelsemium Homaccord [enthält: Gels./Toxicodendron quercifolium/Cimic.]             Di 4, Sj 5, Gb 20, Gb 21

            Hals-/Brustwirbelsäule                        Cimicifuga Homaccord [enthält: Cimic. D2/Cimic. D10/Cimic. D30/Cimic. D200/Stront-c. D30/Stront-c. D200/

Stront-c. D8]            SJ 6, Gb 34

            Lendenwirbelsäule/Beine                        Colocynthis Homaccord [enthält: Citrullus colocynthis D2 + D10 + D30 + D200/Gnaph. D10 + D30 + D200 + D 1]                                                                                                Bl 60, Bl 40, Gb 30, Bl 23

            Schulter/Ellenbogen                                    Ranunculus Homaccord [enthält: Ran-b. D2 + D10 + D15 + D30 + D200/Asc-t. D 4 + D 10]

Die Wirkstoffe 2 bis 10 werden gemeinsam über die letzte Stufe potenziert.                                    Ma 38, Di 11

            Rippen                                                 Ferrum Homaccord [enthält:            Ferr-met. D8 + D30 + D200/Ferr-p. D8 + D30 + D200/Ferr-s. D6 + D 10 + D30 + D200/

Ferrum sesquichloratum solutum D4 + D10 + D30 + D200/Filipendula ulmaria (= Spirae.) D2 + D10 + D30 + D200]                        Pe 6, Sj 6

            Alles links                                                Spigelia Injeel S [enthält:                                    Qi

                                                                        Spigelon [enthält:

            Alles rechts                                                Sanguinaria Injeel                                     Blut Xue

                                                                        An-io-injeel Heel Enthält: Acidum formicicum D10 + D 30 + D 200/Asc-t. D10 + D 30/Selenicereus

                                                                        grandiflorus D30 + D 200/Cast. D10 + D 30/Crat. 10 + D 30             + D200/Plb-i. D10 + D 30 + D 200/

                                                                        Glon. (= Nitroglycerinum) D 10 + D 30 + D 200/ Spig. D 10 + D30 + D 200] Gemeinsame Potenzierung

                                                                        über die letzten 2 Stufen.



Cycl = Pain. de pourceau/= Sowbread/= Alpenveilchen./= Wurzel/= Sowbread/= Alpenveilchen./= Wurzel/= Erdapfel/= Erdnabel/= Erdrübe/= Erdwurz /= Färkensbrod/

= Gätziäpfel/= Hasenöhrli/= Hasenohr/= Pagatzen/= Saubrot/= Schweinsbrot/= Swinwurzelkrut/= Teufelsauge/= Waldrüben.

Vergleich. Psora - Sykose - Syphillinie - Tuberkulinie

Siehe: Krankheiten + Organen + Tinnitus + Musikgruppe + Anhang (Dr. Henry C. Houghton)

Doctrine of Signatures: William Coles' Table of Appropriations Ears: Wild Ginger, Ground Ivy, Ivy, Poplar Tree, Nightshade, Sow Fennel, Sow Thistle.

[Farokh Master]

Lob-e.: Deafness due to recurrent middle ear infections or deafness due to compression of the auditory nerve e.g. cancer of the ear, cancer of Nasopharynx, cancer of throat,

cancer of epiglottis or deafness due to hypertrophied tonsils.

Skookum chuck aqua: Otitis media due to nasal allergy, nasal congestion and sinusitis (left ear). Otitis media usually occur in a damp wet weather

There is a tenderness of mastoid; tonsils are enlarged

Spenglersan. Kolloide G

Bei Mittelohrentzündung wird Spenglersan Kolloid G direkt am Mastoid (hinter dem Ohr) eingerieben. Gleichzeitig tränkt man ein Wattebällchen mit Spenglersan Kolloid G 

und legt es in den Gehörgang.  Effektiver ist, man tropft ein paar Tropfen direkt in den Gehörgang und verschließt diesen mit einem Stückchen Watte.

Die Flasche mit Spenglersan Kolloid G einige Minuten vorher in der Hand aufwärmen. Nie kalte Tropfen ins Ohr geben!

Spenglersan T Chronische Ohrenentzündungen beim Säugling

[H. Retzek]

Thios. Ausgeprägt positive Wirkung auf Ohrerkrankungen + Bildung von neuem Bindegewebe.

[E.A. Farrington]

Toothache + earache

[Elaine Lewis/Robert Medhurst]

More prescriptions for antibiotics are written for ear infections than any other illness in childhood!

This is the question we will attempt to answer today! 90% of children will get an ear infection at least once before their 10th birthday. < chronic ear infections that never go away or frequently relapse in a short period of time. These kids become dependent on antibiotics and are on them seemingly constantly; but ironically, the more antibiotics

they get, the more they relapse!

In other words, antibiotics are part of the problem, and the side-effects and risks of using these things are much worse than simply waiting the 2 or 3 days it generally takes

for these middle ear infections to go away on their own with no consequence to the child’s health.

Even the very conservative CDC admits:“Ear infections will often get better on their own without antibiotic treatment. Taking antibiotics when they are not needed can be harmful, and may lead to unwanted side effects like diarrhea, rashes, nausea, and stomach pain. More severe side effects may rarely occur; these include life-threatening allergic reactions, kidney toxicity, and severe skin reactions.

Each time you or your child takes an antibiotic, the bacteria that normally live in your body (on the skin, in the intestine, in the mouth and nose) are likely to become resistant

to antibiotics.”

This would explain the constant relapsing! Other than antibiotics contributing to this problem, it turns out that the other big causative factor in ear infections is vaccination.

The title of the following article says it all: “Kids Given Vaccines Have 22x the Rate of Ear Infections”. 3/22x? That’s quite a number!

The article states the following: In German children, 11% of those vaccinated reported having ear infections, compared to less than 0.5% of unvaccinated children.

Similarly, sinusitis was reported in over 32% of vaccinated children, while the prevalence in unvaccinated children was less than 1%.

An important vaccine safety review was issued by the Institute of Medicine (10M) in August. According to this review of over 1,000 independent studies on vaccines,

they were unable to determine whether or not vaccines are a causative factor in over 100 serious adverse health outcomes.

You know, if the Institute of Medicine can’t determine if vaccinations cause over 100 serious health problems, I would have to assume that they do; at least, I would have to

err on the side of caution. In fact, one study published in 2005 by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology found that vaccinated children suffer higher

rates of asthma and allergies than unvaccinated children.


Bell.: Many infectious diseases in children take are Bell. And that is? High fever, dry heat, sudden onset, redness (ear/face/whole side of face might be red), usually a right-sided earache, congestion, throbbing or piercing sensation, may extend to throat, motion aggravates, jarring aggravates, glassy eyes, no thirst, intense presentation, child may

be agitated, screaming, parent will be frantic to “do” something!

mental excitement, anxiety, sensory hyperaesthesia, pupil dilation, cold extremities, redness and acute inflammation. The tympanic membrane often bright red and bulging,

(throat may be a bright, dry, red, pounding, throbbing pain in the r. ear, dry skin, aching in the face ext. to the neck, a high fever, face bright red or flushed. The otitis may

be associated with teething and symptoms come and go quickly. <:jarring/motion/draught/light/noise/lying flat must sit up; >: bed rest/warm room;

Cham.: The fact is, the same presentations show up over and over again despite the name of the disease changing! We can look at a person with a disease we’ve never

seen before and say, “That’s Cham.!” So now that we’ve cleared that up, you tell me, what is the Chamomilla presentation, since it has shown up now in our “Asthma” article, our “Women’s Problems” article, our “Fever” article…and who knows where else?

[Robin Murphy]

Used to talk about how he’d be walking down the corridor at the clinic, hear the screaming in the examining room, and say, “Give that child Chamomilla.” I know it sounds

a bit like Bell. but, look at your reaction to the child. The Bell. child’s parent feels the need to act, to do something, give a medicine, find a solution, fast!

The Chamomilla child’s parent just wants her kid to shut-up! There is no sympathy, the parent is fed up!

Ferr-p.: Early stages of all febrile and inflammatory disorders, and as such is useful in the early stages of otitis. Inflammation and bulging of the tympanic membrane, lassitude, feverish and yet chilly at around 13 h., tinnitus and flushing of the face. <: r./night/4 - 6 h./touch/jarring; >: cold applications;

Puls.: Opposite of Cham., whiny rather than angry and cross. Soft and pitiful with big eyes, they cry too; but, it’s a soft cry that makes you want to help them, their bodies aren’t stiff and rigid, they relax into your arms and are better for your comfort. They’re hot, kick the covers off, want fresh air, the windows opened, thirstless but may say

yes to cold drinks only; babyish, they want to be softly carried;; ruptured ear drums with creamy yellow or greenish, bland discharge from ear. He may have a cough or cold

at the same time. > cool or cold applications.

Changeable symptoms. A mild gentle, weepy and clingy disposition, appears chilly, fears being alone at night, has a pale face, fever, thirstless, develops a very painful left-sided ear infection with a thick bland offensive otorrhoea, tinnitus and deafness, following an upper respiratory tract infection. May be fever, a thick yellow or green nasal discharge and a desire for open air. Often wants the head high when lying down. The external ear may be swollen and red. <: evening/night/heat/warm room/after eating/from rest/lying down or lying on left side or painless side; >: daytime/open air/motion/cold applications/cold food and drink/sitting erect;

Hep.: Hypersensitiv. This is the distinuguishing characteristic, the ear is hypersensitive to touch and cold. There may be sharp and splinter-like pains in the ear.

The ear discharge smells offensive or there may be an abscess that’s not discharging. Can be very useful for those suffering from chronic otitis with pharyngitis, deafness, perforations or ulceration of the tympanic membrane, and a yellow purulent cheesy offensive effusion, all of which may progress to mastoiditis. Often, pain can be felt shooting from throat to the ear on swallowing. The sufferer may be irritable and experience cold sweats, hyperaesthesia, may be sensitive to touch. Injuries tend to suppurate and there may be a history of bacterial infections. Symptoms are often worse from cold air, dry cold wind and touch, and better from heat, damp weather, wrapping up, from rest and in the morning.

Mercurius solubilis

A severe sore throat, prostration, fever, night sweats, moist skin, thick offensive yellow or green discharges, profuse sweating, swollen lymph nodes, ear pain and excessive salivation may be indicators for this prescription. The sufferer often experiences tremors in the extremities, is chilly, craves bread and butter and cold drinks. Symptoms are worse at night, from heat, a warm room, a warm bed, and from perspiration.

Merc-v.: Also Mercurius solubilus–no distinction between the two. We usually just say “Mercury” or Merc-sol or Merc-viv. So here’s the idea with Mercury: the case is chronic. The ear infection won’t go away or it keeps relapsing–maybe because of repeated courses of antibiotics. His first ear infection may well have been Belladonna, but,

he didn’t get it, got antibiotics instead, and the rest is history.

Either way, it’s an old case and a weak, sickly patient who only feels better lying down. The Mercury patient is so sweaty, he drenches his pyjamas. The sweat smells bad,

so does his breath. There’s a lot of salivation, drooling in sleep.

The Mercury patient is very sensitive to changes in temperature–he’s only comfortable within a very narrow temperature range; go one degree outside of that and he’s either opening or closing windows or throwing the covers off or putting them back on… The discharge that comes from the ear is green pus or sometimes yellow and gluey; sensations are burning, bursting, shooting, pinching, piercing and other kinds of pains and the discharge is offensive-smelling. Ears may be throbbing, ringing or stopped up. He’s worse at night and from warmth of the bed. There may be a concomitant sore throat that extends to the ears with swollen glands.

Acon.: Like Belladonna, onset sudden. You might have trouble distinguishing with Belladonna. Generally, an Aconite condition follows exposure to cold/dry winds. The ear is hot and painful, may be throbbing. Is hypersensitive to noise and music. There’s a fever, possibly a dry cough and stopped up nose. He’s very thirsty. Belladonna is thirstless.

All-c.: A concomitant cold with the ear infection. The cold looks like this: the nose running like a faucet, the discharge burning (upper lip). < in a warm room, > open air.

All-c. all the pains and aches belonging to this remedy

Calc.: Child cold and sensitive to cold and may have gotten their ear infection from exposure to cold despite the fact that they love cold drinks and ice cream. They are over-weight and flabby.

Head is hot and sweaty. His sweat and stools smell sour. Constipated. May have a concomitant sore throat and swollen glands and tonsils. Ear pain is throbbing, discharge is thick, yellow and offensive.

Offensive muco-purulent otorrhoea, night sweats, photophobia, swollen tonsils, enlarged glands and deafness (teething is occurring at the same time or there’s been a history of delayed dentition).

Desires: cold drinks/eggs/milk/ indigestible things. The sufferer may appear to be obstinate, may perspire easily (head and at night) and exhibit a sour odour, and may complain of a sensitivity to cold around the ears and neck. <: cold weather/drinking milk/washing; >: lying on the affected side/dry weather;

Carb-v.: mechanical obstruction to the Eustachian tubes from swelling of the tonsils.

Ferr-p.: If people would take it right at the beginning of an infection, they might be able to nip it in the bud! I keep Ferr-p. 200C in a water bottle in the refrigerator (remember to succus the bottle 5 or 10x before each dose), it’s been in there for years, and I take a sip every time I think I might be coming down with something and I never do!

P.S. I have Phosphorus 200C on my night table because a couple of times I’ve awakened in the middle of the night with an unbelievable and frightening dry cough as if I had pneumonia, and a dose of Phos. 200C makes fast work of it and it’s all over! I find Ferr-p. works especially well if I wake up in the middle of the night with sore throat. Anyway, it’s for the beginning of an infectious process, take it right away!

Lyc.: r.-sided ear infection (moves to the l. ear). Cases that start on the right, but move to the left. The ear feels stopped up and he sometimes hears ringing or buzzing. Discharge is thick, yellow and burning. Look for typical indications for Lyc.: craving sweets, worse in late afternoon and evening, worse cold air and drafts, gas and bloating, irritable on waking. Prefers warm drinks like tea.

In this instance, symptoms often start on the right side, then either stay there or travel to the left. Tinnitus, deafness, thick yellow offensive otorrhoea, desires: sweets/warm food; increased appetite, flatulence, cold extremities, dry skin, intermittent chills and sweats and hyperaesthesia to noise. <: late afternoon to evening/on waking/warmth; >: motion/cold applications/being uncovered;

Sil.: Give when Silica is the constitutional remedy. Chilly, shy, pale, tired, yielding, weight loss, thin, frail, weak child with fetid otorrhea, perforated ear drum, deafness, roaring and hissing in ears, sensitive to loud noises, ears stopped up, > yawning or swallowing.

Kali-bi: Chronic situations with a perforation of the ear drum + a muco-purulent discharge. Involved tissues are irritable, there may be a stringy or globular yellow nasal discharge, a dry mouth and throat, sinus headache and fever. <: l/morning/cold; >: heat;

Kali-m.: Eustachian tubes blocked. You know when you’re on an airplane, and your ears close and they won’t open up? Also, catarrhal conditions of the middle ear.

Glands about the ear may be swollen. Catarrhal deafness. Crackling noises on swallowing or nose-blowing. Itching, or as if a plug in the ears. Eustachian tube may be sore. Discharges white. Chronic otitis with mastoid involvement and excessive granulation occurring in the inner third of the auditory canal often respond. Swollen glands, flatulence, deafness, tinnitus and a history of glue ear and tonsillitis may also be noted here. <: motion/open air/cold drinks; >: rubbing;

Tell-met.: most important in Otorrhoea. Discharge smells like fish pickle and is so acrid that it vessicates any part of the skin it touches. Very slow and long acting.

<: night/at rest/cold weather/lying on painful side/touch;

On examination, one may note a drum head that is dark purple, with elevated spots in the local area that form vesicles which break and produce a watery acrid excoriating discharge that smells of fish. Symptoms tend to develop slowly and deafness may occur.

<: night/cold/touch/lying on affected side; >: lying on the back;


[David Wember, MD]

First thing I ask my patients to do is to stop eating dairy products. Hahnemann was not opposed to proper nutrition. The high molecular weight proteins, like casein and

whey, are often allergenic and cause congestion.

Some extra Vitamin C acts as an antihistamine. I use these as adjuncts to the remedies. If you did nothing else but stop dairy products, it is my opinion that 50% or more

of these children would cease their recurrent congestion and even otitis media.

Calc-s.: recurrent otitis media.

Ferr-p.: acute otalgia

[C.G. Raue]

Alum.: reduces granulation on the drumhead or inner extremity of meatus. (Houghton.)

Calc.: Large polypi filling the whole external meatus and overlapping it; bleed occasionally; chronic nasal discharge.

Calc-i.: Offensive, thick, yellow discharge from the ear, deafness, pain in region of the heart, < afternoon/evening/going up stairs; frequent urging to urinate, “As if the bladder were full”

Merc.: Offensive discharge. Polypi in external meatus, which is inflamed.

Thuj.: Large polypi with otorrhoea – bleed easily. Shooting pain in ear. Granulations in middle ear.

Tips on Ear Wax

Carb-v. malsecretion of cerumen with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus. (Houghton.) Discharge of flesh-colored, offensive moisture from right ear; deficient or badly-smelling cerumen.

Con. Accumulation of earwax, looking like decayed paper (scales of epidermis) mixed with pus or mucus, or blood-red; hardness of hearing ceasing when the wax is removed and returning with the wax.

Graph. young person with habitual herpetic eruptions in the meatus, or meatus dry and scabby.

Lach. Want of wax; ears very dry.

Mur-ac. Accumulation of wax which is dry and hard, and of a brown-red color, with hardness of hearing.

Petr. Large quantities of thick or thin wax; sensation of rushing of water in the ear; old aged persons.

[Robin Murphy]


Red: CON. Psor. Mur-ac.

Black: PULS. elaps

Hardened: PULS. Con. all-s. elaps. lach. sel.

Pale: LACH

Abnormal accumulations of ear-wax: Con.

Deficiency of ear-wax: Calc. or Carb-v.

Bad smelling: Carb-v. Caust.


[Dr. K.N Mathur]

Lob-i.: In deafness due to suppressed discharges;

[Didier Grandgeorge]           

Not being able to wear earrings, causing the skin to become infected: Lach. Med.

[Henry C. Houghton]

Mez.: intense itching in the auditory meatus. The sensation ext. eustachian tube (Caust./Nux-v.) A guiding symptom ”As if cold air reached the tympanum.”

Pic-ac.: furuncular or circumscribed inflammation of the meatus; yet in the chronic or subacute forms, it has delighted patients and surgeons.

Sil.: ulcerated membrana tympani and inner extremity of the meatus, which is deep, slow to heal, covered with thick yellow pus (tends to form a firm scab, which adheres closely to the ulcer, and, on removal, reveals the above condition. A characteristic symptom a hissing sound + purulent discharge.

[Willard Pierce]

Chronic suppuration of the middle ear, with perforation of the drum and discharge of thick, yellow pus, associated with bursting headache, chilliness, etc., It is our main remedy in threatening abscess of the mastoid with some external redness and great tenderness to touch.


Swimmer’s ear:

To limit the risk of becoming infected with swimmer's ear be sure to:

* Keep your ears dry. Dry your outer ear thoroughly after exposure to moisture from swimming or bathing with a clean towel. Note: never insert your finger or any sharp

or hard object into your ear.

* Avoid swimming in polluted water.

If you do develop swimmer's ear, before making a trip to the doctor and turning to prescription antibiotics to deal with swimmer's ear, try following these easy tips to heal

the infection at home:

* Place a warm (not hot) heating pad over or against your ear to help reduce pain.

* Keep your ear dry while it's healing. Use earplugs when showering or bathing. Don't swim or clean your ears until the infection is gone.

* Use natural earache treatments such as Hyland's Earache Drops (Puls. C 30 + Cham. C 30 + Sulph. C 30 + Calc. C 30 + Bell. C 30 + Lyc. C 30) to relieve earache symptoms (throbbing, pulsing pain), burning sensation, and ear congestion.


Otovowen® [Sanguinaria (hemmt Entzündungen) + Caps. (drückendem Ohrschmerz, Schwellung hinter dem Ohr/Mittelohrentzündung + Hals- und Kopfschmerz/akute eitrigen Mittelohrentzündung) + Acon (akut + plötzlich/mit Fieber und überempfindlich gegen Berührung und Geräusche) + Echi (immunstimulierend) + Samb (immunstärkend/schleimlösend) + Cham. (entzündungshemmend)]


Auricular acupuncture = Ohrakupunktur

Das Ohr stellt eine exakte Somatotopie des gesamten Organismus dar. Ihrer embryonalen Entwicklung entsprechend spiegeln sich in der durch den Vagus versorgten Concha die entodermalen Organe (Magen- und Darmtrakt, innere Organe), in dem durch den N. trigeminus versorgten zwischen der Concha und der Helix gelegenen Gebiet die mesodermalen Somatotopien (Knochen, Muskeln, Gefäße, Herz, Niere, Genitalien) und in dem durch den N. auriculus magnus versorgten Gebiet, Ohrrückseite, Helixrand und Ohrläppchen die des ektodermalen Keimblattes

(Nervensystem, Haut).

TCM..: Ohren mit Nieren verbunden


Wickel bei Ohrenschmerzen

In den meisten Büchern finden wir die Kamillen – und Zwiebelwickel separat aufgezeigt. Aus alten Überlieferungen und aus eigener Praxiserfahrung kann ich jedoch eine Kombination der beiden wärmstens empfehlen.

Wir benötigen:

  1 Zwiebel

  1 kleine Handvoll Kamillenblüten

  1 Gazewindel



Zerschneiden Sie die Zwiebel in kleine, Würfel und vermischen Sie diese mit den Kamillenköpfchen. Setzen Sie einen Topf mit Wasser auf und legen Sie den Topfdeckel umgekehrt auf.

Das Gemisch schlagen Sie nun in die Gazewindel ein, machen ein handgroßes Päckchen davon. Das Päckchen legen Sie auf den Topfdeckel und lassen es warm werden. Die Flanellwindel zu einem Schal zusammenfalten. Das nun richtig warme Kräuterpäckchen auf den Schal geben und diesen so um den Kopf legen, daß die Kräuter auf dem schmerzenden Ohr sind. Vorsichtig mit einer Sicherheitsnadel befestigen und je nach Vorlieben des Kindes ein Stirnband oder eine Mütze über den Wickel anziehen. So kann der Wickel nicht verrutschen, und das Kind darf sich frei bewegen.


ca. 1 – 2 Stunden oder länger

Kontraindikation: perforiertes Trommelfell


Otitis media:

Often pediatricians say, “Your child has a mild ear infection.” I am very suspicious of this diagnosis. It often means that the ear drum does not look quite right, the parents

are anxious, the doctor feels pressured to prescribe something, and so a diagnosis of “mild ear infection” is used to justify treating the child with antibiotics. A doctor examining a child’s ear with an otoscope looks like one of life’s last great mysteries. But what does he see?

It’s so simple. A normal ear drum is pearly white. An infection in the middle ear (behind the ear drum) turns the ear drum red. But there are many shades between white

and red. And the ear drum also turns red from other causes - fever, or the baby crying. And what child doesn’t cry when that otoscope is poked in his ears? Often the doctor cannot tell just by looking at the ear drum for a

brief moment whether an ear infection is actually present. In a recent article, doctors said themselves said, “We are only sure of the diagnosis in 15% of the cases, the rest is hoping and praying!” Sounds like a very low betting average - and yet in almost 100% of the cases an antibiotic is prescribed. Physicians and parents would do well to learn some of the great homeopathic remedies for ear infections. I will cite some of the most common ones.



WALA Aconit Ohrentropfen* helfen -frühzeitig gegeben- zuverlässig bei Ohrenschmerzen.

Apis/Levisticum II, Mittelohrentzündung.


Caps.: Otitis media with rupture of membrana tympani and great soreness of mastoid portion of temporal bone. Chronic suppurations of ear with bursting headache and chilliness. Ear is hot, pain goes to throat, purulent discharge. DD.: Hep. sensitiveness greater. Dr. Weaver: has seen cases needing mastoid operation > Capsicum.

Chinin-sal = Chin + Ohr.

Cham.: eine Wange rot, andere weiß mit typische Reizbarkeit


[T.K. Moore, M.D.]

Ferr-p. in earache and mastoiditis leads everything else. More cases of mastoiditis call for Ferr-p. than any other remedy. It equals Cham. In earache of children. it may be repeated often.

Puls.: Nicht gebrauchen kann das Problem unheilbar machen

Opuntiaceae = Ohrenkaktus

[Farokh Master]

Myg.: Acute earache (r.)/< after midnight, driving the child out of bed.

In my practice, have never failed to treat acute pain in the ear that wakes the child up crying in the middle of the night. I start with Ferr-p. and if this does not act, then

I may use Cham 50M

[Dr. W.A. Dewey]

Prevent Mastoid Operation

Caps.: Otitis media with rupture of membrana tympani and great soreness of mastoid portion of temporal bone. Chronic suppurations of ear with bursting headache and chilliness. Ear is hot, pain goes to throat, purulent discharge. DD.: Hep. the area of sensitiveness is greater.

Dios.: das einzige homöopathische Mittel, das eine Paukenhöhlenentzündung des Ohrs heilt.

[C.E. Fisher]

Calc-s.: = Hep-ähnlich and more intensely and deeply/often useful after Hep. has ceased to act. For inflammations and suppurations; for effects of blows, etc.

For the eye, after an injury by a splinter, like Aconite, Silicea, and Symphytum. For otitis, after a blow on the ear. The pus discharged is thick yellow, as is also the nasal discharge.

[Dr. William Boericke]

Tell-met.: most important in Otorrhoea. Discharge smells like fish pickle and is so acrid that it vessicates any part of the skin it touches. Very slow and long acting. < night/at rest/cold weather/lying on painful side/touch;


Vergleich. Psora - Sykose - Syphillinie - Tuberkulinie

Tuberkulinie tobt sich im Ohr und Zähnen aus


Benaudira: www.benaudira.de/

Ein individuelles Hörtraining bei Lernschwierigkeiten und Konzentrations-Störungen (ADS, ADHS und andere Verhaltens-Auffälligkeiten). Auch bei Tinnitus und Schwerhörigkeit

Benaudira ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Neurostimulation nach Johansen. Holger Raddatz, der aktuelle Entwickler von Benaudira durfte mit “Segen von Johansen” dessen Methode gemäß moderner technischer Möglichkeiten weiterentwickeln.

Vereinfacht zusammengefasst: durch eine gefilterte Musik und gefilterte Texte, die den Hörkurven bzw. den Hörschwächen angepasst wurden, kommt es zu einer Stimulation und Optimierung der hörverarbeitenden Hirnzentren. Dies führt zu Hörbesserungen, deutlicherer Differenzierung des Gehörten und ggf (beim Tinnitus) zur Abschwächung der bösen Dauer-Frequenzen.

  Tinnitus (Akkupunktur: He 9 + Gb 2)


  Geräuschüberempfindlichkeit (Hyperakusis)



  schnelle Ermüdbarkeit




  Auditive Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsstörung (AVWS)

  verzögerte Sprachentwicklung


  Lese-Rechtsschreibstörung (LRS)/Legasthenie

  Aufmerksamkeitsdefizite (ADS)

  Hyperaktivität (ADHS)

  Probleme mit der Merkfähigkeit



Auricularia auricula-judae o. polytricha = Judasohren Fungi.

Calochortus tolmeii. = Cat’s ears/= Mormonetulp/= Startulip

Gink-b. = Yin-Hsing/= Ya Chio = Entenfuß"/= Elefantenohr"/= "Mädchenhaarbaum"/= Yin kuo

Fallopia japonica. (= Reynoutria japonica/= Polygonum cuspidatum/= Japanische Staudenknöterich/= Japanischer Flügelknöterich/= Japanischer Rhabarber/= Japanischer Buchweizen/= fleeceflower/= monkeyweed/= Huzhang/= Hancock's curse/= elephant ears/= pea shooters/= donkey rhubarb/= sally rhubarb/= Japanese bamboo/= American bamboo/= mexican bamboo).

Forficula. auricularia = Ohrwürmer

Haemanthus albiflos = Elefantenohr Asparagales./= Zimmerpflanze

Hieracium peleterianum = Vals-muizenoor Asterales.

Hypochearis radicata = false. dandelion/= Ferkelkraut/= Hairy cat.’s ears/wie Tarax. gebraucht Asterales.

Opuntiaceae. = Ohrenkaktus

Phal-gig. = Elephant ear orchid

Philodendron domesticum = Elephant. earphilodendron/air filtering plants. Alismatales.

Plan-m. = Breitwegerich/= Plantain/= Lungenblatt/= Wundwegerich/= Ballenkraut//= Wegtritt/= Saurüssel/= Mausöhrle

Salix aurita = Ohrweide Malphigiales.

Thios. Ohroperation, Katarrakt, Sklerodermie


Schlangen. haben keine Ohren.


„Du hast wohl was an den Ohren?

„Die hat aber große Ohren!

„sich etwas hinter die Ohren schreiben“ (Sich etwas merken.)

„es faustdick hinter den Ohren haben“ (Schlau und raffiniert sein.)

„ganz Ohr sein“ (aufmerksam zuhören.)

„kleine potjes hebben grote oren“ Kinder hören Erwachsenen bei Gespräche zu, auch wann sie tun als ob sie beschäftigt sind.


Verhärtetes Ohrenschmalz: Saft von Semp.



[S. Lilienthal]

Swelling on bone behind the ear, painful to touch; tearing behind ear, in concha; pain deeply seated with itching beneath the left ear with every cough as if an ulcer would open. Take a fleshy, flabby, dark haired child with the above symptoms who wants to lie on a hot water bottle but howls with pain if anything cold touches his ear and Capsicum will relieve in a few moments.


   Whizzing and throbbing in ears.

   Darting pain in ears.

   Canal filled with, cheesy bloody pus. Surrounding skin scurfy and irritated.

   Little pustules in meatus and auricle wherever pus touched. Pus very offensive.

   Haemorrhage from slight touch.

   > hot applications: < anything cold.

   [One wonders that more has not crept into homoeopathic literature regarding the extreme value of Hepar in ear troubles. At outpatients, years ago, a doctor, trained by Dr. Yunnan (a great prescriber) in India, revealed the marvellous action of Hepar 200 in single dose in ear troubles. Since then one has used it often with great effect.

The most striking case was during the War, when "specialists" were not always at hand. A young girl with very high temperature; much pain; ear, "sticking out"; the redness and swelling over mastoid denoting urgency, and no surgeon to hand, got Hepar 200. When seen, a couple of days later, the whole thing had subsided, temperature, pain and all. But such cases of urgent responsibility, in normal days, one hands over, gladly, to the ear surgeon. One remembers hearing of a patient brought to hospital too late, where pus was found, not only in brain, but down the spinal cord].

hypersensitive; to touch/cold/draught. One cannot imagine Hep. loving to have its ear cleansed".


   An old domestic tip for earache. "Heat an onion in the oven, and insert the small hot core into ear.".

   Discharge of pus from ear.

   Pains behind ears, deep in head, from backwards and towards ears.

   KENT says: "The old mothers used to put onions on the babys ear when it had earache: not surprising, when we see all the pains and aches belonging to this remedy.

   "Jerking pains from throat towards Eustachian tube. Violent earache, even to discharge of pus from ear. Ringing in ears. Stitches towards ear from forehead. Pain like thick threads drawing from deep in head. Stitching, tearing pains in ear with whooping-cough coryza laryngitis".


   Most useful in less extreme cases.

   Otalgia: pain violent as from something forcing outward.

   Jerking; tearing; darting; shooting; bursting; pulsating at night.

   Earache relieved by cold applications (reverse of Hepar.). < heat

   Stitches in ears: itching sticking, deep in.

   "Otitis media: profuse, yellowish, or yellow-green discharge. Severe pain, especially as evening sets in, continuing through the night, with paroxysms of increasing

   severity: causing little concern during the day: later a bland discharge of mucus and pus: not especially offensive.".

   Otitis external: pains very severe: ear red and swollen. Pains < at night. Sensation as of something crawling out of the ear.

   Otitis with delirium, horrid pain, swelling in ear. Pain may extend over side of face, and into throat.

   Otorrhoea, from cold: after scarlet fever, measles, etc.

   "Puls. has such a strong affinity for the ear that it will cure earache in almost all sensitive children who cry pitifully."- KENT.


   Grows furious with the pain.

   Violent pains in ear, >eat (Hep. of Puls.). Cant have a draught of air on the ears (Hep.).

   Single large stitches in ear (stooping) with ill-humour and peevishness.

   Roaring in ears, „As from rushing water“: ringing in ears. „As of hot water running out of ear“.

   Pressing earache in spells, with tearing pain, extorting cries. Particularly sensitive to open air about ears.

   [KENT: "Pitiful crying in children with earache calls for Puls. But those who are snappish, who are never suited, who will throw away something asked for and slap

   the nurse in the face must have Cham. With Puls., Cham. and Allium cepa, you can cure the majority of earaches in children].


   Otorrhoea: offensive, watery, curdy.

   Purulent discharges from ear.

   Caries of mastoid process.

   Scabs behind ears.

   Child bores into its ears with fingers when asleep, causing discharge of blood and pus: enjoys having its ear cleanses.

   direct action on the middle layer of the membranum tympani. It promotes suppuration, and is invaluable in obscure ear troubles. > Collections in the Eustachian tubes

Sil. may clear up the results of mastoid operations which fail to heal easily.


   Soreness and excoriation of inner ears.

   Ears inflamed internally and externally.

   Pain: cramp-like, sticking: as if stopped by a swelling.

   Purulent, green offensive discharges.

   After a cold: intolerable pain in whole head, esp. ears: boring, tearing, stitching, raring, < left ear, externally red, hot and swollen. Pain may cause fainting.


   Purulent offensive discharge with itching in ears.

   Boils, fungus excrescences, polypi in ears.

   Inflammatory swelling of glands under ear.

   Typical Merc. is offensive discharges: saliva, sweat. Tremors of hands and tongue.

   Aching in ears < between 17 – 18 h.

   < at night and from heat of bed.

   Queer symptoms: shivering in any pus-cavity.

   Complaints increase during sweat.


   Oversensitive to noise, but music relieves.

   Caries of mastoid: obstinate otorrhoea.

   Burning, pricking, itching, boring pains behind ear.

   Fetid otorrhoea, especially with caries of the ossicles. After scarlatina.

   Typical Aurum is intensely depressed-even to suicide.

Sulph.: offensive purulent discharge with eruption on face and body, and relieves ear complaints from suppressed discharges and eruption.

Can be an intercurrent when other well-indicated medicines fail to act. The pointers here include restlessness, aggression, a dislike of bathing, frequent skin eruptions, relapsing complaints, itchy skin, tinnitus, deafness, ailments from milk, and a desire for sweets. The sufferer may experience morning diarrhoea, profuse urination, respiratory congestion, hot sweaty hands, as well as flushes of heat with dry skin. The body generally appears to be unclean. <: in the early morning/ warmth in bed/washing or bathing; >: warm dry weather/in the open air;


   Itching and swelling with painful throbbing in external meatus: then discharge of water fluid smelling like fish-pickle, which causes vesicles wherever it

            touches. Ear is bluish-red, oedematous: hearing impaired.

   Constant rather severe deep pain in ear.

   Dull throbbing pain in ears day and night; thin, watery, excoriating discharge.

   Ulceration in external auditory meatus. Characteristic. Hungry at night: wants an apple in the middle of night.

   Longs for beer.

   Offensive sweat of armpits: fetid sweaty feet.

   Fear if touch in sensitive places. (Hep.).

   Itching of sweaty places.


   Discharge from ears with tearing pain: Otorrhoea after measles.

   Colchicum is hypersensitive to odours: especially smells of cooking.

   [Clarke somewhere records the case of a middle-aged woman with ear-trouble after scarlet fever at thirteen. Clarke gave her Colch. which cleared it up. The drum healed, and she had normal hearing thereafter].


Abscesses frequently formed in the ears of young children. Generally preceded by violent pains, giving rise to screaming, rolling and tossing of the head, sudden starting out of sleep and more or less fever.

As soon as the abscess breaks and matter is discharged the pain ceases. Belladonna, Mercurius, Chamomilla, and Pulsatilla, are the best remedies for the pain.

Acute earache: Suffering from violent earache, acute stabbing pain in the ear, and tenderness over the mastoid region, when you first look at it from the homoeopathic standpoint you are completely lost.

Acon. Cause COLD north-east wind/restless/PAIN (burning in character)/irritable, a bit scared, with all the signs of a rising temperature/tenderNESS to touch.

Cham. PAIN and practically beside himself with pain/will not stay still/cross and as irritable as can be/tenderNESS/nothing satisfies.

Caps. MORE tenderness over the mastoid region, possibly a little bulging, ear begins to look a little more prominent on the affected side. External ear RED (redder than on the opposite side).

Acute stabbing running into the ear, condition a little comforted by hot applications/SORRY for himself, miserable, wanting to be comforted, probably a little tearful, - irritability of Cham.

Possible a child requiring Puls (Merc./Hep.).

Fever high, chills, stinging, stabbing or burning ear pain with suppuration, a hot face, halitosis, red cheeks, pain and dryness in throat, inflamed fauces, uvula and palate, as well as mastoiditis. The body may appear to be unclean. Symptoms are worse from cold, on coughing in the open air and from draughts, and better from heat and eating.


Main remedies for ruptured eardrum Merc. and Hep.


The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician -Constantine Hering,

Tinnitus: perception of sound in the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound. Tinnitus can be perceived in one or both ears or in the head. It is usually described as a ringing noise,

but in some patients it takes the form of a high pitched whining, buzzing, hissing, humming, or whistling sound, or as ticking, clicking, roaring, etc. It has also been described as a `whooshing` sound, as of wind or waves.

Chin.: Ringing in the ear, which becomes worse if the ear is lightly touched but diminishes on giving hard pressure on the ear. Painless diarrhoea only at night is another important feature.

Kali-i.: Suffers with noises in the ear with boring pain. > in open air.

Sal-ac.: Roaring and ringing in the ears + deafness and vertigo or giddiness. Difficult to maintain balance and tends to fall to the left side.



[Mark J. Eisen]

Excerpted from a conference on the Natural Treatment of Ear Infections, held in Chapel Hill, NC, in 1994.


Eardrops sold over the counter, excellent for the treatment of middle ear infections (otitis media) may contain borage, garlic or mullein oils or other herbal preparations.

2 - 4 warmed drops (hold bottle or glass dropper under running warm water until it reaches baby bottle temp.) are put in the affected ears and a bit of cotton put in.

Repeat 4 - 6x daily in acute situations. The child's head should be kept warm and covered. For older children a scarf should be worn around the neck. Do not use ear drops

if the drum has ruptured (you will see pus draining out, which may be bloodstained. See your doctor immediately if this happens. Not surprisingly, the child's pain almost always stops as soon as the eardrum ruptures - this is because the intense pressure stops as soon as the pus can run out).


Homeopathic Remedies

In anthroposophical therapy we often try to gently aid the healing effort, but not compel a change. I will use homeopathic remedies in the C 6 potencies; if these are unavailable or the situation is acute (crying baby, pain in ear) C 30 can be used for several doses. If there is no response, contact your health care practitioner. Follow recommendations on the packages or from your practitioner.


Cham.: child is fretful, peevish, and irritable/want water, then throw the bottle down after a sip/may arch their back and throw their head back, sometimes screaming.

Puls.: typically have creamy yellowish discharges and they are very "clingy," crying if set down. They are often piteous to look at.

Acon.: onset of the earache is sudden. The pains are knife-like, the child is cool to the touch. Face may be red.

Bell..high fever, red and hot, dry faces. The pain is throbbing. Little thirst. May appear frightened.

Ferr-p.: use immediately at the initial stages. Often violent, throbbing pain relieved by cold applications. Anxious, restless and hypersensitive to noise.

Kali-m.: white tongue and swollen glands. Often cracking noises on swallowing or blowing nose.

Sil.: = Puls + C.


Deafness: Hydr. Mez. Verb.


Weleda and WALA make an eardrop - an oil extraction of lovage root (= Levisticum ex radix) which can be prescribed by your physician. Called Levisticum Oil, 10% Ear Drops. Follow instructions as above or as directed by the physician.

Levisticum Radix D 3 is a specific remedy suggestion by R.S. and not generally used by homeopaths. I have found it to be a superb preparation for use in uncomplicated ear infections. It is available by prescription only from Weleda or in the preparation called Apis/Levisticum D2/3 from wa (also by prescription). Your physician can prescribe this for you. The child is given 1 - 7 drops (one drop per year of age) of the former, diluted in a teaspoon of water, or 2 - 5 globuli of the latter on the tongue, up to hourly while awake. The amount is somewhat age dependent but 1 - 2 drops or globuli more or less than recommended should cause no problem.


Other Therapies

Chamomile Compresses can be applied for earache pain. A chamomile tea bag is dipped once into boiled water, removed and placed on a handkerchief, which is then wrung out thoroughly. The warm (watch out it's not too hot) compress is placed over the painful ear and secured in place with a folded dry washcloth and a little stocking cap. Never secure compresses under or around a small child or infant's neck.

Onion Compresses may help when the infection is smoldering - when it neither comes out nor is resorbed. A few teaspoons of chopped onions are gently sauteed in olive oil until just glassy in appearance. Placed in a handkerchief and rolled, then wrapped behind the ear (again, watch the temperature) and secured in place as above. Often the sulfurous element in the onion adds enough warmth to enhance the body's response. (raw onion in slices serves oft >)

Lemons on the feet will help if the child is excessively congested and uncomfortable; place a wafer thin slice of lemon on the bottoms of the feet; secure carefully with a little gauze, then replace the child's sock back on the foot. This will help reduce congestion quickly. In this case it is the sour, acidic element of the lemon that draws us down more deeply into the body and helps to dry out the head.

In addition to the above measures for acute and chronic conditions, an anthroposophic, homeopathic or naturopathic physician would want to address the often underlying digestive dysfunction which accompanies the child who tends to ear infections, looking for ways to strengthen the breakdown of food substances in the early portion of the digestive tract. This may enhance selectivity of absorption of nutriments, leading to a > feeling for foods, and healthier appetites. It will also enhance elimination and proper bowel functions. I have repeatedly found that attention to digestion is necessary in cases where the ear infections recur more than one or two times after using the above remedies.

All natural drug therapy for conditions such as otitis need to be accompanied by careful observation on the parent's part and re-examination by the practitioner when needed.

I find it useful with new parents to have telephone contact with them at least daily during a child's first few illnesses. This creates confidence that they will get the help they need, and keeps me reassured that the parents are clear about instructions and that the child continues to do well. It is essential to work with a qualified health care practitioner when your child is ill, especially those under two years of age with fever. The advice given here is not meant to be used without good observation, common sense and appropriate professional care.





Vorwort/Suchen.                                                            Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                                                                    Impressum.