

Blutung von Nieren/Blase: Siehe Urin


Blutung: Schwangerschaft durch Überanstrengung und Traumata gefährdet. Drohenden Aborten mit hellroten Blutungen.                       


Cinnm. = Ergot-ähnlich bei Gebärmutterblutung + weniger gefährlich

Bryo-p.: Hat drei Ansatzpunkte:

die Unterstützung der Einnistung im ersten Trimenon

seelische Hilfe bei Angst und Panik in der Schwangerschaft

Beruhigung bei vorzeitiger Wehentätigkeit.


Mineral acids - active bleeding

Organic acids - passive bleeding


[Christiane Petras]

Parat-B.: Nasenbluten in der Kindheit, extrem starke Monatsblutungen, Ekzeme, die den Patienten veranlassen, sich blutig zu kratzen. Die Haut reißt ein und blutet.

Ich greife darauf zurück oder nehme es dazu, wenn Proteus und Morgan Bach in dieser Situation keine Erleichterung zu bringen vermögen.

Husten oder Niesanfälle bei Allergien, dann oft zusammen mit Mutabile.


[Dr. W.A. Dewey]

Acon.: or Cham.: Threatened miscarriage from anger. The mental conditions will be different with Chamomilla; Pain with great nervous excitement.

Arn.: Threatened miscarriage from trauma

Bell.: Threatened miscarriage with profuse hot hemorrhage, backache, headache and the peculiar uterine tenesmus of the remedy and violent aching of the body.

The least jar is painful.

Caul.: False labor pains and also as a preventive of abortion. There is severe pain in the back and sides of the abdomen, feeble uterine contractions and scanty flow.

Cimic.: When the pains fly across the abdomen, from side to side, doubling the patient up; fainting spells. Pains indicating the threatened miscarriage fly across the abdomen from side to side doubling the patient up. It suits habitual abortion in women of a rheumatic diathesis.

Cinnm.: abortion from a strain or misstep with profuse hemorrhage and slight pain.

Vib-o.: Pains from lower abdomen into thighs. Threatening miscarriage when the pains come from the back around to the lower part of the abdomen and go into the thighs.

Ham.:  Great soreness in the abdomen.

Sabin.: Threatened abortion, 3rd month, pains in the small of the back, going down thighs; bruised sensation along the anterior surface of the thighs.

Pain running from sacrum to pubis.

Sec.: Threatened abortion during the later months; copious flow of black liquid blood, especially if the patient be thin and scrawny.

Miscarriage in the early months of pregnancy. Also useful for checking the tendency to miscarriage in the later months. By frequent labor like pains, a copious hemorrhage

of black fluid blood, a wan sunken countenance, tingling and formication of the extremities and a desire for air.

Sep.: Most important remedies as a preventive of miscarriage. It is indicated by nervous irritability, laxness of tissues and a sense of weight in the anus.

[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjee]

Abortion: Tendency to abortion at any month during pregnancy - Bac. Vib-p.

Abortion threatened: Blum-o. Caul. Helon. Vib-o.

Early months: Kali-c. Caul. Apis, Viburnum

1st Month - Croc-s. Viburnum

2nd month - Cimic. Kali-c. 1M

                        Plb-met.: habitual abortion (70 - 90 days). “She feels a lack of room for foetus in the uterus; inability of uterus to expand; threatening abortion.”

                        Sabin. Sec.

3rd month - Apis. Cimic. Croc-s. Kali-c. Sabin. Sec. Thuja

Black blood in 3rd month - Kreos.


DD.: For general hemorrhagic tendency- Ust. Bov. Mitch. Trillium-p. Ham. Erig.

For uterine hemorrhages: Alet. Chin. Helon.

[Dr. J.T. Kent]

Bell. and Sabin.: two most important remedies in abortion at 3 months.

4th Month - Apis.

5th to 7th month - Sep.

7th month - Sep. Ruta.

10th month: Sabin.

Later months - Op.

From debility: Alet. Helon.

Fehlgeburt in anämisch, zarte Frauen: Alet. Tril-p.

             From trauma: Arn.

             Sulph.: Hitzewallungen/folgt gut vorangehende Mitteln

Threatening from strain: Cinnm.

Haemorrhagic condition: Ferr-met. Ferr-p. Ph-ac. Phos.



Aderlass ist ein schlechtes Palliativ und in den meisten Fällen schädlich.




MP 1 + Ma 36


MP 1 + BI 40

Trio: Haemorrhage: Erigeron, Millefolium, Trillium.

[Elaine Lewis]


Sabina - Is the first remedy you should think of, unless there’s some etiology that takes you away from it. Bright red blood with clots. Sharp pain from pubis to sacrum.

Ip.: Miscarriage plus morning sickness. Always involves nausea and vomiting as a concomitant. Bright red blood with severe uterine spasms.

Caul.: Inertia/atony/weakness of uterus with tendency to miscarry, with exhaustion and weakness.

Sep.: Tendency to miscarrry with history of miscarriages or abortions that weaken the uterus and history of hormonal problems or the birth control pill. Miscarriage

plus morning sickness.

Kali-c.: Severe backache with sharp, stabbing pain as a concomitant.

Apis.: One of the main remedies for toxemia of pregnancy (protein in the urine, high blood pressure) along with Cicuta and China. Edema and swelling. Burning and

stinging pains, < heat.


[William H. Burt]

Trill-p.: Hemorrhages of the uterus and kidneys, either of an active or passive nature. (Sabin./Sec./Ham.).

[Kavita R. Chandak]

Snake Remedies - Boon for Coagulopathies (Naja comp. w;)

Every coin has two sides, so when blood is too slow or too fast to coagulate, that condition is labelled coagulopathy. Hence there is hyper and hypo coagulopathy. Reduced coagulability of blood resulting in uncontrolled haemorrhage can be due to:

1 Reduction in blood clotting protein level

2 Some genetic disorders

3 Trauma

4 Reduced platelets

It is important to identify the underlining cause but the first goal is to stop haemorrhage. External supplement of blood plasma with RBC, prothrombin, fibrinogen compounds and tranexamic acid is helpful to check the bleeding, but for how long? And how many times? Thinning or thickening of the blood, is not a symptom, so just to arresting bleeding once is not sufficient.

To handle the coagulation tendency, the immunity of the patient should be increased by correcting the Diathesis. Bleeding tendencies belong to the haemorrhagic diathesis and to maintain it the medicine must be anti- haemorrhagic.

Here is the role for Snake remedies. Homeopathy has lots of anti-hemorrhagic remedies, so then why snakes? Snake venom has many enzymes, lipids, free amino acids and it is rich in proteins. Some proteins help in thickening blood and in clot formation. Certain proteins which have anti- coagulating compounds are helpful in thinning of blood. Hence they are beneficial in hypercoagulopathy, and in dissolving a thrombus.

Every snake venom has different constituents but they all have a great affinity for haemorrhagic disorders. Snake remedies are quick to act and so useful in acute hemorrhage, as well for deep constitutionals to help in settling the haemorrhagic tendency.

A few years back a 32 yrs female consulted me for menorrhagia. She said ‘Dr. I had painful, profuse and long lasting menses 2 months back. Last month menses didn’t appear. this month I faced heavy painful menses again’’ Her menses were profuse or scanty or totally absent; menstrual flow dark; tender breast before menses; leucorrhoea excoriating genitals and staining garments. She was a known case of varicose veins and high blood pressure. She had and operation for PCOD. Thermally hot. Thirsty. Irritable lady especially before menses or when constipated. Lachesis 200 and then Lachesis 1m fixed the problem. In that case Lachesis proved itself beneficial by handling acute bleeding and then it settled her constitutionally. This compelled me to think about the usefulness of other snake remedies for controlling haemorrhage.

In a randomised clinical study done in 30 patients of both genders suffering from haemorrhage with different etiology at Orange City Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur; along with conventional treatment, haemorrhage is divided according to aetiology in three categories:

1. Abdominal hemorrhage

2. Cerebral hemorrhage

3. Haemorrhage from extremities

Lachesis muta, Crotalus horridicus and Elaps corallinus were chosen for study. (Why only three snakes?)

Indications of selected remedies in hamorrhage

1. Lachesis - bleeding, dark blood, does not coagulate. hemorrhage from uterus, bowels, nose, stomach, lungs, or at the bottom of the ulcer; always when blood can be discerned like black straws as a sediment; absolutely cannot bear anything tight. Bluish purple skin. Bluish purple swelling. Dissecting wounds. < pressure and constriction.

GENERALS - WOUNDS - ailments from wounds

GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE - blood - stringy

GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE - wounds bleed much



RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - children; in

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - menopause; at

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - menses - during - agg.

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - menses - scanty, during

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - stool - after - agg.



2. Crotalus Horridicus - Haemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhage from every orifice, from nose, mouth, ears, anus, vagina, uterus, bowels, lungs, and from all mucus membranes. Intraocular haemorrhage; all discharges are bloody, even sweat and saliva are bloody. Purpura haemorrhagica, comes on suddenly, from all orifices, skin, nails and gums. Blood is dark, fluid and non-coaguable; hemorrhage occurring in typical zymotic disease. In purpura, hand drop and could not catch a thing (Dr. Morgeni Blackre). In coronary thrombosis, sensation as if something were going to burst under the sternum “feels full then” (Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard)




GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE - accompanied by - Tongue - cancer


GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE - blood - stringy


GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE - wounds bleed much



3 Elaps corallinus -Disorganization of blood with black, haemorrhagic discharge. Spasmodic states - sudden constriction of oesophagus and stomach, followed by paresis. Haematemesis of black blood.

EXTREMITIES - BLOOD - rush of blood to

EXTREMITIES - BLOOD - rush of blood to - Hands

EXTREMITIES - BLOOD - rush of blood to - Lower limbs

CLINICAL - FIRST AID - Hemorrhages from injuries - Generals

HEMORRHAGE - orifices of the body, from;blood non coagulable ;dark,thin.

A abdominal haemorrhage study, 1-1-1 patient of ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy and Oesophageal Varices and 2-2-2 patients of Peptic Ulcer were given all 3 remedies respectively.

For cerebral haemorrhage study 1-1-1 patient of accidental head injury and 2-2-2 patients of brain haemorrhage due to hypertension were given all three remedies respectively.

To study for haemorrhage from extremities,1-1-1 patient of accidental blunt injury and 2-2-2 patients of open wound from glass or knife were given all three remedies respectively.

Every snake remedy viz Lachesis, Crotalus and Elapse -30 aqua dose given tds to total 10 patients suffering from haemorrhage in different parts of body [as explained above.

1-1-1 patient of each category where 3 pts were taken and 2-2-2 patients respectively where 6 patients were taken for observation, so 10 patients for each drug were observed.


Lachesis in abdominal haemorrhage [ectopic pregnancy]; Crotalus in cerebral haemorrhage [in brain haemorrhage from hypertension] and Elapse in haemorrhage from extremities [in open wound injury found promising]. Better results than those patients who were only on conventional medicines. Observation period was from a few hours to 3 days. This is my experience but results may vary according to individual.


Snake remedies accelerate healing by controlling haemorrhage and preventing hypovolumia; they help to speed recovery and improve the quality of life. Snake remedies are quick to act, useful in acute hemorrhage. They are also deep constitutionals, help settling the hemorrhagic tendency.


Cinchona is frequently called for in ante- and post-partum haemorrhages; in such cases you do not give it in a single dose, but repeatedly, at short intervals, until the consequences of the haemorrhage have been removed.  I would also recommend Cinchona when retained placenta  is attended by haemorrhage. It has been my practice

to administer Cinchona until the tonicity of the uterus is restored, and then remove the placenta.

Ip.: useful when there is profuse bright red flow of blood, usually accompanied by nausea and sometimes by very hard, labored breathing.

Bell.: useful when the haemorrhage is of bright blood, coagulating rapidly, and feeling hot to the parts over which it flows.

Tril.: controls haemorrhage when the flow is either bright red or dark, and occurs in women who flood after every labor.

Mill.: suited for a profuse, bright red flow, unattended by pain. It is much like Aconite, but it lacks the restlessness and anxiety, continuous flow after an injury.

Sabin.: when the flow is bright red and clotted, and worse from  any  motion, and is attained with pain extending from the pubes through to the sacrum.

Carb-v.: a continuous passive haemorrhage.  The patient wants to be fanned.  The skin is cool and bluish, and the pulse rapid and weak.

Sec.: thin women. The flow of blood is passive; it is attended with tingling in the limbs.  Although the surface of the body is cold, desires to be uncovered.

Erig.: profuse haemorrhage similar to that of Sabina, but associated with irritation of the bladder and rectum.

Ham.: passive  venous haemorrhages,  especially when the part from which the flow of blood proceeds feels sore and bruised.

Acal-i.: haemoptysis after fits of dry coughing.

Cinnm.: profuse haemorrhage from a strain or misstep.

Cycl.: profuse haemorrhage, with dizziness and obscured  vision, as from  a fog


[C. Hering]

Ip.: very copious continued flooding, during pregnancy, the blood flowing with cutting pains around the navel. Great pressure and bearing-down. Chills and coldness of the body. A feeling of heat rising into the head, great weakness and inclination to lie down. This is also the most important remedy in flooding after delivery.

[Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea]

Caul.: Womb Atony; Os Rigidity; Pains Migratory & Thrush In Oral Cavity: (a) Want of Tonicity of womb. (b) Needle like pains in cervix. (c) Habitual abortion from uterine debility.

Cinn-m.: Uterine haemorrhage caused by over lifting. Strain in loins of false step brings on a profuse flow of bright red blood. Abortion of unwanted pregnancy. [Q. (M.T.)

6- 8 drops, 8 hourly; 30C]

Goss.: Intermittent pain in ovaries. Morning sickness, retained placenta, rigid os and swollen labia. (30C)

Vib-o.: Prevents miscarriage. Mother Tincture - repeated history of miscarriage. < night/motion/sudden jarring/stuffy room (feels faint); > open air/pressure/lying down;

< sudden jarring; Depressed; desires solitude. Cramps begin in the back, bleeding profuse and gushing. Frequent and very early miscarriage, causing sterility. (Congestive state 30C, 1M)

Vib-p.: A uterine tonic. It is particularly valuable in preventing miscarriage, whether habitual or otherwise [Ref. Dr. J.H. Clarke]. Menstrual irregularities of sterile women with uterine displacement. (30C)

[J.T. Kent]

Ip. uterus continuously oozing, but every little while the flow increases to a gush, and with every little gush, she thinks she is going to faint, or gasps, and the quantity of the

flow is not enough to account for such prostration, nausea, syncope, pallor.

Sabin.: Uterine Haemorrhage with bright red blood with clots, sharp pain from back to front (sacrum to pubis.) Haemorrhage after abortion or surgery.

Endometriosis with cramps and bleeding. Pelvic inflammatory disease - throbbing and burning sensation in whole uterus. Retained placenta with bright red blood.

Beschwerden nach Abort: Alet. Helon. Lil-t. Tril-p.


Acal: lungs (bright red blood in the morning and dark clotted blood in the evening)/rectum; [William Boericke] < morning exacerbation. worthy of trying in all haemorrhages

(< morning). From the lungs, expectoration of bright red blood in the morning and dark clotted blood in the evening.

Acon: Mental excitement + fear of death/Cause: fright/anger/lying on the back, < lying on either/rising (becomes dizzy); blood coagulates easily; afraid to move about and feeling restless and anxious; thirsty, skin dry. Mostly found in dark-haired subjects/plethoric and active.

Aloe.: [Hering] A bunch of external haemorrhoids, which caused bearing down in the rectum and itching and burning in the anus.

Arn: Cause: injury/concussion/bodily fatigue/physical exertion. Bruised or sore sensation in the parts from which the blood exudes. (Lungs/Uterus/Nose). Hot head and

cool body.

[A. Geukens]

Be careful giving Arnica in an accident with internal haemorrhage, because when Arnica is not indicated, everything aggravates.

Bell: Blood coagulates almost as soon as discharged and feels hot to the parts from which it escapes. From the genital organs + forcing or bearing down pains: From chest

or head + congestion/throbbing of the carotids/injected eyes/flushed face. Wishes to be covered; cool air is unpleasant; cold shiverings frequently run through the body; photophobia; drinks little often; hot skin, plethoric habit. < afternoon and evening/draft/rising. Cause: suppressed perspiration.

Calc: Constitution: leucophlegmatic/light hair. Menses apt to be too profuse/too often; much perspiration about the head and shoulders; limbs are usually drawn up/cold

and damp; desires to loosen clothing; > being rubbed; Desire for warmth/covering; a slight draft of cool air is chilling; (bleeding from the chest usually l.).

Blutung von Nieren/Blase.

Fic-r.: Blutung vom Darm/Magen/Nase

Sulph.: Fever after


Epistaxis: Abel. Ambros. Bry. Ham. Mill.

----------- + point of nose cold - Calc-p.

----------- blood dark, clotted and very stringy: Croc-s. + cold sweat on the forehead, the disposition being variable, laughing # sadness.

Herzbeschwerden + Blutung: Cact. + Dig.


Calcium Carbonicum/Cortex Quercus w 10 ml ampules to treat haemorrhages and work needs to be done on differential treatment (as alternative/complementary to Stibium met. prep. D 6).

Blutstillende properties of calcium were discovered on the end of the 18th Century. anti-allergic properties were noted by Wright 100 years later.

Apart from the "external" aspect of serum treatment, this no doubt also has a deeper reason. The allergy problem appears to have become genuinely topical around the turn of the century, with the term "anaphylaxis" first used by Charles Richet and Paul Portier in 1902. Clemens Pirquet introduced the term "allergy" in 1906, having interpreted serum sickness as an antigen-antibody reaction a year earlier.


[Dr. Kavita Chandak]

Reduced coagulopathy of blood results in uncontrolled hemorrhage.


-     - reduction in blood clotting protein level

-     - some genetic disorders

-     - Trauma

-     - reduced pletlets

Method of study:

Randomised clinical study done in 30 patients in both genders suffering from haemorrhage with different

Etiology at Orange City Hospital and Research Centre Nagpur along with conventional treatment.

Chosen were Lach., Crot-h. and Elaps.


Lach. in abdominal hemorrhage

Crot-h. in cerebral hemorrhage

Elaps. Hemorrhage from limbs

found promising.


To evaluate the benefits of snake remedies in correcting the hemorrhagic diathesis/coagulopathies.

In a randomised clinical study done in 30 patients of both genders suffering from haemorrhage with different etiology at Orange City Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur; along with conventional treatment, haemorrhage is divided according to aetiology in three categories:

1] Abdominal hemorrhage

2] Cerebral hemorrhage

3] Haemorrhage from extremities

Lachesis muta, Crotalus horridicus and Elaps corallinus were chosen for study. (Why only three snakes?)

Indications of selected remedies in hamorrhage

1] Lachesis - bleeding, dark blood, does not coagulate. hemorrhage from uterus, bowels, nose, stomach, lungs, or at the bottom of the ulcer; always when blood can be discerned like black straws as

a sediment; absolutely cannot bear anything tight. Bluish purple skin. Bluish purple swelling. Dissecting wounds. Aggravation from pressure and constriction.

EXPRESSIONS - GENERALS - WOUNDS - ailments from wounds





RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - children; in

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - menopause; at

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - < during menses

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus – scanty during menses

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - < after stool



2] Crotalus Horridius - Haemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhage from every orifice, from nose, mouth, ears, anus, vagina, uterus, bowels, lungs, and from all mucus membranes. Intraocular haemorrhage; all discharges are bloody, even sweat and saliva are bloody. Purpura haemorrhagica, comes on suddenly, from all orifices, skin, nails and gums. Blood is dark, fluid and non-coaguable; hemorrhage occurring in typical zymotic disease. In purpura, hand drop and could not catch a thing (Dr. Morgeni Blackre).

In coronary thrombosis, sensation as if something were going to burst under the sternum “feels full then” (Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard)




EXPRESSIONS - GENERALS - HEMORRHAGE - accompanied by - Tongue - cancer







3] Elaps corallinus -Disorganization of blood with black, haemorrhagic discharge. Spasmodic states - sudden constriction of oesophagus and stomach, followed by paresis. Haematemesis of black blood.

EXTREMITIES - BLOOD - rush of blood to

EXTREMITIES - BLOOD - rush of blood to - Hands

EXTREMITIES - BLOOD - rush of blood to - Lower limbs

CLINICAL - FIRST AID - Hemorrhages from injuries - Generals

HEMORRHAGE - orifices of the body, from;blood non coagulable ;dark,thin.


For abdominal haemorrhage study, 1-1-1 patient of ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy and Oesophageal Varices and 2-2-2 patients of Peptic Ulcer were given all three remedies respectively.

For cerebral haemorrhage study 1-1-1 patient of accidental head injury and 2-2-2 patients of brain haemorrhage due to hypertension were given all three remedies respectively.

To study for haemorrhage from extremities,1-1-1 patient of accidental blunt injury and 2-2-2 patients of open wound from glass or knife were given all three remedies respectively.


Every snake remedy viz Lachesis, Crotalus and Elapse -30 aqua dose given tds to total 10 patients suffering from haemorrhage in different parts of body [as explained above]

1-1-1 patient of each category where 3 pts were taken and 2-2-2 patients respectively where 6 patients were taken for observation, so 10 patients for each drug were observed.


Lachesis in abdominal haemorrhage [in ectopic pregnancy];

Crotalus in cerebral haemorrhage [especially in brain haemorrhage from hypertension]

Elapse in haemorrhage from extremities [in open wound injury] found promising.

Better results than those patients who were only on conventional medicines. Observation period was from a few hours to 3 days. This is my experience but results may vary according to individual.


Snake remedies accelerate healing by controlling haemorrhage and preventing hypovolumia; they help to speed recovery and improve the quality of life. Snake remedies are quick to act, hence useful in acute hemorrhage. They are also deep constitutionals, so help in settling the hemorrhagic tendency.

[Myron H. Adams] 

It is rarely the case that any hemorrhage proves immediately fatal, except from injury or following pregnancy and confinement. Looking backward, I cannot recall a single case. The patient should be kept very quiet and as much of the mental excitement quieted as is possible.

Acon.: pulse full and strong with excitement of mind and fear of not recovering. Haemorrhage from the throat or lung in acute disease or from organic heart disease.

Ars.: Weak, exhausted, anaemic condition with pain, burning and cutting about the stomach and bowels. Thirst for small quantity of water with nausea and vomiting. In ulcer or cancer of stomach.

Arn.: Haemorrhage after injury, fall, blows or concussion. Feet and hands cold, head hot. Also in typhoid.

Bell.: Nosebleed, with throbbing and fullness about the head and face which is flushed. Patient sensitive to anything like noise or light. Inclined to stupor with sudden starting.

Bry.: Useful when the bleeding of the nose is rather passive, or if it occurs in threatened typhoid. Also for vicarious hemorrhage with suppression of menses.

Chin.: loss of blood has reduced the patient greatly, sight dim, with roaring in the ears, face pale and bloodless.

Ham.: Has been used in the form of tincture, especially in venous hemorrhage.

Ip.: Symptoms somewhat similar to China, with nausea perhaps vomiting and cutting pain about the stomach. Ip. in uterine hemorrhages after labor or miscarriage, especially if the blood is bright red with persistent nausea.

Phos.: Every cut or wound bleeds persistently. Nosebleed or other hemorrhages which recur often and no visible cause for the same, with much difficulty to control, even slight ones.

Puls.: Hemorrhages at change of life, constantly chilly and weeping. Hemorrhages vicarious in young women with suppressed menses from getting the feet wet.


[Henry Newell Guernsey, M. D./Presented by Sylvain Cazalet]

Bleeding from internal parts:

Canth: Cutting and burning during micturition; urine flows in drops, or in a very scanty stream. Haematuria; uterine haemorrhage, blood DARK; haemorrhage from the lungs or nose.

Carb-v: DESperate case: COLlapse; weak pulse; anguish of heart; skin cold and bluish; patient wants to be fanned HARD.

Cham: threatened abortion caused by anger. Discharge of dark blood, frequent urination, restless and characteristic excitability with pain. IrritaBLE of a spiteful nature; speaks quickly and sharply. Blood dark and coagulated; desire for air; restless/distressed. < night/warmth/anger/during eructations/lying on painless side/during perspiration/during sleep/from coffee. > fasting/lying on painful side.

Chin.: Faintness with ringing in the ears (is characteristic symptoms)/pulse will become irregular, flickering, and imperceptible; skin cold and clammy; fainting and unconsciousness.

< periodically/night/after drinking/talking/after sweat/on touching the parts softly/can't talk, wished others to explain.

                        DD.: Carb-v. wishes to be fanned hard, skin dry and blue/no ringing in the ears.

China: maybe fanned very softly. skin moist and clammy, ringing in the ears             

Croc: Blood is black and stringy forming long dark strings as it flows (earthworms)/in all haemorrhage be it from the uterus, lungs or the nose.

“As if a bounding or rolling in the abdomen”/”As if something alive”. < morning/fasting/during pregnancy/in a warm or closed room. > open air/after eating.

Ferr-met: RED face with a full pulse; Blood partly fluid and partly black and clotted. Flow may be from the lungs/stomach/nose/bowels/uterus (violent)/labour-like pains in the back and abdomen; great erethism of the circulation; flushes of heat. < night (after midnight)/change of position/fat food. Use of Kinin; WEAK though having so red

a face and so full a pulse.

Hyos: Delirium; semi-consciousness; twitching and jerking of the muscles/bluish face. constant flow of blood (uterine); jerking and twitching of the muscles; face bluish; eyes congested. Cause: jealousy/unhappy love/taking cold/mental affection. < evening. > stooping/leaning forward.

Ip.: Uninterrupted discharge of bright red blood from the vagina, nose or lungs.

1. faintness and nausea; may be sharp cutting pain from the navel ext. the uterus;

2. cold skin/cold sweat/suffocating spells. 3. suppression of eruptions;

                        DD.: Chin:

Ip: no ringing in the ears/constant flow of bright red blood from nose or lungs, with the above gastric symptoms and faintness. Ip. more frequently indicated than

any other remedy.

Kali-c: Days or weeks after parturition; bleeding after being overheated/after a vexation. Sometimes with agonizing pain in the back ext. to the gluteal muscles and down

over the sacrum; stitching pains in the abdomen. abdomen often tympanitic. > being covered up warmly/after eructations.

Remedy to prevent abortion about the 2nd month with stitching/pain in the back hindering walking, wants lie down anywhere (street/floor). later pain may extend over the sacrum to the gluteal muscles.

Lach: For flooding (climacterium/after childbirth) with chills at night and hot flushes by day, or floodings at any time when thus characterized; after parturition, with pains in the r. ovarian region > flow of blood from the vagina; in all typhus or typhoid conditions, where there is a flow of dark blood from the nose, from the lungs, or from the bowels with a sediment like charred straw. Sediment may have a crushed appearance, or look like distinct spears of charred straw. Diarrhœa following milk-leg sometimes + hemorrhage of this sort.

Lyc: Haemorrhages from the nose, lungs, or uterus when~there is a great deal of flatulence, borborygmus, and a sensation of fullness up to the throat, after taking a small quantity of water or nourishment; frequent flushes of heat; palpitation of the heart; cutting pains from right to left in the abdomen; symptoms < 16 h. - 20 h. Desire for air;

to have the windows open; to be fanned. Often used in the worst cases of pulmonic haemorrhage.

Merc: Haemorrhages in elderly females some time after the critical period has passed; light hair; scorbutic condition of the system. Cold, damp thighs and legs at night; perspiration sour and mouldy, except of the feet which is scentless; skin and muscles lax; thirst, even though the mouth be full of saliva; mood serious (amorous). < night;

when blowing the nose. With the above conditions epistaxis, haemoptysis, haematemesis, haemorrhage from the bowels or uterus.

Nit-ac: Many respects similar to Merc. Bleeding from the arteries and capillaries; bleeding from the uterus with pain in the back, running down through the hips into the legs with a             sensation of pressure, “As if the uterus itself would escape from the vulva”.

Nux-v: Haemorrhages and an irritable condition of the rectum (frequent and ineffectual desire for stool with the sensation as if portion of faeces were in the rectum, this latter sensation remaining after stool); usually in dark-haired subjects. Cause: rich food/coffee/intoxicating drinks; constipation. < cold air/2 - 3 h. > warm place/lying on the side/in loose garments/passing wind per anum.

Phos.: Tall, slim, dark-haired subjects; women who menstruate too often/too much/too long. Small wounds bleed persistently and profusely; bleeding erectile tumors.

Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen; slim, dry stools, expelled with difficulty; flushes of heat. < lying on l. side/on the back/warm food or drinks.

> lying on the r. side/cold food and drinks/being rubbed/after sleep.

Plat-met: Haemorrhages, blood partially fluid and partially hard, black clots; also coming out in quantities, and having a dark, tarry appearance; “As if body was growing, larger in every direction”; dark-haired, spasmodic and nervous subjects.

Puls.: Intermittent haemorrhage, blood generally dark; in subjects of mild and tearful temperaments; can lie best on right side; < close, warm room; desires open doors and windows; no thirst; scanty urine; blood flows and stops, again flows and stops.

Sabin: Blood flows freely in fluid and in clots. From the uterus, often a pain from the sacrum to the pubis or vice versa; for violent after-pains of the above nature, with the above characteristic bleeding (miscarriages about 3rd month); blood from the nose pale; blood from the vagina pale, or red, dark, or mixed with light red; soreness in the hypogastric region. < close, warm room. > in the open air.

                        DD.: Puls: different bleeding

                        Puls: < warmth

                        Sabin: < warmth/pain is different           

Sec: Flow passive and may be dark or red, mostly red; subjects = naturally feeble and cachetic; tingling in the limbs and prostration; desires air; aversion to being covered;

cool skin without desire for covering. > lying with limbs extended.

                        DD.: Calc: > with the limbs drawn up

                           Sec: > lying with limbs extended

Sep: With abdominal plethora or congestion; pain in the r. groin; “As if weight in anus”; painful sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach. > drawing up the limbs.

Abort from 5th to the 7th month (in uterine congestion); hands and feet cold; hot flashes (+ little, fine, darting pains up the neck of the uterus).

Sulph: Heat in any part before as well as during the hemorrhage (lungs/nose/uterus/rectum). < warm in bed/exposed to any heat/as of fire.

Trill-p.: general hemorrhage/excellent bleeding from the nose; blood bright red or dark and clotted. The mother tincture applied to the affected part will arrest the bleeding from nose, teeth etc.


Spong.: In traditional medicine, it was used as a roasted substance. The main use was as an anti-haemorrhagic for bad injury – it was used for external bleeding and internal bleeding. The trituration of a roasted sponge was used a lot for metrorrhagia, etc. The Arabs used this remedy a lot in their traditional medicine. They used it a lot for people with a goitre. Every time they saw somebody with such a swelling in their throat, they used the sponge very efficacious to treat this problem to reduce the mass and to improve the related symptoms.


Fibrous tumours and uterine hæmorrhages: Epihysterinum. Ergot. Thlas. Frax. Hydr. and its alkaloids.



Erig-c.: blood expelled in the shape of dark coagula; it is likewise recommended for passive venous hemorrhage generally.

Ham.: passive venous hemorrhage, although it has likewise been found an efficient remedy in active arterial hemorrhage.

Senec-a.: vicarious hemorrhage when occurring in the place of the menses.

Tril-p.: tincture or infusion, is an excellent remedy for pulmonary as well as uterine hemorrhage.

Verat-v.: uncomplicated, but severe pulmonary hyperemia.

Scilla maritime: hemorrhage from neglected catarrh; the blood bubbles up with a pricking sensation at the place whence the hemorrhage proceeds. 

[Dr. Petrie Hoyle]

Profuse menses

Calc.: Blond hair, fair thin skin, complexion is shell pink, pale blue eyes. Oft flabby fat before or at puberty. Later on they are disposed to lay on fat too easily. Take cold easily. As young girls, are flesh and grow too fast, and whilst in the nursery they were accustomed to burst out in profuse sweats (about head and neck, wetting the pillows

at night). Any child with a large head and protruding abdomen is most likely develop the true Calc. constitution (now take these infants or small children to a homoeopath).

At puberty this type develops great acidity of the digestive tract, sour mouth, sour eructations, even to sour vomiting, sour smelling stools, and perhaps a sour odour of the body. This constitutional type will generally run into abnormally profuse menses: too early/too profuse/too long lasting, with fingers, hands, toes and feet "going dead"

(waxy- white); feet were very damp and always icy cold. Sometimes these cases have only 5 - 8 days clear intervals between periods. A leucorrhoea may accompany this profuse flow.

Little or no pain at periods is the general rule. The least excitement causes flow to start again. Often there is burning and itching of vaginal orifice before and after menses,

this irritation is often met with at the beginning of the menstrual epoch. The breasts become hot and tender and swell before menses. Much sweat about genitals.

Ip.: A different picture, and yet both are broadly diagnosed by orthodoxy as Menorrhagia. Here the menses is also too early and too profuse. The blood is bright red, sometimes clotted,

but there is also colic and its grand keynote is great and persistent nausea, without which symptom Ip. will not cure. Found to be peevish and irritable, not her usual self,

breathing is heavy, rather forced and oppressed during the flow, with stitches from navel to womb. Vomit will be glairy mucous and in quantities, all of which does not afford relief from the nauseated feeling. If she has accompanying diarrhoea, it is nearly always grassy-green, “As if fermented” and there often is colic. Often the body surface will be covered with cold sweat.

Bell.: Menses often painful. Some value in cases too early and too profuse, the flow being of gushing bright red blood, which, the patient will insist, always feels very hot to her. May be the result of a successfully dried-up (not cured) leucorrhoea. Read my Leucorrhoea articles. The Belladonna cases will have some cramps in back and strangely enough nearly always cramps in the arms. These patients say that their bearing-down sensations are worse when lying down and are relieved when they are standing or sitting upright. Arteries throb perceptibly. There will be a sensation of a rush of blood to the face and head; throbbing headaches generally; pressing down sensation as if contents

of abdomen would issue from vulva (vagina) with abdomen very tender and distended, and all pains are made much worse by the least jar, even of the bed. Some cases have fever and all are of the congestive type.

Cham.: Emotions must be marked. Nervous/excitable/over sensitive to pain. Driven to despair by her pains; snappish, cannot return a civil answer, all of which we will put down to nerves ajar and not to bad disposition. Menses: early/very profuse, with pain BADly endured. The emotion is out of proportion to the actual pain. Flow generally black and very clotted.

The colic is declared to have the sensation as of pressure from below upwards; which peculiarity helps to select it quickly. Complain of many little shivers # some heat. Child has one

cheek red and the other very pale. The emotional side must predominate, the patient declaring or think, "I cannot bear this any longer", an expression so often heard.

Ham.: Bruised soreness with passive dark profuse flow. The excessive flow dark and is more of a venous (vein) bleeding than arterial. Passive bleedings appearing between normal times of periods; always with complaints of extreme soreness and bruised sensation in lower abdomen (Arn.), with bearing down pain in the back. Ovaries, womb and vagina feel tender and sore.

Plat.: It is the remarkable mental symptoms which guide us to its use. Menses too early, too profuse, dark, clotted, and + some bearing down or, as some describe it, of painful weight with great sensations of chilliness. The pains increase and decrease gradually. Governing the selection of this remedy, there must be extreme hypersensitiveness of the genital area, of nearly all possible types, degrees and conditions, and there are thoughts which are quite foreign to the patient if she is in a normal state of health. These irregular thoughts obtrude themselves against the patients desire. In calm moments she hates them. Menstrual symptoms are mixed up with many sex reflexes. Rare cases are worth saying, and only homoeopathy can save them. Without our special medical aid some of these unfortunate suffers are doomed to "mental homes", or certainly to unending "restraint". Among the mental distressing symptoms cured by Platina, we find characteristic delusions, sex irritations, hysteria (remember that the word hysteria is taken from the Greek word for womb), the exalted pride, the haughtiness, the belittling of everyone around her, all of which are foreign to the woman when she is well. Sometimes home objects seem unfamiliar to her. The sufferer becomes melancholic, she may have a desire to kill someone, but not herself. There is no suicide motive in the make-up.

To sum up, Platina cures profuse bleedings with self exaltation and great genital irritation. This sentence rounds out the drug picture.

The sufferers amenable to Platina need all possible help to save them from themselves. A given case need not have all the symptoms mentioned before employing it. I have not found Platina mentioned in any orthodox books on medicine which I have at hand.

Chin.: The long-continued haemorrhagic floodings are dark, sometimes with clots. Flos profuse, so much so that the patient becomes bloodless with faintings, loss of sight,

and ringing in the ears, with general coldness of the body. Here is another very strange guiding symptoms. "The patient wants to be fanned." Thousands of people in extremis have murmured the prayer: "Fan me, Fan me." Trust a "peculiar" homoeopathic symptom. Although the patient is icy cold he wants to be fanned. His or her face is ghastly pale, pinched, shrunken, eyes are sunken in head, and there are dark blue circles surrounding the eyes. It is a grave picture.


[Matthew Wood]

In order to control tissue that is prolapsed or collapsed and leaking fluids we need a reliable astringent. Sumach is the best medicine for stopping the outflow of fluids via the kidneys, skin, colon, lungs, and other channels of elimination.



[W.A. Dewey]







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