

Vergleich: Siehe: Krankheiten


The various dropsies may indicate special remedies:

Hydrocephalus (= Wasserkopf): Sulph. Zinc-met. Apis. Cupr-met. Hell.

Oedema pulmonum (= Lungenödem): Kali-p. Kali-bi. Ant-t.

Anasarca (= Ödem unter der Haut): Hep. Apis. Bry. Ascl-t. Eupat-p. Ars. Hell.

                                               Fall: [Dr. J. G. Gilchrist] Mrs. B., for ten years suffering from general anasarca (lower limbs). When the swelling is greatest she has nightly fever and restlessness,

                                               driving her from place to place. Loose cough in the morning, or when lying with the head low. On going upstairs she has to stop often to recover her breath.

During the fever constant thirst, drinking often, but little at a time. Ars. 40 M one dose, cured. 

Ascites (= Ödem durch Würmer): Apocynum, Bry. Apis. Aur-ars. Ars.

Hydrothorax (= Brustwassersucht): Sulph. Kali-c. Bry. Seneg. Hell. Apocynum.

[John H. Clarke]

Effusion left behind after inflammation,

if the inflammation has been recent: Apis.

If the effusion is of any standing: Sulph.

Secondary to heart disease: Ars-i.

Anxiety, thirst, chilliness, prostration: Ars.

Oedema glottis (= Ödem in der Stimmritze): Apis. Stram. Chin.

Hydropericardium (= noninflammatory accumulation of watery fluid in the pericardial cavity): Spong. Apocynum.

                                   Swelling of joints, from easy sprains from slight exertion: Led.

                       Acon-l.: Lymphknotenschwellung

Elephantiasis (= Geschwollene Beine): Hydrocotyl.


[Dr. Jaswant Singh Matharu]

Apis. is usually given with much relief but slow in action and does not cure. Boerhavia diffusa cures even chronic cases.

Another example is a patient with swollen ankles where the diagnosis is a kidney weakness such that the water elimination from the body is impaired. One would then ask the patient to rub into the skin anthroposophically prepared homeopathic copper 2 - 3x daily around the ankles and into the feet. (This can be obtained from one of the several anthroposophical pharmacies.) The rationale for this treatment is that the kidney is essentially ruled by the planet Venus, a planet which in turn is associated with copper.


Dropsy without thirst: Apis

Dropsy with thirst: Apoc-c.

Dropsy: Aegle folia. Apis. Apoc-c. Boerhavia diffusa. Thlas.

Dropsy, cardiac: Adon.

Dropsy, hepatic: Liat.

Dropsy, renal: Urea.



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