Strontium carbonicum (Stront-c) = Strontianit (Argyllshire, Scotland)/= Silberstein SrCO3


„surgeon's Carb-v.

= Bell. + Calc. (Angst dunkel/Anstrengung = rotes Gesicht/NachtSCHWEIß/Knochen/Knöchelverrenkung)/= Bar-c.-ähnlich;

Akut: Ohnmachtempfinden + Kälte ohne Schweiß/alte Verletzungen an Beinen melden sich wieder;

Verbirgt: Aggression zurückgehalten, kontrolliert, zeigt: Braucht Ratgeber/Hilfe/Unterstützung in neuen Situationen um Aktivität (Vitalität) für erfolgreiche Bewältigung

der Aufgabe zu erhalten (auch selbst Ratgeber für andere);

Positiv: ViTAL/arbeitet in Gruppen (sozial);

Negativ: A. Sensitiv (Kälte/Luftzug), B. verlangt Wärme + Licht, C. Hitzewallungen, D. Hoher Blutdruck/drohender Schlaganfall, E. Frostig, F. schüchtern + zaghaft,

G. Verlangt Gesellschaft/Freunden/Ratgebern; H. Ängste vor Zukunft/Alleinsein;


VerGESSlich, IRritiert, Unruhe/Qual, ängstliche Vorahnungen, Gesicht erhitzt, ist allein an unbekanntem Ort (neue Herausforderung) einen erfahren Ratgeber benötigen;

o. andere befinden mich für zu klein (unerfahren) den Wunsch nach neuer Herausforderung annehmen zu können.

AppeTIT; Augen „Wie gereizt“ + Tränenfluss; Nachtschweiß, < abends/nachts/urinieren/Kälte/ausziehen/hinlegen/aufstehen/fegen/Dunkel/reiben/körperliche Anstrengung

(errötet)/gehen/Kälte, > frische Luft /Wärme/einhüllen/Licht/Körperteilen in heißes Wasser tauchen, Symptom kommt + geht langsam, r. Schulter, Knochen (chronischer


[Rajan Sankaran]

Strontium carbonicum as one of the dependence remedies, which also includes Calcarea and Barium

Strontium belongs to group IIA of the Periodic Table along with Magnesium, Calcium and Barium. It lies between Calcium and Barium. The theme of group IIA is the

theme of dependence.

Magnesium represents the dependence of an infant, that is, total dependent for nutrition, security, etc.

Calcarea represents the dependence of a child, i.e. he can walk and move, but still he needs the protective cover of the house, and he is not willing to take up the challenges

that the environment outside his house has to offer.

Strontium represents the age of adolescence. This is the age when one ventures out into the new, with the full knowledge that if one is faced with a problem, one could

always come back.

What Strontium looks for is guidance, that is, an experienced person’s help to chart out the unknown, someone to rely on if there is a problem. The relationship with this

guide is the most important thing in his life, and there can be problems if such a person is missing or guides in excess. New tasks like learning to drive a car or starting a

profession, are anxious moments for Strontium carbonicum and he needs the encouragement and support of an experienced person.

In comparison, Bar-c. for the next age, that is adulthood, where one has to take up the complete responsibility without anyone behind. In such a situation, the Bar-c.

experiences a sense of incapacity and of complete dependence.


Suggested rubrics for Strontium carbonicum:

            Fears strangers.

            Delusion, things seem strange.

            Fear, understanding new things.

            Fear, dark.

            Delusion, a hand behind him.

            Company, desire for.

            Dreams, snakes.

            Desires, cheese, pizzas.

            Started easily.

            Desires sunlight +  >

            Single symptom.

            Guidance, need for.


The rubrics are derived from the proving that I had conducted. I have also observed among the patients and provers of Strontium carbonicum a strong desire for cheese.


Ankles weak.

Ankles puffy swollen.

[Dr. A.L. Blackwood]

Threatening apoplexy, when there is violent congestion of the head, with a red face while exercising. Headache comes up from the nape of the neck and spreads over the head;

Ursache: Körperliche Anstrengung/Ahnung/Erwartung/Verachtung/Operation (surgical shock);


Komplementär: Puls. Rhus-t. Tub.


Gut gefolgt von: Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc. Caus. Kali-c. Merc. Phos. Ruta. Sep. Sulph.


Vergleich: Mag-f. DD.: Arn. Bell-p. Calc. Carb-v. Glon. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t.

Guaj. (Stront-c = im Gegensatz zu Guaj aktiv + dominierend);

Nux-v. cholerisch mit großem Pflichtgefühl

Comparison. Carbo vegetabilis + Strontium carbonicum

Siehe: Strontium + Carbon

Strontium carbonicumgruppe



Stront-c = Bell. + Calc. (Angst dunkel/Anstrengung = rotes Gesicht/NachtSCHWEIß/Knochen/ Knöchelverrenkung)



Antidotiert: Atomstrahlen,                                                Antidotiert von: Camph.


Wirkung: 40 Tagen  ringwormoid/pletorisch/melancholisch/phlegmatisch/psorisch/sycotisch


Repertorium:                                                                      [Jonice M. Owen]

STRONTIUM CARBONICUM (stront-c.)                                  

MIND: - -   Joyful.  - -   Sympathetic. Cries easily.  - -   Active. Very helpfull. Decisive.

   -   Fear of thunderstorm. Disgust of hairy animals. - -   Irritable, sudden anger.


   -   < Beginning to move/Rest/Change of weather/Uncovering   -   > Warm application.

   -   Hypertension with flushed face/pulsating arteries/threatened  apoplexy. Arterio-sclerosis.

   -   CollapSED states, coldNESS, PROSTRATION after SURGERY. Hemorrhage

       after operations.   - -   Climacteric or hormonal disturbances.

FOOD AND DRINKS:  - -   Desire: Milk, (sour) fruit, bread, beer.  - -   Aversion: Meat.

HEAD: - -   Violent pulsation (Glon).

   -   Pain from the neck spreading upwards. > Wrapping head up warmly. (Sil)

EYE: - -   Disturbances of vision AFTER operation.

FACE: - -   Plethoric. Congested. Flushes face with sensation of heat.

   -   Supra-orbital neuralgia, pain increases and decreases slowly.

REKTUM: - -   Diarrhea with rheumatic complaints (Dulc).

   -   Diarrhea, < night, > towards morning. Continuous urging at night. - -   Constipation.

   -   Burning pain lasting a long time after stool (Merc-c, Paeon, Rat).

EXTREMITIES: - -   Chronic COMPLAINTS of ANKLE. Sprains of ankle with edema.

   -   Sciatica with edema of ankle. - -   Rheumatic pains, esp. joints.

   -   Dilated veins, especially arms and hands.

SKIN: - -   Itching, burning eruption, > open air, esp. warm sunshine.



Gemüt: Zurückhaltend, reserviert

Zorn (plötzlich/heftig/so wütend, dass er jeden erstechen könnte)

Waschen und Baden abgeneigt

Wahnideen - Verbrechern/würde gehoben

Verwirrung, geistige (durch alkoholische Getränke)/Vergesslich


Traurig (erwachend/abends im Bett)/Kummer



Sitzen geneigt

Schreit im Schlaf

Schmollt/Lästig, geht auf die Nerven

Schlagt (um sich auf eingebildete Objekte ein)

Ruhelos (nachts)/Reizbar, gereizt/Mürrisch


Licht - Verlangen nach

Hochmütig, arrogant

Heftig, vehement (Raserei führt zu Gewalttaten)/Destruktiv, Zerstörungswut


Gedanken versunken, in/Gedanken - überlegt/Gedächtnisschwäche


Erschrickt leicht/Erregt mit heftigem Herzklopfen

Dunkelheit <


Beschwerden durch Zorn/Verachtung; verachtet zu werden/Erwartungsspannung

Auf-/Zusammenfahren („Wie“) durch Schreck/im Schlaf/einschlafend/heftig/ ängst-lich/um Mitternacht im Schlaf/abends einschlafend)

Angst [mit Kopfschmerz/Gewissensangst/mit Furcht/erwachend/im Bett/nachts (vor Mitternacht)/abends (im Bett)/nachmittags)]/Furcht (Unheil/Dunkelheit/abends/nachmittags)


Träume: Wecken auf (häufig)/Viele/Verdrießlich/Unwichtig/Traurig/voller Sorgen/Schrecklich (nach Mitternacht)/Lebhaft/Feuer/Ängstlich/Angenehm

Fieber: Trockene Hitze/Schweiß mit Hitze/> nach Essen/Entblößen abgeneigt/nach Bett  Verlassen/Absteigend/1. Hitze 2. Schweiß/Frost - > äußerliche Wärme/nach Stuhlgang/ Schüttelfrost abends/im Freien/Kälte/im Herbst und Frühling 1 Körperteil befallend/Frösteln/ > nach Essen/entblößend/entkleidend/im Bett/> Aufstehen vom Bett/Beginnt im und breitet sich aus vom Rücken (Lumbalregion)/vormittags (9 - 12 h)

Haut: Zusammenziehung/Trocken (brennend)/Stechen (nach Kratzen)/Spannung/Schwellung (hart)/Kälte (Flecken)/Jucken (fein stechend/wenn Schmerz aufhört/< Kratzen/brennend/beißend)/Hautausschläge (im Winter/Tuberkel - juckend/fein stechend/Pickel (nach Kratzen/ juckend/ brennend/blutend)/nach Kratzen/juckend/gespannt/brennend/Blasenausschlag - schmerzlos/ beißend)/Geschwüre (unterminiert/gespannt (Hof)/brennend)/Brennen (nach Kratzen)/Beißen

Schweiß: Symptome > während Schwitzen/an erkrankten Teilen/abgeneigt/nachts (22 - 6 h) (während Hitze)

Schlaf: Unterbrochen (morgens)/unerquicklich/mit Träumen nach o. vor Mitternacht/schläfrig (beim Kopfschmerz/nachmittags)/Schlaflos (durch Gliederzucken/mit Schweiß/mit Konvulsion/während Hitze/zum Erwachen/durch  Auffahren/vor Mitternacht/nachts/abends)

Ruhelos (durch Träume)/Halbschlaf/Gestört (durch Träume (nach Mitternacht)/

durch Schwindel/durch Brustbeklemmung/aus Angst/nach Mitternacht)/Gähnen (häufig)

Erwacht (durch Träume/“Wie durch Schreck“/durch Husten/häufig (durch Träume)/

nach Mitternacht (gegen Morgen/1 h,/2h)//Einschlafen spät/mit Erstickungsgefühl

Allgemeines: Zusammenschnürung - innerlich (Knochen/Gelenke)/äußerlich

Zucken (einschlafend/im Schlaf/erwachend)

Zittern - innerlich/äußerlich (erwachend/bei alten Menschen/abends)

Zarte, empfindliche Konstitution - bei nervösen Menschen


Wind/“Wie Wellen“

Wetterwechsel </< von warm nach kalt/trockenes/< nasses/< nasskaltes

Wassersucht äußere

Wärme >/> Ofenwärme/> warme Luft/> Erwärmung/> Warmwerden/

Völlegefühl innerlich

Verlust von Blut

Verstauchung/Verrenkung/Beschwerden durch Operation/Knochenbrüche/ chronische Beschwerden durch)

Unempfindlich/körperlich träge/Reaktionsmangel/Mangel an körperliche Reizbarkeit

Trockenheit gewöhnlich feuchter innerer Teile

Tabak < o. >.

Stuhlgang - < während o. nach o. vor

Strahlentherapie; durch

Stehen <

Sprechen <

Speisen und Getränke - <: Wein/Alkohol      Abgeneigt: Fleisch/Essen                       Verlangt: Weinbrand, Brandy/Bier/Alkohol/Milch/(Butter)brot

Spannung - innerlich/Drüsen/äußerlich

Sonne - > Aufenthalt in Sonne .

Sitzen </> hinsetzend/Impuls, sich zu setzen

Seite - r./l./einseitig

Schweregefühl innerlich/äußerlich

Schwellung (Knochen/Drüsen (hart)

Schweiß - > nach/> während (verschafft keine Linderung)

Schwäche (Muskeln/Gelenke/mit Übelkeit/Sitzen/verlangt sich zu setzen/

lähmungsartig/Gehend/abends/morgens (im Bett)/Schmerz/Schlag, Schock/Schockzustand durch Verletzung

Schnäuzen der Nase <

Schlaffes Gefühl

Schlaf - < Schlafanfang/< im/< vor/Ruhe < o. >.

Rucke der Muskeln (Schlaf (einschlafend)/innerlich/wie bei Konvulsion)

Reiben <


Pulsieren - innerlich/äußerlich

Psora/Plethora/Blutwallung/Krebsleiden - Knochen/Kongestion - Blutandrang /Krampfadern/Erweiterung der Blutgefäße

Nüchtern, wenn < o. >.

Nekrose in Knochen

Nasse Anwendungen (< kalte, nasse Anwendungen)

Müde (morgens (erwachend)/Matt

Menses - während <

Luft < o. >/< Zugluft/< o. > Zimmerluft/im Freien/abgeneigt/verlangt)

Liegen </> Seitelage/< Rückenlage/> o. > im Bett/< nach

Licht > (Sonnenlicht)

Lähmung von Organen/schmerzlos/r./l./einseitig (nach Apoplexie)

Krankheitsgefühl; unbestimmtes, unklares (durch Schmerz)

Konvulsion (mit o. nach Schlaflosigkeit/klonisch/innerlich)

Karies in Knochen

Kälte eintretend in kaltes Zimmer/< o. > kalte Luft (< einatmen von)/< bei Abkühlung, Kaltwerden (Glieder/< nach)/<

Jahreszeiten - < im Winter/> im Sommer


Hitze - Lebenswärmemangel/Hitzewallung (während Menopause)/Bettdecken >. und Verlangt

Hinlegen, sich - Verlangt sich hinzulegen

Herunterhängen lassen der Glieder <

Heben, Überheben, durch Überanstrengen der Muskeln und Sehnen

Gehen (< o. >/Verlangt zu gehen/< o. > im Freien/< Gehanfang)

Gefühllos, taub innerlich/äußerlich/erkrankter Teile

Gang schwankend/stolpernd/wackelig und taumelnd

Frühstück - < o. > nach


Fieber - < bei.


Essen - (>) nach/vor


Entzündung (Nerven/Knochen/innerlich/Gelenke/der Venen)

Entblößen (< einzelner Teile/abgeneigt)

Empfindlich innerlich/äußerlich

Dunkelheit <

Druck <

Blutung (Blut (Klumpen/hellrot/nicht gerinnungsfähig)/Beschwerden nach Blutverlust

Bewegung < o. >/-verlangen> erkrankter Teile/abgeneigt)/< körperliche Anstrengung/Berührung <


Baden, Waschen </> warmes Baden/< kaltes Baden/abgeneigt

Aufstehen <

Einatmen <

Arteriosklerose/Apoplexie (drohend)

Ameisenlaufen in äußere Teile

Abmagerung, Marasmus

Nachts (vor Mitternacht)/abends (< zum Hinlegen)/nachmittags (13 - 18 h) - 16 h/mittags - Beschwerden steigen bis mittags an und nehmen dann ab/vormittags (9 - 12 h)/morgens (und abends)


[Ajit Kulkarni, P.I.Tarkas]



Head to Skin (Hahnemannian schema)


The remedies are presented through three divisions- ‘Generals’, ‘Particulars’ and ‘Remedy Relations’.

The remedy begins with ‘Monogram’. The monogram is a remedy’s signature. It is for adorning the esteem of a remedy. It unifies the essential threads and renders the fabric of the remedy. The monogram is something that represents or stands for something else by association, resemblance or convention and it also represents something hidden. The monogram is the center from which we can enter into the periphery.

The study of a remedy through monogram is a more specific way to describe the general manner in which the symptoms express themselves. This is the mode where the procedure itself takes place. The boxed type is like the dot on the forehead of our ladies. It bestows an impression, not just on impresser.

It conveys precisely and concisely what a drug fundamentally is! It is like a genetic code of an individual that contain its unique information and will display its characteristic pattern in the form of behaviour! It is like nucleus/essence/core/kernel/central idea which encompasses disturbances at mental, emotional and physical levels.

The study of monogram conforms to the concept of pathological general (Boger), but we have included pattern, pace and miasmatic activity too. Thus, it helps to see mental, emotional and pathological layers in integration and how mind and pathology run parallel in a case. In other words, psycho-clinico-patho-miasmatic co-relations can be constructed and perceived well with the concept of monogram.

Then the authors begin with Boger’s pattern of ‘Region Worse Better.” The Region section brings up the locations like – glands, bones, nerves, muscles, mucous membranes, sides, etc. which are the anatomical affinities of the remedy. Note that side is given at the end of Region. This facilitates quick reference.

The authors have tried to present anatomical localities in a hierarchical way. The Worse and Better section gives both general and particular modalities, the way in which the system reacts to the variable stimuli. After learning the Region, these are the codes on which the existence, the whole procedure is directed upon.

In order that this pattern should facilitate understanding of the remedy, the modalities are organized under sub-headings of Weather, Periodicity, Depressing factors, Depleting factors, Toxins, etc. This pattern could be called as an ‘expanded Boger’ and could be utilized as a direct prescriber in clinical practice.

A wide field of modalities is provided as the authors want to make the vision of our readers broader. To illustrate, we all know that Bryonia has < from least motion. But it is not only least motion < but many more modalities about motion <, that have been provided; we have highlighted motion > too under ‘Better’ section.

Highlights depict the ‘account’ of what a remedy has to offer in terms of essence. A terse selection has been offered here to emphasize the outstanding characters at many levels of keynotes, key themes, patterns, personality etc.

So far as Action is concerned, the authors have presented it in a chronological sequence. Taking the help of all the symptoms of a remedy as known to us through proving, clinical verification and toxicology, the action of a drug is explained as it will help perceive the direction of the disease progression. We hope that readers will learn more about the remedy after pondering over the introductory part.

The authors have snatched as many typological, physiognomic, psychological and other types – the constitutional peculiarities- as possible under ‘Make-up.’ Our drugs possess varied types than hitherto known! Dispositional characters are missing in our drugs in a major way. The readers will find them amply not only in polychrests but also in less used remedies. The authors have evolved dispositions after logical workout of the data and with their clinical experience.

Under ‘Nerves’ section the authors have cast Weakness, Universal commotion, Spasms, Convulsions, Pains, Numbness, Paralysis, Degeneration etc. The scattered data here and there in the proving and then evolved under time continuum, has been coherently compiled under sub-headings. This will facilitate easy reference to a remedy in clinical practice.

The same holds true to ‘Tissues’ Section. Pre-disposition, Tendencies, Diathesis etc. are mentioned while giving the pathogenetic action of the remedy. Sub-headings here are Blood, Bones, Muscles, Glands, Growths, Emaciation, Discharges, Dropsy, Nails, Cancer, etc. Under sub-headings, relevant information has been incorporated.

The division into General and Particulars, into Nerves and Tissues, allows the reader to look into specific information within a few seconds. To illustrate: if a reader wants to refer to pains of Agar. opening of ‘Nerves’ section will yield the relevant information in terms of type, modalities, characteristics, location and concomitants. Or, if a reader wants to know the action of Puls. on ‘Blood,’ open ‘Tissues’ section and he will get the relevant information. This information can be used for discrimination between several remedies.

The important data about ‘Mind’ has been given in the general section. The authors have focused on dispositional characters/temperamental characters which have been mentioned under ‘Make-up’ and ‘Mind’. Here progressive state of the mind is presented. The comparison between many remedies has been given too. The authors have avoided giving stories and expansive personality portraits of remedies in this MM.

After the ‘generals’ are over, the authors request the readers to take a ride into the area of ‘Particulars.’ Hahnemannian schema of ‘Head à Foot’ is the best method of fathom the action of the remedy on each particular organ. Here the authors have given the therapeutic information from practical standpoint under the heading ‘Particulars’. It covers characteristic symptoms, clinical tips and related remedies. The information has been provided under some headings and an orderly paragraphing has been done so that the reader receives the integrated information at one stroke. An attempt has been made to reduce the gap between MM and therapeutic book through this unique format.

Then follows the ‘Thermal state’ of the remedy that covers chill, heat, sweat, types of fevers and concomitants with characteristics. Here the authors have given many clinical conditions and tips.

The section on ‘Relations’ is quite interesting. It provides useful and new information logically deduced from ‘differential Materia medica’. Readers will enjoy going through the myriad of relations. Discrimination between remedies is an essential part of the study of the Materia medica and hence a lot of new relations have been formulated to perceive the functionality of our remedies and to use the remedies in different stages of the diseases and stages of life in individuals.

‘Relations’ section acts as a fast-track path towards utilizing the remedies successfully in clinical practice. Every case passes through evolution and is characterized by phases, transitions and stages and a physician has to respect them as and when they demand the simile force. If the reader goes through the remedies like Agaricus., Baptasia., Bryonia., Pulsatilla, Pyrogen, etc., he will understand the kind of work presumed to him. This section has a suggestive value too, based on experience and interpretation of the remedial function. Although statements under relationship are not solid facts, incontrovertible as of ‘proving,’ a serious student will find justification of every statement and will enjoy the functionality of the remedy.

Strontium Carbonicum
P.I. Tarkas & Ajit Kulkarni

Excerpted from:  Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. P. I. Tarkas and Dr Ajit Kulkarni

Carbonate of Strontia


Vaso-motors: Circulation. Veins. Heart. Kidneys
Ankles. Joints
Bones, esp. long
Right side


COLD; changes. Uncovering. Cold air. Fan air
Walking. Motion; beginning of. Rest
Lying with head low. Stooping
Sprains. Surgery, after
Depleting factor: Bleeding (Chin.)
Morning. Evening. Night
Touch. Rubbing. Scratching


Heat: Sun. Wrap. Bath
Sunlight. Bright light
Open air, esp. sunny (itching)

























Neck and back:









Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum