Nyctanthes arbor tristis (Nyct) (I) = Sad tree/= Sephalika (I)/= Siuli (I)/= Harsinghar in Tamil/= Paghalarnalli.


Akut: Unruhig/ängstlich, Fieber + unstillbaren Durst (trinken = erbrechen)(+ übel), Verstopfung: während Fieber, Galleerbrechen am Ende des Froststadiums;       


Gemüt: Angst/ruhelos

Kopf: Schmerz (dumpf/Wehtun)

Mund: Zunge gelb - dicker Belag/weiß (dicker Belag)

Magen: < während Durst/Durst vor/während Frost/vor/während Hitze

Schmerz (brennend)

Übel/erbricht während

Art des Erbrochenen: Galle

Bauch: Leber < Berührung/< Druck/Schmerz (stechend/wund schmerzend)

Rektum: Obstipation [(klein) Kindern]

Stuhl: Gallig/reichlich

Glieder: Schmerz - rheumatisch/in Ischiasnerv/in Gelenke rheumatisch

Fieber: Gallig

Intermittierendes, chronisches Fieber, Wechselfieber - mit vergrößerter Leber/mit vergrößerter Milz

Remittierend (+ vergrößerter Leber/+ vergrößerter Milz/chronisch/gallig)

Allgemeines: Schmerz - rheumatisch


Head: Anxious and restless; dull headache. Tongue coated.

Stomach: Burning sensation, better cold application. Thirst, better vomiting.

Abdomen: Tenderness of liver. Profuse, bilious stool, with nausea. Constipation.

Fever: Thirst, before and during chill and heat; > vomiting at close of chill; sweat no marked.


Vergleich: Siehe: Lamiales.


Allerlei: blüht nur nachts,


[Dr. Sarat Chandra Ghose]

Following observations made about the years 1898-1903 :


It is an expectorant, bitter and tonic, febrifuge, and mild purgative.

It is used in bilious and obstinate remittent fever, sciatica, and rheumatism.

It is also very useful in constipation of children.

Dr. J. H. Clarke's Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (Vol. II, Part I, pages 631-632)

"Nyctanthes is a small tree of the jasmine family, having brilliant, highly fragrant flowers, white and yellow, which do not expand till evening and which fall off about sunrise.

During the day the plant loses all its brightness, and hence is called `The Sad Tree' (Arbor-tristis). `Nyctanthes' means 'Night-flowering.'"

S. C. Ghose: account of the medicinal properties of this plant (Homeopathic World, XXXVI, 24).

He has used it extensively in cases of bilious and remittent fevers, rheumatism and sciatica, and the constipation of children.

It is bitter, tonic, expectorant, mild purgative. In the fever there is thirst before and during chills, and bitter vomiting at close of chill. Not much sweat. Ghose compares it with Eup-per. He has made a short proving of it.



Mind: very anxious and restless.

Head: Dull headache

Mouth: Tongue enveloped with a thick, whitish or yellowish fur.

Stomach: Great burning sensation in the stomach, > cold application.

Abdomen: Liver tender; stitches felt in the hepatic region, which is very sensitive to touch.

Nausea And Vomiting: Bilious vomiting comes on at every draught.

Urine: high-colored.

Fever: predominance of bilious symptoms.

Insatiable thirst before and during chill and heat; bitter vomiting at the close of chill; constant nausea may or may not be present; drinking causes vomiting; Very restless; constipation or bilious stools;

Perspiration: not generally marked.


Ayurvedic. properties:

Rasa: Tikta, Katu

Guna: Lakhu

Virya: Ushna

English: Night jasmine, Coral jasmine

Hindi: Parja, Harsimgar

Malayalam: Parijatam, Pavizhamalli

Throughout India cultivated as ornamental plant.

Palliates: vata, kapha, inflammation, sciatica, dyspepsia, cough, asthma, constipation, hemorrhoids, baldness, premature graying of hair and pruritus.

Leaves, Flowers, Seeds.

Leaves: D-mannitol, β-sitosterole, Flavanol glycosides- Astragaline, Nicotiflorin, Oleanolic acid, Nyctanthic acid, tannic acid, ascorbic acid, methyl salicylate, an amorphous glycoside An amorphous resin, trace of

volatile oil, carotene, friedeline, lupeol, , mannitol, Glucose and fructose, iridoid glycosides, benzoic acid.

Flowers: Essential oil, nyctanthin, d-mannitol, tannin and glucose, carotenoid, glycosides Viz β-monogentiobioside ester of α - crocetin (or crocin-3), β-monogentiobioside -β-D monoglucoside ester of α-crocetin, β-digentiobioside ester of α-crocetin (or crocin-1).

Seeds: Arbortristoside A&B, Glycerides of linoleic oleic, lignoceric, stearic, palmitic and myristic acids, nyctanthic acid, 3-4 secotriterpene acid, A water soluble polysaccharide composed of D-glucose and D mannose.

Bark: Glycosides and alkaloids.

Stem: Glycoside-naringenin-4’-0-β-glucapyranosyl-α-xylopyranoside and β-sitosterol.

Flower oil: α-pinene, p-cymene, 1- hexanol methyl heptanone, phenyl acetaldehyde, 1-deconol and anisaldehyde.

Plant: 2,3,4,6-tetra-0-methyl-D-glucose, 2,3,6 tri-0-methyl-D-glucose, 2,3,6-tri-0-methyl-D-mannose, 2,3,-di-0-methyl-d-mannose, arbortristoside A,B,C and iridoid glycoside.



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