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Ginseng quinquefolium = Panax ginseng = Aralia quinquefolia (Gins) w /= Chinesischer Ginsengwurzel= Ren shen/= Jin-chen/= “mandrake.

of the east”/= Allheilkraut./Adaptogen


Panax quinquefolius L./= Aralia quinquefolia (L.) Decne. & Planch./= Panax americanus Raf./= Aralia ginseng/= American ginseng/= Panax ginseng C.A. Mey/

= Panax schinseng T. Nees/= Chinese ginseng/= Asian ginseng/= Korean ginseng.


Gebrauch: Blutdruck steigt/Schlafbeschwerden;

Positiv: Ruhig/ausgeglichen/mutig;

Negativ: Weinerlich/ungeduldig/Furcht (Zukunft/Unfällen/Dunkel), denken schwierig, trockner Mund/Lippen/ Rachen, Verdauungsbeschwerden + Schluckauf, Kreuz-Hüften-Beinbereich, Gelenke knacken, schläfrig (wacht mit Mühe auf/schrickt auf), << Kälte;

Native range: Eastern North America. Habitat: Rich, shady hardwood forests.

Herbaceous perennial with spindle-shaped rootstock and round, smooth, green stems, often with a tinge of red, 20–50 cm high.

Leaves born in whorls, 3–4, palmately compound; leaflets 5/long-stalked, obovate, sharply serrate, acuminate, smooth on both sides, with scattered bristles on the veins above.

Flowers small, yellowish-green, in single terminal umbel.

[1]Fruit a bright-scarlet drupe, ca. 1.2 cm in diameter, with 2–3 semicircular, white seeds.

[1]Outermost florets ripen first and their fruits often obtain their full size before the central ones are expanded; the central florets are frequently abortive.

Herbaceous perennial, 30–60 cm high, thick, fusiform roots and simple stems.

Native range: Korea and northern China.

Habitat: Deciduous broad-leaved forests; extremely rare in the wild; mostly cultivated.

Leaves borne in whorls, 3–6, palmately compound; leaflets 3–5, long-stalked, obovate, 7–20 cm long, serrate.

Flowers small, yellowish-green, in single terminal umbel.

Fruit a bright red drupe, globose, about 1.5 cm in diameter, with 2 flat, yellow seeds.[1]

Outermost florets ripen first and their fruits often obtain their full size before the central ones are expanded; the central florets are frequently abortive.

Medicinal Uses

‘Ginseng is perhaps the most widely recognised plant used in traditional medicine and now plays a major role in the herbal health care market. For more than 2.000 years, various forms have been used in medicine. The name Panax derives from the Greek word for “all healing” and its properties have been no less touted. Ginseng root’s man-shaped figure [shen-seng means “man-root”] led proponents of the Doctrine of Signatures, an ancient philosophy, to believe that the root could strengthen any part of the body. Through the ages, the root has been used in the treatment of asthenia [= loss of strength], atherosclerosis, blood and bleeding disorders, colitis and to relieve the symptoms of ageing, cancer and senility.

‘Ginseng is popularly used for its adaptogenic, anti-neoplastic, immuno-modulatory, cardiovascular, CNS, endocrine and ergogenic effects, but these uses have not been confirmed by clinical trials. . . . Note: the profile of particular ginsenosides differs between American and Asian ginseng; however, total ginsenoside content is similar.’ []

Adverse Reactions

‘The most common adverse reactions with ginseng are nervousness and excitation. However, there have been reports of diffuse mammary nodularity and vaginal bleeding.

A hypoglycaemic effect has also been documented. Post-marketing surveillance of CVT-E002 [COLD-fX, a patented, proprietary extract containing mainly oligosaccharides and polysaccharides from North American ginseng] in Canada from 1996 to 2006 led to 100 documented adverse reaction reports, out of over 200 million doses of CVT-E002 sold. Reactions included: abdominal pain, confusion, diuresis, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, joint pain, lowered blood pressure, nausea and vomiting.’ []

Chinese or American?


American and Chinese species of ginseng are ‘probably identical’. They are not, although they are in the same genus. Chemically they are quite similar, both containing ginsenosides as the major biologically active constituents. Steven Foster, an authority on Chinese medicine, asserts that ‘American and Asian ginsengs contain some of

the same as well as some different ginsenosides, which explains their different actions as expressed in TCM. Mild American ginseng helps to reduce the heat of the respiratory

and digestive systems, whereas the stronger Asian ginseng is a heat-raising tonic for the blood and circulatory systems.’ American ginseng is Panax quinquefolius L. and Chinese ginseng is Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer.

[Gehr 2000]

‘The naturalist Sheng Neng Pen-T’sao introduced around 100 AD an interesting technique to test the authenticity of the ginseng root: “In order to test for the true ginseng, two persons walk together, one with a piece of ginseng root in his mouth and the other with his mouth empty. If at the end of three to five li [about a mile and a quarter]

the one with ginseng in his mouth does not feel himself tired, while the other is out of breath, the ginseng is genuine root.”

Eastern herbalism met Western culture in 1709 AD when Father Petrus Jartoux [1668–1720], a Jesuit missionary, visited Northern China. He published a Western documentation of Panax ginseng in 1713. He noted that ginseng could possibly grow in the mountains and woods of Canada, since they mimic the environment of the Chinese ginseng. ‘This observation describes the North American ginseng and would later be discovered as the “cooling” ginseng, or the yin ginseng, completing the “warming” yang ginseng, native to China. Ginseng was an important part of Native American culture.

Although there is no formal documentation of ginseng usage in Native American herbal remedies, there is evidence of its influence in the Northeast Culture Area tribes.

These inhabitants covered the Atlantic coastal area, across the Appalachians to the Mississippi, from the Great Lakes to the Cumberland River in Tennessee. The tribes of

this area were not only hunters and fishermen, but also farmers and herb-gatherers. They utilised herbs for ritualistic ceremonies and for practical purposes, such as prevention and cure of illnesses, wound dressing, treatment of female ailments, increase elderly strength, promote fertility, enhance mental activity, stomach upset and the treatment of

ear and eye disorders.’

In 1715 Joseph Francois Lafitau [1681–1746], another Jesuit missionary who worked above Montreal in Canada from 1711–1717, read Jartoux’s words, then began a search for ginseng in Canada. In 1716 Lafitau, strolling in the woods [Gehr 2000] near his cabin, found the red-berried plant. American ginseng [Panax quinque folius] was discovered.

According to TCM, American ginseng is a Yin tonic and cool in nature. Asian ginseng, by contrast, is a Yang tonic and generally warm or even hot in nature. Adopting the concept of cure by opposites, Ron Teeguarden proclaims that ‘American Ginseng is thus useful for people who are hot. In other words, people who tend to have lots of energy, high metabolisms, are aggressive, have high blood pressure and have ruddy complexions can take American Ginseng for its adaptogenic benefits without fear of overheating.’

One of Panax ginseng’s most common side effects is the inability to sleep. Other adverse effects include dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, euphoria, headaches, epistaxis, altered blood pressure and breast tenderness. This is a reference to the controversial ‘ginseng abuse syndrome’.

Two Edged Sword

‘The presentation of the mild and beneficial nature of ginseng was turned upside down about two centuries later [after its introduction to Europe in 1704]. Ginseng had become exceedingly rare and costly, and, as a result, it had become an object of abuse. Physicians and herb merchants would promise incredible results from using the rare root [which, at the time, was not cultivated and only obtained from remote forests in Northeast China and Korea]. Desperate patients and their families would seek it out and then use as much as possible in an attempt to overcome an obviously debilitating or fatal condition. Ginseng was even described as being able to bring back the dead [probably meaning that it would restore health to someone who appeared to be imminently dying].

‘When some of the ailing patients died after taking ginseng, responsibility for the death might be attributed to the ginseng. Hence, ginseng became known as a potentially dangerous herb.

[Zhang Lu, physician of the Qing Dynasty period] “Some people look upon ginseng as poison or a sword [two-edged, able to provide help, but also to destroy] and stubbornly refuse to use it.” ‘Still, its old reputation as a healer for serious conditions and as a preventer of ageing and death was retained. Ginseng eventually became known to the West through the efforts of missionary doctors living in the East. The British doctors Smith and Stuart, working in China at the end of the 19th century, wrote: “Ginseng, with the Chinese, is the medicine par excellence, the dernier resort [last resort] when all other drugs fail; reserved for the use of the Emperor and his household and conferred by Imperial favour upon high and useful officials whenever they have a serious breakdown that does not yield to ordinary treatment, and which threatens to put a period to their lives and usefulness. . . . The ordinary ginseng of the markets has been studied and has not been found to possess any important medicinal properties. But the Chinese describe cases in which the sick have been practically in articulo mortis, when upon the administration of ginseng they were sufficiently restored to transact final items of business. . . . It is prescribed in nearly every kind of disease of a severe character, with few exceptions, but with many reservations as to the stage of the disease in which it may be administered with the greatest benefit and safety.” ’ [Dharmananda 2000]


Nutritionally rich, originally from China and Korea and capable of treating all kinds of illness thus known as the „root of life‟. It exerts a modifying or controlling influence

on cognitive functions, electrical brain activity and peripheral blood glucose levels in healthy young people and increases secondary memory performance. It varies the strength of dealing with heavy load tasks on the memory aspect and attention processes and was found to have an effect on increasing the speed of thinking when dealing logically

with certain facts that are known, dealing with numbers and with the view to arrive with the knowledge that is not known as yet (Reay et al., 2010).

Several studies found Panax ginseng to refine psychological function, exercise performance, immune function and conditions associated with diabetes; a study of 384

postmenopausal women who were randomised to receive placebo of Ginseng for 16 weeks showed improvement in their psychological general well-being index (Kiefer, 2003).

A study of 20 young healthy volunteers showed improvement in cognitive performance, secondary memory performance, speed of performance memory tasks and accuracy of

attention tasks (Kiefer, 2003).

Several studies report that Ginseng may improve performance on mental arithmetic, concentration, memory and slightly improve thinking or learning, but they have measured

different kinds of mental function which makes it hard to know the exact effect of Ginseng.

For example, a study showed that Ginseng increased the ability for abstract thought, but it did not create any change in concentration levels, while in another study it was credited with helping the body deal with physical or mental stress (Ehrlich, 2005).

There is evidence that Panax Ginseng can improve quality of life; a study of 501 men and women living in Mexico City found better quality life measures (energy, sleep, sex life, personal satisfaction and wellbeing) when taking Ginseng (Ehrlich, 2005).

Panax ginseng is used to improve thinking, concentration, memory and work efficiency, physical stamina and athletic endurance and help an individual to cope with stress;

it can serve as a stimulant to make people more active and feel calm (Kiefer, 2015)

Long term use of Panax ginseng may produce menstrual problems, breast pain, increased heart rate, high or low blood pressure, headache, loss of appetite, diarrhoea and vaginal bleeding (Ellis and Jewell, 2016) and high doses of Ginseng may cause mania, cerebral arteritis, oestrogenic effects and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (Mills and Bone, 2005).

Literature reports the following contraindications to Panax ginseng; concomitant use of pheneizine, acute infections, hypertension and hypertension in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia), pregnancy (except at lowest dose for a short period) and in adults with cardiac, hepatic and renal diseases (Morgan, 2012). According to Mill and Bone (2005)

According to Bone (2007) the recommended dosing of Panax ginseng is 7 to 40 ml/week (1:2 liquid) or 300 to 500mg/day tablet.

Safety precautions: The herb is safety to use during pregnancy and lactation, avoid concurrent use of stimulants and discontinue 3 days prior to anaesthesia (Mediherb, 2006).

Bacopa moneri



1 Proving Jouvé [France], 2 provers, tincture, 1834.

2 Self-experimentation Lembke [Riga], including effects observed on ‘B.’ and ‘Q.’; tincture; 1848.

3 Proving Nancy Herrick [USA], 8 provers [6 females, 2 males]; no further details.

[Proving conducted with the ‘same combination of American and Korean ginseng as had been used in the previous studies.’]


The homeopathic materia medica is arranged under the name Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, American ginseng. However, it is doubtful whether American ginseng was the source of the remedy used for the provings, which were done in Europe in the 1830–40s. Dr. M. Jouvé, of Lyon, France, introduced the remedy into homeopathy under the name Ginseng, made from the roots of plants imported from China. Roth, who arranged the symptoms, called it ‘Ginseng-chinense’! That Dr. James Lembke, of Riga in

what was Russia at the time, probably also used Chinese ginseng can be no more than a likely yet unsubstantiated presumption. In prominent usage in ancient China, Manchuria and other parts of eastern Asia for centuries, Chinese ginseng was introduced into Europe

[Paris] in 1704. The remedy nonetheless received its name after the American species, the reason for which must have been T.F. Allen’s understandable yet incorrect claim in his Encyclopedia: ‘American and Chinese species [are] probably identical.’


Mood quiet and contented, & good courage.

Generally calm mood, yet subject to impatient impulses and fear of accidents, & disposition to weep an anxiety about future.

Forgetful, forgets things that have just taken place.

Increased self-confidence, feels capable. Contented with self. Self-sufficient.

Delusions: Body being enlarged; separated from body; being expanded; being a great person; being powerful; of superiority.

Impatience with conversations, with people, with small talk.

Worn Down by Worries

Vertigo: Dizziness with throbbing in head when rising from reclining posture.

Head: Headache from occiput to frontal bone, < motion; muscles of neck sore.

Frontal headache [6 provers] < motion [2 provers], stooping, cold air [2 provers].

Eyes: Dryness of right eye; twitching of left. Focusing eyes causes pain.

“As if pushed outward²; accommodation diminished.

Mouth: Metallic taste at base of tongue.

Nose: Obstruction nose < cold air [3 provers].

Hals: Right site thyroid sore, painful on pressure.

Swelling right side of throat.


Pressure, tightness, oppression.

Distressing dryness, parts sticking together – mouth, lips, throat; < open air/talking;

Lassitude evoked by coldness.

Weakness 16 – 20 h.

Right side more affected.

Desire for chocolate, meat, red wine. Aversion to flour tortillas.


Stomach: as if heavy.

Legs as if paralysed.

Abdomen: Pain near navel when abdomen is contracted.

Severe stabbing pain in liver.

Male Organs: Burning pain in urethra when urinating [2 provers].

Violent erections during day [4 provers].

Chest: Pain in left chest and left shoulder, especially during deep exhalation.

Burning in chest < deep inhalation.

Limbs: Hands cold with hot fingertips.

Back: Dull aching pain in lumbar region < motion.

Pain in right leg down to knee, posteriorly; muscles on front right thigh sore.

Cramps left calf; soreness right calf.

Skin: sensitive to touch of bedclothes [2 provers].


[W.A. Dewey, Résumé and Therapeutic Field of Ginseng; Hom. Dep. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; June 17, 1905]

‘We find that the drug [Panax quinquefolius, American ginseng] produces a marked physical depression, also a more marked mental depression. Especially does it seem to cause a hypochondriacal state, as is shown by the symptoms of lassitude, restless and unrefreshing sleep; by the irritability and indisposition to mental or physical labour.

These, coupled with the marked effect it produced on the sexual organs, stimulating them primarily, weakening them secondarily, should make ginseng a valuable remedy

in treating a large class of sexual hypochondriacs. Four out of the nine provers retained, had amorous dreams and six had continual nocturnal emissions. This was so marked

a symptom that some of those who commenced the proving become frightened and refused to continue, which in itself shows that it tended to produce a condition of anxiety which is constantly present in all sexual hypochondriacs. This temporary sexual stimulation has been an old use of the drug, and this fact, in connection with the foregoing, should make it a truly homoeopathic and therefore curative remedy in such cases of sexual weakness which especially react upon the mind, causing lassitude, and uneasy mental condition even to fears of approaching impotence.

The digestive symptoms were few and these were of a depressing nature such as loss of appetite, bad taste, foul breath. There seemed to be a desire for something stimulating yet little or no thirst. Three provers, tobacco users, had no desire for tobacco during the time they were under influence of the drug.’



Gemüt: Angst [nach Mittagessen/Zukunft/durch Zusammenschnürung (in der Brust)]/Qualvolle Angst (vor Magenschmerz)/Furcht (ein Auto zu fahren/fahrend im Wagen/vor Unfällen/vor Unglück)

Auf-/Zusammenfahren aus dem Schlaf


Delirium (einschlafend)

Denken abgeneigt



< Geistige Anstrengung (unmöglich)

Hast, Eile (in Bewegungen)/Ungeduld



Ruhelos (innerlich)

Seelenruhe, gelassen/zufrieden


Spontan, impulsiv


Verwirrt geistig

Vorurteile, voreingenommen, parteiisch



Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Bei Abwärtsbewegung Treppen heruntergehend

+ trübsichtig

< Im Freien

im Hinterkopf

Kopf: Hitze (in Stirn)

Kälte, Frösteln etc. (> Gehen/im Hinterkopf)

Pulsieren < Anstrengung/in Schläfen

Schmerz [nachmittags/nachts/erwachend/ziehend/drückend (tief sitzend)/lanzinierend/stechend/

< (geistige) Anstrengung/< nach Mittagessen/plötzlich „Wie von einem Schlag“/Hinterkopf/Schläfen/Stirn/seitlich (#)/einseitig]

Schweregefühl (< nach Essen/Hinterkopf/Stirn)

 „Wie vergrößert“/“Wie geschwollen“/“Wie steif“ im Hinterkopf

Auge: rot

Lähmung in l. Oberlid

Schmerz in Lidränder (brennend)

Schweregefühl (in Lider)

Schwach bei Licht

Pupillen zusammengezogen (während Frost)

Sehen: Diplopie, Doppeltsehen (angestrengt blickend)

Farben vor den Augen - schwarz schwebend/weiße Flecken

Trübsichtig, trübes Sehen bei Schwindel

Zusammenlaufen, Ineinanderlaufen von Buchstaben

Nase: rote Nasenflügel r.

Empfindlich gegen eingeatmete Luft

Nasenbluten r./Blut (Eigenschaften) - hellrot

Jucken r.

Niesen (häufig)

< Einatmen

Gesicht: Blutende Lippen

rot # Blässe/Lippen dunkelrot

Hautausschläge - Herpes auf Nase

Schmerz in Jochbein (ziehend)

Mund: Zunge weiß

Übelkeit erregend


Speichel grün/Speichelfluss (# Mund trocken)

Trocken < Anstrengung/trocken „Wie Sand darin“

Geschmack - bitter < nach Trinken/Geschmacksverlust/Übelkeit erregend

Innerer Hals: Akut entzündete Tonsillen

rot [(hinten im) Rachen/Uvula]

schabendes, scharrendes Kratzen nachmittags

Schmerz (< Schlucken/stechend)

Trocken (< im Freien)

Magen: Appetit vermehrt zu ungewöhnlicher Zeit

Aufstoßen/Art des Aufstoßens: leer/sauer



Langsame Verdauung



Schmerz [drückend/nach Frost/lanzinierend/ziehend]


Zusammenschnürung/Kleidung stört

Erbricht < während Schwangerschaft

Bauch: Auftreibung/Flatulenz

Entzündete Appendix/Zäkum

Schmerz [r. (erstr nach l./Hypochondrien/Hypogastrium/Leistengegend/drückend/erstr. Beine mit schmerzhaftem Prickeln]

Spannung (in Hypogastrium)

Rektum: Flatus

Schmerz [stechend/< nach Stuhlgang (Tenesmus)]

Stuhl: Hart/weich

Blase: Wasser lassen - dünner Strahl/unbefriedigend

Urin: dunkel/zitronengelb/reichlich/Sediment (rot)/spärlich

Harnröhre: Jucken - Fossa navicularis/Meatus (wollüstig)

Schmerz (brennend/Fossa navicularis/stechend)

Männliche Genitalien: Erektionen - nachts/anhaltend/fehlend/lästig/ohne/während Pollutionen/(schmerzhaft) < Sitzen/vergeblich

Erregbarkeit der Genitalien

Mit/ohne Pollutionen

Schmerz [Hoden (drückend/zerquetscht, „Wie zermalmt“)


Sexverlangen vermehrt

Weibliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen vermehrt

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Stimme - heiser, Heiserkeit/rau/tief

Atmung: Ängstlich

Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwe rtes Atmen (während Frost/< sitzend)

Husten: Anfallsweise


Brust: Hautausschläge - Pickel (juckend)

Zusammenschnürung/Beklemmung > Gehen/< sitzend

Herzklopfen (< Sitzen)

Rücken: Beschwerden unterer Teil Rückenmark

Hautausschläge Pickel in Zervikalregion

Hitze < Wein

Kälte (einschließlich Frost) [erstr. Arme/erstr. Glieder/Wirbelsäule (< Gehen)]


Schmerz [wund schmerzend/lanzinierend/drückend/erstr. Sakrum/Dorsalregion (zwischen den Schulterblättern/in Wirbelsäule (erstr. Sakrum)/Lumbalregion (in Steißbein)]

Schwäche (in Zervikalregion)


Glieder: Ameisenlaufen - Finger/Oberschenkel/große Zehe

Entzündet - (Knie)Gelenke

Finger weiß (bei Kälte)/Fingernägel blau

Gefühllos, taub Finger/Hände

Hautausschläge - (Arme) rot/Oberschenkel

Hitze bei Schauder über den Rücken

Jucken - Beine/Fußsohle

Kälte - Ellbogen/Finger/Hände

Knacken in Gelenken (< Bewegung/Knie/Schultern

Kontraktion von Muskeln und Sehnen - Finger/Krämpfe in Waden


„Wie Leichtigkeit“ (trotz vielen Gehens o. einer schlimmen Nacht)


Schmerz VIELE

Schwäche >/< Gehen/fröstelnd/mehrere

Hände „Wie geschwollen“

Schweregefühl (Beine/Ober-/Unterschenkel)

Steifheit - Gelenke/Oberschenkel

Ungeschickte Hände/Hände „Wie vergrößert“

Zittern innerlich

Zusammenschnürung in Unterarme

Schlaf: Tief (morgens)/verlängert

Erwacht häufig/„Wie durch Schreck“/schwierig


Schläfrig (während Kopfschmerz)

Träume: Angenehm/erinnerlich, bleiben im Gedächtnis/erotisch/lebhaft/Viele

Fieber: Brennende, glühende Hitze < im Schlaf

Hitze beginnt im Schlaf

Trockene Hitze nachts < im Schlaf

< Wein

Frost: Frösteln < nach Gehen

Kriechend abends

Allgemeines: 3 h./19 h./r.

Bei alten Menschen/vorzeitiges Altern

Bewegung abgeneigt

Entzündete Gelenke

Hitzewallungen abends - 19 h/Lebenswärmemangel < nach Gehen

< Kälte/< Steigen

Leistungsfähigkeit erhöht/„Wie Kraft, Durchhaltevermögen“


Schmerz rheumatisch (+ Pollutionen)

Schweregefühl innerlich

Speisen und Getränke: <: Wein; Verlangt: Alkohol/Stimulantia;


Verlangt zu gehen

Harnsaure Diathese

Schaudern nervös

Schwäche [abends - 19 h/nach jeglichem (Sex)Exzess/< gehend/lähmungsartig/durch Säfteverlust]

< Sexuelle Erregung/Beschwerden nach Sexexzessen

Zittern äußerlich



Said to be a stimulant to the secretory glands (salivary). Acts on the lower part of the spinal cord. Lumbago, sciatica/rheumatism. Paralytic weakness. Hiccough.

Skin symptoms, itching pimples on neck and chest.


Compare: Aral.; Coca. Hedera - Ivy - mental depression and skin irritation antidoted by Gunpowder.

Vertigo, with gray spots before eyes; semi-lateral headache; occipital; difficult opening of eyelids; objects appear double.

Tonsillitis, just like Bellad, but in dark-complexioned people.

Tense, painful, rumbling

Pain r.

Loud gurgling in ileo-caecal region


Pressure in testicles.

Sexual excitement

Voluptuous tickling at end of urethra

Weakness of genital organs

Male organs: Rheumatic pains after frequent emissions

Crackling in joints

Stiff, contracted joints, heaviness of lower limbs

Eruption on upper inner thighs

Burning heat in tips of fingers

Bruised pain in small of back and thighs; nightly digging in right lower limb to toes

Coldness in back and spine


Skin feels tight

Hands feel swollen

Stiffness in back.


Vergleich: Enthält: Östrogen (nur wilde?) + (Steroid)saponinen + Mg + Al + P + K + Ca + I + Vn + Mn + Fe + Co + Cu + Ge + As + S; Öestr + Test (Gins fördert herstellen von RNA/DNA/Test. + andere Sexhormonen).                                   

Siehe: Apiales + Glycyrrhiza glabragruppe + Bonsaigruppe + Anhängsel + Adaptogen           


Angelica sinensis. = Ginseng für Frauen

Eleuth. = Adren-ähnlich/ = Gins-ähnlich


Glycyrg. = Sapin-ähnlich - Blutung/= Steroid-ähnlich/= weibliches Gins

Gynostemma pentaphyllum. = Jiaogulan/= Kraut der Unsterblichkeit/= Frauenginseng

Hydrc. = Gins-ähnlich

Lepi-meyneni.x = Gins-ähnlich/= Coca-ähnlich

Panax-q. = Gins-ähnlich + cooler + mehr Ying/

Vinc. = Gins-/= Gink-ähnlich/= Asc-c-ähnlich

Visc. = vor vasomotorisches System wie Atro.= vor Nerven/= Gins-ähnlich

Withania. = Gins-ähnlich + intensiv


Unverträglich: hoher Blutdruck/Fieber/Entzündung/Übergewicht

Should not be used by patients with acute asthma, signs of heat, excessive menses, nose bleeds, acute infections and hypertension.


Antidotiert: Op.                                               

Antidotiert von: Camph. Gun.


Wirkung: lymphatisch/aphrodisisch                         r. seitig

Allerlei: Ursprung: Korea            wächst langsam (7 Jahre bis ausgereift)/wächst nur ohne direktes Sonnelicht/wird geerntet im Mondlicht + wenn Schnee schmilzt/Wurzeln haben radioaktive Eigenschaften, stimuliert Drüsen der Sexhormonen/Zentral Nervensystem/ Zuckerhaushalt, tonisiert Herz + Kreislaufsystem, schützt gegen Kälte/Wärme/Radioaktivität/U.V.


Phytologie: TRÄUME/verwirrt sein/stöhnen Verdauung/ (Durchfall)Atemwegen/ Kreislauf/Nerven/Fortpflanzungsorganen (Verletzungen nach Vergewaltigung)

Älteren/Abmagerung/Schwäche/MÜDE/erschöpft/zittern/Schock/Prostatabeschwerden in Biertrinker

more yang as Panax/heat-raising tonic for the blood or circulatory system



Panax quinquefolia = Amerikanische Ginseng/= Allheilkraut./= Aralia quinqefolia/= nordamerikanischer Ginseng/= Panax pseudoginseng


= Gins-ähnlich + kühler + mehr Ying;


Vergleich: Siehe: Apiales + Gingkogruppe + Bonsaigruppe + Fünfblättrigegruppe


Antidotiert: Atomstrahlen. X-Ray.


Allerlei: wird als identisch mit Panax ginseng gesehen

rich/rocky/shaded/cool slopes, Cumberland Gap region of the southern Appalachian. Harvested in N.Amerika/exported to China


Phytologie: elderly/induces childbirth without suffering. (infusion of the boiling leaves)/cures nosebleed, treat shortness of breath/"woman catcher"

infusion of root increases fertility of women. = "man root" harvesting the roots only when the red berries were mature, and before they were ready to drop. The whole fruiting tops were planted in the hole from which the roots were dug, helping to insure long term sustainable harvest. Root as tonic and to strengthen mental powers

reduces heat of the respiratory or digestive systems. Panax ginseng more yang, and is a heat-raising tonic for the blood or circulatory system. American ginseng is preferred in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, as it is a cold or mild tonic, that will reduce "heat" in the system, while acting as a general tonic. Helps adaptation to dark/high/low temperatures, and work efficiency. Anti-fatigue//skin regeneration and anti-wrinkling effects have been reported. toxic effects of toxins (chlf./amphetamin)

seminal vesicles and prostate glands, and increase sperm counts and pregnancies. may in-/decrease temperature. Small doses tend to increase body weight, large doses tend to decrease body weight.



Panax notoginseng = San qi 


Vergleich: Siehe: Apiales + Diabetes


(wirkt sowohl innerlich als auch äußerlich blutstillend. hat positiven Einfluss auf den Cholesterinblutspiegel. dient als Gefäßschutz. steigert die Durchblutung, besonders der Herzkranzgefäße.) can arrrest hemorrhage in diabetic retinopathy better than anything. 1-2 grams of concentrated powder TID, even useful

at long term. = nah verwandt mit Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. MEY.) und in der Provinz Yunnan Südwestchinas beheimatet. Die getrockneten Wurzeln werden in der TCM häufig verwendet gegen Stasen des Xue und Blutungen, gegen Schwellungen und Schmerzen. In Kriegszeiten waren die Wurzeln so teuer wie Gold, da ihnen Wundereffekte gegen Schussverletzungen und äußere Blutungen zugeschrieben wurden. Heute wird Notoginseng-Pulver in Asien als ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verzehrt. Gesundheitseffekte sind z.B. Meridiane durchgängig machend, Durchbluten fördernd, Blutgefäße elastisch haltend, Blutdruck und Blutfettwerte absenkend.

Moderne Forschungen zeigen, dass Notoginseng folgende Effekte besitzt: Entzündung hemmend, von Blutstau bedingte Schlaganfälle entgegentretend, Herzmuskel behütend, Immunsystem stärkend und Alterungsprozess verzögernd.

Blood thinning therapy (moving blood in Chinese terms) is essential. This includes herbs like salvia, red peony, carthamus, cnidium, bilberry, turmeric, bromelain.

Keeps the tiny vessels happy, especially when combined with the minerals.




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