Natriums allgemein


[R. Sankaran]

Natrium does not need too many (people) and is very much dependent on only one relationship. Nervous excitability. Dry crusts in the nose, and copious discharges from the nose.

[Dr. Ernst TRrebin]

Gehören zu Miasme Sykose.


[Erwin Moser]

Die Vitalempfindung von Natrium: Eine künstlerische Darstellung der Natrium-Problematik finden wir in dem Kinderbuch:

Das große Buch vom kleinen Elefanten.

Es erzählt die Geschichte des viel zu klein geratenen Elefanten Winzig (das winzige, aber schon vorhandene Ich des Natrium), der seiner Herde verloren geht und nicht

weiß, wo er hingehört. Also macht er sich auf den Weg, um nach Seinesgleichen zu suchen.

Nach dem Dimensionenkonzept von Andreas Holling ist der Weg, die Strecke (vom Ich zum Du, in menschlicher Sprache) die Vitalempfindung der 3. Reihe – je nach

Stadium in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung.

Für Natrium als dem ersten Element in dieser Reihe besteht das Zurücklegen dieses Weges in einer Folge von versuchten Angleichungen.

Winzig versucht genauso zu sein wie andere Tiere, die ihm begegnen und fixiert sich jeweils auf den übereinstimmenden Aspekt.

Ein sehr nettes, lohnendes Bilderbuch zum Verständnis des Natrium. Ich will so sein wie Du !


In common:

Stimulate cellular activity and increase oxidation and metabolism.

1. Grief, depression, melancholia, weeps uncontrollably or cannot weep unless alone, < consolation.

2. Desires solitude, aversion to society/to family, < company/> alone.

3. Serious, reserved, indisposition to talk, < conversation

4. Sensitive: to certain people/noise/(<) music/(<) heat

5. Dwells on unpleasant memories, revenge, hatred of person who have offended.

Take away the desire to go to stool; no ability to bear down; stool large and hard, great effort to pass it.

Babies: Ulcerations of the mouth; nursing sore month in women; thrush in infants; little white aphthous patches (nervous, withered infants) cannot stand any kind of milk, who have

diarrhoea from milk; thrive better on cereals; when asleep the child jumps, cries, springs up and grasps the mother; a nervous, cold baby (Borx).



Nat-c. gives the type of the family group, while Nat-m. is the most important remedy of the group, ranking in the polychrests. These remedies are exceedingly sensitive to cold;

Nat-c. is the chilliest; cannot stand cold air, draughts, cannot stand a change of clothing or a drink of cold water because of the chill; yet Nat-c. is unable to stand the heat of the

sun and succumbs easily to heat stroke.

He has no physical stamina; exhausts quickly from mental or bodily exertion, and suffers great debility. Like the other Natriums, he is profoundly exhausted after a short walk,

and Nat-c. particularly suffers from the effects of overstudy. The nervous system is weak is easily affected almost to hysteria, just as in the sexual sphere there is sterility because

of over-activity of the organs.

Other outstanding manifestations of the exceedingly sensitive state of the nervous system is the extreme sensitivity to music and the aggravation there from and the < before and during electrical storms.

Like all the Natriums, anæmia with an increase in the white cells and decrease of red cells; with this there is emaciation and bloating. Children find walking difficult because

of even weaker ankles than in Sulphur; they are disinclined to study because it is so exhausting; nervous almost to hysteria; pale, weak, easily tired, easily chilled; they bore their fingers into ears and nose and it seems to relieve. The adult Nat-c. patient shows much the same picture, but if a man, he tends toward priapism; if a woman, there is a discharge of mucus and the semen after coition with consequent sterility; if she goes on to gestation, labour pains are weak and ineffectual and she begs for massage.

Nat-c. patient is always spraining a wrist, an ankle, a knee, dislocating a joint or straining a muscle in the back.

Nat-hcl.: distinguished from the others of the family group by its rapid emaciation with a sudden, waterlogged uterus which sags into the lower pelvis with the sensation

as if it would fall out; with this there is almost a globus hystericus which seems to rise from the uterus into the upper chest. Faintness, weakness and weariness, so that she falls asleep whenever she sits down, with flabbiness and a diffused hydrogenoid condition with a tendency to leuco-cytosis mark this remedy.


Nat-m. difficult to confine oneself to its brief outline. Clarke tells us that it corresponds to that type of constipation which is associated with anæmia, chilliness (down the back) and cold feet; or to indigestion in masturbators.

The degree of melancholy keeps pace with the constipation, just as in Nat-s. the melancholy keeps step with the degree of indigestion.

Nat-m.: Tears are a keynote: tears with the emotional depression, tears even with the laughter, for she laughs until she weeps at things not at all funny; tears with the coryza, and even with the whooping-cough. Face is earthy, dirty and greasy. The strong desire for salt is even more marked in the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. In adults suffering from glandular imbalance, with a history of malarial fever and the classic dosing of quinine.

Tongue: shiny red broken by patches of white. Salty taste.

Nat-p. children develop improperly because of excess of lactic acid in their diet. It merits wider use than it has received, and its general features are marked by the parent substances. Like Phos. effective in diabetes, but here it shows its relationship to the Natriums, because this diabetes is apt to be a reflex of hepatic derangement. There is much disturbance of the sexual organs; there is weak back and trembling limbs (knees), after coition and after the nightly involuntary emissions. Instead of the weak, lax muscles of Nat-c. we find here a tension of muscles. There is inability to apply himself to his books, and even the effort causes despondency.

Nat-s. unusually gloomy, even for this gloomy family. It is strongly hydrogenoid in tendency; there is marked aggravation from water and dampness; he may be so sensitive to this that he cannot eat food grown on wet ground; he cannot live with comfort near a body of water. Nat-s. has less influence on goitre, perhaps, but there is the sense of constriction in the throat that foreshadows its usefulness in this field. It has marked usefulness in the enlargement of the liver and spleen and is almost as useful in old malarias as Nat-m. It is particularly valuable in glandular imbalance following injuries to the head; in fact, it is almost a specific for head injuries, even long after the trauma. It has profound action on the blood, and it has proved its usefulness in leukæmia.

Anæmia with an increase in the white cells and decrease of red cells; with this there is emaciation and bloating. Children find walking difficult because of even weaker ankles than in Sulphur; they are disinclined to study because it is so exhausting; nervous almost to hysteria; pale, weak, easily tired, easily chilled; they bore their fingers into ears and nose and it seems to relieve. The adult Nat-c. patient shows much the same picture, but if a man, he tends toward priapism; if a woman, there is a discharge of mucus and the semen after coition with consequent sterility; if she goes on to gestation, labour pains are weak and ineffectual and she begs for massage. The Nat-c. patient is always spraining a wrist, an ankle, a knee, dislocating a joint or straining a muscle in the back. Nat-hcl. distinguished from the others of the family group by its rapid emaciation with a sudden, waterlogged uterus which sags into the lower pelvis “As if it would fall out”; with this there is almost a globus hystericus which seems to rise from the uterus into the upper chest. Faintness, weakness and weariness, so that she falls asleep whenever she sits down, with flabbiness and a diffused hydrogenoid condition with a tendency to leuco-cytosis mark this remedy.


[J.J. Kleber und andere]

Stadium 1 in Siliciumserie: noch ohne eigene Individualität (ohne anderen allein/braucht unterstützende Beziehung zum Leben)

DD.: Magnesium-Gruppe sucht verbittert immer weiter nach Beziehungen weil meint recht darauf zu haben; Natrium bleibt lieber einsam
Scholten: impulsiv + naiv Beziehungen eingehen, ohne selbst entscheiden o. wissen zu können wer passt; denken nicht was der andere fühlen + denken könnte, machen daher oft verrückte Dinge in Beziehungen. sehr verletzlich in der Beziehung
Sankaran: noch keine eigene Individualität, ist ohne anderen allein/braucht Unterstützung; brauchen Partner um Identität zu bekommen, total von dessen Entscheidungen abhängig (in Natur kann Na nicht ohne Verbindung existieren); suchen romantische Liebe (wo Partner automatisch Wünsche + Bedürfnisse erkennt, diese nicht kommuniziert werden müssen); wie Mg Gefühl anders zu sein (deshalb ausgeschlossen + sich einfügen).

Borx. = more practical and less refined than Nat-m. [Morrison]/ohne Mitgefühl/Borax not as receptive and sympathetic as Phos


[Hwaa Irfan]

3 Minerals

I. Previously, we explored the female connection via the homeopathic remedy Natrum muriaticum, depicting a woman who is very much a product of the Industrial Revolution. Raised in a family where mother bonding is disrupted. Natrum muriaticum has grown up in an environment emotionally distant depriving this type of woman

of what she needs to flourish in her life.

II. Then we explored the feminine face of Nat-c., more down to earth and open than Nat-m., but whose sensibilities are around rejection, a rejection that began as a traumatic experience from her past. She stays within her comfort zone to define her place in the world, as stepping outside that zone brings on anticipatory anxiety about anything new because she feels unworthy of love.

III. With Nat-p. her sensibility is grief, being quite volatile in nature and sensitive to external influences. Out of a deep sense of worthlessness, she reacts to her pain out of

fear which suppresses her internal communications, emotions, and the normal functioning of their bodies.

Three Flowers

IV. Pulsatilla is a vibrant person who moves with the flow of events. She has an innate sense of human relations, and God’s plan for human society. Unlike the Natrum sisters, Pulsatilla’s problem is not one of grief, or inner suppression, but of external censorship. She expects fairness, and when that fairness is missing, they become distressed, and instead of moving with the flow, they become tossed by the wind of events. This dissipates their life force, becoming weakened without ongoing environmental support and love. Hiding her vulnerabilities through the veil of a sophistication, they desire space, and self expression that separates their inner world from their outer world.

V. Staphysagria is a born intuitive, who likes to stand above the crowd. Their level of intuition makes them sensitive to external influences, and combined with their desire to be noticed they feel deeply hurt if ignored. With a lifetime of rejection Staphysagria reacts in a variety of ways the result of which is a struggle of suppression vs. expression.

VI. Belladonna has abundant life force and gives out a lot of energy. Extremely healthy looking belladonna stands out in a crowd, but they do not desire company as they have no need for external stimulation. Their intelligence is apparent, emotions vivid, but can be quite excitable. She is both creator and destroyer working towards the nurturance of humanity by destroying the false ego. If they are suffering in any way they prefer to keep it to themselves. Belladonna’s sensibility is shock disappointment in love, fear or too much sun. As she loses sense of a true self, it becomes replaced by a false-self filled with fear and anger.

Now we take a snapshot at another world, the world of three homeopathic remedies from the sea.

VI. Sepia officinalis

Sepia is the Grass/Common Cuttle fish, an invertebrate with a hard shell. Over the 21million years of their existence, they have adapted well to wide ranging environs. from which a brownish black ink is obtained. This ink is a liquid excreted by Sepia as a camouflage, which artists use, but if licked there are not so pleasant consequences.

Belonging to the Cephalopoda family, Sepia officinalis has evolved without the need for a shell, instead they have a soft body with all their organs enclosed within a mantle (layer of skin). They have elongated bodies, and three hearts of which one is systemic, and the other two are gilled. Through the rhythmic contractions of the mantle, they are able to facilitate the circulation of water, gas, and blood. The minute hairs on their heads and tentacles detect low frequency vibrations, which helps them to locate their prey, and their saliva contains a toxin that immobilizes the prey, but it also assists in their digestion.

This soft-bodied mollusc has it shell located inside the body, and can change shape, colour and texture as a part of their camouflage, mating ritual, and emotions.

With eight arms around the mouth, and two tentacles behind the eyes, it is closely related to the octopus, and the squid. Sepia officinalis propels itself forward by means of squirting jets of water from specially designed organs with her body. Their eyes are located so that they can see backwards, and forwards in horizontal visual field of 360°, they can see things from afar. When threatened, she releases the ink we call Sepia from a grape-sized pouch, which clouds the water enough to make the potential threat retreat.

Sepia officinalis has a preference for coastal waters, especially around the Cape of Good Hope, the Nortg Sea, east Atlantic, and the Mediterranean, but they are sensitive to heavy metal, and copper in the water.  They hide during the day, and feed at night.  When it comes to strangers who are human, Sepia officinalis seem to have no fear to the extent that they will follow the human who has dived into their depths.

Sepia officinalis is very much an independent creature, which likes to swim alone, but with a life span of two years there has to be time for mating. To attract females, the male will splay their tentacles which usually serve the function of getting food. Typical of the animal kingdom, they will display all their colours to make them stand out more.

If accepted they will swim side by side to continue the courtship, and if she rejects she will swim away to only be stalked by the male – eventually they will embrace. The male will protect what is his, until she retreats into a cave for spawning purpose, but the male will guard the den. The females may produce up to 200 – 500 rice grained eggs, all of which are laid one-by-one, so not surprisingly she has a ravenous hunger soon after laying. They are cannibalistic in nature, and also feed on crabs, and prawns.

In turn, Sepia officinalis are also prey for dolphins, humans, rays, seabirds, and sharks. The process of birthing makes them very lethargic, which leads to their own deterioration, and finally death.


Sepia the woman falls under one of the homeopathic female archetypes, along with Pulsatilla, and Natrum  muriaticum. She has a strong regard for her independence and likes to be away from people, and withdraw into nature. In fact, Sepia has a great need for personal space as indicated by the living habits of Sepia Officinalis.  She seeks to be herself, unfettered by the expectations of others, especially men, unlike Natrum Muriaticum who seeks independence as a protective mechanism against hurt.

There are two main types of women: the one who is independent, ambitious and career minded who is organized, efficient, strong, powerful, and she needs and enjoys intellectual challenge. Her independence can fall prey to stereotypes, as that level of independence is what is generally expected from men. But she celebrates her freedom,

her connection with her own body, and her connection with the earth, which requires being sensitive to one’s body and fully centred in its natural wisdom.

She enjoys her life and may have many relationships because this allows her to have time alone. The other Sepia is the motherly type who feels the responsibilities of her family, but has no time left for herself. Sometimes, as many of us know, the two types can combine on one, with the woman caught between work and home having no time left for herself.  Essentially, Sepia prefers to work on their own as this allows them to do things their own way. They dislike opposition, and when hurt or feeling bad they prefer to be on their own as consolation is out of the question.

In Disease

Her love of independence, and being unfettered by the expectations of others, becomes the means by which she falls into a state of dis-ease as her vital force becomes blocked by the suppressive impingement of her environment – censorship from others.

The traditional homeopathic profile of Sepia is a woman who has a broad vacant hairy face, is flat-chested, she has a small pelvis, an infantile uterus, a pot belly, and a masculine type frame. She may look uninterested, as a sign of withdrawal, but inside they are quite vulnerable.

When Sepia does not get the space that she needs, she exudes a negative cloud, like the Sepia Officinalis who spurts out the Sepia ink to put off that which approaches her. The woman who is caught between work and home, and no time left for herself finds the situation conflicting, which can result in her being psychologically exhausted.

The reason behind her physical exhaustion is a slow blood circulation, especially around the stomach. This then leads to a weak sex-drive, a weakness in her sex organs, possible prolapsed of the vagina and the womb, and of course menstrual and reproductive problems.

Initially, she will try to compensate for the sluggish feeling brought on by a slow blood circulation through strong physical exercise, like dancing, or even gardening, which provides her time alone in nature, because these activities speed up the circulation, though she might not consciously know this. She becomes overworked, exhausted, will tolerate a dysfunctional family guided by the feeling  that she has got to do better, while hiding her emotions, but when it all gets too much, she will cry.

Homepathic consultant, David Lilley describes the emotions of Sepia as changing like neon lights, which is a signature of the chameleon nature of Sepia officinalis.

Lilley finds many Sepia are feminists who will take advantage of male vulnerabilities. Becoming irritable, Sepia becomes a distant shadow of her true self, as she becomes

dull, and forgetful even resenting the very things that she held a high regard for. Her mind becomes so tired, that it is as if it is empty as she is unable to think any longer.

In that state, Sepia becomes volatile like Sepia officinalis that means negative, always complaining, always scolding, arguing, jealous, indifferent, and bares grudges.

It is not that they do not love their children, or their husband, but because they have become so exhausted they can no longer access that love, and become too tired for any sort of company. Her sense of independence gone, she fears poverty, and in so doing become materialistic.

Because of her relationship with her body, Sepia feels worse with any sudden changes, pertaining to the menstrual and reproductive system. She feels suffocated in warm rooms, but is irritated by the cold, and any sudden movements. There is an affinity with the venous circulation (digestive tract. Portal system, female pelvic organs), the nerves and the skin, and rejecting the feminine right side, the complaints tend to be mostly on the left side, the side which she expresses in the world, through her intellect.

Physiologically, they look a bit off colour, in fact yellow, as the liver does not function properly with a tendency to sweat a lot. They have a constant hunger likened to Sepia officianalis after she has given birth, but sometimes even the smell of food can make them feel nauseous as is the symptom in some pregnant women. They like stimulating foods, like spices, sour or bitter, but the consumption of milk, and fatty foods causes indigestion.

Their need for stimulation is not only reflected in the foods they eat, but by any strong physical activity, which tends to change their mood, and they are also stimulated by thunderstorms, and being outdoors.

Male Sepia’s tend to be extremely negative, closed, reserved, sarcastic, possessive, materialistic and lazy. He can be the modern man who returns home, has his dinner watches television, feels sleepy and turns his back on his grumbling wife according to Dr. Sonawala. The level of rigidity, is signature in the sepia ink of Sepia officinalis, which contains calcium.

Sepia personality type, clearly demonstrates an aspect of woman who once had greater expression through having greater access to her environment than in modern times.

Just as the female Sepia officinalis exhibits a luminescence at night, Sepia the person is not only the intellect, but the dancer, the athlete, the actress who acts out of expression of herself, the musician, the artist, and the medicine woman. If she is fortunate, as a child her avenues will be open, but if closed by the narrow expectations of her upbringing, higher education might be the only means for her, a means that might not necessarily reflect her true nature.

We all want to be appreciated, and that is the root of the problem! If we are not appreciated for our true selves, we don a false ego, or claim an ‘ideal’ both of which is far removed from who and what we really are!

Natrium Verbindungen:

Kummer, Depression, verschlossen, Verneinung! Rückzug, Beschränkung (auf das Nötigste), reduzieren, kasteien, übersensibel, konservieren, unflexibel, starr: „Es ist wie es ist, es bleibt wie es ist“.

Folge von: Verrat, Verlassenheit;

Körperliche Symptome:

Neigung zu Abmagerung, schläft auf linker Seite, Kopfschmerz durch Sonne

<: 11 h./Sonne/Wärme/Meer;

>: Am Meer;

Verlangt: Salz, Mehlspeisen;


Natrium arsenicosum:
Angst allein (Na) und arm (Ars) zurückgelassen zu werden; Gefühl Kontakte knüpfen (unterhalten) zu müssen, dass sie nicht allein gelassen werden o. dass kein Unglück passiert (Partner/naher Verwandter schwer krank, depressiv, o. beruflich drohender Zusammenbruch); große Verletzlichkeit wird unter Gewissenhaftigkeit + Verantwortungsgefühl verborgen.

Tongue: Flabby, toneless, with viscid mucus in mouth. Bitter taste.

AnxieTY/fastidious/frightens easily/restless and easily startled (As) and indisposed to talk (N).

Abgrenzen nach Treuebruch, Misstrauen gegen die Familie,  Misstrauen + Verschlossenheit + Kummer, Zorn über die eigene  Unvollkommenheit, tadelt sich selbst und andere.


Natrium benzoat =  E 955


Natrium bromatum:

Glaubt Fehlern gemacht zu haben, fühlt sich schnell schuldig (Br), äußert dies nicht (Na), bleibt mit ihren Schuldgefühlen alleine und wird trübselig, zieht sich zurück von den Menschen (um weniger Fehler zu machen); fühlt sich für ihre Aggression + Instinkte schuldig und zieht sich dann verschlossen zurück; Ursache für Schuldgefühle + Rückzug manchmal Inzest.

DD.: NaF: bei Inzest mit F mehr Gefühl verstoßen zu sein, bei Br mehr Schuldgefühl verführt zu haben.

Natrium carbonicum:

Lebenskraft (C) abhängig von eine(m) andere(m) (Na) der Fürsorge und Nahrung garantiert (Empfindung ich kann nicht existieren ohne meinen Unterstützer + Gesellschaft abgeneigt); deshalb überaus empfindlich bei Beziehungsverlust, dann Gefühl nicht wertgeschätzt zu werden, Rückzug in Würde, Verzweiflung, tiefe Trauer bis stumpf + Indifferenz, Misanthrop; Lieber allein, als durch andere Menschen verkannt Psora

Tongue: Sensitive, slightly inflamed, small blisters on margins, bright red tip. Burning in mouth.

Nat-c: suffers from heat/desires to be alone (N) and weak and slow (C).

„Zieht sich lieber in Würde zurück“. Ausschluss aus der Gruppe, (mag) Trennung zwischen sich und anderen, isoliert.


Natrium causticum                                                        

Misstrauen wegen ihrer/seiner Impulsivität, Kontakt als Wertschätzung, Gerechtigkeitsempfinden. Gehören nirgendwo dazu, haben alles verloren. (Ungerechtigkeit)


Natrium fluoratum:

Hauptthema ist von der BEZIEHUNG, von der total abhängig in Versorgung ausgestoßen zu werden (o. selbst auszustoßen, alle Verbindungen abzubrechen); der Konflikt ist alles abzubrechen, wo doch so abhängig.


Impulsiv Kontakte knüpfen (in Schickeria um dazuzugehören) und schnell verletzt durch andere sich nicht dazugehörig, ausgestoßen fühlen; schnell Sex-Kontakte (auch um nicht alleine zu fühlen), geheimer Sex (Inzest), Gefühl verbotenes zu tun o. getan zu haben (Sex) und damit allein zu sein; gehen Kontakten aus dem Weg um Sex zu vermeiden; bei Enttäuschung (Na) abrupter Abbruch aller Beziehungen (F); im Extrem hart gefühllos bis Folterknecht.

Natrium: Depression, Kummer, verschlossen, Beschränkung, Verneinung.

Fluoratum: Glanz, Sex, Eile, oberflächlicher Kontakt.   

Inzest, verbotener Sex, darf nicht darüber reden,  Kontakt bleibt lose an der Oberfläche (Glamourwelt )


Natrium hydroxid = Natrium causticum; NaOH
Schnell impulsive Kontakte, mit Wunsch Wertschätzung zu empfangen; sehr empfindlich für Zurückweisung, o. bei Gefühl unterbewertet zu werden schnell Beendigung des Kontakte;

Bedürfnis nach Partner, der sie schätz + unterstützt; haben aber oft so hohe Erwartungen an selbstverständlicher Versorgung, dass sie verlassen werden und sich dann als einsames Opfer fühlen,

um das sich niemand mehr kümmert; dann innerlich totes Gefühl, trübselig + lustlos lassen sie alles verwahrlosen (bis obdachlos)

Natrium iodatum:

Allein auf sich gestellt im Kampf ums Dasein (um Stelle/Essen/Recht zu Leben = wie Konzentrationslager); unbegründet ängstlich, nervös unruhig wie zur Flucht, allein, niedergeschlagen und

den Tränen nah; Gefühl keine Daseinsberechtigung zu haben, keine Möglichkeit zu fliehen.


Natrium muriaticum:

Thema: betrogen + Enttäuscht (Cl) von der BEZIEHUNG, von der total abhängig alle Fürsorge erwartet wurde; ohne Identität, ohne eigenes Wollen und Entscheidungskraft abhängig (Na) kombiniert mit totaler Zurückweisung des anderen (Cl) ergibt tiefe Enttäuschung und Verletzung durch nicht erfahrene Fürsorge; plötzliche Umschlagen der totalen Einheit (Na) in

totale Abweisung (Cl);

Braucht Versorger stellt eigene Bedürfnisse in Abrede (Na); wird enttäuscht und endet schließlich wieder allein, im Stich gelassen, bekommt Abneigung gegen Trost + Gesellschaft (C);

Standardsituation: Trauer Kummer, verschlossen + allein auf dieser Welt, ohne Versorgung, ohne Vertrauen (Cl) still nach innen (Na) jammern + klagen (Cl) über Alleinsein (Na);

Zurückdenken an vergangene gute Tage.

Malaria (warum stecke ich fest in dieser Beziehung)

Tongue: shiny red broken by white patches. Salty taste.

Nat-m: sitting in silence, < by music. chilly


Natrium nitricum:

Nicht Genießen (N) dürfen/sollen/können; Genuss ist Sünde, man darf Kinder nicht verwöhnen; Neigung zu Genießen (N) bleibt aber bestehen  Genuss ALLEINE o. Krankheit + Gefühl

zu wenig Freude + Genuss im Leben zu haben

Natrium: Kummer, verschlossen, Verneinung

Nitricum: genießen, Spannung und Entspannung.    

Genuss ist nicht für sie/ihn bestimmt.


Natrium phosphoricum:

Eingeschränkte o. verbotene Kommunikation, Allein mit sich; Gefühl etwas (Geheimnis/persönliche Probleme) nicht erzählen zu dürfen und jahrelang mit sich herumtragen; sehr feinfühlig spüren sie

Probleme anderer, reden aber wenig über sich und sehr vorsichtig über die Probleme der anderen; Bedürfnis nach Gesellschaft (Festhalten an Beziehungen), verfeinerter kultureller verschlossener Charakter;

Rückzug bei grober Kommunikation; Krankheit oft bei Beziehungsbruch und wenn allein.

Tongue: Thickly coated and white or yellow at the root. Sour taste in mouth.

Kann aus Groll nicht mehr lieben aber auch die alte Liebe nicht loslassen; Liebesenttäuschung. Grenzprobleme, „Geheimnis, verbotene Kommunikation“

Illusion etwas nicht erzählen zu dürfen,


Nat-p: more fearful at night/nervous/forgetful/indifferent (P)


Natrium silicatum:

Schwierig Kontakte zu schließen und schnell enttäuscht + verletzt, dann Rückzug und allein; oft aus Familie mit wenig Sozialkontakten; verschlossen, Angst um ihr Image; wenn über sich erzählt;

schweigsam, verlegen bei Fremden; Bedürfnis nach gutem Freund fühlen sich nur in Familie wohl, ziehen nur schwer von zu Hause aus und Rückzug nach zu Hause; will sich durch Studium + Arbeit

beweisen, wie jemand der alles alleine kann; Einzelgänger-Image.
Muss einen bestimmten Standard zeigen/halten / erwerben (sozial, intellektuell …) um die Beziehung aufrecht zu erhalten

„Rückzug, damit andere nicht über sie denken können.“ Image erhalten, reden nicht über sich, Familienmenschen, verschlossen, verletzlich, eigensinnig, stumm, leisten viel für das Image, perfektionistisch


Natrium sulfuricum:

Thema: nicht wertgeschätzt zu werden, von der Beziehung, die man hat o. sucht, und deshalb große Anstrengung unternehmen um Wertschätzung von ihr zu erreichen; allein stehen in der Liebe, keine Liebe kennen o. haben dürfen (entfremdet dem Partner); dem Partner verpflichtet zu sein (Partnerverpflichtung hält von Suizid zurück)

Tongue: Dirty, thickly coated (dirty yellow or brown). Mulch mucus. Blisters on the cheek or inside of the lips, rather than the tongue. Loss of taste.

Nat-s: fastidious and melancholic/< from music (N) and loathing of life with impulse to kill (S). Melancholy keeps step with the degree of indigestion.

Natrium sulfuricum  = Glaubersalz                     

Ohne Beziehungserfolg ist mein Leben wertlos, emotional verwahrlost, verletzte Ehre, Verlust der Lebenslust, Maske von Tüchtigkeit, Niedergeschlagenheit, Kummer, Suizidneigung, Arbeit statt Emotionen, keine Freude mehr haben (zu dürfen ).



Vergleich: Kaliums mit Natriums.

Vergleich. Lacs mit Natriums

Vergleich: Rosaceae mit Natriums

Comparison: of Ammonium carbonicum and others

Comparison Natriums + Rosaceae + Sulphur

Siehe: Stadium 1 + Periode 3 + Natrium Element


[Bhanu Sharma]

Discussion of the remedy Natrium carbonicum

The common “Soda” of the shops Na2CO31OH2O

Chemical properties of Sodium

Sodium is a chemical element with symbol Na (from Latin natrium) and atomic number 11. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal. Sodium is an alkali metal. 

It is a member of group 1 of the periodic table, because it has a single electron in its outer shell that it readily donates, creating a positively charged atom - the Na+ cation.


Biological Role of Sodium

Sodium is an essential element for all animals and some plants. Sodium ions are the major cation in the extracellular fluid (ECF) and as such are the major contributor to the ECF osmotic pressure and ECF compartment volume. Loss of water from the ECF compartment increases the sodium concentration, a condition called hypernatremia.

In nerve cells, the electrical charge across the cell membrane enables transmission of the nerve impulse -an action potential- when the charge is dissipated; sodium plays a key role in that activity. In humans, sodium is an essential mineral that regulates blood volume, blood pressure, osmotic equilibrium and pH.

An adequate intake of sodium is also required for optimal growth of fat, bone and muscle tissues. According to the study above, severe sodium restriction may negatively affect glucose metabolism and disturb normal blood viscosity.


Role of sodium on mental sphere

Researchers at the University of Haifa’s Department of Psychology say that people may crave salt partly because its main component, sodium, helps fight depression. The findings, published in the journal Appetite in April, could help us recognize the reasons for craving

To investigate what drives salt consumption, Leshem and Goldstein analyzed the results of the 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a series of studies of the health and nutrition of people in the U.S. They found that women with less salt in their diet are more likely to be depressed - and that depressed men and women are more likely to add salt to their food at the table.


According to this theory, more sodium means less depression, and less sodium means more depression (within certain unknown limits).


Relation between Serum sodium level and Depression

The Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 4, Number: 4, 2014 published an article on relation between mood disorder and serum sodium levels.

Some authors have suggested that abnormalities in electrolyte metabolism can cause mood disorders. A few studies have demonstrated relationships between the metabolism of electrolytes and affective symptoms. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether there is any relationship between serum sodium levels and depression.


Methods: The study sample consisted of 42 patients with depressive disorders who were consecutively admitted to the inpatient psychiatric service and 34 healthy control subjects. In the patients group, 35 patients (83.3%) had major depression, 3 (7.1%) had psychotic depression, 3 (7.1%) had catatonic depression and 1 (2.3%) had seasonal depression. The serum sodium and serum creatinine levels were measured in a blood sample before eating anything in the morning. Urine sodium, urine creatinine and density of urine were studied in the first morning spot urine sample.

Results: Patients with depression had significantly lower serum sodium than healthy control subjects (p=0.04). There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of plasma creatinine, urine sodium, urine creatinine and density of urine.


Conclusions: The present study suggests that there might be a relationship between serum sodium levels and depression.


A 2008 issue of “Physiology & Behavior” featured a study that discussed various experiments involving induced hyponatremia that linked sodium levels and clinical depression. One particular experiment mentioned in the study involved the use of rat test subjects that exhibited symptoms consistent with depression after their sodium levels dropped below normal levels. The study posited

a link between salt craving and mood. The study even suggested the possibility of salt being akin to addiction hence the negative effect of low sodium levels on mood.


Effect of sodium deficiency

Mood-related symptoms reported by the subjects included:

    loss of appetite

    loss of capacity to experience pleasure and joy

    difficulty concentrating

    excessive fatigue

    general sense of exhaustion



Interestingly, the researchers believed it is possible that changes in mood and appetite are among the first noticeable manifestations of sodium deficiency.

Salt actually becomes more palatable as a consequence of sodium loss, so when we become deficient in sodium, our taste buds play a fundamental role in restoring the balance.  People suffering from sodium deficiency typically report having a peculiar sensation in their mouth that is more commonly associated with thirst and with craving salt.


NATRUM GROUP Medicine in Homeopathy –

The Natrum group include medicines having the Na (Sodium) element.

The studies on lower sodium level and depression also confirm why depression, grief, melancholic states are the common theme of the Natrium group, and to compensate this deficiency, patients of natrum group usually crave salt, because it is the commonest source available.

According to Dr. Sankaran, in periodic table sodium needs only a single bond for stability. Similarly, natrum group patients have need for an individual relation i.e. one to one relation, and they have issues related one to one relationships.  They tend toward being reserved, have very few relationships and usually have one single important one. Natrums may become ill from problems in that relationship, experiencing depression, grief and melancholic states.

Sodium also plays a major role in the endocrine system, glandular pathology (enlargement of the glands with indurations) especially the parotid, thyroid, axillary, inguinal, abdominal and salivary.

Chronic migraine Headaches are the common symptoms of all Natriums.

All Natriums < from sunlight and hot weather except, Nat-ars. and Nat-s.

German researchers discovered that mice which were fed a high-salt diet healed infections in their feet more quickly, and we also see that all Natrium remedies are generally effective in skin diseases.


Some common Medicines of the Natrum group

    Natrum benzoicum

    Natrum bromatum

    Natrum iodatum

    Natrum metallicum

    Natrum nitrosum

    Natrum nitricum

    Natrum oxidatum

    Natrium silicatum

    Natrum tartaricum

    Aurum muriaticum natronatum etc.


Nat-ac. anxieTY/fastidious/frightens easily/restless and easily startled (As) and indisposed to talk (N).

Nat-ars.: Zunge/flabby, toneless, with visid mucus in mouth. Bitter taste.

Nat-c. suffers from heat/desires to be alone (N) and weak and slow (C).

Nat-c.: Zunge/sensitive, slightly inflamed, small blisters on margins, bright red tip. Burning in mouth.

Nat-m.: Zunge/shiny red broken by patches of white.  Salty taste.

Nat-m. sitting in silence, < by music. chilly

Nat-p.: Zunge/thickly coated and white or yellow at the root. Sour taste in mouth.

Nat-p. more fearful at night/nervous/forgetful/indifferent (P)

Nat-s. fastidious and melancholic/< from music (N) and loathing of life with impulse to kill (S).

Nat-s.: Zunge/dirty, thickly coated (dirty yellow or brown). Much mucus. Blisters on the cheek or inside of the lips, rather than the tongue. Loss of taste.


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