Comparison Snakes and Birds


Snakes are poikilothermic (= have variable body temperatures) like the amphibians,

Embryo surrounded by an amnion, as in the birds,

Eggs are laid on land (birds) and no longer depend on a watery environment;

The mammals take interiorization one step more, the nest which birds build in the outside world is taken inside and becomes the uterus.

Calcareous shell. Birds and reptiles both produce egg shells.


Despite the relationship, birds seem the opposite of snakes in many respects.

Snakes are out-and-out reptiles. The 4 limbs disappeared/are legless/progress on the ground and in trees with sinuous twisting movements, burrow in the sand,

sometimes swim in water. Like to stay in one place, occupying the same familiar territory for years on end. Essentially, therefore, snakes have narrowed their habitat

to a fixed point on earth; they have narrowed down their bodies so that they have become a limbless tube.

In plant terms we might say that snakes have concentrated on the stem principle.

Snakes are deaf, having no middle ear. (Snake charmers achieve their ends not through music but because of the movements they make). These animals therefore lack

the mobile inner part of the ear and the 4 limbs = the outer and the inner mobility that is part of musicality. Music becomes dance in the movement of the limbs.

This is probably also the reason why the sinuous twisting movements of snakes look so unpleasant to us; they lack both music and harmony.


Birds, on the other hand, take the limb principle to extremes, with the anterior limbs developed into wings to produce the airfoils that permit them to fly.

Migrating birds circle the whole globe, covering thousands of kilometers year after year.

Birds on the other hand represent the leaf principle with their wings; they have expanded into the world around them/made the whole earth their habitat. Address to our sense of music.

Bird song is something unique in the world of nature.

Rose or lily is the culmination of plant life and comes close to being a work of art, nature presents the art of music in the song of birds. Some birds are even able to imitate human speech.

The flight of birds is something sublime; a certain awe is felt as the eye follows the strange V-shaped form of a flight of cranes in the sky. The beat of the wings forms

a wave as it passes further back the line and in this one experience the common breath that guides individual birds the way a conductor does a symphony.

Birds accordingly have a completely separate left and r. heart,


Taking snakes and birds together, it would seem that the snakes forewent (= verzichten) music entirely in their organization so that the birds might have it. Surely the price we pay for the

admiration we feel for birds is the repugnance we might experience when we look at a snake.


Among the Sauropsida, birds have anticipated development in so far as they are already homeothermic like mammals. Once again they are slightly overdoing things, however, for they

do not attain to the 'proper level' of 37° C. Compared to human beings they may be said to have a fever all the time (body temperature 41 - 44° C).

Snakes, on the other hand, have remained poikilothermic/have an incomplete septum.

All in all, snakes show regression of limbs, narrowing down to a tubelike body that is all trunk, limitation to a restricted habitat, and exclusion from the whole world of sound (which

also represents a narrowing down if one compares them to birds).


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