Jade(it) = Na(Al,Fe3+)Si2O6

Mysterious-and-True” = geheimnisvoll und treu

Positiv: Intelligenz/Wohlwollen/Demut/Keuschheit/Wohlergehen/self-realization. strengthens our spirit, allows to step back, observe our lives from a detached viewpoint and act spontaneously, expressing wisdom. for

longevity. kidneys, expel uric acid/kidney stones strengthens the adrenal glands, peace, more vivid dreams and answers to complex life situations have been reported. kidneys, water element, adrenals. serenity and

meditation. work with the dying,

Negativ: Nieren/Nierensteinen;

Repertory from meditative proving:


Releases burdens




Vergleich: Crassula ovata (= Jadeplant/= Friendshiptree/= Geldbaum/= Judasbaum Saxifragales).

Malachit w = (CuCO3 . Cu(OH)2)/= Kupferspat/= Kupfergrün/= Schreckstaun/= Silver Peak Jade

Nephrit (= kidneystone/= Beilstein/zur Herstellung von Waffen und Werkzeugen gebraucht).

Portulacaria afra (= Elefantenstrauch/= Jadebaum/= Portulaccarie/= Strauchportulak/= Spekboom  Sukkulenten Caryophylalles Bonsaigruppe)
Vesuvian = Kalifornische Jade

Hydrogrossular = Transvaal Jade

Aventurin = Indischen Jade

Serpentinit = Koreanische Jade

Auchenorrhyncha = Zikade

Siehe: Natrium + Aluminium + Silizium + Grüne Gruppe

Allerlei: hilft Träume behalten wann unter Kopfkissen gelegt

Jade a particularly tough, green stone that has a long history of being used for amulets, talismans and jewelry, weapons (China/E.Asia).

Jade emperor = Höchste Gott in Taoismus, China

Alchemia Nova Gem Elixir of Jade in Homeopathic Potency 1X


[JJ Kent]

Known for ages, and used for personal ornaments, weapons, implements, art objects, and applied to interior decoration. The word emerald, so frequently appearing in ancient writings, is believed to have sometimes meant

jade (an opaque to translucent mineral) and unlike the emerald in anything, excepting a slight resemblance in colour. The word "jade" is now a generic term applied to various mineral substances, as chloro-melanite, or

jadeite, nephrite, saussurite, pseudo-nephrite; these minerals are characterised by toughness, compactness of texture, and a colour range from cream white to dark green and nearly black. Although appearing in the trade in

precious stones and jewelry, in the art objects of every land, and although extensively imitated "jade" is nowhere prized and appreciated so much as in the Chinese Empire; and wherever on the globe adventurous Chinese

roam or locate it is always found as one of their most cherished possessions. Properly the term "jade" includes but two minerals; nephrite and jadeite. Nephrite is Nephrus amorphous of the order Chalicinea, according to

Dana's system of mineralogy. The name is from a Greek word meaning a kidney;

Hellas/China: specific remedy for all diseases of the kidneys. Jade is massive, of fine granular or impalpable substance; hardness.

Contains Silica (50%); Magnesia (31%); Alumina (10%); (xide of iron (5.5%); Water (nearly 3% of water) with a tinge of chrome oxide. Jade is infusible before the blowpipe, but becomes white; with borax it forms clear


Jadeite is a tough, fibrous foliated, to closely compact, mineral, grouped with the pyroxenes; hardness, 6.5 to 7; specific gravity, 3.33 to 3.35. Jadeite will fuse readily before the blowpipe to a transparent glass containing

bubbles or blisters. A variety that is dark green verging on black is termed chloromelanite. Weapons and ornaments carved in jadeite in prehistoric times are found on every continent. But few of the localities from whence

the mineral came that supplied raw material for these unnamed artisans and artists, are known; the most important is in the vicinity of Mogoung in Upper Burma, where it occurs in boulders embedded in a reddish-yellow

clay in river valleys.

The jadeite miners crack the boulders by heating, and the pieces found of merchantable quality are either sawed into the required shapes by slender steel saws, kept tense by bamboo bows, or sold as found to traders who come in

caravans from China. The mineral here found is thus distributed throughout the Chinese Empire. Jadeite of milk-white colour is most highly prized and that with bright green spots is next in favour.



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