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Vergleich: Siehe: Meeresgruppe + Molluscae


Asterias rubens (Aster) = Seestern./= Red Starfish


= Bell + Angst vor Apoplexie/= Sep + Sexverlangen;

Thema: Beziehungsnetz; Lösung: Muss streiten;

Akut: Ungeduld/plötzlicher Schwindel/rotes Gesicht/Unruhe nachts (wenig Schlaf) (+ verstopft:);

Negativ: A: Überreizung (Nerven/Sexorganen/Kreislauf/schnell wachsender Tumor), B. Blutdrang zum Kopf/Hirn/“Als ob von heißer Luft umgeben“/vor Schlaganfall;


Mager, weint wegen Kleinigkeiten/Beschwerden, Angst/Vorahnung = > Weinen/verlangt Unabhängigkeit/braucht andere + hasst Diesen/braucht Anwesenheit irgend welche Person (Sex)/verwirrt + inkoordiniert + gelähmt, Widerspruch verärgert (heißes Wetter)/ SexVERlangen (morgens) + launisch + hoffnungslos/gewalttätige Gedanken + weinen, Kongestion + verlangt sich zu kühlen + verlangt kaltes Wasser + < kaltes/nasses Wetter, Schmerz kommt + geht plötzlich, pulsieren/stechen, < 14 h. - 15 h./Widerspruch (erregt)/l. Seite/Kaffee/feuchtkaltem Wetter, > Periodeanfang, alte Hautbeschwerden;

Congestion # Hollowness/expansion # compression. 'cerebral excitement in opposite directions'/depression # indifference/anger # excitement. Appetite: “As if has lost sense of taste”/desires stimulating flavours (alcohol/coffee/strong cheese/spices).

Flabby, lymphatic constitution (with RED face). Lancinating pains. Nervous disturbances, neuralgias, chorea, and hysteria. Cancer (breast).


<: l./night/coffee/cold damp weather;

Cannot bear contradiction Shocks in brain; throbbing; Heat in head, „As if surrounded by hot air“. Red pimples one side of nose/chin/mouth (adolescence). Diarrhoea, watery brown, gushing out in jet.

Stool like olives Ineffectual desire Constipation Nodes and induration of mammary gland, dull aching, neuralgic pain in this region. Excitement of sexual instinct with nervous agitation.

Pain down l. arm to fingers, < motion Ulceration with sharp pains, piercing to scapulae Breasts swell and pain in breasts; < l.; Colic and other sufferings cease with appearance of flow.

Epilepsy preceded by twitching over whole body. Gait unsteady; muscles refuse to obey the will.

Nervous system.

Axillary glands swollen hard and knotted. Pain acute/lancinating. Cancer in mammae (ulcerative stage). Numb hand and fingers l. L. breast feels „As if  pulled inward“, and pain ext. over inner arm to end of little finger Neuralgia of left breast and arm. Pain under sternum and in muscles of precordial region.

Breasts swollen, indurated.

Psoriasis and herpes zoster < l. arm and chest. Acne. Ulcers with fetid ichor. Itching spots Destitute of pliability and elasticity Enlarged auxiliary glands, <: night/in damp weather;

(Bösartige) Geschwüre und Uterusblutungen; weniger akut mehr destruktiv.

Selbstzerstörung (Mamma-Ca); aktive Kongestion; übler Geruch; Mammaknoten, Juckreiz; Schwäche durch zu viel Stress und Aktivität, zunehmend mit fortschreitender Dekompensation;


Oft streitsüchtige/sehr emotionale und reizbare, cholerische Mensch, die sich leicht aufregen; Blutungsneigung (Cor-r. Murx.).

Halt und sicherer Schutz in zwischenmenschlicher Beziehung wird gesucht (sehr konservative Lebenseinstellungen) und oft dann zerstört (bald Neues gesucht), mit Klagen wie schwierig die Beziehung ist; ist abhängig, will aber Unabhängigkeit und ihre Gefühlskälte zeigen (wenige Empfindungen gegen Krankheitssymptome und Schmerz); ständige geschäftige Aktivität;

Schutzlos gegen fremde Mächte. Fürchtet ausgeliefert zu sein, unter fremder Kontrolle;

Anxiety with pulsation in chest

Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy alternating with exuberance

Despair from sexual craving; weeping, tearful mood from sexual excitement

Irritability after coition

Moral affections; want of moral feeling; numb to experiencing symptoms

Delusion is away from home

Fear hearing bad news, evil, fainting, misfortune

Sensitive, oversensitive to moral impressions;

1. Schlaflos, 2. Apoplexie;

Polarity: Congestion or Hollowness. Expansion or Compression.

Clarke: terms of cerebral excitement in opposite directions depression # indifference, anger # excitement. Polarity is also reflected in the appetite; the patient feels as if they have lost their sense of taste and so desires stimulating flavours (alcohol, coffee, strong cheese and spices).

Mind: 'Touchy' and defensive: ultra-sensitive to criticism and easily irritated. Nervous excitement and anxiety: hysteria, nymphomania, argumentative or apathetic, cut-off, silent.

Delusions: legs are too long, is away from home, hears voices and answers.

Dreams: Erotic. Angry. of the past. Vivid.

Generals: Heat, burning. stabbing, stitching, darting. Cutting. Pulsation. Expansion (bursting, splitting). Contraction, compression (like a vice). Fullness, congestion. Hollow. Itching.

Numbness. Electric shocks. Jerking. Pulled inwards, drawing. Boring, digging, screwing.

Nervous system and brain. Cardiovascular. Hormonal and Cellular level. Immune system (glands/breasts).

Sensation of heat. Trembling and twitching.

Skin: face, eyelids, fingers and toes. Musculoskeletal: extremities, fingers and toes.

Clinical affinities: Nervous complaints; mental illness in menopause. Nyphomania. Hysteria. Stroke. Cancer (breast). Chorea. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Fainting. Hypertension. Hardening of glands and injuries to glands. Cancer pains. Acne. Ulceration.


Komplementär: Bar-c. Sep. Thuj. (außer Malaria/Krebs)


Folgt gut: Bell. Calc. Carb-an. Cast-eq. Con. Sil. Sulph. Calc-f. Ign. Lach.            


Interkurrent: Scir. Med. Tub.


Vergleich: Katze = empfindlich vor Astergift. Cactaceae (My note: There are many similarities between this remedy and the Cactus remedies. I would definitely considering this a differential.

It appears from the information on the other starfish and urchins that the whole group could be compared to the Cactus family.)

DD.: Con. Carb-v. Ars. Cond.

Liquidambar styraciflua (= Amerikanische Amberbaum/= Seesternbaum/Saxifragales).

Comparison: Astac. Aster. Calc. Ch-fl. Conch. Cypr-e. Hom. Lim. Medus. Murx. Pect. Sep. Ven-m.

DD.: Bell. Carb-an. Con. Cund. Glon. Lil-t. Murx. Sil. Zinc-met.

Siehe: Teste Sulphurgruppe

Bell (akut) Aster Aur (chronisch)


Unverträglich: Bell. Coff. Ip. Jatr. Lil-t. Nux-v. Thuj.                         Kaffee

Antidotiert: Plb-met. Zinc-met.             Essig                                                 Antidotiert von: Plb-met. Zinc-met.

Wirkung: sycotisch/lymphatisch/psorisch/choleirisch                              l. seitig                 

Allerlei: Küste Europa/Amerika   

Alte Art/nimmt mehr Nahrung auf 1x als Magen groß ist/versorgt Nachwuchs/kann Armen fallen lassen/nach Verlust wachsen neue Armen nach/aus abgefallenen Arm kann sich neue Seestern entwickeln.

Tier hat diffuses Nervensystem mit lichtempfindlichen Zellen; isst Muscheln (Austern).

Mythe: Asterias sprang ins Meer wann Zeus sie verführen wollte. Daraus entstand die Insel Asterien,



   *   Irritable nervous system seeks an outlet.

MIND: - -   Quarrelsome, < between 12 to 14 h. - -   Weeps easily  - -   Hysteria.

   -   Irritable, choleric.  Impatient. - -   Easily excited by any emotion, esp. contradiction.

   -   FEAR of apoplexy/misfortune/evil/bad news. - -  Brain agitated after mental exertion.

   -   Sadness, depression alt. with excitement. - -   Insanity during climacteric period.

   -   Delusion under control of strangers; hears voices; away from home, among strangers.

   - 'Touchy' and defensive: ultra-sensitive to criticism and easily irritated. Nervous excitement and anxiety: hysteria, nymphomania, argumentative or apathetic, cut-off, silent.

Delusions: legs are too long, is away from home, hears voices and answers.

GENERALITIES: - -   < 14 - 15 h. - -   < During menses  - -   Left sided symptoms.

   -   Affects FEMALE ORGANS and hormonal system.

   -   Disturbances of CIRCULATION. High blood pressure. Congestions. Pulsations.

   -   NERVOUS AFFECTIONS: Neuralgias, chorea, twitchings, epilepty.

       Epilepsy:    < after 15 h.; by emotions (contradiction).

                    Before: Days before twitchings over whole body. Irritable.

                    After: Great prostration. Sense of distress in epigastrium.

       Chorea: Quiet only when hands are in pockets.

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -   Desire: Highly seasoned/strong cheese/liquors/coffee/cold drinks.- -   Aversion: Meat / < Coffee.

SENSATIONS: -  Heat, burning. Stabbing, stitching, darting. Trembling and twitching.

Cutting. Pulsation. Expansion (bursting, splitting). Contraction, compression (like a vice). Fullness, congestion. Hollow. Itching. Numbness. Electric shocks. Jerking. Pulled inwards, drawing. Boring, digging, screwing.

AFFINITIES: Nervous system and brain. Cardiovascular. Hormonal and Cellular level. Immune system (glands, especially breasts).

SKIN: face, eyelids, fingers and toes. Musculoskeletal: extremities, fingers and toes.

LOCATIONS: Glands (breasts). Skin. Extremities.

CLINICAL AFFINITIES: Nervous complaints; mental illness in menopause. Nyphomania. Hysteria. Stroke. Cancer (breast). Chorea. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Fainting. Hypertension.

Hardening of glands and injuries to glands. Cancer pains. Acne. Ulceration.

HEAD: - -   APOPLEXY.- -   Electric-like shocks in brain with internal pressure.

   -   CONGESTION. Head feels hot, as if surrounded by hot air.Feels as if head would burst.(Bell.)  - -   Restless feeling in brain after mental exertion.

FACE: - -   Neuralgia on left side.- -   Convulsive movement of jaws.

   -   Congested. Red and swollen.- -   Acne with small red base and black tips. (Kali-br/Rad).

ABDOMEN: - -   Distress in epigastrium. - -   Colic # with flushes of heat in face.- -   Flatulence after every meal.

FEMALE GENITALIA: - -   Desire INCREASED/not > by coition. - -   Colic > appearance of flow.

   -   Tumors in uterus with a sense as if something is pushing out.- -   Twitching in uterus.

CHEST: - -   CANCER, ULCERATION of MAMMAE, (LEFT) Nodes and indurations in mammae. Lancinating pains < night.Feeling as if breast or nipple is drawn back.

       Pain ext. through arm to end of little finger.

   -   Axillary glands swollen and knotted < night, damp weather.

EXTREMITIES: - -   Lessened sensibility in lower limbs. Unsteady gait. Muscles refuse to obey the will (Hell.).

   -   Permanent contractions of muscles (Legs). Restless.

SLEEP: - -   Restless/sleepless from agitation.- -  Awakes by electric shocks - - Vivid dreams.


Ungewöhnliche Prüfungssymptomen:

Mental State:

To nurture or not to nurture

Feels excessively needed or demanded of

Feels trapped or suppressed by being needed

Trapped, stuck in the mud, sinking

Not knowing what to do with freedom

Loss of self in Motherhood, Sex, Being a carer, Helping others, Charity work

People who want to remain childless

People who only want one child

People who neglect or cast away their children

Sucked in, Pressurized, Trapped

Under control of an external force

Having one's energy drawn on by an outside force or invader, or by an inward force


Expansion or Compression (like the Cactus family)

Alternating and opposite states (Anger - Depression)

Touchy, defensive, Ultrasensitive to criticism

Argumentative, easily irritated, cuts themselves off

Sensation of hot air

Epilepsy with foaming of the mouth

Fear of having a stroke with a feeling the head will burst, Fear of fainting

Fear of bad news arriving. Anxiety about the future

Lustful. Sexually-minded. Despair from sexual craving. Dwells on sexual thoughts and is tormented by them.

Feels under the control of strangers

Dramatic weeping.

Vivid life-like dreams of people as if awake

“As if” in the head: Crushed, burst or split, breaking, in a Vice

“As if” in the eyes: Crushed by an enormous weight, drawn backwards

Noises in the ears: Rushing of water, waterfalls, waves

Tastelessness of food leads to a desire for strong flavours

“As if” the heart had stopped

Violent and insatiable sexual desire. Not satisfied after sex.

“As if” legs were longer, or one leg is shorter



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