Viscum album Anhängsel
[Johannes Wilkins: Homöopatische Differenzierung der Wirtsbäume der Mistel]
Any mistletoe will carry characteristics of the
Adnoba fraxini
Drug proving:
Day 1: Pain in heel in the evening (“As if after a long walk”)
Day 2: Strong muscle ache (legs)
Head heavy “As if after a boozy night”
Feet tired
“As if battered”
Numbness inside 1. l. thumb, 2. fingers
(had to stop surgery first time)/had to go to bed.
Feeling of heat around the leg.
Strong perception of skeleton from hips down.
Despair about being urgently needed in hospital and at home and being
unable to split myself in two.
Day 4: slight “pins and needles” in fingers of l. hand.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome like.
Since Antiquity: connection between “ash” and “tired”
Like “Ash people” able to carry the world on the shoulders [= job + care
for relatives/flexible/resilient/make sacrifices (Ign)]/don’t
want to be centre of attention.
Life giving mother
Connected with modest people (mother/father)
Between 40 – 60 years of age.
Sep. ↔ Viscum fraxini ↔ China
sale: extracts under a variety of brand names: Iscador/Eurixor/Helixor/Isorel/Iscucin/Plenosol/ABNOBAviscum.
Some extracts are marketed under more than one name. All products prepared from
Visc. Not sold as a drug in the U.S.
extracts prepared as aqueous solutions or solutions of water and alcohol/can be
fermented or unfermented.
extracts are prepared according to homeopathic principles/others are not. The
commercial products can be subdivided according to the species of host tree.
Iscador, a fermented aqueous
extract of Viscum album L. that is prepared as a
homeopathic drug, is marketed as IscadorM (from apple
IscadorP (from pine trees), IscadorQ (from oak trees), and IscadorU
(from elm trees).
Helixor, an unfermented aqueous
extract of Visc. standardized by its biological
effect on human leukemia cells in vitro, is marketed
as HelixorA (from spruce trees),
HelixorM (from apple trees)
HelixorP (from pine trees).
Eurixor, an unfermented aqueous
extract of Visc. harvested from poplar trees, is
reportedly standardized to contain a specific amount of one of mistletoe’s lectins (i.e., the lectin ML-1;
refer to the History section of this summary for more information).
proponents contend the choice of extract should depend on the type of tumor and the gender of the patient.
extracts are usually given by subcutaneous injection, although administration by
other routes (oral, intrapleural, intratumoral,
intravenous) has been described. In most reported studies, subcutaneous
injections were given 2 to 3x weekly, but the overall duration of treatment
varied considerably.
Visc. listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
of the U.S., which is the officially recognized compendium for homeopathic
drugs in this country. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
regulatory authority over homeopathic drugs, this authority is usually not
exercised unless the drugs are formulated for injection or there is evidence of
severe toxicity. At present, the FDA does not allow the importation or
distribution of injectable preparations of mistletoe
(homeopathic formulations) except for the purpose of clinical research. The
extracts are not available commercially in the U.S. and not approved as a
treatment for people with cancer.
Iscador = Weleda
Iscador M aus Apfelbaummistel
Iscador M c. Arg. aus
Apfelbaummistel mit hochverdünntem Silbercarbonat
Iscador M c. Cu aus
Apfelbaummistel mit hochverdünntem Kupfermineral (Malachit)
Iscador M c. Hg mit hochverdünntem Quecksilbersulfat (= Merc-s)
Iscador P c. Hg aus Kiefernmistel
mit hochverdünntem Quecksilbersulfat (= Merc-s)
(Hautkrebs/Tumoren des Nervensystems)
Iscador Qu
aus Eichenmistel
Iscador Qu
5 mg spezial
Iscador Qu
c. Arg. aus Eichenmistel mit hochverdünntem
Iscador Qu
c. Cu aus Eichenmistel mit hochverdünntem
Kupfermineral (Malachit)
Iscador Qu
c. Hg aus Eichenmistel mit hochverdünntem
Quecksilbersulfat (= Merc-s)
Iscador U c. Hg aus Ulmenmistel
mit hochverdünntem Quecksilbersulfat (= Merc-s)
Iscucin = Wala
Iscucin Abietis
= Tanne
Iscucin Crat
= Weißdorn
Iscucin Mali = Apfelbaum
Iscucin Pina o.
Pinus? = Kiefer
Iscucin Popula =
Iscucin Querc =
Iscucin Salicis =
Iscucin Tiliae =
mit Kochsalzlösung
HELIXOR M = Apfelbaum mit Kochsalzlösung
HELIXOR P = Kiefer mit Kochsalzlösung
Aus Kaltauszug hergestellt
Isorel vom Apfelbaum
Isorel vom Tanne
Isorel von Kiefer
Anobaviscum (= Abnoba GmbH, Pforzheim)
Aus Presssaft hergestellt/in mehrere
Verdünnungsstufen erhältlich
Ahorn (aceris)
Mandelbaum (amygdali)
Birke (betulae)
Weißdorn (crataegi)
Esche (fraxini)
for sporty, slim women with a male component. Effective with cancer and
pronounced lack of strength/patient struggles to accept her fate (nemesis).
Best used at
the beginning of after
surgery/chemotherapy/other such treatments.
Experience: Gives strength very soon (patients EXhausted and lack energy).
In the night before his imprisonment Christ
prayed in Gethsemane (from the Hebrew gat-schemen
meaning “oil press”) at the Mount of Olives. In this significant place we find
the olive (and the Mount of Olives) as the warm, radiant background for this
tragic scene. It is here where Christ falls into agony. “Agony” in medical
terms also means prolonged throes of death.
Hölderlin: “Where danger threatens, salvation
also grows”. More than with any other mistletoe this degree of exhaustion, this
agony is characteristic for the ash. The ash might not be equivalent to the
olive tree, but it is medically just as important.
Baldur, the god of light, was killed by the
mistletoe. After Ragnarok, the Germanic final battle,
he is resurrected with the ash. We find him today in the ash-grown mistletoe,
we find the resurrected Baldur in his lightfilled
glory reconciled with his great enemy, the mistletoe!
There can be no higher form of reconciliation!
As Baldur’s power the ash-grown mistletoe enables us to proudly walk on the
earth as Yggdrasil or, to use Rudolf Steiner’s
fitting translation, as I-bearers“.
“Ash people” are able, like the world ash, to
carry (nearly) the entire world for a long period of time (Christophorus).
They are friendly and dedicated to family and environment. Without wanting to
be the centre of attention they like to serve, they are extremely resilient and
flexible in their nature and in their work. Ash patients are always prepared to
make sacrifices and they make themselves available to others. Now often women
who have a job and look after their families at the same time (Ign.).
Due to overload (being divided between 2 tasks: work and household duties), it
comes to illness. [female sexual organs (uterus/krebs)/muscular
rheumatism (tendomyopathy)/hormonal disturbances/breast
Ash-grown mistletoe is particularly effective
with cancer and pronounced lack of strength/patient struggles to accept her
fate (nemesis). A mistletoe treatment best used at the beginning of after
surgery/chemotherapy/other such treatments.
We regularly experience that ash-grown
mistletoe gives strength very soon (patients who are very exhausted and lack
energy the ash-grown mistletoe can improve and also heal the condition).
In the night before his imprisonment Christ
prayed in Gethsemane (from the Hebrew gat-schemen
meaning “oil press”) at the Mount of Olives. In this significant place we find
the olive (and the Mount of Olives) as the warm, radiant background for this
tragic scene. It is here where Christ falls into agony. “Agony” in medical
terms also means prolonged throes of death.
Hölderlin: “Where danger threatens, salvation
also grows”.
More than with any other mistletoe this degree
of exhaustion, this agony is characteristic for the ash. The ash might not be
equivalent to the olive tree, but it is medically just as important.
Apfelbaum (mali)
Eiche (quercus)
Tanne (abietis)
Kiefer (pini)
Salvator Apotheke Eisenstadt =
album gew. Abies-alba
Betula alba
Populus nigra
Populus tremula
Tilia europea
Mistelprodukten von w gewonnen mit Fermentation
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum