

Roma Mythos:

Gott nahm einen Klumpen Ton steckte es im Ofen.

Er holte es zu spät heraus und es war schwarz: Das waren die Neger.

Gott nahm einen Klumpen Ton steckte es im Ofen.

Er holte es früher heraus, es war noch weiß- Das waren die Weiße.

Gott nahm einen Klumpen Ton steckte es im Ofen.

Er holte es heraus, es war noch braun Das waren die andere.


Vergleich: Enthält: S (nicht immer) + O + H + meist Mg + meist Al (Alum-sil);

DD.: Granite.

Siehe: Gesteinsgruppe + Schöpfung + Baumaterialen


Durch Verwitterung wird Siliciumoxid durch isomorphen Ersatz mit Aluminium (3-wertig) versetzt. (Silicium wird dabei verdrängt).

Aluminium silicium naturale = Leem Quelle:

Ton, Tonstein/Kaolin. (wird als Rückstandsgestein definiert).

Bentonit = E 558 entsteht durch Umbildung aus vulkanischer Asche/kann/innere Oberfläche eines Gramms beträgt 400 - 600 m²

(normaler Ton: 2 m²)/ist Nichtnewtonsches Fluid: [Blut./Treibsand/Sand-Wasser-Gemische (Schlämmung)/Stärke-Wasser-Gemische/Schmiermittel/Ketchup/Spätzleteig/Pudding/

Synovia. [Gelenkflüssigkeit) = Schmiermittel bei allen Gelenkbewegungen (bedeutet Viskosität bleibt nicht konstant, wenn sich die auf dasselbe einwirkenden Schwerkräfte verändern/als anomalviskos bezeichnet)]/verhält sich wie Flüssigkeit, wenn man es schüttelt o. im Gefäß umrührt

Corvus = Raabe schaffte aus Tonklumpen die Schöpfung

Diaspor. w = Al + O/= Tonerde = Korund + DRUCK;

Aluminium                                    Gruppe/Familie            Erforschen

Oxygenium                                    Ego/Ich              Eliminieren

Positiv: Verständnis für anderen/objektiv/gelassen;

Negativ: Viele Missverständnis/hektisch;

Doryphora. antidotiert Effekte von Tonerde auf der Haut


Hirundo urbica = Rauchschwalbe baut Nest. mit Speichel. + Lehm. + Pflanzenteilen

Inana = schwarz/lebt im Weltenbaum/Gilgamesh fällt Weltenbaum und macht Inana heimatlos/sie irrt über die Welt. Gilgamesch schließt Freundschaft mit einem

„Wilden Mann“ (gemacht aus Ton/bedeckt  mit Haaren/DUNKELE Haut) namens Enkidu. Zusammen erschlagen sie den Hüter des Zedernwaldes.

Lehm/-stein mit wenig o. keinem Kalk und viel Sand. Meist gelblich gefärbt.

Lutum Felkeanum.

Sedimentärer Tonschiefer veränderter Tonstein, welcher dem "Schieferton" zuzuordnen ist. Echter Tonschiefer = metamorphes Gestein .

Ölschiefer: Stark bituminöse Tonsteine werden "Ölschiefer" genannt

Ichth. aus Tirol

Kupferschiefer = bitumenhaltiger/mergeliger "Schieferton", bzw. ein Tonstein + S (Pyrit./Cu-Mineralien) 

Kaolin Sammelbezeichnung für ein Gemisch meist eisenfreier Tongesteine (Tone) mit dem Mineral Kaolinit = Porzellanerde/= Bolus alba w/= china clay/= E 559/ Al4[(OH)8|Si4O10/kann aus vulkanischem Glas entstehen.

Der durch Verwitterung aus Feldspat hervorgegangene Kaolin ist reinweiß, kann jedoch durch Fe-Oxide gelblich verfärbt sein. Enthält oft natürliche Beimengungen

von Quarz/Muskovit/ +/o. Magnetit Kaolin verwendet in Kosmetik/Papier-/Porzellan-/Farbherstellung

Ocker = natürliches Si und Ton/gefärbt von Ferr-ox.

Porc-m. = Meißner Porzellan (= Kaolin + Feldspat + Quarz)/= Ton

Sceliphron. caementarium = organ pipe/= mud dauber/= Mauerwespe

Siegel. auf Ton gedrückt



Allerlei: Osiris (Egypt) was murdered. by his brother Set. His wife + sister Isis resurrected him/he became god of the dead. + underworld (= „Sitz des Auges.”)

Gott der Vegetation/des Nils/Fruchtbarkeit. Symbolen: Tausendfüßler./grüner. Haut/Krummstab./Weizen gemischt mit Ton als Opfer

Cherokee myth: after Possum. and Buzzard failed to steal fire, Grandmother Spider used her web to sneak into the land of light. She stole fire, hiding it in a clay pot

Cheyenne: the great creator spirit Maheo kneads some mud he takes from a coot's beak (= Wasserhuhn) until it expands so much that only Old Grandmother Turtle.

can support it on her back.

Ton gebraucht um Schrift. festzuhalten.

Glückstiegel (= letzte Tiegel am Tag hergestellt/bekam Inschrift).

Mörser = Fahrzeug für Hexen.

Vulcan. = Hephaistos = Schmied/Hammer./Blitz./Töpferer./= Narr./Delphin./Perle./= Gegenspieler zu Pallas-Athene



"Do you have the patience to wait until the mud settles and the water becomes clear? "

"Can you stay unmoving until the right action arises by itself?


"Ton knetend formt man Gefäße. Doch erst ihr Hohlraum, das Nichts, ermöglicht die Füllung.

Das Sichtbare, das Seiende, gibt dem Werk die Form. Das Unsichtbare, das Nichts, gibt ihm Wesen und Sinn".


Tillum terrae = Geschiebemergel, Glacial Till = Geschiebemergel von Rügen, Steilufer der Kreptitzer Heide, Nordwestküste nördlich von Dranske. Quelle:

besteht hauptsächlich aus Tonmineralien und Calcit o. Dolomit. Quarz, Glimmer, Pyrit und Gips können enthalten sein. Er hat eine sehr feine Körnung und einen muscheligen Bruch.

Mergel ist ein sedimentäres Gestein und gehört zur Familie der Pelite und ist eine Ton- oder Tonsteinvarietät. Das Gestein liegt zwischen verschiedenen Sedimentationstypen, da es sowohl klastischer

als auch chemisch-biogener Herkunft sein kann.

Farbe: grün, braun, beige und grau - grauweiß

Entsteht meist aus Planktonschalen und Schlamm der sich am Meeresboden zu immer dickeren Schichten ansammelt. Mergel kann aber auch aus anderen Calcit - Ton haltigen Sedimenten entstehen.

Nach einigen Mio. Jahren tritt er dann als Mergel ans Tageslicht.

Aluminium is the 3rd most abundant element [8%] in the Earth's crust, exceeded by oxygen [47%] and silicon [28%]. It is a silvery white metal in group 13. of the periodic table, the other members being borium, gallium, indium, and thallium.

Related is group 14: carbon, silicium, germanium, tin and lead. No other group of elements is so diverse as these two: black, brown, white, soft, hard, metallic or non-metallic. This might be explained by the fact that both groups are situated about halfway in the periodic table, between the super metals [alkali metals] and the halogens. Out of this no man's land, man and the living world emerge!

Because of its chemical activity, aluminium never occurs in the metallic form in nature, but its compounds are present to a greater or lesser extent in almost all rocks, vegetation, and animals. Bauxite, a mixture of hydrated aluminium oxides, is the principal aluminium ore. "In nature, aluminium occurs primarily as clay, aluminium oxide, combined in manifold ways with other substances. Thus it has an important share in the formation of rock and of fertile soil. Without aluminium there would be no fertile earth. ...

Clay conveys to the soil the properties of plasticity and water absorption. ...

Aluminium unites the life-bearing water with the earthy element that is to be plastically formed. It is with good reason that clay, uniting so readily with the life-bearing water, is the moulding stuff of the ceramic worker, the potter, and the plastic artist. The noblest vessels for holding liquids have from time immemorial been made of clay - majolica, faience, terracotta, porcelain. The sculptor works out his inspirations in clay before he hews them out of stone."

Alumina is pure clay. Natural clay is mainly aluminium oxide with impurities of various sorts, but chiefly silica. "Nature seems to expect aluminium to remain clay. The metallic condition is unnatural for it; the metal is not only difficult to extract, but the extraction would immediately be undone if a peculiar circumstance did not protect it from attack. Like an impenetrable armour, aluminium oxide immediately covers the metal with a fine protective layer of patina, a 'noble rust.' We may well call it this, for aluminium oxide as a mineral can achieve the noblest form of which the metal is capable; it can appear as corundum, sapphire, or ruby, those unusually hard and costly jewels. In contrast to the precious metals, the most precious condition of aluminium is not its purity, but its rust." The key process for fertile soil is the formation of clay. Both the physical and the chemical properties of soil depend on the amount and kind of clay particles they contain. The supply of minerals to plants depends on the presence of clay particles, which have a net negative charge, in the soil. Many of the minerals that are important for plant nutrition, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, exist in soil as positive ions chemically attached to clay particles. To become available to plants, the positive ions must be detached from the clay particles, which is accomplished by reactions with protons [hydrogen ions]. The protons trade places with ions such as potassium and calcium on the clay particles, thus putting the nutrients back into the soil solution and thereby determining the fertility of the soil. Clay particles, however, do not hold and exchange negatively charged ions, which results in the leaching from the soil of important negative ions such as phosphate, nitrate, and sulphate. To replace them elements as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are commonly added to agricultural soils. 3



Red granite clay = Tory Island Clay (Ireland)


Red granite with Feldspar + Quartz + Mica

Grain sizes = not equal: Granite fractions = up to 1 cm across/smaller pieces of feldspar and quartz are only discernable under microscope/grains of mica are very fine.


In 1997 I went to Tory Island with some friends. As soon as I landed on the island of Tory I felt a very profound sense of belonging as though I had just come home. During my stay on Tory I oscillated between a deep sense of inner calm and peace and an intense sense of awe and terror at the power and beauty of the island. The night I left the island I had a dream of a very fragile woman. She was beautiful though her face was lined from sadness/hardship in her life/she never spoke. She walked from Connemara to Tory Island, holding her blue-grey shawl around her as she walked. Her eyes were always downcast. When she reached Tory she knelt in front of a rock and remained there, facing the sea and breathing in the sea air. The children of the Island knew of her sorrow so they left bowls of food for her and never disturbed her. The people of the island knew why she had come that she would be healed. They watched out for her but left her to her silence and meditation. - - - -


Repertorium:                                     [Anne Irwin]

Mind: Ailments - from suppressed anger/from domination/mortification/from sadness

Anger followed by weakness

Antagonism with self

Aversion to men






Company - aversed to/desires

Concentration difficult


Conscientious about trifles/fastidious


Death - presentiment of others/predicts

Delusions - is an animal/becoming an animal/about to be attacked/black entities/cloaked figures/confused as how to be in society/danger/(is) dead/all about him is dead (persons)/(is possesed of) devil/divided in 3 parts/evil feeling as though some evil had

happened to him/figures /sees black/horns growing/errors of personal identity/frightful black images/importance of others while he himself is lowly/insignificant/sees masks/men are coarse and vulgar/mission/paedophiles/persecuted/possessed/religious

superiority of others while he himself is lowly/unfit for society/threatened/is uncivilised/everything is unreal/vampires/visions/horrible, living dead/world is unsafe



Too much sense of duty


Estranged from society

Fear [alone/attacked/crowds/death/(foreboding of) evil (is possessed by evil)/something terrible will happen/invaded/men/noise/overpowering/rape/shadows/silence/sun]

Going out - aversed to

Haughty/thinks others humble while he himself is great.




Impulse to stab own flesh with a knife he holds

Impulsive to go shopping

Indifferent (to everything)



Injures himself 



Memory - loss of/weak/periodic

Contempt for men


Postpones everything

Prophesying/predicts death others

Prostration (after anger)

Quarrelsome at trifles

Religious affections/praying mantras

Rocking from terror




Serious, earnest

Sun, aversion to


Time fritters away his.


Two trains of thought

Weeping (easily/at sadness of the world/at trifles)

Vertigo: Evening

Tendency to fall

At turning head quickly/“As if brain turning suddenly“/on turning


From vertex

Head: Constriction (of temples)


Pain (at night/after midnight/at 4 h./from anger/catarrhal/from obstruction of frontal sinuses/after eating Choc./after emotion/at touch/with vomiting/boring/pressing/“As if temples screwed together“/pulsating, wavelike/from sudden motion/from anger/from motion/from wine/in occiput)

Sensitive (r./to touch)

Eye: Pain - during headache (throbbing)/from anger/< touch

Vision:             Flashes - like rods/looking down to the left

Ear: Pain (l./inside/< touch)

Nose: Sinuses

Catarrh (postnasal)

Discharge (green/yellow/from posterior nares)

Face: Expression, frowning

Pain [in jaw on tightening]

Tension in chin/in jaw (ext. temples)/in lip (lower/upper)

Mouth: Dryness (in morning/on waking)

Open during sleep


Salivation (tastes metallic)

Ulcers (inside lower lip/painful/palate)

Teeth: Pain [afternoon/pressing/of filling (r.)/upper]

Throat: Itching (sadness during)

„As if a lump“

Pain (sore/> singing)

Stomach: Appetite [constant/increased/wanting (morning)]

Eructations (regurgitation of food)

Nausea (at night/< fats)

Pain (> eructations/> passing flatus)


Abdomen: Pain (with flatus/< cabbage/aching/with leukorrhea/cramping)

Flatulence (in bed)


Rectum: Diarrhea (< at night)

Eruptions (boils in anus)

Stool: Copious/frequent

Sleep: Deep/refreshing

Sleepless (morning/and restless)

Waking (from thirst/late)

Bladder: Pain (during urination)

Urination: frequent at night

Back: Eruptions, pimples

Itching in lumbar region

Pain (morning/in bed after rising/on waking/in cervical region/from anger/on moving head)

Extremities: Cramps - lower limbs (feet)                        

Numbness -upper limbs (r./shoulder)/hands grasping anything            

Pain [upper limb (shoulder - waking/> walking/ext. arm/aching)/lower limb (hollow of  knee/> walking/foot burning)]

Tingling in upper arm while sitting

Female organs: Leukorrhea (clear/copious/painful aching in abdomen/thin)

Menses [copious (at start)/late]

Sexual desire,             wanting

Cough: Evening

< lying


Expectoration: Thick/viscid



Dreams: bleeding/bridges/buildings/churches/clairvoyant/cloaked figures/defecating/urinating/drowning/water/red eyes/evil/flooding/flying/important people/litter/is on

Mission/naked/none/north/official buildings/precious objects/rape/robbers/scars/secrets/sewing human skin/snow/terrifying threats/unremembered/vampires

Generals: aversed to open air

Faintness with vertigo

Must hold onto something

Food and drinks: Desires: bacon/farinaceous food/fruit/sugar;  <: cabbage/Choc./fats and rich food;

Lack of vital heat

Lassitude in morning

Weakness from slight exertion


Symptoms cured by the remedy:

Anger suppressed


Fears - attacked by overpowering men/to be seen

Lack of organization

Planning too much

Estranged from family

Delusions is divided                       



Ulcers in mouth painful on palate


Allerlei: Tory is an island 8 miles off the north-west coast of Donegal. It is 2½ miles long and about ¾ of a mile wide.

It is a remote, not easily accessible island often cut off from the mainland by the powerful seas. The western side is a jagged rocky outcrop. Here large red streaked sea stacks rise from the thunderous waves, here sheer cliffs fall off into the foam, here  a natural sea-hewn cathedral full of the song-cries of seabirds pay homage to Balor of the Evil Eye/a Formorian Cyclops who dwelt on the western side of the island. His people were giants who inhabited Ireland before the Celts and even before the Danaan. The Fomorians regarded as the embodiment of evil/were monstrous and hideous.

Balor of the Evil Eye was the mightiest and most evil of the Formorians. He had one eye/its gaze was deadly.

Balor’s only fear was of an ancient prophecy which foretold his death at the hands of his own grandson. He had only one child, his daughter Eithne. To escape the prophecy he imprisoned her in a remote cave on the island. She grew to be a great beauty and many men tried in vain to woo her. One day, Kian, a Danaan champion secretly gained entry to the cave and seduced Eithne. An outraged Balor discovered the truth when his daughter bore triplets. To avoid his fate he threw the newborns into the sea. The two that drowned became the ancestors of the seals. The third child had magical powers and swam to shore unseen. He was raised by his uncle, a black-smith, who educated him and named him Lugh (both he and Balor were sun gods; the blacksmith, may have been Lon MacLiofa from the Seven Streams of Taosca legend). Lugh became a great hero and possessed many talents and his son was the hero-god Cu Chulainn. At the age of 21 Lugh became King of the Danaan and prepared for a final battle with the evil Formorians. Balor’s gaze killed all within his sight but Lugh was just out of sight. When Balor's eye closed, Lugh hurled a stone from his sling just as the evil eye re-opened. Balor died instantly, at the hand of his grandson, just as prophecy had told. The remaining Formorians fled Ireland leaving the Danaan in peace until the Celts, defeated them. Eventually the two sides made peace and the Danaan were given all that lay below the ground. They still reside there, as fairies and leprechauns, and still practice magic.

There is a natural land bridge joining the eastern and western parts of the island. The eastern side is more gentle and holds the two main villages of the island. Colmcille’s crater is here, a large crater gouged from the earth with a sea-arch through which the ferocious Atlantic can enter. A carpet of montbretias covers the floor of the crater. On a bright day the suns rays catch the orange flowers like tongues of fire rising from the depths.

It is reported that Saint Colmcille on his way to Iona landed on Tory and asked the men of the island for land to build a church. His intention was to convert the people of the island to Christianity. The men refused bar one man, a dark man of the island, who acceded to his request saying that he could have only whatever land his cloak would cover if he spread it on the ground. So Colmcille took off his cloak and spread it out. It expanded to cover the whole island and consequently the people of the island converted to Christianity. Colmcille built a monastery on the island which flourished, making Tory the principal ecclesiastical center in Northwest Ulster for a thousand years. In May 1595, a detachment of English troops destroyed the monastery and in the wake of the attack the monks fled to the mainland.

Further to the east of the island is the burial place of the Gentle Saint of the North purported to be the daughter of a Scandinavian king. It is said that she, along with two sailors, was washed ashore during a storm in the far distant past. She was buried along with the sailors on the island. Her body was placed on the bottom and the sailors’ bodies were placed on top of her. The following morning, to the amazement of the people, she was found to have risen to the top. The people recognised her saintly qualities but to be sure the following night they placed her at the bottom once more only to find her on top again the next morning. She was a woman of delicacy, beauty, virtue and goodness. They then proclaimed her a saint. The clay from her grave is said to possess special qualities. It protects sailors at sea and it is said that if you sprinkle a little around your house you will be protected from danger and no rat will visit your house. No rat has ever been seen on Tory…



Terra Indiana (Arizona Red Clay)


[Dr Chetna N Shukla, Harry van der Zee, Eileen Nauman]


In 2005 a project was started called ‘Global Proving’. Provers from around the world would simultaneously start proving the same substance. The project ultimately involved three substances, Himalayan Crystal Salt, Natural Silver and Terra Indiana (Arizona Red Clay), proven in respectively October 2005, January 2006 and April 2006.The idea

of using a proving not only to get to know the substance but also and primarily to bring about a change in the collective is new in homeopathy and this global proving was a first experiment. Analogous to Hahnemann’s statement that participating in provings has positive effects on the prover, and the observation made in many provings that a wider circle of people can respond besides those taking the substance, we may assume that the participation of larger numbers of people in a proving may have positive effects on the collective.


The results of the provings of Himalayan Crystal Salt and Natural Silver have been published in Homœopathic LINKS,

Source of the substance: Soil from Echo Canyon (Cornville, Arizona)


Dr Harry van der Zee discussed his idea of a global proving to stimulate the awakening of humanity with the late Dr Juergen Becker. Homeopathic remedies can be used to reduce suffering in an individual. As many conditions (if not all) are rooted in collective derangements of the Vital Force it was postulated that prescribing for the collective could be a way of reducing suffering in the collective, in humanity as a whole. A main issue was how to decide what to prove. Who are we to know what needs to be cured

in the collective? Juergen suggested to ask a clairvoyant woman he regularly worked with. She suggested to prove three substances in a specific sequence and at specific times: Himalayan Crystal Salt, Natural Silver and “clay held in the hand of a (Native American)”.

Regarding the third substance, Harry asked Eileen Nauman, homeopath and shaman with partial Native American ancestry (Eastern Cherokee) to select some clay soil from

her property, where since 1993 she had been teaching students from around the world to be shamans. Eileen dug up a teaspoon of red soil that was found just outside her Hogan (the teaching dwelling for shamans). Eileen’s Hogan is situated on the slope of House Mountain, a dormant volcano in the Verde Valley of Arizona. This shield type volcano was created 13,000 million years earlier and it is the largest of six in the valley. When birthed, every volcano automatically creates a huge vortex, the energy of which can be a mile wide in radius. The larger the volcano, the larger the area affected by its energy. Volcano energy is about transformation from one thing or state to another. Psychologically, self-aware people do well when living in the shadow of energy fields created by a volcano. A vortex’s influence helps humans reflect where they are at presently. A negative, depressed or angry person may not want to live in the area of a volcano, as it is going to reflect all of that back. But a self-aware, positive person can be helped manifold by the volcano’s energy in healing the internal, emotional wounds and trauma, and the person becomes more whole and an even better person than what s/he was in the moment and this can happen rather quickly. Every volcano has a number of smaller vortices.

The Engineering and Energetics of Hogan – Traditional Navajo Dwelling

It would be exciting to understand the energetics of the Hogan from where the red soil was collected as that has a lot to do with what has surfaced in the proving.

Navajo Hogans are built upon symbology. The eight sides symbolize the four major and four minor directions. The door to the house always faces East, where Father Sun arises – light of a new day. Eileen’s husband Dave, a civil engineer, built this Hogan right on top of an existing energy vortex. Nine holes were dug into the red soil on the property for its foundation, each two feet deep. A crystal grid was created in these holes such that it energized and enhanced the energies of the space. Double-terminated Quartz crystals were programmed by Eileen as was taught to her by her Apache-Mohawk teacher, Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf. Eight were programmed for the major and minor directions while the ninth one, that was placed in the center of the Hogan, was programmed to bring the swirling, counter clockwise energy up from Mother Earth to  

Father sky. This arrangement of crystals was to facilitate the movement of the energy in the circle and then guide the energy up through the center of the Hogan and into the open arms of Father Sky and thus to connect with the Great Spirit (or God, Goddess, or …–many labels for the same Being).Along with the double terminated Quartz another grid with Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline was also created. Animal totems working on each direction were placed on all four window shelves. A white Jade sculptured buffalo was placed on the shelf of the north window; a sculpture of an eagle created out of brown and gold Tiger’s Eye representing theSpotted eagle known as‘Golden Eagle’ was placed on a vertical window on the left side of the East-facing door; painting of a Bald eagle was positioned above the East door and a carved Red Jasper Coyote was placed on the shelf of the south window. In Native American wisdom it is believed that energetics of the Hogan are healing when All our relations (animal and plant spirits) get attracted to that place and make it their home. This attraction is a seal of good approval. The area around the Hogan built by Eileen and Dave has been literally a home for animals because the energy and the female vortex that the Hogan was built over beckoned to animals who always know where ‘good’ energy is at, while plants and trees flourish too.

The unique crystal grid under the soil of the Hogan focuses a small existing female, counter-clockwise energy vortex in the center that spins at her top speed energy only

during the night time hours. (A male vortex moves clockwise and spins from sunrise to sunset.) During the training from 8 h. to 16 h. daily, the female vortex still affected

all the students because of the amplification by the crystal array. And everyone working in the Hogan was bathed in this vortex energy. As the main job of a vortex is to

reflect where we are presently at, Eileen could work with each of her students on their own wounds. She would reflect back to the student about a particular wound,

how it was there and how the student projected it out onto others, distorting her own reality as a result. Everyone has these issues, but shamanic students have to be 100% aware of their own wounds and issues and not allow these to influence (unprejudiced observer) what they see in 4D (shamans travel in the fourth dimension and beyond),

and miscommunicate this to the client whom they journey for.

The Reason for the Special Energetics of the Red Clay

As many symptoms from the proving can be understood by knowing more about the origin of the substance (from near the Hogan) and what had taken place there

(Shamanic journeys) we need to dive into this a bit more.

Since 1993 Eileen has trained 65 heart centered students from around the world (more females than male) to become shamans in this Hogan. The training included moving from the third Dimension (3D) and begin to learn the ‘ropes’ of what to do in ‘altered’ state, in the fourth Dimension (4D).‘Altered state’ refers to learning to navigate between dimensions(being interdimensional). 4D is somewhat like the 3D world we live in, but in 4D all the colors are brighter, far more intense, and have a much broader range of shades and tones, andone can see the subtle energies all around. If there is a vortex or any other energy present (a portal for example) the shaman could see these

too. The viewer may also see ancestors around other persons (we all have them and this is a good thing), and discarnates.

In the 4D state of a shamanic journey, consciousness expands like a Kundalini experience where one is “blown open” and suddenly aware of other consciousness surrounding self. The individual becomes aware that there is so much more than just the 3D reality. One of the gifts of being a shaman is that even when one returns to 3D earth living,

the connection with 4D is always with them in many ways, increasing awareness at all levels and disallowing the individual from being judgmental about others.

Time is a 3D phenomenon. In all the other dimensions time does not exist. Nothing is linear in a shaman’s world. To an outsider it would seem like a hallucinogenic LSD trip. Shamans journey through many different dimensions and live in two realities at once, embracing both, holding them within themselves successfully. Their 3D brain is operational, but so is the right hemisphere of the brain that opens up the portals to 4D and beyond. The balance between them is crucial. It’s not unusual -and a natural transition for a shaman doing hundreds of retrievals for clients-, to start living off and on (switching) in 4D. The brain retrains itself to disregard time and understand timelessness. This gives them an incredible understanding of spirituality, about self and this planet, resulting in an ability to slow down or speed up time as needed.

A lot of rubrics related to this have surfaced in the proving. The training essentially included the recognizing of these subtle energies. The students were trained for two years before reaching this 5-day training pinnacle. They had to learn to ‘Walk the Land’, to acquaint themselves with surrounding unseen energies that affect all, to feel them, and

to open up to them –‘talking’ (mental telepathy) with spirit guardians of such places of power and so on. All the students felt the power when entering the Hogan; as if they had stepped into another reality (4D) where time doesn’t exist.

Being a shaman is to be the ultimate observer, as they do not interfere. Shamans in 3D physical form are the conduit, the pipeline of communication for their client and journey into the 4D for them. Shamans observe, record and absorb everything about the journey into their memory bank; they live in two worlds at once and retain the memory of both. They are like a two-way mirror, noting where and how a spirit (energy) piece was lost, but also mirroring it back to the client, a ‘reflection’ to them, afterwards. If a healing needs to be done, or there is threat to the Shaman, their specially trained spirit guides do the actual work of retrieving the spirit (energy) piece(s) for the client, and protecting the Shaman in 4D.

The themes of Terra Indiana collated in this article are exactly like those emerging in a shamanic teaching. And so many of the rubrics, which Eileen will get more deeply into in a 2nd article, are synonymous with what her students learned in the Hogan over that five-day training period. Only, little did she know that every thought, every word spoken, every emotion, was recordedby the quartz/silica granules in the clay soil that was used for this proving. That was a mind-blowing discovery for her when she first read Chetna Shukla’s original article and the rubrics she had put in it [3].


It can be said that the soil of this canyon is an amalgamation of many different Native American nations and it is fitting that all have contributed their energy, their culture to this soil. This remedy is far more than soil.For whatever reason, Mother Earth has chosen this particular soil from her body, to be proven.We are awed by how all of this has happened and still feeling our way through what it may mean to the world at large.With the darkness of the world we live in today, there needs to be a shift of consciousness in humanity, and perhaps this remedy can be instrumental as an awakening tool.Back to the Light.Back to the heart.Back to realizing we are ‘all related’, and that nothing separates us except our mind and the thoughts and concepts we believe in, which can be changed.From performing thousands of journeys over her lifetime, Eileen confirms that being a shaman makes one a citizen of many worlds/dimensions. With this perspective, the entire being changes to the Light, towards compassion, being nonjudgmental, understanding that everyone is a part of you and vice-versa. Bestowing kindness, being vulnerable, honest, and of the highest morals and values we can be as a human, are just some of the gifts that are bestowed to those who do open up to that shift in consciousness.


The Homeopathic Proving of Mother Earth

Type of Proving

Blind proving with 200 participants from all over the globe who took the potentised substance, prepared in C30 by the late Juergen Becker, at the same clock time – meaning the proving spread from east to west. Some participants did a C5-trituration of the crude substance, while Eileen Nauman made a shamanic journey to study it.

Sphere of Action

Extremities: lower limbs, feet, ankle, hip, tail bone, upper limbs; ascending from feet up to crown chakra; spine—all chakras; throat and throat chakra; solar plexus (navel); aura; heart; stomach; skin and bones (rheumatism, fracture, pains).


Red, blue, green.


    I will follow him—Movie—Sister Act II.

    Amazing grace.

    Dante’s prayer.

    ‘Skin to Skin’ from Jennifer Warnes and Harry Belafonte


This introduction presents a woven picture of the quintessence or state of mind and disposition of Terra Indiana in the words of the provers.

The proving of Terra/Earth is a deep experience of the material existence of the spiritual human on this planet Earth. In the potentized form it has kindled in the provers feelings and experiences that revolve around the themes of Mother, Time and Sound in the earthly realm, and around the themes of Quantum, Observer/Action and Life in the spiritual realm. Each prover elicited these themes in alignment with their interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup and intragroup conflicts. The elicited symptoms are evidence that the Earth has its own organic life. This is in consonance with the Gaia hypothesis of James Ephraim Lovelock[1], CH, CBE, FRS (born 26 July 1919) who is an independent scientist, environmentalist and futurist, living in Dorset, England. He is best known for proposing the Gaia Hypothesis, which postulates that the Earth functions as a self-regulating system. He has been trying to prove that even Earth has its own organic life. To do so has been very difficult for the British scientist. The whole scientific mind is against the idea. This proving in my opinion is in support of his theory. Lovelock has come up with evidence that life is not (y)our monopoly; neither is mind (y)our monopoly. He has evidence that animals have a mind and so have trees. And just as trees come out of the earth, we are also made of the earth. The Earth[2] has a certain atmosphere around it, two hundred miles deep – a layer of breathing space. Birds, animals, trees, man – all species breathe this air. What is our food? It comes from the earth. It gives us life, it gives us intelligence. Unless Earth contains all this, she cannot give it to us. And just as trees, minerals, metals come out of the Earth, we are also made of the Earth[3].Everything that arises from the earth finally goes back to the earth. This means Earth is a living being. If it were dead, then life would not be possible at all. From where will trees get their life? From where will you get your life? Everything is alive. There is nothing dead.

Osho has said ‘you are born out of Earth and Sky. That’s why in the East the woman is called the earth and the man is called the sky’. The homeopathic proving of the Earth soil/clay from a place like the Echo Canyon, 16 miles from the spiritual vortices of Arizona, is an expression of ‘The Human Experience of the Earth’ on this Earth.

When we are born out of Earth, and we experience Earth inside of us (especially from a soil with the energy of a nearby vortex and charged by crystals buried under a Hogan) as a potentized drug for proving, we are thrust into the realm of quantum. And it is best expressed in words as a feeling of being an observer, but not detached; it’s more like “part of” while in foreground, middle ground, background.

“Dust unto dust ….” The day will come when we will go back into the dust. Everything that arises from the earth finally goes back to the earth. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: Life (animated corporeal existence) and Lifetime [period between arising (birth) from earth and merging (death) into earth] is felt deeply and an attitude of Trusting Spirit, God, Isness, Source and Life is rekindled in the proving. There is a feeling of joy, happiness, freedom and gratitude and a feeling of ‘me and you’ as against ‘me versus you’. This re-enforces the deep connect to Mother Earth and the Human Mother, the medium through whom we birth ourselves. In the mind’s eye we revisit and resolve the issues with the Human Mother. This deep connect is felt as a deep, strong power coming from the Earth, and gratitude is expressed by singing of God and angels – uniting heaven and Earth(songs: I will follow Him, Amazing grace, Dante’s prayer)! At a human level it is expressed as a feeling being grounded.

As humans we promised to manifest the reality of ‘Home/Heaven on Earth’ before we came into existence, and NOW is the ‘time’ to fulfill that Promise. But, in our arrogance we have polluted the Earth, our very existence and by thinking just about ourselves and disregarding the fact that all of Life is One we are actually acting like dinosaurs.

Themes of Terra Indiana

For convenience of understanding, we fragment the quintessence or state of mind and disposition of Terra Indiana into symptoms, rubrics and themes. Each prover elicited  these symptoms and themes in alignment with their interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup and intragroup conflicts as also their spiritual development and understanding

of life. The major themes that surfaced in the proving are elaborated below as symptoms and the exact words of the provers are reproduced to explain the themes. All the symptoms peculiar to Terra Indiana did not appear in one person, nor all at once; some occurred in one person at one time and in another person some other symptoms appeared. But when all of the reports were examined, there surfaced distinct major themes that are elaborated as below. The symptoms that express each theme are given verbatim in the language of the prover.

1. Theme of Observing

    It’s not the knowing, it’s more like the watching/observing but not detached, it’s more like “part of” while in foreground, middle ground, background.

    To me it felt like when the “light body” connected to the physical (during the proving) I was “IN’. And if we’re here at this time and this place, then there is something we’re to do and afterwards we can go home. It’s like we’re on assignment. I’m not sure what that something is, but right now the focus for me is to learn how to operate the vehicle (my body) I’m “driving”. Maybe it’s just observational?

    I didn’t have the feeling of stuffing my emotions, so I don’t think I was/am in denial. I walked by there the next day and nothing, no feelings, just observing. Perhaps that experience has been resolved?

    My eyesight does seem keener or more observant, more like an animal, quicker reflexes?

    And remembering the ET’s and angels and higher ones are not allowed to interfere or control, they can only observe.

    First dose and nothing very much but slowly descended into depression which makes it very difficult to write anything down or even to observe how I feel.

    The other day I observed my “Pavlovian response to the trolls”.

    Observe! Yes, and not reacting, not getting sucked into it. Me “Not getting sucked into it” is the key.

    For about a week and a half or two weeks there has been an “observer” around. Male, a gentle being, fair skin and light hair. Doesn’t say anything, just observes.

    I am bound to my body and I live inside the body, but it is I, who react, counteracts with environment and see the world. I see, feel and experience everything differently. I am the observer.

    I would like to leave my body, to be free, get rid of it, and to observe everything from higher perspective, from outside.


2. Quantum Theme


    It’s like a quantum shift in consciousness for all. I guess it’s like when you’re at the temple with the monks you do feel a lighter energy and consciousness.

    If it’s all just the quantum foam having fun being a universe, then that makes total sense. If the only thing that matters is how we view things, then we’re free to view them anyway we want to.

    I was thinking about the last MAJOR trust issues I had and it was when I was reading all the quantum physics books and discovered there was no god.

    I believe that language cannot express these experiences of the Isness. I think the mind usually just glimpses them because it’s beyond the realm of the usual mind. In fact, it’s being outside the mind, a quantum


3. Theme of Earth


    Desire to be buried in the Earth; I feel a great sense of freedom to be travelling away fromthe confines of the house, or maybe a sky burial if the Earth is too rocky.

    Dream: 2 families of rabbits living separately in square houses not in warrens in the Earth.

    Dream: a man in a long red Earth coloured sleeping bag.

    Dream: of Mother Earth and her daughter, young legs.

    Earth feels a very unsafe place, especially on the outcrops of rock.

    “Tread the Earth lightly”.

    Quote: “You promised to manifest the reality of ‘Home/Heaven on Earth’ before you were born, and NOW is the ‘time’ to fulfil your Promise.”

    A feeling that I don’t own anything really. We borrow the Earth‘s resources and all that.

    Dream where it was a heavenly paradise Earth.

    If you just look at our own mortality then you know that ‘for the good of all’ is most important. To change the Earth for the better, to have some sort of legacy. And then the next thing you know a paradise Earth is what is experienced and just accepted as the norm.

    There’s millions and millions of planets, stars, asteroids, etc. Like one god knows there’s an Earth?

    In yoga tonight I was feeling the Earth energies come up thru my feet and out through my crown chakra. So probably the blocks in the spine are gone now?

    Maybe Earth energy can radiate up. We are reacting in response to our environment.

    Mother Earth has such great tolerance.

    “My body is my temple – where I can perceive ‘God’, just as the Mother Earth is the Temple of ‘God’”.

    ‘People’ are just an expression of the Earth, like Alan Watts wrote, “the universe peoples”.

    If all this is about creating the new Earth, we do have to be in charge and running our own show, and be very sure about it.

    I was so tired and bored with my whole life that I couldn’t see any sense to be here on the Earth”. Now is the time for you to be more grounded on Earth” Maybe.

    Deep, strong power coming from the Earth, at the same time singing of God and angels – uniting heaven and Earth!

    This isn’t the Earth of round here, sweet scented fecund, abundant spring, color. It is more majestic, not exactly harsh or uncaring but beyond that. I feel like lying on the grass and listening; when I sleep tonight I wish to hear the message of the Earth. But the Earth is impersonal, not like when I was pregnant and used to lie on it to be connected to the mother Earth. This is not here in the Earth of this substance.

    I don’t see any good reasons for this symbiosis, for living together with my body, which I feel so sorry for and who has tried to help me to understand this living on Earth. I am like a prisoner in my body.


4. Theme of Life


    As if I had a past life in France?

    I became aware I was overreacting to the life or death thing.

    Without the Source energy, light, spirit, and all that, there wouldn’t be any life on this planet.

    Dream; mother – when you dream about an uncle you haven’t seen in 50 years because something about him is symbolic for something going on in your life or someone in your life.

    Past life memory I had coming up today. Being in a concentration camp and feeling those feelings again of hurt, pain, fear, panic, etc.

    Woke up with past life And this isn’t the first time I’ve revisited that life.

    I am trying to think of an example from my life when I “disappeared” that deep.

    It just proves that it is them, they want attention, they want you to play this disapproving parent figure according to their life

    “Honor your need to control your own life, rather than being at the disposition of others”.

    “Nothing is separate. The feeling of separation comes only from our limited perception of what life is all about.

    I kept having these visions of the Earth; Earth is all One and all the life on it all One, and especially our evolution is about the entire species, not just us.

    It’s all of Life as One. When people think it’s all about them, they are really acting like dinosaurs.

    When I look at the history of two of the mother figures in my life, I can see that they were not capable of the mother bond.

    5D (5 dimension) love is more, I accept you, I let you choose your life, etc.

    Always thought suicide was not an option for me as I have lost two of the people I loved most in life through their suicide.

    A remedy for hopelessness – doubting of life itself – why am I here as a human?

    I’m noticing the movement and not so much the glow of life. Movement is an aspect of life, so maybe this remedy is about movement?

    As the higher frequency of your Soul/Self becomes integrated into your fifth chakra, your life will become more balanced”.

    I still feel like that still point, lots of synchies, some dejavus, past life

    Appreciate all that is. Immerse yourself in the joy and wonder of every now and life will be a gift.

    I think anything the ego does is temporary anyway. In the long term it is temporary, but in this life it can have importance.

    With this law of One, you bring an increased dimensional light and wisdom into your life, moving you closer toward ascension.

    Trusting Spirit and Life.

    Life isn’t about competing egos. It’s so much deeper than that.

    All the plant life is alive with new growth, the flowers are blooming, the bunnies are hopping, the birds are singing.

    It’s not like an emotional feeling, it’s more astral or something? Me: I think it’s “LIFE/ALIVE”.

    Life is a sensation.

    Thoughts aren’t really ‘alive’, they’re concepts and all that. I’ve noticed that Life is like a rushing, soaring, fierce flow like a rampant river. Life has movement. Dead people don’t move.

    Life can be me and you, not me versus you.

    Breathe in the wonder of life and its bounty. Let go of both resistance and force to allow yourself to connect more deeply to life.

    Happiness, easiness, love of life. This remedy wants me to go lightweight through life. First inward then outward.

    Perhaps one aspect is to trust in life. Life won’t let you down.

    I was so tired and bored with my whole life that I couldn’t see any sense to be here on the Earth.

    The whole life was only a big chaos, disorder and there existed no tools for me to change this world.


5. Theme of Ground/Grounded/Boundary/Feet


    Awareness of the feet, feet on the ground, firmly on the ground. So far, it’s top of head, feet emphasis, body in alignment.

    Went for a walk. I noticed all three grounds at once. (Foreground, middle ground and background.)

    He’s very deep, very grounded and I’m quite sure he has some Scorpio. I like his energy. I can see his “priest” parallel.

    Also noticed we may be grounded in the body now, but we have to ground the body to the Earth too.

    Whether that’s getting your soul firmly connected to your skin and bones, so that’s why we’re so grounded in the body now?

    You felt way more ‘in your body’. That’s what Cho did for me, too, I started running my energy down my legs and focusing on the tan tien and all that and definitely more grounded.

    Good for you, stood your ground.

    I seem to be going in and out of the body, sometimes very grounded in it and the energies in it.

    One dream was about sharing space and boundary I held my ground and held my space.

    And I kept feeling grounded no matter what, not spacey like the other provings or that airy feeling.

    This morning I woke up with my soul grounded in the body or something.

    In the morning I can hardly bear to put my feet to the ground. Rheumatic pain in legs and feet.

    First we grounded, released all that stuff that really wasn’t us but we took it on, worked on co-dependent boundary issues.

    But I think we have to stand our own ground first before we can walk away.

    “Now is the time for you to be more grounded on Earth.” Maybe.

    My skeletal structure will dissolve and spread out across the ground.

    Looking down, the ground was as if miles away. In life I would feel scared. In the dream it was fine going down, even intriguing.


6. Theme of Mother


    I was observing mothers with children, with great memories of travelling with my daughters.

    Dream: lay beside John, a brother’s friend, mother said “what is your past, what have you been up to do you have VD?”

    Dream: of Mother Earth and her daughter, young legs.

    Still working on it, seems to be we’re playing out each other’s inner stuff. Today Michele said several things to people where I thought, ewww that sounds like my

    Like we were looking at old photos today and I noticed that my grandmother never looked happy in any photo with her husband.

    My mother’s chart is all oppositions. So, it’s a me versus the world thing I think?

    I keep seeing that I need to incorporate more of my grandmother who was really an angel for sure, she was such a humanitarian.

    They didn’t listen when they said, don’t mess with mother

    That’s the usual arguments I have with my mother, she says things are a certain way even though she knows nothing about them at all, and then she goes around and tells everyone that’s the way it is, even though it isn’t.

    The big fight I had with my mother two years ago; I couldn’t figure out how it even started.

    She has the same personality as my mother, that’s probably why it’s coming up. They demand but they never give.

    And those feelings took precedence over kissing my mother’s ass basically,

    I hadn’t talked to my mother for two years. When I did a month ago, I realized after hanging up the phone that not once did she ask how we were doing, it was only about how she did this or that and what her neighbors were doing, things like that.

    Dream: Was waist deep in water with a young elephant, trying to care for it because it had lost its mother. I was washing and caring for its skin.

    My body is my temple – where I can perceive ‘God’, just as the Mother Earth is the temple,Mother Earth is tolerant

    The translator writes, “as soon as I saw in that work ‘Barbelo’ which stands for the first power or the manifestation of God the mother, I felt it was real.

    I then had a flashback of being at my grandmother’s.

    The Earth is impersonal, not like when I was pregnant and used to lie on it to be connected to the mother This is not here in the Earth of this substance.


7. Theme of Time


    Dreams: Wearing a blue hood, I felt humiliated that I had not loved a friend enough the first time

    Dream: time was running out, two men came into the hall, they stayed there sniffing women’s clothes, and I exited the hall into the stairwell with many students in.

    Dream: 3 or 4 escalators ascending onto platform 5 put 7 sign up as time for train to go.

    When we look back on it, we’ll probably be amazed at so much growth in such a short period of time.

    Wow, we did compact a lot into a short period of time. It seemed like it was a long time but it wasn’t.

    It did seem like a long time, but when compared to ordinary processes, we dumped a LOT in less than a year. Just think about how long it would take if you were going to a shrink. And check out the physical changes. WOW!

    It bothers me that I spent so much time in the past years not just ‘being’. More like ‘doing to achieve something or get something’. Such ego stuff, a waste of time.

    However, watching someone’s act, silly questions, etc. is stuff that is not worthy of our time and an energy drain.

    In fact, every time you clear your self, you also clear your portion of the Collective Consciousness, which eventually clears my land.

    You are not your business card. Who you are is non-local awareness, not just a body. Your awareness fills all of space and

    And today I kept looking at the culture of the time frame when people were born as a huge influence, not just generational or family.

    ‘Accept your destiny’; after this there is a deep sense of quiet and peace in me – everything has its own time.

    Later, there was a quiet, centred feeling again, a bit sober and time seemed to go slowly.

    I guess good? It was better than last week by far. I still feel like that still point, lots of synchies, some dejavus, past life stuff. The usual multi-dimensional multi time line kind of day, LOL.

    Alpha is timeless, so it must be above 4D? I bet it is. So when you’re in Zen mind or satori you really are tapping into a higher dimension/consciousness state

    Physical reality or this whole manifested thing where everything is temporary and changing all the time, existential angst?

    Our mind is comprised of all we have learned on the planet since we were born. It is limited to what we have learned in this lifetime, and limited to what we can see.

    It seems like time is going very slowly this week. Almost surreal.

    Parallels shifting all the time.

    The phase I’ve shifted into seems more “whole” than all parts at once. And it’s moving through space and time, etc. All as One.

    You’ll put more value on your time and so will other people.

    Through all time, seekers and mystics have asked this question: “What is the Superconscious?”

    Even in Buddhism it says everything is temporary and changing all the time or at least your awareness of stuff does.

    Time is weird, that’s for sure. Some days last forever and sometimes fly by.


8. Theme of Source/Spirit/God/Oneness/Light/Isness/Higher Self


On animism: “The primitive religions and traditions of the Native Americans were based on the culture of Animism. Animism was a commonly shared doctrine, or belief, of the indigenous people and various Indian Tribes of North America. Animism is a religion based on the spiritual idea that the universe and all natural objects within the universe have souls or spirits. In this religion it is believed that souls or spirits exist not only in humans but also in animals, plants, trees, rocks etc. This belief and culture is also extended to natural phenomena such as thunder storms and rain and geographic features such as mountains, caves or rivers also possess souls or spirits. The Native Americans had no science to explain nature, but had a deeper knowledge and a unique and esoteric way of understanding nature which led to their belief that the sun, rain, and other forces were controlled by spirits. The Native Indians refer to worshiped animals, plants, the sun, rain, and wind as Power animals and Animal Spirits. In festivals, ceremonies and prayers they try to gain the favor of these gods”.



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