




[A. Bispe-Hanning]

Sonne stoppt Krebserkrankungen der Haut!






Krebs Anhang Melanoma. (Lueder Jachens )






Graham-Brown and Burns (1996:10)  list the following functions of the skin:

Prevents loss of essential body fluids.

Protects against entry of toxic environmental chemicals and micro organisms.

Protects against damage from UV radiation.

Regulates body temperature.

Synthesis of vitamin D.

Important in sexual attraction and psychosocial interaction.

Haslett, et al., (2000:880) include the following functions:


Calorie Reserve.

Shock absorber.

Lubrication and waterproofing.



Dosierung: Anwendung gemeinsam mit Pyrit-Salbe 5%, Pyrit-Salbe 2 x tgl. dünn auf „Siegfriedstelle“ (links neben der Wirbelsäule in Mitte des Schulterblattes), Cochlearia-Salbe 10% im Wechsel auf beide Waden hinten.

Wirkung: Nach 3–6 Mo.          Dauer: 6–18 Mo.

Weitere Empfehlungen: Zusätzlich seelische Hygiene des Nerven-Sinnes-Systems. Augen langsam an Farbeindrücke, welche schwach voneinander abweichen, gewöhnen – namentlich an die Regenbogenfarben.

Bericht: RS.

Fall: 31/2 Jahre altes Mädchen mit ausgeprägtem Albinismus, albinistischem Augenhintergrund, Nystagmus und Schwachsichtigkeit zu Behandlungsbeginn.

Die Haare waren sehr hell, die Augen rot, die Haut ebenfalls hell und durchscheinend. Im Laufe der Behandlung hat sich eine deutlich dunklere Haarfarbe vom Haarboden angezeigt; durch die Augenfachärztin konnte eine deutliche Einfärbung des Augenfundus von der Peripherie her festgestellt werden mithilfe des Dreiwinkelglases, um die Fundusperipherie innen an der Irisgrenze zu sehen. Fotografische Aufnahmen des zentralen Fundus haben

in der ersten Zeit keine Farbveränderung gezeigt. Es ist verständlich, dass die Fundusperipherie zuerst eingefärbt werden muss, da ja die Metallwirkung auch von der Peripherie zum Zentrum hin angeregt wird.

Nach der durchschnittlichen Therapiedauer von 6–18 Monaten bleibt die verstärkte Pigmentierung im Auge und

an den Haaren bestehen oder muss vielleicht nach 1 Jahr wieder angeregt werden.

Im dargestellten Fall ist der Therapieerfolg über 25 Jahre Nachbeobachtung stabil geblieben.

Anwendungsgebiet: Harmonisierung der Empfindungsorganisation bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen des Atmungssystems, z.B. Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung (Sinusitis), Bronchitis, Begleitbehandlung bei Lungenentzündung mit Beteiligung der Bronchien (Bronchopneumonie) und Brustfellentzündung (Pleuritis).

Phytology: SOLUNAT Nr. 9 Lymphatik Stoffwechselerkrankungen (ergänzt SOLUNAT Nr.1 Alcangrol)/Erkrankungen des Drüsensystems/Hauterkrankungen


Staphylococcus lugdunensis ist ein Teil der Hautflora und besiedelt gewöhnlich das Perineum. Es kann ein Antibioticum erzeugen.



Delphinus. amazonicus:           

Melitagrinum = Kopfhautekzemnosode/= Ekzema capitis Nosode

Pel camelii = Camelfell/= Camelus ferus dactrianus/= Trampeltier
Pel canis. = Hundefell
Pel cavae cobaiae = Goldhamsterfell/= Mesocricetus auratus/= Golden Hamster

Pel caviae porcelli = Meerschweinchenfell/= Cavia porcellus/= Meerschweinchen
Pel cavae cobaiae = Goldhamsterfell/= Hamsterfell/= (Pel) Mesocricetus auratus,

Pel felinum. = Katzenhaar
Pel muris. = Mausfell/= Feld-Mause/= Microtus arvalis Mus

Pel myotis. = großes Mausohr/= Fledermausfell/= Myotis myotis

Pel rubicaprae = Gamsfell/= Rupicapra rupicapra
Pel talpae = Talpa europaea
./= Maulwurfsfell/= Mole´s Fur


Heel: Cutis suis.


[Govender Nervashnee]

The skin functions to protect the body from injury, light, chemicals, extreme temperature and from invasion of micro-organisms and is responsible for the maintenance of a stable and harmonious internal environment and has the closest connection between the inner being and the outside world. The skin will often be an outer reflection of internal problems and must be treated as such. Orthodox medicine classes the different skin disease according to histological changes occurring in the skin tissue. This approach ignores to a large extent the idea that skin problems can be manifestations of internal problems and should be treated as such and not as local phenomena. Most of the chronic skin conditions that affect humanity are the result of internal processes and causes. As our skin is our interface with the world, it is often the site to manifest disharmony in one’s life (Hoffman, 1997:78-79).

Skin eruptions are nature’s way of quieting an internal disease, which threatens vital organs, by developing an external malady. The homoeopathic remedy brings out the reappearance of skin eruptions, and many forms of suppression. It is important to allow internal disorders to be discharged through the skin, rather than suppressing them with treatments directed at the skin.

In addition to purely mechanical protection, the skin also seems to have a specific biological function, designed to protect the internal organs from disease agents.

By virtue of its chemical composition, the skin may possess the function of removing toxic substances introduced into the body (Ghegas, 1994:A139; Watson, 1991:91).

The skin consists of a superficial layer, the epidermis (stratum corneum) and a deep connective tissue layer, the dermis. The fascia, lying deep to the skin consists of the superficial and deep fascia.

The superficial fascia, ext. between the dermis and underlying deep fascia, contains fat, sweat glands, blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves, whereas the deep fascia is thin and is loosely attached to the superficial fascia and adherent to the underlying muscles, hence the periosteum of bone. The above structures are essential to hold the other structures or parts together and protect against infection by providing a barrier (Moore, 1992:33).

The normal pilosebaceous unit is made up of sebaceous glands, a rudimentary hair, and a wide piliary duct lined with stratified squamous epithelial cells (Cooley et al., 1998:38).

The pilosebaceous unit is composed of a hair follicle, the sebaceous glands and the products of these structures: hair and sebum. The sebaceous glands and follicular epithelia are responsive to circulating androgens and direct androgen stimulation with resultant sebaceous gland enlargement (Lassus, 1996:341).

According to McBride & Simpson (2000:8), 95% and 83% of 16 year-old boys and girls respectively are affected, and the increasing numbers of patients in the over - 20 age group are being referred for specialist opinion. Significant lesions are also present in 1% of men and 5% of women at the age of 40 years. The prevalence of acne is similar to those 20 years ago; however it is milder in teenagers and is involving an older population who has high expectations of treatment. Brown & Shalita (1998:1871), agree that acne is a disease of adolescence (between 15-19 years). The incidence peaks at 18 years and improving around 20 years. Some have acne between 24-29 years, sometimes continuing into the 3rd and 4th decades. While acne can’t be regarded as life threatening, affected individuals experience diminished self-esteem, depression, frustration, social withdrawal, embarrassment and physical scarring.

Sebaceous gland: An exocrine gland in the dermis of the skin, almost always associated with a hair follicle, which secretes sebum (Tortora and Grabowski, 1996:G47).

Seborrhoeic dermatitis: A chronic, superficial, inflammatory disease of the skin characterised by scant, loose, dry, moist, or greasy scales, and by crusted pink or yellow patches of various shapes and sizes (Odom, James, and Berger, 2000:214).

Sebum: Lipid rich secretion from a sebaceous gland (Graham Brown and Burns, 1996:7).

Acne, is the common condition of spots with recurrent often itchy, round and red thickened areas of the skin, which may become infected and chronic. It is common on the face, but may also occur on the chest and back or in any greasy areas of the skin.

The condition is harmless and although the cause is still not clear, it is thought to be related to hormonal changes, or to a diet that is too high in sugar. It is a distressing condition, as people are preoccupied with their appearance (hair and skin). Any form of spot or blemish may become a source of teasing or shame, embarrassment or awkwardness (Smith, 1994:6).

Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory condition of the hair follicle and its‟ sebaceous gland is characterized by comedones, erythematous papules, pustules, nodules and cysts (Kaminer & Gilchrest, 1995:S7).

Some dermatologists consider acne to be one disease, whereas it constitutes a spectrum, in its severity, in the type of lesions present and the site involved (Cunliffe, 1989:6).

There are many microorganisms involved in the pathogenesis i.e. Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Malassezia furfurbut

Propionibacterium acnes (= P. acnes) is the most important one, thus many therapies have been designed to reduce the amount and function of this organism (Sommer et al., 1997:211).

There are many forms of orthodox treatment for Acne vulgaris, which often results in many side effects and resistance to therapy, but no cure is offered thus there is an obvious need for alternative forms of treatment to be investigated i.e. Homoeopathy (Barklie, 1999:4). With Homoeopathic treatment, the patient is assessed at all levels

i.e. physical, mental and emotional, thus recognising the patients individuality, in the hope of a more successful management of acne (Chatterjee,1993:1).

Herbal remedies have been used for many years in the treatment of Acne vulgaris but they have only recently been clinically tested (Barklie,1999:2) and can be an effective adjunct to homoeopathic simillimum treatment.

One needs to bear in mind the patients health and allopathic medicines‟ side-effects (numerous and troublesome and the result of many failures in treatment) since these

need to be treated first before treating acne itself (McDavid, 1994:32).

Master (1993:354), states that acne vulgaris is one of the problems for which patients seek alternative treatment and often consult with the homoeopath. Several studies been conducted on acne vulgaris.

McDavid (1994) investigated the effectiveness of homoeopathic simillimum in the treatment of acne vulgaris and had found that there was a statistically significant improvement in the clinical manifestations of acne vulgaris (p = 0.006). The frequently indicated remedies were Sulphur iodatum and Kalium bromatum.

Lee (1997) investigated the role of a homoeopathic complex (Silicea 30CH, Selenium 9CH, Hepar sulphuris 30CH, Kalium bromatum 9CH, Arctium lappa 3CH and Pulsatilla 30CH) in the treatment of acne vulgaris. The results showed no significant improvement over the period of 5 consultations within and between both groups. The effects of Kalium bromatum, used by McDavid (1994), were further elaborated upon in the above research.

Van Niekerk (1999) investigated the effectiveness of miasmatic treatment as compared to homoeopathic simillimum in terms of the objective clinical findings in patients with acne vulgaris. There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 treatments but both were significant in reducing the clinical manifestations. The above research was an extension of McDavid’s (1994) research and further elaborated on the effect and importance of homoeopathic simillimum.

Barklie (1999) investigated the effectiveness of a homoeopathic complex (Silica terra 30CH, Natrum muriaticum 15CH, Sulphur iodatum 15CH, Kalium bromatum 9CH, and Selenium 9CH) as compared to a herbal complex (Arctium lappa, Berberis quifolium, Echinacea purpurea and Taraxacum officinale) in the treatment of acne vulgaris in terms of its clinical manifestations. It was found that there was no significant difference between the herbal and homoeopathic group hence both were effective. In the homoeopathic complex used, the 2 commonly used remedies in McDavid‟s research (1994) was used and elaborated on and the knowledge of these remedies was further investigated.

Lee (1997) Used in the herbal-complex the remedy Arctium lappa was used by, thus further being an extension of the previous 3 studies.

Although this herbal-complex (Arctium lappa, Berberis aquifolium, Echinacea purpurea & Taraxacum officinale) has been used for acne treatment prior to this, it has not been compared to homoeopathic simillimum before, and Barklie (1999) recommends that this complex be compared to homoeopathic simillimum for acne vulgaris treatment.

The above treatments have all been useful and successful in the treatment of Acne vulgaris. This research incorporates the findings of the above 4 trials, mostly complementing Barklie’s research (1999),

as the same herbal-complex was used, in order to further investigate its role in the treatment of Acne vulgaris. This study also further investigated and extended the role of homoeopathic simillimum as investigated by McDavid (1994) and van Niekerk (1999).

Sewsunker (2003) did a concurrent study on Acne vulgaris at the Durban Institute of Technology-Steve Biko Campus Homoeopathic Day Clinic, which compared the effect of homoeopathic simillimum to miasmatic treatment in the treatment of Acne vulgaris. Miasmatic treatment in homoeopathy is based on the assumption that there exists in virtually everyone an inherited or acquired energy blockage or disturbance producing a predisposition towards a particular and recognizable pattern of illness (Watson, 1991:41). In patients with a chronic disease like acne vulgaris, it would mean that there is an inherited or acquired tendency to develop this disease and this predisposition must be treated in order to cure the patient. The prescription is either nosodes made from disease products or miasmatic remedies. Sewsunker‟s study will be an extension of and further reinstates van Niekerk’s research but, that trial will further use the data from this research to ascertain and compare which treatment is the most effective in Acne vulgaris treatment i.e. homoeopathic simillimum, herbal-complex or miasmatic treatment.

A search of the indexes of Medline (1993-2002) and British Homoeopathic Journal (1982-2002), LINKS (1987-2002) revealed no comparison being done on homoeopathic simillimum and a herbal complex (Arctium lappa, Berberis aquifolium, Echinacea purpurea and Taraxacum officinale) in the treatment of acne vulgaris thus stressing the need to compare the effectiveness of a herbal-complex (Arctium lappa, Berberis aquifolium, Echinacea purpurea and Taraxacum officinale) to homoeopathic simillimum. This study was aimed at acne vulgaris specifically, between the ages of 18 and 40, as a chronic condition and other types of acne were excluded.


The Magnifying Glass Cure: (from Robin Murphy’s lectures). Using a small magnifying glass, concentrate the sun’s rays on: melanoma, birthmark, warts, cysts ulcers or varicose veins until a burning sensation is felt, then stop. Do this 1 - 2 daily. Do it about two weeks.


[Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD]


The skin is the largest organ and widely considered as being the 3rd kidney, it is been used for removal of toxic substances through perspiration. As we will see when it comes to drainage, perspiration can be used to palliate a poor function of the kidneys.

Sometimes the skin has to be repaired too.

Calendula is the best if not the only herb known as having the dermotropism needed and the ability to accelerate healing; it can be used externally in local applications, ointments, creams, liquids and internally as a tea, a tincture or a homeopathic potency.



Apis Belladonna

Anwendungsgebiete: beginnende und chronisch wiederkehrende entzündliche Erkrankungen mit und ohne Fieber, insbesondere solche des Mund-, Nasen- und Rachenraumes, Mittelohrentzündung (= Otitis media).

Nasenbalsam für Kinder.


 akute und chronische Entzündungen, vor allem im Kindes- und Säuglingsalter und bei besonderer Empfindlichkeit der Schleimhäute.

Warnhinweis: enthält Sucrose/Wollwachs und Perubalsam.


[Myron H. Adams]

Skin Clues:

In acute diseases if the skin becomes moist (after giving a remedy), it is a most favorable sign.

In sub-acute or chronic diseases when the skin becomes cold, with a perspiration that is cold, clammy and profuse, the situation may be full of danger (pulse weak and irregular).


Erysipelas [Greek ἐρυσίπελας - red skin; also known as "Ignis sacer." (= Secale), "holy fire"/"St. Anthony's fire].

[E.B. Nash]

In Erysipelas: Cantharis vs Apis

In erysipelas, Cantharis is sometimes the best remedy, and choice has to be made between it and Apis, which also sometimes has great urinary irritation in such cases.

Apis more oedema. Cantharis more blistering.

Apis not restless and complaining; Cantharis is uneasy, restless, dissatisfied, distressed, sometimes moaning or violently crying; wants to be moved about constantly.

[Dr. C.M.F. Von Boenninghausen]

Camphor, administered every fifteen minutes, will cure even a severe erysipelas in the course of a few hours.

[Dr. T.P. Chatterjee]

In all eruptive illnesses ending in suppression, a dose of Zinc-met. immediately brings back the eruption. Zinc-met. enlivens the Vital Force to fight the disease and ultimately, helps to cure it. Use 6th  potency. Higher potency is fraught with the danger of serious aggravation, which a Zincum patient may not be able to stand.

[Matthew Wood]

Large leaves are a signature for the skin and the lungs, because the vegetative process of breathing, called transpiration, needs a large surface area and this is analogous to the large surface area of the skin needed for perspiration (similar to transpiration) or of the lungs, for breathing. Thus, mullein, coltsfoot, burdock, comfrey, and horseradish are used for the skin +/o. lungs. Lungwort has a peculiar signature for the lungs: it looks like someone has expectorated gobs of mucus on it. The rhizome of pleurisy root looks exceptionally like the terminal buds of the alveoli, the terminal buds of the bronchial tubes. Lobelia seeds have air inside them -giving them an uncanny feel- indicating a relationship to trapped air (asthma). Onion and garlic have hollow tubes, like the bronchial tubes, while Calamus looks like a trachea and is a great remedy for tracheitis (= Entzündung der Luftröhre).

One time I read in “Adam and Eden” that sage was good for skin conditions that looked like wrinkled like sage leaf. (https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=1063&ei=AVXxWsDMMI2W6QS8i5r4AQ&q=wrinkled+like+sage+&oq=wrinkled+like+sage+&gs_l=img.12...185882.185882.0.190580.

"Oh, ridiculous," I thought to myself.  6 months later I had a case just like that and couldn't think of anything except sage. It worked perfectly, and has always worked on what is called 'lichenification' in dermatology -- skin looks like a sage leaf. This is particularly common in woman and sometimes men, in the decline of life, from the fifties onwards, when the vital juices are drying out.


Vergleich. Psora - Sykose - Syphillinie - Tuberkulinie

Psoric Miasm: dirty, dry, itching without pus or discharge, burning, scaly eruptions, eczema, cracks in hands and feet, sweat profuse < during sleep offen

Sycotic Miasm: Warty, moles, unnatural thickening skin, herpes, scars, nails are thick and irregular---corrugated, oily skin with oozing, disturbed pigment in patc

Syphylitic Miasm: Ulcers, boils, discharge of fluids and pus offensive, slow to heal, leprosy, copper colored eruptions < by heat of bed, spoon shape thin nails that tear easily, gangreen putrid

Tubercular Miasm: ringworm, eczema, Urticaria/Nesselsucht, herpes, re-occuring boils with pus and fever. Don’t heal fast. Leprosy < by warmth of bed, > by cold, nails white spots.


• Tremendous itching, Dirty looking

• In folds, must scratch

• Scabies, Crusty scaly, Oily, Yellow offensive discharges


• Thick crusts that crack and OOZE

• Herpes zoster on SCALP

• Cracking skin (geometric)


• Thick skin, CRACKS, in folds,

• Oozing, honey-like

• Callus, Keloids


• skin infections, punctures


• Skin ulcers, abscesses, burning


• Stinging, burning hives 

[Dr. Douglass Borland]

Impetigo in child/adult: Ant-c.



[Dr. Ramsey]

Echi: For conditions of the body which set up boils specific. Ten drop doses of tincture 4x daily.

Pic-ac.: specific for small furuncles in any part of the body as any remedy can be. In the meatus externus it aborts the furuncle if seen early and mitigates, if advanced, as well as corrects the habit”.




Crot-h. jaundice due to rhesus incompatibility or after a blood transfusion.


WALA Rosatum Heilsalbe schützt entzündete, trockene Haut und lindert den Juckreiz.

    Die kolloidale Kieselsäure (Silicea colloidalis) als wesentliche Komponente belebt das Hautbindegewebe und fördert ein rascheres Abheilen oberflächlicher Wunden.

    Ätherisches Rosenöl (Rosae aetheroleum) wirkt entzündungshemmend. Durchwärmt und pflegt es die Haut.

    Das ätherische Geranienöl (Geranii aetheroleum) unterstützt die Wundheilung.



Not Your Ordinary Itch

Dol..: Intense itching without rash or swelling. Yellow spots all over. Neuralgia after herpes zoster. Cold water > itching, but it burns the skin and causes trembling.

Mez.: itching changes place.

Petr.: Itching with no visible eruption. Scratches the skin until moisture oozes forth, and keeps on scratching until the skin bleeds and the part becomes cold.

Without eruption: alum. ars. cist. dol. gels. lach. med. merc. mez. petr. psor. sulph.

Scratches until raw: agar. alum. am-c. ant-c. arn. bar-c. bov. calc. carb-s. caust. chin. dros. graph. hep. kali-c. kreos. lach. lyc. Mang-met. merc. olnd. petr. phos. Plb-met.

            psor. puls. rhus-t. ruta. sabin. scil. sep. sil. sul-ac. sulph. til.

Coldness after scratching: Agar. Mez. Petr.

Blasenbildung: Canth. Clos-p. Manc.

Warzen: Calc-cn. (= ausgeglühte Austernschale = Calc + Warzen); Carc.

„Blumenkohlwarzen“ Rhus-t. Thuj.

Sykose Repertorium Warzen:

• Warzen im Gesicht und an der Nase: Caust. Thuj. Nit-ac.

• Warzen am Kinn, Lippen und (im) um den Mund: Caust. Con. Thuj. Nit-ac.

• Warzen auf der Zunge oder am Gaumen: Aur-met. (und Salze), Cupre-l. Kali-s. Lyc.

Phytologie: Bestreichen mit Saft Chelidonium


Definition: inflammatory condition; Synonyms: abscess, boil, canker, carbuncle, fester, lesion, pustule, sore, ulceration


[Adrien Badeau]

Paeonia: ulcers from poor fitting shoes, ulcers from pressure as in bed sores, ulcers on lower part of body which are sensitive and painful (consider new shoes.)


[Irina Segal]

The first 21 year period is the Spring of one’s life. This is the most active growth period.

The Summer of one’s life occurs between the ages of 21 and 42 years. Just as the height of the sun’s light and heat occurs during the summer, this period is one’s prime.

The Autumn of one’s life comes between 42 and 63 years of age. It is during this time when the body’s regenerative capacity slows down.

Within each season of life “life-forces” are called upon to assist us with change. As we move from one “season” to the next, some of the “life-forces” connected with the work of bodily systems/organs are liberated to become available for use in another way. With respect to the reproductive organs, the forces belonging to the uterus and ovaries are reflective of certain cosmic forces (creativity/selflessness/being active).

During menopause, these forces are freed and made available for use by one’s consciousness; women lose their physical reproductive capacity while gaining renewed warmth of heart and sparkling creativity.

Why and How Does Our Skin Change During Menopause?

The skin is metabolically teaming with life. As we age, the reproductive rate of the skin slows down considerably. Blood vessels decrease in both number and size, reducing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, thus affecting skin color. The sebaceous (oil) glands tend to become larger and decrease their secretions, resulting in a greater tendency toward dryness and pruritis (itching).

Women in their 40’s and 50’s experience a decrease in collagen and elastin production. Collagen provides the structure and cohesion of the skin. Elastin provides resiliency, giving our skin its ability to bounce back. The decrease in production means that the skin is less able to undergo quick stress recovery and the ability to “snap” back into shape.

Estrogen keeps skin metabolically active, soft, supple and well-hydrated. Before menopause, most estrogen is produced by the ovaries, the rest by the adrenals and fatty tissue. Ovaries also produce testosterone.

After menopause, estrogen is produced by fat and the adrenals. In most women the amount of estrogen decreases by half or two-thirds. Testosterone decreases slightly; thus the proportion between estrogen and testosterone changes. Reduced estrogen levels cause a decrease in the thickness and suppleness of the skin. The comparatively higher levels of testosterone can create more facial hair and increase the size of the pores. Testosterone can alter the balance of fatty acids in the sebum causing the sebum to become more sticky and lead to clogged pores or the return of acne.

Cosmeceuticals - Too Good To Be True?

We are overwhelmed by messages that tell us how to fight the natural aging process. Holistic perspectives can become clouded as women search for the high-tech prescription that will turn back the ever-ticking biological clock.

The first line of Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s best selling book The Wrinkle Cure states: “Wrinkled, sagging skin is not the inevitable result of growing older. It is a disease, and you can fight it.” Baby boomers have heard this battle cry and have run to the nearest cosmetics counter demanding high-performance, multifunctional products that deliver fast results - victory in the war against aging. Cosmeceuticals promise this victory.

The term ‘cosmeceutical’ was coined for skin care products that promise benefits beyond basic hygiene. Cosmeceuticals imply a fusion of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals that target the symptoms of aging skin, claiming to alter the skin’s appearance, reflecting a symptomatic, short-term perspective that promises instant results. The trouble is this approach fosters a dependence on external, often costly measures and may have negative side effects. Witness the incredible popularity of Retinol and alpha hydroxy acids still appearing in anti-aging products despite the known drawbacks: increased sensitivity and susceptibility to sun damage, plus research now reveals long-term, harmful effects of chronically degrading the epidermis.

Making Peace with Your Changing Skin

The skin is a complex, multi-functional organ that deserves respectful care if it is to afford us health and beauty for the long term. There are several things we can do to maintain a youthful look, while contributing to our overall health:

Foods and Supplements: fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that have been clinically proven to help prevent and heal sun damage to the skin. Since antioxidants work

in concert with each other, the greater the variety of fruits and vegetables you eat, the better. They are also rich in fiber and, please, make sure that you’re getting enough of it (nothing shows up on the skin faster than chronic constipation). Add 1/8 cup of ground flaxseed to your food regimen each day. In addition to 11-plus grams of fiber, this amount of flaxseed is loaded with skin-beautifying omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens. Fish (salmon wild caught only/sardines/swordfish) are rich in the omega-3 fats also, which are important for building healthy cell membranes everywhere in the body. Eggs, preferably fertile. Do not overcook; ideally, yolk should be runny. Herbs and spices [cumin/basil/oregano (one tablespoon of fresh oregano has the same antioxidant activity as one apple)/rosemary), Yogurt (organic, whole-milk yogurt is best), plenty of Water and a good quality Tea.

Supplementation with antioxidants: Coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, vitamin E, proanthocyanidins (from pine bark or grape pips), and alpha-lipoic acid are particularly important for healthy skin.

Skin Care Products: Wonderfully effective, alive and truly full of blessings (for us and for our planet) are skin care products manufactured by Weleda, Dr. Hauschka and Argital. They offer a natural, holistic alternative to the use of cosmeceuticals.

Regular Facial Treatments: During and after menopause, the natural ability of the skin to exfoliate slows down, and with less estrogen and more testosterone pores may become more clogged. Proper intensive, yet not damaging exfoliation, done with herbal steam and aromatherapy compressing, is very important at this time (Dr. Hauschka Classic Facial Treatments). The Lymph Stimulation that one receives during a treatment is particularly supportive in assisting the skin to rid itself of the metabolic wastes and encourage harmonious functioning. Lymph stimulation also promotes cleansing and strengthens elastic fibers in the connective tissue.

And, of course, the benefit of a quiet time, set apart for oneself in a peaceful and nurturing space, is also worth the praise.

Last, but not least, whenever possible let the early morning sunrays shine on your face for 10 -15 minutes, while you’re not wearing sunscreen or sunglasses.

From a holistic standpoint we understand that skin care is not just what we put on our skin, but how we take care of ourselves in all ways. Wholesome nutrition, enough sleep, regular exercise, good skin care regimen, fresh air and the right attitude can help to put our best face forward. Being alive, authentic and radiant in the present moment is a powerful cosmetic!


[Irina Segal]

Sun Light and Summer Skin Care

It is absolutely imperative not to sunbathe in the midday sun. Keep in mind that ultraviolet rays can penetrate clothing and windows. Be sure to wear tightly woven clothing during the midday hours and apply sunscreen under it to increase protection.

On the other hand, “a little natural light, on arms and legs for twenty minutes a day with no sun block, may be beneficial.

Caution: be sure it’s early morning or late afternoon sunlight. Studies show sunlight can be beneficial for everyone our bodies (women: vitamin D is manufactured in when sunlight reacts with the cholesterol found in the skin).

Cancer specialist Joanna Budwig, M.D. utilized sunlight as part of the treatment program in her Natural Cancer Clinic in Europe. Studies in the U.S. and the Sovjet Union have documented that women living in areas with the most hours of sunlight have markedly lower rates of breast cancer. Sun exposure links to a reduced rate of breast cancer. Vitamin D also helps to balance blood sugar, build healthy bones and is important for preventing osteoporosis.

Skin cancer is of concern, so moderation is key. However, the increase in breast cancer and other cancers dramatically exceeds that of skin cancer.

We know O, one of the most abundant materials on earth and in the atmosphere, is essential to life. Yet both the sun and O are major contributors to free radical damage, the prime cause of aging and disease in the human body. Free radicals roam the body causing change, sometimes good (interfering with viruses and bacteria) and sometimes bad (disrupting our cell structures and functions).

When they are working against us, free radicals have the same effect on our cells as rust has on cars. People who have been exposed to long-term sun tanning show signs of premature aging on their skin, due to the breaking down of collagen, the protein substance in the skin that gives it elasticity. Repeated sunburns and overexposure to the sun increase the risk of skin cancer (fair coloring). The destruction of the ozone layer intensifies the negative effect of direct exposure to the sun, please make frequent use of hats and umbrellas, and, once again, stay away from the sun during the hottest time of the day.


Septimaecin. (Septi) = Sepsis/= Form Blutvergiftung/= pus from septic abscess nach Yingling



Spinnen: haben Bezug zu innere Ectoderm: = Nerven (Polyneuropathie?).

Milben: haben Bezug zu äußere Ectoderm = Haut.

            Quelle: remedia.at


Neotrombicula autumnalis, Harvest mite, Milbe, Grasmilbe, Herbstgrasmilbe


Trombidium, Rote Samtmilbe, Trombidium holosericeum, Stubenfliegenmilbe, Trombidium muscae domesticae

Psorinum Nos., Psorinum, Psora-Nosode, Scabies, Krätzmilbe, Psoricum, Psorinum Nosode

Neotrombicula autumnalis, Harvest mite, Milbe, Grasmilbe, Herbstgrasmilbe

Dermatophagoides farinae (Allergen), Hausstaubmilbe 2 (Allergen)

Hausstaubmilben Mischung (Allergen), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus + fari (Allergen)

Hausstaubmilbe 1 (Allergen)

Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Allergen), Hausstaubmilbe 1 (Allergen)

Trombidium, Rote Samtmilbe,

Trombidium holosericeum, Stubenfliegenmilbe, Trombidium muscae domesticae

Trombiculidae - Laufmilben (Arznei-Familie, 1 Arzneimittel)


Narbe: Thios. wasp. when a wound develops a keloid ‡.

Grüne Haut

"al-Chadir"/= islamische Heilige/= "grüne Mann", führt Nomaden in Wüste zum Wasser/begleitet Wanderer auf ihrem Weg/= Khidr/= magische Figur in Sufilehre/= Führer in andere Welten/= grün

Green man = figure with human face/leaves + foliage as a body. In Celtic religion god of spring and summer/new life. He disappears and returns year after year, century after century, enacting themes of death and resurrection, the ebb and flow of life and creativity.

Osiris (Egypt) was murdered by his brother. Set. His wife + sister Isis resurrected him/he became god of the dead. + underworld. (= „Sitz des Auges.”) Gott der Vegetation/des Nils/Fruchtbarkeit.

Symbolen: Tausendfüßler./grüner Haut/Krummstab./Weizen. gemischt mit Ton. als Opfer

Milarepa, Asket/Yogi/Urvater einer tibetanische, buddhistische Schule, aß so lange Brennnesseln bis er grün sah


Vergleich: Vergleich. Mycobacterium Arten in Bezug zu befallene Organen: Haut;

Siehe: Neurodermitis (Henrich Binnewies) + Anhaengsel (U. Gieler) + Anhang Psoriasis (U. Gieler) + Anhang 2 Karbunkel (Lueder Jachens/Vithoulkas) + Anhang 3 (Warzen/ Dr. R. Patel/Charles Bernaert/Dr. med. Olaf Koob) + Anhang 4 (Lüder Jachens) + Haar + Systemen 


Phytology: SOLUNAT Nr. 6 = Dyscrasin Dyscratische Störungen des “Körpersäfteflusses” im Sinne der Humoralpathologie; Organentgiftung/Hauterkrankungen


Edelsteine.: Achat, Amethyst, Aquamarin, Aventurin, Chalcedon, Jaspis, Rosenquarz, Saphir, Türkies.



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