Mars = Ares


Vergleich: Siehe: Astrologie + Goetter + Rot


metabolic pole of the organism represented by the planet Mars, the colour red, the muscles, the metal iron, and a series of remedies (Urt./Ferr-met./Sulph./Psor.). This centre is clearly linked with muscles, blood, action, adrenalin, rapid movements, decisions, even masculinity, etc.



Oxidationsprozesse             Galle


Arterien             Eisen            


"Vesica fellea/Ferrum" wa  bei Gallenleiden;

"Fragador" w als Roborans (= Kräftigungs-/Stärkungsmittel);

"Meteoreisen/ Phosphor/Quarz" wa  zur Rekonvaleszenz;

"Chelidonium/Oxalis comp." w  zur Anregung der Gallentätigkeit und des Willens (bei Erschöpfung)



Jaspis Verreibung D 6 - D 20 w

Lignum aquilaria. Zum Regen machen gebraucht in China.


[Katharina Linhardt]

Mars repräsentiert unsere größte Wunde, die jedoch das verborgene Talent und somit oft eine unreife Kraft darstellt. Dieser Planet zeigt das innere Kind, und ob wir dieser Rolle entwachsen sind, bzw. welche Grenzen erfahren oder gesetzt werden dürfen.

[Eileen Naumann]

Vitamins: B-12, folic acid and fatty acids (vitamin F).

Minerals: Chlorine, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, phosphorus, selenium and sodium.

Ruling over the muscles and the adrenal glands, Mars is the energizer and stimulator of all aspects of our bodies. The Sun is our basic engine, Mars is the gas that fuels it.

It is the key planet associated with our physical get up and go, our energy levels.

Depending on its placement in a natal chart, Mars can indicate how active each of us is. For instance, in a fire sign Mars may produce extraordinary athletes or aggressive people who must temper their workaholic tendencies with rest in between their furious spurts of activity. Mars in an air sign can mean great mental energies: these individuals may be cerebral, seeming to grasp scientific theories or equations with ease, but they must be on guard against mental exhaustion and nerve-related breakdowns. Mars in an earth sign often produces people who prefer the sport of sitting in overstuffed arm chairs.

And Mars seems least happy in a water sign: energy tends to be in short supply with these people, and they need to monitor just how much they can do without being exhausted. Since everyone needs exercise, Mars will help the medical astrologer evaluate how much and what kind each person needs.

This planet is also very important in indicating how quickly individuals can bounce back from sickness. It seems to work best in the fire or air signs.

In earth or water signs it usually indicates slow recuperation.

In terms of health problems an activated Mars can mean inflammation, rapid temperature increase and acute onset of ailments. Depending on which sign it's located in, Mars can also indicate what may be hyperfunctioning - in other words, that part of the body, whether it is tissue, bone or organ, that is operating fast and possibly overworking itself so that it will wear out more quickly than other parts.

Mars has dominion over blood: it can be involved in various blood disorders, such as anemia. Thus it is a natural ruler for vitamin B-12, folic acid, cobalt, copper and iron,

all of which are essential in the production of red blood cells. Particularly if Mars makes a negative aspect to either Jupiter or Saturn, there may be poor absorption of vitamin B-12, which is closely linked with cobalt, copper and iron – minerals necessary for healthy red blood cells. Folic acid is also essential for red blood cell production and the proper utilization of energy for the body's management: it's a vitamin that seems to stimulate everything around it, including better liver production, hydrochloric acid secretions in the stomach, cell multiplication and healthy flora in the intestinal tract.

Mars rules acids in general. It is an active planet, symbolizing energy, and fatty acids play a direct part in making sure that the body has the necessary get up and go when

we ask for it: in many instances blood fat levels are connected with incidences of diabetes or hypoglycemia, or imbalances of insulin and, consequently, energy.

Since chlorine is involved with maintaining the acid-alkaline balance within the body, it is natural that Mars have domain over that mineral. Furthermore, chlorine usually compounds with potassium, ruled by the Moon, or with sodium, another Mars ruled mineral that supports many bodily functions.

Because chlorine is such an active element (a Marslike function in itself), it is responsible for muscle, tendon and ligament health - other Mars-ruled domains. Chlorine is a highly active mineral, befitting Mars' energy and constant movement: it makes sure that the osmotic pressure in and out of the cells is just right all the time. But too much chlorine (or too much sodium) reflects a typical negative Mars trait, unrestrained aggressiveness: too much of a good thing can destroy.

In addition, Mars rules molybdenum, iron, phosphorus and selenium. It governs phosphorus because of that mineral's engagement in so many bodily activities: the brain will

not function at peak performance nor will nerve transmissions occur unless this mineral exerts its influence. Furthermore, the confidence usually attributed to Mars is lessened

if there is a deficiency of this mineral - a person may cower in his or her home, afraid to move from the premises, a very unmartian reaction. Selenium's active involvement within the body also links it to Mars. And the colors produced by selenium in industry are all Martian - red, orange and yellow.

The worst indication for any type of surgery is probably when Mars is retrograde. Mars retrograde may mean heavy loss of blood, unexpected haemorrhaging or a mistake on the part of the surgeon. Since Mars is the ruler of surgeons, when this planet goes retrograde, surgeons are often not their steadiest or most reliable. There will be interference and misdirected attention. It does not mark a good time for concentration, especially when microsurgery is to be performed.



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