Hepar sulfuris (Hep) = Liver of Sulphur/= calcination


„= vergessene Polycrest“

= Calc-s. + intensiv/= Sil. + sensiTIV/= Zinc.-met + AUFregung im Anfang;

Thema: Unsicherheit/Veränderung; Lösung: positiv: Veränderung zulassen;

negativ: Materielle Sicherheit schaffen;

Verbirgt: Marotten zeigt Anpassung/Sensitivität;

Akut: Geschwüren/Infektionen/frostig = Husten. (durch geringste abdecken/Schal um Hals/< Luftzug); (Hilfe: Kein eiweißreicher Nahrung/eventuell Fisch/Geflügel/Türkisches Bad/heißer Dusche/feuchtes Klima aber kein Kurzurlaub), Saures TrinKEN/leichtes saures Essen/Wollmütze/Dampf inhalieren);

A. Splitterempfinden im Hals bis Bronchien,

B. Husten durch kleinste Kälteeinwirkung (Abdecken), C. > warme Getränke (nicht Husten), D. Auswurf dick/zäh/gelb/leicht abzuhusten, E. Nachtschweiß + nicht >,

F. 1. Fließschnupfen mit NieSEN/< kalte frische Luft/> warmen Zimmer/Bett, G. 2. Dicke/gelbe Absonderung (muss nachts Nase putzen),

H. Verstopfte Nase mit schmerzhafte Neben-/Stirnhöhlen/Nasewurzel empfindlich; Auslöser: Zugluft/kaltes + trocknes Wetter/jede Kälte;

Kind/Anhang: ;

Positiv: Freude/sorgsam/geduldig/methodisch;

Negativ: A. Sensitiv [Schmerz/Berührung (befallene Teilen)/geringe Ursache/Erlebnissen/grausame Geschichten], B. Unhöflich/grob/UNzufrieden/beleidigend bis gewalttätig (Impuls zu töten)/drohen.; C. Frostig [<<< Kälte (Zug macht unsicher)], D. Entzündung + eitern + schmerzhaft, E. Stechen („Wie Splitter“), F. Verlangt Saures [+ erzeugt Säuren (Ausscheidungen)], G. Schweiß, H. GESPANNT, I. Hat sichere Partnerschaft/Arbeit;


Blond/schlaff/weich/langsam, intolerant/leicht beleidigt/schwer zufrieden zu stellen/wenig Selbstachtung + empfindet sich abgelehnt, Angst (Leiden/Biene/Insekten/morgens/abends), möchte alles ändern + Änderung REIZT, empfindlich/indolent/depressiv # ungeduldig/reizbar/unzufrieden, Hastig (reden/essen/trinken), Drüsen schwellen + eitern, Beschwerden der  (ausgesetzt sein an trockene, kalte Luft/kruppartige Zustände mit HeiserKEIT/Atem pfeifend/Husten

hart bellend o. locker und rasselnd wird/Husten < ein Körperteil entblößend).

Atonische Beschwerden der Verdauung/Rektum (schwere Stuhlentleerung, lehmfarbene Stühle)/Blase (schwieriges Wasserlassen, langsam, kraftlos/Urin tropft senkrecht

nach unten/wird nie völlig geleert). Muskeln schwach, durchgefroren, Berührungsempfindlich,

Schmerz: pochen/stechend („Wie Splittern“/im Rachen). niedrige Schmerztoleranz, Ausscheidungen sauer/stinkend; Eiterung, wenn der Eiter sich zu bildet/schon gebildet


Schweiß reichlich/leicht/nicht erleichternd (Brustkorb). Fröstelt.

Haut ungesund/jede Verletzung eitert/Geschwüre mit eitrig stinkendem Exsudat/bluten leicht/EMPfindlich.

Verlangt: Essig/Saures/Scharfes/Fett/Gewürzen; >: Wärme (einhüllen)/Bett; >> mild-feuchtes Wetter; <: nachts/während Frost/liegen schmerzhafte Seite/kalter Luft/aufdecken/Luftzug/Kaltes;

Asthma. Hirn/Rückenmark/seröse Häuten/Ohr/Haut (ungesund);

Akute Bronchitis/Gerstenkorn; Harmonisierung des aufbauenden Stoffwechselprozesses bei Entzündung [Haut/Kopf/Atemwegen (eitrige Entzündung/Nebenhöhlen/Tonsillen/Bronchien)

[William H. Burt, M.D. -1895]

Chronic hepatization of  the  lungs. Head and chest perspire  constantly, sweats day and night

[Henry C. Allen, M.D. – 1836-1909]

Renders patients less susceptible to atmospheric changes and cold air.

[E. A. Farrington]

Most important antidote for Mercury, and also for many of the other metals.



Neigung zu Entzündungen (auch im buchstäblichen Sinn, liebt es Feuer zu machen)

Quecksilbervergiftung (liegt bei den meisten Menschen vor, die mehrere Amalgamfüllungen über Jahre im Mund tragen).


überempfindlich gegen alle Reize und sehr übellaunisch bis aggressiv, auf keinen Fall dulden sie Berührungen des schmerzenden Körperteils, weil dies die

(splitterartigen) Schmerzen sehr verstärkt, sehr schmerzempfindlich (bis zur Ohnmacht durch Schmerz)

große Anfälligkeit für Erkältungen/Infekte aller Art in der kalten Jahreszeit

Hauptmittel für schwer heilende, eitrige Wunden mit starkem Splitterschmerz (Achtung! Immer medizinisch untersuchen lassen!)

Eiterungen (Ohren, Bindehäute, Rachen, Nagelbett u.a.), die besonders nachts sehr schmerzhaft werden

eitrig entzündete Tonsillen mit starken Schluckbeschwerden, die erstr. Ohren > warme Getränke.

entzündete Körperteile oder Wunden weisen gelbgrünlichen Eiter auf, der wie alter Käse riecht

Hauptmittel für nächtliche (Pseudo)kruppanfälle bei Kindern (wenn gegen Mitternacht beginnen)

<: nachts/Kälte/trockener, kalter Wind/Berührung oder Liegen auf dem schmerzhaften Körperteil/Schlucken von Speisen (Halsschmerz);

>: Wärme in jeder Form/feuchtes Wetter;

[Dr. James Tyler Kent]

A man has a sudden impulse to stab his friend. A barber has an impulse to cut the throat of his patron while in the chair. Mothers may have an impulse to throw the child into the fire or an impulse to set herself on fire; an impulse to do violence and to destroy. These symptoms increase to insanity and then the impulses are often carried out. It becomes a mania to set fire to things.

[Marc Brunson]

Sensitiv to least aggression:

sensiTIVE of affected parts to touch

fainting from trifling pains

unhealthy skin, every little wounds suppurates

oversensitive (physically/mentally) the slightest cause irritates

angry at least trifle

unreasonably anxious

croup sensitive to the least draught of air

cough when a part of the body is uncovered

In the repertory:

irritable from trifles/morose about trifles/violent at trifles

sensitive to all external impressions

trifles seem important

The words used always indicate ‘from the least aggression’. Over reacts disproportionate to the least aggression. The reactions rapid/efficacious/definite: to kill or set on fire. Hep. does not think/uses the big artillery straight away, impetuous

wants to set things on fire

desire to kill

No half measures, no compromise, reacts immediate/definitive …. Just like the calcinations he has undergone.

abusive/hatred and revengeful

violent anger/violent/rage, stricken during drunkenness/rage leading to deeds of violence


gestures furious and violent

irritable, sudden impulse to kill for slight offence/threatens to kill



Hep. anticipates a menace and has difficulties in evaluating the importance of this menace. Hep. has an exaggerated interpretation of danger because of his hypersensitivity.

sensitive to all impressions: mental, noise, pain, sensual.

horrible things and stories affect him profoundly

   Pain causes irritability/unconsciousness/violence

He is fearful about his own and his family’s integrity.

anxiety about future/about members of his family

delusion: his house is on fire/the world is on fire/will be murdered/members of his family are sick

fear of being disfigured/being hurt/of touch/about health of loved ones.

presentiment of death

Because of this state he lives in, he has to apply a series of protection systems to protect himself and his family.

jumps up from bed and shrieks for help

fur, wraps up, in summer (neck)

More indications:



conscientious about trifles

To make things worse, he seems to lack resources: delusion is poor

He tries to protect the family: cares about family

The care of his family is a weight on his shoulders which causes him to do the opposite:

aversion to members of the family

estranged from family

indifference to relatives

threatens to kill wife and children

sudden impulse to throw child into fire

Hep. will live in the anticipation of a menace, and he is always ready:

anxiety driving out of bed/anxious while lying

hurried drinking, eating

restless, springs out of bed

starting on falling asleep

When danger menaces, Hep. looses all sense of rules:

no sense of duty



want of moral feeling

disposition to become a criminal without remorse

hard hearted

It becomes impossible to enjoy pleasure in such a situation:

asks for nothing

never cheerful/never laughing

indifferent to pleasure

morose in children

music aversion

objective, reasonable

aversion to play in children

Impossible to be happy:


desire for change/desires death

discontented always with everything

anguish, attempt to commit suicide





dwells on past disagreeable occurrences/recalls disagreeable memories

hypochondriasis driving to suicide

loathing at life

morose after pain

suicidal disposition to set oneself on fire (by hypochrondiasis/and sad)

time appears longer, passes too slowly

Another way to react is to pretend the danger is not there (audacity) and to think he is immortal (refuses to make his testament).

Such problems can only lead to poor relationships with others:

there may be an need for protection (anxiety alone, alone aggravation, fear of being alone)

others can be enemies (aversion to company, disposition to contradict, contrair, fear in crowd)

alternatively, Hep. may decide to abandon:

senses dull/stupefaction

inclination to sit


indisposed to talk, sits and doesn’t move

Centrally an exaggerated interpretation of danger (least aggression will cause immediate, total and final destruction: he will be calcified)

Is physical and mental over-sensitiveness.

Reactions may be a combination of the following:

anticipation of menace

relations to others: or needs their protection or they are enemies

negation of danger and death

disproportionate reactions

no moral sense

protection measures (for him/his family)

the desire for protection may lead to refusal of pleasure and later depression.

Ursache: Kälte/Fremdkörper/Kortisonbehandlung/> Mutter;

Type A. Friedlich verträgt keine Spaßen/zu nahe treten

Type B. Unzufrieden + überschießend

1. = A., 2. Macht unsicher + versucht mit Komfort/Geld/Ehe/Position Sicherheit zu schaffen, 3. Gewalttätig (Kleinigkeit)/= B./selbst zerstörerisch;


Komplementär: Acon. Anthraci. Ant-c. Arn. Ars. Arum-t. Bell (wenn versagt Hep). Calc. Calc-p. Calen. Graph. Gun. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Myric. Phell. Psor. Pyrog. Samb. Sil-mar. Sil (Hep = A). Spong. Staphyc. Streptoc. Sul-ac. Syph. Thuj.            

*Merc - Hep - Sil*              *Acon - Spong - Hep*              *Hep - Merc - Bell - Lach*

*Acon - Hep - Spong - Hep - Spong* (= Boenninghausens Crouppowders).

*Sil - Calc-s - Hep*            *Bell - Hep - Sulph* (Otitis)            *Cham - Hep - Sulph*

*Merc - Hep - Sulph*              *Puls. - Hep. -  Sil*              *Graph - Hep - Lyc*                        *Hep - Merc - Puls*

*Bell - Merc - Hep* chronisch Beschwerden mit irgendwo akuter Beschwerden

*Hep - Lach - Plat* (in dieser Reihenfolge wenn Eiter nicht abgeführt wird)


Folgt gut: Ant-t. Bar-c. Bry. Carb-an. Cham. Cic. Cimic. Cinnb. Cupr-met. Dros. Fl-ac. Kali-i. Kali-s. Merc-ir. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Puls. Zinc-met.

Gut gefolgt von: Abrot. Apis. Bar-c. Brom. Bry. Calad. Calc-s. Caus. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Echi. Daph. Fl-ac. Ferr-p. Hydr. Hyper. Ign. Kali-i. Kali-m. Mag-c. Mag-f. Nat-m. Nit-ac.

Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Sars. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc-met.


Interkurrent: Spong.


Vergleich: Morg-g. Nux-v (wird of fälschlich statt Hep. gegeben). Hepar sulfuris natronatum [= Natrium sulfuratum (Gruner)/Quelle: remedia.at].

DD.: Ars. Calc. Calc-s. Cham. Coff. Nit-ac. Psor. Sil.

Comparison. Hepar sulfuris + Nux vomica

Comparison. Silicea and Hepar sulfuris

Bronchitis + eitriger Auswurf + < Kälte: Hep. + Sil. + Tub.

Eiterung: Merc. + Hep. + Sil./Eiterung; psorisch: Sulph. + Calc. + Hep.

Siehe: Erste Hilfe- + Teste Pulsatilla- + Calcium carbonicumgruppe + Anhang (Marc Brunson/Douglas Borland/M.L. Tyler/H.C. Allen/E.B. Nash)

Throat: Most prescribers give Hep. for sticking or fishbone sensation in the throat; this is the old keynote, the old routine.

Hep.: Tonsils are swollen, full, purple-quinsy. The patient is sensitive to the slightest draught, there is pain in the throat even on putting the hand out of bed; he sweats in the

night with no relief; he is sensitive to every impression; feels everything ten times amplified.

Nit-ac.: Yellow patches in the throat; ragged, jagged ulcers in the throat, or it is inflamed and purple. The urine smells like horses’ urine.

Arg-n.: There is much hoarseness, the vocal cords being disturbed. The throat is swollen, patulous; the patient wants cold things, cold water, cold air. Cases that have had

            ulceration of the os uteri with cauterization.

Nat-m.: Extreme dryness of the mucous membranes, as if they would break; chronic dryness without ulceration. Much catarrhal discharge like the white of an egg, with dryness of the mucous membranes when not covered by this mucus. The patient is extremely sensitive (any change of weather).

Hyos (tötet kühlen Blutes) / Stram (tötet im blinden Wut) / Hep (droht zu töten)


Calc. Hep./Calc-s. Sulph.


Calc (körperlich) + * (Entzündung/<< Kälte) + Helo (fröstelt) = Cist


Calc (kalt/Schutz vor Verletzung) * Sulph (innerlicher Aufruhr/heiße + kalte Stellen)


Chin (Säfteverlust) Elat (Schmerz erstr. andere Teilen/Verlust schaumige Flüssigkeiten) *  (Reift Abszessen)


Graph (Haut) Petr Hep (< Winter)


* Calc-s (unterdrückt Eiterung + granuliert) Sil (bringt Eiterung zur Reife)


Sil (< kaltes Wetter/nasse Füße/Schweiß/Selbstvertrauenmangel) * (sensitiv/sauren Schweiß) Calc (SCHWEIß/schlaff/dick)


Staph (Gewissensbissen/enttäuscht über Beziehung/Patriarch/= empfindLICH vor Mückenstichen) Rumx (Matriarch/fühlt sich schuldig + hat Recht/= empfindlich vor Mückenstichen + schwellen auf) * (gewalttätig/<< Luftzug)


Calc-p. = Hep-ähnlich + < Kleidung/kaltnasses Wetter - Fußschweiß + deckt sich ab/= Calc-ähnlich/= Staph + heftig/= Mang-met + < liegen

Calc-s. = Hep-ähnlich + < Kleidung/kaltnasses Wetter - Fußschweiß + deckt sich ab

Calc-caus + Mag-f wenn Hep versagt

Cist = Cor-r-ähnlich + Hautbeschwerden/= körperlich Calc-ähnlich/= Hep-ähnlich + verhärtete Drüsen

Hep = Calc-s. + intensiv/= unreines Calc-s/= Sil. + sensiTIV/= Zinc.-met + AUFregung im Anfang

Hepar sulfuris natronatum = Natronschwefelleber/= Schwefelnatrium/= Nat-s.:

Myris. = Hep-ähnlich/„homöopatisches Messer“

Nux-v.: Hep. mentally very alike/irritable, snappy, hasty in their movements, impatient and very chilly. One thing that always suggests Hep. < local gastric symptoms after food, but the patient is 100% better after a meal.

Sieg. = Arn - Unruhe + < Bewegung/= Hep - frösteln/= Puls + Temp. außer Verhältnis zu andere Beschwerden

Sil. = Puls + intellektuell/= Ars + tiefgründig - zwanghaft/missionieren/= Phos + SCHLANK (Gliedmaßen)/= Sep + zart

Zinc.-met. = für Nerven wie Ferr-met. für Blut


Unverträglich: Unter C 4 Nit-ac. Spong.                         alte Tuberkel

Entzündungen. die keine natürliche Abfuhröffnung haben (Mittelohrentzündung)


Nicht empfindlich vor kalter Luft + Berührung

[J.T. Kent]

It may be well to be careful and not give Sil. or Sulph. or Hep. too often, or too high, in patients that have encysted tubercle in the lungs/you are dealing with razors when dealing with high potencies.


Antidotiert: Am-c. Am-m. Ant-c. Ant-t. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Cast-eq. Chin. Chinin. Chinin-s. Cina. Cinnb. Cit-l. Cupr-a. Cupr-act. Cupr. Ferr. Iod. Iodof. Ip. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lach. Mercuriusverbindungen. Merc. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-if. Merc-ir. Merl. Mez. Nit-ac. Ol-j. Ost. Plb. Sil. Spong. Stram. Zinc.                                     Metallen. Lebertran. Aether. Vergiftung durch Metallverbindungen. Iodgebrauch. Cortisonbehandlung (Mutter)

Antidotiert von: Acet-ac. Alum. Am-m. Ars. Bell. Calen. Cham. Graph. Ign. Iod. Iodof. Kali-i. Merc. Sil.                     Essig. pflanzliche Säure


Wirkung: 40 - 50 Tage            wiederholen = vorteilhaft; wenn Eiter schwierig abgeführt

periodisch/choleirisch/melancholisch/skrofulös/(leuko)phlegmatisch/sanguinisch/hydrogenoid/lithämisch/typhoid/malarial/ringwormoid/lymphatisch/psorisch/sycotisch/syphillitisch/tuberkulin Häufig indiziert bei langsamen chronischen Prozessen als auch bei akuten Zuständen (Beschwerden zeigen keinen Anzeichen zur Besserung).  r. seitig


Allerlei: Hahnemanns Rezept: Wird durch Reduktion von Calciumoxid mit Schwefel gewonnen. Austerschale (CaCO3) geht in der Gluthitze nach CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2

in das Oxid über, Kohlendioxid entweicht.
2 CaO + 3S -> 2 CaS + SO2
Nach dieser Formel reagiert das Calciumoxid mit dem Schwefel zu Calciumsulfid und Schwefeldioxid, das entweicht. Die daraus entstehende schweflige Säure (H2SO3)

wird durch Spülen mit Ethanol (96%) entfernt.

Schwefelleber wurde in der Metallurgie benutzt, um Edelmetalle, insbesondere Gold und Silber an ausgewählten Stellen abzudunkeln oder zu schwärzen. Somit war die Schwefelleber eine in der damaligen Chemie gängige Substanz. Weshalb Hahnemann die „kalkerdige“ hier benutzt, ist aus seinen Herstellungsanleitungen nicht zu ersehen




HEPAR SULPHUR (hep.)                        [Hahnemann]

Geist/Gemüt: Gedächtnissschwäche, mit Reizbarkeit.

- Stundenlang anhaltende traurige Stimmung; muss heftig weinen. - - Abends ANGST.

- Niedergeschlagen selbst bis zu Selbstmordgedanken. - - Hypochondrisch.

- Überempfindlichkeit und Reizbarkeit mit schnellem, hastigem Sprechen.

Schwindel: Morgens/wenn sie zur Siesta Augen schließt; abends mit Übelkeit; fahrend; kopfschüttelnd. - - Abends Ohnmachtsanfall in Folge wenig  Schmerz.

Kopf: Bohrender Kopfschmerz: allmorgendlich an Nasenwurzel; in r. Schläfe von außen nach innen; < Bewegung/Bücken. - - Nachts o. morgens erwachend halbseitiger Druck im Kopf „Wie vom Pflock o. stumpfen Nagel“; < Augenbewegung/Bücken

- Schmerz in der Stirn, der von Mitternacht bis Morgen dauert.

- Lanzinierender Kopfschmerz, > Gehen in Freiem. - - Kopfschmerz beim Kopfschütteln

- Empfinden von Klirren im Kopf. - - Morgenkopfschmerz, < jede Erschütterung Äußerer Kopf: Brennendes Jucken der Kopfhaut von Stirn bis zum Hinterkopf. - - Morgens zum Aufstehen Kopfhaut berührungsempfindlich mit Brennen/Jucken; nach Merkurgebrauch.

- Neigt zu Erkältungen, wenn er den Kopf nicht bedeckt. - - Nässende Ausschläge mit Wundheitsempfinden; mit stinkendem Geruch; mit ZucKEN morgens aufstehend; Brennen und Wundheitsempfinden kratzend; Schorf geht leicht ab mit rohe, blutende Oberfläche

- Beulen am Kopf und Hals bei Berührung empfindlich .

- Knotige Stellen am Kopf tun weh bei Berührung, > warme Kopfbedeckung/Schweiß 

- Ausfallen des Haares mit empfindlichen, schmerzhaften Pickeln + großen kahlen Stellen auf Kopfhaut. - - Kopf rückwärts gebogen bei Geschwulst unterhalb Larynx, mit Pulsieren der Karotis, rasselndem Atmen.

Augen: Lichtscheu - - Augen tun, wenn man sie im hellen Sonnenlicht bewegt, weh.

- Gegenstände erscheinen rot. - - Sehen wird anhaltend undeutlich.

- Geschwüre auf der Hornhaut. - - Druck in Augen „Wie ob Sand darin wäre“.

- Augen treten hervor. Krupp. - - Drückender Schmerz in Augäpfeln, bei Berührung derselben entsteht ein Quetschungsempfinden darin. - - Stechen in den Augen.

- Entzündung der Augen und Lider; berührungsempfindlich; Tränenfluss.

- Kleine Pickel umgeben die entzündeten Augen.

Ohren: Zischen und Klopfen in Ohren bei Schwerhörigkeit; beim Nasenschnauben Knacken im Ohr. - - Stechender Schmerz in Ohren.

- Vermehrte Absonderung von Ohrenschmalz. - - Ausfluss übel riechenden Eiters.

- Jucken am Äußern Ohr. - - Schorf an und hinter den Ohren.

Nase: Larynx mit entzündlicher Geschwulst der Nase, schmerzt wie beim Geschwür, auch mit Husten. - - Bei Berührung ein empfindlicher Schmerz auf Nasenrücken.

- Scharfer Geruchsinn; bei Schwindel. - - Nasenbluten. nach Singen. - - Jucken in Nase.

Gesicht: Schorfige Ausschläge, die bei Berührung weh tun.

- Gelbe Gesichtsfarbe mit blauen Rändern um Augen. - - Hitze und Röte im Gesicht.

- Morgens erysipelatöse Geschwulst der Backen. - - Gesichtsknochen schmerzen bei Berührung. - - Geschwüre bei Berührung schmerzhaft

- Jucken um den Mund. - - Unterlippe in der Mitte aufgesprungen.

- Geschwüre an im Mundwinkel/Lippen und Kinn, schmerzhaft berührend.

- Empfindlicher/schmerzhafter Pickel am roten Oberlipperand

- Ausschlag in Mundwinkeln mit Hitzeempfinden - Juckende Pickel am Kinn.

Zähne: Hohle Zähne, „Als ob zu lang und Schmerz in denselben“.

- Zahnfleisch und Mund sind bei Berührung schmerzhaft, bluten leicht. - - Zähne locker

- Zahnschmerz, im warmen Zimmer stärker; beim Zusammenbeißen der Zähne.

Zunge etc: Geschmack: faulig; metallisch; bitter. - - Hastiges Sprechen.

- Zungenspitze tut weh und ist wund.

Mund: Geschwüre am Zahnfleisch und im Munde mit speckiger Basis.

Schlund: Beim Schlucken Kratzen im Hals. - - Aufräuspern von Schleim.

- Geschwulst der Mandeln und Halsdrüsen. - - Trocken im Hals.

- Rachen ist schlimm, mit Kratzen hindert am Sprechen nicht am Schlucken.

- Stiche im Rachen bis zum Ohr, < Schlucken von Speisen.

- Empfindung als säße Gräte o. Splitter im Schlund  - „Wie Pflock im Rachen“.

Magen: Appetit: auf Säuren; Weinsäure/Herzhaftes

- Vormittags Hunger. - - Viel Durst. - - Widerwillen gegen Fett.

- Nach mäßigem Essen Schwere und Druck im Magen..

Übelkeit und Erbrechen: Häufiges, geruch- und geschmackloses Aufstoßen. - - „Als steige beständig Wasser in Speiseröhre hinauf“, Als ob Saures gegessen hätte“.

- Sodbrennen  - - Häufige aber nur augenblickliche Anfälle von Übelkeit.

- Anfälle von Übelkeit mit Kälte und Blässe. - - Allmorgendliches Erbrechen.

- Brechneigung mit Speichelfluss aus dem Munde.

- Auftreibung in Herzgrube, muss Kleider lockern .

- Magen häufig und leicht in Unordnung. - - Magendrücken nach mäßigem Essen.

- Geschwulst und Druck in der Magengegend. - - Brennen im Magen.

Bauch: Auftreibung in Herzgrube, muss Kleider lockern..

- Stiche: in Lebergegend; in Milzgegend beim Gehen.

- Kolik/colic. mit trocknem rauen Husten. - - Poltern im Bauch.

- Zusammenziehende Bauchschmerzen. - - Gärung über Nabel mit Aufstoßen heißer Luft.

- Geschwulst und Eiterung der Leistendrüsen.

Stuhl etc: Verstopfung. Stuhlentleerung hart und trocken; besonders zugleich mit Aus-schlag in Ellbogenbeuge o. Kniekehle. - - Fäces ist nicht hart, geht aber schwer ab.

- Durchfallartige Stühle: weiß und stinkend, Kind riecht sauer; sauer riechend und weißlich; lehmfarben; grün, schleimig, sauer riechend; mit Tenesmus.

- Durchfall: < tagsüber/zum Essen/nach dem Trinken von kaltem Wasser.

- Dysenterische Stühle; schwierige Ausleerungen weicher Stühle o. von blutigem Schleim mit Tenesmus. Brennen im After. - - Hämorrhoiden treten hervor.

- Blutung aus dem After bei weichem Stuhl. - - Schweiß am Perineum.

Harnorgane: Urin dunkelrot + heiß/blutig/scharf/brennend/am Praeputium corrodirend.

- Harn ging zögernd und ohne Anstrengung ab, Empfinden, „Als ob Blase nicht gänzlich entleert“. - - Beim Urinieren Brennen in Harnröhre.

- Beim Urinieren Empfindlichkeit in Harnröhre.

- Entzündung und Röte an Orificium der Urethra. - - Nächtliches Bettnässen.

Männliche Geschlechtsorgane: Geschlechtstrieb, mit schwachen Erektionen.

- Abgang von Prostatasaft zum Harnen und allein bei harter Stuhlentleerung auch unabhängig

- Jucken am Penis und am Frenulum praeputii. - - Schankerartige Geschwüre an Vorhaut.

- Mercurialisirte Schanker. - - Secundäre Syphilis.

Weibliche Geschlechtsorgane: Blutkongestion zum Uterus. - - Menorrhagie bei Frauen mit aufgesprungener Haut und Rhagaden an Händen und Füßen.

- Metritis mit brennenden, klopfenden Schmerzen. - - Uterusgeschwüre mit blutiger Eiterabsonderung, welche nach altem Käse riecht; Rand der Geschwüre ist empfindlich und häufig die Empfindung, dass es in den Geschwüren pulsiert.

- Viel Jucken o. kleine Pickel um das Geschwür. - - Leukorrhoe mit Schärfe in der Vulva.

Schwangerschaft: Häufig kurze Anwandlungen von Übelkeit. - - Brüste geschwollen, zwar bei Berührung nicht empfindlich, aber kann Treppen nicht hinauf o. hinuntergehen.

- Brustkrebs mit Stechen, Brennen an den Rändern; riecht wie alter Käse.

- Kleine Pickel o. weiche Geschwüre umgeben Scirrhus o. Hauptgeschwürbildung.

Larynx: Heiserkeit, Rauheit im Hals. - - Kehlkopf ist gegen kalte Luft empfindlich.

- Es pfeift ihm im Larynx und zugleich schmerzt eine kleine Stelle in demselben.

- Krupp mit tiefem/rauem, bellendem Husten; Heiserkeit o. Aphonie, mit leichten Erstic-kungskrämpfen; etwas Schleimrasseln; nach trocknem, kaltem Wind; mit Geschwulst unter Larynx, empfindLICH vor kalte Luft o. kaltes Wasser; Husten < vor Mitternacht/gegen Morgen.

Atmung: Rasseln/ängstlich/keuchend/häufiges Tiefatmen wie wenn schnell gelaufen; ängstlich/kurz/keuchend/Erstickung droht, muss Kopf zurückbiegen und aufsitzen.

Husten: Kruppös, heiser; trocken; locker und würgend; mit blutigem Auswurf; erregt Erbrechen; Keuchhusten, mit kruppartigem Ton, Schmerz im Kehlkopf, Würgen von Schleim im Larynx; < morgens  - - Verursacht durch: Kaltwerden der Glieder; durch kaltes Essen o. Trinken; kalte Luft; Liegen im Bett; Sprechen; Weinen; Trinken.

- Zum Husten: Niesen; Weinen.

Brust: „Als ob heißes Wasser in l. Brust tropfte.“ - - Wundheitsempfinden in Brust.

- Schwäche in Brust, kann vor Schwäche nicht sprechen. - - Zäher Schleim auf der Brust.

- Sprechend schnürt es sich ihm krampfhaft in der Brust zusammen.

- Herzklopfen, mit feinem Stechen im Herzen und in l. Brusthälfte.

- Harter, voller beschleunigter Puls, zuweilen intermittierend.

Hals, Rücken: Starke Pulsation der Karotis  - - Ziehen zwischen Schulterblättern.

Glieder: Zerschlagenheitsempfinden im Kreuz und in Oberschenkeln.

- Stechen und rheumatische Schmerzen im Rücken.

- Achseldrüsen eitern  - - Übelriechender Schweiß in Achselhöhle.

- Reißen in Armen, erstr. bis zu eiternden Stelle in Brust .

- Os humeri schmerzt „Wie zerschlagen“. - - Cystengeschwulst an der Spitze des Ellbogens.

- Handteller jucken. - - Juckende, raue, trockne, abschälende Haut an den Händen.

- Finger sind wie tod. - - Prickeln in Fingerspitzen. - - Panaritium.

- Gehend in freier Luft schmerzt l. Hüfte, „Als ob verrenkt“.

- Hinterbacke und Oberschenkel hinten tun beim Sitzen weh. - Kniegeschwulst.

- Zerschlagenheitsschmerz in Muskeln vorn an Oberschenkeln.

- Knien schmerzen „Wie gequetscht“.  - - Krämpfe in Waden; in Sohlen und Zehen.

- Geschwulst der Füße um die Knöchel mit Atembeschwerden. -

- Prickeln in beiden Hacken. - - Brennende, stechende Schmerzen in den Zehen.

- Haut an den Füßen ist aufgesprungen. - - Kalte Füße  - - Prickeln in Zehen..

- Schwäche + Zerschlagenheitsempfinden .

- Ziehende Schmerzen in Gliedern (morgens erwachend).

Nerven: Zitterige Schwäche nach Tabakrauchen/Ohnmachtsanfall von leichtem Schmerz. - - Krämpfe nach Verletzung, wie Druck auf den Kopf; Trismus in Neugeborenen: .Schlaf: Schläfrig am Tage, < gegen Abend; mit häufigem, fast krampfhaftem Gähnen.

- Überfülle an Gedanken verhindert Schlaf nach Mitternacht.

- Auffahren einschlafend. - - Träume: ängstlich; von Feuer.

- Fährt aus dem Schlaf auf mit dem Empfinden, „Als ob erstickend“

- Erwacht in nachts mit Erektion und Drang zum Urinieren.

Frost, Fieber, Schweiß: Nächtlicher Frost im Bett + < aller Beschwerden.

- Tags über Frost # Hitze und Photophobie - - Frost um 18 o. 19 h.

- Frost, darauf Durst; eine Stunde später viel Hitze, wodurch der Schlaf unterbrochen wird.

- Starkes Frösteln in freier Luft. - - Hitzeüberlaufen mit Schweiß.

- Während der ganzen Nacht trockne, brennende Hitze mit Gesichtsröte und DURST.

- Schwitzt Tag und Nacht ohne Erleichterung; o. kann zuerst gar nicht schwitzen und schwitzt dann reichlich; leicht selbst von geringer Bewegung. - Nacht- o. Morgen-Schweiß mit Durst. - - Kalter, klebriger, häufig saurer o. übel riechender Schweiß.

Empfindungen: Nachts schmerzhaft wundes Empfinden an der Seite, auf welcher er liegt; muss Lage ändern.

Gewebe: Rheumatische Geschwulst mit Hitze, Röte und Empfindung wie verrenkt.

- Karies  - - Drüsen entzünden sich, schwellen und eitern. - - Harte, brennende Knoten.

Haut: Gelbe Hautfarbe. - - Weiße Blasen entstehen, nachdem er sich wegen brennenden

Juckens am Körper gekratzt hat.

- Feuchte, wunde Stellen an Genitalien, Skrotum und Falten zwischen Skrotum und Oberschenkel. - - Ausschläge, empfindlich sind und bei Berührung schmerzen.

- Kreisförmiger Miliarausschlag  - - Juckender Ausschlag in der Knie- und Ellbogenbeuge.

- Nessel-Ausschlag. - - Trockne Knötchen-Ausschläge. - - Ekzem, welches sich mittels neuer Knötchen ausbreitet, die gerade über den früher befallenen Stellen erscheinen.

- Unheilsame süchtige Haut, die selbst bei leichten Verletzungen eitert und schwärt.

- Geschwüre: sondern blutigen Eiter ab, welcher nach altem Käse  riecht; die Ränder sind sehr empfindlich mit dem Empfinden des Pulsierens darin; mit ätzende Absonderung.

- Stechen, Brennen in Geschwürrändern  



   *   Vulnerability. Oversensitivity.


   -   Sense of no protection, no barriers against things from outside.

   -   Feel everything can hurt/must do things to protect themselves.

   -   Marry into a wealthy family to ensure security.

   -   OVERsensitive to pain (Cham/Coff). inTOLerant of suffering.

       Great suffering over minor troubles. Complaining.

   -   Sensitive to seeing or hearing terrible things, accidents (blood). Feel as if it's

       happening to themselves.- -   Nervous excitement. Great hurry in speaking, eating, etc. 

   -   REACT abusive, angry, rude, when they feel their security is threatened. Irritable.

   -   Later: Impulse to kill [holding a knife (Alum)].Impulse to set things on fire.

   -   Hypochondriacal anxiety about health. Suicidal depression.

   -   Fear of injury (dentist, bees, accidents), being alone at night, of fire. Agoraphobia.

   -   Children: Irritable. Intolerant of contradiction.

GENERALITIES: - -   CHILLY  - -   << cold. < touching cold things.

   -   << uncovering (single parts). - -   << draft. < Dry cold air.

   -   > Wet weather. - -   Fainting, nausea from pain.

   -   SPLINTER-LIKE pains, stitching (Arg-n, Kali-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Sil).

   -   Suppurations and swelling of glands. - -   LONG-standing SUPpurations (Calc-s).

   -   Discharges offenSIVE (old cheese)/sour.

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -   Desire: SOUR, vinegar, pickles, fat, spices. - -   Aversion: Fat.

HEAD: - -   Sensitive to cold air, uncovering.

EYE: - -   Purulent Konjunktivitis with great sensitiveness to air, touch, > warmth.

   -   Eruptions on eyelids. - -   Ulcers of cornea. Iritis. Blepharitis.

EAR: - -   OTITIS (Bell, Cham, Merc, Puls) with stitching pain, > warmth.

   -   Otorrhea, offensive like old cheese. - -   Ears very sensitive to wind.

NOSE: - -   Sinusitis.

FACE: - -   Acne, leaving scars  - -   Crack in middle of lip.

TEETH: - -   Abscesses  - -   Unbearable pain.

THROAT: - -   Inflammation, tonsillitis. Suppuration.

   -   Stitching pain as from splinter, fish-bone on swallowing.

       Pain extends to ear, on tearning head, yawning.

ABDOMEN: - -   Abscess of liver  - -   Suppuration of inguinal glands.

STOOL: - -   Sour.

BLADDER - -   Weakness, < old men. Urine voided slowly, dribbling. Drops fall vertically.

URETHRA: - -   Sensation of splinter in urethra.

MALE GENITALIA:- - Offensive condylomata.- - Herpes. Humid eruptions. - - Prostatitis.

FEMALE GENITALIA: - -   Leucorrhea, offensive, like old cheese.

   -   Abscess of labia, ovaries.

LARYNX: - -   CROUP: From cold dry wind or air, < evening, untill midnight.

   -   Hoarseness. Laryngitis.

RESPIRATION - -   Asthmatic, wheezing, > dampness. - -   Rattling.

COUGH: - -   Dry, hoarse, barking < evening till midnight; loose morning.

       < Cold, uncovering a part, cold food or drinks, draft.

   -   Weeping before or during cough.

CHEST: - -   Abscess. Mastitis. - -   Bronchitis. Pneumonia. - -   Abscess, boils in axilla.

EXTREMITIES: - -   FELON  - -   Coldness. Raynaud (Carb-v, Sep).

PERSPIRATION: - -   Strong-smelling. Sour.

SKIN: - -   ABSCESSES, BOILS, fistulas, ulcers. Very sensitive to touch.

       Discharging offensive.

   -   Warts. Eczema. Fissures. - -   Unhealthy skin. Suppurates. Heals slowly.

   -   Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies (Anag, Sil).

DREAMS: - -   Fire.



Gemüt: Zurückhaltend, reserviert (morgens)

Zorn (Kleinigkeit/Kinder/heftig/bei Geräusch/könnte jeden erstechen)

Zeit - vergeht zu langsam, scheint länger

Widerwillen/Widerspruch unverträglich Widerspruch/widerspricht/Widerspenstig

Weinen (Schluchzen mit Weinen/im Schlaf/nach o. während o. vor Husten/ während Frost/bitterlich, bitter/nachts/<)

Wahnideen - Wolken/Visionen (schrecklich/im Bett)/unangenehm/sieht tote Personen (morgens erwachend erschreckt durch Bilder von Toten)/ Phantasiegebilde, Illusionen/Familienangehörigen seien krank/Gespenster, Geister, Gestalten/Feuer

(Welt steht in Flammen/Visionen/(Nachbar)haus brennt)/ermordet (würde ermordet werden/

müsse jemanden ermorden)/Bilder, Phantome (schreckliche)/sei arm/morgens im Bett)

Verzweiflung (während Frost)

Verwirrt geistig (nach Schlaf/durch geistige Anstrengung/erwachend)

Verweilt bei vergangenen unangenehmen Ereignissen/erinnert Unangenehmes


Verlangen, Wunsch nach nichts/alles erscheint verkehrt


Veränderungen - Verlangt

Urteilsvermögen; Mangel an/Unterscheidungsvermögen; Mangel an

Unzufrieden (mit sich selbst/immer/mit anderen/mit allem)

Unhöflich/Ungestüm (mit Schweiß)/Ungeduld/Ungerechtigkeit; erträgt keine

Traurig (mit Suizidneigung/nach Quecksilbergebrauch/(Gehend) im Freien/ während Frost/Ausstrecken auf dem Sofa/ängstlich/wenn allein/abends/m0rgens)

Traum; wie im

Töten, Verlangen zu (plötzlicher Impuls (Kind ins Feuer zu werfen/zu töten)/mit Messer/geliebte Menschen/Friseur will Kunden töten/bei Betrunkenheit/plötzlicher Impuls wegen einer geringen Beleidigung zu töten)/wünscht sich den Tod, möchte sterben/ Vorahnung des Todes/Suizidneigung; Neigung zum Selbstmord (durch Traurigkeit/beim Schweiß/während qualvoller Angst/aus Hypochondrie/Gedanken an Selbstmord/durch Ertränken/durch Erschießen/sich anzuzünden/abends)

Testament aufzusetzen; weigert sich, ein

Stupor (morgens)/Stumpf (hustend/durch geistige Anstrengung)

Streitsüchtig (im Schlaf)/Stöhnt nachts

Stimmung, Laune - abweisend, zurückweisend

Sprache nicht zusammenhängend/undeutlich - Worte kommen hervor und Sprache überschlägt sich/hastig/delirös während Frost wenn er aufgeweckt wird/Murmeln

Spontan, impulsiv

Spielen abgeneigt - Kinder

Sorgenvoll um Verwandte/Gehen im Freien/wenn allein

Sitzen geneigt (versunken und nichts wahrnehmend; wie in tiefen, traurigen Gedanken - beim Schwindel/unbeweglich, still)/Schweigsam (sitzt unbeweglich /morgens)

Sinne vergehen, schwinden/abgestumpft, stumpf

Schreien (im Schlaf (springt aus dem Bett und schreit um Hilfe)/< Husten/um Hilfe (springt vom Bett auf/im Schlaf)

Schreckliches und traurige Geschichten greifen sie stark an

Schlagen (bei Betrunkenheit)

Sachlich, vernünftig

Ruhelos (bei Schläfrigkeit/ treibt aus dem Bett/Herumwerfen im Bett/ängstlich/ nachts/abends - im Bett)

Reizbar, gereizt (beim Schweiß o. Schmerz/durch Kleinigkeit/während Hitze o. Frost/morgens - nach Aufstehen)

Redselig; geschwätzig (hört nicht zu/bei Betrunkenheit)

Raserei, Tobsucht, Wut (versucht Menschen zu töten)

Philosophie - Fähigkeit zu

Phantasien übertrieben, hochfliegend (mit Schlaflosigkeit/nachts)

Pflicht - kein Pflichtempfinden

Pelz; hüllt sich im Sommer in

Neue Ideen, Einfälle abgeneigt/Musik abgeneigt

Mürrisch (beim Schweiß/nach Schmerz/um Kleinigkeit/bei Kindern/während Frost/ abends/morgens)

Moralischem Empfinden; Mangel an (Neigung Verbrecher zu werden, ohne Reue)

Manie (nach unterdrückten Hautausschlägen)

Leidenschaftlich/Lebhaft, munter

Lebensüberdruss (beim Schweiß/abends)

Launenhaft, launisch (weist gefragte Dinge, sobald er sie bekommt)

Lästig, geht auf die Nerven


Lacht niemals/ Kurz angebunden, barsch (schroff)

Kleinigkeiten scheinen wichtig, bedeutend


Impulse, Triebe; krankhafte

Imbezillität mit sexueller Erregung

Ideen, Einfälle - Reichtum an, Klarheit des Geistes (nachts)/Mangel an

Hypochondrie (treibt zum Selbstmord)

Homöopathie abgeneigt

Hinterhältig, hinterlistig, falsch, verschlagen - meineidig

Heftig, vehement (durch Schmerz/über Kleinigkeiten/Raserei, die zu Gewalttaten führt/abends - über Kleinigkeiten)

Hautausschlägen; Gemütssymptome nach unterdrückten

Hast, Eile (beim Trinken/Essen/Beschäftigung)

Hass (Hass und Rachsucht)/Hartherzig, unerbittlich/Grausamkeit

Gleichgültig, Apathie (gegen Verwandte/Vergnügen/morgens - beim Erwachen)

Gewissenhaft, peinlich genau in Bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

Gesten, Gebärden; macht (zornig, wütend/schrecklich/heftig/unwillkürliche Handbewegungen - zupft an Bettwäsche

Gesellschaft - Verlangt (> in Gesellschaft/< wenn allein)/Abgeneigt (von engsten Freunden/von Fremden beim Urinieren)


Geistige Anstrengung - braucht Wein zur geistigen Arbeit/abgeneigt/< (unmöglich)

Geisteskrankheit, Wahnsinn (nach unterdrückten Hautausschlag/bei Alkoholikern)

Geistesabwesend (bei Schwindel)

Gehen  im Freien - < Gemütssymptome

Empfindungslos, hartherzig

Gefahr - hat kein Empfinden für Gefahr

Gedanken  vergehen, schwinden durch geistige Anstrengung/bei Arbeit)/ unange-nehm/überlegt/Gedankenandrang, einstürmende Gedanken, Gedankenfluss (durch Schlaflosigkeit/nachts)

Gedächtnisverlust (durch Furcht/für Worte/durch Schreck/durch Schmerz/für Orte/ für das, was er gesagt hat/für Eigennamen)

Froh - niemals/im Bett/morgens

Feuer - möchte Dinge anzünden


Fehler; macht - sprechend (stellt Worte an falsche Stelle/benutzt falsche Worte)/ beim Schreiben

Faul (Gedanken neue Ideen abgeneigt/morgens)

Erschreckt leicht erwachend/Erregung (während Frost/nachts)/Entrüstung

Erschöpfung.; geistige

Entmutigt (durch Schmerz)/Entfremdet von Familie

Empfindlich (gegen Sinneseindrücke/ist außer sich vor Schmerz/Schmerz/ Geräusche/geistige o. äußerliche  Eindrücke/während Frost)

Eigensinnig, starrköpfig, dickköpfig

Droht (droht zu töten (Ehefrau und Kinder)/Destruktivität, Zerstörungswut

Delirium (schrecklich/rasend/während Fieber/brummt/wenn aufgeweckt wird/ ängstlich/nachts/morgens (erwachend)


Boshaft (mit Zorn)

Bittet um nichts

Bewusstlos (vorübergehend/durch Schmerz/gehend im Freien/während Frost/ nachts (erwachend)/Betäubung

Beschwerden durch - unterdrückten Zorn/Uneinigkeit zwischen Eltern o. Freunden

Beschimpfen, beleidigen, schmähen (bei Betrunkenheit)

Berührt zu werden abgeneigt

Auf-/Zusammenfahren (einschlafend/durch o. im Schlaf/nach Essen/ ängstlich/ mittags)

Arzneimittel, homöopathische abgeneigt

Antworten - Stupor kehrt schnell nach Antworten wieder/hastig, überstürzt

Angst (in Bezug auf Zukunft/beim Erwachen aus schrecklichen Träume/mit Suizid- neigung/im Schlaf/einschlafend/mit Müdigkeit/Liegen/beim Husten/um Gesundheit von Verwandten/Gehen (</im Freien)/mit Furcht/während Frost o. Fieber/im Freien/um seine Familie/erwachend/treibt aus dem Bett/im Bett/berührt zu werden/ um andere/wenn allein/nachts (vor o. nach Mitternacht (1 h - 1 - 3 h)/abends (im Bett)/Qualvolle Angst (nachts/abends)/Furcht [Wespen/verletzt zu werden/entstellt zu werden/nicht zu genesen/Unheil/Unglück/mit Traurigkeit/Tod/Schlangen/Menses/in Menschenmenge/Menschen/im Freien/drohender Krankheit (< Gehen im Freien)/hochgelegenen Orten/Gewitter/i.B. auf Gesundheit geliebter Menschen/erwachend/Bienen/berührt zu werden/allein zu sein (nachts)/nachts/abends]

Amüsement, Vergnügen abgeneigt


Abscheu vor dem Leben (abends)/allgemein (abends)

Abneigung gegen bestimmte Orte/bestimmte Personen/Familienangehörige

[C. Hering]

Mind: Great weakness of memory with the irritability.

Dementia, with complete stupidity, sits silent and speechless in a corner.

Delirious mutterings, with burning heat of body.

Frightful imaginings.

Frightful visions of fire and of dead persons.

Hasty speech and hasty drinking.

Violent, fretful, passionate; spoke with great volubility, would not listen to any remarks offered. θ Mind affection.

On awaking, rushed home with frightful gestures, threatened to murder wife and children, attempted to set house on fire, and was with difficulty controlled; after being received in an asylum,

sat in corner of room silent and motionless; urine and faeces passed involuntarily; whole surface of body covered with scabious eruption; restless at night. θ Scabies.

Malicious mood; feels as if he could murder some one with pleasure.

Repulsive mood, with desire to be left alone.

Child does not incline to play or to amuse itself in any way; does not laugh.

Depressed or irritable mood.

Sad mood for hours; must cry vehemently.

Low spirited, even to thoughts of suicide.

Great anxiety in the evening.

Melancholy humor, cries bitterly; unreasonably anxious.

Impelled by unaccountable attacks of internal anguish, which sometimes come on quite suddenly, to attempt suicide.

Violent fright on slumbering.

The slightest cause irritates him and makes him extremely vehement.

Violent, passionate fretfulness; she spoke with such volubility that one could not always get a chance to reason with her, and she would not listen to the most just remarks. θ Affection of mind.


Temper obstinate and cross, a ferocious spleen which would lead to cold blooded murder even among those habitually gay and benevolent.

Wrathful irritability, even to most extreme violence, threatening to end in murder and arson.

Extreme discontent, indisposition to everything.

Peevish; angry at least trifle.


Vertigo: mornings; when closing eyes, at siesta; evening, with nausea; when riding in a carriage; during dinner, after belching, with blackness before eyes, when shaking head.

Short attacks of stupidity, vertigo, dullness of mind and want of memory.

Forepart of head feels stupefied and heavy.

Fainty giddiness when riding in a carriage or when shaking head, with headache and obscuration of sight.

Fainting from slightest pains; evenings.

Head: Aching in forehead: as if bruised; like a boil; from midnight till morning.

Burrowing headache in frontal region as if an abscess were forming.

Violent headache, at night, as if forehead would be torn out, with general heat, without thirst.

Headache with a feeling as if eyes would be drawn back into head.

Tensive, aching pain above nose.

Headache over eyes pressing down upon eyes.

Pressure and drawing in temples by day.

Painful throbbing in right temple.

Aching in vertex, with palpitation of heart, in evening.

Stitches in head, when stooping; sensation as if skull would burst, waking him at night.

Sticking headache.

Hammering sensation in head.

Burrowing, sharp headache, neuralgic in character.

Boring headache: at root of nose, every morning; in right temple, from without inwards; < from motion or stooping.

Pressure in head, semi-lateral, as from a plug or dull nail, at night, and when waking in morning; < when moving eyes and on stooping; > when rising and from binding head up tight.

Constant pressive pain in one-half of brain, as from a plug or nail.

Wabbling “As of water in brain”.

Sense of swashing in head.

Headache when shaking head.

Headache > by tying something tightly around head.

Dull headache every morning in bed, > after rising.

Morning headache, < from every concussion.

Lancinating headache, > when walking in open air.

Headache from abuse of mercury.

Traumatic cerebritis, in infants and children, with spasms.

Pulse-like stitches in lower portion of occiput.

Pressive pain externally right of occiput, gradually ext. nape, throat and shoulder blades.

Severe stitches in occiput and both temples, as if plug or nail were being driven in.

Head bent backward, with swelling below larynx; violent pulsation of carotids, rattling breathing.

Sensitiveness of scalp to touch, with burning and itching in morning after rising (after abuse of mercury).

Extreme sensitiveness of scalp, could hardly bear to comb her hair or have anything touch the head.

Disposed to take cold from uncovering head.

Burning itching on scalp, from forehead to occiput.

Nightly pain in skull bones.

Nodosities on head, sore to touch, > by covering head warmly and from sweat.

Painful tumors on head; sebaceous tumors inflamed and ready to discharge.

Boils on head and neck, very sore on contact.

Falling off of hair, with very sore, painful pimples, and large bald spots on scalp.

Loss of hair following mercurialization or chronic headache.

Cold, clammy perspiration, smelling sour, principally on head and face, with aversion to being uncovered; < from least exercise and during night; > from warmth and when at rest.

Fissured eruption behind and on both ears, exuding a thick, gluey secretion, which mats hair; resents with force on attempt to place finger on head; utter abhorrence to be bathed, during

which she would scream and fight.

Humid eruptions: feel sore; of fetid odor; itching violently on rising in morning; burning and feeling sore on scratching; scabs easily torn off, leaving a raw, bleeding surface.

Favus, ext. nape of neck or face.

Eyes: Inflammation of ciliary body.

Purulent capsulitis after extraction of cataract.

Prolapsus iridis.

Iritis with Hypopion or associated with small abscesses in iris (suppurative iritis).

Anterior chamber about half filled with pus; eye sensitive to light and air, and must be covered; no syphilitic origin. θ Iritis with Hypopion.

After injury to eye, violent inflammation; sclerotica looks like raw beef; light intolerable; feeling as of sand in eye; in anterior chamber a collection of pus apparently about two lines in diameter;

meditates suicide, especially in evening. θ Hypopion.


Cornea dim, opaque and bulging, with a blister-like elevation, as large as end of knitting needle, in centre, forming base of an open ulcer; Hypopion; fever with pressing, burning, bruised pain in eyes, extending into head. θ Hypopion.

For three months left cornea so hazy that iris could hardly be seen, and for two months right cornea had gradually become involved from periphery toward centre; both cornea opaque and vision lost; considerable pain in eyes and head, with iritis; great ciliary injection and excessive dread of light; lachrymation; no history of syphilis.

Severe inflammation in cornea and iris of left eye; cornea ulcerated superficially, much ciliary injection, pupil contracted, iris sluggish, great photophobia and lachrymation, much pain extending from eye into corresponding side of head, < at night, especially about 2 or 3 am.; seat of pain in head, as well as eye, quite sore to touch; lids considerably swollen and slight discharge. θ Kerato-iritis.

Kerato-iritis with ulceration of cornea, Hypopion, sensitive to air and touch.

Ulcers and abscesses of cornea, especially for deep sloughing form and when Hypopion is present; intense photophobia; profuse lachrymation; great redness of cornea and conjunctiva, even chemosis;

pains severe, of a throbbing, aching, stinging character; > from warmth, so that he constantly wishes to keep eye covered; < from any draught of air; at night or in evening lids often swollen, spasmodically closed and very sensitive to touch, or may be red, swollen and bleed easily upon opening.

Sclerotic violet red, cornea dim; great photophobia and lachrymation; lower lids swollen. θ Ulceration of cornea.

Recurring ulceration of cornea in ophthalmia scrofulosa.

Torpid ulceration of cornea; where there is a want of lachrymal secretion.

Red, vascular, elevated ulcer, like a piece of red flesh, at margin of cornea.

Opacities of cornea.

Acute aggravation of pannus, which tends toward ulceration (mercurialized subjects).

Epithelioma of cornea.

Herpes conjunctiva bulbi; enlarged veins, run nearly horizontally towards cornea, and terminating in little blisters near edge of cornea; < from crying.

Eyes very red, great photophobia, lids red and swollen, with burning pain in affected parts. θ Ophthalmia.

Inflammation of eyes and lids; sore to touch; lachrymation.

Catarrhal inflammation and blenorrhoea of eyes; lids inflamed, excoriated, running, as if corroded, especially at inner canthus; internal surface of lids, especially of lower, of deep red color and inflamed; heat (morning on waking); pain, “As of a burn”, smarting, itching in lids; lids and angles agglutinated in morning by purulent mucus; conjunctiva red, traversed by large vessels; photophobia; in evening, vision of colored and dim halos around candle, with pressive pain forcing her to shut eyes occasionally.

Inflammation of eye, small ulcer on left cornea; eyeballs slightly swollen; eyes closed by swelling at night, and discharging much purulent mucus; hair fell off profusely, leaving bald places on scalp; scabs on head, face and neck, painful when touched; itching in scalp; frequent calls to stool, with difficult evacuations; sour smelling sweat at night; peevish, fretful humor.

Violent pain over right eyebrow; excessive lachrymation of l. eye;

left pupil much dilated, not sensitive even to strong light; r. pupil normal; conjunctiva reddened from canthi, but not on cornea; sensation as if eyes projected; painful pressure in eyeball as if bruised; acute bruised pain on slightest touch. θ Foreign body in eye.

Purulent conjunctivitis with profuse discharge and excessive sensitiveness to air and touch.

Catarrhal conjunctivitis after inflammatory stage has passed.

Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, especially in phlegmatic, fat, large bellied children, with fine white skin, light hair, thick neck and swollen glands, subject to eruptions and ulcerations of skin.

Chronic inflammation of eyes, with great photophobia, lachrymation and mucous discharge; formation of ulcers with pressing, burning pains as if eyes were bruised.

Symptomatic forms of chronic catarrh of conjunctiva with infarction of Meibomian glands and purulent secretion, in scrofulous subjects.

Stitches in the eyes.

Pressure in eyes, especially on moving them, with redness.

Eyes ache from bright daylight, when moving them.

Pain in eye at each step.

Eyeballs sore to touch; pain as if they would be drawn back into head.

Pressing pain in eyeballs, feel bruised when touched.

Pressure in eyes as from sand.

Eyes are protruded. θ Croup.

Dacryo-cystitis and orbital cellulitis, especially if pus has formed and there is great sensitiveness to touch, with throbbing pain; prevents formation of pus or accelerates its discharge.

Inflammation of lachrymal sac after pus has formed; blenorrhoea, with great sensitiveness to touch and to cold, with profuse discharge.

Lachrymal duct closed by an exudative swelling; constant lachrymation; had existed a long time.

Burning pains in bones above orbits.

Smarting pain in external canthus, with accumulation of hardened mucus.

Cutting pain in outer canthus.


Redness, inflammation and swelling of upper lid, with pain more pressing than sticking.

Lids closed in morning on waking, cannot open them for a long time.

Blepharophthalmia when Meibomian glands are involved, and when little pimples surround the inflamed eye.

After frequent straining of eyes, inflammation of glands of both eyelids; lids swollen, palpebral conjunctiva inflamed, erysipelatous; at outer canthi lids as if corroded and ulcerated; secretion of glands increased; eyes agglutinated in morning; every effort and light cause pain.

Upper lid margins unevenly rounded, swollen and red; tough mucus in lashes and canthi; scleral conjunctiva injected with red vessels running towards cornea, where they form little vesicles with turbid secretion; lachrymation; pain in evening, agglutination in morning; right eye worse; small pimples or little furuncles on face, or elsewhere, in complication with tinea.

Acute phlegmonous inflammation of lids, which tends toward suppuration; lids swollen, tense and shining, as if erysipelas had invaded them, with throbbing, aching, stinging pain and sensitiveness to touch; pains < cold, > warmth.

Blepharitis; after the first stage, when suppuration threatens; lids inflamed, throbbing, aching, stinging, very sensitive to touch; > heat.

Chronic ciliary blepharitis complicated with swelling of Meibomian glands, or ulcers and swellings on margin of lid, which are painful in evening and upon touch.

Palpebral tumors.

Spasmodically closed eyelids (at night).

Eczema palpebrarum, where scabs are thick and honeycombed.

Little pimples surround inflamed eyes.

Vision: Photophobia.

Objects appear to be red.

Feeling of blindness before eyes on rising and standing up after sitting bent over.

Sight becomes dim when reading.

Eyes become dim, cannot see well in evening by candle light.

Anesthesia of retina, the result of looking at an eclipse; sees a light spot in centre of field of vision, surrounded by a dark ring, and again by a lighter ring, all of which were constantly turning and changing into various colors, especially green; < coming into room from bright sunlight; feeling as if eyes were being pulled back into head, with photophobia; vision 21/100; field of vision very much contracted.

Flickering before eyes; pupils dilated and insensible to light; after abuse of mercury.

photophobia # unusually clear and distinct vision in dark part of room; everything appearing illuminated; at times objects appeared red;

Ears: Whizzing and throbbing in ears, with hardness of hearing.

Cracking in ear when blowing nose.

Darting pain in ears.

Increase of earwax.

Discharge of fetid pus from ears.

Canal filled with white, cheesy, bloody pus, and surrounding skin scurfy and irritated; little pustules in meatus and auricle, wherever pus touched; hemorrhage from slightest touch; > from hot applications, cannot bear anything cold.

Itching of ears, green discharge; liquid wax.

Itching in ears.

Hearing: hardness of hearing.

Nose: Nosebleed (after singing).

On blowing nose unpleasant sensation in left side of nose with whizzing and snapping in ear.

Blowing nose causes a raw feeling in side of nose.

The nose feels sore as if bruised.

Contractive sensation in nose.

Itching in nose, causing sneezing.

Nose stopped up in morning.

Febrile fluent coryza if it gets dry, especially with scrofulous and rachitic children; hoarseness, or hollow, croupy cough.

Heat and burning in nose; ulcerative pain in nostrils; drawing pain in nose passing into eyes, becoming a smarting there; pain lasts far into night; annoying occlusion of nostrils; crusts and scabs; interior of nose painful and sensitive to air and touch.

Fluent coryza, with continual necessity to blow nose, which yields a thin, badly smelling slime; sometimes yellowish, sticky matter drops out of one nostril.

Coryza, with inflammatory swelling of nose, painful like from a boil; also with cough.

Blowing of offensive mucus from nose.

Mucus from posterior nares mixed with blood.

Nasal discharge thick and purulent, sometimes tinged with blood.

Offensive smelling discharge from nose, which is swollen and red; scabs in nose; loss of smell; eyes inflamed, lids red, excoriated and burning, as if raw; photophobia.

Violent pain in bony part of nose with thick mucopurulent discharge from one nostril; > in dry weather; < on approach of rain, or in changeable weather; after abuse of mercury.

Four years ago discharge of bone as large as pea from left nostril, preceded by severe neuralgic pains in region of l. orbit, followed by discharge of mucus, which, after a few months became very profuse and purulent; dizziness and headache.

Scurfy formation in right half of nose, extending down upon lip with a deep fissure, very sore and sensitive to touch.

Scrofulous inflammation of nose with loss of sense of smell.

Scrofulous coryza with formation of crusts and painful inflammation of ala nasi.

Ozana scrofulosa.

Bones of nose painful to touch.

Sore pain on dorsum of nose, when touching it.

Inflammation (redness and heat) of nose.:

Smell:  Hyperesthesia of smell.

Sense of smell acute, also with vertigo.

Loss of smell.

Face::Yellow color of face, with blue rings around eyes.

Yellowness of face and skin.

Heat and fiery redness of face.

Heat of face, night and morning, on waking at 19 h.

Erysipelatous color of face.

Chronic neuralgia of face, extending in streaks into temple, ear, ala nasi and upper lip; particularly if < in open air, and > wrapping up warmly.

Spasmus facialis, especially if caused by diseased bones or teeth.

Hard swollen cheek, and upon it an outgrowth size of walnut, as hard as cheek.

Pains in malar bones, < touch, ext. ears and temples, < in fresh air, and > by wrapping up face; at same time coryza, hoarseness, much sweating and rheumatic pains.

Bones of face painful to touch.

Erysipelatous swelling of cheeks in morning.

Nettlerash eruption on face.

Humid herpes (face).

Eruptions scurfy and very painful to touch.

Crusty pimples on face of young people.

Boils very painful to touch.

Lupoid ulceration of face, intolerance of touch, every breath of air caused pain.

Great swelling of upper lip, painful to touch, but otherwise only tense.

Sore smarting pimple on vermilion border of upper lip.

Middle of lower lip cracked.

Eruption, with sensation of heat in corners of mouth.

Ulcer at corner of mouth.

Hydroa around mouth. θ Tertian ague.

Itching around mouth.

Red, itching spot beneath lower lip, soon becoming covered with many yellow blisters, which change to a scurf.

Boils on lips and chin, very painful to touch.

White blisters on lips, chin and neck.

Itching pimples on chin.

Acute inflammation of right parotid gland; threatened suppuration; a few pimples appeared on face.

High fever, eyes inflamed and half open; involuntary discharges from bowels and bladder; great restlessness. θ Parotitis after scarlet fever.

Fungous growth on inferior maxillary, with necrosis.

Mouth: Offensive odor from mouth, as from disordered stomach, which he himself notices.

White aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue.

Thrush < inside of lower lip.

Ulcers on gums and in mouth, base resembling lard.

Gums and mouth very painful to touch, bleed easily.

Gums ulcerated, tender and painful.

Mercurio-syphilitic diseases of gums.

Bitterness in back of throat, with natural taste of food.

Coating on back of tongue resembling dry clay.

Tip of tongue very painful, and feels sore.

Teeth: Throbbing pain as if blood were entering tooth, or a drawing pain; pains < after eating and in a warm room, or at night.

Toothache in all teeth, immediately after drinking cold things, or opening mouth.

Toothache, < in warm room, and when biting teeth together.

Hollow teeth feel too long and painful.

Loose molar teeth; mouth sore; breath offensive; small aphtha on gums and roof of mouth.

Looseness of teeth; gums tender.

Taste: Taste: putrid; sour; metallic; bitter; of rotten eggs in morning.

Speech: Hasty speech.

Throat and palate: Elongated flabby uvula, with tickling sensation in back of throat and enlargement and inflammation of mucous follicles.

Roughness of fauces.

Swollen tonsils and hard glandular swellings on neck, with sticking, when swallowing, coughing, breathing, or turning neck.

Sore throat; tonsils so much swollen as to leave no opening visible; pulse high, about 100; intense pain, could neither speak, move nor swallow; extreme uneasiness. θ Quinsy.

Tonsils enlarged, red; throat and pharynx raw, and studded over with enlarged reddish follicles; could not venture out in slightest damp without being in fear of inflammation of throat,

which at last produced a nervous sort of terror of being choked; incapacitated from work, as the damp from the clay affects him with hoarseness and irritability of chest.

Tonsillitis recurring regularly every two or three years; difficult deglutition; severe pain; right tonsil particularly red and swollen; twenty days after beginning of attack pus is discharged.

Chronic tonsillitis (+ hardness of hearing).

Dryness of throat.

Scraping in throat - swallowing saliva/impeding speech but not swallowing.

Smarting, rawness and scraping in throat, < swallowing solid food.

Violent pressure in throat, believes that it is quite constricted and that she must suffocate.

Pain in throat, on swallowing, as from an intense swelling; sensation as if he had to swallow over a swelling.

A feeling in throat as of a plug of mucus or an internal swelling at entrance of throat.

Sticking in throat -  ext. ear on turning head/”As from a splinter”, on swallowing, ext. ear on yawning.

Stitches in throat, ext. ear, < when swallowing food.

Sore ulcerative pain in throat as of a splinter, very severe from afternoon to midnight, preventing sleep.

“As if a fish bone or splinter were sticking in throat”.

Hawking up of mucus.

After violent inflammation of throat when there still remains some redness, dryness and swelling of mucous membranes.


Unusual hunger in forenoon.

Excessive thirst from morning till evening.

Craving for condiments, sour, highly flavored, pungent articles.

Great desire for vinegar.

Longing: for acids; wine; sour and strong tasting things.

Appetite for something at times, and when he gets it he does not like it.

Aversion to fat.


Strong and comfortable feeling after a meal.

Child seems to be better after eating.

Heaviness and pressure in stomach after moderate eating.

Hasty speech and hasty drinking.

Better from tobacco.


Constant sensation of water rising in oesophagus, as if she had eaten sour things.

Eructations frequent, odorless and tasteless.

Fetid eructations, with sensation of burning in throat.

Eructations after eating.

Hot, sour regurgitation of food.


Inclination to vomit, with flow of saliva from mouth.

Frequent but momentary attacks of nausea.

Attacks of nausea, with coldness and paleness.

Vomiting of green, acrid water.

Sour vomiting.

Vomiting of bile, in morning, after long, violent retching.

Vomiting every morning.

Stomach: A feeling of hard body in epigastrium, immediately followed by hamoptysis.

Tension across pit of stomach; is obliged to loosen his clothes, and then cannot tolerate sitting.

Empty sinking feeling of stomach, > by eating.

Pressure in stomach after moderate eating, as if lead were in it.

Pressure and pain in stomach, >: eating/eructation/passing flatus;

Frequent desire to loosen clothing about stomach after a meal.

Dull aching pain in stomach after moderate eating.

Stomach painful walking, as if it hung loose.

Drawing pain from region of stomach to back.

Burning in stomach.

Gnawing in stomach, as from acids, which also rise up into throat.

Acrid feeling in stomach during digestion.

Distension of pit of stomach, has to loosen clothing.

Swelling and pressure in region of stomach.

Stomach frequently and easily disordered.

Stomach inclined to be out of order; longing for sour or strong tasting things.

Indigestion with burning pain in stomach and up oesophagus, palpitation of heart when pain is severe.

Indigestion characterized by eructation of quantities of wine, especially in nervous persons, with craving for condiments.

Dyspepsia of herpetic and hemorrhoidal subjects, with flatulency and even tympanitis.

Sticking in hepatic region when walking.

Stitches: in region of liver; in region of spleen, when walking.

Hepatitis with jaundice, stools white or greenish.

Frequent bilious attacks especially in Spring and Autumn; engorgement of liver with jaundice; lassitude, inability for work, want of appetite and obstinate constipation; everything, even cold water,

has a bitter taste; skin and sclerotic yellow; urine dark; stools whitish; overfatigue or chill in damp weather brings on attacks of white, frothy diarrhoea; exposure to rays of July sun followed by intense

colic which was > by copious and perfectly white stools; paroxysms of ungovernable irritability; enlargement of left lobe of liver; in Autumn attacks are accompanied by great sexual weakness; is

extremely sensitive in change of weather to rain; predicts the approach of rain; very sensitive to damp winds.

Liver enlarged, extending two or three inches beyond ribs; every kind of food disagrees; chronic constipation; skin dirty yellow, like the hue of malignant disease; uterus enlarged and anteverted with congestion of ovaries; coitus intolerable; ovum could not be retained. θ After abuse of mercury.

Hepatogenous jaundice, mercurial history.

Chronic engorgement of liver.

Hepatic abscesses.

During inflammatory process in cirrhosis of liver.

Abdomen: Distended, tense.

Swollen and somewhat tender.

Rumbling in abdomen.

Fermentation above navel, with eructation of hot air.

Sensation of soreness, as if bruised, in abdomen, morning.

Contractive pain in abdomen.

Spasmodic contraction in abdomen.

Cutting pains in abdomen.

Clawing in umbilical region, extending from both sides of abdomen towards middle, and sometimes up to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks, by paroxysms; almost like the effects of taking cold, or the preliminaries of menstruation.

Colic, with dry, rough cough.

Deep, circumscribed swelling in ileo-cecal region; lies on back, with right knee drawn up.

Decreased peristaltic motion.

Mesenteric tubercles.

Chronic abdominal affections.

Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands.

Rectum: Burning in rectum, swelling of anus.

Creeping in rectum.

Promotes speedy suppuration in peri-proctitis, the swelling being hard and inflamed.

Prolapsus of rectum, which protruded at every stool about two inches, with slight oozing of blood; bowel very difficult to return; engorgement of veins but no distinct piles; mercurial history.

Hemorrhoids from engorgement of liver, with great abdominal distress; preventing abdominal respiration.

Hemorrhoids with engorged liver from abuse of mercury.

Inflammation and suppuration of hemorrhoidal tumors.

Hemorrhage from rectum, with soft stool.

Sweat on perineum.

Stool: White and fetid, child has a sour smell; sour smelling and whitish; clay colored; green, slimy, of sour smell; light yellow fecal; greenish; black; thin or papescent; watery; undigested; painless.

Diarrhoea: < during day; after eating, and after drinking cold water; with colic; with every cutting of teeth; in morning; colliquative.

Cholera infantum from irritation of teeth, chiefly with morning aggravation.

Dysenteric stools; difficult evacuation of soft stool or of bloody mucus with tenesmus.

Chronic diarrhoea: after abuse of mercury or quinine; after suppression of scabies.

Soft, yet passed with great exertion.

Difficult expulsion of a small quantity of soft excrement with great efforts and tenesmus.

Sluggishness and inactivity of bowels, in consequence of which abdominal muscles must bear down in order to effect an evacuation.

Constipation: stools hard and dry; with eruption in bend of elbows, or in popliteal space, from congestion and inaction of rectum.

Before stool: pinching in abdomen.

During stool: abdominal pain, straining, pressing, rumbling and nauseous feeling in abdomen; succus prostaticus; heat in hands and cheeks; inclination to lie down.

After stool: sore pain in anus and sanious secretion; soreness of rectum with ichor; tympanitis; obstruction of nose.

Urinary Organs: Pain in kidneys with constant urging to urinate, later purulent sediment in urine; emaciated; renal region sensitive to slightest touch; incessant, painful urging to urinate,

voiding of few drops of purulent urine; violent fever with unquenchable thirst; colliquative diarrhoea and night sweats. θ Kidney disease.

Croupous nephritis passing into suppurative stage, with fever, chills, alternating with burning heat.

Albuminuria accompanying and following diphtheria.

Enuresis; hot, acrid discharge; head thrown back during sleep.

Micturition impeded; is obliged to wait awhile before urine passes, and then it flows slowly.

Weakness of bladder; urine drops vertically down, is obliged to wait awhile before any passes.

Urine passed tardily and without force, feels as if bladder could not be emptied thoroughly.

Is never able to finish urinating; it seems as though some urine always remains behind in bladder.

Painful micturition.

During urination: sensation in right shoulder-blade as if something were running or creeping.

Burning and soreness in urethra.

Stitches in urethra.

Inflammation and redness of orifice of urethra.

Discharge of mucus from urethra.

Urine: dark red and hot; bloody; sharp, burning, corroding prepuce and pudenda; dark yellow, scalding whilst discharged; brown red, the last drops mixed with blood; blood red; pale, clear,

on standing, turbid and thick, and deposits a white sediment; pale, with flocculent, muddy sediment; milky, turbid, even while passing, with a white sediment.

Greasy pellicle on urine, or glistening with various colors.

Wetting the bed at night.

Male Sexual Organs: Sexual desire increased, but erections feeble.

Diminished sexual instinct; feeble erections.

Nocturnal emissions; sudden appearance of furuncles; attacks of blindness during day; waterbrash, with brown coated tongue.

Discharge of prostatic fluid, also after micturition and during hard stool.


Discharge of mucus from urethra.

Ulcer similar to a chancre, externally on prepuce.

Chancres not painful but disposed to bleed readily.

Easily bleeding chancres with lardaceous edges and fetid discharge.

Chancres secreting watery pus with diffuse borders and red bottoms, elevated above surface.

Mercurialized chancres.

Itching on penis and at frenum preputii.

Phimosis with discharge of pus, accompanied by throbbing.

Figwarts, smelling like old cheese or herring brine.

Herpes preputialis; small vesicles in groups, whitish, with red bases, and intolerable itching of parts; eruption exceedingly sensitive to touch.

Long standing hydrocele; large swelling of scrotum, containing dark, thick fluid; throbbing in scrotum.

Large bubo, stony hard, in right groin. θ Syphilis.

Bubo in left groin as large as a hen’s egg, stony hard.

Buboes after mercurial treatment.

Scrofulous buboes.

Humid soreness on genitals, scrotum, and folds between scrotum and thigh.

Secondary syphilis.

Female Sexual Organs::

Uterus enlarged and anteverted, with congestion of ovaries; coitus intolerable; frequent abortions.

Uterine ulcers, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese; edges of ulcer sensitive, frequently a pulsative sensation in ulcers.

Metritis, with burning, throbbing pains.

Congestion of blood to uterus.

Hemorrhage from uterus.

Menorrhagia, in women with chapped skin and rhagades of hands and feet.

Menses delayed and too scanty.

Before menses: constricting headache.

During menses: itching of vulva.

Discharge of blood between menses.

Discharge of white, yellowish, or discolored pus, attended with fetid smell, particularly when occasioned by scrofulous leucorrhoea, or after repeated attacks.

Leucorrhoea, with smarting of vulva.

Pruritus pudendi during menses.

Mastitis in hysterical and nervous patients; pain as if in bones of arms and thighs; suppuration preceded by frequent crawls in affected part, which remains hard, with scanty discharge.

Scirrhous ulcer on mamma, with stinging burning of edges, smelling like old cheese.

Much itching, or little pimples around ulcer on mamma.

Itching nipples.

Frequent momentary attacks of nausea.

Mamma swollen, not sensitive to touch, but she cannot walk up or down stairs.

Cancer of breast, with stinging burning of edges; smells like old cheese.

Little pimples, or smooth ulcers, surround scirrhous, or principal ulceration.

Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia: Weakness of organs of speech and of chest, she cannot speak aloud.

Hoarseness, roughness in throat.

Obstinate hoarseness; scraping in throat causing rough, barking cough; voice toneless, weak; scarcely audible in evening; pale swelling of tonsils and uvula; lassitude in limbs.

Hoarseness, grating, irritation in larynx or lower part of fauces; mucous rales.

Sensation of down in larynx.

Scraping in larynx.

Pressure beneath larynx, immediately after supper, as if something were sticking in throat.

Pain in one spot of larynx, < by pressure, speech, cough and breathing.

Sensitiveness of larynx to cold air.

Wheezing in larynx, and painfulness of a small spot in larynx.

Sudden attacks of suffocation; child looks anxiously about and attempts to cry without being able to do so; loud, whistling inspiration; face dark red; lips bluish; bends head back and gasps for breath; after attacks have lasted ten minutes, they end with a whistling, crowing sound, and are followed by hoarseness.

Spasmodic croup; violent fever, face indicating great anguish; weeping; restless; cough hoarse and rough without sputa.

Lies with head thrown back, buried in pillow, face swollen, neck stretched; mucous and sibilant rales; clucking noise in glottis; respiration noisy; cough loud and harsh, with distinct croupy tone; exhaustion; pulse 140, hard and full. θ Croup.

Assumes a sitting posture, on account of anxiety which sets in when lying down; somnolence, with restless tossing about; respiration snoring, hoarse, whistling, and often so short and oppressed that he starts from sleep with violent, dry, hoarse cough, which causes retching; grasps at larynx, in the greatest fear; begins to cry; red face, protruding eyes, and frequent throwing back of head; after several minutes the paroxysms again return; frequent drinking; great heat; sweat; pulse quick and hard; hasty speech; frequent passages of dark urine. θ Croup.

Respiration somewhat whistling; on every inspiration great retraction of diaphragm, abdominal muscles and ribs, so that a large concavity is formed; hoarse cough, occasionally croupy in tone; voice hoarse, at times entirely lost; clammy sweat on head, rest of body dry and hot; color of face changing constantly; pulse hard, cannot be counted; tossing about, or sits up hastily. θ Croup.

Croup with great dryness of larynx and respiratory passages, whistling respiration, dry cough with ineffectual retching, nothing but a slight quantity of frothy saliva being discharged; cough ending with a short sneeze.

Lies upon his mother’s arm with head thrown back, mouth open, bluish redness of face, protruding eyes; body bathed in sweat; fearful anxiety and dyspnoea; cannot speak. θ Croup.

Frequently recurring paroxysms of violent croupy cough with great dyspnoea, grasps at larynx; great thirst; pulse 120; respiration anxious and noisy. θ Croup.

Croup after exposure to dry, cold wind, with swelling below larynx; great sensitiveness to cold air; red face, high fever, hoarseness and rattling of moist mucus, which child is unable to get rid of, but still little or no difficulty in breathing; after midnight or towards morning; sensation as if there was a fishbone in throat, or of internal swelling, when swallowing.

Croup: with deep, rough, barking cough, hoarseness or loss of voice with slight suffocating spasms, some rattling of mucus; with swelling below larynx; with great sensitiveness to cold air or water; cough < before midnight, or toward morning.

Croupy cough, with continual hoarseness.

Catarrhal croup with or without fever.

Croup, when panaritia, angina, urticaria or erysipelas prevail.

Light attacks of croup in teething children.

Violent attacks of croup from time to time, as if suffocation or vomiting would ensue.

After influenza violent attack of croup; restless; tossing back of head; anxious, sawing, metallic cough.

Violent respiratory efforts, during which chest scarcely moves; anxious throwing back of head; convulsive twitchings; irritation of gums and Schneiderian membrane; vomiting of mucus, mixed with portions of membrane. θ Croup.

Much green mucus in larynx.

Severe laryngeal catarrh, with roughness and pain in upper part of throat; sensation as of a clot of mucus or internal swelling when swallowing; stitches and pain extending from ear to ear.

Laryngeal catarrh, grafted on an organism of tubercular disposition; scanty, tenacious, muco-purulent secretion, with difficulty of expectoration; hoarseness remains some time.

Acute catarrh of larynx and bronchi with tickling and roughness in larynx, and hoarseness or aphonia; also acute catarrh of lungs with scratching, tickling sensation in air tubes, pressure and heaviness under sternum, and frequent, dry, tearing cough; rough, whistling, respiratory sounds, indicating a dry condition of mucous membranes; such inflammations are usually of long duration; constant oppression of chest and irritation to cough, which become < by long continued and fatiguing coughing, finally gasping for breath, and expectorating very little sputa; < sitting and bending over, must lean back or get up and walk about; < breathing cool air.

After catching cold, cough next day, tickling and dryness in air passages, followed by hoarseness and finally aphonia; redness and swelling of posterior wall of pharynx; rough, whistling sound in trachea, ext. large bronchi; larynx and trachea sensitive to touch; on forced inspiration stitching in larynx and cough.

Chronic tracheitis (the beginning of tracheal or laryngo-tracheal phthisis); voice hoarse, and if exerted for any length of time accompanied by stitching pain in larynx; in morning on rising, severe cough with stitching pain in larynx and scanty expectoration of mucus; when walking, particularly against wind, and when eating warm food, stitching and burning in throat; no fever.

Tracheal and bronchial inflammation in children, with continual fever and headache, difficult, short, anxious breathing, hoarse voice, violent, dry, painful, alternating rough and hollow sounding cough, < by eating and drinking anything cold, by cold air, talking or crying.

Respiration: Breathing: rattling; anxious, wheezing; frequent deep breaths, like after running; anxious, short, wheezing, threatening to suffocate; must bend head back and sit up.

Involuntary deep inspirations.

Attacks of asthma, awaking patient from sleep, face becomes blue, saliva increased; sensation as of dust in lungs; smoking and throwing head back >; after attack, expectoration frothy.

Difficult respiration, preventing sleep at night; whistling, wheezing, with copious mucous expectoration; just as he has fallen asleep is aroused and startled by threatened suffocation; must get up to relieve dyspnoea; > during day. θ Asthma after suppressed eruption of skin.

Suffocative attacks, compelling him to raise himself up and bend the head backwards.


Cough: Spasmodic cough in paroxysms, with titillation in larynx and efforts of vomiting.

Violent, deep cough, consisting of several impulses which strike painfully against larynx and occasion retching.

Almost uninterrupted cough, from tickling in upper part of left side of throat, < talking and stooping, constantly getting < till late in evening, and then suddenly ceasing.

Titillation, as from dust in throat, inducing cough, which is deep, wheezing; expectoration only in morning of mucus, bloody or like pus, generally tasting sour or sweet.

Chronic laryngeal cough, very distressing, especially at night, compelling her to spring up in bed, from a feeling of choking or suffocation.

Deep, dry cough, with obstructed breathing on inspiring, and pain in top of chest at every cough.

Dry cough, < taking deep inspiration, or speaking any length of time; roughness in throat; pressure under sternum; difficult respiration; pressive headache.

Suffocative cough, simply caused by tightness of breath.

Subdued cough from oppression of chest.

Dry cough with tightness of chest and sore throat.

Deep, dull, whistling cough, in evening without, in morning with expectoration of masses of mucus, purulent and bloody, sour, or of a sweet taste and offensive odor.

Deep, dry, wheezing, hoarse cough; bloody, pus-like, mucous expectoration; rheumatic pains in limbs and joints; pulse hard, full, accelerated, and at times intermitting; symptoms < at night and from cold air; > by wrapping up and keeping warm. θ Chest troubles succeeding repelled itch.

Cough so aggravated by deep breathing that it caused vomiting.

Troublesome hacking cough as soon as he was about to fall asleep, continuing all night, coughs even on shutting eyes; > during sleep; < 13 - 1 h. θ Typhoid.

Dry, nervous cough all night.

Paroxysms of cough, as from taking cold, with excessive sensitiveness of nervous system, as soon as slightest portion of body becomes cold.

Coughs when any part of body is uncovered.

Cough < from exposure to chilly night air, and from drinking cold water.

Paroxysms of dry cough, in evening.

Hacking cough, immediately after eating.

The child cries when coughing.

Cough with expectoration during day, no expectoration at night.

Croup or cough from exposure to dry West wind.

Croupy cough, with rattling in chest, but without expectoration.

Rattling, choking, moist cough, depending on an organic or catarrhal basis; < towards morning and after eating.

Cough: croupish, hoarse; scraping, rough; suffocative; loose and choking; with bloody expectoration; whooping, croupish sound, pain in larynx, choking from mucus in larynx, < in morning; spasmodic; deep, wheezing; deep and dry; deep, dull, whistling; hacking; dry, nervous; barking, after measles.

Cough caused by: limb getting cold; eating or drinking; anything cold; cold air; lying in bed; talking; crying; drinking.

During cough: stitches, burning and swelling in throat; burning in chest and stomach; catching of breath; nausea, retching, vomiting; reverberation in head, throbbing in forehead and temples; dulness; sneezing; chills; anxiety and bending backwards of body in lying.

After cough: sneezing; crying.

Cough < from evening till midnight.

Abundant expectoration of tenacious mucus with relief to the rattling breathing.

Dirty yellowish, purulent, badly smelling expectoration.

Chest: “As if hot water were floating in chest”; “As of drops of hot water in left chest”.

Soreness in chest.

Shattering shocks and soreness in chest.

Weakness of chest; cannot talk, from weakness.

Spasmodic constriction of chest, after talking.

Stitching pain in right side of chest, in direction of back.

Tenacious mucus in chest.

Constant rattling of mucus in chest of infants, threatening suffocation at times.

Extreme emaciation, skin cadaverous and dry, countenance of yellowish hue, eyes deeply sunken in sockets, dull and feverish; tongue dry and yellow in middle; thirst, disgust for food, distended epigastrium; hard stool; urine scanty, brownish red; night sweats; alternations of rigor and heat; pulse small, 136; sleeplessness on account of stitches in anterior, inferior and posterior part of chest to shoulder-blade; cough, internal uneasiness, fearful disposition; delirium of frightened character; great inclination to cry; lies immovable on r. side, with knees drawn up to chest; on right hip-joint commencing bedsore; great fear of being touched, as every movement causes pain in chest, cough and dyspnoea; right side of chest, arched like a barrel from axilla downwards; intercostal spaces prominent, motionless during respiration; dull sound to percussion; entire absence of respiratory sounds and vocal fremitus; dull sound on percussion over large surface at base of heart; heart’s sounds and impulse diminished. θ Pleuritis with plastic exudation.

Pleurisy - croupous exudation, with a yellow or yellowish-brown tint in face, in scrofulous and lymphatic persons/with fibrinous exudation.

Diaphragmitis (after Bry.), in fibrinosis; promotes resorption.


On right side of chest in nipple line, in 5th intercostal space, dull percussion sound and weak respiratory murmur; after coughing and profuse expectoration, there was on that place tympanitic percussion sound and bronchial breathing; other portions of chest revealed catarrhal symptoms; expectoration of dirty yellowish masses, badly smelling; respiration accelerated; no fever; cough < in morning. θ Bronchial catarrh.

Bronchitis from repelled eruptions.

Subacute catarrhal processes; characterized by incipient collection of glutinous, sticky mucus in air cells, giving rise to violent and suffocative paroxysms of coughing (retching vor its expulsion).

Habitual bronchial catarrhs, with loud rattling of mucus.

Chronic catarrh of scrofulous subjects, especially when morbid process shows a tendency to invade pulmonary vesicles.

Great emaciation; slight hectic fever; constantly troubled by cough, sometimes spasmodic, with purulent and fetid expectoration, diarrhoea and loss of appetite; right side of thorax considerably hollowed, with perfectly empty sound on percussion, and intense bronchial respiration and slight rales; left side abnormally bulging. θ Pleuro-pneumonia.

Pneumonia, mild suppurative stage, extending only over small part of a lung, with lentescent fever.

Pneumonia, during stage of resolution.

Chronic pneumonia, with profuse purulent expectoration.

Pulmonary abscess; empyema; pyothorax.

Pain in right occipital protuberance; fluent, acrid, nasal coryza, swelling at root of nose, upper eyelid, upper lip; white ulcers in mouth; uvula elongated, pale; appetite for fat meat and sweet food; thirst for cold water at night; stomach distended after eating; eructations of fluid, then of food; more at night; constipation alternating with diarrhoea; cough constant, moist; moist rales in left lung; feeble, vesicular respiration; upper part of left side of thorax dilated backward; curvature of spine between shoulders; agonizing dyspnoea, could not lie in a recumbent position; cough constant from 12 M. till morning; sleeps with head thrown back, restless; the least exposure aggravates all the symptoms. θ Emphysema.


In tuberculosis when there is oppression of breathing; periodic stitches; cough before midnight and in morning, dry at first but finally accompanied by a serous expectoration containing small flocculi; occasionally patient will spring up and after coughing expectorate a mass as large as a pea which when crushed between fingers emits a carrion-like odor; in affected parts (particularly upper portions of chest) faint respiratory murmur, with percussion dulness.

Tubercles of lungs in herpetic patients, especially after suppression of exanthems, in scrofulous and in hemorrhoidal subjects.

Palpitation, with fine stitches in heart and left half of chest.

Anxious feeling of debility about heart with palpitation. θ Hypertrophy.

Dyspnoea, pain in neck, faintness and inability to recline; dry, nervous cough, commencing towards evening and lasting all night. θ Angina pectoris.

Sequela of angina pectoris; dyspnoea after attack; dry, nervous cough from evening all through night; pain in neck after attack; faintness and inability to recline after attack.

Pulse hard, full, accelerated; at times intermitting.

Tettery eruption on chest.

Suppurating pimples on sternum.

Ulcer on last rib of right side.

Neck and Back: Violent pulsation of carotids.

Hard, glandular swellings around neck.

Carbuncle on back of neck; surrounding tissues highly inflamed and extremely sensitive to touch.

Carbuncle on left side of back, ext. from upper border of scapula downward about six inches, surrounded by small pustules; pus offensive and scanty; pain intense, depriving him of sleep; great

weakness and prostration.

Drawing between scapula.

Great weakness in whole of spine.

Sensation as if bruised, in small of back and thighs.

Sharp pressure and pain, as from bruises; in small of back and lumbar vertebra, especially in region of sacroiliac symphysis, extending into lower limbs; the pain is felt when sitting, standing or lying, and causes a sort of limping when walking.

Stitches and rheumatic pains in back.

Blood boils on the back.

Red tubercle on right buttock.

Boil on buttock.:

Limbs: Pain in shoulder as if a weight were resting on it.

Suppuration of axillary glands.

Offensive sweat in axilla.

Tearing in arms, extending toward the suppuration in breast.

Pain as if bruised in os humeri.

Encysted tumor or steatoma at point of elbow.

Violent itching in bend of elbow.

Intensely violent itching in bends of elbows, on hands, wrists and in palms.

Carbuncle, size of silver half-dollar, on forearm; very painful, with three spots, like boils, near it.

Swelling of right hand.

Itching, with rough, dry, shrivelled or scaling skin on hands.

Itching in palms.

Red and hot swelling of joints of hands and fingers.

Swelling of fingers of both hands, with stiffness, while lying.

Cold perspiration of hands.

Fingers as if dead.

Tingling in tips of fingers.

Corrosive blister on thumb, stinging when pressed.

Thumb livid; violent throbbing, cutting, burning pain; lymphatics inflamed; lump in axilla.

Whitlow in palmar surface of ungual phalanx of right thumb; skin yellow, matter could be seen and felt under it; throbbing, burning pain; cannot bear weight of poultice; pain kept her awake.

Inside of right thumb swollen, livid, with beating, cutting, burning pain, so violent that it drove her to madness.

Whitlow on middle finger of right hand; severe throbbing pain in last joint; hard, red, swollen state of pulp; lymphatics of arm inflamed, lump in axilla; fever and irritation.

Whitlow; violent, throbbing, “gathering pain;” accelerates suppuration.

Whitlows occurring every winter for several years.


After injury, suppuration of middle joint of right index finger; whole finger involved in phlegmonous inflammation.

Superficial erysipelatous inflammation around root of nail.


Left hip pains as if sprained, when walking in open air.

Buttocks and posterior thighs painful when sitting.

Hip disease, suppurative stage, patient wants to be tightly covered.

Caries of hip-joint.

Sensation of soreness in thighs.

Bruised pain in anterior muscles of thighs.

Raised, flat, purplish swelling on left thigh; it had a doughy feel for a space larger than a silver dollar; small openings; pus ichorous; for a considerable distance around was red, swollen and painful,

with two prominent, indurated and painful spots, like boils; pain intense, no sleep for several nights; when this had healed, a second carbuncle, or at least a flat, purplish and painful swelling showed itself, about six inches from first, which Hepar healed without suppuration.

Carbuncle of right thigh, nearly three inches in diameter; had it for a week; exceedingly painful and leg swollen; no evidence of boils or pustules; several openings and centre looking gangrenous.

Knee pains as if bruised.

Swelling of knee.

Severe pains in lower extremities; pain described as a terrible corroding itching “as from salt water;” both legs swollen round ankles, with watery discharge; color of legs either red or bluish.

Cramp in calves.

Swelling of feet around ankles, with difficult breathing.

After catching cold, pains in foot as after taking a misstep; pains occasionally wander up to thigh; no redness nor swelling; depression of mind.

Tickling in soles of feet.

Cramps: in soles and toes.

Pricking in both heels.

Coldness of feet.

Cracked skin of feet.

Tingling in toes.

Burning, stinging pains in toes.

Violent stitch extending into great toe.

Weakness in limbs; they feel bruised.

Drawing pains in limbs, especially in morning, when awaking.

Mercurial rheumatism, especially in scrofulous subjects; tearing and shooting in limbs and joints, < at night, especially during a chill; excessive nervous excitability, so that all impressions on body or mind cause internal trembling.

Rheumatic pains in limbs and stitches in joints.

Dry, herpetic eruption in bends of joints, greatly itching.

Chapped skin and rhagades of hands and feet.

The limb upon which the ulcer has healed cannot bear its own weight by suspension.

Continued dull itching of soles of feet and palms of hands.


Rest: cold perspiration >.

Lies immovably on right side with knees drawn up to chest.

Side on which he lies becomes painfully sore, must change his position.

Lies with head thrown back to escape suffocation.

Lying in bed: causes cough; pain in back and limbs.

Lies on back with right knee drawn up.

Inclination to lie down.

Inability to recline; could not lie in recumbent position.

Head thrown back, sitting up >.

Sitting: cannot tolerate it from tension of stomach; acute catarrh of larynx <; pain in back and limbs; buttocks and posterior thighs pain; falls asleep.

Stooping: stitches in head; boring headache <; pressure in head <; cough < from tickling in throat.

Standing up after sitting bent over: feeling of blindness.

Rising: pressure in head >; feeling of blindness; great difficulty from feeling of stiffness of limbs.

Moving: pressure in eyes; headache during fever.

Shaking head: headache.

From slightest motion: sweats easily.

Every movement: causes pain in chest.

Walking: stomach painful; stitches in region of liver; > catarrh of larynx; against wind, itching and burning in throat; pain in thigh, back and lower limbs; causes limping; in open air left hip pains.

Cannot walk up and down stairs.

Exercise: cold perspiration <; attacks of debility <.

Springs up in bed: from cough.

Child throws itself about unconsciously.


Disinclination for mental or bodily exertion.

Oversensitiveness to pain; fainting from slight pains.

Every impression upon body or mind is followed by tremulousness.

Nervous trembling.

Excessive nervousness from abuse of mercury.

Trembling weakness, after tobacco smoking.

Daily attacks of indescribable sudden debility, commencing with a chilly and creeping sensation in right leg, traveling slowly upward to chest, with profuse perspiration on head; suddenly and soon after

a feeling of weakness, as if he was dying, with trembling of limbs so that he is unable to stand or sit; consciousness retained; attack lasts two or three hours, when strength gradually returns, coupled with

a dull, pressing headache about vertex, which continues for some hours; < in Summer, after cooling rains, and after bodily exertions and walking; about every four months scabby eruption, moist at base,

of yellowish color, on scalp and forehead, as far down as eyes, and sometimes on chest.

General exhaustion.

Paroxysms of fainting in evening, preceded by vertigo.

Coldness of head, chiefly forehead; severe headaches, with sensation of weight at back of eyeballs, and a feeling as though eyes would be drawn back into head; stiffness of nape of neck; on rising from seat great difficulty from a feeling of stiffness of limbs; pain in bottom of back, around waist, also around shoulders and nape of neck; numbness of right arm and hand; burning sensation from pit of stomach to throat and ears, > by eating; fixed coldness at pit of stomach, felt occasionally when burning sensation was not present; fatigue from least exercise. θ Spinal irritation.

Cramp in left hand which becomes spasmodically closed, with formication and creeping up arm, ext. throat, with sensation as if something was sticking there and that he would choke; face bluish red; mouth drawn to left side; complete consciousness; after half-hour, another, less violent attack, accompanied by tickling in arm and paralysis of left side; after four weeks a very violent attack occurred followed by complete paralysis of arms and legs, so that he could not move; lameness of tongue, speech unintelligible. θ After suppressed eruption and abuse of mercury.

Traumatic convulsions, caused by excessive pressure on brain during delivery; trismus of newborn babes.

Paralysis from suppressed eruptions, or after mercurial poisoning.

Sleep: So sleepy and fatigued, in evening, that he falls asleep while sitting.

Great, irresistible inclination to sleep in evening; must lie down immediately after supper and sleeps till morning.

Sleepiness during day, < toward evening, with frequent, almost spasmodic yawning.

Restless, soporous slumber, with head bent backwards.

Side on which he lies at night becomes painfully sore, must change his position.

Fright during sleep.

Starts from sleep, feeling as if about to suffocate.

Violent starts, when falling asleep.

Loss of sleep after midnight.

Excess of thoughts prevent sleep, after midnight.

Wakes at night, with erection and desire to urinate.

Dreams: anxious; of fire.


Morning: vertigo; on awakening pressure in head as from a nail; burning and itching of scalp; violent itching of humid eruption on head; heat in eyes on awaking; lids and angles agglutinated; lids closed; nose stopped up; heat of face; erysipelatous swelling of cheeks; putrid taste; excessive thirst from morning till evening; vomiting of bile; sensation of soreness in abdomen; chronic tracheitis; expectoration only; rattling, choking moist cough <; croupy cough <; eczema <.

At 2 h.: chill.

Day: pressing and drawing in temples; diarrhoea; attacks of blindness; dyspnoea >; cough with expectoration; sleepiness; chill; sweats easily; restless; stools <.

From 16 h. all night: heat, delirium, thirst.

From 16 - 20 h.: febrile chill.

At 19 h. heat of face.

At 20 h. violent chill.

Evening: great anxiety; vertigo with nausea; fainting; aching in vertex; meditates suicide; lids swollen; pain in eyes; swellings on lids painful; voice almost inaudible; cough < till late; deep whistling cough; dry cough; cough < till midnight; cough commencing toward evening and lasting all night; irresistible inclination to sleep.

Night: violent headache; sensation as if skull would burst wakes him; pressure in head; < cold perspiration; < photophobia and lachrymation, about 14 - 15 h.; lids swollen; vision of colored and dim halos around candle; eyes closed by swelling; sour smelling sweat; spasmodically closed eyelids; pain in nose lasts far into night; heat of face; toothache <; wetting bed; difficult respiration prevents sleep; chronic laryngeal cough; < deep wheezing cough; dry, nervous cough; thirst for cold water; eructations <; wakes with erection and desire to urinate; febrile chill; < pain; dry heat of body; sweat; sleepless; restless; < pains in tumors; burning and throbbing in ulcers.

Midnight: aching in forehead till morning; croup < before; cough constant from 0 h. till morning; loss of sleep after midnight; excess of thought prevents sleep; sweat before midnight.


Exquisite sensitiveness to open air.

> warmth; desire to be warmly covered, even during hot weather or in a warm place; < from wrapping up warmly.

Cannot bear to be uncovered; coughs when any part of body is uncovered.

Ailments from West or Northwest wind (dry, cold wind), or soon after it; improved by warmth.

Great chilliness in open air.

Extremely sensitive to cold air; must be wrapped up to face even in hot weather; cannot bear to be uncovered.

Warmth: > cold perspiration/pain in eyes/neuralgia; pain in malar bones >; toothache <; cough >; chilliness >; nettlerash >.

Covering head warmly: > soreness of head.

Patient with hip disease wants to be warmly covered.

Summer: attacks of debility <.

Dry weather: pain in nose >.

Air: eyes sensitive; eyes < from draught; interior of nose painful and sensitive.

Open air: lancinating headache >; neuralgia of face <; pains in malar bones <; left hip pains as if bruised when walking; sensitive to; great chilliness in open air.

Least-exposure < all symptoms; chill returns.

Dampness: < throat; overfatigue or chill in damp weather brings on attacks of white frothy diarrhoea.

On approach of rain: pains in nose <.

Damp winds: sensitive to.

After cooling rains: attacks of debility <.

Changeable weather: pain in nose <.

Cool air: acute catarrh of larynx <; cough <.

Cold: pain in eyes <; great sensitiveness; cough <; any part of body exposed causes cough; skin very sensitive; pains in tumors.

Cold air: deep, wheezing cough <; least draught causes catarrh.

Cold drink: causes toothache; cough <; causes cough.

Dry, cold wind: causes croup.

Exposure to chilly night: cough <.

Fever: Sensitiveness to open air, with chilliness and frequent nausea.

Great chilliness in open air; must get to warm stove; heat feels agreeable but does not relieve.

Desire to be covered even in a warm room.

Internal chill, with weariness and soreness in all the limbs.

Internal shivering from below upwards.

Violent shaking chill with chattering of teeth, icy coldness and paleness of face, hands and feet, unconsciousness and coma.

Violent chill every morning, at 6 or 7 o’clock, without subsequent heat.

Chill during day # heat and photophobia.

Excessive shivering followed by feverishness.

Chill at 2 h., with febrile shivering and hot, dry skin.

Febrile chill from 16 - 20 h., or in night, could not get warm, with aggravation of all complaints; without subsequent heat.

Pain < during febrile chill at night.

Nightly chill in bed, with aggravation of all complaints.

Nettlerash, with violent itching and stinging, disappears as heat begins.

Burning, febrile heat, with almost unquenchable thirst, distressing headache and slight delirium, lasting from 16 h. all night, without chilliness.

Violent fever with flushing heat in face and head.

Dry heat of body at night, with sweaty hands, which cannot tolerate being uncovered.

Dry burning heat, with redness of face and violent thirst, all night.

Fever blisters around mouth during pyrexia.

During heat larynx much affected, hoarse, weak voice.

Morning fever preceded by bitter taste in mouth, returning twice a day.

Fever, without chill, 16 h., lasting all night.

Heat very slight in comparison with chill.

Flushes of heat, with sweat.

Patient sweats easily from least exertion and turns pale, afterwards burning redness of face and heat and dryness of palms of hands.

Sweats easily during day, from every exertion of mind or after slight motion.

Sweats easily, by every, even slight motion.

Frequent breaking out of sweat over body, only momentary and without heat.

Sweat on perineum, groins and inside of thighs.

Cold, clammy, frequently sour, offensive smelling sweat.

Night or morning sweat, with thirst.

Sweats day and night, without relief; or first can’t sweat at all, and then sweats profusely.

Profuse, sour smelling sweat at night.

Sweat before midnight.

Itching nettlerash precedes paroxysm; chill of three hours’ duration followed by heat; during fever headache when moving; loss of consciousness preceded by vertigo; bitter taste in mouth; white coated tongue; vomiting of food; pain and rumbling in abdomen; then follows sweat which covers whole body; thirst in all stages. θ Tertian ague.

Paroxysm preceded by an itching urticaria; chill; fever with thirst, diarrhoea, rumbling in abdomen, bilious vomiting, formication in arms and dark urine; by the time fever has passed eruption has disappeared. θ Quotidian ague.

One hour before chill, thirst; after chill, fine, stinging nettlerash, with bleeding at nose, bitter taste in mouth, and greenish diarrhoea; chill followed by heat with sweat and discharge of reddish urine; during termination of latter stage eruption disappeared; during apyrexia great debility, yellow color of face. θ Tertian intermittent.

Chill generally in evening, preceded by bitter taste in mouth; itching, stinging nettlerash before and during chill, when he constantly desires to be covered; sweat and from the least uncovering chill again.

Violent chill, 8 P. M., with chattering of teeth; hands and feet cold; followed by heat with perspiration, especially on chest and forehead, with slight thirst.

After catching cold, heat and sweat, with thirst; pain in l. hypochondrium and arm; sweats again at night. θ Tertian ague.

Pain in limbs, then sweat with thirst, followed by shaking chill with thirst; after chill belching, bitter taste, yellow tongue. θ Tertian intermittent fever.

Chill, then thirst; one hour later, much heat, with interrupted sleep. θ Intermittent.

Apyrexia never clear, constitutional symptoms always present.

Type: simple, quotidian; period the same every day.

Hectic fever with intermittent paroxysms.

Catarrhal fever; general exhaustion, with great sensitiveness of skin to touch and to slightest cold; constant chilliness, with sore throat, as if raw, painful on swallowing saliva; muscles of nape of neck, especially at sides beneath ears very painful to touch; dry cough; no appetite; no thirst; sleepless the whole night, with groaning and moaning.

Scarlatina preceded by cerebral symptoms and parotitis; restlessness day and night; mouth could not be opened, eyes injected and half open; continuous fever; involuntary evacuations; temperature low; child throws itself about unconsciously; dysuria; puffing under lower eyelids.

Scarlet fever with hydrops and albumen in urine; convulsions, bloated face; nosebleed.

After scarlet fever, anasarca and ascites; urine suppressed; tongue clean; next day convulsions followed by vomiting; conscious, but complains of a sensation as if a veil were hanging over eyes; urine

very scanty; legs and scrotum greatly swollen; skin cool, pulse little accelerated and pretty full; next day recurrence of convulsions with more or less unconsciousness and complete blindness; deafness.

Scarlatina; sequela retarding convalescence; croupy inflammation of nasal mucous membrane; swelling of parotid and submaxillary glands; early decrease of urinary secretion, with traces of albumen

and cylindrical tubuli; fully developed dropsy from Bright’s disease.

After scarlet fever, anasarca and convulsions.

Measles, characterized by croupy cough < in morning, without expectoration and rattling in chest.

Generals: Attacks: last ten minutes then end in hoarseness; of debility last two or three hours.

After scarlet fever: anasarca and ascites, urine suppressed, tongue clean; next day convulsions and vomiting; next day recurrence of convulsions.

One hour before chill: thirst.

For three hours: chill followed by heat.

Twice a day: fever and bitter taste.

Every morning: boring headache; dull headache; vomiting; violent chill at six or seven o’clock.

Daily attacks: of sudden indescribable debility.

Every night: pain in skull bones; chill.

Four weeks after slight paralysis another attack of complete paralysis of arms and legs.

Every four months: scabby eruptions on head.

Every winter: whitlows.

Spring and Autumn: bilious attacks.

For three months: left cornea so hazy that iris could hardly be seen.

Repeated attacks: tonsillitis.

Right: painful throbbing in temple; headache in temple; pressive pain in occiput; cornea involved from periphery toward centre; violent pain over eyebrow; pain in eye <; scurvy formation in half of nose; acute inflammation of parotid gland; sensation in shoulder as of something creeping; large bubo, stony hard in groin; stitching pain in chest; lies immovable on side; lies on hip-joint; side of chest arched like a barrel from axilla downward; side of chest dull percussion sound; side of thorax considerably hollowed; pain in occipital protuberance; ulcer on last rib; red tubercle on buttock; swelling of hand; inside

of thumb swollen, livid; whitlow on middle finger; suppuration of middle joint of index finger; carbuncle on thigh; chilly creeping sensation in leg; numbness of arm and hand.

Left: cornea so hazy that iris could hardly be seen; severe inflammation in cornea and iris; small ulcer on cornea; excessive lachrymation of eye; pupil much dilated; unpleasant sensation in side of nose; discharge of bone as large as pea from nostril; severe neuralgic pain in region of orbit; bubo in groin; upper part of side of throat tickling causing cough; as of drops of hot water in chest, side of thorax abnormally bulging; moist rales in lung; upper part of side of thorax dilated backwards; fine stitches in half of chest; carbuncle on side of back; hip pains as if sprained; raised, flat, purplish swelling on thigh; cramp in hand; mouth drawn to side; paralysis of side; pain in hypochondrium and arm.

From below upwards: internal shivering.

Bruised sore feeling of body, < from any motion.

Burning, throbbing pain, with chilliness.

Fainting with the pains.

Painful throbbing in different parts.

As if he could murder some one; forehead as if bruised; as if an abscess was forming in head; as if forehead would be torn out; as if eyes would be drawn back into head; as if skull would burst; as from a plug in head; wabbling as from water in brain; sense of swashing in head; as if a nail was driven into occiput; as of sand in eye; eyelids as if corroded; as of a burn in eyelids; as if eyes projected; as if eyeballs were bruised; nose as if bruised; as if blood was entering tooth; tooth as if too long; pain in throat as from an intense swelling; as of a plug in throat; sensation of water rising in oesophagus; as if she had eaten sour things; as of a hard body in epigastrium; as if stomach hung loose; abdomen as if bruised; as if bladder could not be emptied thoroughly; as if something were running or creeping in right shoulder-blade; pain as if in bones of arms and thighs; as if there was a fishbone in throat; as of dust in lungs; nose as if bruised; as from a splinter in throat; as if hot water was floating in chest; as of drops of hot water in l. chest; as if bruised in small of back and thighs; as if a weight was resting on it; pain as if bruised in os humeri; fingers as if dead; left hip pains as if sprained; knee pains as if bruised; pain in foot as after taking a misstep; as if something was sticking in throat; as if he would suffocate; throat as if raw; as if a veil was hanging over eyes.

Pain: in skull bones; in tumors on head; in pimples; in eyes and head; on inside of nose; malar bones; in tooth; in tip of tongue; in throat; in abdomen; in kidneys; in one spot of larynx; in upper part of throat; extending from ear to ear; in top of chest; in right occipital protuberance; in neck; in small of back and lumbar vertebra; in shoulder; in bottom of back; around waist and shoulders; in abdomen; in left hypochondrium and arm; in limbs; in bones.

Intense pain: in throat; in carbuncle on back.

Violent pain in head; over right eyebrow; in bony part of nose; in thumb.

Sharp pain: in head.

Severe pain: in right tonsil; in lower extremities.

Tearing: in arms extending toward suppuration in breast; in limbs and joints.

Cutting pain: in outer canthus; in abdomen; in thumb.

Lancinating pain: in head; in tumors.

Violent stitch: extending into great toe.

Stitches: in head; in eyes; in region of liver; in region of spleen; in urethra; extending from ear to ear; in larynx; in throat; in lungs; in heart; in back; in joints.

Pulse-like stitches: in lower portion of occiput.

Burning stinging pains: on toes.

Stinging pain: in lids.

Stinging: of ulcers on breast; of blister on thumb.

Stitching: in head; in throat; in hepatic region; in larynx; in right side of chest.

Severe neuralgic pains: in region of left orbit; of face, extending in streaks into temple, ear, ala nasi, upper lip.

Darting pain: in ears.

Ulcerative pain: in nostril; in throat.

Drawing pain: in nose; in tooth; from region of stomach to back; between scapula; in limbs.

Throbbing pain: in right temple; in eyes; in ears; in tooth; in scrotum; in thumb; in last joint of middle finger, right hand; in abscess.

Clawing: in umbilical region.

Gnawing: in stomach.

Cramp: in calves; in soles and toes; in left hand.

Pinching: in abdomen.

Burrowing: headache.

Boring: headache; at root of nose; in right temple.

Burning, bruised pain: in eye.

Burning pain: in eyes; in bones above orbits; in nose; in thumb.

Burning itching: on scalp.

Burning: of body; in throat; in stomach; in rectum; prepuce and pudenda; in urethra; on edges of ulcers; in throat; from pit of stomach to throat and ears; in ulcers.

Smarting pain: in eyelids; in pimple on upper lip; in throat; of vulva.

Pressive pain: in eyes; in lids.

Aching: in forehead; in vertex; in eyes.

Constriction: of chest.

Contractive sensation: in abdomen.

Tensive aching pain: above nose.

Dull aching pain: in stomach.

Rheumatic pains: in limbs and joints; in back.

Acute bruised pain: in eyeballs.

Bruised pain: in anterior muscles of thighs; in limbs.

Oversensitiveness to pain.

Sore pain: on dorsum of nose; in anus; in rectum.

Soreness: of urethra; on genitals; of scrotum; of folds between scrotum and thigh; in chest; in thighs; of all limbs.

Hammering: in head.

Throbbing: in ears; in forehead and temples.

Pulsative sensation: in ulcers on female sexual organs.

Violent pressure: in throat.

Anxious feeling: about heart.

Pressure: in head; in eyes; in stomach; beneath larynx; under sternum; sharp in small of back and lumbar vertebra; on brain during delivery.

Distressing headache.

Dull headache.

Empty, sinking feeling: in stomach.

Scraping: in throat.

Raw feeling: in side of nose.

Scratching: in air tubes.

Acrid feeling: in stomach.

Unpleasant sensation: in left side of nose.

Heaviness: in stomach.

Sensation of weight: at back of eyeballs.

Numbness: of right arm and hand.

Stiffness: of nape of neck; in limbs.

Pricking: in both heels; in tumors.

Tickling sensation: in back of throat; in air tubes; in soles of feet; in arm.

Tingling: in toes; in tips of fingers.

Dry heat: of body.

Dryness: of palms of hands.

Creeping: in rectum; in right leg; from left hand up arm.

Formication: in arms.

Intensely violent itching: in bend of elbows; on hands, wrists and in palms; in lower extremities.

Itching: on scalp; in ears; in nose; around mouth; on spot beneath lower lip; on penis; of vulva; of nipples; in throat; of ears; violent at bend of elbow; on hands; in palms; of eruption in bends of joints; dull itching of soles of feet and palms of hands.


Chlorosis with flatulent dyspepsia, delayed menses and leucorrhoea.

Hard, burning nodosities.

Pains in bones; caries.

Caries with watery, foul smelling pus.

Rheumatic swelling, with heat, redness and sensation as if sprained.

Useful in promoting suppuration when a former acute pain suddenly ceases after a chilly feeling, and is followed by a beating pain, or throbbing, indicating formation of pus.

Strumous patients, where suppurative process has not been arrested by Mercur., or where suppuration seems inevitable; it hastens formation of abscess.

For elimination of foreign bodies by process of suppuration.

Suppuration of soft parts, of carious bones, of ulcers, of fistulous tracts, of exanthems.

Lacerating and pricking pains in tumors; throbbing and beating in abscess; skin over abscess highly inflamed, hard, hot and swelling; pus scanty, bloody, corroding, smelling like old cheese; pains < night, and by exposure to cold.


Tendency to formation of abscesses.

Suppurative adenitis of armpit and of groin.

Suppurating buboes in inguinal and axillary regions.

Open buboes, which do not heal, especially after mercury or iodine.

Glandular swellings, particularly when obstinate and after abuse of mercury; suppuration of axillary and inguinal glands; strumous suppuration of joints with profuse sweats day and night.

Absorption of old glandular swellings.

Anasarca with tendency to formation of boils, on hairy scalp; tonsils and submaxillary glands enlarged; albuminous urine. θ After scarlet fever.

Anasarca from Bright’s disease, especially after so-called light cases of scarlatina.

Preventive of dropsy after scarlet fever as soon as traces of albumen are discovered in urine.

The child has a sour smell, and white, fetid evacuations.

Sour smell of the excretions.


Gout with arthritis, without tophus.

Secondary syphilis, especially after mercury and iodide of potassium.


Extreme sensitiveness to contact; dread of contact, out of proportion to actual pain.

Touch: scalp sensitive; nodosities sore; boils on head and neck; head and eye; cornea sensitive; slightest touch acute bruised pain; swelling in lids painful; hemorrhage from ear on slightest touch; interior of nose sensitive; nose very sensitive; bones of nose sensitive; pains in malar bones <; bones of face painful; boils very sensitive; ulceration of face, intolerance of touch; great swelling of upper lip; gums and mouth very painful; renal region sensitive to slightest touch; eruption on male sexual organs sensitive; larynx and trachea sensitive; skin very sensitive; muscles of nape of neck sore.

Pressure: < pain in one spot in throat; on corrosive blister causes stinging.

Binding head up tight: > pressure.

Has to loosen clothing.

Riding in a carriage: vertigo.

When shaking head: vertigo.

From concussion: morning headache <.

After injury: to eye violent inflammation; suppuration of middle joint of right index finger.


Yellowness of the skin.

Constant offensive exhalations from body.

Child smells sour.

Great sensitiveness of skin to touch and to slightest cold.

Unhealthy, suppurating skin; even slight injuries maturate; every cut or hurt suppurates.

Cracking of skin and smarting of hands and feet.

Bruised sensation, or as of subcutaneous ulceration, < by contact.

Suppression of exanthems, followed by mania; melancholia; ophthalmia; laryngismus stridulus, with epileptiform convulsions.

Erysipelatous inflammation on external parts.

Suppuration of long inflamed boils on body, or on limbs, commencing with blisters.

Burning itching on body, with white vesicles, after scratching.

Itching rash in bend of knees and elbows.

Eczema, spreading by means of new pimples appearing just beyond the old parts.

Humid soreness on genitals, scrotum and folds between scrotum and thighs.

Herpes zoster, from spine around left side to median line; vesicles, bulla, some containing dark pus; acute neuralgic pains in seat of eruption; vesicles on an inflamed base, with severe itching and

scratching, and nightly aggravation.

Dry and slightly cracked condition in both axilla, especially left; much itching, < when body becomes heated; rash generally dry; occasionally slight moisture exuded; similar eruption about mouth;

severe headache, pain < back of eyeballs, which felt as if they would be drawn back into head.


Chronic urticaria, eruption chiefly in hands and fingers.

Crusta lactea; tetters; rhagades; excoriations.

Fat, pustular and crusty itch.

Dry, pimply eruptions.

Miliary rash in circles.

Adenitis; acne punctata; boils; crusta lactea and serpiginosa; herpes; intertrigo; scurvy; encysted tumors; varices.

Eruption after mercurialism.

Eruptions very sensitive and sore to touch.

Skin inclined to ulcerate; the large sore surrounded by small pustules.

Ulcers very sensitive to contact, easily bleeding, burning or stinging, with corrosive pains.

Bleeding of an ulcer, even on slight wiping.

Ulcers: discharge bloody pus, smelling like old cheese; edges very sensitive, and have a pulsating sensation; discharge corroding; burning in ulcers; burning in night only; pains resembling recent excoriations; throbbing and shooting; jagged edges, and surrounded with pustules; bluish, bleeding ulcers; pus laudable, acrid or sanguineous; fetid and ichorous.

Margins of ulcers elevated and spongy, without granulations in centre.

Little pimples or smooth ulcers surrounding principal ulceration.

Severe stitching pain in ulcers when laughing; burning and throbbing at night.

The ulcer itches very much.

Stinging burning of edges of ulcers.

Mercurial ulcers.

Warts become inflamed and stinging, as if ulceration would set in.

Scabs easily torn off, leaving a raw and bleeding surface.

Torpid, lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act, muscles soft and flabby.

Slow, torpid constitutions, with lax fibre and light hair; great sensitiveness to slightest contact of ulcers, eruptions and parts affected.

Figure lean, complexion bilious; pimply and subject to erysipelatous inflammation; pallor of face when excited by movement, or very red and flushed.

Suitable to scrofulous and debilitated subjects.

Psoric scrofulous diathesis.

Purulent diathesis, great tendency to suppuration.




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