Gelenken Anhängsel


Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße

[Markus Sommer M.D.]

Mand. given for inflammatory activation of chronic arthritis (Egypt).

Like tin (= Stann-met)/silver (= Arg-met) Mand. relates to cartilage, a water-based tissue, but shows greater efficacy in counteracting excessive decay due to inflammatory processes.

Antimony (= Ant-met.) also has a structuring effect in the treatment of inflammatory conditions that threaten further destruction where degenerative changes have caused the original damage.

Betula e fol. stimulates the internal kidney process to encourage elimination of metabolic products in the periarticular region, products mainly due to inadequate protein degradation.

The above substances will primarily counteract the painful inflammatory reaction = secondary effect of the disease.

Stannum is a substance relating to embrittlement as much as to fluidity and plasticity. The alpha modification of tin which develops at low temperatures (tin pest) is a powder showing none of

the properties of a metal. Tin also goes through a brittle phase before it melts if heated (possibility to triturate the metal in a mortar). The fluid state which follows is wide-ranging between

the low melting point (232°C) and the high boiling point (2602° C). This gives us an idea of the universal effect tin may have on cartilage, a tissue which is between the solid and fluid states of aggregation. Probably the earliest and most widely metal to be used in alloys, it changes the properties of its metal partners to a remarkable degree. Adding just 3% of tin

to copper will appreciably increase resistance to wear, at the same time keeping the alloy ductile. 30 - 40% of added tin give a relatively brittle but highly lustrous alloy that was used

for mirrors in antiquity. Between these two extremes, the bronze used for casting bells contains about 20% of tin, which makes it a solid metal with good resonance and only minimal deadening

of sound. These positive tin qualities can often be utilized by giving low potencies in the treatment of arthritis. Giving a low potency of the organ preparation, in this case Articulatio coxae, has frequently proved most valuable in vitalizing the etheric, stimulating regeneration or at least delaying the degenerative process.

The treatment of joints may be approached by using the 3 qualities: gold, tin and the zodiacal element.

The 3 need to be complemented with "medicines for rheumatism" which are often also medicines for the liver. Here, one may think of Bryonia, Bryonia/Stannum (wa), Stann-i. Mand., Mandragora comp w. Rhus-t. Rhus tox comp. (Aconitum napellus e tubere ferm/Gelsemium sempervirens e rhizoma/Granit/Leontopodium alpinum e planta tota ferm/Mandragora officinarume radice ferm/ Toxicodendron quercifolium e foliis ferm wa). Meniscus. Kalium acet. comp. w. Mandragora comp. (Antimonit Dil. D5/Arg-met. Dil. D7/Betula pendula ferm. D4 0,1 g/Cartilago articularis bovis/ Mandragora officinarum e radice ferm).

Colch. Led. Rhod. Spirae. Dnicamara (= Dulc.) Apis. Form. Wala joint preparations; the latter influence the etheric aspect of joints and hence ultimately the liver sphere, a major site for the etheric

in the organism.

Gem therapy of the joints, utilizing zodiacal qualities is possibly and oil dispersion baths (as poultice) Terebin. Petiv. Arn. Equis. Aesc-h.


Zodiac and Joints

[Hermfried Kunze]

The joints are located in different zones of the body that relate to specific zodiacal aspects. We must turn to these if we want to achieve regeneration in the treatment of joints. A joint is also a site where two bones meet, enveloped in a capsule, a small organism of its own, that may become inflamed (effusion) and degenerate (dry joint, sclerotic changes in cartilage). The joints are peripheral hearts, we might say. Two blood streams meet in the heart, two bones in a joint. They are subject to gold.

Having a synovial membrane and hood-like cartilage and having to produce the synovial fluid, joints belong to the liver's sphere of activity which includes the regulation of body fluids. In this

they are subject to tin. According to Rudolf Hauschka, particular chemical elements also relate to different parts of the zodiac.

These basic ideas have proved very helpful to me in more than 15 years' practice. The treatment of joints may be approached by using the three substances gold, tin and the zodiacal element.

The 3 will need to be complemented with "medicines for rheuma" are often also medicines for the liver. Here, one may think of Bryonia, Bryonia/Stannum (wa), Stannum iodatum, Mandragora, Mandragora comp. (w), Rhus tox., Rhus tox comp. Meniscus, Kalium acet. comp. (w), Colchicum, Ledum, Rhodo- dendron, Spiraea ulm., Dnicamara, Apis, Formica and, if indicated, the relevant Wala joint preparations; the latter influence the etheric aspect of joints and hence ultimately the liver sphere, a major site for the etheric in the organism. (wa),

Gem therapy of the joints, utilizing zodiacal qualities, may also be mentioned, and last but not least oil dispersion baths with Terebinthina, Petra cruda, and Arnica, Equisetum or Aesculus.

The armamentarium is extensive, therefore.

In the individual case, treatment may be as follows.

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint

Aurum prep. because the hip is a joint. lOx because it is part of the metabolic aspect of the leg, even if the hip has rhythmic functions, like any joint.

Stannum prep. because the cartilage has been affected and needs to be regenerated, 15x because cartilage as such is a mercurial element between chondritis (effusion) and chondrosis.

Calc. because the joint is in the Libra region, = Conchae, 6x because the hip is part of the metabolic region of the leg and in physical terms the Libra region belongs to the most earthy part of the body.

Rp.Aurum prep. D10/Conchae 6x/Stannum prep. 15x aa trit. Weleda, or also by local s.c. injection, which in this case is in the Libra region. Anti- rheumatic medication if indicated, esp. Rhus tox. or Rhus tox. comp. Wala s.c. or pillules if temporarily better from movement.

Osteoarthritis of the knee

Aurum prep. 10x v.s., Stannum prep. 15x v.s.,

Alumen romamim because the knee joint is in the Capricorn region, 15x because it is still a rhythmic element, in a completely different way, and really already part of the leg's rhythmic system.

Rp.Aurum prep. 1-x/Aesculus cort. 15x - Alumen 15x aa/ Stannum prep. D15 aa s.c. locally and also per os (follow-up).

It will do no harm to include Aesculus cort.; quite the contrary, for chronic processes are determined by or concomitant with venous stasis. Especially the case with the knee joint and clearly in evidence, for instance (women).

Osteoarthritis of the elbow

This is a rare condition but may be treated using the same basic principles as Osteoarthritis of the knee, including prodromal stages and distortion, the elbow also being in the Capricorn region.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Aurum prep. 12-15x v.s., slightly higher potency since the arm and therefore the shoulder belong to the rhythmic part of the whole human being.

Stannum prep. 15x v.s.

Pyrites = Fe sulfide because the shoulder is in the Gemini region relating to sulfur; as the whole is part of the arm, iron sulfide. R.S. on 24 Apr. 1920 (GA 201): "the meeting point for the upper limbs in the region of the larynx relating to Mars".

15x v.s., locally in Gemini region or also as mixed trit. by Weleda.

Humeroscapular periarthritis needs to be treated differently as it involves the articular capsule. I use Arnica Betula comp. Mandragora comp. Weleda may be used in addition; if it will not work at all, also add Urticaferro culta 2x. Weleda, injecting it directly close to the capsule.

Ankles and wrists

These are in the Pisces region, which relates to the halogens. The zodiacal preparation I use is:

Ferr-i.: the arm is governed by Mars, 12-20x because the wrist is part of the neurosensory part of the arm, quite apart from the fact that the arm function is rhythmic.

Aurum prep. 10-15x v.s.

Stannum prep. 15x v.s.

If this does not work, one may consider Ferrum sescjuichlor., in the same potency as for Ferrnm iod. above.

In my 79th year, I had a painful osteoarthritic condition in the thumb (both joints) and metacarpal bone of the 1st and 2nd rays, with radiological evidence, with the thumb and ball of thumb about twice the size that they were on the other side. This regressed completely with Aurum prep. 10x + Stannum prep. 15x + Ferrum iod. 12x. Weleda do not offer Ferrum iod., but it may be obtained from reputable homeopathic pharmaceutical firms (e.g. DHU or Stauffen Pharma Goppingen).

To treat an ankle, one would have to use silver (R. Steiner, GA 201, 25 Apr. 1920: "the point of origin for the lower limbs relates to the Moon"), but the salts are not easy to obtain. Arg-i. is, however, available from Stauffen Pharma Goppingen. Other medicines as above.

Interestingly enough, the temporomandibular joint is a double one. The fossa of the temporal bone as the functional end point of the upper jaw (arm in previous incarnation) articulates with the head of the lower jaw (= leg in previous incarnation) in such a way that between them lies cartilage firmly fused with the articular capsule shaped like a head in its superior aspect and an acetabulum below. The temporomandibular joint thus combines the shoulder and hip joints of the previous incarnation in itself, as it were. One has to see how one manages with Conchae, Pyrites and Aurum. It may also be necessary to use Coral-r. instead of Conchae Pyrites and indicated anti-rheumatic preparations. It is unlikely to be osteoarthritis in this joint, but certainly there is pain connected with old age or recurrent dislocation.



Hessels Sehnenscheidentzündungs- und Sehnenrisstropfen.

Typerende verschijnselen:

·                                  nachtelijke tintelingen en pijn in de hand maken patiënt wakker;

·                                  varieert van matige pijn in de hand of onderarm tot PIJN (maakt slapen onmogelijk).

·                                  neiging tot wapperen met de handen om de klachten te verminderen;

·                                  verminderd gevoel in de duim, wijsvinger, middelvinger en een gedeelte van de ringvinger;

·                                  onhandigheid en gevoel van krachtverlies in de hand (wringen van een dweil of schrijven);

·                                  komt regelmatig dubbelzijdig voor;

·                                  ook overdag kunnen tintelingen en pijn voorkomen (fietsen/gebruik van de computermuis, enz.). soms kan de pijn zich verspreiden over de volledige arm


MSM = Methylsulfonylmethan (Quelle:



Teer auf Daumenseite der Innenseite des Handgelenks anbringen mit Pflaster aber ohne Binde. 24 Stunden bis 72 Stunden sitzen lassen.

[Dr. Vikas Sharma MD]

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a narrow band made of fibrous tissue, which gives support to wrist. Through this band median nerve bones and ligaments pass through it . Whenever there is swelling

in the tissues of carpal tunnel it leads to the compression of the median nerve and hence the whole syndrome or symptomatology of carpal tunnel syndrome starts to take place:  pain, numbness, weakness and  tingling sensation in hand or fingers.

Cause: variety of factors that lead to repeated trauma to the tissues inside carpal tunnel. Certain medical conditions also predispose towards the development of carpal tunnel syndrome: diabetes, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, wrist fracture and pregnancy.

It is quite common to find the carpal tunnel syndrome in people who perform repetitive movements of hands and of wrist.  Carpal tunnel is most common in people who use computers.

Typing is one of the most common causes that lead to Carpal tunnel syndrome. Other mechanical jobs that may lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome are driving vehicles, sewing,

using hand tools (those vibrate – carpenters are at high risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome), writing, musical instruments.

Main remedies for treating carpal tunnel syndrome: Ruta, Caust. Hyper. and Arn.

1. Causticum ranks the top. Main symptoms are weakness in hands, numbness and loss of sensation in hands and fingers . It is more indicated when the  Carpal tunnel syndrome has increased to

level where there is excessive weakness in the hands and the muscles of the hand have atrophied . For causticum to be given in a case of carpal tunnel syndrome the palmar side of had should have flattish appearance (reduction in musculature of hand).

2. Ruta used when there is tendonitis from overuse of  wrist or after a sudden strain or fracture of the wrist.

3. Arn. and Hyper. when there is an injury relating to the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome .

Teer auf Daumenseite der Innenseite des Handgelenks anbringen mit Pflaster aber ohne Binde. 24 Stunden bis 72 Stunden sitzen lassen.


[Joe de Riviera]

Joint Pain: symptom of injury, infection, illnesses (arthritis) or an allergic reaction to medication.

The therapy prescribed: Arg-met. C 6 as Wet dose 2x daily.


[Hermfried Kunze]

The joints are located in different zones of the body that relate to specific zodiacal aspects. We must turn to these if we want to achieve regeneration in the treatment of joints. A joint is also a site where two bones meet, enveloped in a capsule, a small organism of its own, that may become inflamed (effusion) and degenerate (dry joint, sclerotic changes in cartilage). The joints are peripheral hearts, we might say. Two blood streams meet in the heart, two bones in a joint. They are subject to gold.

Having a synovial membrane and hood-like cartilage and having to produce the synovial fluid, joints belong to the liver's sphere of activity which includes the regulation of body fluids.

In this they are subject to tin. According to Rudolf Hauschka, particular chemical elements also relate to different parts of the zodiac.

These basic ideas have proved very helpful to me in more than 15 years' practice. The treatment of joints may be approached by using the three sub- stances gold, tin and the zodiacal element. The three will need to be complemented with "medicines for rheumatism" which are often also medicines for the liver. Here, one may think of Bryonia, Bryonia/Stannum wa, Stannum iodatum, Mandragora, Mandragora comp. w, Rhus tox., Rhus tox comp. Meniscus, Kalium acet. comp. w, Colchicum, Ledum, Rhododendron, Spiraea ulm., Dnicamara, Apis, Formica and, if indicated, the relevant Wala joint preparations; the latter influence the etheric aspect of joints and hence ultimately the liver sphere, a major site for the etheric in the organism wa,

Gem. therapy of the joints, utilizing zodiacal qualities, may also be mentioned. Last but not least oil dispersion baths with Terebinthina, Petra cruda, and Arnica, Equisetum or Aesculus.


In the individual case, treatment may be as follows.

All joints have rhythmic function.

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint: Aurum prep. D l0 (the hip as joint as part of the metabolic aspect of the leg)/hip has rhythmic functions, like any joint.

Stannum prep. cartilage affected and needs to be regenerated, D 15 [cartilage as such is a mercurial element between chondritis (effusion) and chondrosis].

Calc. joint is in the Libra region = Conchae D 6 because the hip is part of the metabolic region of the leg and in physical terms the Libra region belongs to

the most earthy part of the body.

Aurum prep. D 10/Conchae D 6/Stannum prep. D 15  w or also by local s.c. injection, which in this case is in the Libra region. Anti-rheumatic medication if indicated, (Rhus-t./ Rhus tox. comp.) wa

Osteoarthritis of the knee: Aurum prep. D 10, Stannum prep. D 15.

Alumen romamim (= Alumen) the knee joint in the Capricorn region, D 15 because it is still a rhythmic element, in a completely different way and a part of the leg's rhythmic system.

Aurum prep. D 10/Aesculus cort. D 15 / Alumen D 15/Stannum prep. D 15.

It will do no harm to include Aesculus cort.; quite the contrary, for chronic processes are determined by or concomitant with venous stasis. (in many women).

Osteoarthritis of the elbow: a rare condition but may be treated using the same basic principles as Osteoarthritis of the knee (prodromal stages and distortion),

the elbow being in the Capricorn region.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint: Aurum prep. D 12 - 15 slightly higher potency since the arm and therefore the shoulder belong to the rhythmic part of the whole human being.

Stannum prep. D 15.

Pyrite (= Ferr-s): the shoulder is in the Gemini region (sulfur); as the whole is part of the arm. R.S.: "the meeting point for the upper limbs in the region of the larynx relates to Mars". D 15,

locally in Gemini region or also as mixed trit. w.

Humeroscapular periarthritis needs to be treated differently as it involves the articular capsule. Arn. Betula comp. Mandragora comp w used in addition; if it will not work at all, also add

Urtica ferro culta D 2. w.

Ankles and wrists: Pisces region relating to the halogens (= Hauptgruppe VII = Stadium 17 ).  The zodiacal preparation I use is:

Ferr-i. because the arm is governed by Mars, 12 - 20x because the wrist is part of the neurosensory part of the arm, quite apart from the fact that the arm function is rhythmic.

Aurum prep. D 10-15

Stannum prep. D 15

If this does not work, one may consider Ferrum sesquichloratum (= Ferr-m.) w, in the same potency as for Ferr-i. above.

In my 79th year, I had a painful osteoarthritic condition in the thumb (both joints) and metacarpal bone of the 1st and 2nd rays, with radiological evidence, with the thumb and ball of thumb about twice the size that they were on the other side. This healed completely with Aurum prep. D l0 + Stannum prep. D 15 + Ferr-i. 12x.

Ankle use silver (R.S. GA 201, 25 Apr. 1920: "the point of origin for the lower limbs relates to the Moon"),

The temporomandibular (= Kauapparat)joint: R.S. is a double one. The fossa of the temporal bone as the functional end point of the upper jaw (arm in previous incarnation) articulates with the head of the lower jaw (= leg in previous incarnation) in such a way that between them lies cartilage firmly fused with the articular capsule shaped like a head in its superior aspect and an acetabulum below.

The temporomandibular joint combines the shoulder and hip joints of the previous incarnation in itself. Conch. Pyrit. (= Ferr-s.)/Aur-met. Cor-r. can replace Conch.

Pyrites and anti-rheumatic preparations. Osteoarthritis is unlikely in this joint, but certainly there is pain connected with old age or recurrent dislocation. has rhythmic functions, like any joint.


Ant-p. severe cases of bone-destroying (osteolytic) processes may cause narrowing of a joint by destruction of cartilage requiring surgery.



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