Acidum muriaticum (Mur-ac) = acidum hydrochloricum/= Salzsäure/HCl/= Aqua regia


Acidum                                    Aufopfern

Muriaticum                                    Pflegen/Versorgen


irritiertes Gewebe + Schwäche +

Thema: Sicherheit; Lösung: negativ: Sich versorgen lassen; positiv: Eigenen Situation schaffen;

Vergiftung: Hydrochloric acid is highly water soluble and has profound effects on various systems upon inhalation. Following inhalation, it gets deposited in the nose and upper airways. It has corrosive and irritation effects in the respiratory mucous membranes and sensory neuronal system. The clinical features of hydrogen chloride inhalation include burning sensation, choking, wheezing, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, ulceration of nasal septum, shortness of breath. Another portal of entry is the eyes.

In severe cases, contact with the eyes results in severe eye burns and permanent damage to the cornea. In milder cases, contact with the eyes may lead to mild clinical features such as watery eyes. Contact with the skin produces severe corrosion, inflammation, burning and itching depending on the length of exposure.

If ingested, hydrochloric acid causes severe gastro-intestinal tract burns, choking, nausea, vomiting and excruciating pain (Columbus Chemical Industries 2005; Meditext, 2003).

Chronic exposure results in Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS), metabolic acidosis, chemical pneumonitis, chemical induced asthma, nephritis, renal failure, liver damage, metabolic acidosis and pulmonary oedema. 

Other  effects  include: chronic headaches, palpitations, circulation collapse, tachycardia, tachypnea and shock (Columbus Chemical Industries 2005; Meditext, 2003).

Major sources of hydrogen chloride are human activities including waste incinerators or chemical plants produce high industrial amounts of hydrogen chloride. Other sources include the burning of plastic material or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Volcanic eruptions also add to the environmental levels of hydrogen chloride. Internal bodily sources of hydrogen chloride come from gastric secretions (Columbus Chemical Industries 2005; Meditext, 2003);

Akut: Am-m. (= akut Mur-ac-ähnlich)/Fieber + Schwäche;

Kind: Haemorrhoids appear suddenly in children, heulendes sich an die Mutter klammerndes Kind (tut alles für die Mutter um Schutz nicht zu verlieren).

Scharlach: in scarlatina the body is intensely red, looks like a boiled lobster. There is rush of blood to the head, with bright red face and with great drowsiness.;

Positiv: Sorgsam/offen/redselig/idealistisch;

Negativ: A. schwach (Durchfall + Fieber), B. Stuhl geht unwillkürlich ab mit Urin/Blähungen, C. Brennen/wundes Empfinden, D. Bläuliche Verfärbungen,

E. Dünne/ätzende/stinkende Ausscheidungen;


Blass Sorgen hält Verhältnis aufrecht (Kind/Eltern)/erschöpft, für Kind, Mann und Familie sich aufopfernde Mutter;

Von der Beziehung enttäuscht und ausgebrannt. „Deshalb lasse ich mich nicht mehr so tief ein“.

Missachtet, Bedürfnisse, unterdrückt.
unzufrieden/erfolglos/Gedankenansturm während Arbeit/zänkisch, jammern/schweigsam, grübelt (Kleinigkeit), Versagungsangst, krank ohne Angst + klare Geist

(will 100% versorgt sein), will alles zugleich/wird selbst durch ständige Sorge und Pflege total erschöpft/hastig/chaotisch/bei jeder Anforderung gereizt; später tief im Selbstmitleid, dauerndes Nachgrübeln, was sie falsch gemacht haben, warum es schief ging; meinen alles misslingt, wenn nur Kleinigkeit schief geht;

Emotional nach Beziehungsenttäuschung ausgebrannt, Demütigung, Grobheit. Beziehungsvermeidung aus Furcht vor neuer Enttäuschung, starre Zurückhaltung.

Entblößen, UNruhig/hastig, durst, Mundgeruch, Appetitlos, blutende/trockene/gesprungene Schleimhäuten, Fleisch;

Ekzemen, einer schwachen Verdauung und Gastritis eingesetzt. Magen-Darm-Entzündung (Dyspepsie), Hämorrhoiden/Afterbrennen;

Adapted to persons with black hair, dark eyes, dark complexion.

Irritable, peevish, disposed to anger and chagrin (Nux-v.); restless and vertigo.

Great debility: as soon as he sits down his eyes close; lower jaw hangs down; slides down in bed.

Mouth and anus are chiefly affected; the tongue and sphincter ani are paralyzed.

Malignant affections of mouth; studded with ulcers, deep, perforating; having a black or dark base; offensive, foul breath; intense prostration; diphtheria, scarlatina, cancer.

Cannot bear the thought or sight of meat (Nit-ac.).

Haemorrhoids: swollen, blue, sensitive and painful to touch; appear suddenly in Diarrhoea: stool involuntary while urinating; on passing wind (Aloe);

cannot urinate without having the bowels move at the same time.

Urine passes slowly; bladder weak, must wait a long time; has to press so that anus protrudes.

Cannot bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals (Murx.).

Typhoid or typhus; deep stupid sleep; unconscious while awake; loud moaning or muttering; tongue coated at edges; shrunken, dry, leather-like, paralyzed;

involuntary foetid stools while passing urine; sliding down in bed; pulse intermits every third beat.

Palpitation of heart is felt in the face.

Freckles: eczema solaris.

Cures the muscular weakness following excessive use of opium and tobacco;

[William H. Burt, M.D.  (1895)]

Restless, stupor, sighing and debility. Sliding down in bed, intermittent pulse, stupid, muttering delirium, fluids putrid.  Low febrile conditions, with ulceration of the mucous membranes and great fetor of the breath. Salivary glands inflamed, tender and swollen. The anus is so tender it cannot be  touched, not even with the sheet.

[H.C. Allen]

Great debility – as soon as he sits down his eyes close, lower jaw hangs down, slides down in bed. Cannot bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals (Murx.).


Boils and Skin Infections

Allen reports having used, in his own case, a freshly prepared dilute nitro-muriatic acid, 10 to 15 drops after each meal, stating that in a few days under this treatment he

could note improvement. Well-developed lesions soon disappeared and those in process of development were aborted. He further states that under this treatment many

lesions starting in hair follicles, which ordinarily would have promised much trouble for him, disappeared in a few days.



Tod der Mutter


schweigsam, ängstlich und traurig, murmelt oder stöhnt vor sich hin

Ruhelosigkeit, kann sich aber wegen der schnell zunehmenden Schwäche bald nicht mehr bewegen

extreme Schwäche und Müdigkeit, so daß die Augen zufallen und der Mund offensteht

Schüttelfrost am ganzen Körper mit heißem Gesicht und Händen

brennende Schmerzen oder brennende Hitze, will dabei nicht zugedeckt sein

müdes, abgehärmtes Aussehen

Zunge trocken, wie gelähmt und mit tiefen Geschwüren darauf

beim Wasserlassen geht unwillkürlich Stuhl ab

<: feuchtes Wetter, Berührung (auch der Bettdecken);

>: Bewegung;

Abneigung, < trockenes Wetter, Immunschwäche/Blutung, Muskeln/Herz/After, Magen/Unterdrücke Menses ;

1. Reizbar/launisch/geschärfte Sinnen, 2. Körperlich schwach, 3. Geistige Schwäche;

Ursachen: Abort/behindertes Kind;


Komplementär: Aesc-h. Carb-v. Nat-m. Ph-ac.


Folgt gut: Bell. Bry. Merc. Rhus-t.

Gut gefolgt von: Ars. Bry. Calc. Kali-c. Lyc. Mez. Nux-v. Puls. Sep. Sil. Sulph.


Vergleich: Enthalten in: Mel. + Dionea. muscipula; Caust. Merc. Prot. Raj-s.

Comparison. 5 acidums

Comparison. Phosphoricum acidum with others

DD.: Aloe. Ars. Gels. Laur. Op. Ph-ac. Stann-met.

Siehe: Acidums allgemein + Chlorum + Anhang (James Tyler Kent/Boericke) + Anhang 2 (Samuel Hahnemann)

Caust Nat-m. (unter den Salzen das harmonischste mit der einfachste, ebenmässigste Form) Mur-ac.

Teste Muriaticum acidumgruppe

Benommene Kopfschmerz. vermindertes Sehen + optische Illusionen. Geräuschen in Ohren. Gehör vermindert, Nasenbluten, Geschmacks-/Geruchsverlust, Lippen mit Rissen, schlechten Atem, heiser, gelähmte Zunge, SexVERlangen,

Agn. = Arg-met-ähnlich


Hyos. = Bell + blass + schwach + kalt/= Lach + sonderbar/= Bell + Bewegung der Finger/Füßen/Hals/Gesicht

Mur-ac. (Ph-ac. blass + Stuhl grau und farblos)

Viol-o. = Chel-ÄHNlich/= Ip-ähnlich/= Viol-t + schwach

                                                Muriaticum acidumgruppe

Aqua regia. = Verbindung Mur-ac + Nit-ac.

Betin-m. enthält 23% Mur-ac/als Mur-ac-ersatz verwendet

Chlf. spaltet in Carb-ac + Mur-ac.

Eichengalle.-tinte [= Ferr-s. + Gerbstoff. (10%) + Mur-ac]

Vanad. = Mur-ac-ähnlich.


Unverträglich: Sonne, ‡ viel Magensäure/Magenentzündung‡


Antidotiert: Bry. Merc. Op. Sel.             Tabak.            Typhus

Antidotiert von: Bry. Camph. Ip.            

bei Vergiftungen: alkaline Karbonate.            Opium- und Tabakgebrauch.


Wirkung: schnell + intensiv                       



Allerlei: entsteht bei galvanisieren                        Magensäure, baut Eiweiß ab;

Also known as muriatic acid, aqueous hydrogen chloride, CAS number: 7647-01-0 (Von Meyer 2009).

Hydrochloric acid is one of the most readily available acids world-wide with 20 metric-tons/year of industrial production/produced biologically by cells in the stomach (Haas 2006; SRI, 2001).

Discovered by Pseudo-Geber,  the  13th century  European  alchemist  first  discovered  and  described hydrochloric acid in a mixture known as aqua regia. Aqua regia is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid which is prepared by dissolving sal ammoniac in nitric acid (Karpenko and Norris 2001; Thomson 2002; Von Meyer 2009).

In the 16th century, Libavius first formally described free hydrochloric acid which was later used  by  Chemists  such  as  Glauber,  Priestley  and  Davy  in  their  scientific 

research. Hydrochloric acid also known historically as acidum salis, muriatic acid and spirits of salts was also produced from vitriol (sulfuric acid) and common salt (Karpenko and Norris 2001; Marshall 1971).

Natural occurrence The stomach produces gastric juices. One of the main juices produced is gastric acid which consists mainly of hydrochloric acid and acidifies the stomach content to a pH of 1 to 2.

Chloride (Cl-) and hydrogen (H+) ions are secreted separately in the stomach fundus region at the top of the stomach by parietal cells of the gastric mucosa into a secretory network called canaliculi before it enters the stomach lumen. This area of the digestive tract has the highest concentration of hydrochloric acid (Karpenko and Norris 2001; Maton 1993; Guyton and Hall 2000; Haas 2006).





MIND: - -  Feels he will never succeed; doomed to fail.

  -  Want of self-confidence.- -  Fears future, the least problems (Chin-s).

  -  Therefore gives great importance to details (Graph) or obstacles in his life.

  -  Cannot overcome the least problem. - -  Feels too weak to live on his own.

  -  Introverted. Suffers in silence. Morose. Sulky. - -  Irresolution (Bar-c).

  -  Restless. - -  Deep reflexion, quiet introversion, as if something unpleasant was

  impending, but inclined to work. - -  Forgetful for what has just said.

  -  Difficult concentration. Mental exhaustion. Reading < mental symptoms.

GENERALITIES: - -  WEAKNESS (muscular prostation).

  -  < SEA. - -  < Cold. - -  > Warmth. - -  < Rest, before prostration sets in.

  -"SLIDES down in bed", must be lifted up every little while.

FOOD AND DRINKS: - -  Aversion: Meat.

VERTIGO: - -  When lying on the right side.FACE: - -  Dropping of lower jaw.

MOUTH - -  Tongue dry, leathery. - -  Atrophy and cancer of tongue (Gali).

  -  Aphtae. Ulcers.

STOMACH: - -  Emptiness not > eating.

BAUCH: - -  Fulness and distention from small quantities of food. Ascites.

  -  Indigestion. - -  “As if empty” after eating, after stool.

RECTUM: - -  Hemorrhoids, very sensitive to touch (Paeon, Rat). > Heat.

  Must lie with limbs wide apart (Paeon). --  Involuntary stool, itching and 

  PROLAPSUS while urinating pf passing flatus (Aloe). Unnoticed stools.

  Protruding like bunch of grapes, < during stool and urination.

BLADDER: - -  Atony; must wait a long time; presses so hard that anus protrudes.

  -  Cannot urinate without loosing stool.

EXTREMITIES: - -  Heavy, painful, weak. Heaviness of forearms.

  -  Tottering gait from weak thighs and knees.

DREAMS: - -  Happy dreams of home.

SKIN: - -  Eruption, itching > scratching.



Gemüt: Zurückhaltend, reserviert (während Menses)

Zorn (Träume - nach/Schwäche; Zorn gefolgt von/nachmittags - Freien, im)

Widerspruch - verträgt keinen Widerspruch

Weint im Schlaf

Wahnideen (von kriechenden Würmern/sieht Ungeziefer herumkriechen/wird gleich sterben/wird einschlafen/Phantasiegebilde, Illusionen/Bilder, Phantome wechseln

Dauernd, Vergangenheit in Gegenwart/sieht schreckliche Bilder, Phantome)

Verwirrung, geistige (nachts)/Vergesslich


Unzufrieden (mit sich selbst/i Freien/mit allem/nachmittags)


Traurig (während Menses/im Freien/nachmittags/morgens)

Stupor (bei Scharlach)/Stumpf (abends/vormittags)


Stöhnt (im Schlaf/laut/während Hitze)/Murmeln

Stimmung, Laune - veränderlich

Stilles Wesen (während Menses)

Still sein, Ruhe haben; möchte

Spricht (mit sich selbst)/im Schlaf (unklar, unverständlich/)/fröhlich/barsch

Sorgsam, Sorgfalt/Sorgenvoll

Sinne scharf


Sentimental, schwärmerisch, rührselig


Selbstbetrachtung/Seelenruhe, Gelassen/sitzen geneigt

Schweigsam (als würde er sterben/beim Schweiß/während Menses)

Schüchtern, Zaghaft


Ruhelos (während Hitze/erwachend/Herumwerfen im Bett/nachts/vor Mitternacht/ abends)/Reizbar, gereizt (durch Schwäche/im Freien/abends/nachmittags)

Redselig; geschwätzig

Rebelliert gegen Umschläge

Qualvolle Angst (abends)

Phantasien übertrieben, hochfliegend (bei der Arbeit)

Nachdenken, Überlegen

Mürrisch (während Menses/im Freien/abends/nachmittags)



Menses - Gemütssymptome während

Meditieren, Nachdenken

Lebensüberdruss (im Freien/nachmittags)

Lästig, geht auf die Nerven


Kummer (still)

Konzentration - schwierig - Studieren


Ideen, Einfälle - Reichtum an, Klarheit des Geistes (+ Schwäche)

Gleichgültigkeit, Apathie (gegen Vergnügen/im Freien)

Glänzende Gegenstände - <.

Gewissenhaft, peinlich genau in Bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

Gesten, Gebärden unwillkürliche (zupft an Bettwäsche/ greifen)

Gelingt nichts, es

Geistige Anstrengung abgeneigt/Geistesabwesend während Menses

Gehen im Freien < Gemütssymptome

Gedanken versunken, in (während Menses)/Gedanken tiefschürfend/hartnäckig

Gedankenandrang, einstürmende Gedanken, Gedankenfluss (bei Arbeit)

Gedächtnisschwäche - für das, was er gesagt hat

Furcht (Unheil/Unglück/Selbstkontrolleverlust/Bewegung/morgens/nur tagsüber)

Froh (nach Träumen/tagsüber)

Fleißig, arbeitsam, Arbeitswut (vor Menses)

Feig/Faul (abends)

Erschrickt leicht/erregt (bei Arbeit)

Erschöpft geistig



Empfindlich (Geräusche/Stimmen/Geräusche/schrille Töne)

Eigensinnig, starr-/dickköpfig (abends)

Delirium (Sepsis./Schlaf/rasend/Fieber/Coma vigile/brummt)


Brütet, grübelt

Bewusstlos (bei Scharlach/mit rotem Gesicht/während Fieber/Coma vigile)

Betäubung (während Schwindel)

Beschwerden durch Zorn mit Entrüstung

> Beschäftigung

Auf-/Zusammenfahren (durch Unbehaglichkeit/(“Wie“ durch) Schreck/durch Schlaf)

Argwöhnisch, misstrauisch

Antworten - kurz angebunden/einsilbig

Angst (Zukunft/erwachend aus schrecklichen Träume/mit (kalt) Schwitzen des Gesichtes/während Fieber/nachts/vor Mitternacht/abends/im Bett/20 h)

Aktivität verlangt danach

Mind: mind; unhappy; sadness, mental depression; afternoon

insecure, uncertain, scared - lacking self confidence;

Fear - daytime only/morning/of evil/anxiety - before midnight/about future/during fever

Frightened easily; starting, startled; during sleep (from sleep/from uneasiness)


Memory weak for what has been said;

Preoccupied; absorbed, buried in thought (introspection)

unhappy; sadness, mental depression - in open air/during period

Intellectual faculties - bright, intelligent, clear; abundant ideas, clearness of mind/impaired thinking [confused at night/dull, sluggish (late morning)/imbecility]

Intellectual faculties; ideas; abundant ideas, clearness of mind;

Anxiety [evening (in bed/20 h.)]

Preoccupied; absorbed, buried in thought – meditation/during period

talking, conversation - in sleep/merry (in sleep)/unintelligible in sleep;

talking, conversation - talks to himself/talkative/desires to be silent, taciturn (during period/while perspiring)

thoughts (see preoccupied) - intrude and crowd around each other (while at work)/persistent/profound;

unconsciousness (during fever)

Quiet, peace (or lack of - quiet disposition/feeling of tranquillity;

restlessness, nervousness (evening/at night/tossing about in bed/during heat)

sighing (see respiration);

talking, conversation - answers abruptly, shortly, curtly/obstinate/confiding

wearisome, tired;

Irritable and peevish; fretful

delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; frightful;

delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; desire for open air;

excitement (when working)

fantasies; of exaltation;

emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition [anguish (evening)/anger (with indignation)/boredom, dissatisfaction; weary of life (afternoon/in open air)]

delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions (visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; past to present/creatures and animals - vermin crawling about)

Loud moaning

Great restlessness

Sad, taciturn; Suffers in silence.

aversions, dislikes; aversion to mental work;

behaviour; makes gestures; picks at bedclothes;

behaviour; industrious;

behaviour; inclination to sit;

conscientious about things of little importance;

dazed; during vertigo, dizziness


delirium; muttering;

delirium; during sleep

emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition - cheerful, happy; daytime





unhappy; despair; discouraged;

unhappy; discontent, displeased, dissatisfied, etc. (in afternoon/in open air/with everything/with himself)

unhappy; lamenting, regretting; moaning, groaning (during sleep)

unhappy; sadness, mental depression;

reserved (during period)

quiet disposition;


indifference, apathy, etc. (in open air/to pleasure)

irritability (afternoon/evening/in open air)


morose (in afternoon)

pessimistic; never succeeds;

unhappy; sadness, mental depression; morning

Irritable and peevish; fretful

Loud moaning


Sad, taciturn; Suffers in silence.

Unconscious during fever

Head: heaviness (see pain; pressing);

Perspiration on scalp

Pain “As if brain were crushed”

Sound of voice is intolerable

Vertigo: < lying on right side; occiput heavy “As if filled with lead”

Hearing: too sensitive to noises

Hemorrhage; much sneezing.

Face: Lower jaw fallen; pimples and freckles; lips raw, dry, cracked.

Dropping of jaw;

Mouth: growths, blisters, swellings; ulcers;

Teeth detached from gums; scurvy-like;

Thrush (whitish flakes);

Taste: like rotten eggs;

Dry (tongue)

Sordes on teeth.

Fetid breath

Gums and glands swollen

Epithelioma; edges bluish-red. Aphthous mouth

Hard lumps in tongue/deep ulcers on tongue

Tongue, pale, swollen, dry, leathery, paralyzed

Attempted swallowing produces spasms and choking.

Throat: Uvula swollen

Ulcers and false membrane

Edematous, dark, raw

Stomach: Cannot bear sight or thought of meat

Aversion to: meat;

Disordered not relieved by eating

At times, ravenous appetite and constant desire to drink

Achlorhydria and fermentation of food.

Rectum: haemorrhoids; wiping after stool;

Haemorrhoids - bluish/external;

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy; bluish, hot, with violent stitches.

Anal itching and prolapsus ani while urinating

Hemorrhoids most sensitive to touch (toilet paper)

sensitive; prolapse (during urination)

pain – soreness/burning morning/after stool

haemorrhoids – walking/on touch

involuntary stool; while urinating; and going for stool

paralysis (see inactivity);

Stool: copious;

Bladder: urination – weakness/feeble stream (slow)/delayed, difficult; must press; must press so hard to start the urine that anus protrudes (long time

before able to start)/involuntary, incontinence; after straining at stool

Tendency to involuntary evacuations while urinating

Urine: clear as water (in typhus);


Cannot urinate without having bowels move at same time.

Female organs: Menses appear too soon


During menses, soreness of anus

Vaginal discharge;

Ulcer in genitals.

Chest: Heart intermits every third beat.

Pulse rapid, feeble, and small

Back: pain [aching (base of spine)/in sacrum (base of spine)]

Limbs: pain - stitching, sudden, sharp in foot

Heat in palm of hand

cold (hands)

weak lower limbs

Perspiration cold on feet

Heavy, painful, and weak

weakness; thigh

Tottering gait

Pain in tendo-achilles.

Sleep: waking; frequent

Fever: desire to uncover;

septic fever (see infectious, continued, from childbirth, etc.);

Infectious fevers;

Continued fever; small, purple spots; offensive smelling stool, intestinal haemorrhage, unconsciousness, so weak that must settle down in bed into a heap;

Continued with small, purple spots;

Continued fever; dazed from fever;


Excessive prostration.

Pulse rapid and feeble



Typhoid types, stupid

Heat without thirst

Involuntary discharges

Perspiration: on beginning to sleep

Skin: itching; scratching;

Abnormal growths; ulcers – foul/discharges offensive, putrid;

Scarlet fever, livid, with petechiae; scanty eruption

Papular and vesicular eruptions, with great itching. Carbuncles; foul-smelling ulcers on lower extremities

Eczema on back of hands.

Generalities: weakness (see lethargic, weariness); paralytic; sliding down in bed;

weakness (see lethargic, weariness) (paralytic/walking)



pulse; soft;



Vorwort/Suchen                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum