Mehrere Mitteln


Vergleich: Vergleich. Calcium + Calcarea-sulphurica + Sulphur

Siehe: Calcium + Carbon + Sulphur + Gesteins- + Salzseegruppe + Weiße Gruppe


Calcarea sulphurica (Calc-s) (CuSO4)


= Calc. + roter/ungesunder Haut + sanft/= Calc + weniger weich/fett/fröstelt/= Hep.-ähnlich + < kaltnasses Wetter - Fußschweiß + < Kleidung + deckt sich ab;

Thema: Harte Welt; Lösung: Schutz suchen;

Verbirgt: Problem, zeigt Leistung;

Kind: Hep.-Kind = Calc-s + Nux-v.- + Tub.-ähnlich; Scald-head of children, with purulent discharge, or yellow, purulent crusts;

Akut: Entzündung;

Positiv: Strebt nach Anerkennung;

Negativ: A. Langsam heilende Abszess sondert gelben Dauereiter ab, B. Stimmungsschwankungen, C. Warmblutig + < warmes Zimmer/Kleidung usw. + KALTE Füße + verlangt > + frische Luft;


Unsicher über Geliebt sein/Angst (als hässlich gesehen zu sein/Gesundheit/Zukunft/Vogel), hasst  Personen mit andere Ansichten/kritikempfindlich, will Anerkennung (Äußerliches)/empfindet sich wichtig + ungeliebt, eifersüchTIG/UNzufrieden/boshaft/gereizt/zornig/unentschieden, zänkisch # brütet über seine Misserfolgen, schwaches Gedächtnis/Rechnen, <: Zugluft/Dehnen/stehen/schnelles gehen/Hitze; Verlangt unreifem Obst;

Entzündung mit Öffnung + dicke + gelbe Absonderung,  kalter Fußschweiß + brennen, Schleimhäuten/Drüsen/ Knochen/Haut;

Wenn ein gut indiziertes Mittel versagt/nicht tief greifend genug wirkt; ausgelassen (in Dämmerung/18 h.)/Lungenentzündung Atemwegen-/Haut-/gynäkologische beschwerden; „Wie beobachtet von Bezugspersonen, wovon eigene Sicherheit (finanziell/Wohnung) abhängt“/nicht zur eigenen Wahl/Identität stehen dürfen;

Angst von ihrer Gruppe (Familie), in der sie sich sicher und geschützt fühlen, nicht genug anerkannt/Wert geschätzt zu sein zu werden; wegen innerer Unsicherheit ist die Meinung der Bezugspersonen sehr wichtig auch über ihr Äußeres (Akne/Kleidung)/Reaktion kann schüchternes o. kokettes Verhalten sein, in Eifersucht auch heftiges Verhalten;

Indicated for everything yellow [pus (filled cysts)/in eyes/urine/color/nasal discharge];

Schüssler Salze.:

1. Jammern bei Beschützer, 2. Aktiv um Gunst Beschützers zu bekommen, 3. Zanken mit Beschützer, 4. ANGST/inaktiv;

Ursache: Ungeheilte seelischer Verletzung;


Komplementär: Kali-m. Sil. Tub.                         *Sil - Calc-s - Hep*


Folgt gut: Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Hep. Kali-i. Kali-p. Mag-c (wann Calc-s. versagt). Nat-s. Rhus-t.

Gut gefolgt von: Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Kali-s. Mag-c. Nat-s. Psor.


Vergleich: Enthalten in: Lipp; Anhydrit (= CaSO4/= Gips - Wasser/= quellfäHIG wird mit Wasser Gips). Hep. (= Calc-s + intensiv/= Sil + sensiTIV/= Zinc-met +

AUFregung im Anfang). Morg-p. 

DD.: Calc. Calc-sil. Hep. Med. Puls. Sil. Sulph.

Calc. Hep./Calc-s. Sulph.

Hep Calc-s Sil


Mag-p (akute Neuralgie) Calc-s Kali-p (Neuralgie + Lähmung)


Unverträglich: Milch


Antidotiert: Kali-m. Merc-c. Pyrog. Sil.             Abzesse                 

Antidotiert von: Kali-m.


Wirkung: psorisch/tuberkulin/syphillitisch/sycotisch/melancholisch



Alabaster CaSO4*2H2O/= Gipssorte/salmon pink variety on cliffs on the east side of Blue Anchor Bay Minehead, Somerset, UK = Selenit/= Sandrose


[Caroline Redmond, Chris Wilkinson, Diane Murray, Gordon Adam and Teresa Moore]

Alabaster is a fine-grained, massive, opaque or translucent variety of Gypsum. It tends to be white in colour but can be streaked or tinted with brown, red, yellow, green, etc.

It has been used for centuries across the world for making statues, carvings, ornaments and in internal decoration.


Alabaster is soft enough to be scratched with a fingernail (its scale of hardness is 2) and hence it is easily broken, soiled and weathered and is rarely used for outdoor sculpture. One exception to this was in the pyramids near Cairo which were originally faced in Alabaster (now completely weathered away).

Alabaster is quarried in Algeria, France, Egypt, England, Spain, Iran, Italy, Mexico and USA.

Gypsum is formed by the evaporation of bedded deposits that are precipitated mainly from evaporating saline water. It occurs in extensive beds in association with other evaporite minerals e.g. Halite (rock salt - NaCl).

Gypsum has considerable commercial importance and is used as a fluxing agent in glass production, as fertiliser, in paint, as filler in paper/textiles, as a retarder in Portland cement, and in school chalk.

About ¾ of the total production is calcinated (dehydrated by heat) for use as Plaster of Paris and as building materials in plaster-board products, tiles and blocks.

Plaster of Paris (and Gypsum plaster) is made by the partial (or complete) dehydration of Gypsum by heating or burning. When mixed with water it gives a plastic paste

which can be cast or moulded. It eventually sets and hardens due to the chemical recombination of the Gypsum with water.

Plaster of Paris is so named because of the prevalence of Gypsum in the Paris basin whence it was originally produced.

Plaster of Paris is generally the hemihydrate of Calcium Sulphate - CaSO4•2H2O


Other forms of Gypsum include: Anhydrite/Satin Spar/Selenite (= fishtail)


Crystal Healing

Ancient Egypt: aid to meditation (carved geometric forms); helps promote centring of the self and mental acuity.

Enhances the skills needed in providing "service to man" (maturity, composure and the ability to forgive). Enables realisation that one will ultimately "acquire the heavenly state".

Helpful in the treatment of heart disorders. Assists in diminishing internal anger related to the severity of the disease.


The Alabaster used to make the remedy was discovered by us (a group of Bristol homeopaths) in May 2000 on a weekend away at Blue Anchor Bay near Minehead in Somerset, UK. The 2 mile stretch of coast between Blue Anchor Bay and Watchet has dramatic red sandstone cliffs with some spectacular outcrops of Alabaster - ranging in colour from pure white (near Watchet), through pale green and brownish-white, to salmon pink and translucent orange (at Blue Anchor Bay). This is also a fossil rich area with shells, and bones and teeth of fish and marine reptiles. We found several ammonites there.

The cliffs on the east side of Blue Anchor Bay.

It seems that the Alabaster here was made by areas becoming covered by sea then drying up, sometimes repeatedly. The sandstone had been created by a desert, this became covered by ocean at the end of the Triassic period.

There was then probably a rising of sea levels, freshwater lakes being invaded by the sea, maybe lagoons regularly evaporated and replenished by the sea, thus allowing the minerals to be deposited.

The remedy was made from the salmon pink variety by two members of our group at Helios Pharmacy on 23rd June, 2000. It was hand succussed up to the 30c potency,

and the proving was using the 6c, 12c and 30c potencies.

It can be bought from Helios Pharmacy, in potencies from 3c up to 10M, at:

Quelle: (

Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy

97 Camden Road,

Tunbridge Wells

Kent TN1 2QR


Telephone: (01892) 536393 (24hr)

(01892) 537254 (9.45am-5.30pm)

Fax: (01892) 546850



The proving was started in Autumn 2000, though some provers didn't take the remedy until early in 2001. Thirteen provers took part in the proving.


Footnotes and afterthoughts

1) Chemically related remedies would be Calc-s. (Calcium Sulphate - CaSO4) and Hep. (impure Calcium Sulphide - CaS).

2) Although chemically Calcium sulphate, Alabaster is expected to have its own character as a remedy, distinct from Calc-s., which was apparently made from Plaster of Paris. This is attributable to the differing crystal

structure and level of hydration, the presence of trace element impurities (which bestow the characteristic colour), local/historical energetics of the area / particular rock outcrop (including uses it has been put to), and the energetic input/association of the group that developed the substance as a remedy. Some connection / overlap with the symptom picture of Calcium Sulphate would of course be expected for obvious reasons.

3) The crystal healing properties attributed to Alabaster may or may not be part of the homeopathic remedy picture - this remains to be seen and I think it would be a mistake

to conjecture at this stage. We will keep an open mind to the proving symptoms and see if a discernible "picture" emerges.


Thematic Materia Medica

Below is the beginning of a materia medica of Alabaster compiled from the mental symptoms and dreams of the proving. It's a rough sketch, but can hopefully help with placing the individual proving symptoms.

Carefree / Letting go / Relaxed / Uninhibited / At ease

Careless / Full of cares / Anxious / Holding back / Difficulty in doing things / Struggle

Holiday / Beach / Sand / Blue Sea / Sunshine / Space / Fun

Water / River / Floating / Flowing / Not flowing

Pink / Red / Peach / Orangy-brown

Pink clothes / Fluffy / Frivolous / Barbie girl

Rose-tinted glasses

Light (hearted) / Drunk / Floaty / Dippy / Ungrounded

Heavy / Dull / Clay

Nostalgia / Happy times in the past / 20 yrs ago / Past relationships /

Old friends

Positive / Motivated / Getting things done / Sorting things out

Get up and go / Spontaneous / Buying clothes / Shopping

Smiling / Happy / Buoyant / High (spirits) / Optimistic / Prozac /

Absence of guilt / Absence of fear / Letting go of anger

Calm / Able to just be / Content

Focussed / Clear thinking / Present / Alert / Aware (of the room) / Peaceful

Confused: words; time / Split / Indecisive / Clumsy / Bumbling / Forgetful / Losing things / Gathering things / Discarded babies

Sociable / Outward / Open / Communicative / Connectedness (with angels) / Desire to connect / Flirtatious / Yearning for home and family

Relationships / Wedding / Marriage / Babies

Separate / Closed / Inwards / Disconnected (body parts)

Depressed / Hopeless / Melancholic / Sad / Discontented / Inadequate / Lack of confidence / Hostile universe / No God

Rocking (self) / Vulnerable / Want to be held

Anger / Irritable / Impatient / Road rage

Distorted Body / Swollen legs

Houses / Cars / Driving / Trains

Big spiders / Bulls / Cows / Mice / Puddings

Prüfung: Full of cares/Anxious/Holding back/Difficulty in doing things/Struggle

Holiday/Beach/Sand/Blue Sea/Sunshine/Space/Fun

Water/River/Floating/(not) Flowing

Pink (clothes/rose-tinted glasses)


Fluffy/Frivolous/Barbie girl

Light (hearted)/drunk/floaty/dippy/ungrounded


Nostalgia/Happy times in the past (20 yrs ago)/past relationships (old friends)

Carefree/letting go/relaxed/uninhibited/at ease/careless/positive/motivated/gtting things done/sorting things out/get up and go/spontaneous/buying clothes/shopping

Smiling/happy/buoyant/high (spirits)/optimistic/Prozac/Absence of guilt/Absence of fear/letting go of anger

Calm/able to just be/content

Focussed/clear thinking/present/alert/aware (of the room)/Peaceful

Confused: words; time/split/indecisive/clumsy/bumbling/forgetful/losing things/gathering things/discarded babies

Sociable/outward/open/communicative/connected (with angels)/desire to connect/flirtatious/yearning for home and family


Separate/closed/inwards/disconnected (body parts)

Depressed/hopeless/melancholic/sad/discontented/inadequate/lack of confidence/hostile universe/no God

Rocking (self)/vulnerable/want to be held

Anger/irritable/impatient/road rage

Distorted body/swollen legs


Big spiders/bulls/cows/mice/puddings


Calcium                        Bestimmung                                    Arbeit

Hydrogen                         Ich                                                Anfang

Oxygenium                        Ego/Ich                                    Erinnern

Sulphur                        Gruppe/Familie                        Erinnern



Allerlei: = Gipssorte/wird seit Jahrhunderte gebraucht als Dekoration

Phytologie: Egypte. Als Meditationshilfe/Aufmerksamkeit konzentrieren/erwachsen sein/verzeihen können/sicher sein von Erlösung/sozial tätig sein/Zorn besänftigen Beschwerden <</Herzbeschwerden


Vergleich: Calc-s. Glacies mariae w (siehe unten). Hep. (= impure Calcium Sulphide - CaS). Marble-w. (= kühl/Alabaster = warm)


Allerlei. Lösung aus Erstarrung

Entsteht  durch Verdünstung



Chalcanthite = Chalcancite = (CuSO4·5H2O) = Kupfersulfathydrat.


Repertory from meditative proving: Bones.

Autism with dyslexia; extreme fragility due to legacy of trauma, medication abuse; vagueness of personality, lack of substance. Supports Base chakra.



Gips = CaSO42 H2O/= Kreide/= Calciumsulfat/= E 516


Calcium                        Bestimmung                                    Arbeit

Oxygenium                        Ego/Ich                                    Erinnern

Sulphur                        Gruppe/Familie                        Erinnern

Positiv: Scharfer Geist/vergibt leicht, dient selbstlos, gelassen;

Negativ: Ärgerlich (i.B. Krankheit):

Schüssler Salze.: Entgiftung/Stoffwechsel/Abmagerung/Amalgamvergiftung/Rheuma;

Appetit gut + Abmagerung; Erschöpft/Neuralgie/rheumatische Beschwerden; schlecht heilende Wunden und Geschwüre/Krampfadern/Hämorrhoiden;


Vergleich: Siegellack (Schellack + Ter + Gips + Cinnb + Tannentränen). Anhydrit (CaSO4/= Gips-ähnlich).

Gypsophila panniculata  (= Rispiges Gipskraut/= Schleierkraut/= Baby.'s Breath Taumel. Caryophylales.).

Marienglas (= im Mondschein geronnene Himmelstau). Satin. Spar.

Selenite (= fishtail/a transparent, fibrous, lustrous gypsum, soft lustre, suggestive of moonshine, and literally signifying "moonstone")

Wüstenrose. (= Gips + Sandkörner). 

Gipsliebend: Adon. oft auf Gips lebend + Eric-vg. + Ger-i. + Hern-g. + Hyper. + Lin-c. + Polygala. + Rumx-a. + Sanguis. + Sed-a. + Thymu.

Vergleich. Calcium + Calcarea sulphurica + Sulphur

Siehe: Tauschwährunggruppe + Anhang (P.I. Tarkas, Ajit Kulkarni)


Allerlei: Used as in glass production/fertiliser/paint/filler in paper + textiles/as retarder in Portland cement/in school chalk.

Formed by evaporation of bedded deposits that are precipitated mainly from evaporating saline water/in association with other evaporite minerals e.g. halite


Lösung aus Erstarrung

Entsteht  durch Verdünstung



Glacies mariae w = Ca + C + S/= Fraueneis./= Spiegelstein/= Mondenstein/= Selenite/= kristalliertes Gips/= Art Alabaster (siehe oben)

Calcium sulfuricum e glacies mariae Quelle: Frauenglas/= Lapis mariae/= Lapis specularis/= Marieneis/= Marienglas

Prüfung: Full of cares/Anxious/Holding back/Difficulty in doing things/Struggle

Holiday/Beach/Sand/Blue Sea/Sunshine/Space/Fun

Water/River/Floating/(not) Flowing

Pink (clothes/rose-tinted glasses)


Fluffy/Frivolous/Barbie girl

Light (hearted)/drunk/floaty/dippy/ungrounded


Nostalgia/Happy times in the past (20 yrs ago)/past relationships (old friends)

Carefree/letting go/relaxed/uninhibited/at ease/careless/positive/motivated/gtting things done/sorting things out/get up and go/spontaneous/buying clothes/shopping

Smiling/happy/buoyant/high (spirits)/optimistic/Prozac/

Absence of guilt/Absence of fear/letting go of anger

Calm/able to just be/content

Focussed/clear thinking/present/alert/aware (of the room)/Peaceful

Confused: words; time/split/indecisive/clumsy/bumbling/forgetful/losing things/gathering things/discarded babies

Sociable/outward/open/communicative/connected (with angels)/desire to connect/flirtatious/yearning for home and family


Separate/closed/inwards/disconnected (body parts)

Depressed/hopeless/melancholic/sad/discontented/inadequate/lack of confidence/hostile universe/no God

Rocking (self)/vulnerable/want to be held

Anger/irritable/impatient/road rage

Distorted body/swollen legs


Big spiders/bulls/cows/mice/puddings

Calcium            Arbeit                                    Bestimmen

Carbon            Erfolg                                    Ich

Sulphur            Erinnern                        Familie/Gruppe

Negativ: Blutung ;

Allerlei: Chili, Entsteht in Lagerstätten mit Sulphur enthaltenden Erzen (auch Salzlager) durch Verwitterung unter 60°. Ist kristallklar,

Standfestigkeit wird geprüft/alles was nicht stabil ist, wird aufgelöst


CALCAREA SULPHURICA (calc-s.)                                    [Hering]

MIND:  - -   Grumbling that his value is not understood by others.

   -   STRONG sense of SELF-importance - -   Despises those who don't agree with them. 

   -   Lamenting because he feels he is not appreciated. - -   Discontented. Irritable.

   -   Jealousy (Lach/Sal-ac.). Hatred. - -   Changeable moods. - -   Melancholic.

   -   Fear < night. Fear of birds (Ign/Calc-ar). Anxiety about health, future. - -   Frightful visions when going to sleep.

GENERALITIES: - -   Affections with LONGstanding purulent DIScharge.

   -   Discharge: purulent, yellow, lumpy. - -   Fistulas. Abscesses.

   -   < Heat of bed, room, sun. --   < Draft. - -   > OPEN AIR. Covering. - -   Obesity. - -   Weakness. Lack of reaction.

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -   Desire: green, sour fruit/vegetables (Med, Verat).- -   Aversion: Meat.

EYE: - -   Inflammation with thick, yellow discharge. Agglutination of lids - -   Ulcers of cornea.- -   Sees only ½ of objects.

EAR: - -   Otitis with thick, purulent discharge.With noises.- -   Otorrhea. Abscess in meatus.

NOSE: - -   Chronic coryza, catarrh with characteristic discharge, - - > open air; > bathing in or washing with cold water.

FACE:  - -  Acne.   TEETH: - -   Abscess.   THROAT: - -   Purulent inflammation of tonsils.

RECTUM: - -   Abscesses, fistulas with purulent, copious discharge. - -   Diarrhea in children.

LARYNX: - -   Croup. > open air, uncovering.             RESPIRATION: - -   Asthmatic. Rattling.

CHEST: - -   Bronchitis, catarrh with copious purulent expectoration.

EXTREMITIES: - -   Rheumatic pains. Stiffness < shoulders.

   -   Burning, itching footsoles (Cham/Med/Puls/Sulph). - -   Painful corns.

SKIN: - -   Wounds don't tend to heal. - -   Hydradenitis suppurativa.

   -   Boils, furuncles, abscesses, ulcers with PERsistent copious yellow DIScharge.

   -   Acne. Eczema. Fistulas. - -   Burning, itching of skin and eruptions.


Allgemeines: Zucken (während Menses)/Zittern äußerlich

Wunden - Heilungstendenz langsam/eiternd

Wetter - < nasses/nasskaltes

Wassersucht - innere/äußere

Wärme - >/< (warmen Zimmer/warme Luft/warmes einhüllen/warmen Bett

Völlegefühl innerlich


Verhärtungen der Drüsen/Tumoren (zystisch)/Krebsleiden (Szirrhus)

Tuberkulose - Lupus vulgaris/Syphilis/Psora

Strecken, Ausstrecken/Stehen - <.

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt (Rot)wein/Tee/Süßigkeiten/saure Speisen, Säuren (und Salz)/Salz/Obst (saures/unreifes)/grüne Nahrung/Gemüse/kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Erfrischendes/Alkohol

<: Milch;

Abgeneigt: Milch/Kaffee/Fleisch;              

Sexuellen Exzessen; Beschwerden nach

Schwellung der Drüsen/Polyp

Schweiß - unterdrückten Schweiß; Beschwerden durch

Schwäche (nach Zorn/zittrig/nach Traum/während Menses/nach Erwachen/ Ärger nach Verdruss/abends (>)/vormittags - 10 h - 10 - 12 h/morgens (erwachend aus

einem Traum)/Schmerz

Schleimhautabsonderung - vermehrt/klumpig/gelb/dick, schleimig/blutig

Schlaffes Gefühl/Schaudern, nervöses während Stuhl


Pulsieren - innerlich/äußerlich


Müdigkeit nach Gehen/Mattigkeit (nachmittags)

Masturbation, Beschwerden durch

Luft - < Zugluft/verlangt Aufenthalt im Freien (+ < Zugluft/>)


Konvulsion - hysterisch/(Schwindel während) epileptische/epileptiform

Ohne Bewusstsein

Karies der Knochen

Kälte - Hitze und Kälte/Erkältungsneigung/< nach Abkühlung, Kaltwerden/<

Hitze -Lebenswärmemangel/Hitzewallungen (beim (Mittag)essen)/-gefühl

Hinlegen, sich - Verlangen sich hinzulegen

Heben, Überheben, Überanstrengen der Muskeln und Sehnen - durch

Gehen - < schnell/> langsam/> im Freien/<

Fisteln (mit Geschwüren der Haut/fistelbildendes Abszess)

Essen - > nach


Erhitzung <.

Entzündung der Nasennebenhöhlen

Entblößen - Verlangt nach/abgeneigt/>


Bewegung -abgeneigt/<

Bettdecken abgeneigt

Baden, Waschen - </< kaltes Baden/Gesicht waschen

Anstrengung, körperliche - <

Abszesse; Eiterungen (Gelenke/Drüse/gelb/blutig/Chronisch)


Träume: Schrecklich/Krankheit (Steifheit der Finger/ Konvulsionen)/Finger steif/Ängstlich

Schlaf: Unerquicklich (nach Mittagsschlaf)/Schläfrig (abends/nachmittags/vormittags - 10 h - 10 - 12 h)/schlaflos (durch Gedankenandrang/nach Mitternacht - 3 h/vor Mitternacht/abends)

Ruhelos/Gestört durch Träume/Seitelage/Erwacht „Wie durch Schreck“

Gemüt: Zorn/wird leicht, schnell zornig)


Weinen (beim Schweiß)

.Wahnideen (Visionen/Unglück/Bilder, Phantome (schreckliche (nachts wenn zu  schlafen versucht/beim Einschlafen)

Verzweiflung (während Hitze/in Bezug auf Genesung (während Hitze)

Verwirrung, geistige (durch geistige Anstrengung/> im Freien/abends/morgens  (erwachend)

Vergesslich (nach Essen)

Verdrießlich/Unzufrieden (mit allem)/Ungeduld/Unentschlossen/Unbehagen

Traurig (während Schweiß/bitter, verbittert/abends/nachmittags/morgens (erwachend)/ tagsüber)

Stumpf (nach Essen/abends)/ Sinne abgestumpft, stumpf

Streitsüchtig (aus Eifersucht)

Stimmung, Laune - veränderlich/Launenhaftigkeit, launisch (abends)

Schweigsam/Neigung zu sitzen und nachzudenken

Schüchtern, zaghaft (schamhaft)

Ruhelos (nachts/abends/nachmittags)

Reizbar, gereizt (nach Koitus/abends/nachmittags)

Phantasien - lasziv

Mürrisch (abends)

Lustig, fröhlich (abends (# traurig - morgens)/Lebhaft, munter - nachmittags

Lasziv, lüstern

Lästig, geht auf die Nerven

Jammern (weil nicht anerkannt, geschätzt wird)



Hast, Eile

Hass auf Menschen die nicht mit ihm übereinstimmen

Gleichgültig, Apathie (gegen Umgebung)

Gesellschaft abgeneigt

Geistige Anstrengung abgeneigt/Geisteskrankheit, Wahnsinn/Geistesabwesend

Gehen - Verlangt zu gehen, das ist vergangen, sobald sich zu Spaziergang aufmacht;

Gedanken versunken, in - stellt sich ein Unglück vor/Brütet, grübelt (über eingebildete Probleme)/Vergehen, Schwinden der Gedanken/quälend/hartnäckig/Gedächtnisschwäche

(für das, was gerade tun wollte/plötzlich + periodisch)

Froh # traurig/# Kummer/morgens (# traurig)/ nachmittags/abends - 18 h/


Fehler; macht - Sprechend (stellt Worte an falsche Stelle)

Erschöpfung; geistige



Eigensinnig, starr-/dickköpfig


Delirium tremens/Bewusstlos/Betäubung


Beschwerden durch Zorn/leicht beleidigt

Auf-/ Zusammenfahren (leicht)

Argwöhnisch, misstrauisch

Antworten abgeneigt

Angst [erwachend (morgens)/abends (im Bett)/nachts/i.B. auf Zukunft/um Seelenheil/liegend/um eigene Gesundheit/mit Furcht/> im Freien/während Fieber]

Furcht (nachts/Vögel/Unheil/Unglück/Tod/Herz-/Geisteskrankheit/Dunkelheit)

Abscheu vor das Leben

Head: Scald-head of children, if there be purulent discharge, or yellow, purulent crusts.

Eyes: Inflamed with discharge of thick, yellow matter. Sees only one-half an object. Cornea smoky. Ophthalmia neonatorum.

Ears: Deafness, with discharge of matter from the middle ear, sometimes mixed with blood. Pimples around ear.

Nose: Cold in the head, with thick, yellowish, purulent secretion, frequently tinged with blood. One-sided discharge from nose. Yellowish discharge from posterior nares. Edges of nostrils sore.

Face: Pimples and pustules on the face. Herpes.

Mouth: Inside of lips sore. Tongue flabby, resembling a layer of dried clay. Sour, soapy, acrid taste. Yellow coating at base.

Throat: Last stage of ulcerated sore throat, with discharge of yellow matter. Suppurating stage of tonsillitis, when abscess is discharging.

Abdomen: Pain in region of liver, in right side of pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea, and pain in stomach.

Stool: Purulent diarrhœa mixed with blood. Diarrhœa after maple sugar and from change of weather. Pus-like, slimy discharge from the bowels. Painful abscesses about the anus in cases of fistula.

Female organs: Menses late, long-lasting, with headache, twitching great weakness.

Respiratory organs: Cough, with purulent and sanious sputa and hectic fever. Empyæma, pus forming in the lungs or pleural cavities. Purulent, sanious expectoration. Catarrh, with thick, lumpy, white-yellow or pus-like secretion.

Limbs: Burning-itching of soles of feet.

Fever: Hectic fever, caused by formation of pus. With cough and burning in soles.

Skin: Cuts, wounds, bruises, etc, unhealthy, discharging pus; they do not heal readily. Yellow, purulent crusts or discharge. Purulent exudations in or upon the skin. Skin affections with yellowish scabs. Many little matterless pimples under the hair, bleeding when scratched. Dry eczema in children.

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