Panacea = Allheilmittel


Vergleich: Siehe: Pflanzen + Adaptogen


Panacea was obtained from an unknown but common tree in Brazil. Brazilian names, Azougue dos pobres (literally: Butcher of the poor/Mercury of the poor);

Cabedula; Erva carnevra.


In Greek mythology, Panacea was the goddess of cures and healing. In medicine, a panacea is a substance supposed to cure all diseases.

Panacea and her 5 sisters each performed a facet of Apollo's art:

Panacea: goddess of cures

Iaso: goddess of recuperation,

Hygieia: goddess of disease prevention

Aceso: goddess of recovery

Aglaea: goddess of natural beauty

Theriak = Panacea


All-s. = Theriak der Armen

Anag. = Ackergauchelheil/= Moreron male/= Cure all/= Scarlet Pimpernel/= Poor man’s Mercury

Ange-a. = Erzengelwurz/= Archangelique/= Garden-angelica/= Theriakwurz

Ant-met.: English alchemist Roger Bacon [1220-1292]: Antimony is a "a heavenly medicine to prevent and to cure all kinds of disease and ailments of the human body."

In gout, leprosy, apoplexy, dropsy, epilepsy, catalepsy and analepsy, hectic, pest, and fever.

Aral.: = Amerikanische Narde/= Nard americaine/= Spikenarde/= Wurzel/= Life-of-man/= Small spikenard/= Petty-morel.

Arn. = Wolf(erei)/= Saukraut/= Bergwohlverleih/= Fallkraut/= Teufelsabbiß/= Mönchswurz/= Engelkraut/= Leopard's Bane/= mountain tobacco/= Panacea lapsorum

Cent-u. = Tausendguldenkraut


Coll. = Griesswurzel/= Recine de beaume de cheval/= Stoneroot/= Horse Balm/= Rich Weed/= Heal-all/= Canada Snake-root

Fermentierte Kombucha (= Tee. der Unsterblichkeit)

Erio. = Herba santa

Gins. = Allheilkraut

Guai. = national flower of Jamaica/national tree of the Bahamas = Pockholzharz/-holz/= Lignum vitae/= holy wood/= green-heart/= ironwood.

Jaspis. Schild vor der Brust/Schwert in der Hand/Schlange unter den Füßen/schützt gegen alle Krankheiten/erneuert Geist/Herz/Verstand." Rote Jaspis am besten bei Übelkeit + EssLUST während der Schwangerschaft/erleichtert Entbindung/Unterleib.



Moringa moringa. = Drumstick Tree/= (Asiatische/Guilandia) moringa/= (Pferde)Meerrettichbaum/= Behenbaum/= Klärmittelbaum/= Wunderbaum/= Benzolive/=  Mother’s best friend/= Morango/= Moringuiero/= Munaga/= Shajna (I)/= Sàndalo ceruleo/= Sitachini (Nepal)

Nigella. damascena and sativa seeds widely used for medicine in Arabian countries from Morocco to Pakistan/S. Europe. A panacea in Islamic folk medicine and used for mostly the same purposes as passed down from Pliny and Dioscorides

Oeno = Nachtkerzen/= Onagre/= Evening primrose/= Kings Cure All

Op. = Teriak/Theriaak

Oplopanax. horridus = Devil's club/= Alaskan ginseng

Panacea arvensis

Panax. quinquefolium

            Alternaria panax = plant pathogen to Zing

China: Jade./Cinnb./Hämatit

Pimp. = Theriac Venezian/= Biebernell/= Tragoselinum saxifraga/= weiße deutsche Theriakwurz/= Bockspetersilie

Prunella vulgaris = All-heal/= Bijenkorfje. Lamiales. Self-Heal (Braunheil)  = [(kleine) Brunella vulgaris, Carpenter's herb] Für Menschen, die nicht die Verantwortung

für ihre Heilung und ihr Wohlbefinden übernehmen wollen, denen die spirituelle Motivation für Gesundheit fehlt und die auf die Hilfe anderer angewiesen sind.

Macht Ihnen bewußt, daß Sie sich selbst heilen können. Quelle:


Stachys.: = All-heal

Sutherlandia frutescens wird von traditionellen Heilern in Afrika benutzt. Dort dient sie als vielfältiges Allheilmittel für vielfältige Gebrechen

Symph. = Beinwellwurzel/= Himmelsbrot/= Grande consoudé/= Comfrey/= Bone set/= Beinwurz/= Bienenkraut/= Chüechlichrut/= Eselohrwurzel/= Hasenlaub/

= Honigblum/= Milchwurzel/= Schadheilwurzel/= Schmalwurz/= Schwarzwurz/= Speckwurz/= Wallwurz/= Wottel und Zottel/= Wundallheil

Valer.: = All-heal

Visc. = Mistelbeeren + Blätter/= Hexenbesen/= duivelsnest/= vogelslijm/= Birdlime/= All-Heal/= Druid's Herb/= Golden Bough.


[Dr. V. Krishnamurthy]

Rescue Remedy, one of the Bach Remedies. is a near-panacea where life is in danger in medical emergencies arising from traumatic causes - serious accidents (road and industrial accidents, extensive burns & scalds, snake/scorpion and other poison bites, electric shock etc. except of course fractures.) These are not diseases per se, but

endanger the life of the victim arising from external causes, otherwise called 'trauma' in medical language.

Within minutes after accident, put two pills into the mouth of the victim. (Not being a 'doctor' or 'qualified & registered medical practitioner' if you are afraid of giving 'medicine' to anyone, you may dissolve 5-10 pills in little plain water and apply the solution anywhere on the skin of the victim. The medicated water applied on the skin

gives the same result if taken orally.) Moments later, after one single dose of Rescue Remedy, we would see results.


    "Wijn is een panacee voor verdriet."

    "Poëzie is een panacee voor de melancholie."



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum