

https://openscholar.dut.ac.za/handle/10321/2829 (van Niekerk)



Vergleich: Quelle remedia.at.: Acne Nos. (Ausgangsstoff:            Propionibacterium acnes/Staphylococcus albus/Staphylococcus aureus)/Acne Nos 2 (Propionibacterium acnes).

Siehe: Krankheiten + Verstossenen + Haut + Anhang (Mary Wynne)


"Minds, like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort."

Charles Dickens

"Adolescence is just one big walking pimple."

Acne Remedies

There is also a kind of acne that is distinctly of arthritic nature, and this yields well to Urea 6; in this variety pustulation is much less pronounced than in vaccinal acne or phthisic acne. Broadly put, vaccinial acne yields to Thuja occidentalis, Sabina and Cupressus, Silicea and Maland:

Acne from masturbation, to Bellis perennis; Phthisic acne, to Bacillinum;

Acne very pronouncedly pustular and scarring, to Vaccinin. and Variolinum;

Arthritic acne to hippuric acid, hippurate of Sodium and Urea.

The study of the varieties of acne is highly interesting and instructive, as almost all the great constitutional ancestral diseases show themselves in young persons in the

form of acne.


Not frequently cases of acne are of mixed pathological qualities, and these need all their pathologic simillima :

Remedies only morphologically homoeopathic to the acne-form only palliate; to really and radically cure they must be pathologically similar. What a vast vista! (IX171)

                                                Carol Burnett


Acne vulgaris: an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous glands characterized by comedones, papules, pustules, inflamed nodules, pustular cysts and deep inflamed purulent sacs (Berkow, 1999:811). A papular eruption, due to inflammation, with accumulation of secretions of the sebaceous or oil producing glands (Yasgur, 1998:3).

Typen: acne fulminans, acne rosacea or conglobate acne were excluded.


[Nervashnee Govender]


The purpose of this double-blind, randomized clinical trial was to compare the effectiveness of a herbal-complex (Arct. Berb. Echi. Tarax.) as compared to the homeopathic simillimum, by measuring the reduction in the number of acne lesions on the patients’ faces and in terms of the patient’s perception of response to treatment,

in the treatment of Acne vulgaris.

Subproblem 1:

To investigate the effectiveness of a herbal-complex on the signs and symptoms of Acne vulgaris in terms of subjective and objective clinical findings, to establish the value

of a herbal-complex (Arctium lappa, Berberis aquifolium, Echinacea purpurea and Taraxacum officinale) in the treatment of Acne vulgaris.

Subproblem 2:

To investigate the effectiveness of homoeopathic simillimum on the signs and symptoms of Acne vulgaris in terms of subjective and objective clinical findings, to establish

the value of homoeopathic simillimum in the treatment of Acne vulgaris.


Akne-Kapseln wa

Anregung des Intermediärstoffwechsels zur Entlastung der Haut von gesteigerten Stoffwechselprozessen, z.B. Acne vulgaris, übermäßige Absonderung der Talgdrüsen (Seborrhoe). Dieses Arzneimittel enthält Glucose und Lactose.


Auszug aus Betula, Folium; Juniperi pseudo-fructus



a) Ars.: is used in skin disorders which are burning and itching and > warmth (Ghegas, 1994:A138).

Affects head, face, nose and neck areas. Skins dry, cold and bluish with inflamed spots. Conical pimples (whitish or reddish) with burning and itching. Eruption of small red pimples, painful black pimples, itchy pimples small and tickling. Pustules filled with blood and pus (Clarke, 1999:186).

b) Calc.: flacid skin, burning, smarting, itching. Eruption of lenticular red and raised spots with great heat, much thirst. Skin hot and dry during motion. Skin of the body rough, dry and as if covered with a kind of miliary eruption. Skin unhealthy, every injury tends to ulcerate. Encysted tumours (Clarke, 1999:350).

c) Carc.: acne leaving keloid scars. Café au lait compexion. Moles numerous (Vermeulen, 1999:447)

d) Caus.: acne affects the nose area. Warts on nose. Violent itching in the back. Burning itching of body at night and suppressed by mercury and sulphur.

Skin injuries which heal and become sore again (Clarke, 1999: vol 1, 440).

e) Ign.: itching easily better for scratching, disappears with sweat. Skin painful. > pressure. Itching from becoming heated in open air and sensitive to drafts

(Vermeulen, 1997:880; Clarke, 1999: vol 2, 14).

f) Lach.: little tumours in the skin with dark or blue spots between them on the face. The face is very red or bluish. Old scars show a blue colour. Except for the discoloration the skin remains intact (Ghegas, 1994:A142).

Papules raised and red. Skin very hard to heal, masses of blood pass through the pores. Ulcers surrounded by pimples. Papulae, warts, hard swellings. Eruptions of vesicles

of a yellow or of a bluish-black colour (Clarke, 1999: vol2, 226).

Capillaries dilated, small wounds bleed much and sore places gangrenous. Pustular eruptions become black. Intense itching at night. Least touch or pressure produces black

and blue spots. Confluent smooth, round, white pustules of size of a mustard seed, they contain a white fluid and itch intolerably (Vermeulen, 1997:1001-2).

g) Jug-r.

g1) Med.: yellowness of skin. Intense and incessant itching < night. Copper-coloured spots remain after eruption. Small pedunculated warts (Clarke, 1999: vol2, 418).

Sycotic red nodes and skin cold. Red spots itching when scratched (Vermeulen, 1997:1098).

h) Nat-m.: it is the principal remedy in the treatment of acne vulgaris. The acne located on the face and back, do not have a very characteristic appearance but the patient’s appearance is notable. The skin on the face is hyperseborrheic, oily and dirty. The hairline of the scalp is marked by the coexistence of acne and scaly inflammatory lesions

and the hair is greasy. The lips are dry, cracked and there’s a medial fissure on the lower lip and the tongue is mapped. Palmo-plantar hyperhydrosis and hangnails are common.

The upper part of the body is thin, despite a good appetite. There is a tendency to depression and introversion (Jouanny, 1994:277).

Alopecia. Affects edge of scalp. Chronic comedonal acne. Greasy, oily esp. on oily parts. Dry eruptions on margin of scalp. Skin harsh, unhealthy or yellow. Painful scars and redness of old scars. Red spots preceded by sensation of heat in face.

Comedones (Vermeulen, 1997:1182). Itching and pricking in skin. Pain and redness of an old cicatrix (Clarke, 1999: vol2, 561).

i) Phos.: desquamation of skin and burning in the skin. Red spots and pale skin. Wounds bleed much, heal and break out again. Thin, foul, bloody pus. Anaesthesia of skin and burning or formication. Red streaks after scratching (Clarke, 1999: vol3, 792; Vermeulen, 1997:1293).

j) Puls.: acne lesions have a cyanotic aspect, and are aggravated by foods rich in fat. Venous disorders and affections of the ear-nose-throat are seen and frequent menstrual disorders are experienced (Jouanny, 1994:276).

Symptoms are variable, the acne intermittent, < high intake of either sweet or hot foods, such as chocolate, also < heat (Smith, 1994:15).

Menstrual disorders and acute ear-nose-throat complaints with acne. Chronic acne.

Acne at puberty. Skin itches on being heated. Biting, itching < evening in bed and not > scratching (Vermeulen, 1997:1358).

Pale skin. Itching, burning and pricking. Frequent redness when parts cold. Pus copious and yellow (Clarke, 1999: vol3, 924-5).

k) Staph.: tingling sensation. Unhealthy skin, easily suppurating. Itching eruptions (Clarke, 1999: vol3, 1262).

Thick scabs, dry and itch violently. Itching changes location on scratching. Pedunculated figwarts. Skin symptoms # joint pains. Itching eruptions, burning after scratching. Skin unhealthy, doesn’t heal (Vermeulen, 1997:1519). Homoeopathic indications of Herbal remedies used in the complex

These homoeopathic indications were also obtained from various Materia Medicas.

a) Arctium lappa: ”Inveterate acne > touch; pimples; dry scaly skin; pustular yellow scabs; eruptions sticky on face, head and neck” (Vermeulen, 1997:1012).

b) Berberis aquifolium: The acne eruptions come in blotches. The rest of the skin is dry and scaly. Pimples extend from face towards the neck. It is an age-old remedy to clear the complexion of the face (Master, 1995:356). Acne; blotches and pimples; pimply, dry, rough, scaly skin; clears complexion” (Vermeulen, 1997:288).

c) Echinacea purpurea: “Small, red pimples on neck and face; recurring boils; carbuncles” (Vermeulen, 1997:703-4).

d) Taraxacum officinale: “Purulent pimples on face, cheeks, alae-nasi, corners of mouth; pustules; unhealthy sycotic skins” (Vermeulen, 1997:1575-6).


A common inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous glands characterised by comedones, papules, pustules, inflamed nodules, superficial pusfilled cysts, and (in extreme cases) canalizing and deep, inflamed, sometimes purulent sacs (Beers and Berkow, 1999:811).

Comedone = A plug of keratin and sebum in a dilated sebaceous gland (Murtagh 2003: 1132).

Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disorder, affecting nearly 80% of young adults aged 11 years to 30 years (Leyden, 1995). Its prevalence is similar in both sexes

but the peak age of severity in females is 16 - 17 years and in males 17 - 19 years. Acne vulgaris clears by the age of 23 - 25 years in 90% of patients but some 5% of women and 1% of men still need treatment in their thirties or even forties (Edwards and Bouchier, 1991: 915).

The effects of Acne vulgaris on patients is diverse and vary from psychological effects like withdrawal, developmental problems, depression and anxiety to physical effects like scarring and disfigurement (Callan, 1997).

Allopathic treatment of acne depends on the severity of the lesions (Beers and Berkow, 1999: 811). Treatment is aimed at decreasing sebum production, decreasing bacteria, normalising duct keratinization or decreasing inflammation (Kumar and Clark, 1998: 1170).

A variety of allopathic therapies are currently used to treat Acne vulgaris. Topical agents include isotretinoin, benzyl peroxide, antibiotics, oral isotretinoin,

corticosteroids, antiandrogens and sex hormones (Bergfield, 1995).

The major side-effects of the allopathic drugs commonly used to treat Acne vulgaris include, drying of the skin and mucous membranes, soreness and irritation, skin pigmentation, gastrointestinal upsets, thrush, dizziness, nausea, weight gain, muscular aches and pains, hyperlipidaemia, liver damage and teratogenicity (Graham-Brown, 1996).

In particular, Roaccutane® has many serious side-effects, particularly on the psychiatric level. These include depression, psychosis, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide (Roche, 2000).

Many people seek alternative therapies and according to Master (1993:354) Acne vulgaris is one of the problems for which patients often consult a homoeopath.

Acne vulgaris is a chronic problem or disease and, according to Dox, Melloni and Eisner (1993: 99), chronic denotes a disease of slow progress and persisting over a long period of time.

In outlining the incidence of Acne vulgaris, Edwards and Bouchier (1991:915) state that it affects the individual for between five to ten years.

In today’s health care environment, increasing emphasis is being placed on economic considerations in the treatment of certain diseases. Based on information obtained

from Bergfield (1995) the average cost involved in a 20 week course of isotretinoin therapy for Acne vulgaris is U.S.$ 2318.55.

From this it can be seen that there are many shortcomings in the allopathic treatment of Acne vulgaris.

Jouanny (1993: 277 -284) recommends symptomatic homoeopathic remedies for Acne vulgaris as well as remedies for treating the patient’s terrain.

Symptomatic homeopatic remedies referred to by him include: Selenium, Eugenia jambosia, Ledum palustre, Calcarea picrata, Kalium bromatum, Antimonium tartaricum

and Graphites. Remedies to treat the patient's terrain include Sulphur, Thuja occidentalis, Natrum muriaticum, Sulphur iodatum and Silicea terra.

Previous studies of homoeopathic remedies and the treatment of Acne vulgaris have found that simillimum treatment and miasmatic treatment were effective (McDavid, 1994; van Niekerk, 1999), and that homoeopathic complex was not effective (Lee, 1997).

In this study, Kalium bromatum 30CH was utilised, compared to a placebo. This homoeopathic remedy has an affinity for the skin symptoms of acne, as well as some of

the psychological symptoms which sometimes accompany these symptoms, such as embarrassment and anxiety (Phatak 1998: 281, 282; Vermeulen 1994: 538).


https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b418/c516e4d5ee57b8ec4c1b4c701269bc702957.pdf (Sameer Ally)


[van Niekerk]

Conducted a double blind study comparing miasmatic treatment and simillimum in the treatment of acne vulgaris in terms of the objective clinical findings. 35 patients were divided into two treatment groups of which 18 constituted the simillimum group and 17 the miasmatic group. The effect of the homoepathic treatment was measured in terms of the reduction in the total number of lesions. The treatment period was nine weeks. The standardised statistical techniques for non-parametric data used were the Wilcoxon Matched Pair test and the Mann-Whitney U test. A Friedman ANOVA test was also performed.

The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the reduction in the number of lesions in the two treatment groups. The Friedman ANOVA showed a statistical significant reduction in the non-inflamed and inflamed lesions (p < 0.00013 as well as p < 0.00001 respectively). Both treatment groups showed a statistically significant improvement. The miasmatic treatment for patients with acne vulgaris was found to be as significant as the simillimum treatment. There was no placebo control group in this study.

[Louis Klein]

Wir entdeckten, dass die Bakterien, die für die Entstehung von Akne verantwortlich sind (Propionibacterium acne nosode Quelle: remedia.at) und Diptherinum zu derselben Familie gehören.

[Dr. Shreya Deshpande]


One of the chief dugs for treating acne

Itchy acne

Skin seems less elastic

Acne - eruptions with fetid pus/Acne rosacea/on back, shoulders, sides of nose, chin

Flabby patient with lymphatic constitution

Sycotic diathesis

Sexual excitement in both sexes

Fear of bad news in adolescent girls

<: l./coffee;


 Red hot facial skin

 Scarlet rashlike acne

 Suddenly spreading acne lesions

 Redness # dullness of skin

 Pustular eruptions on skin

 Skin feels smoothly red but burns

 Acne leading to swelling of glands of neck, chin

 Bluish red acne lesions

 Shiny red eruptions


 An underrated remedy for acne

 Humid eruptions on face

 Acne lesions itch, worse in cold wet weather

 Vesicular eruptions

 Small boils spreading uniformly across the face, forehead

 May be associated with warty eruptions on hands and face

 Acne worse around the menstrual period

 Mucus membrane affections are often the concomitant

 <: cold in any form; >: warmth;


 Syphilitic acne

 Earthy, puffy, dirtylooking face

 Pustular acne

 Constantly perspiring skin

 A big pimple surrounded by many small pimples

 Itchy eruptions worse from the warmth of bed

 Eruptions in private parts, buttocks

 Skin and mucus membranes affected at the same time

 Yellowing brown or greenish pus from Pustular acne, may be streaked with thin blood

 Extremely fetid suppuration

 <: at night/extremes of temperature/dampness/perspiration;


 Cobweb sensation on face is one of the most marked features of Graph

 Itching pimples

 Constipated bowels is a frequent accompaniment

 Rough hard skin of face

 Persistent dryness of skin

 Acne oozing out a sticky exudation

 Pimply eruptions behind ears

 Unhealthy skin with tendency to suppurate

 Redness of face

 Burning acne with think sticky discharges

 <: warmth/during and after menses; >: in dark room;


 Acne in sensitive girls

 Crusty eruptions around mouth and nostrils

 Acne from overuse of cosmetics

 Swollen look of cheeks

 Sensitive skin with tendency to leave deep impression with blunt instruments

 Itchy eruptions

 May have had an attack of urticaria or tendency to recurrent urticaria

 Pimples covering the entire body

 Always < in summer


 Acne rosacea with red pimply rashes

 Small eruptions with itching, burning, swelling, and redness

 Excessive itching with burning of skin as if on fire

 Painful pimples

 Acne with scars that take long time to heal

 May be associated with itchy dermatitis of skin and/or trophic changes in fingernails

 Acne seem worse after getting up in the morning

 >: in open air/hot bath;


 Painful acne with sore bruised feeling in skin

 Sunken red face with heat feeling on lips

 Itchy burning pimples

 Acne may occur in crops; one heals and the new eruption rises near it

 Indurated acne characterized by symmetry in distribution

 Bluish look of skin with tendency to form boils

 <: wine;


 Itchy pimples on face, chest, shoulders, etc

 Pustular rashes

 Anesthetic feeling in skin of face and mucus membranes

 Exaggerated sexual desire in females suffering from acne during menses

 Extremely fidgety hands is on of the main features of the drug

 Horrific dreams and grinding of teeth in sleep is often an accompaniment

 <: warmth;


 Suppurative tendency of the skin

 Pustular jagged eruptions with oozing of yellow mucus

 Facial pimples

 Unhealthy skin with yellowing scabs

 Many small pimples under the hair that bleed when scratched

 Purulent exudations from acne

 Acne lesions that do not heal fast

 Pimples around ears with tendency to bleed on scratching





[McDavid, G.M.]

The homoeopathic treatment of acne 1994, 1-191 (Dissertation)

McDavid (1994) investigated the use of the simillimum in the treatment of Acne vulgaris. The author used an experimental group of 15 which received the simillimum and

a placebo group of 15.

The treatment period was 4 months with 5 consultations. The prescription could change from consultation to consultation. It was found that homoeopathy improved the clinical manifestations of Acne vulgaris statistically significantly (P = 0.006). The remedies most prescribed were Sulphur iodatum 15CH (22 times) and Kalium bromatum 9CH (18 times).


In another clinical trial, Lee (1997) investigated the role of homoeopathic complex in the treatment of Acne vulgaris. In this study, a control group of 16 patients received placebo and an experimental group of 18 participants received a homoeopathic acne complex of Silicea 30CH, Selenium 9CH, Hepar sulphuris 30CH, Kalium bromatum 9CH, Arctium lappa 3CH and Pulsatilla 30CH.

The treatment period was 2 months with 5 consultations. The result showed no significant improvement within both or between both groups.


Van Niekerk (1999) investigated the relative effectiveness of miasmatic treatment as compared to simillimum treatment in terms of the objective clinical findings in participants with Acne vulgaris.

It was found that there was no statistically difference between the two treatments. The miasmatic treatment for participants with Acne vulgaris was found to be as significant as the simillimum treatment. It was found that both treatments reduced the clinical manifestations of the Acne vulgaris significantly. Both simillimum treatment and miasmatic treatment therefore play an important role in the treatment of patients with Acne vulgaris. However, there was no placebo control group against which to measure the effectiveness of the treatment groups.

In this study, Kalium bromatum 30CH was utilised, compared to a placebo.

Kalium bromatum 30CH has physical and mental characteristics which are frequently encountered in acne participants. According to the material medica, Kalium bromatum has the following relevant characteristics:

Acne of face (Boericke 1994: 366).

Pustules (Boericke 1994: 366).

Acne of the face [cheeks and forehead] and the prescence of pustules (Vermeulen 1994: 538).

Profound indifference and disgust for life (Phatak 1998: 281, 282).

Kalium bromatum is a remedy that is relevant for the illeffects of embarrassment, and includes the mental symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety, suspicion and fear of people.

Patients needing Kalium bromatum as a remedy also experience profound indifference and disgust for life. These symptoms correlate well with the psychological effects of Acne vulgaris.

The 30th potency of Kalium bromatum was selected because it is low enough to effect physical symptoms, but also high enough to effect mental symptoms.

Pollock and Steele (personal communication, 2001) recommended the use of 30CH in conditions of a physical nature which also have a psychological component, such as Acne vulgaris.

This study used the Leeds Technique (Burke and Cunliffe 1984).


 [Lüder Jachens]

The I-organization is predominantly active in the blood in the lower corium and subcutis. Thus we have the I-organization acting out of the blood and the ether body out of the nerve in their interaction in the deeper skin layers. Acne in puberty

is a dermatitis arising from the sebaceous glands in the lower corium. Here blood substance has not (yet) been properly

taken hold of by the I. The form principles arising from the autonomous nerves around the sebaceous gland are not strong

enough to hold back the blood’s overweening, ungainly powers of movement. The result is foreign bacterial life in the

sebaceous glands, inflammatory changes in the surrounding papule, with the sebaceous gland liquefying in the pustule.

In the middle layer of the skin (upper corium) nerves in which the astral body is active work together with blood

processes which also depend on the astral body and in their upper parts on the ether body.



Akne, übermäßige Absonderung der Talgdrüsen.




Whatever the constitution and shape and form of efflorescences, the Wala Acne Series may be used as a basic treatment.

The main active principle is Nasturtium.

In spite of the many different background situations seen in individual cases Akne is a true pyoderma (= inflammatory/"warm" disease).

Croatian dermatologists have established that older people who have had acne in their youth are less likely to develop basaliomas weißer Hautkrebs) and spinaliom = malign epidermal skin cancers that count among the "cold" diseases.


Gentiana Magen

Verdauungsschwäche, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Blähungen.

Narben Gel.

Narben-, Granulom- (knötchenartige Veränderung) und Keloidbildungen der Haut.

Skorodit Kreislauf

hypotone Kreislaufregulationsstörungen, Erschöpfungszustände, Rekonvaleszenz, Psychasthenie.


[Dr. Tony Chu]

Acne patients treated with red and blue light showed on average a 76% decrease in the number of visible spots.

[Burnett] 1840 - 1901

Acne that is distinctly of arthritic nature: Urea C 6; pustulation is much less pronounced than in vaccinal acne or phthisic acne.

Vaccinial acne: Thuj. Sabin. Cupressus. Sil. Maland

Acne from masturbation: Bel-p.

Pustular and scarring: Vac. Vario.

Arthritic acne: Hipp-ac. Natrium hippuricum. Urea.

[W.A. Dewey]


Thuj.: acne facialis.

Ant-t.: Obstinate cases with tendency to pustulation

Ars-i. or Sulph-i.: Acne rosacea

Sulph.: most often indicated (chronic). The skin is rough and hard and the acne is associated with comedones.

Sang.: in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood.


A skin problem in which skin having a hair follicle develop as a result of hormonal changes in adolescents. These structures are linked to microscopic glands in the skin

which secrete oily matter.

Akne: Amph. Ant-c. Aran. Ars-i. Bar-s. Bell. (Rücken). Bell-p. Bov. Brom. Bufo. Calc. Calc-pic. Caps. Carb-v. Carc. Chlorpr. Graph. (Obese/faul/verstopft/unangenehm riechend)

Hydr. Kali-br. (verhärtete Knötchen/Kinn-Mund-Nase/Bronchitis) Kali-c. Kali-m. Lac-c. Lyc. Mag-m. Maland. Med. Nat-m. (anämisch/Magen-Darmbeschwerden/isoliert)

Nit-ac. Nux-v. Psor. Puls. (< Menses/Pubertät) Sep. (Mensesbeschwerden/Obstipation/Essensgelüste) Sil. Staph. Sulph. (mit Eiterstippchen) Thuj. Tub. Viol-t.

Akne rosacea: Ars. Aur-met. Calc. Calc-sil. Caust. Kreos. Phos. Sel. (fettige, schwitzige Haut mit fette Haaren bei pubertierenden Knaben) Sil. Staph. Sulph-i. Viol-t.

Akne Rosacea. Durch Probleme im Zusammenhang mit einer romantischen oder idealisierten Liebe verursacht o. verstärkt werden, und die ganze Symptomatik + Herzbeschwerden.

Treatment of Acne in Teenagers

Arn. C 6 as Wet dose can cure Acne in young adults. It is possible that Arnica works by increasing the blood supply in the body (in the micro capillaries under the skin)

which in turn clears the debris and thereby prevents the bacteria that are present in the hair follicles to form a lesion which eventually ends as Acne. The patient will notice

that the Acne dries up without the usual suppuration in a couple of days. I have helped hundreds of teenagers to overcome their Acne with Arnica C 6 in the Wet dose,

taken 2x daily. It is also necessary to apply the remedy water on the lesions on the face with the finger tips to accelerate the cure.


Calend. + Echi. beschleunigen die Reifung.

Although acne is an common problem for teenagers, adults experience it as well. Acne is one of those conditions that isn't painful or even physically discomforting; it certainly is a blow to the ego. Acne can turn a pretty face into a battlefield where it looks like bombs have exploded, soldiers are bleeding, and no side is winning. It is easy to feel that acne is nature's revenge against the beauty of adolescence.

The good news is that you'll grow out of acne...usually.

For those adults who have acne, it can be even more embarrassing than to adolescents. The silver lining here is that people may think that you're a teenager.

On a more serious side, it is important to realize that skin symptoms are not necessarily a skin disease. Skin symptoms are usually internal problems that are manifesting on

the skin. The skin is considered the third kidney, it is another organ of elimination that the body deploys to externalize oils and other matter not excreted from the body in

the urine or stool.

Because acne is more of an internal problem is manifests through external symptoms, it is not enough simply to wash your face regularly. Treating skin problems is also an inside job.

Further, one should be careful applying the various conventional external acne medications for they can irritate the skin and suppress the external symptoms and create more serious internal ones. It is also important to remember that having acne isn't all bad. Texture may be "in" this year or next.

If, however, you do not want this to be your fashion statement, try these strategies.

Clean up your act

Hygiene is important, and you can benefit? from washing your face 2 – 3x daily. More frequent washings can wash away important oils from the skin that help to lubricate it.

Using make-up, make certain to wash it off every night.

Too clean is too much

Avoid using soaps that dry out the skin too much or that causes any redness. Avoid using alcohol as an astringent because it tends to dry out your skin too much.

Witch hazel (= Ham.) solutions are more effective astringents.

            An herbal wash

Take the tincture of myrrh, dilute it in a small bowl of water, and use a swab of cotton to wipe your face. Myrrh's antiseptic and astringent properties can both treat and prevent acne.

            Naturally antiseptic and drying

Tea tree oil is a powerful natural antiseptic and drying agent. Apply it directly to wherever the skin is oily or where there are pimples. However, some people can develop an allergic reaction to this herbal remedy, so you may want to do a small patch test first. It is recommended to use products with 15% tea tree oil.

            Steam those pimples out

Give yourself a facial steam bath. Place chamomile flowers or sage leaves in a bowl of water that has just finished boiling, and place a towel around your head.

Create a mini-steam bath for your face. For people who want a stronger herbal steam bath, use tea tree oil, though be careful about using too much of this powerful, natural antiseptic (an alternative to using this herb in a steam bath is to apply tea tree oil directly on the acne).

            Oil's well does not always end well

Avoid oil-based cosmetics because they tend to clog skin pores. Cosmetic-induced acne is a common problem for many women. Look for cosmetics labeled "non-comodegenic."

            Your hair is contagious

Keep hair off your face with a comb or brush. Wash your hair at least every second or third day.

To squeeze or not to squeeze

Most pimples should not be squeezed because a pimple is an inflammation, and you can cause infection by breaking it open. Worse still, squeezing them can sometimes scar you. If you are desperate and want at least some temporary improvement in your facial skin, use a hot, clean cloth or tissue to soften the pimple. This will allow you to break

the pimple open with gentle pressure (the more pressure you have to use, the more likely you will damage facial skin).

            Supplement yourself

Vitamin A (25,000 IU daily), vitamin B complex (100 mg., 3 times/day), vitamin E (200-400 IU daily), and zinc (30-60 mg. daily) are worthwhile supplements.

Vitamin A can be used in an ointment, cream, or pill.

            Good fats

Essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil, evening primose oil, or borage oil are excellent sources) help keep skin soft and smooth and can dissolve fatty deposits that block skin pores.

Take essential fatty acids daily.

            Avoid drug abuse

Several prescription drugs, including many types of contraception pills and corticosteroids, can cause or aggravate acne.

            Garbage inside, garbage outside

Acne can be affected by the food you eat. Although no foods have been proven to cause acne in all sufferers, some people observe reactions to milk products, nuts, fats, fried and oily foods and chocolate.

            Emotional garbage inside, emotional garbage outside

Emotions may be eating at you, literally. Emotional turmoil can disturb digestive and endocrine functions, leading to inefficient digestion of oils and to a potential increase in skin oils.

The first step to deal with any emotional problem is to acknowledge it. Don't deny these emotions, but don't let them get the best of you either. Next, express what you are feeling; don't suppress it.

            Face Relaxation

Research has shown that people with acne have higher levels of anxiety and anger than other people do. However, this research didn't discover if the anxiety and anger lead to the

acne or if the acne lead to anxiety and anger. In any case, it is worthwhile to do something so that these emotions don't take a more serious toll upon your health or upon your face.

Relaxation exercises may help you be in greater control of your anxiety and irritability rather than visa versa. Consider meditation, progressive relaxation, breathing exercises, or yoga.

But don't try to do all these at the same time, since such efforts will lead to greater anxiety!


There is a real difference between cosmic beauty and cosmetic beauty

Everyone has his or her own inner beauty. Once you truly recognize this, you'll beam it and become even more beautiful.


[Thomas Cowan, MD]

From a Forum:

Question: I have a 16-year-old son who is in his sixth month of suffering with pretty severe acne. Being a teenager, his diet is not optimal to say the least. Lately he is getting more self-conscious and even a bit withdrawn because of his looks. The dermatologist we went to prescribed Tetracycline and Acutane but isn't there any other way to go?

Answer: As your describe, acne vulgaris and cystic acne, two very common problems of modern teenagers, can be very debilitating for young people, particularly as it undermines their sense of self-esteem at a time when it is already fragile. Is there an effective strategy available for people in this age group that does not incur the side effects of conventional medications e.g. Tetracycline as a broad spectrum antibiotic which alters bowel flora and also interferes with bone metabolism. Acutane is a synthetic vitamin A molecule which causes very dry skin, irritability and possible birth defects in growing foetuses.

A strategy for dealing with acne begins with effective "bowel cleansing" and healthy bowel flora (the normal lacto-bacteria that live in our intestines). This has always been

considered the cornerstone of every natural acne treatment. The best remedy for this is for your teenager to eat about 1/4-1/2 cup of fresh, unpasteurized traditionally made sauerkraut every day and then take one teaspoon of Swedish Bitters in warm water before bed.

You can make the sauerkraut yourself following the recipes in Nourishing Traditions. There is also a brand called Bubbies, found in the refrigerator section of a good health food store. There are scores of other lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits and drinks described in Nourishing Traditions that you can try. Sauerkraut, however, should be the cornerstone of treatment as the high sulphur content of the cabbage is especially valuable in skin cleansing. (Cabbage juice is valued in Irish folk medicine for giving a beautiful complexion.)

Another area of importance is the inclusion of the proper fats in the diet (good quality butter and olive oil) and excluding the commercial vegetable oils and hydrogenated margarines and shortenings. Your teenager should also take ½ teaspoon or 3 capsules cod liver oil daily and 4-5 capsules of evening primrose daily as supplements.

Raw foods should be included liberally in the diet, including vegetables, fruits, milk. At the same time he should decline sodas, sugar and junk foods as much as possible. Make his own lunch so that he does not have to eat in the cafeteria, and always have plenty of nutritious natural snacks on hand.

Finally, there should be some attention to sweating and the general cleansing of the skin. If your child is athletic, encourage him to exercise heavily, then brush his skin vigorously (with a loofah) and then rinse off in cool-cold water. This is like a skin "exercise." If he is not athletic, one to three saunas weekly followed by a cool shower will

aid detoxification.

You might also look into a good herbal skin treatment.

Recommended: Hauschka Cosmetics products. A trio for acne treatment that consists of capsules containing silica and herbs, a special face lotion for acne and a cleansing cream.


From a reader, via email:

"Your website neglects to mention high doses of the water-soluble vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) for curing acne. It does wonders, without of course the damaging effects

of Accutane."

Ted Sawyer, Des Moines, IA

Respond: Thank you for sharing this important piece of information with us. Good sources of pantothenic acid include nutritional yeast and liver. Other nutrients that help

in the treatment of acne are vitamin A (available in cod liver oil, organ meats, egg yolks and butter) and zinc (available in shellfish and red meat).


[Van Niekerk]

Investigated the relative effectiveness of miasmatic treatment as compared to simillimum treatment in terms of the objective clinical findings in participants with Acne vulgaris.

It was found that there was no statistically difference between the two treatments. The miasmatic treatment for participants with Acne vulgaris was found to be as significant

as the simillimum treatment. It was found that both treatments reduced the clinical manifestations of the Acne vulgaris significantly.






Kali-br.: 30CH was utilised, compared to a placebo. Kali-br. 30CH has physical and mental characteristics which are frequently encountered in acne participants.

According to the materia medica, Kali-br. has the following relevant characteristics:

Acne of face (Boericke 1994: 366). Pustules (Boericke 1994: 366).

Acne of the face [cheeks and forehead] and the presence of pustules (Vermeulen 1994: 538).

Profound indifference and disgust for life (Phatak 1998: 281, 282).

Kali-br. is a remedy that is relevant for the ill-effects of embarrassment, and incl. mental symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety, suspicion and fear of people. Patients needing

Kali-br. as a remedy also experience profound indifference and disgust for life. These symptoms correlate well with the psychological effects of Acne vulgaris. The 30th

potency of Kali-br. was selected because it is low enough to effect physical symptoms, but also high enough to effect mental symptoms.

Pollock and Steele (personal communication, 2001) recommended the use of 30CH in conditions of a physical nature which also have a psychological component, such as Acne vulgaris.




Sulph.: most often indicated in this affection (chronic). The skin is rough and hard and the acne is associated with comedones.

Sang.: women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood.


Calc-pic.: clinically found one of the best remedies.

Ant-t.: Obstinate cases tending to postulation


Akne-Gesichtsdampfbad wa

Harmonisierung der Stoffwechseltätigkeiten in der Haut bei umschriebenen eitrig-entzündlichen Erscheinungen,

z.B. Akne (Acne vulgaris), übermäßige Absonderung der Talgdrüsen (Seborrhoe). Enthält 25 Vol.-% Alkohol.

Akne-Wasser wa

Harmonisierung der Empfindungsorganisation in der Haut bei umschriebenen eitrig-entzündlichen Erscheinungen,

z.B. Acne vulgaris, übermäßige Absonderung der Talgdrüsen (Seborrhoe). Enthält 15 Vol.-% Alkohol

„Akne - Kapseln" wa


    Amethyst (5 mg pro Stück)

    Birken Kohle (5 mg pro Stück)

    Bitterfenchelöl (0.25 mg pro Stück)

    Kümmelöl (0.25 mg pro Stück)

    Betula e foliis ferm 34e (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Cochlearia officinalis ferm 33b (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Fucus vesiculosus e planta tota ferm 51 (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Fumaria officinalis ferm 33c (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Juniperus communis ferm 35a (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Oxalis e planta tota ferm 34b (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Rhamnus frangula ferm 33e (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Rosa ferm cum ferro (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Tropaeolum majus ferm 33b (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Tropaeolum comp. (hom./anthr.)

    Urtica dioica e planta tota ferm 33c (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

    Viola tricolor ex herba ferm 33e (hom./anthr.) (0.05 mg pro Stück)

Sonstige Bestandteile:

    Arabisches Gummi, sprühgetrocknet


    Glucose Sirup, sprühgetrocknet




                                                            Rosenblätter + Eisen*/Kapuzinerkresse*/Kleine Brennessel*/Feldstiefmütterchen*/Heilerde u.a. * = fermentiert           


[Dr. Tony Chu]

Treated with red and blue light showed on average a 76% decrease in the number of visible spots.

Boils: Echi. stomatitis with depraved conditions of the system, internally and locally (old ulcers and unhealthy sores, both as local and internal treatment).            

[Sue Smith]

Testosterone in C 6 and C 7 has been a useful support remedy for both male and female acne, as the condition involved in hormonal imbalance or over-production.

It is also worth considering as a helper for 1olycystic ovaries where women may have acne as a side effect, as well as excess facial hair and easy weight gain.


ZEIT ONLINE           


Jahrgang: 2014 Ausgabe: 43

Die Märchen der Medizin: Die 20 wichtigsten Medizin-Mythen und 5 Mythen, an die sogar Ärzte glauben

[Jan Schweitzer]

Schokolade ist schuld an Akne

Das Jahr 2013 könnte in die Annalen der Akne-Schokoladen-Forschung eingehen. Amerikanische Forscher nahmen sich im letzten Jahr einmal systematisch der Frage

an, ob Schokolade (oder sehr fette und sehr süße Speisen) Akne auslösen. Man muss sagen: Diesen Verdacht gibt es bereits sehr lange. Schon vor mehr als hundert

Jahren haben sich Ärzte gefragt, ob zucker- und fetthaltige Nahrung zu Hautproblemen bei Jugendlichen beiträgt. Damals konnten sich mehr und mehr Menschen

solche Nahrungsmittel leisten, und den Ärzten fiel auf, dass die Pubertierenden öfter Akne entwickelten. Um die Frage systematisch zu untersuchen, wurden seitdem

immer wieder Studien durchgeführt, nicht alle waren aussagekräftig. Letztes Jahr aber werteten die amerikanischen Forscher nun die hochwertigen Studien aus

(es waren insgesamt 27) und entdeckten nur einen geringen Zusammenhang zwischen Zucker und Hautbeschaffenheit. Zusammengefasst lässt sich höchstens sagen:

Süßes kann eine Akne nicht auslösen, könnte aber eine bestehende verschlimmern. Für fette Speisen ließ sich dieser Zusammenhang gar nicht zeigen.


Aus einem Forum, leider ohne Angabe des Verfassers. Ich finde es schon bemerkenswert zur Sache gehend.

Schluß mit Akne, Warzen, Fußpilz, Schweißhänden/Füßen

Im folgenden Bericht möchte ich euch helfen, mit diesen Arten von Hautkrankheiten fertig zu werden. Ich habe alles getestet und alles, was ihr hier lesen könnt, ist

wahr und wenn ihr wirklich vorhabt und den Willen habt, Akne, Fusspilz, Schweißhände und -Füße und Warzen zu bekämpfen, dann versucht es mit meinen Tips.


Ich glaube, dass viele von und durch diese Phase mussten bzw. jetzt in dieser Phase sind – die Pickel stellen meist eine Plage dar, die sich über den ganzen Oberkörper

verbreiten kann. Zunächst möchte ich euch selbstgetestete (!) Tips geben, wie ihr die Akne unter Kontrolle bekommt und mit viel Geduld loswerdet.

<<Das hilft nicht>>>

Clearasil wohl das bekannteste Anti-Pickel-Präparat, nur möchte ich euch schon jetzt sagen: alles, was im Fernsehen geworben wird, ist Dreck. Ich kann es nicht

empfehlen, da es bei mir keine Resultate zeigte, sondern manchmal sogar Probleme verursachte. Ich habe zwar diese Jade- und Niveacremes nicht ausprobiert, aber

da sich die Firmen mit Kosmetik beschäftigen, glaube ich kaum, dass dies helfen kann.


NIEMALS AUSDRÜCKEN! Drückt ihr Pickel aus, entstehen diese hässlichen Löcher im Gesicht, die für den Rest des Lebens bleiben. Ich empfehle dringendst,

niemals Pickel/Mitesser auszudrücken.

NIEMALS ABKRATZEN! Selbst wenn ein Pickel trocken ist und man ihn abkratzen kann, darf man es nicht, weil an der Stelle mehrere Pickel erscheinen können.

Desinfiziert den Pickel mit z.B. Wasserstoffperoxid und kratzt ihn dann mit sehr sauberen Händen (und Fingernägeln) oder am besten mit Gummihandschuhen ab.

Es kann sehr schnell ein infektiöser Krankheitserreger eindringen, seid bei dieser Sache extrem vorsichtig. Das Desinfizieren gilt auch für das Ausdrücken!

<<<Das verstärkt die Akne>>>

Fettiges Essen und Schokolade sind wirklich, und ich betone es, WIRKLICH schlimm. Mir fiel es super schwer, ohne Speck und Süßes 2-3 Monate auszukommen,

aber es hat geholfen. Wer darauf verzichtet, wird die Akne schneller los. Kosmetik wie Make-Up, und das in hohen Mengen, gefährden nicht nur die Haut, sondern

verstärken auch die Akne. Cola ist besonders schlimm, versucht es daher mit natürlichem Saft, den ihr am besten selber macht. Brot und Teigwaren in mäßigen

Mengen sind auch ein entscheidender Faktor für Akne. Auch das abkratzen von Pickeln mit schmutzigen Händen verstärkt das Wachstum wahnsinnig.


Danke an User "meli1701", die mich an Hefe erinnert hat. Leider bin ich hier nicht derselben Meinung wie sie. Hefe kann man trinken (als Hefekapseln) und als

Hefemaske auftragen, aber das Resultat ist nicht erfreulich. Etwa Woche lang treten alle Unreinheiten der Haut auf die Oberfläche. Hefe drängt alles Dreck von

innen nach außen und das Gesicht sieht nachher wirklich brutal aus. Außerdem hilft Hefe nur in 80% aller Fälle. Ich rate euch weiterhin, Calendula zu benutzen,

das ist wirklich genial!

<<<Die Kur>>>

Anmerkung: Wer wirklich vorhat, mit Akne Schluss zu machen, sollte NUR das machen, was ich schreibe. Wenn jemand z. B. auf etwas verzichtet und weiterhin

Schokolade und Cola zu sich nimmt, der/die kann es vergessen, die Akne innerhalb relativ kurzer Zeit loszuwerden.


Besorgt euch zuerst folgende Mittel:

- Seife: am besten kauft ihr euch ein kleines „Anti-Pickel-Paket“ von Clinique (erhältlich in Kosmetikboutiquen), der Preis dieser Clinique-Artikel ist sehr hoch,

aber es gibt Päckchen mit einer kleinen Seife, einer Lotion und einer Creme zum auftragen. Diese Seife müsste reichen, den Rest braucht ihr nicht wirklich.

Ich empfehle wirklich, dass wenn ihr schon auf harte Präparate greift (z.B. Clearasil), dass ihr da nicht solche wie Clearasil nehmt, sondern welche von Clinique.

- Calendula: in jeder Apotheke kann man sich eine Calendula-Tinktur anschaffen, 100 ml kosten ca. 12 DM. Kauft jedoch keine Calendula-Essenz wie die von „Wala“,

die hat hier nichts verloren. Achtung: wenn ihr Calendula benutzt und es nach maximal 10 Minuten nicht trocknet und ein bisschen zieht, dann habt ihr das falsche gekauft.

Es gibt bereits fertige Essenzen zum kaufen, der Apotheker muss sie nicht selber zusammenstellen.

- Creme: Sanoxit (mit Benzoylperoxid) ist nicht schlecht, ihr könnt es euch vom Hautarzt verschreiben lassen. Allgemein solltet ihr vielleicht in der Apotheke nach

einer Benzoylperoxid-enthaltenden Creme fragen. Eryaknen mit Erythromycin als Wirkstoff hat sich auch bewährt. Für Akne am Rücken braucht man die Creme „Airol“.

- Kapseln: die Akne-Kapseln von Wala kann man in der Apotheke kaufen, das sind homöopathische Kapseln. 100 Stück kosten ca. 20 DM.

- Borsäure: „solutio acidi borici, spirituosa 3%“, geht zur Apotheke und bestellt die Borsäure-Lösung (3% Alkohol), gebt zur Sicherheit den lateinischen Namen an.

Ich habe meine im Ausland bestellt und weiß nicht, was die hier kosten könnte.

- Tee: Kauft euch am besten in der Apotheke Kamillentee, den gibt es in normalen Päckchen. Wenn es geht, noch mit ein paar anderen, heilenden Kräutern, die euch

der Apotheker empfehlen kann.

- weiteres: Zitronen (wenn ihr zu viel fettiges esst), Karotten und Äpfel. Eine Saftpresse wäre perfekt...


Let’s go:

vor dem Schlaf:

- Ihr müsst jeden Tag mindestens 3x das Gesicht mit der Seife waschen, nässt zuerst das Gesicht mit warmem bis heißem Wasser ein und schmiert euch mit der Seife

die Problemstellen ein. Wascht danach die Seife weg.

- Nach der Seife-Prozedur solltet ihr das Gesicht und die Problemzonen mit Calendula betupfen. Achtet darauf, dass es trocknen und ein bisschen ziehen muss.

- Jetzt nur noch die Akne mit Sanoxit/Eryaknen einsalben und ein wenig trocknen lassen.

- 2 Akne-Kapseln einnehmen.

Am Morgen:

- das selbe wie vor dem Schlaf, nur ohne die Creme, da sie weiß ist und sichtbar ist, wenn ihr zur Schule oder zur Arbeit gehen müsst. Wenn nicht, dann cremt euch ein.

- 1 Akne-Kapsel einnehmen.

Nach 4-5 Stunden:

- seid ihr zurück von der Schule bzw. wenn ca. 13-14 h. ist, geht’s zur Hauptbehandlung weiter, die ein bisschen schmerzhaft sein kann. Diese führt ihr jeden 2. Tag durch.

Ihr müsst euer Gesicht (bzw. die Problemzone) mit sehr heißem Wasser begießen (bzw. Gesicht eintauchen), bis die Zone KNALLROT ist. Jetzt sind die Poren offen und

man kann entweder mit Wasserstoffperoxid oder Calendula desinfizieren (nur, wenn das Gesicht auch wirklich genug gedämpft wurde) oder ihr löst die Borsäure in

Wasser (1 TL auf 1 Tasse) und macht euch eine 10 Minuten lange Kompresse auf dem Gesicht, solange es noch knallrot ist, also sofort nach der „Einheizung“.

Falls ihr nun zu Hause bleibt, cremt euch noch mit einer der beiden Salben ein.

Am Abend:

- das selbe wie ganz oben.

alle 2 Tage, mittags:


Wenn ihr am letzten Tag euer Gesicht mit Borsäure behandelt habt, ist es heute Zeit für den Kamillentee. Gebt dazu wie auf der Packung/in der –Beilage steht, genügend

Kamille in sehr heißes, nahezu kochendes Wasser ein und gießt es in eine große Schüssel (Durchmesser ca. 40 cm). Die Blätter müssen nicht aufgelöst sein.

Jetzt bückt ihr den Kopf über die dampfende Schüssel und deckt den Kopf mit einem warmen Tuch zu, das auch über die Schüssel hängen muss und somit optisch keinen

Dampf nach außen ablässt. Nach wenigen Minuten könnt ihr schon die Augen öffnen, weil das Wasser sich abgekühlt hat, nehmt aber den Kopf erst nach 10-14 Minuten raus.

Wenn alles nach Plan lief, ist das Gesicht rot. Jetzt nur noch schnell mit Calendula desinfizieren und eincremen.

Das wäre erst mal alles, was ihr kosmetisch machen müsst. Nun kommen wir dazu, wie wir die Plage aus dem Inneren bekämpfen, so wie es sich eigentlich gehört

(mit meiner kosmetischen Behandlung helft ihr nur der Haut zu trocknen und sich zu reinigen). Im folgenden steht alles, was ihr allgemein tun müsst.


- Duschen bzw. Problemzonen gründlich und so oft wie möglich (am besten mit Seife) waschen ist sehr wichtig, Hygiene ist das wichtigste bei der Behandlung.

Je wärmer sowieso so viel schädliche Chemie...das Wasser, desto besser.

- Ihr esst zu viel Fettes? Schluss, sonst hört die Akne nie auf. Falls ihr aber fettes Essen nicht ausschließen könnt, trinkt jeden Tag 1-2 mal frisch gepressten Zitronensaft,

die Menge muss nicht gerade eine Tasse betragen, ein paar Schlucke reichen.

- Jeden Morgen mindestens eine Tasse frischen Karottensaft, nicht gekauft, sondern selbst gepresst. Die Säfte aus den Läden enthalten, auch wenn es nicht drauf steht,

- Jeden Tag mindestens 3 Äpfel essen, am besten nicht als Püree, sondern ganz. Apfelsaft (frisch gepresst) ist auch gesund.

- Obst und Gemüse allgemein, soviel es geht, nur kein Spinat und wenn ihr schon Gemüse esst, dann nicht gekochtes oder gebratenes, sondern frisches (Tomaten, Gurken, Radieschen...) .

- Schwitzen ist gesund, treibt also Sport und wenn das Gesicht (oder die Problemzone) schwitzt, schnell duschen/waschen und behandeln (Calendula + Creme).

- na ja, und dass ihr den Schokoladen- und Süßigkeitsverzehr auf 0 reduzieren müsst, ist wohl klar, denn mit diesen beiden Sachen braucht ihr mit der Heilung gar nicht erst anfangen...

- Grüner Tee ist gesünder als schwarzer Tee, der sogar die Aknebildung langsam bewirkt. Nur grünen oder Früchtetee trinken! 3-5 Teelöffel Zucker am Tag sind sogar nötig.

- sollte ich noch etwas finden, werde ich es hier vermerken!

Ich wünsche allen eine gute Besserung, und wer wirklich alles macht, was hier steht, der wird es auch schaffen, die Pickel loszuwerden – ihr stählt den Charakter* und reinigt die Haut –

ist das nicht super?

* - dadurch, dass ihr euch Süßes verbietet.


Übrigens, es gibt keine100%ige Heilungschance, auch erwachsene Menschen bekommen Pickel. Bei Jugendlichen gehen die meist mit 18-20 Jahren weg, aber ist es nicht toll wenn man das auch früher schaffen kann???


[Dr. med. Olaf Koob]


In recent years allergies have reached epidemic proportions. Today, one out of every two persons in the US is said to suffer from some kind of allergic sensitivity.

The proliferating chemicals and additives in our lives cause reactions from earliest childhood on. These substances that we breathe in, or take in, on a daily basis are designed

to enhance life. Instead, they often cause natural triggers such as pollen to become much more potent and aggressive.

Psychologists know that constitutional tendencies often influence a hypersensitive reaction. An easily "inflamed" personality will react to the environment differently than

a "thick-skinned" person. Likewise, an immune weakness can be constitutionally inherited, but will often remain latent until there is a time of extra stress.

Every inflammation is a dislocated digestive process. Allergic reactions are a case in point. Inorganic sub­stances overtax immune resistance by bombarding it, but it's only "undigested" living substances such as pollen, mites, or foods such as wheat or milk that cause allergic redness, swelling or itching (inflammation).

Today, the various cells that constitute the immune system and its function are well documented. The mast cells in the blood, for example, can "digest" foreign matter through their biochemical product histamine. Lungs and intestines, where allergens enter, have a high mast cell count. These are the areas of maximum interplay with what enters the organism from outside. Histamines can constrict the small vessels in the bronchioles, causing a coughing reaction. They also stimulate stomach secretions; another attempt of the organism to destroy foreign substances through increased digestion. Histamines widen capillary vessels, allowing increased blood supply to the periphery in order to expel allergens through inflammatory processes. Treating inflammatory symptoms by prescribing anti-histamines obviously suppresses the histamine reaction. While antihistamines can be an important emergency measure they also suppress the body's effort at cleansing and expelling the root problem through the histamine. What is meant to leave the body is instead pressed back, and can become hardened or chronic.

We know that we continually take up the world, work it through, and partially excrete it again (detoxify ourselves). What was outside (called "poison" by Paracelsus) must

be made completely ours through many complex transformational processes. The soul gesture of receiving, or taking in, is sympathy, while that of excreting is antipathy.

Our immune organism has to keep the balance between what is foreign or outside, and what is our own, inside. Too much sympathy, such as the lack of creating a boundary with the world, endangers the organism, causing an "excretion" reaction accompanied by inflammation. This process can be very uncomfortable.

In every allergy the opposite states of inflammation and hardening are reactions to each other. The skin and mucus membranes are simply the innocent conduits, mirroring the reaction of the one or the other to its opposite. What should be taken care of deep inside the metabolism is displaced to the nerve/sense periphery because the internal organism is not able to handle it. If the organism did not react in this way to environ­mental assaults, in other words, if there were no allergic reaction, then eventually chronic illness would result. We might therefore say that inflammations are a necessary training ground of the immune system, and a preventative to sclerosis and hardening illnesses in later life.


[Didier Anzieu]

"The depth of skin disorder is proportional to the depth of psychological disturbance"

With acne there are certain individual barriers that divert metabolic activity from the appropriate organs into the nerve-sense domain of the skin. Acne is caused by an over-secretion of sebaceous matter in the peripheral hair follicles. The skin appears greasy; the area around the foreign deposits becomes inflamed and often infected. In severe cases acne leads to scarring, especially if there are attempts to suppress it. If the spots don't drain, bacteria transform the accumulated fats into aggressive fatty acids, which can eventually destroy surrounding tissue.

According to Asian medicine, facial acne is an indicator of weakened metabolism in specific inner organs:

Forehead – intestines

Cheeks – lungs

Nose area – heart

Mouth area – reproductive organs

Corners of the mouth – stomach

Jaws and chin – kidneys

Acne is usually overcome by age 25, but severe acne, which can also appear in older age, is of complex origin. Besides the obvious hormonal change that disrupts normal organic function, the main cause underlying acne is deep-seated psychological strain or burden. This is often accom­panied by eating disturbances or a one-sided denatured diet, lack of rhythm, lack of air or light, smoking or drug abuse. Psychological disturbances always work back on metabolic and hormonal activity. Anger and stress leads to increased fatty formation on skin and scalp; depression and guilt constrict peripheral blood vessels as they constrict the soul. Both can cause the skin to break out.

Severe acne in puberty leads to huge feelings of sensitivity and vulnerability, to personal and social conflicts. Precisely in those most sensitive years when the desire for beauty, sensuousness and esthetics awakens (the ancient Greeks called it the Venus age) the skin erupts in a strenuous effort at self-cleansing. Puberty is character­ized by the desire to control one's body more fully, to conquer metabolism and sexuality. The need for group approval is strong. Coping with the perceived stigma of acne, suffering fears of rejection, mockery or pity, and feelings of inferiority, shame, disgust or group pressure can become almost unbearable. That scars on the skin mirror scars in the soul was highlighted in a recent study where teens with severe acne were significantly more aggressive, disruptive, fearful and restless than the healthy control group.

And yet I sometimes wonder whether acne isn't also a subconscious protective barrier, allowing the individual a little more time and distance for maturation.

In any event, a parent or therapist must address the problem very delicately. Often therapy will not be sought until the level of inner pain is intense. Usually the family will

then take the sufferer to the family physician who will refer to a dermatologist. Only in the rarest of cases will a psychologist be sought out. It is vital that communications between physician and patient don't just concern the objective illness but include any prevailing personal relationships or difficulties. The subjective experience of sorrow is more important than the objective findings.

Patients so easily feel misunderstood by their physicians.

Besides psychological support, therapy for acne consists of finding and dealing with stress situations. Alcohol, tobacco and other stimulants are to be restricted. Attention must likewise be paid to diet, to give the metabolism a rest. Adolescents love fast food and sweets (chocolate). Since there is a fundamental disturbance in albumin and fat metabolism, a protein-poor natural diet is best. Raw vegetables are cleansing and silica rich foods such as millet are helpful. Meats (pork) are to be avoided as are heated or saturated oils. Carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar, and even citrus fruits, should be kept to a minimum. Fresh air and natural light, more abundant in summer, can have a healing effect on bones and skin. Exercise will help the normal flow of digestion and circulation, with further improvement if done in the fresh air and the sun. Summertime often improves the condition.

Finally, there are certain therapeutic applications for acute situations. The Wala Company has an acne series for internal use, and regular use of Weleda's Iris Cleansing Lotion Classic will harmonize texture and tone the skin over the long term.


[Lueder Jachens].

(Original title: Akne vulgaris. Der Merkurstab 1996; 49:19-23. English by A. R. Meuss, FIL, MTA.)

On one hand, the skin delimits the organism from its environment; on the other, it is permeable to both ponderable and imponderable principles, e.g. in the sphere of the senses.

The skin is a complete barrier for form-giving, structuring forces that arise from the nerves inside the organism and reach the skin as sunlight from outside, for instance.

Sense organs that are partly created out of those qualities exist in areas of the body surface where sensory qualities are able to overcome this barrier. These are the only sites where imponderables such as light, sound, odors enter into the organism.

The blood is the main vehicle for the flow of substance reaching the periphery from the microcosm of the internal organs. In the skin, the flow generally changes direction. Having come from the inside it is turned back to move inward again. This happens mainly in the capillary loops of the papillae, the rhythmic up and down of which, in the gearing of dermis and epidermis, reminds of wave forms left in the sand when the sea has receded from a beach. Part of the flow of matter continues in the original (centrifugal) direction, however, passing through the barrier as sebum, sweat or material desquamating from the highly-differentiated comified layer.

Rudolf Steiner suggested that the basis for human self-experience lies in the flow of matter coming up against resistance and changing direction in secretory organs.

Astral body activity lives in excretions in quite general terms. Secretion to the inside, e.g. of hormones, must be distinguished from eliminations to the outside. The astral body is the energy system that maintains a healthy balance between the two.

These basic features of the skin help us to understand the pathogenesis of acne. Increased sebum production, with the sebum composition changed, reflects an increase and change in the flow of matter to the periphery. It is not fully "cooked," with sebaceous follicles densely populated with microorganisms as a result. The I organization which is active in warmth processes has not entirely taken hold of the substance so that foreign bacterial life is able to thrive on it. The centrifugal process pushing outwards from inside combines with a comification disorder at the sebaceous ducts, which are blocked with plugs of keratinous material. Hardening tendencies of the form principles originating in the nerves are clearly coming into play. Blackheads and follicles filled to bursting develop, with bacterial lipases breaking down the sebum into fatty acids that cause irritation and inflammation - a digestive process in the wrong site. Rudolf Steiner refers to this pathological continuation of digestive principles "in the direction of the head" - evident

to us in the inflammatory process involving papule and pustule - as one-sided activity of the lower ethers (chemical and life ether). This causes "softening of the brain/' in this case dissolution of the sebaceous follicle in the skin, an organ that is part of the upper human being.

A characteristic feature of acne vulgaris is that it is located mainly in the face. A shift of digestive activity "in the direction of the head" is apparent in two ways:

1) because the skin, an organ belonging essentially to the human being of nerves and senses, is involved

2) because the skin of the head is affected. This part of the body surface is most important for social contact, hence the often considerable suffering of young persons.

We can understand this if we consider acne vulgaris in the light of the study of man: looking into the mirror, the young person, whose inner life is still maturing, is shown that the metabolic aspect of the process is temporarily not functioning properly.

Looking at the process in relation to the whole human being, it is important to realize that acne generally occurs during puberty. (A third of all young people suffers from some form of acne.) Organic brain development reaches its conclusion towards the end of the first 7-year period. The milk teeth are lost, and powers that previously served the organism become free for thinking as a conscious activity. The child is ready to go to school. A second level of maturity is reached by the end of the second 7-year period. Organically the young person becomes sexually mature, and in the inner life he or she is now mature for the earth, with a new self-perception. On one hand, the astral body

is given new tasks in the organic sphere, e.g. to organize the subtle interplay between developing and breaking down of the uterine mucosa. On the other hand, the whole environment is seen with new eyes; new interest in the world awakens. The process is in stages and will obviously get into "ferment" at times.

Signs of inadequate intervention of astral body and I organization in the metabolism may be menstrual irregularities in young women, constipation, acrocyanosis, and offensive sweats. If one decides to meet the situation with metal therapy, Ferrum offers general assistance with incarnation and helps the organism to be "breathed through."

Mercury may help to stimulate metabolism and especially glandular function.

External applications of Cuprum may serve to increase mobility, e.g. letting the blood, the vehicle for warmth, flow right down into the feet.

R.S. and Ita Wegman referred to the way skin inflammations may engage the upper aspects of the human being too much so that they are no longer sufficiently able to perform their functions in the organs of the microcosm. They gave the example of effects on the liver and digestion. Silica makes internal organs sensitive to one another. Medicinal use of it releases the higher aspects of the human being from their involvement in the skin so that they may be more active in the inner organism. The organ involved in the disorder also needs to be treated, in the present case the liver. Gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and kidneys are other organs where sluggishness may develop so that activity has to be encouraged.

If skin inflammations go hand in hand with daytime tiredness and increased dreams at night, this may be because the higher aspects are not properly "settled" in the physical body.

Phos.: may help in this case. Phosphorus also encourages I organization activity to counteract "excessive etheric and astral activity."

Sulph.: disorders of protein metabolism; it makes protein, a physical substance, more inclined to accept intervention from the ether body. Great care is, however, indicated in giving Sulfur to fair-haired people.

Fair hair indicates a powerful sulfur process, black hair a powerful iron process. Aggravation from Sulfur is more likely in fair-haired women; blond men tolerate it better,

e.g. as Sulfur selenosum.

Dietary advice in acne cases bases on the role sugar plays as vehicle for the I organization in the blood. If I-activity in the metabolism is weakened, refined sugars and fine flour make this weakness evident by causing an aggravation of the skin condition. Proteins are most open to ether forces. Their degradation and synthesis are ultimately determined by the I organization, and we relieve the latter by reducing the intake of meat, cold meats and cheese. Whole milk is best avoided, with soured milk products taken instead. Lactic acid-forming bacteria predigest cow's milk, as it were, and this relieves the strain on weakened digestive powers. Fat is mainly the vehicle for heat; excessive fat intake causes "parasitic heat foci" in the organism and a tendency to inflammation.

A low-fat diet is therefore recommended for acne.

Raw food may also prove therapeutic (beginning medical treatment of severe acne). It supports the structuring activity of silica at the periphery, healing the deformation caused by inflammation.

An interesting observation that has been frequently made is that young people of asthenic habit tend to develop acne on the chest and back. This may be due to the enhanced nerve impulse of asthenic subjects not being exhausted in pathologic skin changes in the facial region but extending to the upper trunk. Aggravation from stress also points to

a one-sided nerve process. The forehead is often affected in grammar school pupils who have to do much intellectual work, whereas perioral efflorescences may suggest that the causes are predominantly metabolic.

If acne persists beyond the early twenties, this may be a sign of constitutional weaknesses persisting from puberty. This shows the potential offered by acne treatment taking account of the whole constitution and providing genuine prevention of more serious conditions. Oral contraceptives, often taken even in puberty, impose foreign functional principles on the pelvic processes in young women. The astral body cannot come fully into its own in establishing an individual menstrual cycle. Acne will, of course, often improve because the peripheral hormonal situation in the sebaceous gland changes, with sebum production reduced. The acne will, however, return when the hormones are discontinued. Several years of oral contraception may cause a type of acne to develop which is partly due to hormonal effects on liver metabolism.

Acne patients have different constitutions, with a marked polarity that points to different requirements:

hysteria                                     - neurasthenia

estrogen type                                     - gestagen type

Rubens type                                     - Cranach type

adiposity, pyknic habit             - asthenic habit

tendency to migraine             - tendency to atopy

With an hysterical constitution and the rounded forms we know from Rubens paintings, one sees juicy pustules and superficial papules. With neurasthenics, tending to

be undernourished, young women with the figure of a young boy (see Cranach paintings) and asthenic young men, deep-reaching nodules, often persisting for weeks, are common. In all cases, whatever the constitution and shape and form of efflorescences, the Wala Acne Series may be used as a basic treatment. The main active principle is Nasturtium.

In conclusion, let me stress that in spite of the many different background situations seen in individual cases is a true pyoderma, i.e. an inflammatory, "warm" disease.

Croatian dermatologists have established that older people who have had acne in their youth are less likely to develop basaliomas and spinaliomas, epidermal skin cancers that count among the "cold" diseases.

A beginning has been made with relating details of a dermatological syndrome to the images of the human organism Rudolf Steiner was able to present out of the science

of the spirit. The intention has been to encourage colleagues to tind a way to individual treatment. Rudolf Steiner made it clear that a syndrome has to be carefully studied when he said: "Never do imaginations arise more easily than if one studies pathological states in the human being."


Antidotiert von: Sulph-i. D4 - D6 Tiefpotenzen gelten als Resorptionsmittel bei Akne sowie nach Eierstocksentzündung.


[Gillies.Malcolrue McDavid]




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