
http://www.zentrum-hueft-knie-fusschirurgie.de/de/Dr-med-Hans-H-Paessler-.htm = Adresse für Zweitmeinung im Falle zur einer Operation geraten wird.







Geheimtip für Sportverletzungen: https://www.sportklinik.de/home.html


https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/lecture-notes-on-surgery-for-homeopaths-non-specific-infections/ (Jaideep Desai)









Vergleich: Siehe: Astrologie + Anhang (Artikel Zeit Online) + Anhang 2 (Steven Guth/Hartmut Wewetzer: Knie) + Luna Anhang (Eileen Naumann/Olaf Rippe) +

Mars + Operationen im Kindesalter + Narben + Geplanter Kaiserschnitt + Zahnschmerz Materia medica (Arnica montana nach Zahnextraktionen)


!Note: Do not use Silica if you have any kind of surgical implant!


[Jaideep Desai]

     Skin becomes very sensitive after a surgical incision.

    For post-surgical operations, with stinging and smarting pain like the cutting of a knife.

[Ather Enam, Chirurg]

»Eine Wirbelsäule, die von einem Chirurgen angefasst wurde, ist nie wieder dieselbe«

[David Kempson]

All-c.: Ailments from operations

All-c.: Pain after amputation (Staph?)

All-c.: Shock after injuries

[P. I. Tarkas and Dr Ajit Kulkarni]

Stront-c: After surgery with much cutting:


Necrosis in stump after amputations: All-c.

Staph.: shock following upon operations (in the abdomen).

Chirurgischen Verletzungen der Harnröhre und bei anderen Verletzungen, vorausgesetzt, diese wurden durch einen scharfen, schneidenden Gegenstand

(das Skalpell eines Chirurgen) hervorgerufen und die Wundränder sind sauber.

Hyper.: from injuries to or from operations upon the nerves,

Xenon.: Quelle: remedia.at Is the strongest of the noble gasses in anesthetic effects. Inhaled produces complete anesthesia, coma. It would be ideal in the operation

room to induce anesthesia (to expensive). mostly works faster and better than Op. Can be prescribed preventiv (patient scared for the operation and the after effects).

Medorrhinum ist  eine  ausgezeichnete Arznei, wenn Konzentrations- und Gedächtnisprobleme oder Verwirrtheit nach einer Narkose auftreten.

Der Betroffene hat Orientierungsprobleme, verliert den Faden beim Reden, erinnert sich nicht einmal mehr an seinen eigenen Namen, ist total verwirrt,

scheint in Richtung Demenz zu gehen, hat Angst davor, den Verstand zu verlieren, erzählt immer wieder das Gleiche; solche massiven Folgen von Narkose

sind mehrheitlich bei älteren Patienten anzutreffen und eine Dosis Med. C 200 oder C M hilft ihnen rasch, ihre Balance wieder zu finden.


Acet-ac. Antidot gegen alle anästhesierenden Gase;

Canth. Postoperative Harnverhalten nach Prostata-Operationen

[Katja Schuett]

Pain after operation

Surgical fevers: Acon. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Echi. Ferr-p. Gels. Hep. Lach. Merc. Nux-v. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Sulph. Verat-v.

[Dr J.T. Kent]

“It is only deplorable ignorance that causes appendicitis to be surrendered to the knife. You need not run to a surgeon for every case of appendicitis if you know

Bry. Rhus-t. Bell. Arn.!”


Calen.: Ursache: Haut- und Schleimhaut Verletzungen (schmerzhafte)

Symptome: Stillen von Blutungen (nach Zahnextraktion)

[Catherine Sharfstein/Lou Klein]

Xenon.: ist für die Narkose von Schwangeren und Kindern geeignet.

According to the Law of similars Xenon must be a great remedy for coma and similar like states,  as after effects of anesthesia or the coma after accidents.
Stront-c. = „surgeon's Carb-v.“

Sil: Homeopathic Lancet.

Thios. Auflösung von Narben und versteifte Gelenken


Raph.: Post-operative gas pains

[Hpathy Archives, Homoeopathy 1938 Apr Vol VII No 4]

Lyc: colic + by violent abdominal flatulence (stuck in various pockets/post-operative)

[Dr. E.A. Farrington]

Calculi renalis

It has been stated that it was nonsense to talk about relieving the pains from the passage of renal calculi by homoeopathic medication.  The ureter is a narrow tube,

the stone frequently large, and it is said that this cannot be passed without pain.  This is a mistake.  The indicated remedy may so lessen local irritability, that the

pain attendant on the passage of the renal calculi may be greatly modified. (Remember. The baby is

Spastisches Colon, Vorbereitung zur Koloskopie

Verbesserung der abführenden Maßnahmen und der nachfolgenden Untersuchung durch spasmolytische Wirkung.

Dosierung: Während der letzten abführenden Vorbereitung zur Koloskopie 2–3 Amp. Rh D2 s.c. in ca. stdl.

Abstand in die Bauchhaut injizieren. Die letzte Ampulle unmittelbar vor der Untersuchung.

Wirkungseintritt: Sofort. Bemerkungen: Erfolgreiche Beobachtung bei über 1000 Anwendungen.

Anwendungsgebiet: Eingliederungsstörungen der Empfindungsorganisation im Stoffwechselsystem (Krampfzuständen

der glatten Muskulatur und bei Unruhe- und Erregungszuständen).


Myric. = homöopatisches Messer


Camph.: After Operation: State of collapse. Icy coldness of the whole body; sudden sinking of strength; pulse small and weak. After operations, if temperature is subnormal, low blood pressure, 3 doses Camphora.

[Tanja Wöhrle/Andrea Kattih]

Abgekapselter Hämatome

Based on 5 case reports there is the possibility that using Conium C 200 helps to resolve persistent postoperative hematomas in the musculosceletal system.

Postoperative Hämatome - Bewegungsapparat - Arn. Con.

[Eileen Nauman]

The worst indication for any type of surgery is probably when Mars is retrograde. Mars retrograde may mean heavy loss of blood, unexpected haemorrhaging or a mistake on the part of the surgeon. Since Mars is the ruler of surgeons, when this planet goes retrograde, surgeons are often not their steadiest or most reliable. There will be interference and misdirected attention. It does not mark a good time for concentration, especially when microsurgery is to be performed.

[Deborah Olenev]


Dental and Mouth Problems. Ruta has a wide field of action where it comes to dental problems.

a) Trauma to the tooth, where the tooth is loosened in the socket or knocked out of position.

b) Bone and periosteal pain following dental surgery, or pain after injection of a local anesthestic.

c) Pain of dry socket, at the beginning of an infection.

d) To help reduce the pain and trauma of tooth extraction, if Arnica does not help sufficiently.

e) To ease the discomfort associated with fitting and adjusting braces.

f) To help heal jaw fractures.

[Saptarshi Banerjea]

COURAGEOUS: Opium inspires courage and resolution in one who is afraid of a surgical operation.

[Elaine Lewis]

Pyrog.: This is another one I’m guessing you don’t have. Order it! You’re going to need it for post-surgical fevers.



Lots of anxiety as he anticipated the procedure and he has a fear of doctors anyway.

I have tried Aconite in this case before and it didn’t help at all, so when he had to have all his tests leading up to it, I tried Gelsemium and he was much calmer.  

I needed a 1M in this case though.  The 200C was really not enough.

Pay attention to this, folks.  A 30C Emergency Kit is nice to have but it’s really not going to cut it in extreme cases.  Plan on ordering your Emergency remedies in higher potencies.

In spite of the pandemic (“Corona”), his father and I were allowed in the recovery room and to be with him until he was released from the hospital, thank goodness.  

I know that can be a huge challenge right now as families are not allowed to be with their loved ones in every case.

One other thing I will add is that there must be “stealth” involved in giving remedies in a hospital.  My husband was often a look-out and he would sometimes block the

view of staff in recovery when it is much more challenging to administer them.

I never, ever let a medical professional in the hospital see that I had remedies or see that I was giving them.  This was not the time for me to argue the virtues of homeopathy.

As soon as we saw him in recovery, I gave him a dose of Phosphorus 200C.

I know the primary indications would be for nausea and bleeding, but I find it also lifts anesthesia very quickly for my children.  I can literally watch them coming out of the stupor within minutes!  It’s amazing!

So that’s Phosphorus, huh?  Good to know!

After about 15 minutes, I gave him Arnica 10M.

For pain, this is my go-to after surgery.

In this case, the devices used to repair the holes in his heart were implanted via heart catheterization.  There were no sutures on the two incisions in his femoral vein and artery, so he had to lie flat and not move for 6 hours.  I gave him Calendula 200C to help speed the healing of the incisions.

His first complaint was his throat hurting from the breathing tube.  I repeated the Calendula 200C and he no longer complained of that.

What does that tell us about Calendula?  Since Calendula is famous for “cuts and scrapes”, can we assume that the breathing tube “scraped” his throat?

I think we can assume that, yes.  He was having a lot of trouble at this point with urinating as well.  He couldn’t seem to go very easily.  I had this same problem after surgery

a few years ago, so I brought Causticum 200C with me.  I gave him a dose and this problem went away.

How quickly?

I’d say in half an hour.  At the end of the 5 hours we had a complication as his venous incision began bleeding.

Let me guess, they gave him an anti-coagulant!

Definitely.  After 45 minutes of pressure (I could not give a remedy then as the place was swarming with staff), he was starting over lying flat until morning.  After the crowd dispersed, I gave him another dose of Phos. 200C to help stop the bleeding, then a dose of Nux-v. 200C when I learned that they had given him Heparin to prevent clots.

What made you land on Nux vomica to antidote Heparin?

It’s known to clear other drugs and anesthesia from the body, so why not Heparin?

Why not, indeed!

It seemed like the best choice since I couldn’t get my hands on Heparin to make a remedy out of it.

Great information about Nux vomica!

His other chief complaint that first evening was the pain at his IV sites.  There were THREE of them.  This is common in major surgeries, but as long as he was in ICU, they would not remove them.  The first remedy I gave was Ledum 200C.  This did not seem to help, so I switched to Hypericum 200C and that helped the most with his pain at those sites.

I will add that he never complained of pain at his incision sites or anywhere other than the IV sites.  He was not sore or otherwise in pain.

Was he offered a morphine drip?

Not morphine, but pain meds, yes.  They really were almost trying to push them on him, but he said he was fine over and over again.

Another new development was that he began to experience an irregular heart beat with double hits and wild variability between 75 and 105 beats.

The doctor explained that they have found this to be rather normal as his body works to “reset” from a lifetime of his heart not working effectively.  I was not satisfied with this answer and reached out to you (Elaine) wondering about the best choice.  You mentioned Spongia and it came back to me that this had been very effective for me with some heart palpitations I had experienced.  I gave him a dose of Spongia 200C and they were gone after 30 minutes.

Wow!  Do you remember how I landed on Spongia?

You found it in the Repertory under “double strokes”.

Oh yeah, I remember that now!  I’m so lucky to have found that rubric!  People don’t know Spongia as a heart remedy, they only know it for dry coughs.

Early the next morning they believed he was bleeding out again, but it turned out to be a bit of “old blood” from the last bleeding episode that the body forced out.  

The interesting thing is, if that blood had remained, it would have formed a sizable hematoma.  I credit the Arnica with having dealt with that issue.  The doctor wanted

my son to remain flat and not moving until another 6 hours had passed.  He was actually mentally in pretty good spirits at this point, especially considering he had not been allowed up for over 24 hours.

Had he only had the one dose of Arnica 10M?

He had only one dose of Arnica 10M.  I had not seen a reason to repeat it.

Wow, just the one dose!

They did keep asking him about pain and one nurse commented that he must have a high pain tolerance.

Idiots!  Laurie, you and I are living in the space age while the rest of the world is still slogging through life on Planet Earth!  I feel sorry for all their pointless suffering.

Things remained much the same with him being allowed to sit up at around 30° C around lunch on day 2.  I repeated the Hypericum for his IV sites and Calendula for the healing of those incisions.  They looked great and there was no bleeding.

Finally late on day 2, he was allowed up.  He felt fine and was able to go to the bathroom and walk around with no bleeding.  He was discharged by noon the following day.

We returned home, where he immediately complained of feeling constipated.  This is definitely common after surgery.  I gave him a dose of Nux vomica 200C and that was the last I heard of that issue.  He didn’t even need a stool softener.  He went to lie down and sleep since it is so difficult to sleep in the hospital.

Tell me about it!

When he woke, about 5 hours later he told me part of his left hand was numb.  It was not his entire hand and he could feel pressure and would have pins and needles, but

no sensation.  I thought it was nerve related since sometimes nerves can be pierced with an IV needle and I gave him another dose of Hypericum 200C.  This did not help.  

I waited as we contacted the doctor since there was a risk of a clot and stroke.

Why was there a risk of clot and stroke?

It has to do with implanting the device.

OK, that sounds weird, but I’ll let you go on.

After 15 minutes I tried Nux vomica 200C thinking maybe it was a leftover medication they had given him.  Another 15 minutes, and we were on the way back to the hospital and his leg also had some numbness.  I had reached out to you (Elaine) and you suggested Ledum 200C.

Do you remember why I thought it was Ledum?

You didn’t say but I assumed it was because the problem might have been caused by the IV stick/ puncture wound.

OK, that makes sense.  Ailments from puncture wounds–Ledum.

I gave him a dose and waited.  While we were in the ER waiting, the numbness began to dissipate.  He was evaluated by the physician and we were sent home.

Thank goodness!  Otherwise, I anticipate another night in the hospital, another battery of tests, and in the end, what could they have done for him anyway?

After another 2 hours at home and one repeated dose, his hand and leg returned to normal.

Wonderful!  That was really an unexpected curve thrown at us.  Didn’t see that coming at all!

He experienced no other complications and his incisions healed quite quickly.  The last scab fell off after about 10 days and his check-ups have been perfect.  I did not need to repeat any other remedies.

Well, Laurie, a great success story!  A few glitches (ailments from puncture wounds, ailments from Heparin, pain from IV’s, constipation, trouble urinating, erratic heartbeat–not necessarily in that order) but homeopathy handled them all!  This will be a companion to my “Pain-Free After Surgery With Homeopathy” article.  It’s a real-life example of what you can do to facilitate a good outcome if you ever need surgery!  Thank you for writing this up!

Tidbits 72: Pain-Free After Heart Surgery 4


[Dr. Colin Lessell]

Pyrog. C 30, To prevent infection after oral surgery. Twice daily post operatively for one week.

Ant-t. C 6, to prevent chest complications from general anesthesia in chesty patients. 3x daily for several days before and one week after procedure.

[Dr. Shreya Deshpande]

Avoid surgery for kidney stones.

[Dr. Niranjan Mohanty]

Calen.:excellent in tooth extraction.

[Dr. Elizabeth Wright Hubbard]

Avoid Surgery!!!!

Nasal tract, polyps: Calc. Sang. Phos.

Gall bladder surgery: Calc. Bry. Chel. Podo. Mag-m. Coloc.

Ovarian cysts: Coloc. Lyc. Lach. Podo. Thuj.

Hernia development: Lyc. Sep.

Strangulated: Nux-v.

Prolapses: Sep. Murx. Lil-t.


Op.: Verstopfung./Darmverschluss (Lähmung von Darm +/o. Blase nach Operation)

[S. Lilienthal]

Sil. may clear up the results of mastoid operations which fail to heal easily.

[Charles E. Fisher]

Staph.: indicated in shock after operations in the abdomen.

Hyper.:of the first importance in shock from injuries to or from operations upon the nerves,

Puls.: and Clem.: not be overlooked when the cause of shock lies in injuries to or diseases of the ovaries or testicles.

[J.T. Kent]

Surgical operations with much cutting. Afterwards with prostration, coldness, oozing blood: Carb-v., not helping: Stront-c. “Stront-c. is the Carb-v. of the surgeon.”

[H.C. Allen]

Acet-ac. after surgical shock;

[Mohinder Singh Jus]

Med.: ist eine ausgezeichnete Arznei, wenn Konzentrations- und Gedächtnisprobleme oder Verwirrtheit nach einer Narkose auftreten. Orientierungsprobleme, verliert den

Faden beim Reden, erinnert sich nicht einmal mehr an seinen eigenen Namen, ist total verwirrt, scheint in Richtung Demenz zu gehen, hat Angst davor, den Verstand zu

verlieren, erzählt immer wieder das Gleiche; solche massiven Folgen von Narkose sind mehrheitlich bei älteren Patienten anzutreffen und eine Dosis Med. C200 oder M

hilft ihnen rasch, ihre Balance wieder zu finden.

[E.A. Farrington]

Calc-p., When a fistula in ano has been operated on and other affections follow.

[Y.R. Agrawal]

Before operation:

Coff.: The highly sensitive intellectual patient who can not sleep from too acute hearing.

Coll: given before operation for rectal diseases it is apt to reduce complications afterwards.

Gels.: For the nervous patient who is unable to prevent too frequent bladder or bowel evacuations. (Ign.)

Glon.: An unusually high blood pressure, due to nervousness at the approaching operation, will be lessened.


Phos.: Many surgeons are accustomed to give a dose of Phosphorus in reasonably high potency an hour or two before operating. They claim that it seems to prevent

a great many of the troubles which arise as a result of the shock after opening the abdomen. When this is done, it often avoids peristaltic which may follow abdominal

surgery. For preoperative anticipation Phos. 200 can be given with Arnica or other pre-operative medicine.

Puls.: This restores the weak, weeping female equilibrium.

Rhus-t.: Best prophylactic for surgery. In 30th dilution every 3 hours. Prevents Sepsis.

Sulph.: In appropriate cases a dose or two of Sulphur high prior to operation secures better reaction from shock, modifies the ill effects of the anaesthetic, and induce

a better wound state. Very useful in diarrhoea following or preceding operation and failure to react properly after operation.

Zinc-met.: Helps the patient whose nervousness shows itself by restless feet.

Fear for the operation:

Acon.: Plethoric, easily excited persons, full of fears as to the approaching operations. A dentist used to administer Acon. while patients were still in the wraiting room

to modify their fear prior to tooth extraction.

Anac.: When the fear produces anger, with swearing.

Ars./Chin.: Weakness and exhaustion, with fear and trembling in dread of the ordeal; thirsty and perspiring.

Aur-m-n.: Weak and fearful, with tendency to run away.

Op.: Occasionally useful when the old fright is presumably restimulated by another frightening experience.

Phos.: Has been found of value in allaying apprehension before operation in children.

After operation:

Arn. C 200 - C 1000 3 - 4x nach der Operation (invaluable for involuntary urination after surgery.)

Carb-a.: intestinal gas after surgery

Carb-v.: septic conditions-blood poisoning (after operations and after shock).

Cham. C 30 bei Schmerzen nach der Operation, einige Gaben

Hyper. C 30 bei Nervenverletzungen nach OP.

Nux-v. C 30 - 200 bei Übelkeit und Erbrechen nach der Operation

Hiccough: Hyos.

Retention of urine: Caust.

Raph.: indicated when signs suggest intestinal obstruction, where there is a good deal of irregularly distributed abdominal distension, pockets of wind which the patient

cannot move-up or down/often complain of icy cold knees. Mental best described as a feeling that they are finished and their number is up – and almost an acceptance

of this. Often much more useful than

Carb-v. or Ars.

After operations on the eyes: Hyper. All-c. useful for pain after operations (removal of cataracts)           

Neuralgie: Mez.

Faec. = Darmnosode: post-operative diarrhea, constipation or skin problems

[Dr. W.A. Dewey]

After Operations on the Eyes

Acon.: Principal remedy

Bry.: Pain in head + vomiting

Ign.: Violent pains in temples

Rhus-t.: Pains shooting into head

Senega.: Promotes the absorption of lens debris.

Strontium.: Objects appear as if tinged with blood.

[Christian Petras]

Syc-Co in einem Glas mit Arnica fördert den Heilungsprozess nach operativen Eingriffen.



Carb-v.: septic conditions-blood poisoning (after operations and after shock).

Stront-c.: great use in the sudden collapse of vital energy following an operation, where Carb-v. at first seems to be indicated. In this surgical collapse, where there

has been an extended operation with much cutting and this collapse follows, with cold breath, cold body and pinched appearance, Carb-v. may fail you,

Stront-c. if there has been previous congestion, will fit in exactly.

In several instances under my care, Staphisagria C 30 2 - 3x nach der Operation

Stront-c. has saved life/can be called “surgeon's Carbo-v.”

                  Chin:: Schmerzhafte Blähungen, keine Erleichterung durch Windabgang

Staph.: Schmerz und andere Unterleibsbeschwerden nach chirurgischen Eingriffen im Unterleib.

13. Operationen I

Angst vor Operationen

[Saptarshi Banerjea]

COURAGEOUS: Opium inspires courage and resolution in one who is afraid of a surgical operation. Criminals (in India) lose their fear of death and go courageously to

execution. It imparts courage & increased strength but in larger doses causes rage & fury. panische Angst C 200 1x, unmittelbar vor der Operation geben, falls nötig


Arn.: Vorbeugung gegen Blutung und Schmerzen D200 1x am Morgen vor der Operation

Lach.: Risikofall mit Embolie- oder Thrombosegefahr (Krampfadern/Wechseljahre/Fettsucht) D 12 abends, 2 Tage vor und bis 10 Tage nach der Operation

Phos.: bei Blutungsneigung (Neigung zu Nasenbluten, oft blaue Flecken, kleine Wunden oder Zahnextraktions-Wunden bluten stark und lange D200 1x einen Tag

vor der Operation. Erwachen aus der Narkose

Nux-v.: Folgen der Narkose - Entgiftung Erbrechen, Übelkeit C 30 1x, bei Bedarf wiederholen

Phos.: Kopfschmerz, Erbrechen, erwacht nicht richtig, Dämmerzustand C 200 1x im Wasser

Heilungsunterstützung nach der Operation

Staph.: für glatte Heilung der Schnittwunde gegen Nachblutungen Minderung der Beschwerden C 30 auflösen

- erstes Mittel für Schnittwunden (genähte, nach Operationen- immer angezeigt nach Episiotomie!)

- Schmerzen an alten Narben oder Operationsstellen (auch nach Jahren oder Jahrzehnten)

Schmerzen nach der Operation

Hyper.: Schnitte durch nervenreiches Gewebe, Nervenschmerzen C 30 auflösen

Staph.: glatter Schnitt


Nierensteinzertrümmerung, Steinentfernung mit Schlinge, Nierenspiegelung

[Praful Vijayakar]

Beschwerden nach Lithotrypsie (= Zertrümmerung von Nieren-, Gallenblasen- oder Blasensteinen an Niere oder an Gelenken)

Dehnungsschmerzen nach Herz-/Blasenkatheter, Rektoskopie, Magenspiegelung C 30 auflösen

Kollaps nach Operation

Stront-c. (nur der Vollständigkeit halber) C 200 1x

Jucken bei Wundheilung

Anag.: Wunde juckt unerträglich C 30 1x, bei Bedarf wiederholen (Schmerzen nach der Operation)

Bel-p.: wunder Schmerz, wie gequetscht Weichteilverletzung C 30 auflösen

Anhaltende Schwäche nach Operationen

Chin.: Folge von Säfteverlust, blass, schwach, blutarm C 30 auflösen


14. Operationen II


Arn.: lindert Schmerzen, vermindert Blutung C 30 1x kurz nach Zahnarzttermin  C 200 nach größeren Eingriffen (Zahnextraktion, Schleifen der Kronen etc.,


Nux-v.: Entgiftung nach Narkose(spitze) C 30 1x

Hyper.: Betäubung läßt nach – Nervenschmerz zieht bis in den Oberkiefer C 30 1x.

Gabe in Glas Wasser schluckweise über den Tag verteilt trinken, bei Bedarf am nächsten Tag wiederholen

Phyt.: Vorbeugung gegen Herdstreuung (Zahn auf Eiter)

Darmverschlingung (Ileus) nach Operation

Op.: Totenstille im Bauch, totale Darmlähmung, ohnmächtige, krampfartige Schmerzen C 200 1x in Wasser

Harnverhaltung nach Operation

Caust.: Kann kein Wasser lassen; Blasenlähmung mit unbemerktem Abgang von Urin C 200 1x

Staph.: Druck auf der Blase, tröpfchenweiser Abgang von Urin C 200 1x, bei Bedarf wiederholen

Verstopfung nach Operation

Op.: Darmträgheit. Versuch machen, bei Mißerfolg Staphisagria! C 30 1x in Wasser

Staph.: Darmlähmung C 30 1x in Wasser

Schluckauf nach Operation

Cupr-met.: krampfartig C 200 1x in Wasser


Acon.: Hauptarznei! 1x, bei Bedarf wiederholen in den Augen, Rötung, heftige Schmerzen C 200

Ign.: Schmerz in Schläfen nach Augenoperation, heftig, drückend C 200

Seneg.: löst nach Staroperation Linsentrümmer auf C 200


Arn.: Principal remedy.

Led.: Hemorrhage in anterior chamber of eye after iridectomy.

Senna.: Promotes absorption of lens debris.

Bry.: pain in head + vomiting.

Ign.: Violent pain in temples.

Croc-s.: Hammering and jerking in the eyes.

Asar.: Jerking pain with vomiting and diarrhea.

Rhus-t.: Pains shooting in head.

Thuj.: Stinging in temples.


Senn. = Cassia angustifolia Nasal septum deviated Physical examination of a prover conducted after the conclusion of proving revealed a deviated nasal septum which was not there earlier.

On the other hand another prover who had a deviated nasal septum before the commencement of the proving manifested its correction at the end of the proving ?).


Avoiding Surgery

In the nasal tract, polyps will yield to Calc. Sang. Phos. Teucrium.

Gall bladder surgery can be indefinitely postponed very often with Calc. Bry. Chel. Podo. Mag-m. Coloc.

Ovarian cysts yield to Coloc. Lyc. Lach. Podo. Thuj.

Lyc. and Sepia prevent hernia better than trusses.

Many prolapsed operations can be averted by Sep. Murx. Lil-t.

Even in strangulated hernia, Nux-v. will sometimes relax and reduce the hernia while the operating room is being prepared.



Here the vital point before the physician is to decide whether he should give morphine to the patient to relieve his pains. It should, however, be noted that morphine disturbs the stomach, stops peristalsis, has a tendency to stop the urine. If the pains are once relieved by morphine, the life of the patient becomes miserable, for he would refuse to sleep afterwards. Give morphine only

when it is evident that the suffering will do the patient more harm than will the drug. An exception has, however, to be made in cases of patients who were in the habit of taking opium even before. The prominent homoeopathic remedies that could be used as a substitute and quietening the irritability nerve:


Hyper. supercedes the use of morphia after operation.


Berb. Pain in lumbar region

Asar: Darting pains (head)

Lyc.: post-operative colic

Raph.: post-operative colic

Myg.: Urination dribbling after any spinal surgery.


[Dr. V. Krishnamurthy]

For complaints developing after surgery: take the following:

GENERALITIES – WOUNDS, constitutional effects of: Arn. Carb-v. Con. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Staph. Sul-ac. Zinc-met.

Observations following post-surgery cases on blood plasma levels of ascorbic acid. Deduction is evident of the need for substantial amounts of ascorbic acid prior to surgery.

In 1960 and again in 1966, in papers delivered before the Tri-State Medical Society, I called attention to the "scurvy" levels of ascorbic acid found in postoperative patients.

Plasma levels recorded before starting anaesthesia and after cessation of such inhalants and completion of surgery remained unchanged. This has lead many to believe that

surgery created little or no demand for supplemental "C".

We found, however, that samples of blood taken six hours after surgery showed drops of approximately 1/4 the starting amount and at 12 hours the levels were down to

one-half. Samples taken 24 hours later, without added ascorbic acid to fluids, showed levels ¾ lower than the original samples. Baylor University re-search team reported

similar findings in 1965.

Bartlett, Jones and others reported that in spite of low levels of plasma ascorbic acid at time of surgery, normal wound healing may be produced by adequate vitamin C

therapy during the post-operative period.

Lanman and Ingalls showed that the tensile strength of healing wounds is lowered in the presence of "scurvy plasma levels". Schumacher reported that the pre-operative

use of as little as 500 mg of vitamin C given orally "was remarkably successful in preventing shock and weakness" following dental extractions. Many other investigators

have shown in both laboratory and clinical studies, that optimal primary wound healing is dependent to a large extent upon the vitamin C content of the tissues.

In 1949, it was my privilege to assist at an abdominal exploratory laparotomy. A mass of small viscera was found "glued together".

The area was so friable that every attempt at separation produced a torn intestine. After repairing some 20 tears the surgeon closed the cavity as a hopeless situation.

Two grams ascorbic acid was given by syringe every two hours for 48 hours and then 4x daily. In 36 hours the patient was walking the halls and in 7 days was discharged

with normal elimination and no pain. She has outlived her surgeon by many years.

We recommend that all patients take 10 grams ascorbic acid each day. Where this is not done and the surgery is elective, then 10 grams by mouth should be given for several

weeks prior to surgery. At least 30 grams should be given, daily, in solutions, post-operatively, until oral medication is allowed and tolerated.


[Dana Ullman]

Homeopathic Medicines Before and After Surgery

Homeopathic medicines can reduce complications of surgery and augment healing so that people can recover more quickly afterward.

Surgeons commonly ask patients not to take any food, drink, or drugs prior to surgery. It makes sense to avoid food, drink, and conventional drugs, there have never been

any reported problems from taking homeopathic remedies prior to surgery.

            Recommended prior to surgery Ferr-p. D/C 6 4x daily for 2 days to prevent infection and hemorrhaging.

            Emotions prior to surgery

Gels. C 6 - C 30: great anxiety, apprehension, weakness, and trembling prior to surgery. Acon. C 6 - C 30: terrified about surgery and thinks that he will die from it.


Take either Gels. or Acon. the night before the surgery and another dose upon waking in the morning. If fear +/o. anxiety is felt after surgery, take 1 - 3 more doses.


One double-blind, randomized trial on 50 children who underwent surgery showed that 95% of those given the homeopathic medicine Acon. experienced significantly less

post-operative pain and agitation. Acon. was chosen because it is a common remedy for ailments in which sudden and violent onset of shock or trauma is a primary indication,

as well as symptoms of fear and anxiety, common emotions. Experienced by children prior to surgery.


Arn.: commonly given before and after surgery because of its ability to reduce surgical shock and minimize bleeding. Surgical shock is a condition that trauma or surgery can

cause in which all the capillaries and small blood vessels are filled with blood at the same time. A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study showed that Arn. significantly

decreased bleeding time.

Late Donald Foubister recommended Arn. C 30 the night before surgery, another dose the morning of the surgery, another dose just prior to the surgery, and different medicines afterward, depending upon the type of surgery and the symptoms the patient feels.



Long-term intravenous (IV) therapy. Frequent insertion of an IV commonly causes phlebitis (inflammation of the vein) and hematoma (the pooling of blood under the skin); a double-blind study using Arn. C 5 found that it can effectively reduce and prevent such problems. The study showed significant benefits from Arn., including reduced pain. Besides subjective improvement, there were also objectively measured increases in blood flow and in blood coagulation factors.


Before surgery:

Arn.: primary remedy to be taken just prior to the majority of surgeries, there are a certain number of operations for which Dr. Foubister commonly recommended other remedies.

Raph.: post operative indicated cases in which there are signs suggesting intestinal obstruction, where there is a good deal of irregularly distributed abdominal distension, pockets of wind which

the patient cannot move –up or down. They very often complain of icy cold knees. The mental attitude is best described as a feeling that they are finished and their number is up and almost an acceptance of this. In post operative cases of this kind, Raphanus often more useful than Carb-v. or Ars. In bad cases, it is certainly more useful than Lycopodium.

Ruta. C 30 for surgery involving cartilage and periosteum, as is often occurs in the knee or elbow. Evening before, the morning of the operation, and immediately afterward.

Staph. C 20 o. Aesc-h. C 30 for hemorrhoidal surgery, in a similar pattern as described for Ruta.

Staph. C 30 and Arn. C 30 before circumcision should be given similarly as above.


After surgery. Please note that the length of time of treatment can and should be different with each patient, depending upon the intensity of symptoms. Doses should generally be taken as long as pain persists, though they should not be taken for more than a couple of days, unless the person is still in pain and the remedy is providing obvious relief.

Arn. C 6 - C 30 should be given for at least 2 doses after surgery, approximately one hour apart.

In addition to this remedy, the following remedies should be given one hour after the last dose of Arn.:

Visc- fraxini.


Gynecological surgery:

Dilation and curettage: Bell. C 30 every 6 hours

Hysterectomy: Caus. C 30 3x daily (some recommend Staph. C 6 - C 30 3x daily)

Caesarean section or episiotomy: Staph. C 30 or Bellis perennis C 30 3x daily

Abortion or miscarriage: Ign. C 30 every 4 hours

Plastic surgery on the breast: Bel-p. C 6 - C 30 3x daily

Amputation of the breast or a lump: Ham. C 30 every 4 hours

Circumcision: Staph. C 30 and Arn.: C 30 every 4 hours for a day.

Prostate surgery: Staph. C 30 3x daily

Abdominal surgery: Staph. C 30 or Bel-p. C 30 3x daily

Appendectomy: Rhus-t. C 30 3x daily

Gastrectomy: Raph. C 30 3x daily

Gall bladder surgery: Lyc. C 30 3x daily

Eye surgery: Led. C 30 every 4 hours

Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy: Rhus-t. C 30 every 4 hours


Heart surgery

            Adonis: a cardiac tonic, regulating the pulse and increasing the contraction. It is also useful after operations of the heart (bypass, valve operations etc.)


Orthopedic surgery

involving cartilage or periosteum: Ruta C 30 every 4 hours

involving the spine: Hyper. C 30 every 4 hours

Surgery for bullet wounds +/o. stab wounds: Staph.  C 30 4 x daily

Plastic surgery: Arn. C 30 (internally) and Calen. (externally) 4 x daily

Amputation: Hyper. C 30 every 4 hours.  (stinging pain in stump after operation). Mag-p. Staph. (neuralgia after amputation).

[R.B. Bishambar Das]

Select Your Remedy

Hemorrhoids: Staph. C 30 or Aesc-h. C 30 every 4 hours for 2 or 3 days

Varicose veins: Led. C 30 3x daily

Dental surgery: Hyper. C 30 # Ruta C 30 every 2 to 4 hours


Specific Ailments After Surgery

Fear of Death: Acon. C 30 is indicated (every hour for up to 4 doses).

Bleeding: Arn. C 30 helps to slow or stop bleeding after surgery.

Phos. C 30 is the primary remedy for helping to stop bleeding when Arn. does not work adequately.

Ip. C 30 when there is much bleeding of bright red blood, often + nausea.

Sec. C 30 uterine bleeding < heat and > cold.

Chin. C 30 bleeding and general loss of fluids lead them to feel weak and faint and have ringing in the ears. This remedy is sometimes indicated several weeks, months,

or years after much fluid has been lost, after either an illness or an operation.

Ars. C 30 profuse bleeding leads to great weakness, burning pains, restlessness, anxiety, and fear, along with a characteristically large thirst for only sips at a time.

Dose: Take the remedy every hour until bleeding stops, not more than 4 doses. If bleeding has not significantly slowed, consider another remedy. The next day, take one more

dose of whichever works to reduce the possible complications of blood loss.

A jewel in surgical shock: Stront-c.




Trauma to Tissue

Arn. topically and Arn. C 6 - C 30 muscle feels bruised or swollen and when there is any pooling of blood under the skin.

Ham. topically and Ham. C 6 - C 30 weak veins, passive hemorrhage, bleeding hemorrhoids, or varicose veins. Capillaries are enlarged and congestion is marked.

Calen. external application (gel, ointment, tincture, spray) to heal wounds or incisions.

Bel-p. C 6 - C 30 after abdominal surgery and when deep internal tissue has been traumatized.


Dose: Apply external remedies at least once a day, and apply again if bathing washes them off. Generally, only 2 - 8 doses of the internal remedy over a two day period will be necessary to complete

the healing process.


Wound Infection

Calen. And Hyper. external applications alone or preferably together, help to both prevent and treat infection of surgical wounds.

Hep. C 30 if pus has developed and caused hypersensitivity of the wound/= an effective remedy for helping to push out splinters, pieces of glass, and various foreign objects that get stuck under the

skin, it also has a tendency to push out surgical stitches. Not recommended when there are stitches, except towards the end of the healing process, when their removal is part of the healing.

Lach. C 30 or Gun. C 30 wound becomes purplish

Sulph. burning in the wound (area).


Dose: Apply external remedies at least once a day, better more often and apply again after bathing. Take internal remedies every 2 - 4 hours during the first 24 hours and 4 x daily for 2 to 5 more days.


Scarring and Adhesions:

Thios.: Scar/Narbe

Apply Thiosinaminum tincture externally or use an external combination formula that also contains Calendula (some injury gels include these ingredients). Graph. C 12.


Dose: Apply external remedies at least once a day, and apply them again if bathing washes them off. You may need to do this for several weeks or months. Internal remedies should be taken 3x daily

for two days, and if necessary, repeated one month later.



Raph. C 6 - C 30: constipation with no urgings for a stool and/or when there is painful gas;


Dose: Take this remedy 3x daily for up to 4 days.


Nausea and Vomiting

Nux-v. C 6 - C 30 violent retching (generally ineffectual retching that does not lead to vomiting).

Phos. C 6 - C 30 prevents or treat nausea after surgery; wiith a strong thirst for ice drinks; he or she may also have a concurrent headache.

Ip. C 6 - C 30 persistent nausea with vomiting, which does not provide relief.

Ars. C 6 - C 30 violent and incessant vomiting < drinking (cold) water or eating. There may also be burning pain in the stomach.


Dose: Take a remedy every two hours during intense symptoms and every 4 hours during less intense discomfort. If improvement is not obvious after 24 hours, consider another remedy.



Carb-v. C 6 - C 30 DIStension and offensive gas, who get some relief from release of gas, desires carbonated drinks because they seem to help them release gas.

Chin. C 6 - C 30 more pain than distension, frequent rumbling in the abdomen, and no relief from releasing gas.

Raph. C 6 - C 30 distended abdomen but are unable to expel gas. Because this condition is extremely common after (abdominal) surgery.

Coloc. C 6 - C 30 more pain than distension, and also cramps > bending over.


Dose: Take a remedy every 2 hours during intense pain and every 4 hours during mild discomfort. If improvement is not obvious after 24 hours, consider another remedy.


Materia medica:

 Found highly effective in the treatment of post-surgical agitation in children. Commonly used for both pre- and post-surgical anxiety and of the fear of dying.

All-c.: Neuralgia of the stump following amputation.

Arg-n.: Anxiety and panic in anticipation of the surgical procedure before the event.

Arn.: Tissue damage from all causes (+ bruised pain)/recovery from tissue damage of surgical origin/reduces post-surgical bruising and swelling and is very effective at reducing post-surgical pain.

Has a significant role to play in reducing the risk of post surgical haemorrhage as well as surgical shock, a condition that results in capillaries and arterioles all filling with blood at the same time, leading to insufficient arterial pressure. Useful with people on long-term intravenous therapy where they run the risk of developing phlebitis and haematomas.

Bell-p.: Surgery on abdominal, thoracic or pelvic areas and this has resulted in pain that’s felt deep in these areas. DD.: Led., Bellis < cold.

Chin.: Loss of fluid loss during or after surgery lead to fatigue and other health problems.

Ferr-p.: Use for a few days prior to surgery to reduce the risk of surgical infection or haemorrhage.

Gun.: Can provide relief from post-surgical infections and sepsis.

Ham.: Indicated for engorgement or congestion of the veins following surgery as well as slow haemorrhaging of dark blood from the site of the surgery.

Hyper.: Recovery from post-surgical damage to nerves and also where there is excessive post-surgical pain, particularly where arnica appears to be ineffective and where the pain is shooting in character.

Use for pain felt in a limb stump after amputation and phantom limb pain that may occur after amputation.

Ip.: For nausea or vomiting following surgery as well as haemorrhages of bright red blood.

Led.: Post surgical pain where the wound feels cold but the pain > cold.

Naja.: For hypotension that may result from shock and some medications used for surgery.

Nux-v.: General for the effects of anaesthesia following surgery.

Phos.: Haemorrhage during or after surgery. Effects of anaesthesia.

Raph.: Constipation that follows (abdominal) surgical procedures as well flatus that is difficult to expel (= incarceration of flatus).

Ruta.: Surgery has affected the periosteum, cartilage or tendons leading to damage in these areas, pain or delayed recovery.

Staph.: Pain at the site of the incisional wounds that occur in surgical procedures.

Symph.: For injuries to bones that may occur during surgery.

Thios.: For post-surgical scarring.


[Howard Crutcher/Presented by Sylvain Cazalet]

Accurately speaking, surgical remedies include nearly the entire list of homoepatic medicines. There are some, however, more prominent in the surgical field than others, and are shall outlined briefly.


+ Coldness: Camph.

+ blueness: Carb-v. blueness calls for Carbo-veg.,

+ cold sweat on forehead/body: Verat.

Effects of hæmorrhage.

Distressing restlessness and tossing about/sends doctor away: Acon.

THIRST immediately following loss of blood is frequently controlled: Ars.

Acute symptoms subsided: Chin.

Severe operations upon the abdomen:

Staph deserves especial mention for its power to control subsequent pain.

Painful surgical conditions:

Intolerable, tearing pains in a wound/stump: Coff.

Moderate pain with great restlessness: Acon.

Sharp, darting pains along the line of the incision: Led.

In chronic abscess, in bone diseases involving the ligaments and the glands:

Sil. cold, objectively and subjectively/movements sluggish; wounds are slow in coming, slow in healing; the pus is offensive.

Hep. more quickly attacked, is inclined to heal more rapidly, wound more active/discharges less offensive.

Calc. sweaty, blue-eyed, fat or lean, but always flabby; wounds leave large scars; neck is enlarged somewhere; joints loose. A long scar in the carotid triangles, with a pair of crooked legs always calls for Calc.

The pus is thin and runs easily as a rule.

Phos. a sensitive wound; it bleeds freely; it appears angry and fiery red, or perhaps pale, but always ready to bleed in a stream; patient tall, spare, red-headed and freckle-faced. Constipated and at times some indefinite trouble with his bladder.

Lach. presents a blue wound; big veins; probably sloughing; much dead tissue in wound; < morning; tendency to the formation of sinusitis. Pus thick and flaky.

Dislocations: Rhus-t.



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