
Geheimtip für Sportverletzungen: = Adresse für Zweitmeinung im Falle zu eine Operation geraten wird.


Schmerz: Viscum mali Salbe 10%


Hessels Schmerztropfen (bei Schmerzen des Bewegungsapparates);

[Gerhard Miller]

Gelenke sind Dreh- und Angelpunkte unseres Bewegungsapparats. Die Seele hat auch hier bei Schmerzen großen Einfluss …

1e Gruppe: will ständig etwas bewegen. Wenn wir sie festhalten und am exzessiven Sport hindern, dann werden sie so unruhig, dass sie glauben durchzudrehen.

Dieser Sportfanatismus wird als Schmerz im Körper deutlich. Somit ist der Schmerz keine Strafe, sondern eine innere Korrektur. Was merken wir uns in diesem Zusammenhang?

Aktion ist gut, Aktionismus macht Probleme. Hier heißt es: weniger Sport!

2e Gruppe: umgekehrt. Sie sollten etwas bewegen, wollen aber nicht. Zu diesen Menschen gehören die Choleriker: hartnäckig, aber auch abweisend. Bevorzugt die sitzende und genießerische Lebensweise. Sie wollen ihre Ruhe haben. Hier heißt es: Endlich umziehen (oder sonstwie etwas bewegen) oder … Sport unter Anleitung eines Trainers.

3e Gruppe hat etwas Peinliches zu verbergen. Sie benutzt die Gelenkschmerzen, um sich vor dem Sex zu drücken. Auch hier bitte nicht verurteilen! Die Ablehnung enger körperlicher Nähe wird ihren Grund haben und sie sollte einfühlsame Gespräche nach sich ziehen.

4e Gruppe: Menschen mit einem Verlassenheitsgefühl. Sie liegen im Bett und glauben, es würde sinken. Oder sie fühlen sich von Freunden verlassen. Die entstehende Angst führt zu einer Enge im Körper und zu Schmerzen. Je nach Disposition können sich die Schmerzen in das Gelenk legen. Hier rate ich ausdrücklich zu einer Gesprächstherapie. Diese kann von Homöopathie unterstützt werden.

5e Gruppe: Es sind Patienten mit einer Gelenkentzündung. Die Arthritis hat eine Reihe psychologischer Co-Faktoren. Einer davon ist die Sucht zu tadeln.

6e Gruppe: Regen sich so sehr über das „Fehlverhalten“ anderer Menschen auf, dass ihr Körper die Aufgebrachtheit als Entzündung ausdrückt.

7e Gruppe: benutzt ihre Gelenkschmerzen, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Arztes auf ihren Körper zu lenken. Eigentlich aber geht es um ihre bedürftige Seele. Doch diese

ist für sie unwichtig und kindisch. Liebe Leser, können Sie sich vorstellen, diesen Menschen einen Riesenkuschelbär an die Hand zu geben, den sie umherzen können?

Was ist also der Schatten dieser Patientengruppe? Sich emotional anrühren, im Innersten berühren zulassen.


[Stefan von Löwensprung/Natalie von Löwensprung]

6.3 Erkrankungen des Gelenksystems

Die Gelenke ermöglichen intentionale Bewegung und sind das mittlere, merkurielle Element zwischen den festen Knochen einerseits (Sal- bzw. Sinnes-Nerven-Pol)

und dem Muskel- und Sehnenapparat (Sulfur- bzw. Bewegungs-Stoffwechsel-Pol). Erkrankungen der Gelenke schränken die Ich-gesteuerte, gezielte Bewegung ein und damit das gestaltende Wirksamwerden in der Welt.


Teer: Equal parts of mother tincture and water, warmed and applied over rheumatic joints to relieve pain.

[Ian Watson]

Little remedies with strong joint affinities. Some of these will be more chronic joint problems, not so much a first-aid situation, but it's not necessarily a constitutional

problem either, where they just happen to have a chief complaint that's affecting the joints primarily. Following a group of remedies to look Shere.

Benz-ac.: strong affinity with the kidneys and the urinary system as well as the joints. Often seen together.

A. STRONG smelling, dark urine. Often poor elimination by the kidneys. Gout. (Gouty deposits).

B. cracking in the joint (knees). The other thing is bunions (big toe). Can be very, very painful. (in low potency repeated/3x daily for weeks/sometimes months).

Lith-c.: cracking joints.

Kali-c.: a constitutional remedy = affecting the whole person with a STRONG affinity with the skeleton (pelvis/back/sciatic nerve/hips). The area of the body. following pregnancy and childbirth. All kinds of structural misalignment problems (following childbirth). Sciatica since childbirth. Person with lumbar back problems > supporting

the back (wants to sit with a firm cushion in the chair so that there's something firm up against their back/> lying on a hard surface or a nice, firm mattress.

They don't like it to be too soft.

< Anything giving too much space and flexibility (r.) Hip problems. (ext. knee). Einzeldose C30 - C200. In chronic arthritis start low, C 6 daily, and go up.

Used it in arthritis, sciatica, hipjoint problems, backache, in pregnancy, during and after childbirth, and menstrual and hormonal problems and thyroid problems.

Caul.: It's really good if a woman's had a bad childbirth and what she's said is, "All the labour pains were in the back." If you ever hear that, even if it's years later now,

she describes the pregnancy, and you say, was there anything particularly strong about the pregnancy, and she says, "Well, no, but during the labour it was all in my back.

My back was killing me". If you ever hear that, Kali-c. will probably be what she needs, even years later. And the chances are that woman will have on-going backache.

She'll have a weak back. Has a lot of is oedema/fluid retention locally. The fingers can get puffy/especially in the face, where you see that in the face, puffy around the

eyes is a good little clue, the kidney weakness. Med.: oedema around the ankles and the feet.

Hyper.: Woman after difficult labour, and ever since then, she's had a backache which typically will reoccur every time she has her period. So backache with the menstrual cycle, which was triggered by a difficult childbirth, usually a prolonged labour where the child got stuck, something like that.




Phytologie: Teer auf Daumenseite der Innenseite des Handgelenks anbringen mit Pflaster aber ohne Binde. 24 Stunden bis 72 Stunden sitzen lassen.


Ac-sal.: Gelenkbeschwerden (Tiere).


Cartilage regenerator having following composition

            Nyct. = Parijaata (I). always in every composition possible


1. Rhus-t.

2. Colchin.

4. Symph.

5. Ruta

6. Hecla

Symph. has the capacity to regrow in itself.

Hekla Lava.: should work well in exostosis and nasal bone growths etc to arrest it. Good remedy for varying kinds of bone ailments?

Cochicinum should work against arthritic conditions and gout and formation of arthritic nodes. Its function in growing of cartillages cannot be a direct action but a facilitation.

As far as Nyctanthes Arbor is concerned the following link will give a proving which is vital to understanding this medicine as yet another facilitator. In particular, to my

mind, Spleen and liver enlarged is a condition of degeneration which is certainly affecting bones and cartelages.


Ruta.: essentially helps in bones and regrowths of bruised bones including cartelages. It is very effective in Bursitis, tendonitis and other joint problems and is helpful in problems in vertebrae. Its long run use is very good for osteoarthritis and other bone degenerating ailments.

Rhus-t. is our prime remedy for Bones and cartelages and all ailments related to spine, cervical, dorsal or lumbago regions,

Hyper.:. takes care of the coccyx.

It really doesn't matter whether it is prepared through trituration or dilution form. Both will work well.



Arn. Sprain occurs when ligaments become over-stretched or torn. Landing on the side of your foot during aerobics and suddenly feel swelling and a bruised sensation.

Is able to absorb blood, reduce swelling, and relieve pain quickly. The injury becomes bruised, < at night/when touched/jarred/from motion. > cold applications.

Rhus-t.  1. Use Arn. to absorb the blood/reducing swelling, 2. Rhus-t. to heal the sprained ligaments. Any ligament injury, anywhere in the body, will respond quickly to this remedy. Rhus-t.: will feel stiff and < at night/damp, cold. The swelling is > rest, but the person feels restless and can’t get comfortable in any position. < when starting to walk but > after continued motion/warm applications. STIFF lower back.


Aching Elbows:

Every tennis player dreads “tennis elbow” or epicondylitis (from trying out a new racket/stringing a racket too tightly/playing too early/eagerly after an injury. After golfing, weight training, pitching ball, hanging wallpaper, painting ceilings.

Ruta.: tennis elbow + tingling in the hand. Ruta shares characteristics with Arnica and Rhus tox. Mainly indicated when the periosteum (membrane surrounding the bone) has been affected.

You may feel stiffness, as in conditions relieved by Rhus tox, and have a bruised feeling like those who need Arnica, but moving around makes the pain worse.

Arn. (bruised feeling) Ruta (< moving)Rhus-t. (stiff)

Bell.: works more deeply than Arnica. Try Bellis, which can be a specific remedy for tennis elbow, when Arnica or another remedy doesn’t completely resolve the injury. An injury = swollen and bruised and will feel < touch/hot Bathing/getting chilled. > motion/cold applications/rubbing.


Endorphin Junkies

If you’re afraid of starting exercise because you are new at it or are coming back after an injury, take Arnica before the workout. You will be amazed at how well you can keep up. For the aerobics fanatic who puts too much strain on her knee joints:



Ruta.: Can specifically address knee problems like sprains, tendonitis, cartilage tears, and bursitis. If there’s weakness in a lower limb and the knee gives way when climbing stairs or on rising, the injury may benefit from Ruta (see other indications above).

Bry.: red, swollen, tender, inflamed knees that < motion/touch: > rest/local heat. Pain stitching when walking, painful stiffness, and weakness.



Nux-v.: An all-or-nothing attitude and push yourself at training follows a low back pain requiring. Pain stitching, you feel irritable, and you must sit up to turn over in bed.

The pain is < morning/motion/cold/touch. > warmth/pressure.

Phyt.: lower back and sacrum constantly ache and feel heavy or stiff. Restless and compelled to move, but motion doesn’t help the pain (opposite of Rhus tox). Pain in the lower back radiates to the lateral thighs down to the knees and toes.


Cramping Up

Mag-p.: Muscle cramps occur when a little-used muscle is over-exerted. The sudden cramping pain feels as if the muscles have gathered up in knots. Cramps occur in any sport at any point during exercise (legs/feet).


Pains excited or < slightest cold. Acon. Bry. Calc. Dulc. Merc. Sulph.

Pains excited or < severe cold – Calc. Dulc. Rhus-t.  Lyc. Hep.

Dulc.: Hot days and cold nights towards the close of summer/effects of damp weather, colds after exposure to wet (diarrhoea). The RHEUMATIC TROUBLES induced by damp cold < every cold change and somewhat > moving about. Results from sitting on cold, damp ground. Icy coldness. Rheuma # diarrhoea. feet icy cold, < at night/cold in general/damp, rainy weather: >: moving about/external warmth;

Rhus-t. affects fibrous tissue markedly- joints, tendons, sheaths-aponeurosis, producing pains and stiffness. Rheumatic pain spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins, and extremities;

> motion. Limbs stiff, paralyzed, cold fresh air is not tolerated; it makes the skin painful. < at night/cold, damp weather; Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Loss of power

in forearm and fingers; crawling sensation in the tips of fingers. Tingling in feet.

Bry.: Aching in every muscle. General character of the pain here is a stitching, tearing; < motion/rest. These characteristic stitching pains, << any motion,


Perna canaliculus = Grünlippmuschel:/hohes Gehalt an Glykosaminoglykanen (langkettige Aminozuckerverbindungen), die auch in der Gelenkflüssigkeit (Gelenkschmiere/Synovialflüssigkeit) vorkommen/= Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. 


Gelenkschmerzen - Kombination:

Symph. 30

Arn. 30

Rhus-t. 30

Ruta. 30

Hyper. 30

Mix all these medicines in equal proportion.


Vergleich: Tuberkuline Erkrankungen der Gelenke;

Beschwerden von Gelenken, nach Doctrine des Signatures?: Bamb-a. Polygonaceae.

Marmota marmota = Murmeltier Fett enthält viel Cortison. Gebraucht bei Arthrose der Gelenke. Mammalia.x Quelle:

Siehe: Schmerzmittel + Osteoporose + Anhang 1 (Markus Sommer) + Systemen + Wirbelsäulen- und Gelenkerkrankung



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