Schlangen allgemein


!!!Sind Träger von Salmonellen!!!


Trio: Bites of Snakes: Arsenic album, Lachesis, Ledum.



Mythos: Die Midgardschlange (Weltenschlange) (altnordisch Miðgarðsormr; auch Jörmungandr) ist in der germanischen Mythologie eine die Welt (Midgard) umspannende Seeschlange, die im Ur-Ozean lebt. Wie Hel und der Fenriswolf wurde auch sie von Loki mit der Riesin Angrboda gezeugt und gehört damit zu den drei germanischen Weltfeinden. Thor begegnet ihr dreimal und tritt zweimal an, sie zu vernichten.

The Snake is the sixth of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party.

Because of their similar looks, Snake and Dragon were good friends. They arrived at the same time. But unfortunately, due to the size difference, the Jade Emperor first

saw Dragon, and then Snake. The Snake is also associated with the Earthly Branch (地支—dì zhī) sì () and the hours 9–11 in the morning. In the terms of yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the Snake is yin.

Snakes usually have a negative diction and are symbols of witchcraft. Nǚ Wā (), the creator of the world in Chinese mythology, had a human’s head and a snake’s body.

Snakes have a deep and complex mind, but if they love, they love with their entire heart.

Recent years of the Snake are: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Paired with the Celestial Stems (天干—Tiān gān), there is a 60-year calendrical cycle. Although sì is associated with fire, the years also cycle through the five elements of nature (五行—wǔ xíng).

Year             Celestial Stem             Earthly Branch             Zodiac             Element             Yin Yang

1941             xīn                         Snake             Metal             Yin


[Matthew Wood]

Turtle. is similar to snake and slower/not so deep going/Indian Americans: Earth is Turtle Island.

Black cohosh (Cimic.) and wild indigo (Bapt.) are pointed out to me as Snake Medicines by American Indians because the seeds in the seedpod produce a rattling sound.

Doctrine of Signatures

[Karasee Pillay]

Snake. These medicines usually look like Snake and antidote poisons: plantain (snakeweed), Canada snake root, Kansas snake root, Aristolochia = black snake root,

viper's bugloss, bistort, Eryngium yuccifolium (= rattlesnake master), rattlesnake plantain, etc.


[Dr. Kavita Chandak]

Blutung und Snakes

[Kavite Shandrak]

Snake venom has many enzymes, lipids, free amino acids and is rich in proteins. Some proteins help in thickening blood and in clot formation. Certain proteins which have

anti-coagulating compounds are helpful in thinning of blood. Hence they are beneficial in hypercoagulopathy and in dissolving a thrombus.

Every snake venom has different constituents but they all have a great affinity for haemorrhagic disorders. Snake remedies are quick to act and so useful in acute hemorrhage,

as well for deep constitutionals to help in settling the haemorrhagic tendency.

Naja comp. w; 10 g (= 10,2 ml) enthalten: Crotalus terrificus/Lachesis/Naja tripudians/Vipera berus;

Vergleich: Oxyuranus microlepidotus = Inland Taipan/= giftigste Schlange der Welt

Venomous snakes can be divided into four families:

Elapidae (cobras, kraits, ringhals, mambas, and coral snakes),

Viperidae (crotalis and vipers),

Hydrophiidae (sea snakes)

Colubridae (only a small number of this large family are venomous).

The abundance and variety of toxins are even greater than the diversity of species of snake producing them, as all venoms are complex mixtures of proteins and 30 peptides with different properties. The mamba venoms are particularly rich in neurotoxins 4 species of mambas: the Dendroaspis angusticeps, D. angusticeps; the Western Dendroaspis angusticeps, D. viridis; the Black mamba, D. polylepis; and Jameson's mamba, D. jamesonii. They are all found in southern and tropical parts of Africa. The mamba venoms contain a number of toxins of great pharmacological interest: α-neurotoxins, which bind to postsynaptic nicotinic receptors; dendrotoxins, which block certain voltage-dependent potassium channels; and fasciculins, which are non-competitive inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (Cervenansky, Dajas, Harvey and Karlsson, 1991) and calciseptins, which block L-type calcium channels; and muscarinic toxins (MTs), which bind to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (Bradley, 2000).


[Dr Ravindra Saraswat]

Each snake has it’s own defense mechanism and the poisonous snakes have proven to be the most useful in homeopathy because of the toxic nature of their venom.

Their weak spot is the neck. A blow to the neck will usually kill a snake. Hence we see a lot of symptoms of the neck and throat in the snake remedies.

The toxic nature of the venom will usually affect the blood or the nervous system. These snake remedies are very useful in these types of disease. We should never forget

the nature of the animal though. It will always tell us much about the remedy.

[J.T. Kent]

The periodicity in the snake poisons is related to the spring, to the coming on of warm weather.

[Peter Fraser]

In terms of Kentian thought the Boidae, the constrictors, are about the Intellect, the processes of discrimination and integration, whereas the venomous snakes are more connected to the Will, the processes of acting and expressing.

The pathologies of the venomous snakes are to do with the heart, the blood and the generative organs and the pathologies of the constrictors are found in the digestive tract

(Boa) and the respiratory organs (Python).

[Marysia Kratimenos]

Common characteristics

The snake remedies share certain common characteristics. They all dislike extremes of temperature and are very sensitive to changes in weather and seasons.

Naja can be terrified of rain.

Their symptoms recur at regular intervals. They feel better from movement and free flow of bodily fluids and < following inactivity (sleep). Symptoms flare up when the

menstrual periods are stopped (pill, pregnancy or menopause).

Snakes shed their skin and “snake people” often suffer with flaking skin. They are prone to nasty septic lesions and have a tendency to bruising and bleeding.

The skin often becomes discoloured, bluish or reddish-purple with infections.

A dislike of constriction, means snakes can only be safely held around the neck.

Those requiring snake remedies are often intolerant of tight clothing (neck). Often a tendency to sore throats and it is easier to eat than drink.

Snakes do not have eyelids and hypnotise their prey, the eyes of the patients have a mesmeric quality. They are prone to nasty eye infections.

[E.A. Farrington]

All of the Ophidia cause choking, constrictive sensation coming from irritation of the pneumogastric area. All of them have dyspnoea and heart symptoms. The heart symptoms

of Naja greatly resemble those of Lachesis, but its symptoms point more to the remote effects of cardiac valvular lesions. Those of Lachesis more to the incipiency of rheumatic disease of the heart. In Naja there is a well-marked frontal and temporal headache with the cardiac symptoms. Under the snake-poisons the feet are cold, because the heart is too weak to force the blood to the periphery.

Grün war im Mittelalter nicht nur die Farbe der Liebe, sondern auch die Farbe der bösen Schlangen und Dämonen


[Sharad Hansjee]

Snakes are related to other reptiles and are thought to have evolved from lizard ancestors and are closely related to lizards. The first snakes appeared about 100 - 150 million years ago along the southern continents (Marais, 2004).


2.2.1 Evolution

Snakes are related to other reptiles and are thought to have evolved from lizard ancestors and are closely related to lizards. The first snakes appeared about 100 -150 million years ago along the southern continents (Marais, 2004).

2.2.2 Snake biology

Snakes are characterised by their highly adapted skulls. The lower jaws are not fused in the front. The upper jaws are delicate and loose and this anatomical structure allows snakes to feed on large prey species (Marais, 2004).

2.2.3 Vision

Snakes use their vision as a detecting movement to view their prey and carefully move along their pathways. Snakes will not strike at stationery objects unless it is their prey.

Most snakes have monocular vision. Their eyelids are not movable as they have a fixed transparent shield which is shed during their sloughing process (Marais, 2004).

2.2.4 Hearing

Snakes lack hearing structures and cannot hear airborne sounds. They possess an auditory nerve and are able to hear sounds through dense mediums. They are sensitive to vibrations and through this vibration of energy they detect animals, people or prey that approach them (Marais, 2004).

2.2.5 Smell

Snakes have a forked tongue that is used to “smell”. The tongue has a flickering movement so as to pick up particles from the air. Their tongue can also pick up scent trails and thus locate their prey (Marais, 2004).

2.2.6 Sloughing / shedding

Adult snakes can shed their outer skin layer up to four times a year. The entire skin from the tip of the snout to the tail is shed. Before shedding the eyes become transparent and the snake goes into hibernation as its vision is restricted. The whole skin is shed in one piece. Prior to the shedding process the snake will bask in areas with high temperatures to speed up the formation of new skin (Marais, 2004).

2.2.7 Snake behaviours

Snakes mate in early spring and the male follows the scent that is left behind by the female. Upon finding her, the male inspects the female with the flickering tongue and

will twist the base of his tail beneath hers to copulate. Males have two penises which are referred to as hemipenes (Marais, 2004).

Snakes are referred to as ectothermic which is cold blooded. Thus they depend on the external environment to supply warmth to their body temperature.

In cold conditions snakes go into hibernation and during this time live off their accumulated fats and display reduced activity (Marais, 2004).

Snakes have 4 types of movement namely serpentine, caterpillar like, concertina type progression and sidewinding. Snakes don’t chase people and humans can easily outrun

a snake (Marais, 2004).

2.2.8 Symbology and cultural reference

According to the Wikipedia Encyclopaedia (2010) the following are symbolisms of snake representations in different cultures:

In Hindu mythology the snake is referred to as “Naga” and associated with the Hindu deities Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu lies on a coiled snake and Shiva has green snakes coiled around his neck.

In African mythology the snake is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives.

In Christianity the snake is connected with the Garden of Eden and Satan and as a result the snake lost its earlier association with wisdom and healing, instead becoming

noted as a symbol of evil.


[Medicine Cards]


Snake medicine people are very rare. Their initiation involves experiencing and living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction and ascension (or immortality).

The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.

Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was the father of alchemy, used the symbology of two snakes intertwining around a sword to represent healing.

Complete understanding and acceptance of the male and female within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.

This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine. This fire energy, when functioning on the material place, creates passion, desire, procreation and physical vitality. On the emotional place, it becomes ambition, creation, resolution and dreams. On the mental place it becomes intellect, power, charisma and leadership. When this Snake energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes wisdom, understanding, wholeness and connection to Great Spirit.

If you have chosen this symbol, there is a need within you to transmute some thought, action, or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, remember magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.


If you have drawn this symbol in the reverse, you may have chosen to mask your ability to change. Look at the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage of discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming the viewpoint of the magician within? Is the old pattern safe, reliable

and a rut? In order to glide beyond that place which has become safe but nonproductive, become Snake. Release the outer skin of your present identity. Move through the dreamlike illusion that has insisted on static continuity and find a new rhythm as your body glides across the sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the great waters of the sea. Immerse yourself in that water and know that the single droplet which you represent is being accepted by the whole.

Feel Snake's rhythm and you will dance freely, incorporating those transmuting forces of the universe as a part of your sensual dance of power.


Snake is a reptile that is able to shed its skin and live through a traumatic life-death-rebirth experience. So as life and with transmutation from one experience to another and from one level of existence to another.

Snake teaches you to recognize that you are an eternal being experiencing mortality, you are constantly shedding anything that has served its purpose, in favor of something which is of greater value.

Snake has transformational ability and supplies the power to use Fire energy in a correct way. Continuity.

Transmute all poisons. Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.

Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David


[Farokh Master]

From the time immemorial man has always been aware of venomous animals and has had a natural fear of them. This fear stems from painful experiences early in life like

being bitten by an insect. Animals dangerous to man have always excited attention. Dangerous animals and in particular those which deliver a poisonous bite or sting, hold

a particular fascination and horror.

The words "venonr" and "poison" are almost synonymous, but venom is usually used to describe a poison that is injected by stinging or biting.

Poisonous snakes use their venom for capturing prey. Snakes and their venom are important natural resources and play an important part in the ecological balance of ecosystems. Snakes control rodent populations, thus preventing the destruction of grains and minimizing the spread of diseases found in rodent populations.

General Attributes

Snakes are the most linear of vertebrates, having only a skull and an extended spinal column. Most other vertebrates have some sort of appendages for locomotion—wings, legs, arms, flippers, finsr-but not the snake. On an evolutionary scale, snakes are the youngest of the reptiles, having appeared only about 150 million years ago. Almost undoubtedly snakes have developed from lizards. Their bodies seem to have adapted to a life of burrowing. The legs were lost because they would interfere with burrowing. The ear channel was sealed off to keep out dirt and the ear bones, instead of being connected to the eardrum, are joined to the Iower jaw for sensing soil vibrations better.

The unique structure of modern snakes' eyes suggests that the organs had nearly vanished among ancestral snakes, then re-evolved when snakes once more took to the surface and needed vision.

Their paired ribs arch out from each of the hundreds of vertebrae, forming a concave umbrella that runs the entire length of the body. The amount of movement between each spinal segment is limited, but the net effect is an animal that can writhe and coil sinuously, so that even the word we use to describe such shapes is "Serpentine." Snakes use four patterns of movement: lateral undulation, concertina movement, rectilinear movement and sidewinding (used by desert vipers). When they are at rest, their bodies are always coiled, forming drooping loops; they never remain stretched out.

They have delicate spines that can be easily damaged; even the skull is made up of many small, lightly fused bones, lacking the solidity of a mammalian skull. The ribs are attached to the vertebral column and to each other with elastic muscles and tendons and also to the skin, which contains other connecting muscles. Thus, the snake can

control the movement of its ribs, skin and individual scales as well. Animals are, as a rule, bilaterally symmetrical that is, appendages and paired organs are the same size and positioned opposite to each other. Snakes, which have already dispensed with legs, have also broken the rule of symmetry with regard to several internal organs due to the elongated narrow cylindrical body shape. Most snakes have one right lung that is elongated filling the whole body cavity. In snakes that also have a left lung, it may be reduced or vestigial and non-functional. The heart is also somewhat elongated and like most reptilian hearts, is only partly efficient; it has three chambers and the chambers allow the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to mix.

More importantly, a snake lacks an effective way of creating and maintaining body heat; thus, they are referred to as "cold-blooded" animals.


The "cold-blooded" characteristic explains the worldwide distribution of snakes; they are most common in tropical and warm desert environments, less so in temperate zones and all but absent from the highest latitudes and altitudes. In the tropics, blessed by constant high temperatures the year round, at night äs well äs during day, snakes can be active with little concern for the weather, ensuring only that they avoid direct midday sun. In temperate regions, snakes retreat into hibernation from early autumn until warmer weather arrives. Hibernating snakes are not asleep äs it is commonly thought, their body temperature simply drops so low that function becomes impossible - respiration and heartbeat become almost imperceptible. If the temperature should dip below freezing, snakes risk death. Many die nevertheless, since though metabolism diminishes, it does not stop completely and those snakes which do not have sufficient fat reserves, die.

Fangs and Teeth

Snakes can be classed according to the structure of their fangs. Non-venomous snakes such äs the grass snake have no fangs and are called aglyphs.

The back-fanged snakes or opisthoglyphs, fangs at the back of the mouth. Each fang has a groove along which venom flows. To inject a good dose of venom, the snake hangs on to its victim and chews its flesh. If such a snake is struck away immediately from the body it has bitten, the bite will not be severe. Cobras are proteroglyphs with fangs at the front of the mouth, The fangs of some proteroglyphs bear grooves while, in others, the sides of the grooves meet to form a canal. The position of the fangs and the canal makes injection of the venom more efficient. The mambas are proteroglyphs with very potent venom.

The black mamba is notoriously aggressive.

The most advanced biting apparatus belongs to the solenoglyphs.

The vipers, the rattlesnakes, fer-de-lance and others have very long fangs, each having a canal. When not in use, they are folded along the roof of the mouth. The strike is rapid, fangs are thrown forward. and the snake then withdraws without chewing like opisthoglyphs an,d proteroglyphs. Proteroglyph venom acts mainly on the nervous System, while that of the solenoglyphs attacks the blood System and destroys tissues. Almost all snakes will bite if provoked, although there is a world of difference between what constitutes rovocation for different species. In a confrontation, an animal can kill or maim its adversary or it may get killed itself. It is far safer to retreat. For this reason, venomous animals are usually noticed only when they are forced to fight and have been unable to slip away unseen.

Therefore. snakes have got a reputation for attacking on sight. Another point to remember is that the bite or sting may not be 100% effective. Snakes may strike and miss and accounts of snakebites usually omit the number of bites, which have resulted in a little or no venom being injected.

A snake's bottom jaw has a hinge which helps the snake to open its mouth very wide. It can swallow things which are quite big. All snakes are strictly carnivorous.

They can go for extended periods without any food because of slow metabolism. Snake's teeth (besides fangs) are fairly simple: short, backward curving and very sharp.

They are designed merely to grip and hold, but they lack cutting surfaces and cannot chew or chop the prey into smaller pieces. It must have some way to force the whole food into its throat. Swallowing a large prey can be a lengthy and difficult process and may take over an hour. With its mouth plugged, the snake needs a way to breathe. It does so by extending the glottis, a tube-like organ embedded in the floor of the mouth, around the prey. The glottis is the perfect breathing tubes bypassing the food until it is swallowed completely.

The length of time it takes to digest the food depends on the air temperature.

Most snakes are happy to eat live 'food' but a few groups of large snakes kill their prey immediately before eating.

The teeth of a snake,-(apart from the fangs), are needle-like, sharp and pointed. The fishhook-like recurved teeth point towards the rear of the snake's throat and pierce prey easily. With most snakes, having more than 200 teeth, no amount of struggling enables the prey, once caught, to escape the grasp of the jaws.

A snake's teeth are continually shed in one of nature's best maintenance programs and are replaced by new teeth before the older teeth loosen and fall out.


The skin of a snake is smooth, cold and dry to touch. Like all reptiles, snakes are protected by a layer of horny scales growing out of the skin which may hide the skin completely from view. Scales come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and textures; there is even a scale, called the brille or spectacle which covers the lidless eye.

The outer layer of a vertebrate's skin is dead and must be replaced äs the animal grows. Human skin cells slough off individually äs scurf, but reptiles and amphibians shed

the entire outer layer at once, at fairly regulär intervals. This is called "molting" and is especially drastic among snakes. The process begins with the release of hormones which trigger the growth of a new layer of skin and scales beneath the existing layer. Once that step is completed, lymphatic fluid is pumped into the microscopic space between the two layers, separating them and causing the eyes to appear milky. About 24 hours before molting, the fluid is reabsorbed and the eyes clear. The snake begins to rub its nose against an abrasive surface, until the tiny rostral scale comes loose, the same happens with the mental scale at the tip of the lower lip. Gently rubbing, the snake literally slides out of its old skin, which peels off inside out, like a long sock.

The molted skin is thin and translucent, but retains a hint of color and an exact replica of the snake's scale pattern, right down to the eye brille.


Following themes emerged from the provings of 8 snakes.

Activity: Many remedies loved to keep themselves busy.

Anger: Lot of pent up anger came out in the form of throwing things, from contradiction, with quick repentance, sadness after anger.

Anxiety: Very hypochondriac with lot of issues related to his health.

Concentration: Any literally work makes them dull and sleepy; confusion of mind, forgetfull, even in well known streets forgets the way.

Out of Body and De javu: Many provers had de javu and out of body experiences + by increased awareness of his body.

Awkwardness: Clumsy movement and embarrassment from awkwardness

Laziness: Laziness in the morning esp. waking on, this is followed by sadness

(Depression), indifference to work, business and  surroundings.

Fear: Fear of being attacked, being alone and of impending disease, loosing self control and accidents.

Memory problems: Forgetfulness of day to day activities, makes mistakes in well known streets, looses the direction of the road, all this leads to confusion.

Irresolution: Poor confidence and self depreciation (snakes from Naja genus). This finally leads to strong pessimism.

Benign Positional Vertigo: Many snake remedies I proved have excess of vertigo (any motion of the head or eyes/accompanied by fainting).

Occipital migraine: Many occipital migraine + neck stiffness, > drinking coffee or warm drinks; <: rest/noise/travelling/motion;

[Rajan Sankaran]

The feeling of suffocation from tight clothes is similar to Lachesis and to other snake remedies

• Gespaltener Geist, zwei Seelen in der Brust, Antagonismus mit sich selbst

• Zwei Seiten: nett nach außen und aggressiv nach innen

• Maske, Tarnung

• Versteckter Angriff im Sarkasmus: „... kriege ich eine sehr übertriebene „Können-wir-uns-bitte-hinsetzen-Stimme“….

• „Wie Zusammenschnüren, Strangulieren, Ersticken“

• Eifersucht

• Redselig

• Manipulativ

• Lebhaft und anschaulich

• Die Beute im Ganzen schlucken

• Stämmiger Körper

• Langsame Verdauung; eine einzelne große Mahlzeit kann mehrere Tage dauern

• Sie schlucken große Beute im Ganzen

Angriff und Verteidigung

• Sie ergreift ihre Beute mit ihren kraftvollen Kiefern und wickelt sie so in ihre Schlingen ein, dass die hilflose Beute keine Chance hat, zu entkommen. Mit jedem Versuch

einzuatmen, zieht die Schlange ihre Schlingen enger und verhindert die Ausatmung: damit wird das Opfer erstickt.



Hormone related eruptions (with ugly scars).

Vaso motor rhinitis

Leading to allergic sinusitis, paroxysmal sneezing, copious discharge, snuffles, nasal obstruction esp. left sided waking in morning.

Maxillary sinusitis.

Ear stopped

Pulsation left sided in the arteries, stopped sensation, left sided otalgia, hearing impaired in left side.

Apthae/Apthous stomatitis.

Lump in the throat

Follicular, granular pharyngitis.

Left sided throat affection, draft of cold air aggravate around the throat.

Flatulent colic (extends all over the abdomen)

Severe Intertrigo (in groins, red rashes in the folds of the skin).

Early morning diarrhea

Diarrhea with severe colic in abdomen which extends to distant parts

Dreams: The common theme was being pursued, attacked, violence, robbers and dead relatives.

Menstrual cycle was almost always affected in most of the snake venoms

Menses late and delayed for many weeks and when they get the menses it is very scanty.

Leucorrhoea + during or before menses/very sticky ,whitish yellow + itching.


[Sharad Hansjee]

2.2.2 Snake biology

Snakes are characterised by their highly adapted skulls. The lower jaws are not fused in the front. The upper jaws are delicate and loose and this anatomical structure allows snakes to feed on large prey species (Marais, 2004).

2.2.3 Vision

Snakes use their vision as a detecting movement to view their prey and carefully move along their pathways. Snakes will not strike at stationery objects unless it is their prey. Most snakes have monocular vision. Their eyelids are not movable as they have a fixed transparent shield which is shed during their sloughing process (Marais, 2004).

2.2.4 Hearing

Snakes lack hearing structures and cannot hear airborne sounds. They possess an auditory nerve and are able to hear sounds through dense mediums. They are sensitive to vibrations and through this vibration of energy they detect animals, people or prey that approach them (Marais, 2004).

2.2.5 Smell

Snakes have a forked tongue that is used to “smell”. The tongue has a flickering movement so as to pick up particles from the air. Their tongue can also pick up scent trails and thus locate their prey (Marais, 2004).

2.2.6 Sloughing / shedding

Adult snakes can shed their outer skin layer up to 4 times a year. The entire skin from the tip of the snout to the tail is shed. Before shedding the eyes become transparent and the snake goes into hibernation as its vision is restricted. The whole skin is shed in one piece. Prior to the shedding process the snake will bask in areas with high temperatures to speed up the formation of new skin (Marais, 2004).

2.2.7 Snake behaviours

Snakes mate in early spring and the male follows the scent that is left behind by the female. Upon finding her, the male inspects the female with the flickering tongue and will twist the base of his tail beneath hers to copulate.

Males have two penises which are referred to as hemipenes (Marais, 2004).

Snakes are referred to as ectothermic which is cold blooded. Thus they depend on the external environment to supply warmth to their body temperature. In cold conditions snakes go into hibernation and during this time live off their accumulated fats and display reduced activity (Marais, 2004).

Snakes have 4 types of movement namely serpentine, caterpillar like, concertina type progression and sidewinding. Snakes dont chase people and a humans can easily outrun snakes (Marais, 2004).

2.2.8 Symbology and cultural reference

According to the Wikipedia Encyclopaedia (2010) the following are symbolisms of snake representations in different cultures:

In Hindu mythology the snake or serpent is referred to as “Naga” and is associated with the Hindu deities Vishnu and Shiva as Vishnu lies on a coiled snake and Shiva has green snakes coiled around his neck.

In African mythology the snake is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives.

In Christianity the snake is connected with the Garden of Eden and Satan and as a result the snake lost its earlier association with wisdom and healing, instead becoming

noted as a symbol of evil.

Snake symbolism in many different cultures emphasises the themes and the essence of these remedies:

To the Native Americans, the snake is seen as a symbol of transformation and healing.

In early South American societies the snake was depicted as feathered and flying, a symbol of their greatest god and hero, Quetsalcoatl. It was said that the heavens and stars and all the motions of the universe were under his control.

In Greece the snake was a symbol of alchemy and healing. The god Hermes carried a staff upon which two snakes were entwined. This symbol seems to embody a type of mediation between earth and heaven in the aim of curing disease. This symbol is now the primary symbol of western medicine. It is the symbol of wisdom expressed through healing.

In India the Goddess Vinata was the mother of snakes and a symbol of water and the underworld. Shiva wears snakes for bracelets and necklaces which represent sexuality.

The serpent has been a symbol of a sexual or creative life force within humans as is taught in eastern traditions. The kundalini or serpent fire lies coiled at the base of the spine. They believe that as we grow and develop, the primal energy is released, rising up the spine. This in turn activates energy centers in the body and mind, opening new dimensions and levels of awareness, health and creativity.


[Clementina Rabuffetti]

Wir finden Symptome, die mit zusammenschnüren, zusammenpressen und quetschen zu tun haben. Das bewirkt das Gefühl von Enge und Zusammenziehen. Menschen,

die Schlangenmittel brauchen, sprechen auch von würgen und ersticken.

Die Enge haben sie mit vielen anderen Mitteln gemeinsam (Bell. Calc. Lyc. Phos. Puls.), das Erstickungsgefühl (Apis. Caus. Graph. Phyt. Verat.)

Sie sind eifersüchtig, misstrauisch. Konkurrenz ist stark präsent: sie vergleichen sich mit anderen, die schöner, reicher, intelligenter oder mächtiger sind. Hier müssen wir

gut differenzieren, weil Konkurrenz auch bei vielen Mitteln tierischer Ursprungs und bei manchen Metallen bekannt ist.

Sie warnen, drohen und dann greifen an. Oder sie verstecken sich und agieren aus dem Hinterhalt. Ihre Strategie ist zu täuschen bzw. manipulieren, aber sie können genau

so gut Opfer von Täuschung und Manipulation werden.

[R. Sankaran]

• Zwei Seiten: nett nach außen und aggressiv nach innen

• Maske, Tarnung

• Versteckter Angriff im Sarkasmus: „... kriege ich eine sehr übertriebene „Können-wir-uns-bitte-hinsetzen-Stimme“„.

• Gefühl von Zusammenschnüren, Strangulieren, Ersticken

• Eifersucht

• Redselig

• Manipulativ

• Lebhaft und anschaulich

• Die Beute im Ganzen schlucken

Hidden, camouflaged and relies upon sudden and surprise attack.



Negativ: Instinkt/unverstandene Gefühlen/Untreue/Betrug; Positiv: Vollendung;

Alle Schlangengifte wirksam auf Nerven (betäubend).

Es sieht im Film immer sehr ritterlich aus, wenn der Helfer mit dem Messer die Wunde des Bissopfers aufschneidet und das Schlangengift heraussaugt. Ein probates Mittel ist es aber nicht.

Im Gegenteil: Wer in der Wunde herum schneidet, sorgt für eine höhere Durchblutung des Gewebes und damit für eine schnellere Verteilung des Gifts im Blutkreislauf.




Und kann man durch Saugen überhaupt das Gift aus dem Körper holen? Ärzte von der University of California injizierten 8 Freiwilligen eine Flüssigkeit, die in ihrer Konsistenz dem Gift

einer Schlange entsprach, und versahen die Männer mit Wunden, die dem Biss einer Klapperschlange ähnelten. Nach 3 Minuten saugten sie mit einer handelsüblichen Pumpe, die für den Einsatz bei Schlangebissen empfohlen wird, Blut aus der Wunde. Die Menge des Pseudogifts, die sie dabei zurück gewannen, war »insignifikant«. Der Körper nimmt also offenbar solche Substanzen zu schnell auf, als dass man sie durch Saugen wieder herausbekäme. Damit erübrigt sich auch die Frage nach der Vergiftungsgefahr für den Helfer. Bei Schlangenbissen sollte man das Opfer ruhig stellen, insbesondere die gebissene Region, und für einen möglichst schnellen Transport ins nächste Krankenhaus sorgen;



I 1. Erregend bis Krämpfen, 2. Lähmung. (Tod).

                   Herz 1. wird angeregt, 2. Verlangsamt bis Stillstand (Ohnmacht).

II. 1. beinahe unbemerkbar, 2. Blutdruckabfall, Stase Darm/Lungen-/Nieren-/Leberkongestion, Ödem./seröse Exudaten, Austretung an Schleimhäute/Haut/Darm,

III. 1. Atem beschleunigt, 2. Unregelmäßig bis Stillstand,

IV. Rachen 2. Krämpfen bis Lähmung.

V. Haut 1. Um Bissstelle rot + Anschwellung gebissene Gliedes + Bläschen/anderswo fleckig rot, Abszess (Muskeln lösen von Knochen),

  2. gelbliche/schwarze Bläschen + Schwellung/Schmerz (betroffene Teilen/Gesicht), oberflächliche Geschwüren, die leicht bluten. Depressiv/benommen/schläfrig/Koma.


Die Enzyme steigern die Resorption wie auch die Wirkung der Proteine und fördern nicht zuletzt die Verdauung des Beutetieres.

Snake venoms are highly complex proteins/produced in oral and parotid salivary glands and injected into the victim through poison fangs.



All snakes affect the throat/cause constriction/dryness/hoarseness/impeded deglutition/sensitive larynx/dyspnoea/cough/blood-spitting/oppression of the chest/palpitation with anxiety.

Anxiety and apprehensiveness symptoms of many animal poisons. UseFULL in virulent acute illness (scarlatina/yellow fever/meningitis/diphtheria/typhoid). Representing the violent action/crisis inherent to the acute actions of the animal poisons. In the chronic sphere the snake reflects degeneration/senility/idiocy/apoplexy/drunkenness.

Snake venoms tend to lower the blood pressure. "Sleeps into aggravation".

Durst auf kalte Getränke + kalte Speisen, alles Enge unverträglich;

[Edward Whitmont]

“The serpent pathology… is the rebellion or paralysis of the life urge or libido; you can say Lachesis is the penalty of unlived life”


Thema: Schuld; Lösung: positiv: Verantwortung tragen; negativ: Keine Verantwortung tragen/aus dem Staub machen;

Vergiftung: Empfinden sich schwer o. leicht, Angst (plötzlicher Tod/verlassen zu werden);

Verbirgt: Zerstrittenheit, zeigt Verschlossenheit;

Positiv: Vision/Ideal/Ziel + Freude daran, anziehend/zuverlässigen Freund, intensives empfinden/entschieden/intellektuell/intelligent/philosophisch

Negativ: Kritisch (auf selbst/anderen)/streitsüchtig/Oberflächlichkeit abgeneigt/innerlich zerstritten/verschlossen/beschwindelt/aufbrausend, braucht Sicherheit im eigenem Heim/misstrauisch

gegenüber Fremdes/störrisch/wird geliebt o. gemieden;

alle typischen Schlangenleitsymptome in übersteigerter Form: Beengung unverträglich, Blutungen + Hitzewallungen (nach Unterdrückung von Psyche o. Ausscheidungen);

Forsaken feeling, SE constriction, fear of being choked, violent, desire to hide, manipulative, suspicious, antagonism with the self, loquacity, lack of morals, show and appearance, one sided-symptoms, sensitive to temperature, congestion, swollen sensation, sense of persecution, strong fear and dreams of snakes, demand attention, clairvoyance, guilt feelings, I am bad, religious affections, marked PMS, < Sleeping.


Vergleich: Naja comp. w [= Lach. D 12 + Naja D 10 + Crot-h. D 20 + Vip. D 30): Covers all 3 venom types (hemotoxic + neurotoxic + cytotoxic)/represents a kind of “archetypal” snake venom/associated with all 3 planes (circumscribed cytolysis in the area of infarction/coagulation disorder that is nearly always present/neurological losses)];

Neurotoxine: bewirken Lähmung - verhindern das Beutetier entkommt

Cardiotoxine: verursachen Herzstillstand = Tod des Beutetieres

Hämotoxine: führen zu Hämolyse und Hämorrhagien - dienen u.a. der Vorverdauung


Agri. (= Odermennig/= Bubenläuse./= Fünfblatt/= Kaiserkraut/= Leberkraut/= Klettenkraut/= Natternzunge./= immortal. Crane/= Brustwurz/= Schafklette/= Magenkraut/= Steinkraut/= Kirchturm/= Milzblüh).

Lach.: = „Archetype“ der Schlangen

Commons: in Lach. Naja. Haemachatus. Elaps. and Cloth.

Comparison.x Animal Themes + Snake Themes + Symptoms unique to Bitis arietans

Comparison. Both-l. + Crot-h + Lach + Naja + Vip

Comparison. Elaps, Crot-h and Naja

Comparison. Folliculinum and Others

Comparison. Lanthaniden with Snakes

Comparison. Naja. + Naja-mos.

Comparison. Snakes and Birds

Comparison. Snakes and Spiders

A group analysis. evaluation of existing remedies of snakes

Der hebräische Mythos von der Schlange.


Vergleich: Bothrops atrox + Bothrops lanceolatus + Bothrops jararaca

Vergleich: Cench. + Elaps. + Vip.

Vergleich: Cenchris + Toxicophis;

Vergleich: Eulen und Schlangen

Vergleich: Schlangen - Reptilia - Lizards - Krokodile;

Anguis fragilis = Blindschleiche = lebend gebärend Reptilia.x

Ser-ang. = Aal/= Vip-ähnlich/= Ars + Angst vor Hilflosigkeit/= Dig der Nieren/= Lach - Eifersucht i.B.z. Partner/= Lil-t-ähnlich/= Nux-v + gezwungen den Laden laufen zu lassen


[Massimo Mangliavori]

Zinc-p. (= main ingredient in snake venom). Cimic.

[Dr. Jörg Haberstock]

Schlangen und Schlangenähnliche: Lachesis - Crotalus horridus - Crotalus cascavella - Vipera berus u. aspis - Cenchris contortrix - Bothrops lanciolata - Heloderma (keine Schlange, sondern sehr altes Reptil) - Salamandra (keine Schlange) - Zincum phosphoricum (Mineral).

Amphibians (variable body temperature) snakes birds (possess an amnion/reproduce through eggs that are no longer dependant on an external watery environment

but are covered with calciferous shell)

Pyrog (= verrottetes Fleisch) Lucillia-s (verdaut nur faulendes Fleisch/scheidet Allantoin aus/= antibakteriell) Schlangen/Helo [scheiden Enzymen (= oft Gift) aus um Nahrung vor zu verdauen]

Siehe: Animalia + Faulgruppe + Giftengruppe + Wurmgruppe + Anhängsel (Mangialavori/Friedwart Husemann/JJ Kleber/Otto Leeser) + Cobras general. + Reptilia + Verstoßenengruppe + Stoffen aus tierischen Drüsen + Enzymen + Repertorium. + Schlangen allgemein repertorium (Naja haje. + Naja mossambica. + Ophiophagus Hannah) + Anhang 2. (Farokh J. Master) + Schlangen allgemein + Anhang 3 (Johannes Wilkens/Rainer Lüdtke/Frank Stein) + Anhang 4 (Ajit Kulkarni + P.I. Tarkas/ Patricia Haetherly) + Cunningness (= Klugheit) + Anhang 4 (Fefe Ho & Chloe Chiao)

Schlangenbissen: Boericke + Pathak S. 439

Allgemeines Empfinden: Vermeulen II 148

Snake is a symbol of healers/pharmacies (= Aesculap).

Terrestrial venomous snakes can be divided into 3 groups:

 • true vipers (Viperidae): clotting disorder.

 • pit vipers incl. rattlesnakes (Crotalidae), clotting disorder

 • cobras, coral snakes, mambas, etc. (Elapidae) with curare-like neurotoxins, paralysing.

Mostly 8 snake venoms are now employed: Lach. Crot-h. Crot-terrificus. Naja. Vip-b. Both. Cench. Elaps.

In remedy provings almost all snakes display an emphasis l. (Lach.) or r. (Crot-h.)

Clotting disorders (black and blue marks), swallowing disorders and sensations of constriction in the throat region. On the soul (“mind”) level, there are indications for “loquacity” (Lach.)/as for a quiet, withdrawn state and aphasia (Crot-h. Both.).

With these (and other) symptoms, snake venoms produce an “ideal image” of stroke.

Homeopathic therapy in stroke was conducted most frequently with snake venoms.

The majority of patients received either Lach. (l-sided) or Crot-h. (r.-sided).

Plant remedies: Arn./Solanales/Logoniaceae.

Metals.: Arg-met/Plb-met. Extreme vertigo additional Vertigoheel® (Heel);

Nach Häufigkeit: Lach. Arn. Crot-h. Tab. Phos. Led. Gels. Dig. Lath.

No real concept has been available in the field of anthroposophical therapy. WALA Heilmittel GmbH graciously told us of a therapeutic concept that was to prove effective in practice, one essentially based on a combination of 2 important remedies in stroke (Arn. + Lach.) along with organ preparations of the affected region.

 • taking of complex or single homeopathic remedies, as well as

 • phytotherapeutic measures,

 • embrocations and baths,

 • movement exercises from the field of curative eurythmy.

Gliedmaßenbewegung = Eintauchen des Ichs in Geistigkeit der Welt. Ausgang = Nervensystem

Als Bewusstseinsorganisation, taucht im Blut ein und geht über das Herz (= Grenzorgan) zur Gliedmaßen.

Schlange kann nicht im Geistige eintauchen, bleibt irdisch-begierdenhaft. Sie = Verdauungsschlauch + Nervensystem

(= ohne Gliedmaßensystem)/hat kein Hörorgan/fängt Beute mit Geruchsorgan. Sie scheiden keinen Ur-ac aus. Fehlgesteuerte Gedankenflut im Mensch = Gedankenflut + Geschwätzigkeit. Erlebnisse = fixiert + nicht verarbeitet. Schlangen unterstützen seelische Aufarbeitung

Alle Schlangenmittel mit Lach. vergleichen,

Empfinden sich schwer o. leicht, Angst für plötzlichen Tod


[Massimo Mangialavori]

Für alle Schlangen ist es schwierig, wenn es in den Schlaf geht. Es ist, wie sich zum Sterben zu legen - Einsamkeit, Dunkelheit.

Snake remedies: ecstasy/moral confusion/vivid imaginations/loquacity/suspicion/jealousy/envy/pride/sadness + anxiety. Must loosen clothing/< on sleep/< awaking.


Enthalten Zinc-met./Natrium cyanicum hydraten = löslich im Alkohol, Giften = Verdauung fördernde Sekrete/= Apis.-ähnlich;

Stiff neck with pain and extreme sensitivity to any touch.


Antidotiert von: Cinnm. Abrus. Sonnenbank/UVstrahlen/Sapin.

Strahlende Hitze, Alkohol in großen Mengen getrunken, wach bleiben (tanzen)

Gebissenes Glied schienen + nicht zu feste bandagieren + absolut ruhig stellen (verlangsamt Giftaufnahme)


Schlangenbissen antidotiert von: Abr. Arist-cl. Ars. Bell. Caps. Cedr. Cit-l. Golondrina. Guar. Indg. Led. Nat-m. Rauw. Samb. Seneg. Thuj. Viol-o.

Strahlende Hitze, Alkohol in großen Mengen getrunken, Wach bleiben,


The toxins from snake venoms are the most widely studied, due to their high toxicity and the necessity to produce antidotes or vaccines against them. Venomous snakes can be divided into four families:

Elapidae (cobras, kraits, ringhals, mambas and coral snakes),

Viperidae (crotalis and vipers),

Hydrophiidae (sea snakes),

Colubridae (only a small number of this large family are venomous).

The abundance and variety of toxins are even greater than the diversity of species of snake producing them, as all venoms are complex mixtures of proteins and peptides with different properties.

The mamba venoms are particularly rich in neurotoxins. There are four species of mambas: the Dendroaspis angusticeps, the Western Dendroaspis angusticeps, D. viridis; the Black mamba, D. polylepis; and Jameson's mamba, D. jamesonii.

They are all found in southern and tropical parts of Africa. The mamba venoms contain a number of toxins of great pharmacological interest:

α-neurotoxins, which bind to postsynaptic nicotinic receptors; dendrotoxins, which block certain voltage-dependent potassium channels; and fasciculins, which are non-competitive inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (Cervenansky, Dajas, Harvey and Karlsson, 1991) and calciseptins, which block L-type calcium channels; and muscarinic toxins (MTs), which bind to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (Bradley, 2000).

Pathology of the venomous snakes: heart, blood and generative organs


Dank Constantin Hering, durch den das bekannte Mittel Lachesis, aus der Buschmeisterschlange gewonnen, in die Homöopathie Einzug hielt, finden auch Schlangenmittel seit langem ihre Anwendung bei homöopathischen Behandlungen. Es folgten viele weitere Schlangenmittel, darunter Arzneien hergestellt aus dem Gift der Königskobra (Ophiophagus hannah), diverser Klapperschlangen (Crotalus) oder der Schwarzen Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis).

Es ist uns gelungen, darüber hinaus mehrere Homöopathica aus weniger bekannten Schlangenarten herzustellen, darunter viele Gift- aber auch Würgeschlangen.

            Agkistrodon contortrix             Kupferkopfotter = Cenchris contortrix

            Atheris squamigera                         Blattgrüne Buschviper

            Bitis arietans                                     Puffotter

            Bitis gabonica                         Gabunviper

            Bitis nasicornis                         Nashornviper

            Boa constrictor                         Abgottschlange

            Bothriechis schlegeli                         Schlegels Lanzenotter

            Cerastes cerastes                         Wüsten-Hornviper

            Crotalus atrox                         Texas-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus durissus                         Schauer-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus enyo                         Baja-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus horridus                         Wald-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus lepidus                         Felsen-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus mitchelii                         Gefleckte Klapperschlange

            Crotalus molossus oaxacus             Schwarzschwanz-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus polystictus                         Mexikanische Lanzenkopf-Klapperschlange

            Crotalus viridis                         Prärie-Klapperschlange

            Dendroaspis polylepis             Schwarze Mamba

            Dendroaspis viridis                         Grüne Mamba

            Lachesis muta                         Buschmeister

            Naja haje                                     Ägyptische Kobra

            Naja melanoleuca                         Schwarzweiße Waldkobra

            Naja tripudians                         Indische Kobra

            Ophiophagus hannah             Königskobra

            Proatheris superciliaris             Sumpfviper

            Probothrops mucrosquamatus             Lanzenotter

            Sistrurus catenatus catenatus             Ketten-Zwergklapperschlange

            Trimeresurus insularis             Bambusotter

            Trimeresurus puniceus             Palmenotter

            Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus             Mangrovenviper

            Trimeresurus stejnegeri             Chinesische Baumviper

            Vipera ammodytes                         Sandotter

            Vipera berus                                     Kreuzotter

            Vipera russelli Horvi®            Kettenviper

            Vipera wagneri                         Wagners Bergotter


Agkistrodon contortrix

Agkistrodon piscivorus

Bitis arietans

Bitis atropos

Bitis caudalis

Bitis gabonica rhinoceros

Bitis nasicornis

Bitis parviocula

Boa constrictor adipis

Bothriechis schlegelii

Bothrops atrox

Bothrops columbiensis

Bothrops diporus

Bothrops jararaca

Bothrops lanceolatus

Bothrops venezuelensis

Bungarus fasciatus

Calloselasma rhodostoma

Cerastes cerastes

Cerrophidion godmani


Crotalus adamanteus

Crotalus atrox

Crotalus basiliscus

Crotalus cascavella

Crotalus durissus vegrandis

Crotalus horridus atricaudatus

Crotalus lepidus

Crotalus mitchelli mitchelli

Crotalus ruber

Crotalus viridis viridis

Cyclagras gigas

Daboia siamensis

Deinagkistrodon acutus

Dendroaspis polylepis

Dendroaspis viridis

Echis carinatus

Elaps corallinus

Enhydrina schistosa

Eunectes notaeus

Hydrophis cyanocinctus


Lachesis mutus (Dunham)

Lampropeltis triangulum

Morelia spilota variegata

Morelia viridis

Naja anchieta

Naja atra

Naja haje

Naja melanoleuca

Naja mossambica pallida

Naja naja

Naja naja kaouthia

Naja nigricollis

Naja nivea

Naja pallida

Naja siamensis

Natrix natrix

Ophiophagus hannah

Oxyuranus microlepidotus

Oxyuranus scutellatus canni

Python regius

Sistrurus miliarius

Trimeresurus albolabris

Trimeresurus gumprechti

Trimeresurus macrops

Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus

Tropidolaemus wagleri

Vipera ammodytes gregorwallneri

Vipera ammodytes meridionalis

Vipera ammodytes transcaucasiana

Vipera aspis

Vipera berus

Vipera lebetina lebetina

Vipera xanthina



Elaphe guttata
Natrix natrix

Pseudoboa coronata
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis



Merc-s-cy. = Pharao´s Serpent


The pathologies of the venomous snakes are to do with the heart, the blood and the generative organs

Die Klassifikation der Schlangen ist UNSICHER:


Elapidae = oviparous

Active hunters - go searching for prey/slender/Fangs - short + fixed - so need to bite/fast moving with slow strike - so slow moving + then slowly hit/need to hold on +

bite + do it again + again/strike repeatedly/as a warning or during an attack/take a height + come down/like a bite/gesture = BIG

Toxin = neurotoxic at site of bite, bite might not cause as much local death since fangs don’t go deep (but brain death) MORE SYSTEMIC

Do not have pits

Bissen verursachen Lähmung 1. Augen-/Gesichtsmuskulatur, 2. Atemmuskulatur;

[Konstantinos Pisios]

Stomach; COLDNESS, chilliness; Icy; drinks, after cold

STOMACH; COLDNESS, chilliness; drinks; cold, agg. (7)

CHEST; COLDNESS; ice, as if full of; water were rising and descending through a cylindrical tube, as if, internal (1) 

- KEYNOTE; Chilly snake *

Elaps generals

Fear falling from a position, losing their image in society (Thuj. Verat. Lac-cpr.)

Appear to be very jealous of people who appear to threaten their position.

Duality: what I feel I am and what is my values vs. inability to perform their ability. Can not endure the idea of losing, when can not do better, they withdraw.

If I can not eat the fruits, its b/c I don't want to eat it. Good image and value good opinion of others (Lacs. Thuja, Verat.)

CONGESTION - sensation as if blood in congested in head; Congestion of lungs; swelling of tongue; nose is stuffed up, ears full with crackling & roaring noises

< rain falling on them. Great anxiety about health and of loved ones << alone

[Massimo Mangliavori]

Oft mit einer eher unsicheren Persönlichkeit, innerhalb der Elapiden unterscheiden sich Naja und Elaps auch noch einmal, wie sie die jeweilige Unsicherheit zum Ausdruck bringen. Man kann Elaps mit Mitteln verwechseln, die für ihre offensichtliche Schüchternheit bekannt sind (Puls.). Naja kommt sehr oft mit Sil. typischen Symptomen vor.


Bung-f. = Krait

Dendroaspis. polylep(s)is = Schwarze Mamba

Elaps. o. Micrurus corallinus = Lach + schwarze Ausscheidungen, gespalten zwischen Bleiben (= Bedrängnis + Gehen (= allein sein)/Ohrentzündung/Beschwerden l. Lunge

Haemachatus haemachatus.


Naja. = Lach + weich/würdevoll - < Wärme, gespalten zwischen Pflicht + Bedürfnisse/= “Soft” Snake Remedy

            Enthalten in: Naja comp. w;

Naja haje. = ägyptische Kobra/verbunden mit Horus/Osiris           

Naja mossambica.x

Naja nivea S. Afrika Vergiftung: Atembeschwerden

Ophiophagus hannah.x

Oxy-sc.x Seaserpent

Plan-l. = Spießkraut/= Lungenblattl/= Schlangenzunge/= Heilwegerich/= Wundwegerich/= Wegreich/= Hundsrippen/= Lügenblatt/= Lägenblatt/= Lämmerzunge/= Rippenkraut/= Rossrippen/= Siebenrippen/= Schafzunge/= Heilblärer/= Spitzwegeblatt/= Spitzfederich/= Wagentranenblatt/= Wegbreite/= Wegtritt/= Heufressa



Giftzähnen werden alle 6 - 8 Wochen erneuert. Hemmt Blutgerinnung/Ödem/Gewebszerstörung/Blutdruckabfall

Rattlesnakes must have Speech issues/have physical pathology, learning to speak, stuttering, difficulty speaking.

Überwintern als Ausnahme unter den Schlangen in Gruppen (Löwe).

[Konstantinos Pisios]

Rattle snake features

Solitary, aggressive and dangerous to know—that's how most people see rattlesnakes. Yet scientists are beginning to reveal a seemingly caring, family-loving side to these deadly reptiles.Rattlesnakes exhibit characteristics assoc w advanced sociability, including group defense, pheromone alarm signals and maternal care of young. "Predators

can repeatedly return to prey on group members. However, this cost may be offset by the enhanced ability of a group to defend against such predators." Faced with many predators, group defense may well be the best strategy. Individuals are willing to sacrifice themselves, given the likelihood that a high proportion of genes related to them would live on through family members.

[Massimo Mangliavori]

Im allgemeinen eher egozentrisch;


Bothrops alternatus.x (Farokh Master)

Bothrops atrox. = Lanzenotter

Bothrops jararaca.x

Bothrops lanceolatus.x

Dracontium loretense.x = Jergón sacha


„Wie anschwellen/platzen“ (Herz o. Glieder/Kopfschmerz kongestiv).

Kloß + Fremdkörpergefühl.


Crot-c.x = Crot-h + geisTIGE Beschwerden/= vorzuziehen bei fließender Blutung/gelbe Haut (Gelbfieber + schwarzem Erbrechen)/Nasenbluten auf diphteritischer Grundlage

Crotalus durrissima terrificus w

Crot-h.x = Lach + tiefgründiger/= „phosphorische“ Schlange/Blutung mehr als Lach./Sepsis.


                                    Colubridae (Nattern)

Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. ssBiss: slight itching, burning and/or swelling;


Vergiftung: Lokal-Symptomen aller amerikanischen Agkistrodon (Schmerz/Ödem/Erythem/Ekchymosen/Nekrosen/schmerzhafte Lymphknotenschwellung),


Agkistrodon piscivoris.x (Toxi./Ancis-p) = Wassermoccasinschlange

Agkistrodon contortrix = Cench.x = Lach > morgens + r. seitig/morgens erregt + abends trist/schuldig in Gegenwart.

Bitis arietans = Cloth.x hat Nebenbühlerin + grämt sich darüber + lässt P. nicht los

Bitis atropos.x (Victoria-Leigh Schönfeld)

Bitis gabonica gabonica.x

Cera-c.x = Hornviper

Lach. Schuldempfinden vor eigene Taten/bläulich verfärbt + berührungsempfindlich, morgens trist + abends erregt/Blutung/Sepsis/hat mehr feuchte Haut/Blutung (Bodensatz sieht

„Wie verkohltes Stroh“ aus). Mehr l. seitig/= bläulich verfärbt + berührungsempfindlich, morgens trist + abends erregt/Blutung/Sepsis

Pelius Berus.x                       


„Wie anschwellen/platzen“ (Herz o. Glieder/Kopfschmerz kongestiv)

Ammodytes Horvi

Echis carinatus. = Saw Scaled Viper

Vipera. acontica carinata. (Vip-ac)

Vipera. ammodytes = Sandotter/= Europäische Hornotter/= Europäische Sandotter/= Sandviper/= Sandotter/= Hornotter/= Nose-horned Viper/= Long-nosed Viper

Vipera. aspis (Vip-a)

Vipera. berus (Vip) /=  Lach + kalt/hat Schwellungsempfinden

Vipera. daboia o. russelli (Vip-d)

Vipera. lachesis fel

Vipera. lebetina

Vipera. raddei

Vipera. redi (Vip-r)

Vipera. torva (Vip-t) Pathology of the constrictors: digestive tract (Boa) and the respiratory organs (Python).


Natrix natrix.x


Pathology of the constrictors: digestive tract (Boa) and the respiratory organs (Python). The main feeling in the constrictors is that the world is out of control and they need

to make a great effort in order to stop it from spinning into complete chaos. They need to hold on tight. However, this process takes effort, concentration and energy and

they begin to feel oppressed and constricted by the efforts that they make.

The differentiation between the constrictors lies in how they impose order and hold their world together and what this is that then constricts them.

and the pathologies of the constrictors are found in the digestive tract (Boa) and the respiratory organs (Python).

Boa. /=  Fett

Eunectes murinus


Pythons und Boas haben Reste von Hinterextremitäten am Skelett als Beweis ihrer Herkunft vorhanden. Äußerlich ist das nur als hornige Erhebung an der Schwanzbasis

zu erkennen. Ein anderes Relikt ihrer Zeit als Echsen ist die paarige Lunge, die nur die Boidae haben.


Morelia spilota /=  Diamond python

Morelia viridis /=  Baumpython Quelle:

Python regia. has rudimentary legs/are closer to evolutional origin than the venomous snakes. Snakes developed in evolution from tetrapod to snake-like animals.




• Gespaltener Geist, zwei Seelen in der Brust, Antagonismus mit sich selbst

• Zwei Seiten: nett nach außen und aggressiv nach innen

• Maske, Tarnung

• Versteckter Angriff im Sarkasmus: „... kriege ich eine sehr übertriebene „Können-wir-uns-bitte-hinsetzen-Stimme“.

• Gefühl von Zusammenschnüren, Strangulieren, Ersticken

• Eifersucht

• Redselig

• Manipulativ

• Lebhaft und anschaulich

• Die Beute im Ganzen schlucken

• Stämmiger Körper

• Langsame Verdauung; eine einzelne große Mahlzeit kann mehrere Tage dauern

• Sie schlucken große Beute im Ganzen

Angriff und Verteidigung

• Sie ergreift ihre Beute mit ihren kraftvollen Kiefern und wickelt sie so in ihre Schlingen ein, dass die hilflose Beute keine Chance hat, zu entkommen. Mit jedem Versuch einzuatmen, zieht die Schlange ihre Schlingen enger und verhindert die Ausatmung: damit wird das Opfer erstickt.


Boinae (subfamily of boas)

• Eingewickelt

• Zusammengerollt

• Winden

• Quetschen

• Strangulieren, abschnüren, ersticken, erwürgen

• Knoten/verknotet

• Zerquetschen

• Fester und fester

• Kraftvolle Drehung

• Griff

• Klammern

• Ganz herunterschlucken

• Verschlingen

• Schwerfälligkeit


• Die Boidae machen geradlinige Bewegungen. Genau so ist sie ihrer Beschreibung nach in ihrem Traum die Stufen heraufgeklettert.

• Zwischen meinem Körper und der Treppe ist ein Bogen. Es fühlt sich an wie „mein Körper gegen die Stufen“, und das zieht mich hinauf.

• Wie ein verletztes Tier durch den Wald kriechen



• Einzelgängerin, scheu, leben im Verborgenen

• Verbringt viel Zeit im Wasser und ist eine geschickte Schwimmerin. Sie kann sich im Wasser schneller als an Land bewegen.

• Sie kümmert sich nicht um ihren Nachwuchs

"Die Welt der Würgeschlangen ist eine ohne Giftprinzip"


[Witold Ehrler]

(Mitbegründer der C4-Homöopathie) hat die von ihm persönlich verriebenen und geprüften Würgeschlangen in ihren Wirkungsschichten zu einem Mandala zusammengefügt,

das in Beziehung zu Ehrlers weithin bekanntem System der 14 Nothelfer steht.

Während es bei den Giftschlangen um einen Widerspruch, eine anscheinend nicht lösbare innere Verletzung geht, ist das Lebensgefühl des Würgeschlangenprinzip wie vor

der Vertreibung aus dem Paradies. Hier herrscht noch nicht die Spaltung und Unterscheidung der dualistischen, polaren Welt.

Im vorliegenden Vortrag stellt er die Wesensarten von 7 Würgeschlangen vor. Sie repräsentieren bestimmte heilerische Entwicklungsstufen.

Python regius (/=  Riesenschlange Königspython) befreit von Verboten und Scheuklappen. Sie führt das Leben, mit seinen Überraschungen, seiner Weisheit und seinen Chancen

zum Augenblick hin. Im Einklang mit dem Kairos-Prinzip kann die Gunst des Gegenwärtigen besser erkannt und mutiger genutzt werden.

Eunectes murinus (/=  Anaconda) birgt das Thema des Subjekt-Seins. Es geht darum, zu unterscheiden, welche Quelle direkt ins Leben oder aber in abstrakte Konzepte führt.

Nicht der Geist, nicht die Konvention, nicht die Seele, sondern das Leben selbst macht „Zivilisierte“ wieder zu lebendigen Menschen.

Auf der dritten Ebene begegnen wir der Boa constrictor (/=  Königsboa//=  Abgottschlange). In ihr zieht sich das „Ich“ zugunsten der Gemeinschaft zurück. Fruchtbare Begegnungen sind nur außerhalb von Hierarchie möglich, da Hierarchie immer Konkurrenz, Neid und Zwietracht hervorbringt. Es geht um das „Fühlen des sozialen Körpers“.

Python molurus (/=  Tigerpython), Schlange der C4-Ebene, geht es um echte Liebesentscheidungen. Solche freien Entscheidungen können wir nur als Einzelne treffen. So verbindet diese Schlange den Einzelnen innerlich mit einer allumfassenden Kraftquelle und mit dem tieferen Sinn seines Lebens.

Morelia kinghorni (/=  Amethystpython) hilft dem Menschen bei seiner Aufgabe, höhere objektive Ordnungen zu finden und mit ihnen in Dialog zu treten: "Bindet euch an höhere Ordnungen an. Erst dann seid ihr befugt andere Menschen anzuleiten und zu therapieren."

Epicrates cenchria (/=  Regenbogenboa) steht für die Verführung zum Leben. Sie befähigt auch andere ins Leben zu führen, die nicht weiterkommen, und ihnen auch durch unkonventionelle Methoden auf die Sprünge zu helfen.

Elaphe longissima (/=  Aesculapnatter) steht schließlich für das Prinzip der C7-Ebene: Der Patient wird befähigt, sein Lebensthema in Eigenverantwortung zu bearbeiten.


Wirkung: syphillitisch (Naja/Elaps /=  cancer miasm)

Allerlei: Schlangen werden „gemolken“ um Gift zu gewinnen.

Schlangen können zum Leben den Mensch folgen. Scheu. 50%? aller Verteidigungsbisse sind ungiftig.

Urenergie als Basis des Lebens/Bewusstseins, Lebenswillen/Maya/verführt den Mensch, Bewusstsein /=  verdrängen der Triebkraft//=  Spaltung des harmonische Ganze//=  Psora

Zeus und Rhea verwandeln sich in Schlangen und kämpfen, Zeus gewinnt


Agri. /=  Odermennig//=  Bubenläuse//=  Fünfblatt//=  Kaiserkraut//=  Leberkraut//=  Klettenkraut//=  Natternzunge//=  immortal crane//=  Brustwurz//=  Schafklette//=  Magenkraut//=  Steinkraut//=  Kirchturm//=  Milzblüh/B.B.

Amph. /=  Echse ohne Beinen//=  Doppelschleiche

Anemonia viridis o. sulcata. /=  Seeanemone//=  Wachsrose//=  Snakelock anemone

Artemisia dracunculus /=  Schlangenkraut//=  Kaisersalat Asterales.

Araucaria araucana /=  slangenden//=  apenboom//=  Monkey puzzle tree Tracheobiontha.

Äskulap /=  Gott der Heilung wird begeleitet vom Hund./trägt den Äskulapstab (von einer Schlange umwunden)

Kadmos. /=  Helden der Schlange tötet/säht Schlangenzähnen. woraus Spartanen (/=  Krieger.) wachsen

Brosimum guianensis /=  snakewood//=  Letternholzbau Rosales.

Calla pallustris /=  Drachenwurz//=  Slangenwortel Moorgruppe Alismatales.

Card-b. /=  Centaurea benedicta//=  Benediktenkraut//=  Bitterdistel//=  Bernhardinerwurzel//=  Bornwurz//=  Natter(n)kraut//=  Spinnendistel

Cedr. /=  Rattlesnake bean

Cere-s. /=  Schlangenkaktus

Chelo. /=  Balmony//=  Snakehead//=  white turtlehead//=  fishmouth

Echi. /=  Sonnenhut//=  Purple Coneflower//=  Black Sampson//=  Niggerhead//=  Rudbeckia//=  Kansas Snakeroot//=  Spider Flower

Echium vulgare /=  slangenkruid//=  Gewöhnliche Natternkopf Boraginales.

Equis-h. /=  Winterschachtelhalm//=  Horse-tail//=  Mu zei//=  Snakeweed

Ery-a. /=  Wassermanstreu//=  Button snakeroot

Hermesstab /=  Symbol des Handels//=  geflügelte Stab. mit 2 Schlangen umwunden Botengruppe.

Jaspis. w Schild vor der Brust/Schwert in der Hand/Schlange unter den Füßen/schützt gegen alle Krankheiten/erneuert Geist/Herz/Verstand.

Lyc. /=  Sporen//=  Common clubmoss//=  Druidenkraut//=  Bärlapp//=  Wolf’s claw//=  Hexenkraut//=  Schlangenmoos//=  Waldstaub//=  Erdschwefel//=  Blitzpulver//=  Teufelsklaue//=  Löwefuss

Mercurius. /=  Hydrargyrum /=  Wassersilber//=  lebendiges Silber des Merkur (/=  Hermes)//=  Wasser der Philosophen//=  Schaum des giftigen Hundes//=  geschwänzte Skorpion//=  giftige Schlange//=  Sonnemetall (kann als einzige Aurum angreifen)

Pfau. + Storch. essen Schlangen/rotten sie aus

Pot-e. /=  Natter(n)wurz//=  Rotwurz//=  Ruhrwurz//=  Siebenfinger//=  Tormentill//=  Bauchwehwurz//=  Birkwurz//=  Christuskrone//=  Dilledapp//=  Aufrechtes Fingerkraut//=  Mooreckel//=  Siebenfinger

Sansevieria trifasciata /=  Snake plant//=  mother.-in-law's tongue.//=  Bogen.-hanf. air filtering plants. Asparagales.

Sapin. /=  Schlangengift-ähnlich//=  pflanzliches Merkur//=  Gels-ähnlich.

Schlange /=  Drachen.


Seneg. /=  Snakeroot//=  snake root//=  snakeworth

Serpentin. /=  Schlangenstein

Tannin. (hebräisch)//=  Drache o. Schlange//=  Ungeheuer//=  Gerbsäure

Urt-d. /=  Schlangen-//=  Apisin-//=  Histamin-ähnlich

Urt. /=  Schlangen-//=  Apisin-//=  Histamin-ähnlich


Abrus. (Jequiritolum /=  hergestellt aus Abrus./enthält chemisch Schlangengift-ähnliche Substanzen).

Hed. + Smilx-a.: (/=  vegetabile Schlange).


Wirkung: alle Schlangen in cardiovascular and vasomotor sphere

Allerlei: Schlange symbolisiert Sünde.x

China: - Schlauheit, Bosheit, Hinterlist; eines der fünf Gifttiere



Manasa, the goddess of serpents, worshipped in Bengal, is said to live in Fic-c. x


Phytology: Typically the snakebite site is a necrotic area - the skin sloughs off due to action by proteases in the venom, which first turn the area bruised and swollen before digesting skin and tissue.

The stronger the protease in the venom and its quantity relate directly to how much skin and tissue damage results at the site of the bite. For this reason, many herbal remedies that have been validated as snakebite remedies (employed at the site of the bite) have been shown to be natural protease inhibitors also. In fact, many pharmaceutical company researchers bio-prospecting for new chemicals and drugs in the Amazon are very interested in those plants the Indians employ as snakebite remedies for just this reason. It may be possible that Dr. Inchuastegui stumbled across one of these natural protease inhibitors in his work with HIV patients and jergón sacha. Clinical research is still required however, to verify the mechanisms of action in jergón sacha against viruses and against snakebite and particularly, if they are one and the same.



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