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Vergleich: Siehe: Group Analysis Evaluation


[Dr Marion Weston]

Comparison: Tarent. + Ther. + Lat-h. + Loxo-r. + Aran. (in Sharp: stinging/stabbing/stitching/burning in various different organs (eyes)/paralytic, paralyzed/numb/spasm, cramp/twitching,

trembling/weakness and faintness/Sensitive/dull, sore aching/coldness/chill/fullness/heaviness/swelling/motion/restlessness and hurried/exhaustion/excitability/irritability/aggressive/vertigo/passion/hysteria/mania/anxiety/nervousness/fear/anger, rage).



Sensation extraction for spiders in general ordered from the smallest to the largest: Rubric

Number of spider remedies/rubric

Total number of remedies/rubric

Mind: Tears his books



Mind: MOROSE, SULKY: FEVER: During: intermittent



Mind: HYSTERIA: LIE down, must



Back: PAIN: STITCHING, shooting: Dorsal region: scapulae: below: motion: agg.



Female: LEUKORRHEA: # bloody discharge, 






Extremities: COLD FEET and heat of body



Teeth: PAIN: < NOISE 



Mind: DREAMS: is talking with someone 







Chill: BATHING: < Cold






Neck: PAIN: SIDES: Morning






Male: ERUPTIONS: BOILS, furuncles






Female: MENSES: PAINFUL: Convulsions, with



Chest: PAIN: STITCHING: Upper: left



Teeth: NOISE <






Neck: TURNING HEAD to r. <



Head: PAIN after DREAMING, 



Back: PAIN: APPLICATIONS: Warm, hot 












Head: PAIN: FOREHEAD: Afternoon: 15 h.



Stomach: VOMITING: BILE: Morning


















Hearing: NOISES: MORNING: < on and after waking



Eyes: TWITCHING: LIDS: Upper: right









Mind: GESTURES, MAKES: PLAYS with: Fingers









Generalities: DANCING: AMEL.



Chest: PAIN: EXT. Neck




Back: PAIN: SORE, bruised, beaten: < Pressure:



Stomach: FULL after DINNER,



Chill: < BATHING



Chest: PAIN: UPPER: Left



Generalities: FOOD AND DRINKS: Desires: BITTER drinks






Back: SENSITIVE SPINE (to touch)






Generalities: PARALYSIS < emotional EXCITEMENT






Back: PAIN: STITCHING, shooting: Dorsal region: scapulae: below







[Dr Marion Weston]


The research indicated there is a strong correlation between the material medica of a spider remedy and the nature of the original substance it is prepared from.

Understanding the behavioural patterns of a spider gives an insight into the characteristics of the substance from which the corresponding homeopathic remedy is derived. Although the data collected and analyzed was unable to outline a vital sensation that reflects the core essence of the Araneae group as a whole, the data were able to indicate

a clear image of the basic reactions and responses of the spider remedies. Since animal remedies are concerned with different issues than for example plant or mineral remedies,

a search for a Vital sensation and its opposite alone, in the researcher’s opinion is not sufficient enough to understand the complex make up of an animal remedy. Even though evidently good results were achieved using Sankaran’s (2005) proposed methodology, it was a complicated and sometimes misleading process. Without the thorough analysis

of the nature of the substance which included not only the natural history and biological facts but also toxicological reports and mythology, it would not have been possible to correctly understand and interpret the amount of information gathered during the extraction process.


Mental and emotional manifestations of Araneae remedies

The mind is in a state of hyper-excitability, can be caused by music or high sexual tension, causing extreme restlessness, nervousness and anxiousness only relieved by constant movement (dancing to strong rhythmical music). Great hurry, fingers +/o. limbs are in constant motion (wringing hands/drumming with fingers).

Spiders are known for their sudden movements and this fact is also expressed for spiders in the materia medica. Sudden pain  on the physical level and sudden emotions with reactive behaviour.

Hysteria is a prominent manifestation of the hyper excitable mind and is characterized by most violent alternations of moods and destructive impulses. Irritibality, anger and excitement found to be three emotions that are depicted as a trio in the material medica of most spider remedies and led to the question of how spider remedies express their anger. Strong fits of anger in form of temper tantrums and episodes of rage with a desire to strike oneself or others. Caused by jealousy, insults or just trifles.

The whole organism is in a state of hypersensitivity (to music/noise/touch/and colors). There is a heightened awareness of color to the point where objects are perceived as fluorescent or brilliant in color. Colored dreams are also mentioned. Noise is intolerable and besides inducing physical symptoms, can lead to fear, fright and sometimes terror.

Typical fears of Araneae remedies include fear of pain, disease and death, fear of

Animals (spiders/cats) and fear of narrow places, losing breath or suffocation. Fear, apprehension and anxiety are mentioned together as one particular side in the literature of most spider remedies. Together with the above mentioned trio ‘irritability, anger, anxiety’, these two sets of emotions seem to be


The two most common causative factors derived from the extraction process would appear to be ‘Ailments from excitement’ and ‘ailments from fright and fear”.


Clinical aspects of Araneae remedies

• Neurological diseases: Chorea, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Paraesthesia, M.S., ALS, Vertigo, Tinnitus

• Diseases of the eyes and eye lids: Conjunctivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the eyes and eye lids, visual disturbances, Ptosis

• Muscular skeletal diseases: Disorders of the Spine, Rheuma, Bone cancer

  Diseases of the head: Migraines, Meningitis

• Diseases of the heart: Arrhythmias, Angina Pectoris, Myocardial infarction

  Mental and behavioural disorders: ADHD., Neurosis, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Mania

  Sexual organs: Chordea, Nymphomania, disorders



a) Extreme restlessness and hurry with a desire to keep the extremities constantly moving (fingers)

b) Industrious with a mania for work

c) Hysteria

d) Heightened sensitivity and increased nervous excitability [noise/(rhythmical) music/colors/touch]

e) Desire for dancing

f) Nervousness, apprehension and anxiety with fear of death, animals and disease.

g) Vertigo and faintness

h) Irritability, anger, aggression and rage - especially from jealousy and trifles.

i) Delusion that parts of the body (arms/legs) were greatly swollen and heavy

j) Sensation of fullness in the stomach - easy satiety.

k) Nervous affections - trembling, jerking, spasms, cramps, neuralgia (sharp shooting pains), chorea, epilepsy, numbness, weakness, exhaustion, paralysis.

l) Affections of the eyes and lids - burning, lancinating pains: weakness, dimness, redness, inflammed: dark circles around the eyes: inflamed and twitching of the lids.

m) sore bruised pains in back along the spine and in extremities.

n) Coldness

o) Acuteness, increased intensity and periodicity of complaints.


Two centuries ago it was possible to practice with only 100 remedies. Today with the constantly expanding materia medica, complexity itself tempts the homeopath to remain inside this range of remedies. It is due to the pioneering work of authors like Scholten (1993) and Sankaran (2005) that the vast materia medica of today can be summarized and understood through a method like group analysis which links naturally related substances via their common symptomatology. This not only offers new aspects to well known remedies, but highlights the smaller, not so well known remedies, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of the materia medica.

The primary sensations extracted and confirmed in the rest of the Araneae group were stinging, stitching, shooting, sensitive, sore, cold, faint, paralytic, twitching and full. Significant synonyms of the first order analysis were heaviness, spasm, cramp, numbness and weakness. Second order and third order analysis not only provided symptoms

of the mind, but led to the proposed themes common in spider remedies. The majority of themes like hyperactivity, restlessness, increased sexuality, impulsive violence and aggression, the periodicity of complaints, heightened sensitivity to music and the love for dancing are comparable to Mangliavori’s (2004) clinical findings and to Sankaran’s (2005) proposed spider characteristics.

A miasmatic differentiation of each member of the sample group was performed according to Sankaran’s extended miasmatic model (2005:7).

Araneus diademus was found to belong to the sycotic- as well as malarial miasm,

Latrodectus hasseltii to the syphilitic-,

Loxoceles reclusa to the leprous

Tarentula hispanica and Theridion curassavicum to the tubercular miasm.

Pathological tendencies of the Araneae remedies were found to involve the nervous system, eyes, heart, muscular - skeletal system, sexual organs and the mind. Examples of diseases common in Araneae remedies were found to be: mental disorders like anxiety neurosis, ADHD, depression, mania, sexual disturbances, STD’s, neurological disorders, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, spinal irritation, migraines, meningitis etc.

The results of this research were found to support group analysis methodology as outlined by Sankaran (2005). However additional knowledge drawn from Sankaran’s 2008 most recent research into animal remedies and from the natural history of spiders was necessary to be able to interpret the results correctly

and to illustrate an in-depth picture of the common characteristic features of the Araneae remedies.

There is tremendous variety among homeopaths in their knowledge of each remedy. This knowledge mostly derives from single phenomena listed during a proving.

With the constantly expanding materia medica, a capacity to discriminate and decisively weigh the relative importance of the information received is necessary for the development of a remedy picture (Mangliavori, 2004:28).

For homeopaths, the frame of reference derives from the study of the patient and the remedy. Using this data a homeopath should be able to match the signs and symptoms

of the disease to the relevant remedy picture. This process is not always efficient and the interpretation of the materia medica subjective (Zwemke, 2004), hence there is a need to increase the awareness of the substance in use (Mangliavori, 2004:31).

In order to be able to assimilate the quantity of information received during a proving, the history of the substance, toxicological findings, clinical material and cured cases have to be considered (Sankaran, 2005:19).

Since Hahnemann (1755 -1843), several homeopaths made the attempt to create a system of homeopathic prescribing that can assist practitioners understand the remedies more accurately. One of these systems is referred to as Group Analysis. It is not an entirely new approach, but has been taken further in recent years by a number of homeopaths (Scholten,1993:23).

Group analysis is an important method which groups remedies according to the natural biological classification of organisms and substances. The three main sources from which homeopathic remedies originate, are plants, animals and minerals. A remedy from a specific kingdom will share the same themes at a general level with other remedies

of the same kingdom (Sankaran, 2008:25). The themes and characteristics that are common to a group are distilled in order to gain better insight of the core of a specific group (Scholten, 1996:69).

Classification, categorization and grouping are scientific tools and give homeopathy the strength of prediction (Scholten, 2007:35). With the group analysis approach it is possible to extend the pictures of little known remedies, so that they become full and meaningful pictures (Moskowitz, 2002).

Spider remedies make up a relatively small group amongst homeopathic remedies. Spiders are members of the animal kingdom and belong to the class Arachnida (Leroy 2003:9). Considering the diversity of spiders in nature, and the biological importance within the ecosystem, it is surprising that spider remedies are not better understood and more often used in homeopathy.

The aim of this study analyzing remedies of the class Arachnida, order Araneae according to the group analysis method proposed by Sankaran (2005), and to test the validity of the application of this method to an animal class.

1.1 Aim of the group analysis research project

The aim of this non empirical study is to apply Sankaran’s methodology for group analysis to the Class Arachnida/order Araneae and to compare the outcome of the formalized computer analysis to existing results and views of spiders obtained by homeopaths like Mangliavori (2004) and Sankaran (2005).

For this purpose remedies of the order Araneae will be analyzed in terms of common sensations, responses and reactions they evoke in proving experiments. The information will be collected from various homeopathic materia medicae represented in MacRepertory® reference works.

The objectives of this study are:

1. To establish whether it is possible to extract a common set of sensations running through the order Araneae/class Arachnida.

2. To trace the order’s typical pattern of responses and reactions evoked in proving trials.

3. To verify whether the results of this formal computer research are comparable to the existing literature on spider themes, published by Sankaran (2005) and Mangliavori (2004).

4. To differentiate each member of the sample group in terms of miasmatic tendencies, according to Sankaran’s (2005:52) extended miasmatic classification model.

1.2 Rationale for the group analysis evaluation of remedies belonging to the class Arachnida/ order Araneae

The remedies of the class Arachnida and in particular of the order Araneae are relatively poorly represented in the literature with respect to common characteristics (Mangliavori, 2004).

A) Mangliavori’s methodology is based on clinical experience. His data derives from previous successfully treated clinical cases (Mangliavori, 2004).

B) Sankaran’s methodology is based on a formal repertory search and an analysis of the materia medica. It has been applied to a number of plant families with apparent

success (Sankaran, 2005).

Homoeopathic spider remedies are known to be useful in the treatment of a range of clinical conditions:

Latrodectus mactans in Angina pectoris,

Tarentula hispanica in ADD/ADHD

Tarentula cubensis in Sepsis.

A detailed analysis of the material medica of known spider remedies will give homeopaths a deeper understanding of their commonalities and allow them to more accurately utilize a broader range of currently less well proven spider remedies in the future.

A further rationale of the study is to test the reliability, validity and consistency of Sankaran’s group analysis methodology.

The purpose of this study is to subject a lesser understood biological class to a particular investigation with a view to extend the overall group understanding, and therefore

to allow more utilization of individual members as therapeutic substances for a range of clinical conditions.


The substances that Hahnemann used in his early provings were crude medicines in doses that were very small relative to the doses commonly used in medicine at the time.

He observed that even these small doses caused violent aggravation during the proving and began to simply divide the remedies into ever - smaller crude doses.

Later Hahnemann found he could actually enhance the effectiveness of a medicine by dilution, while adding to its dynamic or energetic state by succussion - violent shaking

or trituration - grinding in a mortar and pestle (De Schepper, 2001:33).

To fully prove a substance and to determine the exact character of each symptom and its modality, multiple tests with provers of both genders and various constitutions are needed (Hahnemann, 1996:157). Symptoms that arise from a proving are recorded in a materia medica, which is a collection of the genuine, pure, unmistakable modes of action of simple medicinal substances (Hahnemann, 2001:161). It was Hahnemann’s belief, that a homeopath should match the symptoms of the patient with the remedy picture recorded in the materia medica (Zwemke, 2004:25).

Considering the vast amount of information collected during a proving, it seems that an encyclopaedic knowledge of materia medica is necessary to prescribe a remedy.

It therefore became apparent, that a system of homeopathic prescribing was needed to help practitioners both study the remedies and prescribe more accurately for each individual (Sankaran, 1994:313).


Hahnemann himself made the first attempt to group the remedies he was proving according to the notion of Miasms. Well before Koch and Pasteur, Hahnemann perceived

that diseases entered the body in form of what he described as ‘Miasms’, - subtle, imperceptible substances that take hold of the Vital Force causing an internal derangement. He thus anticipated the modern concept of microbial infection, however clearly indicating that

contagion cannot occur without prior susceptibility (Weiner, 1989:32).

He observed that in chronic disease the best selected medicine often could not prevent relapses or periodic exacerbations and chronic disease nearly always followed a pattern that could be related to one of the 3 Miasms:

Psora, Sycosis or Syphilis (Eizayaga, 1994:288). With the classification of chronic disease and its treatment with anti miasmatic remedies he created the first system of prescribing in homeopathy, and thus simplified the differentiation of similar remedies in each prescription (Sankaran, 1994:21).

Today the miasmatic model has been extended. According to depth and pace of perception, Sankaran (2005:7) distinguishes between ten different Miasms.

Farrington (1992) was one of the first authors who understood the value of looking for deeper and more systematic levels of similarity by following the trail of biological and chemical groupings that already existed in nature (Moskowitz, 2002:2). He realized that if drugs belong to the same family, they must have a similar action and for the purpose of his lectures, he arranged the remedies in three grand divisions, according to the kingdom of nature from which they derived. In recent decades a number of homeopaths have refined and extended the idea of kingdom classification.

In the past, the most common method of studying homeopathic remedies was to focus on the individual remedy. Recently the focus shifted to the analysis of a whole group with the emphasis on extracting commonalities within a group (Scholten, 1993:23). Amongst other homeopaths, Scholten and Sankaran can be considered the prime movers

of group analysis of the modern area (Wulfsohn, 2005). The term Group Analysis however was first coined by Scholten (1993:23), who recognizes that this method is not entirely new and has been used in the past by Clarke (1985:358), Morrison (1988:2) and Vithoulkas (1992:235).

In Group Analysis themes and characteristics common to a group of related remedies are distilled out of the overall picture and subsequently applied to the lesser known or even unknown remedies within the group (Scholten, 1993:11). The revelation of a pattern offers the homeopath a broader therapeutic model for application and the possibility of prediction (Klein, 2005:10).


Group Analysis according to Jan Scholten

For many years Scholten expressed his unhappiness about the gaps and the lack of System in the knowledge of homeopathic remedies (Stuut,1993:9). This led him to the investigation of groups of remedies which, although botanically or chemically related, at first sight hardly seemed to have any homeopathic relationship with each other. Scholten (1993:11) compared different mineral remedies - groups of remedies that contain the same

element - and extracted common symptoms. For instance Nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-p. and Nat-s. are minerals that contain the element Sodium. The themes and characteristics that

are common to the whole group are distilled out of the overall picture and subsequently applied to the lesser known or even unknown Sodium salts (Scholten, 1996:68).

A few years later Scholten went further and applied his theory to the entire periodic table by creating a materia medica of the elements (Savage, 1996).

His book “Homeopathy and the elements” (Scholten, 1996) describes the outcome of a comparison of the elements, how they relate to each other and how compound salts modify the picture of a single element. Scholten was able to identify a pattern running through the entire periodic table

by themes that are common to vertical rows/series, as well as horizontal columns/stages. The patterns are more general and the concepts broader than the ones described in his previous book “Homeopathy and the Minerals” (Scholten, 1993). However Scholten (1996) manages to show a definite evolution of a theme within each row with the idea of a rise and fall according to the progression of columns. In this way he is able to forecast trends developing within each row and to predict themes and characteristics of lesser or unknown mineral remedies.

Using the current scientific knowledge of the periodic table, Scholten (2005) introduced a new group of remedies - the Lanthanides - to homeopathy. The name Lanthanides means hidden, as many of them are found in other substances and are difficult to obtain (Klein, 2005:10). To Scholten (2005:10) this fact is already a key to their homeopathic use. Apparently a number of practitioners have had successful cures using these new concepts and substances to a point where it now forms an integral part of homeopathic practice (Klein, 2005:11). This new ‘system’ implies that remedies may be prescribed without prior proving, even though Scholten (1993) still believes that ultimately these remedies should still be proved. Despite some dangers that come with the new ‘method’, group analysis allows for extension of knowledge in a new way.

Group Analysis according to Rajan Sankaran

While Scholten (1996) mainly explored the periodic table, Sankaran (2008) focused on the differentiation between the kingdoms (viz. Animal, Mineral, Plant...) and how

remedies belonging to different kingdoms would present themselves in a patient. According to Sankaran (2008:17), a differentiation between the kingdoms cannot be done

at a superficial level e.g. through the patients appearance, his/her mode of speaking or behavior. This can only give clues. It is the voice of the source itself speaking from

within that can reveal the nature of the kingdom, as it expresses itself with subtlety.

Remedies of the same kingdom share common traits as do remedies from the same order and family. These traits find expression in a patient and so narrow down the search for a remedy. Once arrived at a biological family the choice of a particular member of that family will depend on the patient’s description of his most inner state.

In the foreword to Sankaran’s most recently published book “Survival”, Schadde (2008:1) notices that even though Hahnemann’s proving taught a lot about how to understand remedies, there was a missing link, the connection between the patient’s expression of his inner state and the required remedy’s expression in nature.

An investigation into the source of the remedy provided a better understanding of the missing link. Sankaran (2008:49) calls

the specific traits of the source as they express themselves in a patient “the song of nature” which can be heard and seen when the patient’s deepest level is reached.

In order to arrive at this level, there was a need to develop a new specific case taking method. This method allows the patient to access deeper levels of his consciousness where a connection between the inner state and the source can be drawn.

Following Hahnemann’s advice in paragraph 83 of the Organon regarding the individualizing examination of each case of disease and considering paragraph 9 of the

Organon - the vital force rules the sensations and functions - Sankaran refined his method of case taking in order to reach the patient’s morbid state at a level where the source is recognizable (Schadde, 2008:1). By matching the patient’s expressions of his/her morbid state with the analogue substance in nature, Sankaran provides an answer to the proposed missing link.

Sankaran (1997) conducted further investigations into the natural classification of drugs by specifying the distinguishing features of plant, animal and mineral remedies. According to Sankaran (2008:25), patients who need a mineral remedy are concerned with issues of structure, e.g. identity, relationship or performance. Plant remedies deal with sensitivity issues and animal remedies with issues of survival. The results of Sankaran’s research are published in his book “Schema” (Sankaran, 2005), “Sensation” (Sankaran, 2004) an “Sensation refined” (Sankaran, 2007) and show, in summary the different concepts and information spread over his books.


Group Analysis according to Massimo Mangliavori


Proving symptoms of remedies are recorded in a materia medica and most often accepted by homeopathic profession as a solid picture. Scholten (2005:17) expresses his view on the proving picture: “…...the longer one

reflects about it, the more obvious it becomes that the descriptions are only approximations of what the real picture of a remedy is. The real picture is something abstract and a proving can only elicit parts of it.

The development of the materia medica is a process, with the proving only being the start of it”. Further requirements for the development of a complete remedy picture are a definition of an essence, a verification of findings through clinical application and a comparison of remedies for the purpose of classification which Scholten (2005:17) considers to be the first real step into science and theory formation. “Classification is not impossible or

leads to false conclusions, ……without classification all information is unconnected and cannot be put into theory” (Scholten, 2005:17).

Mangliavori (2005:33) agrees that a synthesis of the multitude of symptoms is vital to define the characteristic aspects of a remedy system. He emphasizes that “the essence”, “the nucleus”, “the core element”, “the spirit”

were some of the terms used to describe a set of symptoms which needed to be present in a case for the prescription of a certain remedy. However when used in a reducing manner these concepts neglect interaction and

connection of data and leave a remedy picture without structure. Only an appreciation of the coherence of symptoms can lead to a full remedy picture or “Gestalt” (Mangliavori, 2005:33).

The concepts of Group Analysis are not in contradiction to the conventional Hahnemannian proving. A conventional proving forms an integral part in the process of the development of a complete remedy picture. Modern

authors like Scholten, Sankaran or Mangliavori have according to the ever expanding knowledge during the last centuries merely gone a step further by adding a structure to the endless amount of data collected during a proving.

In order to progress as a science, homeopathy has to go through the stage of source description, development of themes, clinical confirmation, classification and theory formation (Scholten, 2005:17). As Einstein (2005:17)

rightly puts it: “Science without epistemology is, insofar as it is thinkable at all, primitive and muddled”.

Sankaran’s concepts and methodology

Origins of the kingdom classification

Homeopathy views disease as an affection of the whole person and therefore a homeopathic treatment must be holistic and individualistic. For Sankaran (2008:14) the base of disease is a false perception of reality, a delusion which causes an inappropriate and disproportioned reaction. According to the depth of which a situation is perceived, Sankaran differentiates ten possible degrees of perception and its reactive pattern. A Miasm according to Sankaran (2005:19) indicates the depth of how a situation is experienced and is a classification of states (patients’ states as well as remedy states), based on the pace, rapidity and level of desperation.

A perception can be differentiated according to quality - “how” a situation is perceived, or character - “what” is perceived in a situation. The “how” of any phenomenon denotes the “Miasm” and the “what” the “Sensation” (Sankaran, 2005:13). The sensation concept which describes a state deeper to the mind and body, was developed by Sankaran (2005:37) as a result of his investigation into the levels of experience of a human being.

Sankaran (2008:24) found that there are different ways of experiencing the same situation, namely by viewing it as a competition, a loss of structure or a sensitivity issue. These different experiences indicate the different kingdoms, namely the animal, mineral and plant kingdom, from which the remedies are derived. A patient is treated according to the features of the different kingdom he presents. Each kingdom deals with a different issue. Sankaran (2008:26) states: “I understood that the Homeopathic Materia Medica is the human expression of the source itself. The remedies from various sources heal humans with similar states within them. These states,

which we call disease must also be, like the remedies, from one of the three kingdoms”.

Vital sensation and the three kingdoms

According to Sankaran (2005:26) symptoms can be divided into sensations and actions. “Each action arises in response to a corresponding sensation and each sensation must excite a particular action, even if one does not

perform the action. Sensation and action are equal and opposite” (Sankaran, 2005:26). For example a perceived insult causes an insulting response. This concept proves itself useful with remedies where proving or clinical

cases have yielded only the action or only the sensation (Sankaran, 2005:29).

Sensations can be felt on a physical or mental level and denote an abstract experience. Sankaran speaks of seven levels of experience, which can be developed during the case taking process. The aim is to guide the patient to

the sensation level where the differentiation between kingdoms can be made. “Vital Sensation” is a term coined by Sankaran (2008:74) and describes the pathological core sensation of a patient. A Vital sensation is expressed

not only at the “Vital level” of a patient’s being which is deeper to both mind and body, but is also present in his physical symptoms and his mind state. In health sensations arise from being in the moment, whereas in disease an abnormal energy pattern and an abnormal fixed sensation prevents a patient from experiencing life in the moment (Sankaran, 2008:75).

Sankaran (2008:75) thinks that the Vital Sensation is not specific to human beings, but is shared by all beings and substances on this earth: “It is terrestrial as opposed to energy which is universal”. A patient’s Vital Sensation

for example might be that of “pressure”, a theme that is found in nature as well: certain elements like metal are subject to pressure and certain plants and animals are sensitive to pressure. In a healthy patient this sensation of pressure will be transient and only felt when subjected to changing weather patterns, whereas in a sick individual it will be felt permanently independent from any outside circumstances.

The Vital sensation that has to be developed in a patient during the homeopathic case taking process is the expression of the “Source”. The source indicates the required substance from which a homeopathic remedy is then prepared. If the remedy is chosen carefully and matched to the energy pattern of the patient, it can achieve a cure (Sankaran, 2008:18-19). “Depending on which kingdom is the source, human beings can be mapped into one of

these three kingdoms” (Sankaran, 2008:92). The Vital Sensation has a different expression in each kingdom. According to Sankaran (2008:25), patients who need a mineral remedy are concerned with issues of structure, e.g. identity, relationship or performance. Plant remedies deal with sensitivity issues and animal remedies with issues of survival.

The plant kingdom

The basic quality of a plant is sensitivity (Sankaran, 2008:93). Due its inability to move, a plant for its survival needs a heightened sensitivity to adjust to changes in the internal as well as external environment. A patient

needing a plant remedy has a similar energy to a plant - he/she is of a sensitive nature. The Vital sensation will be that of heightened sensitivity and reactivity with the patient continuously adjusting and adapting to the many internal and external influences. The expressions used are: “I am affected by this”, “I am sensitive to this”, “this hurts me”, “I can’t bear it”, “this touches me” (Sankaran, 2005:5). The manner of dressing is sensitive and

shows preference to flowery and irregular patterns. Presentation of the complaint is descriptive with symptoms described randomly and not completely, wandering from one subject to the other. Causation is physical and

mental shock or hurt.

The main issue of plant remedies is sensitivity and reactivity. Plant remedies are affected by circumstances, people’s opinions, temperature, weather etc. and have one general state, with predominance of one basic, common sensation as well as its opposite (Sankaran, 2008:27). Sankaran (2005:29) concludes that remedies from certain plant families share the same sensations which can be experienced by a patient directly or as the exact opposite.

For example the sensation in the Euphorbiaceae family can vary from the experience of being “bound, tight or taut” to “released and loose” (Sankaran, 2008:96).

While each plant from a given family shares the same sensation, the pace and (Miasm) in which the sensation is experienced and the reaction to the sensation differs from plant to plant.

The mineral kingdom

In 2003 Sankaran, drawing clues from Scholten’s work, began his personal investigations into the periodic table. In his book ‘Structure”, Sankaran (2008) depicts the periodic table as a map of human development from the womb to tomb, each row representing a certain stage of human life and each column a different development within that stage. The main issue in minerals is about structure, completeness and incompleteness. The problem lies with the patient himself and not with the opposite person like in the animal kingdom. The experience is of something lacking or missing, a feeling of being incomplete and dependent and the question is about capability as opposed to the question of adaptability which is predominant in the plant kingdom.

Structure is understood in terms of existence, identity, position, relationships, security, performance and responsibility with each row showing a development in regard to these issues (Sankaran, 2008). For example the third row in the periodic table is concerned with issues of identity the fourth row with security and the sixth row with issues of responsibility. Each row shows a rise and fall in the development of one of the above mentioned themes.

The animal kingdom

According to Sankaran (2008:98) the fundamental issue in animals is that of survival and although the theme of survival of the fittest holds true for all living creatures, including algae, fungi, plants, etc., it is most evident in the animal world. It epitomizes a competitive situation of the stronger versus the weaker, the aggressor against the victim, the predator versus the prey. One important component of the basic competitive nature is the desire to attract attention, not only outwardly through certain appearance and pattern of movement, but also through characteristic behavior and speech which can be excited, lively, vivacious and animated. Alertness and rapid responses are also characteristics.

Fears are of being neglected, looked down upon, of failure in competition, loss of strength and attractiveness, of being dominated, persecuted, attacked - of being the victim. The issue of dominance is strong and is experienced as “somebody is doing that to me, I am being victimized bullied, tortured, abused etc.,” and shows a clear split between self and others (Sankaran, 2008:101). The conflict is not only with people, but also with one self and has its basis in a split within oneself. The patient expresses this split in

the feeling of not being good enough, of being worthless. The delusion of an existing hierarchy in the sense of “somebody is above me or below” - the issue

of superiority and inferiority is yet another expression of the victim/aggressor theme (Sankaran, 2008:24-25).

According to Sankaran (2008:26) each animal has certain physical characteristics that make it vulnerable to predation of a particular kind and therefore over the ages has developed certain defence mechanisms. He concludes that each group of animals is hence distinguished from the other in the peculiar nature of attack they experience as well as perform and in the type of defense mechanism they adopt against attack. Both aspects are expressed by the patient, as victim and aggressor are two sides of the same state.

There are general modes of attack and defence in the animal kingdom which are described by the patient in the depth of the sensation. These expressions and behavior patterns when recognized during the case taking process can give clues to the required remedy. The reaction to the constantly experienced threat of survival causes a basic and instinctive reaction - “fight or flight”, depending on the strength of the individual. A sense of loss of one’s freedom to be oneself and to express oneself can lead to the delusion of being trapped, caged, captured, defeated, chained or imprisoned with a strong desire to escape and to be free. This sensation, together with freedom from being victimized, exists in almost all the animals, but is most marked among birds (Sankaran, 2008:28).

Sexuality and attractiveness is vital to reproduction. In the animal remedies the theme of attractiveness/unattractiveness/self disgust and the theme of jealousy are strongly present. In Sankaran‘s (2008:29) opinion, animal patients are more often presented in seminars due to their liveliness and animated behavior. However to understand the sexuality of an animal remedy and to distinguish it from that of a plant or a mineral, it is necessary to go into the depth of the sensation of a patient. For example the sexuality in the plant remedy Hyoscymus at the deepest level is the fear of losing the partner. It is the sensitivity of the plant that is the basis and the sexuality is the expression of it.

The mineral remedy Phosphorus at the deepest level has the need to develop an identity different from his own family - the sexuality in this case is a matter of structure (Sankaran, 2008:29).

There is a sense of rhythm in most animals with many of them making sounds in order to communicate. Among all the animals, are Arachnida the most sensitive to music (rhythm) and vibration (Sankaran, 2008:30).

Unlike plant remedies, animal remedies do not have one main sensation and its opposite, but one prominent sensation which represents the movement of that animal and

many others alongside it, representing different aspects like attack and defence mechanisms, sexuality or jealousy. It is not possible to determine one pattern in an animal remedy, but according to Sankaran (2008:27) there is a whole story involved, a process described as “first I fly, then I grip, then I run, then I eat, then I get trapped and

then I try to free myself”. The multiplicity of sensations and the unfolding of a process can be discerned as case taking progresses.

The relevance of Miasm differentiation in the various kingdoms

With plant remedies, where whole families share the same sensation, in order to differentiate one plant from the other, it is vital to determine the degree of desperation of

each plant. Only an understanding of the depth to which the sensation is experienced and the reacting to this perception will give an indication of the Miasm in each plant. Through classification it is possible to arrive at the right remedy (Sankaran, 2008:31).

Regarding miasmatic classification of the mineral kingdom, there are only hypotheses available at this stage. They are controversial and according to Morrison (2008:67)

still require verification through clinical trials. “In the animal kingdom, Miasms are a good indicator of where to look, but normally when we understand all the qualities

of the animal we don’t have to worry about the Miasm - it is automatically covered” says Sankaran (2008:30). For Mangliavori (2005:33) a consideration of the miasmatic background of a remedy is not necessary and he suggests that every remedy can have the power to cure chronic cases, as long as its specific pattern of reaction fits with the strategy present in the patient.

However, a brief overview of Sankaran’s proposed Miasms is presented in tabulated form in Appendix A. The keywords that are listed under each of the ten Miasms describe the intensity, pace and depth of perception of a situation/sensation and its reaction to it. The name of a Miasm derives from the disease it closely resembles in terms of action and pace. Sankaran’s (1991).

Class Arachnida/Order Araneae

Spiders (order Araneae) are the largest order of arachnids and 7th in total species diversity among all other groups of animals. Spiders are found worldwide except for the Antarctica, and have become established in nearly every ecological niche except no air and sea colonization has taken place. As of 2008, approximately 40.000 spider species, and 109 families have been recorded by taxonomists (Platnik, 2009).

Arachnids are animals with four pairs of legs, two body parts (except for mites that have one) and pincer- or claw-like jaws. Spiders belong to this class, but are distinguished from other Arachnids by having the two body parts joined by a pedicel, by the fact that they predominantly have eight simple eyes and an abdomen without segmentation (Leroy, 2003:7).The combined head and thorax is called cephalothorax and is made up of the cephalic (head) and the thoracic region. At the front of the cephalic region are

the eyes in various configurations, usually in rows or groups, but sometimes even clustered together. The amount varies from eight simple eyes found in the majority of spiders to six, four, two or sometimes even none (Leroy, 2003:15).

The front half of the body is protected by a hardcover and carries the jaws (chelicerae), eight legs, two palps (feelers) and the brain. The jointed legs are made up of seven segments. Adult male spiders have a pair of sex organs

on the end of their palps. The soft abdomen contains the heart, digestive tract, reproductive organs, respiratory openings called book lungs and silk glands. It is expandable when fully fed or swollen with eggs (Hillyard, 2004:10).

Spiders are air-breathing chelicerate arthropods with chelicerae (jaws) modified into fangs that inject venom. Of all arthropods, spiders (with exception of the most primitive group, the Mesothelae) have the most centralized nervous systems. All their ganglia are fused into one mass in the cephalothorax. Unlike most arthropods, spiders have no extensor muscles in their limbs and instead extend them by hydraulic pressure (Foelix, 1996:9).

The abdomen has no appendages except those that form one to four pairs of short, movable spinnerets, which emit silk. Up to six different silk glands within the abdomen extrude silk of different types for various uses (Ruppert et al, 2004:571-584). Silk is mainly composed of a protein very similar to that of insects. Initially it is liquid, and hardens not by exposure to air but as a result of being drawn out. This process changes the internal structure of the protein, which is similar in tensile strength to nylon and biological materials such as chitin, collagen and cellulose, but much more elastic (Vollrath et al, 2001:541-548).

Spider webs vary widely in size, shape and the amount of sticky thread used. They range in complexity from single threads to orb webs with a large number of connections. Often the species of spider without being seen at all, can be recognized by the details of the web. Types include sheet webs, lace webs, tangle webs, purse web or tube webs and space webs (Hillyard, 2004:12).

The best-known method of prey capture is by means of producing sticky webs, but not all of the spiders build webs. The spider hunting dandy jumping spider for example feeds on other spiders their eggs and young (Leroy, 2003:41). Varying placement of webs allows different species of spider to trap insects. Flat horizontal webs trap insects that fly up from vegetation underneath while flat vertical webs trap insects in horizontal flight (Ruppert et al, 2004:571-584). Stone nest spiders build retreats in the centre of the web using silk, sand and pieces of vegetation while other spiders construct their retreat off their web connecting it with a single strand while monitoring vibrations from a distance. Flying spiders use silk to travel in a unique way, known as ballooning or aerial dispersal, while trapdoor spiders live in silk lined burrows closed with trap doors (Leroy, 2003:41).

Spiders feed by sucking on their prey. The majority of spiders can use them to inject venom into prey from venom glands in the roots of the chelicerae (Ruppert et al, 2004:571-584). Once the prey is immobilized, the spider

vomits digestive fluid onto it and then sucks up the digest through screens of hair located on the mouth part of the cephalothorax (Leroy, 2003:17). Like most arachnids including scorpions, spiders have

a narrow gut that can only cope with liquid food (Ruppert et al, 2004:559-564).

The spiders’ major predators are birds and parasitic wasps. Many spider species are colored so as to merge with their most common backgrounds. Others have distinct coloration, stripes and blotches that interrupt their outlines. There is strong evidence that spiders' coloration is camouflage and helps them to evade their predators which have good color vision (Oxford et al, 1998:619-643). Some of the tarantulas and baboon spiders have urticating

hairs that cause intense irritation without being poisonous on their abdomens and use their legs to flick them at attackers (Cooke et al, 2006). A few defend themselves by adding very robust threads to their web, buying time

to flee while the predators are struggling with the obstacles (Blackledge et al, 2001:138). The golden wheeling spider in the Namibian desert can flip onto its side and escapes by cart wheeling down sand dunes (Armstrong, 1990).

Web-building spiders have poor vision, but are extremely sensitive to vibration. Spiders produce a variety of sounds that are barely audible to the human ear, some by drumming, scraping or tapping their pedipalps, some by vibrating certain body parts.

Baboon spiders known for the hissing sound they make when alarmed. Male spiders produce sounds to attract females or to intimidate rival males, while males and females produce sounds to scare off predators (Leroy, 2003:21).

Spiders generally use elaborate courtship rituals and a male needs to communicate to the female to prevent the large females from eating the small males before fertilization.

Males of different species have their own unique repertoire of signals, for example web spinning spiders introduce themselves by vibrating the web in a certain manner, male hunting spiders dance and wave their colorful legs

and palps while another species seduces the female by offering her food (Hillyard, 2004:14). This “peace offering” consists of an insect wrapped in silk. Males carefully need to monitor the females reaction, before copulation

can take place. Male Australian red-back spiders (Latrodectus hasseltii), after fertilization has taken place swivel around under the female so that their abdomen is right beneath her fangs in a kind of sexual sacrifice.

The female might or might not eat the male. Some of the crab spider species wait until the female is preoccupied with food and then spin a soft net around her, which seems to quiet her down. Other male crab spiders climb

onto the large female abdomen, tap and stroke it as a kind of foreplay (Leroy, 2003:30).

When males find a suitable female, copulation takes place. The male inserts one palpal organ after the other into the females genital opening which is situated on the underside of the abdomen between and slightly posterior

to the book lungs, thus transferring sperm from his pedipalps to her reproductive organs. Fertilization does not necessarily take place at the time of mating, but the sperm is stored until the female lays her eggs. This enables

the female to lay several batches of eggs after just one mating. (Leroy, 2003:31).

Females of many species care for their young, by carrying them on their back or by sharing food with them. However social behavior among spiders is definitely the exception rather than the rule. A minority of spiders is social

and build communal webs that may house up to 50.000 individuals. Most adult spiders are solitaire and social behavior ranges from precarious toleration (widow spiders) to co-operative hunting and food-sharing. Although

most spiders live for a maximum of two years, tarantulas and other mygalomorph spiders can live up to 25 years in captivity (Wikipedia,2010).


Spider toxins are a family of proteins that function as neurotoxins by causing a blockage of the calcium or potassium channels (Mackay, 1997:1525-1535). Paralytic substances and contain digestive enzymes. Only 30 species

are poisonous and due to the small amount of venom injected, the majority of bites is not dangerous to humans. However super infection, the formation of an abscess or localized necrosis of the surrounding tissue can occur (Mangliavori, 2004:44-45).

Only a very tiny proportion of spiders known to be of medical importance are potentially deadly. The Sydney funnel-web spider, Atrax robustus is a highly venomous spider, fast and when cornered reacts aggressively.

Until recently a number of people in and around Sydney have died from the toxin, since no antivenin was available (Leroy, 2003:47).

The violin spider, Loxoceles spp. is a nocturnal spider and produces a cytotoxic poison with some haemotoxic elements that affect the blood. The first symptom of a violin spider’s bite is a local swelling with the appearance

of a dark discoloration and blistering at the site of the bite. A sloughing ulcer can develop and can leave a deep ulcerating wound. There are reports of the symptoms of the venom “travelling” and of ulcerations appearing

elsewhere in the body (Leroy, 2003:51).

The recluse spiders and the six-eyed sand spiders from the family Sicariidae are known to have necrotic venom. Spiders in this family possess a known dermonecrotic enzyme which is otherwise found only in a few pathogenic bacteria (Binford et al, 2009:547-566). Bites by spiders in this family can produce symptoms ranging from minor localized effects, to severe necrotic lesions. Systemic reactions include renal failure, and in some cases, death.

Bites usually become painful and itchy within 2 to 8 hours, pain and other local effects worsen 12 to 36 hours after the bite with the necrosis developing over the next few days (Schenone, 1989:403-415). As the venom spreads throughout the body in minutes, initial mild symptoms including nausea, vomiting, fever, rashes, and muscle and joint pain can be observed. Rarely more severe symptoms occur including hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (Wasserman, 2005:2029-2030).


Throughout history, there have been numerous cultural depictions of spiders in different cultures, mythology and symbolism. The spider has symbolized patience for his unique hunting technique of setting webs and waiting

for prey, as well as malice for its poison and the slow death it causes. Its venom often has been seen as a curse (Garai, 1973).

The spider mythology within Europe can broadly be split in two - the more accessible classical, which tends towards the spider as weaver of the web of creation and good fortune and the darker folklore, which can be tied in

with the human abilities of sympathetic lycanthropy.

"Tarantism" originated in the Italian town of Taranto around 1300BC. A tarantula bite was believed to be deadly unless one took part in a frenzied, hysterical dance. The town's folk played music while the afflicted person

would dance nonstop, to ward off the spider's venom (Watson, 2007).

The spider has been compared to vampires due their similar characteristics - both lure and ensnare prey before sucking the life out of their victim: both possess the ability to scale walls and cliff faces (Bunson, 1993).

In African folklore, the spider is personified as Anansi, the trickster god, originated in the Ashanti tribe in Ghana and akin to the Coyote or Raven trickster found in many Native American cultures. Alternate names include

Kwaku Ananse in West Africa and Aunt Nancy, a variant found in some of the islands of the West Indies, South America and the United States (Mills, 2003:317). For the Native American Lakota people, the spider is a culture

hero and present as the deity Iktomi, the spider-trickster spirit (Cooper, 1992).


Arachnologists identified more than 40.000 living species of spiders and grouped them into about 110 families and about 3.700 genera (Platnick, 2009). Spiders fall under the phylum Arthropoda (animals with jointed legs)

which include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and others. Anthropods are invertebrate animals with an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages. The scientific classification system

according to Linnaeus, through which all living things are grouped in a logical way and given scientific names accordingly, always follows the same pattern. For example the classification of a specific spider starts at the

broadest category.


Kingdom Animalia,

the phylum Arthropoda,

subphylum chelicerata (animals with jaws and without antennae),

class Arachnida incl. scorpions, ticks, opiliones, mites, whip spiders, false scorpions etc.

order Araneae (spiders).

two sub-orders Mesothelae


infra-orders Mygalomorphae (baboon spiders, trapdoor spiders, tarentulas and the so called bird-eating spiders)

Araneomorphae (Coddington, 2005:18-24).

suborder Mesothelae = one family including 40 species

Araneomorphae (orb-web spiders/wolf spiders/jumping spiders, and the only known herbivorous spider, Bagheera kiplingi

For the purpose of this study, the focus lies on the order Araneae. Due to the broad nature of the class Arachnida and its many orders, a limitation to the order Araneae seems to be a logical step since this order contains all

spiders with its common characteristics. Except for the scabies mite, spiders are quantitatively better represented in the materia medica with more available rubrics and therefore a formalized computer search is expected to

yield better results.

Spiders in homeopathy

The number of extensively proven spider remedies is relatively small compared to the large number of spiders on this planet.

Most homeopathic observations refer to only a few frequently used spider remedies, like Tarent-h. Lat-m. Aran-d. Ther. Few provings have been carried out so far and the rubrics in the repertories derive mainly from clinical evidence of bites and cultural anthropological material, especially in the case of Tarantula hispanica. Considering the fact that so far 40.000 species have been identified and only a few homeopathic spider remedies are in use today, a group analysis evaluation of the spider remedies will shed more light on the understanding of spider remedies in general and allow the relatively small remedies derived from this order to find a place in homeopathic practice.

            Justification for using group analysis evaluation of the class Arachnida/order Araneae

Shore’s (1994) article on spiders outlines a series of preliminary investigations into the effects of spider venom on the deeper levels of the human psyche. Initial data gathered from a series of ‘dream provings ‘and

subsequently evaluated in the light of previously recorded materia medica, entomological studies and clinical experience.

Mangliavori (2004) applies a different approach in examining the commonalities of spider remedies by analyzing cured clinical cases. The result of his case-based research is published in the book “Bitten in the Soul”.

Sankaran (2002) has done extensive research especially on the group analysis of plant remedies, where he convincingly argues for the presence of a vital sensation and reaction common to each plant family. The same

methodology superficially applied to remedies from the animal kingdom does not appear to yield the same results (Sankaran, 2008:30). Vogel (2006) analyzed the class Insecta according to Sankaran’s methodology of group analysis. Although the data collected and analyzed was unable to outline a vital sensation that reflects the core essence of the insect group as a whole, the data was able to indicate a clear image of the basic reactions and responses of the insect remedies as a whole (Vogel, 2006).

Although some research has been done regarding the understanding of spider remedies as mentioned above, the group analysis methodology according to Sankaran has not been applied to the Class Arachnida. This study aims

to fill this gap and to produce results, which not only could provide a deeper understanding of this particular biological group, but hopefully will be able to elucidate individual remedies within the Class Arachnida that are

less well known.

Definition of spider remedies

The first step required a definition of the class Arachnida/order Araneae in terms of current animalia taxonomical knowledge and a listing of the remedies belonging to the family in study. A literature search was performed

to obtain the names and rubrics of all spider remedies included in MacRepertory® computer software. This process gave an indication of the relevance of each remedy in terms of number of rubrics. According to the computer search, 16 spider remedies are currently represented with rubrics in the database of the program. The results are documented in tabulated form in chapter 4 - results and discussion (4.1, table 2).

Sample selection

According to Sankaran’s (2005:25) methodology, the overall list was then reduced to five remedies via a computerised repertory search, using MacRepertory® computer software. This sampling of remedies was done by first extracting all the rubrics that contain remedies of the Class Arachnida. Once this step was completed, the above mentioned rubrics were screened for remedies that appear most often in those rubrics. Selection preference was

given to those remedies, whose rubrics covered the widest range of the various, repertory chapters and who were represented with the largest amount of rubrics (chapter 4.1, table 2).

For the purpose of this research, the following remedies were chosen:

Araneus diademus (Palpal cross spider)

Latrodectus hasselti (Red-back spider)

Loxoceles reclusa (Brown recluse spider)

Tarantula hispanica (Wolf spider)

Theridion curassavicum (Orange spider)

The selected remedies were then subjected to an advanced repertory search to list those rubrics that contain any two, or in some cases any three or four of the selected remedies. The list was then limited to only include rubrics

with less than 50 remedies as the rubrics with more than 50 remedies are considered large and represent the more ‘common’ nature of a remedy as opposed to the smaller rubrics, which paint a more ‘characteristic’ picture.

In order to ascertain the significance of the rubrics, they were then arranged from the ones containing the least remedies to the ones containing the most. The results are listed in Appendix B, table 3.

Data analysis

The extracted data was then analyzed in order to propose common sensations of the order Araneae. The extraction results are listed in tabulated form in chapter 4.2

Extraction and analysis of common rubrics, table 4.

The accuracy of an extracted sensation was established by evaluating its quantitative representation in the materia medica that means its distribution throughout the different sections (mind, generals and physical chapters).


Analysis of sensation in case study material contains a summary of the extracted common sensations and their distribution in the various chapters of the materia medica with regard to each spider of the sample group.

The significance of the common sensation in terms of its relevance in other spider remedies was determined by cross-checking the homeopathic materia medica of the remaining spider remedies for the presence of that

particular sensation and its distribution in the various chapters. For example stitching was found to be a common sensation in all spider remedies of the sample group.

The rubric Back: PAIN: STITCHING, shooting:

Dorsal region: scapulae: below contains only 3 remedies with two of them being spider remedies. Screening the material medica of each spider remedy of the sample group, stitching was found to be broadly represented in the various sections. To ascertain whether stitching was a relevant sensation in other spider remedies as well, a literature search via MacRepertory® reference works was performed, limited to spider remedies only.

The results proved that stitching was described in the materia medica of nine out of sixteen spider remedies with a wide distribution in various chapters of most of the remedies. This represents a significant number considering

that not all spider remedies are equally extensively proven.

In order to find links between the common extracted sensations, each sensation was then subjected to a full definition via a dictionary and synonyms relating to the sensation were identified via a thesaurus. Each synonym in

turn was then subjected to the same literature search via MacRepertory® reference works to test its validity. Definitions and synonyms are listed in tabulated form in Appendix C and D.

All extracted data was analyzed in terms of Sankaran’s model of the Vital sensation in general and its relevance in the animal kingdom in particular. According to Sankaran (2008) the expression of the Vital force differs

in each kingdom. In the plant kingdom it expresses itself as a generally heightened sensitivity, in the mineral kingdom as a structural problem and in the animal kingdom as fight for survival. Here it epitomizes a competitive situation of the stronger against the weaker and thus giving importance to issues of reproduction and sexuality.

According to Sankaran (2008:24), the following characteristics must be appreciated when analyzing the sensation in an animal remedy (Sankaran, 2008:24):

• At the deepest level, the patient’s experience of the sensation is that of being a victim or aggressor.

• The patient is concerned with issues of survival and modes of attack and defense are present.

• There is not one sensation and its opposite, but several sensations at different times.

• The totality of sensations is not static but a process.

• Sexuality is an issue in the animal kingdom.

Chauhan (2007) and Sankaran (2007) share the view, that animal remedies experience the sensation as a process of survival, e.g. a fight and flight mechanism, rather than an increase in sensitivity, as seen in plant remedies.

With this in mind, the results were screened for possible reactions and themes typical for the animal kingdom and to see whether Sankaran’s hypothesis regarding the Vital Force and the animal kingdom could be confirmed.

Once a sensation/reaction/theme was found to be relevant, references of spiders’ behavioral patterns in nature were obtained in order to put the results in context with the spiders’ natural history.

The different spider remedies of the sample group were then individually studied and classified in terms of their miasmatic tendencies, applying Sankaran’s (2005:53) extended miasmatic model by performing miasmatic

keyword searches, limited to the sample group only.

The overall attempt was to postulate a set of common sensations/ reactions/themes manifesting in homeopathic remedies belonging to the class Arachnida/order Araneae, to then differentiate the members of the sample group according to their miasmatic tendencies and to compare the extracted sensations/reactions/themes to those proposed by Sankaran (2005) and Mangliavori (2004).

The results of the group analysis evaluation of the class Arachnida/order Araneae will hopefully contribute to an extended understanding of this particular zoological class and an increased utilization of previously under- represented remedies in new context.

Spiders in homeopathy

There are relatively few spider remedies that are documented in the materia medica and found in the repertories, not only in relation to the huge amount of different species which constitutes the zoological order of the Araneae,

but also in terms of conducted provings. So far, except for Tarantula hispanica, which was proven in the 19th century by Nunez (Gibson, 1987:507) and since then extensively used by homeopaths around the world, only a

few of the spider remedies are of homeopathic significance and their use is mostly limited to clinical applications.

Listed below is a table of the spider species that are represented with rubrics in the literature of MacRepertory® computer software:

Table 2: Spider remedies used in homeopathy and the relative homeopathic

significance in terms of number of rubrics (the larger the rubric size, the greater the representation in the materia medica)

Scientific name                                    Common name                        Family                        Homeopathic significance

Tarantula hispanica                                    Wolf spider                                    Lycosidae                        5355 rubrics           

Theridion curassavicum                        Orange spider                                    Theridiidae                        1985 rubrics

Latrodectus hasselti                                    Redback spider                        Theridiidae                        2090 rubrics

Loxosceles reclusa                                    Brown recluse spider                        Sicariidae                        1748 rubrics

Araneus diademus                                    Palpal cross spider                        Araneidae                        1520 rubrics

Tela araneae                                                Spider web                                    Web of Black spider            1266 rubrics

Tegenaria atrica                                    House spider                                    Agelenitae                        1253 rubrics

Tarantula cubensis                                    Cuban wolf spider                        Lycosidae                        1003 rubrics

Aranea ixobola                                    Black cross spider                        Araneidae                        729 rubrics

Aranea scinencia                                    Gray spider                                    Araneidae                        111 rubrics

Mygale lassiodor                                    Black Cuban spider                        Theraphosidae            633 rubrics

Latrodectus mactans                                    Black widow spider                        Theridiidae                        522 rubrics

Atrax robustus                                    Funnel web spider                        Hexathelidae                        272 rubrics

Aranea scinencia                                    Gray spider                                    Araneidae                        111 rubrics

Loxosceles laeta                                    Chilean recluse spider            Sicariidae                        67 rubrics

Latrodectus katipa                                    Katipa                                                Theridiidae                        43 rubrics

Loxosceles panama                                    Panama recluse spider            Sicariidae                        10 rubrics

The list of the above mentioned 16 extracted spider remedies was narrowed down to the following five remedies with the highest rubric representation:

Tarantula hispanica (tarent.), Theridion curassavicum (ther.), Latrodectus hasselti (lat-h.), Loxosceles reclusa (loxo-r) and Araneus diademus (aran.).

4.2 Extraction and analysis of common rubrics

To get an indication of how many different rubrics containing spider remedies exist in the repertories of MacRepertory® computer software, a search including all the spider remedies listed above was performed. The result revealed the existence of 93 spider rubrics, of which 19 rubrics contain more than 50 remedies and 74 rubrics less than 50.

Next a limited search was performed with remedies from the sample group only. Parameters were set to exclude rubrics containing more than 50 remedies and to include rubrics that contain at least 2 of the selected remedies.

The rubrics were then ranked from smallest (in terms of number of remedies) to largest, in order to assess the relative significance of the rubric. A list of these selected and ordered 53 common rubrics is attached in Appendix B.

The extracted rubrics were then scanned for words representing sensations and for other animal features which according to Sankaran (2008:24-31) are:

1. Survival responses - modes of attack and defense

2. Themes of sexuality and attractiveness

3. Delusion of being victim and/or aggressor (predator/prey etc)

4. Signs of conflict with others or within themselves


4.3 Analysis of sensation in case study material

The sensation was defined using Collin concise dictionary and synonyms relating to the sensation were searched via a thesaurus. The results are listed in tabulated form in Appendix C, table 5 and Appendix D, table 6.

In order to test its validity, the extracted common sensations and the correlating synonyms/keywords then subjected to a litterature search via Mac reference work, limiting the search to spider remedies only.

This process was necessary to ensure that the sensations/synonyms/keywords relate to

the group Araneae as a whole.

the common sensations identified via the computer extraction process were stitching, shooting, coldness/chill, sensitive: stinging: faintness: flickering: twitching: fullness: sore, bruised, beaten and paralytic. However pain

without any described quality or specific

sensation was most commonly found (Back, Head, Neck, Chest).

In order to assess the significance of the extracted sensation, each sensation was

analyzed according to its quantitative representation in the repertory. The extracted sensations and the sections of the repertory. The extracted sensations and the sections of the repertory in which they appear are listed below.


Araneus diademus

Stitching (head/eye/mouth/throat/abdomen/chest/extremities/chill/fever)/shooting (head/eyes/abdomen/bladder/fever)/twitching (extremities)/soreness, sore (urethra/bladder/kidneys/extremities/chill fever)/coldness (head/hearing/mouth/abdomen/chest/nose/extremities/sleep/chill/fever)/sensitive (natural history/generals/mind/mouth/stomach/chill)/fullness (generals/abdomen/fever)/paralytic (generals/mouth)/acute (generals/ears/kidneys/urethra/bladder/back/extremities)/faintness (generals/abdomen/stomach)

Latrodectus hasselthii

Stitching (chest/back)/shooting (generals/mind/head/chest/back/extremities)/stinging (eyes/female organs)/twitching (toxicology/generals/mind/face)/soreness/sore (mind/head/eye/kidneys/female organs/chest/back/extremities)/coldness (generals/nose/kidney/extremities)/sensitive (introduction/generals/mind/female organs/back/extremities)/fullness head)/paralytic (toxicology/generals/mind)/acute (toxicology/natural history/generals/mind/nose/mouth)/faintness generals

Loxoceles recluse

Stitching (generals/chest/extremities)/shooting (generals/ears)/

stinging (natural history/generals/head)/soreness, sore (generals/mind/nose/face/teeth/throat/stomach/back/extremities)/coldness (mind/ears/face/expectoration/sleep/skin)/sensitive (mind/back)/fullness (generals/head/ears)/acute (generals/back)/faintness (generals/stomach)

Tarentula hispanica

Stitching (generals/head/eye/ear/nose/face/throat/abdomen/stomach/rectum/stool/kidneys/urethra/bladder/female-/male organs/chest/back/extremities)/shooting (generals/head/nose/eye/ear/throat/abdoment/stomach/urethra/bladsder/female organs/male organs/chest/back/extremities)/stinging (generals/mind/head/eye/ear/throat)/twitching (generals/mind/eye/male-/female organs/extremities/sleep/fever)/soreness, sore (generals/head/eye/face/throat/external throat/stomach/abdomen/urethra/kidneys/bladder/male-/female organs/chest/back/extremities/sleep/chill/fever/skin)/coldness,

cold (generals/head/eye/face/mouth/teeth/throat/stomach/abdomen/female organs/male organs/chest/back/extremities/sleep/chill/fever/skin)/sensitive (generals/mind/throat/male organs/female organs/extremities/fever/skin)/Fullness (generals, head, nose, stomach, abdomen, chest)/paralytic (toxicology/generals/mind/head/throat/rectum/urethra/bladder/back/extremities/fever)/faintness (generals/mind/abdomen/stomach/rectum/stool)

Theridion curassavicum

Stitching (generals/head/abdomen/chest/back/extremities)/shooting (generals/chest)/stinging (generals/head/stomach/abdomen/back/extremities/skin)/twitching (generals/eye/vision)/soreness/sore (generals/mouth/teeth/throat/stomach/abdomen/female organs/

Back/extremities/sleep)/coldness (natural history/generals/vertigo/head/eye/vision/nose/teeth/stomach/back/female organs/extremities/skin)/

Sensitive (natural history, generals, mind, head, eye, vision, ear, hearing, nose, teeth/stomachback/female organs/extremities/skin)/fullness (generals/head/ear/hearing/abdomen/extremities)/acute (generals/head/hearing/nose/chest)/ Faintness (generals/head/vertigo/stomach/fever/female organs).


First order analysis

Stinging (13/16) and coldness (13/16) were the most represented sensations during the

initial repertory search, followed by acute (12/16), sensitive (11/16), twitching (11/16),

shooting (10/16), paralytic (10/16), fullness (10/16) and faintness (9/16).

Significant synonyms found via a thesaurus search were severe (13/16), extending (13/16), dull

3/16), heavy (13/16), numb (11/16), reactive (11/16), trembling (11/16)and weakness


the extracted sensations and their relevant synonyms are summarized in tabulated

Table 7: First order analysis from original sensations extracted


Common orginal                                                                        First order sensations/themes

Sensations extracted


Stitching                                                                                    Acute, sharp, pain, sore, spasm, cramp, stinging

Shooting                                                                                    Acute, sharp, stabbing, spasm, cramp, extending

Stinging                                                                                    Sharp burning

Twitching                                                                                    Trembling, jerking, spasm, cramp

Coldness                                                                                    Chill

Soreness                                                                                    Dull, aching, inflamed, burning, severe, extreme

Sensitivity                                                                                    Reactivity

Fullness                                                                                    Heaviness

Paralytic                                                                                    Paralyzed, numb

Faintness                                                                                    Weakness


The extracted sensations and synonyms were then grouped according to their relationship to each other and listed in order of their significance:

1.      stinging (13/16) is part of various sharp (11/16) sensations: stabbing (10/16) and stitching (9/10): first order

2.      intense (14/16),  severe (13/16) and extreme (11/16)

3.      extending  (13/16) - a synonym (11/16)

4.      dull (13/16) and aching (11/16) - synonyms of soreness (11/16)

5.      coldness (13/16): first order

6.      heaviness (13/16) - synonym of fullness (10/16)

7.      weakness (13/16) - a synonym of faintness (9/16)

8.      acute (12/16): first order

9.      burning (12/16) - a synonym of stinging (13/16) and soreness (11/16)

10.  sensitive (11/16) and paralyzed (10/16) - synonyms of paralytic (10/16)

11.  numb (11/16) and paralyzed (10/16) - synonyms of paralytic (10/16)

12.  twitching (11/16) and its synonym trembling (11/16)

13.  spasm (10/16) and cramp (10/16) - synonyms of stitching (9/16)


Considering the variety of sensations extracted, it was very soon apparent that the remedies subjected to the search derived most likely from the animal kingdom.

According to Sankaran (2005), the presence of main sensation and its opposite would be a typical finding in plant remedies, where as many sensations present simultaneously or at different times are indicative for the animal kingdom. The particular survival strategy of a species in terms of instinctive beheavior and adaptation in nature determines the vital sensation in an animal remedy (Sankaran, 2008).


Following sensations/themes significant in spider remedies.

Sharp/burning/sore/bruised sensations/pains in different areas on the physical level.

Pains: acute/intense/severe/extreme/periodic/shooting/ext. (Neuralgia)

Heightened sensitivity of the nervous system to external stimuli: music/noise/colors/touch. And tends to overreact.

Nervous system: twitching/trembling/numbness/spasm/cramps/paralysis. In “hyper-excitable state” causing weakness and faintness.


Sharp: stinging/stabbing/stitching

It is not surprising that sharp sensations like stinging and stitching proved to be significant in spider remedies when examining some of the spiders hunting and survival techniques. A spider injects not only its venom into the prey to paralyze the victim but also digestive fluid to dissolve and liquefy the tissues as part of a pre digestive process

(Leroy, 2003:16).

Coldness as well as heaviness and fullness are extracted sensations that proved to be common to remedies from the order Araneae.

The often described shooting (10) aspect of the sharp pains led to the investigation into neuralgia (8) which was found to be a common complaint in at least all spiders of the sample group.

Araneus diademus

HEAD - Pain STINGING during chill

Fever - during chill


FACE - STINGING, root of the nose

Back - stinging in nape of neck

EXTREMITIES - STINGING pain in all joints

            Knees - stitching

Teeth - sharp sensations


MOUTH - STITCHES in palate and larynx

EXTREMITIES - STITCHES during chill in knee

Latrodectus hasselti


FEMALE organs - STINGING in vagina

HEAD - SHARP fleeting pain, left temple: SHARp l. forehead

FACE - SHARP pain, lower jaw

CHEST - sharp pain under l. breast: sharp knife like pain in region of heart: sharp pain in

right pectoral muscle

Back - SHARP pain under l. shoulder blade: sharp pain in sacrum´

            Pain stitching, fleeting, stabbing under left scapula

            Pain STITCHING in lower back

EXTREMITIES - SHARP pain r. palm. SHARP l. big toe

HEAD - Pain SHARP, stabbing, fleeting over left temple extending over l. eye

CHEST - SHARP pain under left breast: SHARP knife like pain, region of the heart;


BACK - SHARP pain under left shoulder blade: SHARP pain, sacrum EXTREMITIES - SHARP pain right palm: SHARP left big toe HEAD - Pain SHARP, STABBING

CHEST - Pain STITCHING, fleeting, SHOOTING pains

Loxoceles reclusa

GENERALS - stinging after bite?

HEAD - fleeting, brief SHARP pains, right forehead: SHARP brief, stabbing pain over right eye


EAR - SHARP Pain r. ext. jaw. Sharp pain swallowing, l.

STOMACH - sudden, sharp pain l.

BACK - brief sharp pain, middle lower back

HEAD - Pain STABBING over left eye

CHEST - Pain STITCHING in breast

Tarentula hispanica


HEAD - STINGING pain in forehead and STINGING in hypogastrium

EYES - STINGING as if pricked with pins

EARS - STINGING pain in the meatus

THROAT - STINGING in cervical and submaxillary glands

ABDOMEN - STINGING left side of umbilicus

CHEST - STINGIN pain severe

FEVER - STINging in kidney

GENERALS - strong sharp prickings all over

HEAD - SHARP pains, forehead

THROAT - SHARP stinging pains in cervical and submaxillary glands

ABDOMEN - SHARP pains, umbilical regiom around navel

CHEST - sudden, cutting SHARP pains, region of the heart

BACK - Sharp shooting pains under l. scapula

HEAD - cutting darting STABBING in temples

HEAD - STITCHES in temples, STITCHES in forehead


EYES - STITCHES, swallowing

FACE - stitches

NOSE - STITCHES ext. head

Throat - Stitching in tonsils

Abdomen - Pain stitching, sticking in hypochondrium, stitching in inguinal region



FEMALE ORGANS - Pain stitching in uterus

CHEST - Stitching in the heart, l.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - STITCHING in aorta/stitching in heart

BACK - STITCHING SHOOTING in dorsal region under scapula, Pain stitching/shooting in coccyx

EXTREMITIES - Pain STITCHING upper limbs, STITCHING in lower limbs

G in heart, Pain STITCHING in Aorta

Theridion curassavicum

GENERALS - Stinging in various parts

Characertistic - STINGING thrusts everywhere

Head - stinging in l. temple

ABDOMEN - STINGING l. side over anterior side of spleen

            STITCHING in spleen

BACK - STINGING between scapulae

EXTREMITIES - STINGING from elbow to shoulder

            STITCHING in elbow ext. shoulder

SKIN - STINGING thrusts everywhere/STABS everywhere

STINGING in l. temple: STITCHES from shoulder to throat and pectoral muscle

HEAD - SHARP pain in brain

            STITCHING in temples

CHEST - SHARP pain radiating to arm and l. shoulder

            Violent STITCHES through chest ext. back


Burning in various different organs (eyes).

Spider bite: burning sensations as part of an inflammatory process, severe burning, lymphangitis/abscess formation (cytotoxic toxin).

Leroy (2003:50) spiders carry a great amount of bacteria in their saliva which together

with cytotoxic venom can cause rapid inflammation and extensive destruction of body


Araneus diademus

HEAD - headache with BURNING eyes and heat in the face


STOMACH - pain burning during chill

Latrodectans haseltii



EXTREMITIES - violent BURNING pains preceding paralysis

Loxoceles reclusa



HEAD - frontal headache with BURNING

EXTREMITIES - limbs, joint pains ACHING, cutting and BURNING


Tarentula hispanica

HEAD - BURNING heat in occiput with pricking and itching over the whole body


EARS - BURNING in right ear canal

NOSE - catarrh with dryness and BURNING

FACE - flushed with BURNING heat

STOMACH - intense BURNING pain: intense BURNING thirst

ABDOMEN- liver BURNING in cancer

RECTUM - Pain BURNING in anus after stool


URETHRA - Pain BURNING after urination

FEMALE ORGANS - BURNING in uterus with every movement. Cancer of cervix. Leucorrhea BURNING

CHEST - sensation as if heart was BURNING

EXTREMITIES - BURNING forearm: BURNING hands: BURNING hip, knee, leg

SKIN - carbuncle with BURNING and STINGING: boils with BURNING

Theridion curssavicum




CHEST - pains from


Paralytic, paralyzed

Paralyzing and numbing its prey is a spider’s way of killing its victim. A large number of spider venoms are neurotoxic and cause increased neural activity which interferes with

normal bodily functions. The neurological symptoms described in point till consistent with toxicological reports of spider bites described in various literatures.


Araneus diademus

MOUTH - tongue seemed paralyzed


Latrodectus hasselti


EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS of limb with wasting

Loxoceles recluse

            No symptoms

Tarentula hispanica


EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS of limbs after repressed sexual desire


Theridion curassavicum

GENERALS - Paralysis after emotions



Araneus diademus

GENERALS - sensation of NUMBNESS, swelling and coldness in parts

sensation of enormous enlargement in parts

HEAD - numbed

EXTREMITIES - arms and legs feel NUMB: NUMBNESS of the parts supplied by ulnar nerve: leg feels NUMB as if missing

RECTUM - diarrhoea with NUMB sensation of arms and legs


Latrodectus hasselti

GENERALS - Numbness, tinging, pins and needles

Loxoceles reclusa

Extremities - NUMBNESS ext. down l. arm: Numbness in r. arm

                        NUMBNESS upper shoulder

Tarentula hispanica

MIND - NUMBNESS and PARALYSIS after repressed sexual desire

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESSof legs: NUMBNESS with hyperaesthesia (fingertips)

SKIN - sensation of formication and NUMBNESS


Theridion curassavicum

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS in l. arm, hand and fingers



Spasm, cramp

Araneus diademus


NERVOUS SYSTEM - trembling, lameness, SPASM

STOMACH - SPASMODIC pain with anxiety: SPASMODIC pain with confusion

EMALE - SPASMODIC pain beginning in stomach

CRAMPS, colic, twitching

STOMACH - CRAMPS with other complaints


Latrodectans hasselti


GENERALS - stiffness, twitching, titanic SPASMS


Loxoceles reclusa


RECTUM - diarrhoea with CRAMPING before stool


Tarentula hispanica

GENERALS - SPASM in general: clonic with jerks

MIND - hysteria with SPASMS

VERTIGO - followed by SPASM

HEAD - motion SPASMODIC, convulsive

EYES - wide open, SPASMODICALLY staring

MOUTH - SPASMS in tongue

THROAT - SPASMS in pharynx, convulsive



FEMALE ORGANS - profuse menstruation with frequent erotic SPASM


EXTREMITIES - limbs, SPASMODIC paralysis

SLEEP - SPASMODIC - yawning/symptoms during sleep

FEVER - slight touch along the spine provokes SPASMODIC pain in chest and

cardiac region

NERVOUS SYSTEM - SPASMODIC hysterical symptoms



FEMALE ORGANS - leucorrhoea with CRAMPING pains

CHEST - CRAMP like pains in heart and chest + by extreme weakness

STOOL and RECTUM - severe CRAMPS in bowels and pain in bladder with vomiting, chill and great nervousness, pulse weak and no thirst


Theridion curassavicum


RECTUM- SPASMODIC constriction of rectum and anus

COUGH - violent with convulsive SPASMODIC jerking with head forward and knees upward

CHEST - esophagus, pressure and CRAMP like pain ext. epigastrium


Twitching, trembling

Araneus diademus





BACK - JERKING in back with vertigo


GENERALS - TREMBLING: feeling of nausea, vertigo and cold sweat



EYES - TREMBLING sensation in eyes

Latrodectus hasselti

GENERALS- stiffness, TWITCHING, tetanic spasms

FACE - TWITCHING around mouth




Tarentula hispanica

GENERALS - TWITCHING and JERKING of muscles: choreatic movements,


MIND - Fainting, TWITCHING, choking, jerking




HEAD - shocks, blows, JERKS morning on rising

MIND - TREMBLING with fear: joy and strong emotions with TREMBLING



CHEST - heart TREMBLING “As from fright”


REMBLING especially when quiet


Theridion curassavicum

EYE - TWITCHING in right eye

COUGH - cough JERKS body

GENERALS - sensation of TREMBLING without physical trembling: TREMBLING externally

MIND - weakness/coldness, TREMBLING (in hysteria), faintness and anxiety

EXTREMITIES - weakness with TREMBLING of limbs



Weakness and faintness

According to Prins (1986:21) faintness can be experienced as one of the cardinal symptoms after a spider bite with neurotoxic venom. “….. weakness and muscle pain may persist for a long time, even up to a month.”

Other major symptoms of a spider bite: anxiety, dizziness/severe stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, sweating, watery eyes and excessive salivation, change in body temperature, pains and pressure in the chest/abdomen/

lower back, swelling and redness of the site of the bite (sometimes a rash).

Araneus diademus



VERTIGO - WEAK with vertigo



GENERALS - feeling of FAINTNESS, vertigo, nausea, trembling and cold sweat

FAINTNESS periodic



Latrodectus hasselti





Loxoceles reclusa

GENERALS - WEAKNESS, palpitation, nervousness, fear


Stomach - FAINT feeling


Tarentula hispanica

GENERALS - great WEAKNESS and prostration

MIND - WEAKNESS of memory: WEAKNESS in hysteria



STOMACH - empty WEAK feeling



CHEST - Heart, pulse WEAK and slow

RECTUM - WEAKNESS of sphincter ani.

GENERALS - FAINTNESS from hunger, FAINTNESS periodic

MIND - feigning paroxysms of FAINTING

RECTUM - diarrhoea with FAINTING

Theridion curassavicum


MIND - WEAKNESS of memory: WEAKNESS in hysteria



STOMACH - empty WEAK feeling


EXTREMITIES - WEAKNESS, all limbs tremble

SEXUAL ORGANS - WEAK erection during coition

GENERALS - FAINTNESS after very exertion: vertigo and FAINTNESS

FAINTNESS - periodic



Sensitivity was found to be a common sensation amongst spider remedies [colors (13), touch (12), music (11) - in particular strong rhythmical music, noise (10), odors (8)]. From a qualitative aspect, sensitivity to music and

noise appears to be a typical theme in spider remedies since it is expressed in bold letters in the materia medica of all spiders of the sample group. A search of the term music revealed another theme of the Araneae order.

Desire for wild dancing is one of the original rubrics and contains 6 remedies of which 3 belong to the order Araneae.

Most spiders are nocturnal and their eyes are sensitive to light. Some species can see polarized light and their eyes, therefore play an important role in navigation (Leroy, 2003:25). 

In the literature of the spider remedies this fact is expressed as a high sensitivity to colors and light in general, but also as a liking for bright and fluorescent colors.

Spiders are well known for their sensitivity and quick reaction to sensori stimuli. Fine hairs that work as receptors are called Trichobothria and cover the whole body (limbs).

They are immensely sensitive to air currents and low frequency vibrations. Slit sense organs which are small, slit - like depressions in the exoskeleton are other organs sensitive to vibrations, gravity and the spiders own

movement. In addition expanded web spiders also use their web as expanded vibration receptors (Leroy, 2003:2).

Spiders produce different sounds in order to communicate with their own kind and to scare off predators. They do this by vibrating certain body parts, or by drumming with their legs or abdomen on leaves or other objects,

which act as amplifiers. This ability to receive and send out rhythmical information enables a male spider to attract a female during courtship or to intimidate rival males (Leroy, 2003).


Araneus diademus

NATURAL HISTORY - they are SENSITIVE to noise: vibration: legs sensitive to tension and vibration

GENERALS - abnormal SENSITIVENESS to cold and damp: SENSITIVE to music, noise, vibration: SENSITIVE persons (touch/noise/light)

MIND - OVERSENSITIVE to rhythmic music

TEETH - lower incisors SENSITIVE on drawing in air

Latrodectus hasselti

GENERALS - SENSITIVE to slightest noise: SENSITIVE to voices

MIND - SENSITIVE to everything: want of SENSITIVITY

Loxoceles reclusa



Tarentula hispanica

GENERALS - very SENSITIVE to cold: SENSITIVE to light, noise, music, colors, touch

MIND - OVERSENSITIVE to rhytjmic music (drums)


FEMALE ORGANS - SENSITIVE genitals: ovaries SENSITIVE to pressure: dysmenorrhea.x with SENSITIVE ovaries

BACK - painfully SENSITIVE spine

EXTREMITIES - extreme SENSITIVENESS of fingertips

Theridion curssavivum

GENERALS - indicated in highly SENSITIVE individuals: SENSITIVE to noise, light, jar, odor, continued motion, pressure on the spine, closing the eyes, external impressions

MIND - painful SENSITIVE to noise (crackling of paper): SENSITIVE (slightest/penetrating/shrill/bells) noise/OVERSENSITIVE to pain: painful OVERSENSITIVITY


STOMACH - SENSITIVENESS of region of stomach

FEMALE ORGANS - pain in ovaries and SENSITIVENESS of cervix

BACK - spine SENSITIVE to pressure and jar: must sit sideways

SKIN - skin of thighs SENSITIVE with stinging thrusts everywhere


Dull, sore aching

A different set of sensations is described as dull 13), aching (11) and sore (11) and appears to have a strong link to the head region, back and extremities. In nature spiders have to go through a process of molting in which

they shed their exoskeleton. They have to molt in order to grow, as the cuticle on the cephalothorax and limbs is hard and cannot stretch beyond a certain point. This process is often difficult and the loss of a leg or sometime

life is not uncommon during this transition (Leroy, 2003:32).

Araneus diademus

GENERALS - DULL, digging bone pains in every part

HEAD - DULL heavy pain: DULL pain in forehead: DULL pain above r, eye: DULL pain temporal and on vertex

EYES - DULL expression with spasmodic pains in stomach

EXTREMITIES - DULL, digging, burrowing pains in bones

BACK - DULL pain


BLADDER - SORENESS on either side

EXTREMITIES - Limbs, SORENESS with chill

FEVER - SORENESS either side of of bladder and limbs


Latrodectus hasselthi


HEAD - DULL pain temporal and on top of head: DULL heavy pain: DULL pain in forehead (above r. eye): 

EYE - DULL ACHE in right eye

EAR - DULL ACHE in l. ear: fleeting DULL pain

BACK - DULL ACHE lower back, right: DULL ACHE lumbar region

HEAD - SORE in spots on scalp: SORE right side

EYES - SORE and stinging

Kidneys - SORE l. and r.

FEMALE ORGANS - clithoris, SORE touch, tender and sensitive

CHEST - Nipples SORE: Pain SORE r. breast: Pain SORE and BRUISED


Loxoceles reclusa

HEAD - DULL ACHE (frontal)

NOSE - SORE, tip of nose, right centre, inside

FACE - Pain SORE, above the right cheek bone like a pimple

TEETH - Pain SORE, tooth - abscess


STOMACH - SORE after nausea

BACK - SORE and sensitive low back

EXTREMITIES - Pain SORE left buttocks: Pain SORE right shoulder and neck;

Neck Stiff and SORE, neuralgic pain ext. arm

Tarentula hispanica

MIND - DULLNESS, sluggishness, difficult thinking and comprehending

EAR - DULL pain in right ear with DULLNESS of hearing

MOUTH - DULL pain in all teeth


URINARY ORGANS - DULL pain in kidney

BACK - DULL pain

EXTREMITIES - weakness, numbness and DULLNESS in lower limbs


HEAD - SORE, BRUISED in occiput and temples

EYES - SORE, BRUISED, lids tender “As from splitter”


THROAT - Pain SORE right: Pain SORE, BRUISED (with gastric derangement)

ABDOMEN - Pain SORE right hypochondrium: pain sore liver

URINARY ORGANS - kidneys SORE to touch

MALE - Pain SORE, BRUISED testes

FEMALE ORGANS - Pain SORE, tender vulva, labia - ovaries - uterus: pain sore


CHEST - Pain SORE, bruised - ribs/sdides

BACK - Neck SORE: Bruised, beaten SORE - cervical region/spine;

EXTREMITIES - joints of knee stiff and SORE: SORE, bruised - hip/leg/knee

Theridion curassavicum

CHARACTERISTICS - DULL heavy pressure behind eyes

EYES - DULL heavy pressure behind eyes

MIND - DULLNESS, sluggishness, difficult thin king and comprehending

VERTIGO - with DULLNESS of senses

HEAD - headache frontal with DULL pressing pain behind the eyes


THROAT - SORE with chilliness and SORE pain in bones

STOMACH - SORE, bruised, beaten, tenderness

Abdomen - SORE inguinal region

FEMALE ORGANS - SORE, bruised, tender ovaries

BACK - SORE, bruised beaten spine

EXTREMITIES - SORE, ulcerative bones, lower limbs

SENSATIONS - SORENESS in throat and bones



Despite their great adaptility, spiders are far more abundant in tropical regions where warm conditions with high humidity prevail. However spiders have developed several adaptations to survive adverse conditions like cold

and dampness. It has been found that a spider’s haemolymph contains glycerol. acting as an freezing agent. This fact may account for a spider’s relatively resistance to cold  (Vermeulen, 2004:136).

Araneus diademus

GENERALS - COLD feeling on drawing in air, marked sensitivity to COLDNESS and damp, symptoms are characterized by periodicity and COLD, COLDNESS not relieved by anything, COLD to the bone, constant CHILLINESS

MOUTH - painful feeling of COLDNESS in r. lower incissors


ABDOMEN - Colic after COLD

EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS hand/feet/bobes (“As if made of ice”)/ COLDNESS of upper limbs


Heart and circulation - shivering and cold sweats

Latrodectus hasselti

GENERALS - increased sensitivity to heat and COLD/> COLD weather

KIDNEYS - sensation of CHILL

EXTREMITIES - hot to the touch but feet COLD

CHILL - instant CHILL on exposure of parts

Loxoceles reclusa

GENERALS - feeling hot # COLD

MIND - overwhelmed, depressed and COLD

EARS - pain < COLD


SKIN - increased sensivity to COLD

Tarentula hispanica

GENERALS - Pain in the bitten part with general COLDNESS, CHILL and COLD sweat of the whole body, tremulousness and COLDNESS of the whole body, shivering and COLDNESS from every emotion < COLD

HEAD - COLDNESS, CHILLINESS - at vertex (“As if cold water was poured over)/temples/occiput;

EYES - COLDNESS l. “As if cold water was poured over

MOUTH - Sensation of COLDNESS in teeth and r. cheek

THROAT - Sensation of COLDNESS “As if COLD water was constantly dropping down” STOMACH - Pain from COLD drinks

ABDOMEN - Acute pain in hepatic region heat # cold/pain in groins < COLD

FEMALE - Head and legs icy COLD and female complaints

CHEST - Pain in l. subclavian region with COLD feet: Pain in region of the heart. < putting hands in cold water



FEVER - Great COLDNESS and shaking: feet constantly COLD during fever: constant CHILL and COLDNESS for days. COLD stage intense

SKIN - icy COLDNESS: COLDNESS in spots as if cold matter was flowing or dropping on parts: COLD spots with purplish discoloration

Theridion curassavicum

GENERALS - WEAKNESS, TREMBLING, COLDNESS (internal), anxiety and easily excited, COLD sweat

HEAD - pain with COLD perspiration

VERTIGO - COLDNESS with vertigo, with COLD sweat

EYES - sensitive to light with COLD hands

TEETH - sensation of COLD penetrating teeth, when water taken into the mouth

EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - hands/hips/legs: COLDNESS internal and external

SLEEP - COLD sweat during sleep

CHILL - COLDNESS in general: internal COLDNESS

FEVER - violent COLDNEESS: COLD hands with flickering of the eyes and nausea internal

COLD sweat excited easily: icy COLDNESS of the whole body with vertigo



A common sensation in ten out of sixteen spiders and predominately refers to the headand the abdominal region. A sensation of fullness at the sight of food is described in all spiders of the sample group except Loxoceles has sensation of fullness predominately in the head region. In a spider, the digestive gland in which the liquid food is sucked up, branches out into several pouches and can store a lot of food at one time. This allows spiders to

“fill up” and go for long periods without food (Vermeulen, 2002: 136)

Araneus diademus

ABDOMEN - sensation of FULLNESS, FULLNESS at the sight of food: sensation of heaviness and FULLNESS in lower abdomen: FULLNESS in lower abdomen and hepatic region

Latrodectus hasselti


ABDOMEN - sensation of FULLNESS at the sight of food

Loxoles reclusa

GENERALS - sensation of FULLNESS in l. side of body

HEAD - sensation of FULLNESS in left temple

EARS - awareness of FULLNESS in ears

Tarentula hispanica

HEAD - FULLNESS in head with throbbing carotids > epistaxis

ABDOMEN - sensation of FULLNESS (at the sight of food)/sensation of  FULLNESS during hunger


HEAD - dull

Theridion curassavicum

            HEAD - dullness and FULLNESS in the head

            ABDOMEN - FULLNESS at the sight of food



In the literature heaviness was found in 13 spider remedies as a significant common sensation: focus on the abdominal region, limbs, head, mind and generals. The sensation described as a delusion of heaviness as opposed to

being the result of a true pathological process.

An interesting fact that could explain this perceived sensation of heaviness is the peculiar way spiders spend most of their time waiting for prey. According to Leroy (2003:41) most of the web-living spiders do not walk on

their webs but hang on them.

They also hang suspended on a thread during molting and are especially vulnerable to predators during that time.

Silk allows certain spiders to travel in a unique way, known as aerial dispersal or ballooning’. The silk is attached to the substrate and the spider walks a distance to extend the silken lines. While doing so he lifts his abdomen

and extends his legs, till a breeze carries him and the silk away (Leroy, 2003:45).

Another interesting fact which could contribute to the understanding of this peculiar sensation (felt in the extremities), is that spiders do not move in the same way as humans or most other creatures do. Spider’s legs are

extended by means of a hydraulic system of fluid which requires the transmission of a force through a confined liquid (Vermeulen, 2002: 133)

Araneus diademus

GENERALS - HEAVINESS internal, enlargement end sensation of HEAVINESS

MIND - delusion: he is HEAVY

CHEST - sensation of HEAVINESS “As if heart was made out of lead”

EXTREMITIES - sensation of increased volume and HEAVINESS in upper limbs

HEAVINESS in thighs

ABDOMEN - HEAVINESS and sensation of repletion in intestines

SLEEP - sleepless with HEAVY feeling in forearms and hands: wakes from a sensation of HEAVINESS

Latrodectus hasselti

MIND - sensation of warmth and HEAVINESS

Loxoceles reclusa

MIND - sensation of tiredness and HEAVINESS: sensation of spaced out and HEAVY: mood HEAVY:


HEAD - sensation of HEAVINESS

CHEST - itchy and HEAVy with a slight cough

Tarentula hispanica


HEAD - HEAVINESS and pain in the head: HEAVY ache in left parietal bone

EYES - HEAVINESS of upper lids

SLEEPY with HEAVINESS of the head

Theridion curssavivum

GENERALS - general sense of oppression and HEAVINESS

MIND - mood HEAVY and oppressed

HEAD - hard HEAVY pressure behind the eyes

MALE - prostate enlarged, sense of a lump and HEAVINESS in the perineum

EXTREMITIES - HEAVINESS in limbs before chill


4.3.2 Second order analysis


First order:                                                Second order

Inflammation                                                 Swelling, redness, heat

Trembling                                                Motion, chorea

Weakness                                                Exhaustion, faintness

Reactive                                                Restless, hurried, excitable, aggressive


It was noted  that the second order analysis was a confirmation of most themes that emerged during the first order and that second order sensations went full circle to the original common sensations extracted.

The neurological symptoms and their consequences, described in the first order analysis were confirmed and more sensations relating to this group of symptoms were found e.g. excitable, restlessness, chorea, exhaustion etc.

The magnitude of the effects of spider remedies on the nervous system become more and more apparent. In addition the second order analysis brought out some important mental symptom like hurried, aggressive and irritable

as well as typical mannerisms like the need for constant motion.

The cardinal symptoms of inflammation - redness, heat, pain and swelling were searched since all terms produced seemingly significant results in terms of quantitative representation. However a more in depth examination

of the literature did not support a great relevance of the above mentioned symptoms in regard to inflammation in various parts of the body and in terms  of their joined appearance during this process.

Redness and heat we found to be significant in the head region, eyes, skin.

Different kind of skin conditions ranging from harmless rashes to ulcerating wounds and lymphangitis were desribed, depending on the various spider remedies.

An interesting finding was made during the search of the sensation swelling. Patients and provers described a peculiar sensation “As if parts were swollen”. Representations from the literature are illustrated below.



Araneus diademus

            Mind - delusion SWOLLEN

            Head - and hands feel SWOLLEN

            Face - cheeks “As if SWOLLEN“

            Abdomen - SWOLLEN spleen

            Extremities- feeling „As if hands and arms greatly SWOLLEN

Latrodectus hasselti

            Face - cheeks “As if SWOLLEN”

EXTREMITIES - feels “As if nerves and muscles SWOLLEN and inflamed”

Tarentula hispanica

            Throat - SWOLLEN


FEMALE ORGANS - uterus and overies SWOLLEN

MALE ORGANS - heaviness and SWELLING of the testes and cord


Theridion curassavicum

            GENERALS - glands SWELLING scrofulous

            ABDOMEN - sudden SWELLING

            EXTREMITIES - sudden SWELLING of the feet

            SKIN - hard SWELLING



Araneus diademus

GENERALS - desire to keep constantly moving, > CONSTANT MOTION

Latrodectus hasselti

            GENERALS - slowness in MOTION, < MOTION

Tarentula hispanica

            GENERALS - extreme RESTLESSNESS with relief from CONSTANT MOT

CHOREA major with relief from CONSTANT MOTION

EXTREMITIES - hands are kept in CONSTANT MOTION to relieve over excitability: arms and legs in irregular CONSTANT MOTION

Theridion curassavicu

GENERALS - nausea, vomiting on least MOTION: complaints worse least MOTION


Restlessness and hurried

Araneus diademus

MIND - RESTLESSNES, nervousness: vivacious and RESTLESS: RESTLESS active, aggressive RESTLESSNESS, has to change position often and moves her fingers nervously

SLEEP - RESTLESS with frequent yawning


Latrodectus hasselti

MIND - very RESTLESS, anxious, couldn’t settle to anything: RESTLESSNESS must wring the hands

Loxoceles recluse


MIND - hurried

Tarentula hispanica


MIND - intense RESTLESSNESS (chorea/epilepsy/hysteria)

RESTLESSNESS, fidgety,hurried, jerking, twitching, must keep arms and legs in CONSTANT MOTION

SLEEP - nervous RESTLESSNESS, tossing about

EXTREMITIES - RESTLESSNESS of hands: great RESTLESSNESS and agitation in lower limbs

MIND - HURRY, everyone must HURRY: tendency to HURRY: RESTLESS, fidgety, HURRIED

Theridion curassavicum



EXTREMITIES - RESTLESS feeling in hands, wrings them

MIND - HURRY, everyone must hurry, tendency to hurry: hurried and hectic activity



Mental and physical exhaustion was found to be a major theme in the Araneae family.

Vermeulen (2003: 125) writes about spiders: “Although they are sluggish animals, they can strike very quickly”.

Tesats have shown that a spider’s respitory system can restrict its dimensions. A rapid movement kept up for a few seconds can exhaust a spider and increase its

heartbeat to four times its normal rate.”

Araneus diademus

            GENERALS - great EXHAUSTION

Latrodectans hasselti


Loxoceles reclusa

            MIND - totally EXHAUSTED

Tarentula hispanica

            MIND - EXHAUSTED: singing and dancing until hoarse and EXHAUSTED

Theridion curassavicum


SLEEP - horrible insomnia though EXHAUSTED



Araneus diademus

            GENERALS -extreme SENSITI and nervous EXCITABILITY

Latrodectus hasselti

MIND - ailments from EXCITEMENT: EXCITEMENT, anticipating

Loxoceles recluse

            MIND - feeling of EXCITEMENT

Tarentula hispanica

            MIND - (nervous) EXCITEMENT: restlessness, passion with irresistible: desire to move legs constantly: music causes great EXCITEMENT

            MALE ORGANS - extreme sexual EXCITEMENT, almost to insanity

FEMALE ORGANS - extreme sexual EXCITEMENT, nymphomania


Theridion curassavicum

MIND - nervous EXCITEMENT irritability



Araneus diademus

            MIND - great RESTLESSNESS, Irritability and fear of death

            FEVER - wioth Irritability

FEMALE ORGANS - Irritability during menses

Loxoceles reclusa

            MIND - Irritability, ANGER, EXCITEMENT

Tarentula hispanica

            MIND - great Irritability, rage and fury, desire to strike himself and others

            FEMALE ORGANS - Irritable uterus

            BACK - spine IrritabilE from touch

Theridion curassavicum

            MIND - IRRITABLE and oversensitive to noise: Irritability, ANGER


            BACK - spine very IrritabilE



The results of the original rubric already indicated that aggression was a prominent theme of spider remedies. 2 Rubrics contain only 2 remedies and both are spiders:

            Mind: Tears his books

            Mind: Morose, sulky during intermittent fever.

Another rubric contains 12 remedies and 2 of them are spiders:

Mind: Desires to attack others.

In the animal kingdom aggression is part of the natural defense mechanism, for example when facing a predator or defending the young.

Most adult members of the order araneae are solitary and devote the greater part of their lives catching prey, which can include prospective mates. Hostility and aggression towards members of their own kind is typical of

most spiders (Leroy, 2003:26).


Araneus diademus


Latrodectus hasselti

            MIND - AGGRESSIVE behaviour

Loxoceles reclusa

            MIND - AGGRESSIVE

Tarentula hispanica

            MIND - AGGRESSIVE

Theridion curassavicum

            MIND - noise makes AGGRESSIVE


It was noticed that second order sensations led back to first order sensations and that the themes that started to emerge pointed towards the mental symptoms of the spider remedies. To get a better overview of what

potentially could become significant mind themes.

The third order analysis, using synonyms from second order words was conducted with following results.

Again only those themes that proved significant were choosen and listed.


Third order analysis Table 9: Third order analysis from second order sensations/themes:


Second order sensations/themes                                                Third order sensations/themes

Exhaustion                                                                                    Weakness/vertigo/faintness

Excitement                                                                                    Passion/hysteria/mania

Restlessness                                                                                    Anxiety/nervousness/fear

Aggression                                                                                    Anger/rage



Araneus diademus

            GENERALS - VERTIGO even when in bed

            RECTUM - violent attacks of diarrhoea, VERTIGO and FAINTNESS

Latrodectus hasselti


CHARACTERISTICS - VERTIGO with tendency to fall forward

Tarentula hispanica

GENERALS - VERTIGO: epileptic VERTIGO different kinds of VERTIGO

MIND - VERTIGO from grief

STOMACH - VERTIGO after breakfast with bad taste

EARS - deafness with VERTIGO

EXTREMITIES - spasma preceded by VERTIGO

Theridion curassavicum

            GENERALS - VERTIGO on closing eyes: VERTIGO < sounds

            SLEEP - VERTIGO on waking



Araneus diademus

            GENERALS - PASSION for knitting

            FEMALE ORGANS - bearing down pains, HYSTERIA and much fatigue

Latrodectus hasselti

            MIND - PSSIONATE

            MIND - HYSTERIA

            MIND - MANIA with rage: industrious, MANIA for work

Loxoceles recluse

            MIND - HYSTERIA

            MIND - industrious, MANIA for work

Tarentula hispanica

            MIND - PASSIONATE: PASSION for dancing

MIND - HYSTERIA (from attention/after fright/lascivious/ludricous), chorea, nymphomania,

HYSTERO-EPILEPSY with Hyperaesthesia

            MIND - industrious, MANIA (for work/dancing/destructive)/tears: sexual MANIA in men: erotic 2

Theridion curassavicum

            MIND - PASSIONATE about gambling: PASSION making money

            MIND - HYSTERIA (at climaxis/in puberty/and anxiety)

VISION - dim/”As if looking through a veil in HYSTERIA

STOMACH - desires fruit, oranges in HYSTERIA

BACK - HYSTERIA from spinal irritation

GENERALS - trembling and itching in HYSTERIA: FAINTING with HYSTERIA after exertion

MIND - industrious, MANIA for work



Araneus diademus

MIND - ANXIETY: ANXIOUS dreams: fear apprehension,

STOMACH - spasmodic pain with great ANXIETY


MIND - periodical NERVOUS complaints: NERVOUSNESS and restlessness in children

MND - FEAR of - narrow places/death/loud noises/loud singing/bells: APPREHENSION, ANXIETY

URETHRA - FEARFUL pain starting from glans

SLEEP - disturbed by FEARFUL dreams

Latrodectus hasselti

MIND - intense mental ANXIETY and apprehension, fear of death and psychosis: anticipatory ANXIETY (health/future/when alone)

GENERALS - NERVOUS twitching all over: fidgety and NERVOUS.

NERVOUS and Jittery

MIND - FEAR of animals (spiders)/Fear of - contagious diseases/being alone: APPREHENSION, ANXIETY

Loxoceles reclusa

MIND - ANXIETY with suffocating feeling

MIND - NERVOUSNESS in the dark

MIND - FEAR of the dark: FEAR of animals: FEAR of bats

Tarentula hispanica

MIND - fear, apprehension and ANXIETY: ANXIOUS agitation: ANXIOUS RESTLESSNESS, has to walk: ANXIETY - > exercise/about health

            CHEST - precordial ANXIETY

            MIND - NERVOUS crises/nervous trembling: great NERVOUS restlessness and agitation with HYSTERIC  and choreic disturbances: patient hysterical nervous

            GENERALS - all kind of NERVOUS diseases (disposition)/extreme NERVOUSNESS

MIND - FEAR (death/animals/spiders/approaching of others/people/being insulted/of assault/going out/being alone/disease/consumption/to drink/music/of noise/of touch/impending calamity/face real opposition/

causing hysteria): APPREHENSION, ANXIETY:

Theridion curassavicum


CHEST - ANXIETY about the heart: cardiac ANXIETY with pain

MIND - extreme sensitive and NERVOUS with fruitless activity

HEAD - NERVOUS pain (migraine)

MIND - FEAR, APPREHENSION, ANXIETY: FEAR (from noise/cats/dogs/tremulous)


Anger, rage

Araneus diademus


Latrodectus hasselti

MIND - ANGER with jealousy: shrieking during ANGER: ANGER suppressed


MIND - RAGE after insults: RAGE from trifles

Loxoceles recluse

            MIND - RAGE, fury, ANGER # quick repentance: fits from anger

Tarentula hispanica

MIND - ANGER (violent/from contradiction/temper tantrums/striking from/when touched): IRRITABILITY, ANGER, EXcitement

MIND - ailments from RAGE (insanity/striking himself/with MANIA/and nervous excitation)

Theridion curassavicum



Araneae remedies

Groups of sensations that have been isolated through the extraction


Stinging             Sore                         Burning             Sensitive             Twitching             Paralyzed             Full                         Cold

Sharp                         Aching             Inflamed                                     Trembling             Weak                         Heavy

Stabbing                                    Swollen                                    Cramping            Numb                        Dull

Stitching                                                                                    Spasmodic            Faint






Comparison with Sankaran’s and Mangliavori’s homeopathic spider themes

Shared by both authors:

            Spiders are extremely restless with constant desire to move and to be busy.

            General hypersensitivity

Seeking attention



            Loves/> rhythmical music

            Loves dancing


            Coldness physical.


Sankaran                                                            Mangliavori

Intense pace/speed/hyperactivity                        Increased activity/busy/industrious

Busy always moving                                                Domineering females

Pretence                                                            Hypochondria

Attention seeking                                                Complaining

Mischievous                                                            Aversion being touched

Dance/music                                                            Rhythmical music and dance

Colours, fluorescence                                    Hypersensitivity

Periodicity                                                            Periodicity

Thythmic                                                            Stinging pains

Sudden                                                            Altered sense of time

Impulsive violence and aggression                        Irresolute, capricious and hysteric

Caught and trapped                                                Desires liquids, light food and tobacco                                   

Deceit, cunning                                                Dyskinesia

Sudden fear of death                                                Persecution



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum