Triticum vulgaris (Trit-v) = Weizen


Vergleich: Enthält: Fett (2%);

Geuze/Lambic (belgisches Bier) enthält: Aethyl + Lac-ac + Hord-vg + Trit-vg;


Agros. (= Kornradsamen/= rote Kornblume/Wurzel/= Zwijns-/schaaps-/ezelsoren/= Christus-/= Gods-/= schoonoog/= akkervlam/= steekneusken/= Bolderkruid/= muggenbloem/= orgelbloem/= corncockle (= Kornrade)/= Ackerrade/= Höllenkorn/= Klockenblume/= Kornnelke/= Kornrose/= Pisspöttken).

Fago. (= Buchweizen/= Heidekorn/= Le ble Noir). Melampyrum pratens (= Wachtelweizen./Lamiales.).

Siehe: Commelinidae + Bier + Cereales allgemein + Getreide-essenzen


Negativ: Heuschnupfen ;

Disposition ...

    Amorous. Amusement, desire for. Jesting. Loquacity.

    Love - exalted love. Honest. Tells the plain truth.

    Communicative. Longing good opinion of others.

    Nature, loves. Joy - nature.

    Ailments from: being rejected. Quarrelling. Domination.

    Confidence. Content, himself with.

Mood ...

    Intellectual. Emotions, suppressed. Anger, trifles. Abusive

    Delusions: alone, being. Emptiness. Not appreciated.

    Sensitive: Impressions - noise, odours.

    Sentimental. Sadness, alone when.

    Theorising. Thoughts profound.

    Weary of life. Suicidal disposition.

Malarial or Tubercular theme ...

    Change - desire for - life in. Plans, many. Helpless.

    Undertaking many things. Persevering in nothing.

    Envy, seeing other people happy.

    Responsibility, aversion to. Tidy/Untidy.

    Cleanness, mania for. Duty - too much sense of.

    Avarice. Delusions, he will come to want. Squandering.

Fogginess of mind ....

    Absentminded, dreamy. Clairvoyance.

    Confusion of mind - identity, as to his.

    Estranged - family from. Self from.

    Confusion: Time and Space. Objects and Ideas.

    Answering, monosyllables. Conversation - aversion to.

    Mistakes making.

Fears ...

    Suspicious. Hatred - revengeful, hatred and. Malicious. Kill desire to.

    Carefree. Cares full of. Anxiety. Anticipation. Desires to go home.

    Fear - of being attacked. Of impending danger. Panic attacks.

    Fear of flying. Of narrow places. Of robbers. Of starving.

Miasm: accept own limits and give up as in the Malaria Miasm.

DD.: The Tubercular Miasm also had a feeling of being caught or trapped so they get out.

Therapeutics: Vertigo. Hay fever.

Sulph./Lach.: Amorous, Sentimental, Theorising and confusion about identity, with avarice and feeling unappreciated.

DD.: Cross kingdom comparison

a. How they cope with the situation

            Making plans is a characteristic of Stage 5. Fear of the new (persevering in nothing) is Stage 4.

b. The expression and its modalities

Stage 16 begin to disconnect ... Sulphur feels worthless if scorned (Rubric: He is disgraced).

     Oxydatum feels neglected and abused and becomes weary of life.

c. The mineral-salt combination

            Cerium oxydatum could feel cautious because they might be rejected. Are afraid of being really autonomous and asserting their ego in case they get knocked back.



α-Amylase-Trypsin-Inhibitoren (= ATI) = Proteine verschiedener glutenhaltiger Getreidesorten, insbesondere Weizen. Sie dienen dort unter anderem der Hemmung der Proteolyse. Es wird vermutet, dass sie, bei einer entsprechenden Unverträglichkeit, eine der Ursachen für eine Nicht-Zöliakie-Nicht-Weizenallergie-Weizensensitivität sind. Neuere Studien differenzieren zwischen den Wirkungen von Getreide (insbesondere Weizen), Gluten und ATI.

Proteolyse (von griechisch lysis, „Auflösung“) bezeichnet man die enzymatische Hydrolyse von Proteinen durch Peptidasen, also den Abbau von Proteinen.

Von Autoproteolyse spricht man, wenn sich eine Peptidase selbst abbaut. Die Proteolyse kann durch Proteaseinhibitoren gehemmt werden. Ein Proteinhydrolysat ist ein Produkt einer Proteolyse.


[Judy Coldicott]

As homeopaths, it is important that we have a number of tools in our homeopathic resource box so that we can meet the needs of the varied patients we see and help them on the road to improved health. As we know, each case is different and requires an individualized approach. Some patients do not initially give us symptoms at the deep level suited to more in depth approaches to prescribing. This can be because the process of homeopathy is new to them, or sometimes the range of physical symptoms is like a ‘fog’ that we need to work our way through.

Over the last 10 years or so, I have successfully used the remedy Wheat or Triticum vulgare to deal with a wide range of complaints in my practice. Initially, this arose when

I encountered an increasing number of clients, often with allergy-like symptoms and fatigue, who did not seem to fully respond to a well indicated remedy. Often, they could not explain deeper symptoms or sensations but were depleted and debilitated at some level. (I later came to recognize it as the lethargy and flatness of mood often seen when people are reacting to wheat in the diet.)  My conclusion was that the patients had some sort of maintaining cause. I perceived this to be the modern “overloaded-with-processed-food” diet. In many cases, there was a specific sensitivity to wheat or dairy, but often just a combination of too much of both of these foods, and others, which insidiously creep into all processed items. Even when this diet was improved the symptoms might persist.  Sometimes, I saw patients who had already been diagnosed with celiac disease (wheat intolerance) who, even on a strict diet, were debilitated by a range of often severe symptoms.

Throughout the Organon, Hahnemann refers to the need to look at and treat fundamental causes and obstacles to cure with the appropriate homoeopathic remedy.

§ 3: If the physician clearly perceives what is to be cured in diseases, that is to say, in every individual case of disease (knowledge of disease, indication), if he clearly perceives what is curative in medicines, that is to say, in each individual medicine (knowledge of medical powers), and if he knows how to adapt, according to clearly defined principles, what is curative in medicines to what he has discovered to be undoubtedly morbid in the patient, so that the recovery must ensue - to adapt it, as well in respect to the suitability of the medicine most appropriate according to its mode of action to the case before him (choice of the remedy, the medicine indicated), as also in respect to the exact mode of preparation and quantity of it required (proper dose), and the proper period for repeating the dose; - if, finally, he knows the obstacles to recovery in each case and is aware how to remove them, so that the restoration may be permanent, then he understands how to treat judiciously and rationally, and he is a true practitioner of the healing art.

§ 5: Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure are the particulars of the most probable exciting cause of the acute disease, as also the most significant points in the whole history of the chronic disease, to enable him to discover its fundamental cause, which is generally due to a chronic miasm. In these investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of the patient (especially when the disease is chronic), his moral and intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual function, etc., are to be taken into consideration.

This got me thinking…

What would Hahnemann say about our modern diet if he could see the supermarket shelves lined with cardboard boxes, most with wheat and thickeners added?

How does food affect our ‘mode of living’ compared to 18th century life – it needed much less consideration then as most foods were in their simple form, yet it was

still a strong focus for Hahnemann. How would he modify his treatment if he were practicing today? Is ‘poisoning’ with overuse of refined foods becoming a layer that

needs treatment in our clients? I began to ponder the idea of a ‘food miasm’.

Previous modern practitioners (Sankaran/ Murphy/ Assilem/ Fraser & others) have suggested the idea of contemporary miasms – miasms from the modern world:

synthetic hormones, recreational drug use, AIDS miasm, electromagnetic radiation, and others. It made sense to look at the abuse of some of these refined foods (wheat) in the same vein.

I began to give potentised wheat (Triticum vulgare) to patients who were not fully responding to other well-indicated remedies, some who had celiac disease and still had severe symptoms despite an improved diet and homeopathic treatment. Over time, I observed that just the removal of the grain was not enough and that a prescription of Triticum vulgare was needed as a way of addressing many of the remaining symptoms. I was surprised at the results patients experienced and began to build a profile of

a remedy which, until then, I could find no homeopathic information on. What follows is a list of symptoms that I have seen resolve in patients, when they have taken

Triticum vulgare (usually 30c), while concurrently removing the grain from their diet.



Oversensitivity (criticism), easy indignation

Depression -varying degrees- usually with low confidence, weeping and tiredness

Mood swings/irritability/emotionally irrational

Lack of motivation, poor concentration and memory, feeling as if drugged or sleepy

Short tempered/internal restlessness/dissatisfaction

Lack of confidence - desire to be alone



Weakness of limbs, generalized aching

Heaviness of body/limbs

Physical restlessness

Lack of coordination, stumbling, many accidents


Headaches – varying locations – often described as a ‘hangover’ headache, dull, woolly, head in a fog, etc.

Sinusitis/post nasal drip/increased catarrh

Poor sense of smell/chronic nasal congestion/obstruction

Bad acne/singular pimples erupting

Increased prevalence of ear/nose and throat infections – tonsillitis, glue ear, hardness of hearing/blocked ears/tickling, itching ears

Classic dark rings under eyes/paleness OR flushing of face

Unexplained feeling of swelling or lump in the throat, sometimes even with choking


Bloating/distension usually intermittent or < as the day goes on

Cramps/wind/griping or sharp pains, sometimes with vomiting/nausea

Diarrhea or constipation or alternation of both eg constipation followed by diarrhea, severe cases mucus and bleeding

Gurgling or rumbling

Hungry/never satisfied feeling, then bloated after eating


Aching anywhere in the body – muscles and joints

Unable to raise limbs esp. shoulders

Lack of strength in muscles

Swelling of joints

Tendonitis, excessive pain in muscles

Skin: dermatitis

Itching (with or without eruption)

Dry flaky skin, eczema

Blotchy or hive-like, urticarial eruptions

Pimples occurring anywhere on the body

Female Organs:

Increased menstrual pain

Mood changes (PMT) worse than normal, exacerbated  peri-menopausally

Diarrhea  and bowel pain increased pre-menstrually and during menses

Vaginal itching (thrush)

Increased vaginal discharge (varying colours)

Urinary Organs:

Urinary tract infections more common or unexplained

Increased frequency/desire to urinate, or the opposite: unable to pass urine easily

Incontinence (little warning or control) enuresis

Frequent urination at night


Sleepy during the day

Insomnia at night – restless sleep, difficulty getting to sleep

Waking after midnight (commonly around 2am) unable to get back to sleep

Waking unrefreshed or exhausted

Anxiety at night preventing sleep

Respiratory Organs:

Increased mucus production, constant hawking

Dry incessant cough

Constant clearing of the throat or needing to hawk up mucus

Loss of voice, often for several weeks on end – (no apparent cause after extensive diagnostic testing)

Many of these symptoms are common to our perception of allergic response or substance intolerance but many are more general.

In practice, I have treated patients who seem to do well on this remedy alone (a smaller percentage) when a range of symptoms clearly fit. Other patients do well on this remedy followed by subsequent individualized prescriptions for their remaining symptoms. Most will improve quicker with Triticum vulgare, while at the same time cutting processed foodstuffs from their diet.

This gives them a clean platform from which to start, so they can become more aware of which foods they can tolerate in their diets, and how much. They often find they

are able to tolerate spelt flour or breads made by the fermentation process (sourdough). In today’s world, most people find it too difficult to adhere to a strict elimination

diet long term and this is one practical way we can assist them to cope using a safe, gentle mechanism. It is also empowering for the patient to see this for themselves so

clearly and take control of the balance of food-related symptoms, seeking help when they need it.


Schroyens’ Synthesis lists 3914 symptoms for the remedy Triticum vulgare, ranging through all sections of the repertory and linking in with the more general descriptions

I have given. These are largely contributed by Peter and Edeltraud Friedrich. For those of you who read German, Peter also has a full proving document available.

Other references found on Radar are from Sherr, and in the 1880 version of the Organon, there is a reference to disruption of menses in bake-house girls: Hahnemann prepared wheat into a remedy which brought them relief. (He truly was an amazing man, seeing it as a problem and a potential remedy even back then!)

When I began to use Triticum vulgare, I did not expect to see such a range of symptoms alleviated. My conclusion today, about the use of this remedy, is that it has a wide-ranging sphere of action in improving health, when symptoms are well matched, regardless of the cause.

[A. Richter]

Lebensangst (bedrängt/überrollt/vereinnahmt)

häufige Verletzung: Verbrennung/Stöße/Schnitte

krank (= lebensbedroht)/Krankheitsangst

fühlt sich instabil (Rücken/Muskelrisse)

Furcht vor Veränderung (angstvolles Herzrasen)

Hitze und Furcht aus Solarplexus

Dumpf/drückende/zusammenziehende Schmerz (macht Fenster auf/wollen raus/frische Luft)

(stimmungs) schwankEND

„Wie überflüssig/unwichtig“/macht alles falsch (zu Hause: kontrolliert/dominiert/nicht beachtet)

Verlustangst (selber nicht erwünscht)

1. Angstvolles Missempfinden

Angst durch Nahrungsgerüche

Geräusche schrecken/lichtempfindlich

Arme schlafen/kribbeln

Haut juckt/brennt

Hitze/Kälte # Gefühllosigkeit

2. Überdreht/Gedankenandrang

Reden = Ventil/explosive Wut bei Kleinigkeiten

muss sich dauernd beschäftigen

Fötus unruhig

Schlaf ruhelos/kurz

häufig wach

Durchfälle mit Krämpfen

lautes Rumoren im Bauch

3. Nicht Abgrenzen

Ohren/Nase laufen/Augen tränen

Langandauernde heftige Menses


Urin unwillkürlich

Haarausfall, rissige Lippen

schwallartiges Erbrechen

Heißhunger nach Essen (süß)

4. Unbeweglich/rigide

Tut nur gewohntes

Sparsam/zwanghaft - einseitig

kann sich nicht beugen/Nacken steif

Hält Atem an bei Kummer + Anstrengung

Lumbalgie „Wie Klammer“

Schmerz ziehen quer über: Bauch/Lende


zusammenziehend/drückend in Kehle/Brust/Bauch

Atemnot, Völlegefühl auch nach Essen

Schwellung: Hände, Füße

alle Schmerzqualitäten in Glieder/Gelenken

übel nach nur kleine Menge

5. „Im falschen Film“/Verwirrt

Fehler: Zeit/ Termine

liest/versteht falsche Worte

denkt macht alles falsch/lässt Dinge fallen

sieht im Dunkeln Bedrohliches/sieht Linien und Striche/sieht Unscharfes nicht fokussieren

verschluckt sich

Flimmern und Flackern bei Kopfschmerz

Fühlt sich hässlich: Akne/Furunkel/Übergewicht

6. Niedergeschlagen - Geknickt

Fühlt sich ausgesaugt/unfähig etwas zu tun

überwältigende Müdigkeit/“Wie zerschlagen“

Lähmungs und Krankheitsgefühl (= gekränkt)

Beine schwer/steif/gefühllos/kalt


Wirbelsäule „Wie zerschlagen“ (bei allem)

Schwindel (sich aufrichtend/runter beugend)

Knacken/Knirschen/Krachen in Hals-/Brustwirbelsäule drehend

Schwäche in Rücken

Occiputkopfschmerz (muss ruhig liegen)

Sich nach anderen ausrichten wollen/Anerkennung suchen


Allergische Beschwerden:

Bedrängt (alle allergischen Symptome können auf 1x kommen)/überwältigt, außer Kontrolle

1. Empfindlich auf alle äußeren Einflüsse (in Hochspannung)

Kribbeln, Brennen, Jucken, Ameisen laufen (Augen/Nase/Mund/Rachen/Gesicht/Haut)

Augen glasig/rot/tränend

Nase rot/laufend


2. Explosionsartige Entladung (Niesanfälle)


„Wie nach Verschlucken“

3. Brennendes Fließen (Auge/Nase/Speichel)

Risse im Mundwinkel


Hitze an Füßen im Allgemeinen

4. Aufgestaut

Lider geschwollen

Fremdkörpergefühl/Kloßgefühl Hals/Magen

Essen bleibt liegen

Nase verstopft nachts/liegend

trocken: Auge/Nase/Hals/Mund

Pickel/Pusteln: Gesicht/Hals/Brust/Rücken

5. Symptomen „hauen um“

Müde (geknickt)/Krank (gekränkt)/Wund (verletzt)

bei Heuschnupfen: Augen/Gesicht

                    nach Essen (Milch)



[Sudarshan Bhatti]


Wheat grass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. It also heal and cleanse the internal organs. It is excellent in a case of constipation

in keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium.

What's So Great About Wheat grass Medicine?

Wheat grass maintains our health in number of ways :

1. Circulatory system: Wheat grass has dilating effect on the "blood vessels allowing blood to flow more easily. This improved circulation means valuable nutrients can

be distributed more efficiently throughout the body.

It also has effect on the RBCs , where by it increases the iron content in the blood . Combined with living foods, it is great for blood disorders of all kinds including Anaemia. Wheat grass medicine builds up Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells through its cleansing energy and nutritional value, when combined with a diet of organically grown living foods. It helps to reduce High Blood Pressure as it reduces toxins from the body and has enhances the capillaries. It also work as an blood purifier, as it cleanse the blood.

2. Wheat grass can dissolve the scars formed in the lungs from breathing acid gases. The affect of carbon-monoxide is minimised since chlorophyll increases the haemoglobin production.

3. Wheat grass is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables.

Dr. Erap Thomas, associate of Dr. Ann Wigmore says that 15-pounds of wheat grass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth.

4. Wheat grass is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin-A, C. Excellent source of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulphur, Cobalt, Zinc

and Protein.

5. Toxic metals - Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Aluminium and excessive amounts of Copper can be successfully removed with small amounts of wheat grass medicine is increasing dosages.

6. By taking wheat grass medicine, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health and spirituality and experience a sense of well-being.

7. Wheat grass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissue function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.

8. Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest Wheat grass and uses up very little body energy. Wheat grass can remove heavy metals from the body.

Wheat grass -Q (Mother tincture) is high in enzymes.

11. Wheat grass improves digestion.

12. Wheat grass acts as detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.

13. Wheat grass has also been shown to have a beneficial external effect as well:

~ Wheat grass ointment has been used to successfully treat such disorders as skin ulcers, impetigo and itching.

~ It is an excellent skin cleanser and beautifier.

~ Wheat grass cream can also be used safely on broken, cracked, raw or chafed skin. Wheat grass protects, repairs and revitalize  your skin.

~ Regular wheat grass -Q (mother tincture) for skinproblems such as eczema or psoriasis.

~ Wheat grass medicine cures acne and even removes scars after it has been ingested for 7 to 8 month. The diet must be improved at the same time.

14. Wheat grass is one of the best food sources of B-carotene which is converted by the body of Vitamin-A.

15. Wheat grass is a source of iron, folic acid and Vitamin B-12, all necessary for healthy RBCs and medicine can be taken TDS, 4-globules soaked in WG-30 at a time, usually but according to the severity of disease, it varies.

So all my dear doctor friends, we have entered into 21st Century and have worked from the simple, easily available plant namely wheat grass the panacea in the universe and get the Miraculous results out of a polycrest remedy and why we should not lead to the economy of not only of our country, India, but World-wide too.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum