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Spinnen [H. Joachim Schlichting]


Vergleich: Siehe: Arthropoda + Cunningness (= Klugheit) + Spinnen-Skorpionen Anhang (Maaimo Mangliavori) + Anhang B (Mangialavori/Sabine Friedrich/

A. Richter/Alistair Gray/E.A Farrington/Mangialavori/Zwemke/Dr. Farokh J. Master) + Anhang C (Shrikant Talari) + Anhang D (Repertory/Sven Sauter) + Anhang E

(Dr Marion Weston) + Anhang F (Massimo Mangialavori/Hans Zwemke)



   Acanthoscurria geniculata

   Ancylometes bogotensis

   Aranea avicularia

   Aranea cucurbitinus

   Aranea diademata

   Aranea ixobola

   Aranea scinencia


   Argiope bruennichi

   Atrax robustus

   Brachypelma smithi (Pili)

   Cheiracanthium punctorium

   Lampona cylindrata

   Latrodectus geometricans

   Latrodectus hasselti

   Latrodectus katipo

   Latrodectus mactans (mexicanus)

   Latrodectus tridecimguttatus

   Linyphia triangularis

   Loxosceles laeta

   Loxosceles reclusa

   Nephila ssp.

   Phalangium opilio

   Pholcus phalangoides

   Salticide ssp

   Tarantula cubensis

   Tarantula hispanicum

   Tegenaria atrica

   Tela aranearum

   Theraphosa apophysis

   Theraphosa leblondisinum



Quelle: Salvatorapotheke

..Aranea diademata = Gartenkreuzspinne

  Araneus sclopetarius = Brückenkreuzspinne

..Araneus umbricatus = Spaltenkreuzspinne

..Araniella cucurbitina = Kürbisspinne

  Avicularia metallica = Rotfußvogelspinne

..Brachypelma smithi (Pili) = Mexikanische Rotbeinvogelspinne

..Brachypelma vagans = Schwarzrote Vogelspinne

  Diaea dorsata = Grüne Krabbenspinne

  Latrodectus mactans = Schwarze Witwe

..Marpissa muscosa = Rindenspringspinne

..Misumena vatia = Veränderliche Krabbenspinne

  Phalangium opilio = Weberknecht

  Pholcus phalangoides = Große Zitterspinne

  Pisaura mirabilis = Listspinne

  Salticus scenicus = Zebra-Springspinne


  Scytodes thoracica = Speispinne

Tarantula hispanicum = Spanische Tarantel

Tegenaria atrica oder domestica = Hauswinkelspinne

  Tetragnatha extensa = Gemeine Streckerspinne

Theridion tepidariorum


Quellen: (Haare des Hinterleibs)/

Leonardo Apotheke

Acanthoscuria geniculata             Weißknie-Riesenvogelspinne

Avicularia metallica                         Rotfußvogelspinne

Brachypelma smithi                         Mexikanische Rotbeinvogelspinne

Brachypelma vagans                         Schwarzrote Vogelspinne

Citharischius crawshaiy             Riesenvogelspinne

Grammostola rosea                         Rote Chile-Vogelspinne

Mygale lasiodora                         Vogelspinne

Psalmopoeus pulcher                         Baumvogelspinne

Pterinochilus murinus             Rote Usambara-Vogelspinne

Theraphose leblondi                         Südamerikanische Riesenvogelspinne


Anhang (Massimo Mangliavori/J.J. Kleber)

Anhang-b (Mangialavori/A. Richter/Alistair Gray/E. A Farrington/Dr. Günther Heck)

Anhang c Liste zur Verfügung stehende Spinnen

Anhang d Repertorium

Anhang e (Dr Marion Weston/Dr. Farokh Master/Comparison: Tarent. + Ther. + Lat-h. + Loxo-r. + Aran.)

Anhang f (Mangialavori)


Kind und Spinnen


Comparison Acidum hydrocyanicum mit anderen

Comparison.x Animal + Insect + Spider

Comparison. Snakes and Spiders

Comparison: Spiders and Insects

Vergleich. Rosaceae mit Spinnen.

Vergleich: Spinnen + Parasiten + Insekten;


Insekten: Die meisten Insekten sind Tuberkulin-Miasma wegen ihrer Aktivität und der Gefahr, in eine Falle zu geraten.

Die giftigsten Spinnen wie Atrax robustus und Androctonus sind fast syphilitisch.

Sind geeignet für Kinder.


[JJ Kleber]

Best geprüftes Spinnenmittel daher sind viele Symptome des Tarantula-Bildes für alle Spinnen typisch

DD.:             Aran.: organisierter + effektiver (Lox-r.);

Ther.: unentschlossen, in sich zerrissen;

Myg.: prahlerischer und extremer;

Lat-m.: mehr geängstigt.

Doctrine of Signatures

Spider. Long, leggy medicines that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system like wood betony and lavender.


[Medicine Cards]

Spider: Weaving

Spider wove the web that brought humans the first picture of the alphabet. The letters were part of the angles of her web. Deer asked Spider what she was weaving and

why all the lines looked like symbols. Spider replied, "Why Deer, it is time for Earth's children to learn to make records of their progress in their Earth Walk."

Deer answered Spider, "But they already have pictures that show through symbols the stories of their experiences." "Yes," Spider said, "But Earth's children are growing

more complex, and their future generations will need to know more. The ones to come won't remember how to read the petroglyphs."

So it was that Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she had woven the dream of the world that had become manifest. Spider's dream of the physical world had

come to fruition millions of years before. Spider's body is made like the number eight, consisting of two lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Spider is

the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation.

Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions of the medicine wheel.

Spider weaves the webs of fate for those who get caught in her web and become her diner. This is similar to humans who get caught in the web of illusion in the physical world, and never see beyond the horizon into the other dimensions. The web of fate also represents a wheel of life, which does not include any alternatives or solutions.

It is typically human to get caught in the polarity of good or bad fortune without realizing that we can change it at any time. If we are not decisive enough about changing

our lots in life, we may end up being consumed by our fears and limitations.

Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful deigns of life. Her web has hundreds of intricate patterns which catch the morning dew.

If Spider has dropped from her web into your cards today, she may be telling you to create, create, create! Look for new alternatives to your present impasse. She can also

be warning you that you are coming too close to an entangling situation. Spider could be asking you to use a journal to write out and review your progress. If you do this,

you will not forget how you are creating a new of different phase in your life.

Spider brings a message of a different kind when she sees you becoming a bit too involved in the weaving of your life plans to notice opportunity at the outskirts of your web. If this is the case, Spider gets your attention so that you notice that something you have woven has borne fruit. Congratulations! Spider caught you just in time, before you missed the opportunity on the edge of your web of reality.

Most important message from Spider, you are an infinite being who will continue to weave the patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the expansiveness of the eternal plan.


The contrary aspect of Spider is akin to the negative side of woman. Spider will eat her mate if she gets too caught up in herself to see the validity of honoring male energy. The warrior at her side is a strong balancing force. If you have become disdainful of your mate (male or female) and have felt very superior recently, you are not honouring either your male or female side.

If you are not presently in a relationship, you may have chosen a member of your family or a workmate to harass. This type of negative criticism only breaks down relations, and is a reflection of something you hate about yourself. If you are trying to feed your ego in this manner, you have lost the game. You are entangled in the web of your

own illusion about who you really are. It may be time to look at why you are being critical and why you are feeling so weak that you must attack others.

If this does not apply to your situation, take a look at another message that contrary Spider medicine brings: lack of creativity. if you fail to use your talents to get the web spinning, your lack of creativity can change into destructiveness. If you are feeling stagnant and unable to move in a positive direction, you may come to resent others who

are doing well. This resentment will become a Black Widow Spider and eat you up, and the only one to mourn your demise will be you. Get moving, find joy and new ideas

in the accomplishments of others, and use them to propel you into a new phase of creative spinning on your own web of delight. Observe Spider's web and find pleasure in

the ideas you receive from her universal language.


Dance your dreams alive. Create from your heart’s bliss. Weave the web you want to live.

Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David.

[Massimo Mangliavori]

Der Mythos

Wohl kaum ein anderes Tier ruft bei den Menschen solchen Abscheu hervor wie die Spinne und keine Begegnung mit einem Tier so viel irrationale Angst.

Dies ist ebenso merkwürdig wie absurd, steht doch weder die Größe noch die Gefährlichkeit der Spinnen, von wenigen tropischen Ausnahmen abgesehen, in einem auch

nur einigermaßen realistischen Verhältnis zu dem Ausmaß der durch sie hervorgerufenen, oft geradezu panischen Reaktionen. Der alte Begriff der „Hysterie" scheint hier

für am ehesten angemessen.

Die Spinne muss also eine psychologische Bedeutung besitzen, die ihre eigentliche Gefährlichkeit ausmacht. Worin besteht diese Bedeutung und worin besteht die durch

sie ausgelöste Bedrohung?

Wir erheben nicht den Anspruch, hierauf eine allgemeingültige Antwort zu geben (wenn es sie denn überhaupt gäbe), und wollen dies auch gar nicht. Uns interessiert allein

die besondere Dynamik, die von der Begegnung des Menschen mit der Spinne ausgeht. Wir glauben, dass das „Bild von der Spinne", das sich der Mensch in seiner langen Kulturgeschichte gemacht hat, gewisse stabile Elemente aufweist, eine Symbolik, die sich im Laufe der Zeit in ähnlicher Weise wiederholt und die ihren Weg aus den unbewussten Strukturen unseres Denkens und Fühlens nimmt.

Etwas, das G.G. Jung einen „Archetypus" genannt hat, präexistierend noch bevor ein einzelnes Individuum eine bestimmte Erfahrung gemacht hat, auf die das Symbol sich bezieht. Es ist unsere feste Überzeugung, dass das Denken und Arbeiten mit solchen Symbolen und Analogien für uns Homöopathen große Vorteile bietet und dass sie auf wunderschöne Weise nutzbar gemacht werden können, wie nicht nur aus den in diesem Buch publizierten Spinnenfällen sondern auch aus vielen anderen Fällen, die wir gesehen haben, deutlich hervorgeht!

Wir nähern uns dieser Symbolik zunächst von der psychologischen Seite, um anschließend auch die biologischen und verhaltensphysiologischen Aspekte des Lebewesens Spinne in Augenschein zu nehmen, die ebenfalls eine sehr wichtige Rolle beim Erkennen eines Spinnenfalles haben können.

Wir sehen dabei völlig davon ab, dass es natürlich auch viele Menschen gibt, denen Spinnen gar nichts ausmachen oder die sie als nützliche Lebewesen zu schätzen wissen

oder sogar in Terrarien halten. Das ändert nichts an der Tatsache, dass die Spinne ein bestimmtes Symbol verkörpert.

Unsere Aufmerksamkeit gilt zuallererst jenen Eigenschaften, die in die Spinne hineinprojiziert werden und die ihren Mythos ausmachen, wie er zum Beispiel in vielen

Märchen, Sagen und Legenden zum Ausdruck kommt.

Grundlegend kann gesagt werden, dass der Mensch sich im allgemeinen ganz offenbar als Opfer der Spinne fantasiert, was natürlich eine absurde Verkehrung der biologischen Realität darstellt.

Man kann dies eindeutig aus der Bedrohung schließen, die mit ihr assoziiert und aus der Heimtücke, die ihrem überfallartigen Vorgehen attribuiert wird. Hierzu gehören

auch die Aspekte des Einfangens „im Netz der Spinne" und der „Gefangenschaft in Fesseln".

2er grundsätzlicher Gesichtspunkt von außerordentlicher Bedeutung für die Imagination ist ferner das Geschlecht der Spinne, das eindeutig als weiblich determiniert ist.

Die Zusammenführung dieser beiden grundlegenden Seiten hat in der Psychoanalyse seit Freud dazu geführt, die Spinne, beziehungsweise deren infantile, traumartige Existenz, im Unterbewusstsein des Menschen als böse Mutter zu deuten, vor der das Kind Angst hat.

Für den Psychoanalytiker Karl Abraham repräsentiert die Spinne nicht nur die böse, sondern darüber hinausgehend die „phallische" Mutter. Er sah in der biologischen Tatsache, dass die männlichen Spinnen viel kleiner sind als die weiblichen und die Kopulation für sie nur unter Lebensgefahr stattfinden kann, einen Beweis für die Verbindung zwischen einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache und der Existenz eines traumartigen Symbols. Die Spinnenphobie ist für ihn deshalb Ausdruck der Angst vor

dem Inzest einerseits und dem Schrecken der verschlingenden Vagina andererseits.

Auch der Analytiker Erich Neumann griff das Thema von der Spinne als der bösen Mutter auf, indem er sie als Symbol für „Gefangenschaft" und bedrohte partielle Autonomie deutet und Parallelen zum Hexencharakter der negativ besetzten Mutter zieht.

Mit dem Begriff Gefangenschaft meint er die Lebenssituation, in der sich das Individuum nicht mehr länger wie selbstverständlich in der ursprünglichen und natürlichen Situation der erzwungenen Abhängigkeit des Säuglings von der versorgenden Mutter befindet, sondern um partielle Autonomie ringt, die jedoch bedroht wird von der beschränkenden und deshalb als feindselig erlebten, nunmehr „bösen" Mutter.

Es ist hier vor allem die Lebensphase der weiblichen Pubertät, wo diese Konflikte zum Tragen kommen. Das pubertierende Mädchen lebt in einer emotionalen Welt, die

durch einen zweifachen Antagonismus geprägt ist: mit dem rivalisierenden und als feindselig erlebten mütterlichen Elternteil einerseits und der aufkeimenden eigenen Weiblichkeit andererseits, die als Last und Träger eines verbotenen Eros wahrgenommen wird.

In der griechischen Mythologie werden diese Ambivalenzen auf wunderbare Weise ausgedrückt in den Schicksalen der Arachne (nach der die Gattung der Spinnentiere benannt wurde), der Erigone (auch der Name einer Zwergspinne, E. atra, die sich an einem Faden aus ihrem Hinterleib mit dem Wind davontragen lässt) vor allem aber

der lo, die wir hier kurz (ausführlich siehe Ovid, Metamorphosen) zum erweiterten Verständnis des Ausgeführten skizzieren. Natürlich gibt es auch eine männliche Variante dieses Themas, wie sie in der bestens bekannten Geschichte des Ödipus erscheint.

Arachne, Tochter des Kolophoniers Idmon und mutterlos, ist eine begnadete Weberin, und ihre Werke rufen bei allen, die sie sehen, helle Begeisterung hervor. Aber anstatt

in Demut stolz auf ihre Begabung zu sein, fordert sie hochmütig die Göttin Pallas Athene zu einem Wettbewerb heraus. Die dabei besiegte und beleidigte Göttin zerreisst

aus Wut und Rache die Arbeit der Arachne und verwandelt die Hochmütige in eine Spinne. Sie tut dies in dem Moment, als Arachne, ihrerseits tief gekränkt und gedemütigt durch die Zerstörung ihres Werkes mit Darstellungen der erotischen Eskapaden des Göttervaters Zeus (welche Beschämung seiner jungfräulichen, aus dem Kopf des Vaters geborenen Tochter Pallas Athene!) sich in suizidaler Absicht an einem Baum aufhängt.

Erigone, Tochter des Icarius, ist so stolz und von solcher Schönheit, dass selbst der Gott Dionysos sich in Weintrauben verwandeln muss, um sie verführen zu können.

Er lässt den Wein ihrem Vater reichen, der ihn seinerseits einigen Schafhirten anbietet. Diese betrinken sich daran und töten den Spender, weil sie in dem Trank einen Zauber vermuten.

Als Erigone nach Hause kommt, geht sie ihren Vater suchen und findet den Toten nach einer langen Wanderung. Voller Verzweiflung hängt sie sich an einem Baum auf.

Kurze Zeit darauf greift in der Stadt Athen die Selbstmordsucht junger Mädchen um sich. Nach dem Rat des Apollon-Orakel in Delphi wird dieses kollektive Sterben

erst ein Ende nehmen, wenn das Fest der AIORA, „das Schwingen der Jungfrauen", institutionalisiert worden ist, in dessen Verlauf Puppen, an Bäumen aufgehängt, zum Schwingen gebracht werden, während im Rhythmus des Schwingens dazu Gesänge erklingen. Das Fest ist bereits menstruierenden Mädchen vorbehalten, die sich auf die Begegnung mit dem anderen Geschlecht vorbereiten, indem sie symbolisch die verzweifelte Suche nach ihrem Vater durchleben und im Selbstmord ihr eigenes Schicksal

als Frauen ablehnen. Io, Priesterin der Hera, wird des Nachts in ihrem jungfräulichen Schlafzimmer von Stimmen gequält, die sie drängen, dem brennenden Verlangen von Zeus nachzugeben, der sich mit ihr vereinigen möchte. Inaco, ihr Vater, befragt das Orakel und erhält die Antwort, seine Tochter aus dem Haus zu jagen, da sie dazu verdammt sei, in der Welt umherzuirren. lo verlässt ihr Elternhaus, aber die eifersüchtige Hera (Schwester und Gattin des Zeus und Schutzgöttin der Ehe) verfolgt sie, verwandelt sie in eine Kuh und übergibt sie dem hundertäugigen Argos zur Bewachung. Zeus schickt den Götterboten Hermes, der den Argos einschläfert und tötet,

um Io zu befreien, aber Hera entsendet ihrerseits Oistros, Bremsen, die Io jagen und durch ihre Stiche tyrannisieren und wahnsinnig machen sollen. Argos wiederum,

nunmehr aus der Unterwelt, verfolgt sie mit hypnotisierenden Melodien. Die derart Gequälte irrt über den Bosporus (Kuhfurt) durch die Welt und findet erst Frieden

an den Ufern des Nil in Ägypten, wo sie ihre frühere Gestalt zurückerhält und durch eine Berührung mit der Hand von Zeus zur Mutter wird. Im alten Ägypten wird

sie als Isis, Göttin der Fruchtbarkeit, verehrt. Diese für sich selbst sprechenden Geschichten sind Illustrationen einer antiken Gedankenwelt, die sich bis in die heutige

Zeit hinein in dem Ritual des Tarantismus erhalten haben, das weiter unten ausführlich dargestellt wird. In ihm wird die Verbindung vom Mythos der Spinne mit den

zeitlosen Problemen der weiblichen Pubertät auf geradezu spektakuläre Weise verdeutlicht.

Die für die Homöopathie der Spinnen grundlegenden Beobachtungen betreffen zunächst im Wesentlichen eine einzige Spinne, die besonders häufig verschrieben wird:

die Tarantel oder Wolfsspinne, eine im Süden Europas, im Mittelmeerraum heimische Spinnenart, die jedoch über die ganze Welt verbreitet ist und die von Nunez und

anderen geprüft und in die Homöopathie eingeführt wurde. Die Rezeption seines Berichtes führte jedoch in der homöopathischen Literatur zu einigen gravierenden Missverständnissen. Wir werden im Folgenden zeigen, wie fruchtbar diese Irrtümer dennoch wirkten, geben sie uns doch heute die Möglichkeit zu belegen, dass ein

klinisch außerordentlich erfolgreich angewendetes und bewährtes Arzneimittelbild Elemente und Beobachtungen enthalten kann, die nicht nur aus Prüfungen an Gesunden, sondern aus der Kulturgeschichte stammen.

Die Homöopathen haben in der Vergangenheit offenbar etliche der von Nunez der Tarentula hispanica zugeschriebenen Symptome als Wirkungen des Bisses dieser Spinne (also als Prüfsymptome) aufgefasst. so als sei der Tarantismus mit seinem jährlich wiederkehrenden Ritual der Heilung durch das ekstatische Tanzen nach der Tarantella ein toxikologischer Effekt des Bisses (siehe zum Beispiel Allen's Encyclopedia of pure Materia medica, der sich im Wesentlichen auf Nunez stützt, oder auch Clarke's Dictionary, der derselben Quelle folgt, nicht hingegen Hering, der, offenbar aus kritischer Sichtung des Materials, in den Guiding Symptoms diese Beobachtungen unberücksichtigt lässt). Diese Missverständnisse werden bis heute immer wieder durch Abschreiben kolportiert.

Zwischen dem homöopathischen Arzneimittelbild der Tarentula hispanica und dem toxikologischen Effekt ihres Bisses gibt es jedoch deutliche Unterschiede.

Alles, was man an Ähnlichem findet, beschränkt sich im Grunde auf die Tatsache der lokalen Reizung an der Bissstelle mit der nachfolgenden möglichen Entwicklung

eines Abszesses, der schwer und langsam heilt. Alles andere entstammt der homöopathischen Prüfung mit der potenzierten Spinne, aber eben in ganz wesentlichen

Anteilen auch der Kulturgeschichte, und hier wird es spannend. Es besteht nämlich eine sehr starke Beziehung beziehungsweise Ähnlichkeit zwischen dem Arzneimittelbild der Tarentula hispanica (und anderen allgemeinen Aspekten in den Arzneimittelbildern der bisher homöopathisch bekannten Spinnen), insbesondere dessen klinischem

Anteil (das heißt den durch Beobachtung an geheilten Fällen gewonnenen Erfahrungen und Symptomen) einerseits

und den kulturanthropologischen und psychoanalytischen Untersuchungsergebnissen bezüglich des sogenannten Tarantismus andererseits. Oder, um es noch einmal auf andere Weise zu verdeutlichen: Die mit Spinnenmitteln von ihren Beschwerden geheilten Menschen weisen in ihrer Pathologie charakteristische Wesensmerkmale und Eigentümlichkeiten auf, die erstaunliche Parallelen erkennen lassen zu dem, was wir über Hintergrund, Symbolik und Ritual des Tarantismus wissen, und dem „hysterischen" Benehmen jener Frauen, die sich dieser „exorzistischen" Prozedur unterzogen.

Eine andere sehr deutliche Analogie, auch sie weit entfernt von homöopathischen Prüfsymptomen, besteht ferner zwischen gewissen Elementen der Biologie beziehungsweise Verhaltensphysiologie der Spinnen, sozusagen deren individuellen Lebensäußerungen, und den charakterlichen Wesensmerkmalen und Eigentümlichkeiten jener Menschen,

die durch homöopathische Spinnen-mittel geheilt wurden, also wiederum deren individueller Lebensäußerungen.

Dies ist sehr verblüffend und hochinteressant, weil es eine ganz neue Dimension der homöopathischen Ähnlichkeit und der homöopathischen Verschreibung ermöglicht, die zugleich vollkommen empirisch ist. Man ist versucht, solche Beziehungen zwischen den gestaltenden Kräften in einer Spinne und denen in einem Menschen mit der „Signaturenlehre" zu „erklären", einer Theorie des Paracelsus, die heutzutage in einigen homöopathischen Zirkeln sehr populär geworden ist. Trotzdem, wir sind weit entfernt von einer befriedigenden Erklärung derartiger Phänomene, und benötigen sie auch gar nicht. Wir sollten nicht vergessen, dass solche Analogien und Metaphern aus der Perspektive des Menschen geschaffen werden und dass es nicht die Spinne selbst ist, die hier zu uns „spricht".

Gemeinsame charakteristische Themen der Spinnen

Wie bereits erwähnt, ist die homöopathische Materia medica der Spinnen nicht sehr umfangreich. Und das nicht nur in Relation zu der riesigen Zahl verschiedener Arten, die die zoologische Gruppe der Arachniden bilden. Es gibt bisher nur wenige Prüfungen, und die Rubriken in unseren Repertorien beziehen sich hauptsächlich auf toxikologische Effekte nach Verletzungen durch Bisse, einige erfolgreich behandelte Fälle und speziell bei Tarentula hispanica auf kulturanthropolgisches Material.

Der Leser mag sich fragen, warum wir nicht auch andere Spinnen in dieses Buch aufgenommen haben wie Tarent-c., Latrodectus katipo und Latrodectus hasselti,

Aranea ixobola oder auch den Skorpion Androctonus. Die Antwort ist sehr einfach: Wir haben mit diesen Mitteln keine solche Erfahrung.

Im Falle der Tarentula cubensis ist im übrigen sehr zweifelhaft, um welche Spinne es sich eigentlich gehandelt hat, die da in Nordamerika, verrottet in einem zerbrochenen Glasbehälter, ankam.

Bei den Informationen, die wir im Folgenden präsentieren, handelt es sich um überprüfte klinische Erfahrungen aus der erfolgreichen Behandlung von Patienten.

Die mitgeteilten Erfahrungen stammen aus etwa zehn bis fünfzehn Fällen pro Arznei, die ausschließlich mit diesem Mittel behandelt und über mindestens zwei Jahre nachbeobachtet wurden. Aus diesem Material haben wir die wesentlichen Themen „extrahiert", die wir unten als Einführung in die Fallsammlung zusammengestellt haben,

die den zweiten Teil des Buches ausmacht. Diese Fälle wurden ausgewählt, weil sie den Zweck am besten erfüllen, den wir für das Hauptanliegen unseres Buches halten: unsere Kollegen/innen zu inspirieren.


[Edward Peter Phahamane]

Arachnids have four pairs of legs, two body parts (except for mites that have one) and pincer- or claw-like jaws. Spiders belong to this class, but are distinguished from

other Arachnids by having the two body parts joined by a pedicel, by the fact that they predominantly have eight simple eyes and an abdomen without segmentation

(Leroy, 2003:7).The combined head and thorax is called cephalothorax and is made up of the cephalic (head) and the thoracic region. At the front of the cephalic region

are the eyes in various configurations, usually in rows or groups, but sometimes even clustered together. The amount varies from eight simple eyes found in the majority

of spiders to six, four, two or sometimes even none (Leroy, 2003:15).

The front half of the body is protected by a hardcover and carries the jaws (chelicerae), eight legs, two palps (feelers) and the brain. The jointed legs are made up of seven segments. Adult male spiders have a pair of sex organs on the end of their palps. The soft abdomen contains the heart, digestive tract, reproductive organs, respiratory openings called book lungs and silk glands. It is expandable when fully fed or swollen with eggs (Hillyard, 2004:10).

Spiders are air-breathing chelicerate arthropods with chelicerae (jaws) modified into fangs that inject venom. Of all arthropods, spiders (with exception of the most primitive group, the Mesothelae) have the most centralized nervous systems. All their ganglia are fused into one mass in the cephalothorax. Unlike most arthropods, spiders have no extensor muscles in their limbs and instead extend them by hydraulic pressure (Foelix, 1996:9).

The abdomen has no appendages except those that form one to four pairs of short, movable spinnerets, which emit silk. Up to six different silk glands within the abdomen extrude silk of different types for various uses (Ruppert et al, 2004:571-584). Silk is mainly composed of a protein very similar to that of insects. Initially it is liquid, and hardens not by exposure to air but as a result of being drawn out. This process changes the internal structure of the protein, which is similar in tensile strength to nylon and biological materials such as chitin, collagen and cellulose, but much more elastic (Vollrath et al, 2001:541-548).

Spider webs vary widely in size, shape and the amount of sticky thread used. They range in complexity from single threads to orb webs with a large number of connections. Often the species of spider without being seen at all, can be recognized by the details of the web. Types include sheet webs, lace webs, tangle webs, purse web or tube webs and space webs (Hillyard, 2004:12).

The best-known method of prey capture is by means of producing sticky webs, but not all of the spiders build webs. The spider hunting dandy jumping spider for example feeds on other spiders their eggs and young (Leroy, 2003:41). Varying placement of webs allows different species of spider to trap insects. Flat horizontal webs trap insects that fly up from vegetation underneath while flat vertical webs trap insects in horizontal flight (Ruppert et al, 2004:571-584). Stone nest spiders build retreats in the centre

of the web using silk, sand and pieces of vegetation while other spiders construct their retreat off their web connecting it with a single strand while monitoring vibrations

from a distance. Flying spiders use silk to travel in a unique way, known as ballooning or aerial dispersal, while trapdoor spiders live in silk lined burrows closed with trap doors (Leroy, 2003:41).

Spiders feed by sucking on their prey. The majority of spiders can use them to inject venom into prey from venom glands in the roots of the chelicerae (Ruppert et al, 2004:571-584). Once the prey is immobilized, the spider vomits digestive fluid onto it and then sucks up the digest through screens of hair located on the mouth part of

the cephalothorax (Leroy, 2003:17). Like most arachnids including scorpions, spiders have a narrow gut that can only cope with liquid food (Ruppert et al, 2004:559-564).

The spiders’ major predators are birds and parasitic wasps. Many spider species are colored so as to merge with their most common backgrounds. Others have distinct coloration, stripes and blotches that interrupt their outlines. There is strong evidence that spiders' coloration is camouflage and helps them to evade their predators which

have good color vision (Oxford et al, 1998:619-643). Some of the tarantulas and baboon spiders have urticating hairs that cause intense irritation without being poisonous

on their abdomens and use their legs to flick them at attackers (Cooke et al, 2006).

A few defend themselves by adding very robust threads to their web, buying time to flee while the predators are struggling with the obstacles (Blackledge et al, 2001:138). The golden wheeling spider in the Namibian desert can flip onto its side and escapes by cart wheeling down sand dunes (Armstrong, 1990).

Web-building spiders have poor vision, but are extremely sensitive to vibration. Spiders produce a variety of sounds that are barely audible to the human ear, some by drumming, scraping or tapping their pedipalps, some by vibrating certain body parts.

Baboon spiders known for the hissing sound they make when alarmed. Male spiders produce sounds to attract females or to intimidate rival males, while males and females produce sounds to scare off predators (Leroy, 2003:21).

Spiders generally use elaborate courtship rituals and a male needs to communicate to the female to prevent the large females from eating the small males before fertilization.

Males of different species have their own unique repertoire of signals, for example web spinning spiders introduce themselves by vibrating the web in a certain manner, male hunting spiders dance and wave their colorful legs and palps while another species seduces the female by offering her food (Hillyard, 2004:14). This “peace offering” consists of an insect wrapped in silk. Males carefully need to monitor the females reaction, before copulation can take place. Male Australian red-back spiders (Latrodectus hasseltii), after fertilization has taken place swivel around under the female so that their abdomen is right beneath her fangs in a kind of sexual sacrifice.

The female might or might not eat the male. Some of the crab spider species wait until the female is preoccupied with food and then spin a soft net around her, which seems

to quiet her down.

Other male crab spiders climb onto the large female abdomen, tap and stroke it as a kind of foreplay (Leroy, 2003:30).

When males find a suitable female, copulation takes place. The male inserts one palpal organ after the other into the females genital opening which is situated on the underside of the abdomen between and slightly posterior to the book lungs, thus transferring sperm from his pedipalps to her reproductive organs. Fertilization does not necessarily take place at the time of mating, but the sperm is stored until the female lays her eggs. This enables the female to lay several batches of eggs after just one mating. (Leroy, 2003:31).

Females of many species care for their young, by carrying them on their back or by sharing food with them. However social behavior among spiders is definitely the exception rather than the rule.

A minority of spiders is social and build communal webs that may house up to 50.000 individuals. Most adult spiders are solitaire and social behavior ranges from precarious toleration (widow spiders) to co-operative hunting and food-sharing. Although most spiders live for a maximum of two years, tarantulas and other mygalomorph spiders can live up to 25 years in captivity (Wikipedia,2010).


Spider toxins are a family of proteins that function as neurotoxins by causing a blockage of the calcium or potassium channels (Mackay, 1997:1525-1535).

Paralytic substances and contain digestive enzymes. Only 30 species are poisonous and due to the small amount of venom injected, the majority of bites is not dangerous

to humans. However super infection, the formation of an abscess or localized necrosis of the surrounding tissue can occur (Mangliavori, 2004:44-45).

Only a very tiny proportion of spiders known to be of medical importance are potentially deadly. The Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus is a highly venomous spider, fast and when cornered reacts aggressively.

Until recently a number of people in and around Sydney have died from the toxin, since no antivenin was available (Leroy, 2003:47).

The violin spider, Loxoceles spp. is a nocturnal spider and produces a cytotoxic poison with some haemotoxic elements that affect the blood. The first symptom of a violin spider’s bite is a local swelling with the appearance of a dark discoloration and blistering at the site of the bite. A sloughing ulcer can develop and can leave a deep ulcerating wound. There are reports of the symptoms of the venom “travelling” and of ulcerations appearing elsewhere in the body (Leroy, 2003:51).

The recluse spiders and the six-eyed sand spiders from the family Sicariidae are known to have necrotic venom. Spiders in this family possess a known dermonecrotic enzyme which is otherwise found only in a few pathogenic bacteria (Binford et al, 2009:547-566). Bites by spiders in this family can produce symptoms ranging from minor localized effects, to severe necrotic lesions.

Systemic reactions include renal failure, and in some cases, death. Bites usually become painful and itchy within 2 to 8 hours, pain and other local effects < 12 to 36 hours

after the bite with the necrosis developing over the next few days (Schenone, 1989:403-415). As the venom spreads throughout the body in minutes, initial mild symptoms including nausea, vomiting, fever, rashes, and muscle and joint pain can be observed. Rarely more severe symptoms occur including hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (Wasserman, 2005:2029-2030).


Throughout history, there have been numerous cultural depictions of spiders in different cultures, mythology and symbolism. The spider has symbolized patience for his unique hunting technique of setting webs and waiting for prey, as well as malice for its poison and the slow death it causes. Its venom often has been seen as a curse (Garai, 1973).

The spider mythology within Europe can broadly be split in two - the more accessible classical, which tends towards the spider as weaver of the web of creation and good fortune and the darker folklore, which can be tied in with the human abilities of sympathetic lycanthropy.

"Tarantism" originated in the Italian town of Taranto around 1300BC. A tarantula bite was believed to be deadly unless one took part in a frenzied, hysterical dance.

The town's folk played music while the afflicted person would dance nonstop, to ward off the spider's venom (Watson, 2007).

The spider has been compared to vampires due their similar characteristics - both lure and ensnare prey before sucking the life out of their victim: both possess the ability

to scale walls and cliff faces (Bunson, 1993).

In African folklore, the spider is personified as Anansi, the trickster god, originated in the Ashanti tribe in Ghana and akin to the Coyote or Raven trickster found in many Native American cultures. Alternate names include Kwaku Ananse in West Africa and Aunt Nancy, a variant found in some of the islands of the West Indies, South America and the U.S. (Mills, 2003:317). For the Native American Lakota people, the spider is a culture hero and present as the deity Iktomi, the spider-trickster spirit (Cooper, 1992).


Arachnologists identified more than 40.000 living species of spiders and grouped them into about 110 families and about 3.700 genera (Platnick, 2009). Spiders fall under the phylum Arthropoda (animals with jointed legs) which include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and others. Anthropods are invertebrate animals with an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages. The scientific classification system according to Linnaeus, through which all living things are grouped in a logical way and given scientific names accordingly, always follows the same pattern. For example the classification of a specific spider starts at the broadest category.


[Dr Anoob]


Some sensational Homeopathic work has been completed by various homeopaths on the spider family; the constellation of symptoms present in a case to make a homeopath consider a spider medicine. From books and articles, in Australia Keith Avedissian, in New Zealand Debrorah Collins, in India Farouk Master have completed excellent material which I need not add to.

What I can say is that from the experience of proving White Tailed spider, and not knowing at the time of the proving that it was this spider virtually all of the symptoms considered to belong to the spider family I can categorically confirm. Let us not forget the early observations also of Farrington and Kent who pioneered observations on family groupings.


In The Soul of Remedies describes Tarentula hispanica as industrious, busy, loves music, dancing, a love of colours with fear of being trapped, injured or assaulted. There is feeling that love is not reciprocated, that they have not done enough and therefore indulge in attractive behaviour, singing, dancing, wearing bright colours. There is also lasciviousness, cunning, shamelessness, and exposing of the self. It is often a situation of unanswered love as opposed to disappointed love they need to attract.

Sepia is like Tarentula hispanica except that Sepia has contradictory will, Theridian is similar except that when people approach, they wish to attack there is aggression. Theridian and Tarentula have busyness, fruitless activity and attractiveness.

We can postulate that spiders need a partner they are alone, and a building up of nervous tension prevents them from using the mind fully.

And from a student after completing the proving of White Tailed Spider; spiders have eight legs, keen eyes and tactile sensing to distinguish rhythm and what pray they

have caught (dancing).

With anxious care they eat their pray after biting with poison (sarcasm). And ensalivate their victim to predigest it. If they are a victim they may lose their head (“As if head is lost”) or feel only their body. They are passive hunters, they wait by the web, waiting in the cold is like having a nameless fear, inspiring an ever watchful attitude, they do not sleep. In friendship they may often be shallow, biting deeply emotionally in marital arrangements and losing their head. Spiders become what they eat, they have no name, no identity or ego, causing great despondency.

Karen Allen in the USA and Mangliavori amongst others have lectured and written on the experience of prescribing members of the spider family to timid smaller men, and 'Olympian' women.

It is an opinion that I feel gets to the centre of the spider family based on my experiences of cured cases using members from this family; complicated and awkward sexual relationships, disturbances of the nervous system.

Articles on the use of White Tailed Spider have now been published in New Zealand, Australia, the US and Ireland. Some of the clinical verifications have been included here.


I would encourage you to read about spiders in Vermeulen's  Prisma ; Aranea diadema etc. There is a huge amount of them per square metre on the planet in terms of

biomass. We necessarily have a relationship with the species. They are everywhere. Typically the vision is poor, they often orientate by the stars and the earths magnetic field. They tend to survive on very little food. They work quite hard without needing to eat for long periods. They are very sensitive to noise. They are very solitary creatures.

They are tuning forks in terms of vibration and sensitivity. They balloon. They fly. The massive symmetrical web building Golden Orb spider, usually found magnificently protecting my gate in Sydney, has recently been found in New Zealand, thousands of miles away, where it travels across the Tasman Sea.


• One of the top three least popular creatures on the planet. Most people have an opinion about them.

• The spider makes a strong impact in Islam; it was the spider that protected Mohammed in the cave by building a protective web across the entrance.

• Robert the Bruce (Schotland) formulated his English strategy, persistence and tenacity even in defeat by watching the spider rebuild her web (encapsulated in the rhyme)


  Incy Wincy spider went up towards the spout

  Down came the rain and washed the spider out

  Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

  Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!


  Incy Wincy spider went up towards the spout

  Down came the rain and washed the spider out

  Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

  Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!


  Incy Wincy spider went up towards the spout

  Down came the rain and washed the spider out

  Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

  Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!


• We have other symbolism of the spider in the literature Charlotte's Web (protective), Harry Potter (dark and murderous and persistent) and Shelob in Lord of the Rings

(relentless, dark and hungry)

• The persistent imagery around the spider we see, described in Jungian psychology as the Dark Unpredictable Feminine, huge, terrifying, female sexual energy

• And then we have the Web. That which represents connection, information and communication, interconnection, worldwide, in all its forms.


Anancy is Jamaica's unlikely leading folk hero. This devious spider is the subject of many tales, still frequently told to children at bed time. Like Brer Rabbit, Anancy

survives against the odds in the harsh world by his quick wit, sharp intelligence, cunning, and ingenuity. He personifies the qualities of survival so admired in Jamaicans.


“At one time there was an old witch who was also a cannibal, she was called Margah Muggui. She lived alone in a scrub of pine trees. When she was hungry and wanted someone to eat she would wait until she saw a desirable young man going hunting in the bush, quickly she would change herself from a mean ugly old women into a

young beautiful maiden, then she would walk up to the young man and ask him where he was going. Always he would say he was off hunting, and Murgah Maggui would

ask if she could go along with him for company. And what young man could say no, they would go off together, but the hunting always seemed to take longer than the

young man expected so when the two got back to where the woman had joined the hunter she would say "ooh it's very late, why don't you make your camp with me for

the night", always the young man would say "no, I have a wife at my camp and I must take her some food". Cunning Murgah Muggui would say "but I'm sure you are

hungry, why don't you wait a little while and I will make some food for you and you can be on your way". The young hungry hunter would not need much persuasion,

and the two would make a good meal together. Then it always happened that Murgah Maggui who remember, appeared to be beautiful and graceful young woman would

say something like "you must be feeling very tired after your long days hunting, why don't you stay overnight with me?, you can tell your wife you camped in the bush,

she will never know, besides I am lonely and it would please me to have the company of a fine young hunter like yourself", and so the young man would stay. Later when

he was sleeping soundly she would creep away from the fire and fetch her digging stick, this stick had a very sharp and strong point to it. The unsuspecting hunter would

stir in his sleep turn over and sensing something was wrong would wake up and find the hideous old witch leaning over him with the stick ready to strike. Before he could recover his wits the witch would bring down the stick with all her might and pierce the young man through the heart and make a meal of him. This went on for a long time

and Murgah Maggui became more and more cruel. Then one day Mullyan walked her way and Mullyan was not only young and handsome but wise and clever. She came up

to him as usual and suggested she go hunting with him, and he agreed. Everything seemed to go as usual, and the two at last settled down to sleep.

She was already looking forward to her next meal. But Mullyan only pretended to fall asleep, he felt that something was wrong, it had all been too easy. And when he

heard her move he watched from behind his arm which he was using to shield his face. He watched as the beautiful young girl took hold of her stick and turned towards him. He also saw her change before his gaze into a horrible leering vicious creature of evil. She was grinning in anticipation as she stealthily came towards him.

Murgah Maggui was about to strike, the stick was pointed towards Mullyan. The young man leapt to his feet in one swift movement, in a second he had wrenched the weapon from the witch's hand, then he plunged it into her heart and she died in an instant, and fell to the ground where so many had previously been slain. In her death the spirit of Murgah Maggui turned into a spider. 

A spider which lives among the patches of pine trees along the ridges, even today Maggah Maggui is to be found spinning her trap from tree to tree. Then she waits for her victims to stumble into her alluring net and provide her with yet another meal.”

Millenium Book of Myth and Story – Baxby & Wench 1997


Note: I did some kabbalistic numerical analysis of the numbers mentioned in two dreams on 21/3 – $5.20 and 42. Looking back over that now, after the proving has

finished, I see a very relevant correspondence.

It is traditionally valid to look at 52 if 520 doesn't reveal enough. 52 = Aima (Mother) among a number of other things. 42 = Ama (Mother – unfertilised).

This correspondence between the two numbers was the strongest and most obvious link – ie. two variations on the word for Mother.

Interestingly, the Mother in the Kabbalistic system is Binah – Saturn – which rules spiders. The colour for Binah is black. Saturn governs containers, including bags.

It also corresponds with the letter Hey (above) corresponding to water. The elemental weapon for water is a cup – a feminine receptive container for water.

The word 'Hey' itself means 'window'. Many of these themes will be seen in prover 2's dreams. She hasn't been taught this system of archetypal correspondences.

In my dream on 29/3, apart from dreaming of 'Amma' - an archetypal mother, I had the numbers 56 and 156. 56 is the number for Nu. Nu or Nuit is an Egyptian goddess

of the night sky, a universal mother. 156 is the number for Babalon, another feminine deity associated with Nuit. Again, all these things relate to Binah, the 3rd sphere on the Tree of Life, which corresponds to Saturn ruling spiders.

[E.A Farrington's]

Clinical Materia Medica makes the following statement on Aracnida spider poisons. “There is one two fold action, they all poison the blood, all act prominently on the nervous system producing spasms; chorea, hysteria. Among other symptoms are trembling, great restlessness, oversensitiveness and nervous prostration. There is also periodicity. The system is  profoundly affected

by spider poisons, hence they may be used in serious and chronic ailments. Features of symptoms already mentioned are chorea, tics, prominent dancing, assuming the attitude of prayer with

 fervent expression and clasped hands, sexual violence, spasmodic unavoidable erections, nausea, dizziness, variable pulse.

There may be rapid changes self exaltation, diarrhoea, fevers, mental confusion, hilarity, confusion, hysteria, loquacity and lasciviousness.”


[Karasee Pillay]

Signature: Long, leggy medicines that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system like wood betony and lavender, agrostemnos.

[Dr. Jörg Haberstock]

Spinnen und Spinnen-ähnliche

    Tarentula hispanica - Mygale lasiodora - Latrodectus mactans u. Latrodectus hasselti - Theridion curassavicum - Aranea diadema - Buthus australis - Rhus tox.

[Rajan Sankaran]

 Spiders were probably the first kind of animals to come and live on dry land instead of in water. The name of this class is Arachnida and includes the scorpions.

 he name really means "Children of Arachne".

Arachne lived in ancient Greece and was famous for her skill in weaving. She became so conceited and thought her work so wonderful that she had the audacity to challenge the Goddess Athene to a weaving contest. Athene was the Goddess of all weaving and naturally she did the finest work, but Arachne's effort was so good that it aroused the jealousy and wrath and Athene tore Arachne's web to pieces.

 This all upset Arachne to the extent that she hanged herself, whereupon the Goddess changed her into a spider and condemned her to go on weaving forever. So Arachne's name was borrowed for all spiders and their relations: Now, we would in brief differentiate between the scorpions and spiders.

Spiders - Arachnida: Type of spiders :

1. Aranomorphae or Dipneumones, with one pair of lungs.

2. Mygalomorphae or Tetrapneumones, with two pair of lungs.

 Most species belong to the Aranomorphae and they are called the true spiders or Tarentulas (in the new nomenclature, tarentula is neither a family nor a species).

 The names Tarentula cubensis and Tarentula hispanica in our medical books require revision, as they do not show the difference between the two species.

 Tarentula Hispanica belongs to the Lycosidae family and is called Lycosa (Honga) hispanica.

 Tarentula cubensis belongs to a family of Mygalomorphae and is called Aranea peluda/= Eurypelma spinicrus/= Mygale cubensis


MASTERS SPIDER THEMES (Referenceworks and EH)

• Active

• Aggressive


• Chilly

• Craving – coffee

• Desire – smoking (Aran-ix. Ther)

• Does not like to be touched

• Fear of narrow places

• High sex drive

• Likes strong rhythmical music

• Periodicity

• Problem with maintaining relations

• Restless

• Sensitive to music, noise

• Sensitive to touch, light


 [Farokh Master]

 Spiders form the largest and most widely distributed order of class of animals called Arachnida.

 There are thousands of different species of spiders. The common classification is as follows:

 1. ARANOMORPHAE or DIPNEUMONES, with one pair of lungs.


1. They spin cobwebs in the air.

2. The poison glands and ducts are elongated and the claws move horizontally like drill pin. E.g. Tarentula hispanica


  1. Always live in funnels and tubular holes in the ground. Many camouflage the hole with a twig or a leaf of the tree like a mouse trap mechanism.

  2. They have short glands and ducts and their fangs move vertically (Mygale, Tarentula cubensis)

 The most common remedies I use in my practice are:

 1. Aranea diadema

 2. Aranea ixobola

 3. Aranea scinencia

 4. Tela araneae (cobweb)

 5. Latrodectus hasselti

 6. Latrodectus katipo

 7. Latrodectus mactans

 8. Mygale lasiodora

 9. Tarentula cubensis

 10. Tarentula hispanica

 11. Theridion curassavicum.

I would like to discuss Latrodectus; there are 3 remedies Latrodectus hasselti, Latrodectus katipo and Latrodectus mactans which I use in my practice. The best article to read about Latrodectus is an article published in July 1889 in Homoeopathic Recorder and reproduced by Dr. Anschutz in ‘New old and forgotten remedies’. The article is written by Dr. Johns and it shows the typical effect of the spider bite which resembles the proving of Latrodectus very beautifully.

When I was a student I was introduced to this remedy for the very first time by late Dr. Prakash Vakil and later on he stimulated me to read the old articles on spider remedies

from Homoeopathic Recorder and various other old journals. I practically read almost all the articles related to the Latrodectus and the most important thing that I have learned

from them is how to apply the symptoms clinically in practice (mental symptoms).

Whenever Latrodectus is indicated there is never calmness there is always ‘irritability’ there is always ‘restlessness’, there is always ‘anger’ and in extreme cases you can also

have ‘delirium’.

Another most important area that I have seen is the ‘inflammation’. Whenever you see a case of Latrodectus, inflammation has to be there in any part of the body (lymphatic

vessels) and that makes Latrodectus very useful in patients suffering from cancer (after chemotherapy/radiotherapy) when there is marked inflammation of lymph vessel.

I have used this remedy very successfully in cases of lymphangitis due to post mastectomy or lymphangitis due to filarial infection or lymphangitis due to bacterial infection.

Another very important area that I have seen its good use is in the cardiovascular disorders (cardiac failure), weakness of the cardiac muscles and severe ischemic heart disease

like angina pectoris.

It has a marked action on coronary arteries and endocardium; due to this the patient may suffer from frank cardiac failure, cardiac syncope, myocardial infarction, and carditis.

At the level of skin usually one has urticaria, herpes, and pemphigus. I remember that I have also used this remedy in cases of appendicitis, a worse case of esophageal spasm,

aplastic anemia, Hodgkin’s disease and leukemia.

When you examine the patient usually you will see lot of exhaustion, prostration, tiredness, dropsy, edema, distention and a strong mental picture.

With these few observation mentioned above let me tell you an important case that I saw of an old man whose complaint was difficulty in swallowing, he takes some medical

 treatment from his local general practitioner but he is not better. He is a known case of ischemic heart disease and hypertension but that he developed only in the later part

of his life.

He had no modality for his chief complaint. What I observed was that he was constantly having chewing motion of his jaw but when I examined his mouth and throat there

was nothing to diagnose.

His speech was little unclear to me, may be because there were no teeth in the mouth and he had a strong fear of suffocation because he felt that he cannot swallow and may

be one day he will have suffocation and he will die due to suffocation. His face was mildly swollen, he had salivation, his tongue was moist, and he was thirsty but usually

in night hours.

I examined his blood pressure which was 160/95 mmHg. He was constipated and frequently had a problem with his urination. There were days when he cannot pass his urine

very clearly.

Based on the above symptoms I gave him Latrodectus mactans 30 C, which reduced his pain which gave him relief in his urinary problem and his chewing motion of the jaw

totally stopped. It took me about three and a half months to produce this kind of result.

The next case I remember was from an OPD where I saw a child who had an enlarged, inflamed tonsils, with white caseous deposit on it, there was severe pain in the throat

swallowing, also there was swelling around the throat. The child looked quite anxious. On observation there was cracked lip, profuse thirst, there were no other modalities

related to the chief complaint. The mother said that it all happened after he had a cold drink. It was a summer time and my prescription was Bryonia which did not help.

Later on in the next follow up I examined that his neck was getting little stiff and the mother worried the infection may not produce any extra harm to the child.

I once again took the symptoms of the patient; mother also said that his voice has also changed ever since this inflammation of tonsils has taken place.

I start giving Latrodectus mactans 30C 8 hourly to the child and within 4 days all the symptomatology of the child disappeared.

Since then Latrodectus became a very useful remedy in my practice for tonsillitis. Usually there is no cough, there are not much respiratory symptoms but Latrodectus is

usually prescribed more on the concomitants (thirst) which is very important, the extreme degree of pain in the throat which is equally important, the stiffness of the neck and

the dryness of the lips.

Let’s go to another variety of Latrodectus and i.e. Latrodectus katipo (New Zealand spider). I never knew much about this venomous spider but I have read about its effect of

its bites and its strong affinity on the skin. I had a case of pemphigus which I was treating which was responding very well to Sulphur and later on to Calcarea sulphurica but

one day he had an acute infection producing massive cellulitis, I gave Arsenic, Canth. Anthrac. but without any results. There was a severe burning pain in the body of the patient.

The patient was pale, he was anxious, his pulse was weak, there was excessive swelling and oedema of the feet. This kind of burning pain with excessive oedema which did not

respond to the indicated remedies, I was searching in Encyclopedia Homoeopathica by putting the important words of the patient:

burning, oedema of the feet, inflammation of the lymph vessels, pallor of the skin and cellulitis.

I had never used Latrodectus katipo, it was my first experience, and I started giving every 3 hourly to the patient and within 15 to 20 days the whole cellulitis of the patient

with pemphigus was completely dissolved.

Another Latrodectus which has been useful in my practice is Latrodectus hasselti. This is one spider which is very well proved. I saw in Hungary, an old lady who complained

of discharge from the urethra. She had a history of venereal disease during the Second World War which was treated with some drugs which she is not aware of. She also

complained of leucorrhoea which was white but sometimes it was bloody. Her sexual desire was quite strong even though she was old and frequently she had to masturbate

once in few months to reduce that desire.

She had a big problem with her digestion, whatever she ate turned into gas, and there was lot of rumbling and gurgling in the whole digestive tract with passage of an offensive

flatus. The stools were difficult she had to strain a lot. There was constant sense of fullness in the stomach after eating as well as after drinking. Any emotional disorder will

directly affect her digestion like Chamomilla or Colocynthis. Because of her stomach problem her appetite was low.

Emotionally she felt very bad and full of guilt because of her venereal disease that she suffered from and that remained for quite a few years of her life.

I treated her with different remedies like Medorrhinum, Mercury solubilis, Staphysagria, Sulphur with no relief. After almost 9 months of failure I restudied the whole case and

I asked her few extra questions. She said that she is extremely depressed because of her illness and at the same time she feels very happy when she sees other people dancing.

She said I love to watch folk dance, I myself was a good dancer when I was young but now because of my age I cannot dance but dancing is one thing which I love.

This reminded me of a spider remedy Tarentula or fish remedy like Sepia and a botanical remedy like Ignatia but when I checked the symptoms it never matched these.

What I saw was that she had frank symptoms of a very small spider remedy when I repertorised the case with Radar of Latrodectus hasselti.

I never had this remedy so I had to order this remedy from Remedia in Austria, I said you take one dose and report to me after 15 days and if you feel better do not repeat it.

After fortnight she informs me that emotionally she felt much better, her digestion is far better than before however the discharges were not so better. I asked her not to repeat

and inform me after a month. She is emotionally feeling better but the physical symptoms are still there.

I asked her to repeat one more dose, again the physical symptoms are not better, and emotionally she is still better. After 3 months I gave her one dose of 200C potency of

Latrodectus hasselti, this time all her physical symptoms are better along with the emotional problem and she finds relief in almost all the complaints.

The best part to have success in homoeopathy is not to give up but to restudy and restudy. If you find failure in our prescription we should be perseverance and take help

of important tools like Encyclopedia Homoeopathica and old journals.


[Barbara Nowecki]

Die Spinne gilt als eines der Ursymbole für das Weibliche/Mütterliche. Sie hatte von jeher zwei total gegensätzliche Bedeutungen - je nach BetrachterIn. Eine hat mit dem behütenden Aspekt zu tun:

Die Spinnenmutter, die ihre Kinder auf ihrem Rücken mit sich herumträgt, die hegt und pflegt, bis die jungen Spinnen selbständig genug sind, in die Welt zu ziehen, wo sie dann kunstvoll ihre Netze weben und den Schicksalsfaden spinnen. Die Anordnung im Netz wird auch als Symbol für eine kluge Zentrierung der psychischen Energien in

der eigenen Mitte verstanden – für Lac caninum-PatientInnen ein wichtiger Schritt zur Heilung. Aber das Spinnen hat ja bekanntlich auch noch eine andere Bedeutung,

womit wir zu dem anderen, dem Negativ-Bild der Spinne kommen. Wer spinnt, der spinnt, hat den Kontakt zur Welt verloren, spinnt sich irgendetwas zusammen, ist möglicherweise abgetrennt von der Realität. Das ist natürlich noch nicht alles! Die Spinne gilt als die Lauernde, alles verschlingend, was in ihr Netz kommt. Die alles verschlingende Mutter, die schwarze, zerstörerische Mutter. Sie lauert auf ihr Opfer, fängt und betäubt es mit einem lähmenden Gift. Daraufhin verschnürt sie es ordentlich, hängt es in die Vorratskammer oder saugt es genüsslich aus, nachdem sie mit dem Gift alle innere Struktur aufgelöst hat. Was für ein Bild! Einige Spinnen fressen nicht nur Fliegen, sondern, wenn es nach der Begattung nicht schnell genug davonkommt, auch das Männchen, das bei den entsprechenden Spinnenarten auch wesentlich kleiner ist.

Dadurch steht die Spinne auch symbolisch für das verführerische und männermordende Weibliche.

Träume von Spinnen oder die Wahnidee, Spinnen oder Schlangen dort zu sehen, wo keine sind, sind ein deutlicher Hinweis auf Lac caninum. Menschen, die ihre Mutter als bedrohliche, übermächtige oder klammernde Spinne erleben, brauchen meist Lac caninum. Interessant ist, dass das Diphtherie-Toxin ebenso eine lähmende Wirkung auf das Nervensystem ausübt wie das Spinnengift. In einem Buch über Träume stand zu lesen, dass sich Menschen, die von großen dicken Spinnen träumen, meist fremd in der Welt fühlen und die Empfindung haben, "diese Welt ist nicht meine Welt", was ein deutliches Lac caninum-Symptom ist ("Als ob er über dem Boden schwebt“/“Als ob Nase gehört einem anderen“/“Als ob alles was sie sagt, eine Lüge ist.").

[Dr. Vivek N Patil]

Fearless, courageous: Spider personalities are courageous people. They are brave enough to face the challenges of life. Mischievous, witty and cunning.

A peculiar characteristic described as fox-like cunning and destructive. Draw legs inward and inclined to be mischievous and destructive to others. When spiders are frightened they feign death or go to a cataleptic reflex.

Insanity: Paroxysms of insanity with restlessness and threatening words. When questioned they do not answer. Their motions are ridiculous.

Excitement with singing, dancing and weeping. They not only imagine as sick but also pretend to be sick when they are not.

Restless: Spider personalities are extremely restless and excitable, both physically and mentally.

Nervous: nervous and jerky. Restless and irritable. They have an inclination for tension; mind is always in tantrum and turmoil. It goes in a fit of rage. Sees monsters, animals, faces, insects and ghosts.

Sees strangers in room.

Time passes too quickly: Aversion to work. Finds pleasure in nothing.

Sociability: Spider people are very sociable. They like company and conversation. Fashionable and aristocratic. Spider people want to possess power.

They are very friendly and jovial. .’.

Emotional: They are emotionally unbalanced. Very easily gets affected by emotions. Consolation causes weeping. They are very expressive of emotions and highly

susceptible. Fear and grief affects them seriously.

Least contradiction affects her. Brooding over her troubles until they prey upon her system. Thus she becomes more and more nervous and weakened.

Sadness: The moods change with wonderful rapidity. She laughs and jokes and quickly bursts into tears. Her manner becomes hurried and she does things hastily.

There is marked grief, fright and disappointment.

Violence (with anger, tears clothing, etc.)


Spinnengift teurer als Platin.

Spinnen werden Pluto zugeordnet

Latrodectus und Theridion gelten als die empfindlichsten Spinnen.

Latrodectus hat von allen Spinnen die stärksten Schmerzen.



Kind extrem schnell/heftig.

General for all: business, activity, and movement; hurriedness; sensitiv to music and vibrations; jealousy; and feelings of isolation or depression.



Anders. = Dreimasterblume/= Spiderwort

Argiope bruennichi = Seidenbandspinne/= Tigerspinne/= Wespenspinne Quelle:

Ars. cleaning, tidying, vacuuming or hoovering (insect behaviour sucking up via the proboscis)

Brachypelma smithi. = Rotknie-Vogelspinne Vermittler zwischen die Welte

Card-b. = Centaurea benedicta /= Benediktenkraut/= Bitterdistel/= Bernhardinerwurzel/= Bornwurz/= Natter(n)kraut/= Spinnendistel

Chlorophytum comosum = Spider plant air filtering plants. Asparagales.

Cusc-e. = Teufelszwirn/= Spinnegewuppe/= Kletterpflanze/= Gold-thread/= hailweed/= hairweed/= hellbine/= love vine/= strangleweed/= witch's hair

Echi. = Sonnenhut/= Purple Coneflower/= Black Sampson/= Niggerhead/= Rudbeckia/= Kansas Snakeroot/= Spider Flower

Scutigera coleoptrata (= Spinnenläufer/= Spinnenassel) Arthropoda.

Stimulantien. sind effektiver als Spinnen.

Lampona cylindrata. (Lam-cy)

Lim. gehört zu Merostomata = Arachnida-ähnLICH.

Scutigera coleoptrata = Spinnenläufer/= Spinnenassel Arthropoda.

Senec-j. = Jacobs Kreuzkraut/= Tansy/= Gemeines Kreuzkraut/= Common Groundsel/= Spinnenkraut/= Krötenkraut.

Sempervirum arachoideum = Spinnenwebhuislook Rosales.

Tradescentia pallida = Spiderwort Commelinidae. Wachstumgruppe.

Arachnidae = kalte Lach.

Antidotiert von: Chol. counteracts action saponins/venom of bees, spiders or snakes.

Allerlei: Haben 8 Glieder. Erste 2 dienen zur Nahrungsaufnahme. 2e Paar haben unterschiedlich Funktion (Bei Männchen: Begattung)/Hören und riechen mit Beinen

kommen überall vor, außer Eis/auch unter Erde/Einzelgänger

Spinnen = 2 geteilt/ändern Gestalt nicht, häuten sich öfter/dazu legt Spinne sich auf Rücken und erhöht Druck und Schlagvolume, wodurch Panzer platzt.

Werden 8 o. mehr Jahre alt.

Spiders do not attack in herds. Spiders do not lay in wait and attack people. Spiders do not lift the covers at night and crawl into bed to bite people as they are sleeping.

Some spiders can jump but they are not intentionally jumping at humans to attack them. A spider generally bites a human because it was scared and bites to defend itself. Spiders generally prefer to live in undisturbed areas such as corners of the house or the eaves or in the garden where they can catch insects in peace.

Symbol: Religionen.

Bibel: Hinfälligkeit/eitle Hoffnung/rettet Davids Leben/= verführende Teufel/= Armen aussaugenden Geizhals/= Attribut Sankt Norbert

Buddhismus: Webt Gespinst der Illusionen

Hinduismus: Kosmische Ordnung/Sonnensymbol/Selbstbefreiung

Islam: Weiße Spinnen = gut/schwarze Spinnen = böse

Keltisch-germanische Tradition: Nornen. (= dreifache Göttin) spinnen zwischen Wurzeln des Weltenbaumes die Fäden der Schöpfung

Indianische Tradition: Spinne = Geistfrau, die Schöpfung webt und zerstört (Traumfänger)

Spinnennetz. = Schicksalssymbol

Netze auf Wunden gebracht/haben penicillin- und opium-ähnliche Qualität (Tela.) 

Aborignes: Symbol für Verführung/Selbsttäuschung/Egoismus. Spinnefrau = Jitai, die viele Männer verführt/erzeugt Neid

Märchen: Spinne sucht in den Berg nach Rubinen/Dornröschen

Träume: Mutter spinnt Kind ein/saugt Kind aus/zerstört Kind durch Gift.

Eine Spinne, die sich am Faden herablässt, bedeutet „Glück. kommt vom Himmel herab“

„Pfui, Spinne“/“Sich spinnefeind sein“/“Will man den Heumahd sicher sein, holt man Rat der Spinne ein“

Acanthoscuria geniculata  Weißknie-Riesenvogelspinne

Aranea diadema   Gartenkreuzspinne

Araneus sclopetarius   Brückenkreuzspinne

Araneus umbricatus   Spaltenkreuzspinne

Araniella cucurbitina   Kürbisspinne

Avicularia metallica   Rotfußvogelspinne

Brachypelma smithi   Mexikanische Rotbeinvogelspinne

Brachypelma vagans   Schwarzrote Vogelspinne

Citharischius crawshaiy  Riesenvogelspinne

Diaea dorsata   Grüne Krabbenspinne

Grammostola rosea   Rote Chile-Vogelspinne

Latrodectus mactans  Schwarze Witwe

Marpissa muscosa   Rindenspringspinne

Misumena vatia   Veränderliche Krabbenspinne

Mygale lasiodora   Vogelspinne

Phalangium opilio   Weberknecht

Pholcus phalangioides. Große Zitterspinne

Pisaura mirabilis   Listspinne

Psalmopoeus pulcher   Baumvogelspinne

Pterinochilus murinus  Rote Usambara-Vogelspinne

Salticus scenicus   Zebra-Springspinne

Scytodes thoracica   Speispinne

Tarantula hispanica  Spanische Tarantel

Tegenaria domestica  Hauswinkelspinne

Tetragnatha extensa   Gemeine Streckerspinne

Theraphose leblondi   Südae/= (Yellow) Sackspider Spinnen. Quelle:

** Araneae = Spinnen

Cheiracanthium punctorium = Dornfingerspinne/= (Yellow) Sackspider Quelle:


Tegenaria domestica (common house spider).

Tegenaria atrica. = < Wärme/= Calc + richtige Spinne/empfindet Welt als feindlich + ist harmlos.

  * Avicularidae = Vogelspinnen

S. Amerika: Shamanen Vogelspinne helfen mit der Seele zu kommunizieren


Vogelspinnen haben mit Chilis gemeinsam.x


Acanthoscuria geniculata = südamerikanische Vogelspinne

Aran. = Esel der Spinnen


Aran-s. = Aethyl-ähnlich;


Psalmopoeus cambridgei Gift ist Capsicin.-ähnlich


* Dipluridae


 * Lycosidae = Wolfsspinnen


* Therididae = Kugelspinner

Biss meist nicht schmerzhaft/wird nicht gleich bemerkt. 1. BauchSCHMERZ + Schweißausbrüchen (unerträglich). Schweiß auf der Haut an Bissstelle.

2. Nach einigen Tagen juckenden Hautausschlag.

3. Schlafstörung/Bluthochdruck/Krämpfen selten Tod durch Atemlähmung (Lungenödem)

DD.: Latrodectans mactans, Latrodectans hasselti, Latrodectans tridecemguttatus (= Europäische schwarze Witwe), Latrodectans katipo ist nicht klar, da es in frühere

Zeit diese Differenzierung nicht sicher gab; Toxikologisch wird im Symptomenbild, wie auch in Antiserumtherapie nicht zwischen diese 4 unterschieden.

Darum ist eine genaue Zuordnung nicht wichtig, solange man sich auf die auch toxikologisch gut gedeckten Hauptcharakteristika beschränkt;

Lat-h. = Red back spider


Lat-m. = Schwarze Witwe

Latrodectans tridecemguttatus (= Europäische schwarze Witwe)

Ther. = Lat-m-ähnLICH + Schwindel/= Puls-ähnlich + Wechseljahre

* Unbekannt

Argiope bruennichi = Seidenbandspinne/= Tigerspinne/= Wespenspinne Quelle:

Dictyna civica = Mauerspinne spinnt Netzen flach auf Häuserwände unter Simsen/Dachvorsprünge

Linyphia triangularis = gemeine Baldachinspinne

Portia fimbriata. = jumping spider

Tela. = Op-ähnlich

* Areinae Kreuzspinnen allgemein

Gift = nur selten gefährlich für Menschen. Machen Radnetze. Weibchen und Männchen können UNTERschiedliche Wirkung haben

Ancylometes = a fishing spider genus/S. America/live near ponds and small lakes/can walk over water rather fast, in a fashion similar to water striders. This is because of

fine air-trapping hairs on the tips of their legs/can dive underwater/will consume anything from insects to small lizards and fish/can stay underwater for over an hour, using

air trapped in hairs surrounding their book lungs as a physical gill/can spin webs in water/mostly catch fish by diving down or lying in wait until prey passes within striking distance/consume them on the ground or above the water.

Callilepis nocturnus = Nachtspinne


Wirkung: Die Erfolge, die sich mit Spinnenmitteln in der homöopathischen Behandlung von Carcinomen und Leukämie erzielen ließen, zeigen, dass diese einen Bezug zur Carcinosinie besitzen.




Cherokee: after Possum. and Buzzard failed to steal fire., Grandmother Spider used her web to sneak into the land of light. She stole fire, hiding it in a clay pot

Hellas: Die junge Lydierin Arachne, Tochter des Idmon von Kolophon, war in ganz Lydien wegen ihrer Kunstfertigkeit am Webstuhl bekannt. Sie behauptete, sich in ihrer Kunst sogar mit Athene, der Göttin

des Handwerks messen zu können. Athene besuchte das Mädchen in Gestalt einer alten Frau und warnte sie vor den Gefahren einer solchen Anmaßung. Als Arachne diesen Rat verschmähte, zeigte sich die

Göttin in ihrer wahren Gestalt, und ein Wettstreit begann. Die Göttin wob verschiedene Legenden, in denen Menschen von den Göttern wegen ihrer Anmaßung bestraft worden waren. Arachne bildete als Gegenstück einige Skandale aus dem Olymp fehlerfrei nach. Athene hatte sich zunächst nur über die Prahlerei des Mädchens geärgert.

Als sie aber feststellen musste, dass Arachnes Geschick ihrem eigenen tatsächlich nicht nachstand, geriet sie in Wut, riss das Webstück des Mädchens in Stücke und begann, sie mit ihrem Weberschiffchen zu schlagen. Arachne konnte die Bestrafung nicht verwinden und erhängte

sich. Zur Vollendung ihrer Rache verwandelte die Göttin ihre Rivalin in eine Spinne, der aber die Begabung des Webens unvermindert erhalten blieb.

China: Spinne - Glück, Eintreffen eines willkommenen Gastes; aber auch eines der fünf Gifttiere




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